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Old September 28th, 2012, 05:52 PM
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Bring them and the RV Mike

It is run what you brung........ We're gonna give it a go for sure
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Old September 29th, 2012, 04:30 AM
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Mornin all.

Scot, Good luck today (prolly wont read this til your done racing anywho) What is that dirt course to the SW of the strip? Looks like maybe a small MX track?

Mike, I hope it stays dry for you for the pups sake.

Looked like a great day for a drive Adam.

Allan, I'm using the recipe you posted in August (or a variation of it at least). Gonna have those tomorrow afternoon. Be here about 5, for the beer, and we'll eat about 6 I'll prolly just dry rub some chops for tonight.

Sandy I hope its a cool 68F for you all weekend.

Have a great day Oldsmopeeps.
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Old September 29th, 2012, 05:21 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little wet dis mawn'in

Talk'in bout it yesterday flung a crav'in on me to clean out de Burb.

Maybe I'll find Jimmy Hoffa in dar?

Good luck Scot, Hope it drier down thar

Enjoy your weekend Olds friends

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Old September 29th, 2012, 08:20 AM
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Saturday mornings are for sleeping in

Must have been tired, didn't get up till around 7:00 this mawning. Today is cloudy and cool here. High temp will be around 61. Not much chance of working a lot on the car today - other things on the agenda. First curling practice of the year at 12. Then at 5:00 we're heading out to a party.

Clint - thanks! Maybe another time? See ^^.

Scot - good luck with the coupe. Hope you get some nice launch pics.

Jamesbo - what? Ya cleaned it? Now ders room fer more junk ta throw on de floor.

Paul/Tony - Hope you'll take lots of pics and post them. Drive safe on the way to and from the show.
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Old September 29th, 2012, 09:56 AM
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Hey everyone.

Allan you're right. Saturdays are meant for sleeping in. Much to my surprise, and delight, I got out of work at 4 this morning. The dogs wanted their breakfast even though it was dark out, so then crawled into bed and got up at noon!

Well I know Scot is at the track and I'm going to miss it. Google says it's an hour and a half down there, and the weatherman says rain this afternoon. So I'm staying put. Not going to Senoia, either. The rain is a reminder that I need to get the dogs' room done.

Jamesbo a Suburban is a really big car. If you let it fill up with stuff it will take you all day to clean it out. Well, unless you open the doors and just push it all in one big motion. Then of course you have to clean off the driveway.

Oy! Gotta get moving. Might try to run a couple quick errands before the rain hits. Have a great afternoon everyone.
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Old September 29th, 2012, 10:00 AM
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Afternoon All

Its a gorgeous day here. Sun/clouds and temps in the mid 60's.

Lin and I are over in Louisville at a car show. Its not that far from Canton. It was 40 miles for me from home. All 2 lane highway from Ravenna, farm country...cows and cornfields all the way, lol. Its nice to get out of the cities once in a while. Not a whole lot of cars here. Some I just saw at the Balloon Affair show. I think they needed to advertise this show a little more. They should have put car show signs out by the highway.....

There weren't a whole lot of shows around to choose from today. Nothing going on tomorrow that I saw. I plan on doing my Halloween decorating tomorrow if the rain holds off.

Jamesbo.... if you weren't so far away I'd come clean your truck for ya, lol. I enjoy it.

Well you all have a great day.
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Old September 29th, 2012, 11:07 AM
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Wait a cotton pick'in minute ere. I said I was gonna clean out de front floor boards. The 3rd seat ain't ever been cleaned out.

I'm down to 1 gal of Bullseye primer, 1 rescue club and a box of cheese crackers on de hump.

"Dat' as good as it get."

De back seat is Reds to do as he chooses.

De 3rd seat has jumper cables, air compressor, anti freeze, travel bar, bungie cords an de like.

De back has a tool box and some utter crap dat I don't feel like fool'in wit today.
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Old September 29th, 2012, 11:27 AM
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Geezer's back

Howdy, Oldsmopartners. Thanks for the b'day wishes, Jim & Scot & Allan. Went to Sal & Judy's (Lacombe, LA) for the celebration; I've been going there since the mid-80s and w/ the better half since we met... it's quite an institution; they're on their second building on the same site.

I overate as usual I had the fried seafood platter w/ butter-sauteed green beans, & the missus had their amazing trout amandine (which they spell 'amondine'). Any way you spell it, it was fab

We had hors d'oeuvres of crabmeat au gratin and seafood cannelloni... way too much food for man or beast; but we did it justice

And that doesn't include hot French bread and their signature salad. Daria loves to shovel on the bleu cheese, but dat's not my bag. It comes with their own dressing, which is Ceasar-ish, w/ Romaine and croutons.

Suffice it to say all I've eaten so far today is a cereal bar.

De cow, she on a brief break right now; but she's scheduled to aim for da' rock all weekend. It's been saving up for the time I could be ridin' the cycle or havin' da' top down on the 'vert....

Y'all have a good one!
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Old September 29th, 2012, 07:18 PM
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Hey everyone.

Well this almost doesn't surprise me. No rain. There must have been something in the area because the dogs were a little unsettled. No matter, I got a few things done this afternoon. Hope Scot had good luck with the coupe.

John that place sounds great. That's one place I've never been, New Orleans. Been to Baton Rouge, got stuck there in the airport a whole freakin' day.

Wow Sandy that's a long way for a car show. Kentucky? Nice place. Oh I'm just kidding. I know they say it different in Ohio. Hope you did well.

Awful house in the morning. Jamesbo what is a travel bar? And why is it way in the back what if you get thirsty?

Hope everyone is in the midst of a good weekend.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 05:40 AM
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A little chili dis mawn'in but no rain yet.

Mike, A travel bar is to keep bottles of whiskey from roll'in round on de floor board. No, I don't drink and drive but I've gotten "caught" at places dat didn't have or serve an I likes my 5:00 cocktail. Kinda like carry'in jumper cables jes in case.

If you'd try putt'in sum peanut butter cheese crackers in you DD, De Aweful house might go broke.But you'd save enough to buy anutter Vette.

Scot, How'd it go.

Sandy, Congrats [I hope]

John, Ya slung a crav'in on me fer sum Cajun cook'in.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 09:26 AM
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Good morning!
A little chilly 48° morning - furnace kicked in around 8:00; it's programmed for 5 different cycles during the day...

Last night was great. Saw a lot of folks I haven't seen for a while. Food and company were fantastic.

Still waiting on Logan to call.

Have a great Sunday!
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Old September 30th, 2012, 12:07 PM
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Hey everyone.

Like a typical Sunday, I got up and went to Awful house, and then to Walmart. I did beat the rain. It just started sprinkling here a little while ago.

Jamesbo if you buy that kit new, will it come with a full bottle of Jack? We used to eat those crackers by the dozen at work. Until we all got sick of them. Something unnatural about eating crackers that are bright orange. They look like they are from Chevrolet.

Speaking of orange, lots of stuff around my house growing up was orange because that was my Dad's company color. Black and Decker. In fact in 1975 he had an AMC Matador station wagon as a company car that was orange. That thing was awesome. And also in the 70s lots of stuff was Harvest Gold. Yuck.

Allan it's nice to catch up with old friends. Something I don't do, I don't know why. A couple years ago was my high school class's 25th reunion. Sad to say a few people that had been friends since toddlers put the whole thing together, advertising soley on Facebook. I got all the updates but couldn't go up to Chicago for the reunion. When they posted pictures there were only a couple people out of about 25 that showed up that I knew, and none of them I'd want to spend an afternoon with.

Sandy hope you're having a good time decorating for Halloween. That time already? Wow it's been a quick year.

Well I'm multi-tasking today. Laundry and housecleaning. Gonna get back to it. Catch up with you guys later.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 01:47 PM
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No problem.

Howdy, C-O friends.

Y'all need to come down to God's country and get summadat Louisiana cookin', Jamesbo & Mike.... Sal & Judy's is really Creole-Italian; and folks come from far & wide; as I said, it's an institution. I'm not a huge fan of the traditional heavy-tomato Italian; but their stuff is great; a lot of seafood and heavy-cream sauces....

Sal = Sal Impastato, and he and Judy have been divorced for over 20 years... but they kept the name. His brother has Impastato's Restaurant in Metairie, which I've never been to, but which is along the same lines as S&J's. S&J's even have their own line of salad dressings, olive oil, etc. that is sold in grocery stores (and on line).

Anyhoots, da' cow real busy down her today.... hopefully will end before the commute tomorrow morning. The good news is that it's supposed to really cool things off again.

Jim, your Dirty Birds look unstoppable.... they really pulled that one out against the Panthers... happy for all the GA folks; I'm scared to death what the Cheese Heads are going to do to the hapless Saints... not looking too good at the moment.

Gonna be busy at work this week.

Well y'all have a great resto'weekend.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 07:08 PM
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Evening All!

It was a gorgeous weekend here. Temps in the high 60's and lots of sun. No rain today like they predicted. It did cloud up a few times, but that was it.

Well that show yesterday wasn't much of a show, lol. But bless their hearts, they tried. They gave 'certificates' printed on a Word program as awards, lol. Black and white. They didn't even say anything on them except our names and 'participant'. But it was a gorgeous day to be out and about, and it was a nice long cruise. I didn't see any shows around the area today that I wanted to go to.

Nicole was here when I got home yesterday. She went shopping with us and out to eat. She spent the night and left after breakfast this morning.

I got all the summer stuff put back away today and all the Halloween stuff put out. I put a lot of the scarecrows out but not all. Figure the Halloween decorations should be prominent, so I'll put the rest of the scarecrows out come the first of November, with the rest of my fall decorations. I was outside all day long. I am tired tonight.

I put Teepo out in the back garage this morning so Larry could get up in the attic and check the furnace out good. It looked like it might rain, so I took her back there. She loved the new driveway! I told her not to worry - she wasn't being put back there for the duration yet....

Larry took the little vacuum up with him and cleaned the motherboard and stuff in the furnace, and checked all the contacts. He's frustrated with it cause if he wiggles wires or something, the thing will work like it should. He's gonna order another motherboard for it, if he can find one. Can't spend all winter climbing up in the attic to make the furnace start, lol, like last year. Guess it just didn't like getting switched over to natural gas or something. The furnace guy told him last year that it could be the motherboard going bad.

Well guess I'll get off here and get stuff ready for work tomorrow. Don't know why the weekends have to go so fast.

Have a good evening all!
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Old September 30th, 2012, 07:45 PM
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Evening all of you that are still up!

Got my garage wired for 220v today. Helped Logan by drilling the wire chase and stapling the wire in place. He installed the breaker while the panel was hot. Easy for him, but it would have scared the crap out of me. 5 minutes of clean up and it's a done deal. Now all I have to do is buy the compressor.

We invited Logan and the family to stay for dinner. I held Mason (their 1 1/2 yr old son) while they ate. Heck I fed him and watered him too. He apparently likes hamburger meat, beans, corn and red/yellow peppers. (we had a taco salad with wraps, bean salad, and rice with salsa).

Tomorrow the furnace cleaning company is coming between 0800 and 11:00. More fun before winter. Up here they charge a waste disposal fee of 20.00 for the junk that comes out of the vents. Sounds like a cash cow. The whole house package for 25 vents is 274.00 tax in. Better than some that wanted 450.00!!

Mike - you ever notice that the crowd you used to know is getting to be fewer and fewer? Funny thing about how life goes on.

Sandy - hope you guys get the furnace issue resolved. Maybe Larry should try cleaning it with compressed air.

John - yer makin me hongree for some jambalaya!!!! an crawdads, an shrimp, an oysters. Dammit man ya eat like I want to!

Clint - sup wit de email?

Jamesbo - I call de wedder offis and tol em ta hold off on de cow. Said dey wood wait till ya finished yer first 9. Go whack whitey an take yer rain suit or speedo
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Old September 30th, 2012, 08:32 PM
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Good evening Sunday people!

Sandy I'm with you. Even my weekend seems to go too fast. I guess we're just having too much fun. Glad you enjoyed your primitive show.

Allan what's funny about my reunion, we had the first one at ten years, and the woman in charge called and left a message on my answering machine. I never called her back because I still lived at home, which was the same info as when I was in high school. I never got the info and missed the party. All these years I thought I was missing the 5 year reunions because no one would get ahold of me. Come to find out the 25th "facebook" reunion was the first one since the first one. Our class never was on the stick for this sort of thing.

Well I've been working in the office pretty much all afternoon and evening. I tried to distract myself with TV and talking on the telephone, but I've actually gotten a lot done. Tomorrow will be errands.

Hope everyone's week starts out well. Have a good night everyone.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 04:45 AM
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Monday, Monday... Can't trust that day...

Mornin all.

Allan, Sorry, Got hacked. I couldn't even access it with my phone, they shut me down until I could get a call sent to my phone.

Sandy if we get hit with a EMP, a new motherboard ain't gonna heat your house. Good thing we all drive Old cars without electronics.

Well, the ribs were tasty. I may drop the cooking time just a little bit. Maybe 15 minutes both in and out of the foil. The wife and I went to the Botanical gardens and wandered around a bit yesterday. Never been there befo'.

The wind picked up about 11:30 last night. Blew the remaining crab apples onto the deck just above our bed. Couldn't really get back to a good sleep after that.. Gonna be a long day.

Saturday I went to the Morrison Ciderfest and parked the car in an inpromptu show. Had a pulled pork sammich and a beer. There was a 56 210 Chevy from oz there. Kinda neat to see. Even had NSW plates on it.
Looks like they didn't upload to photobucket. I stopped at the shop and snapped a pic on the way home.
Attachment 174031

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 05:16 AM
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Mawn'in all

Got de cow on de flat rock Zoooooooo No smack'in whitey round today.

John, De Saint jes can't catch a break while de Falcons seem to got a golden horse shoe implanted whar de sun don't shine.

I'm not a huge fan any more but I likes to watch dem ever now and den. But why in de Wild Wild World of Sports do de have to interview des overplayed guys. I mean jes cause you can kick, pass or run with a pig skin don't mean ya can orate.

"Er ah, You know, er ah, you know"

Mike, De don't come with a bottle of Jack BUT I forgot I've got a bottle jack back dar in de 3rd seat. Also got got a 4' piece of PVC to use as an extension on a lug wrench or the bottle of jack [I mean bottle jack] leaver.

I get's a might confused cause I had a lab named Jack Black once. His daddy was named Tar Baby

Must be sum kinda "Be Prepared" Boy Sprout thing, I dunno.

Sandy, Congarts on your certificate fer "Show'in up"

Clint, Dat cars a beauty. If ya ever want to sell it, I'll take it over to Athens fer ya. Sum Wolf, Wolf Gawga Bulldog would pay a fortune fer anything red and black.

Allen, We still ain't had to turn on de furnace yet.ain't even cold enough to try to find a fat girl to snuggle with..

Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Rain and stroms fer today

We had a blast It sprinkled a drop or two on us Saturday but not enough to slow the festivities down one iota. Although we woke up Sunday mawnin with Elsie and her chunk o slate. The coupe started acting up at the Christmas tree, so out of four runs only one counted. That was the only time it didn't shut off when the light turned green and I put a white rustang with a full roll cage on da trailer

Clint that is a moto cross track to the SW of the drag strip We took a gander at it and it looks pretty hairy on some of the jumps

A friend of mine from the Suwanee area picked up a '56 Olds a couple of weeks ago from a trip to Milwaukee it's pretty cool. I'll have to post up some pics in a bit.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 05:51 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and gorgeous here this morning. Cold one though.... temps were in the low 40's early.

Came in here, and Brian had the heat running!!!! I turned on my fan. It was 70 according to my thermometers and it hit 74 real quick! Rolled up my capri's, and put my hair up on the back of my head with my clip. Nothing like dry heat pouring out the vents..... Brian said "it was only about 68 out in Clay's office this morning". Well gee.... that's not freezing. What a bunch of wimps!!! No wonder they get sick so often. Clay and Steve both have their heaters going too. Gonna be a long day.

We're supposed to get that rain tonight and into tomorrow that's in the south now. Guess it's heading our way. They said on the weather last night that we've exceeded our rainfall for the year now, thanks to the wet September. That was our 5th wettest September on record. I know it sucked!! It's way to early to be as cold as it's been around here.

There's a car show they just announced tonight over at Matco Tool in Stow, at the headquarters. It's called "Tools for the Cure", and proceeds go to the Susan Coleman Breast Cancer center. I'd love to go, but it's from 4:30 to 9:00. It would be after 6 by the time I got there. I might try it though. They're having drawings for tool boxes, air tools, etc.... It's a great thing! The rain is supposed to be here early evening though, so I don't know.

Clint..... that's a gorgeous pic! You better send it in for the calendar!! I've already sent some in.

I brought Steve in a baggie of cherry maters, the last of em. I have a few at home. Vines are just loaded. I picked a bunch of orangish ones and put them on the windowsill to finish ripening. It's depressing to pull up the plants.

Well you all have a good Monday.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 08:54 AM
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Happy first day of October everyone.

Went to get my new tire for the Saturn today. Free! I had forgotten that I got the road hazard warranty. Had to pay for the new hazard warranty on the new tire. So that and I had two old tires broken down off rims and the whole bill was 24 bucks. I like that.

Sandy you should tell the boys that more people will call if it's not so hot in there.

Scot glad you had a good time at the track. At least now you know what the coupe needs so you can attend to it before the next event.

Clint I like that car more and more every time I see it. Is that a real old timey building or one built to look like one?

We're getting some pretty good rain so it looks like Summit will be a no-go for tonight. Guess I'll stay in and work in the office some more this afternoon.

But now, lunch.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 09:23 AM
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Just another manic Monday

Got dat right, Jamesbo.... those poor boys. I can't get mad at 'em when they fight so hard. Almost poked out Aaron's eye, to boot.... glad he was OK.

Whoever thinks the coach don't matter only has to look at dem boys...

We shoulda hired Bill Parcells for the year when we had the chance instead of moving Aaron Kromer to the top of the org chart in one fell swoop. I feel sorry for that Aaron, too. It's no position to be in when he has to return to the offensive line coordinator post as soon as Joe Vitt (the "real" interim head coach) returns in a couple weeks. He's between a rock & a hard place.

But dem Hotlanta birds is flyin' hi! It's going to be a massacre when dey swoop down to mangle da' Saints..... once here and once dare.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, De Saint jes can't catch a break while de Falcons seem to got a golden horse shoe implanted whar de sun don't shine.
Allan, maybe me & da' betta' half should move up to Canada and open a Cajun rest-a-runt; I been known to fix up a mean potta' gumbo .

Y'all have a great start-o-week.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; October 1st, 2012 at 09:27 AM.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 11:16 AM
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Here's a pic of my friend's new to him '56 Olds

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Old October 1st, 2012, 11:29 AM
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Old October 1st, 2012, 12:00 PM
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A classic Scot
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Old October 1st, 2012, 12:20 PM
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I'm not a big custom fan, but that's pretty cool... looks period correct w/ the deep dishes, etc., plus the timeless lines of the 55-57 GM full size silhouette....
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Old October 1st, 2012, 01:13 PM
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I think I'll paint some flames on the Fiat.
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Old October 1st, 2012, 04:16 PM
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Monday - a dreary one!
It's not nice here. I think Jamesbo cursed us with cold and wet. Raining right now as I type. Good thing I got the grass cut a few hours ago.

My parts arrived from ILT today. Dumbass postal guy didn't deliver them - just stuffed a notice in the box. He could see we were home. Now I have to wait till tomorrow to go bail them out of the post office. 21.00 duty.

Called AD, the 3:42's need to be re-shimmed. Thulio says they will be ready for sure tomorrow afternoon, ready for pickup on Wed morn. FINALLY!

The guy from the furnace cleaning came today. Huge a$$ Hino truck. Vacuum runs at 250 (maybe more, don't remember) CFM draw on an 8" line. The pressure blast wand was set for 180 PSI. I tried it and it's like a jet! Mike - y'all hang on!!! Anyway he wanted to run the vac line through the garage but I said no, I'm working on restoring parts of my car. He was immediately interested and asked if he could see it. So I showed it to him. Good thing too. He was going to charge me 20 bucks to make an 8" circle cut in the plenum to attach the hose. But 'seein how yer a car charge!'. Took him around 2 hours to do the dryer vent, 25 vents, 2 main trunks and the central vac. Joanne's happy that it's done and so am I. Should be good till 2015 now. Don't know what they charge down your way, but this was the best deal in town at 247.00 tax in.

Graeme called around 1:15 - he was sick as a dog so I scooted out to pick him up. He's still in bed covered with 3 wool blankies. His cat seems to know he's not well because she's keeping watch over him and not running away like she usually does.

Mike - A flaming Fiat? Sorry, it was just there....

Scot - nice looking 56. Reminds me of 'American Grafitti' Movie.

John - Y'all come on up. I could go fer some of your home cookin!

Sandy - if it was low 40's? I'd have the heat turned up too!

Jamesbo - deres plenty o fat girls ta snuggle wit. chu jes gotta opens yer eyes (hmmm, mebbe not)
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Old October 1st, 2012, 06:59 PM
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Hi everyone.

We are getting a monsoon I think. It's been raining most of the day, it would let up a little now and again, but now it is pouring. The dogs are doing okay but I think as soon as I go to bed they will get unhappy. I really don't like rain.

I'm watching hot rod shows tonight. I'm all charged up now to get a hot rod and do it up big. Never mind the yard full of projects I already have. Trouble is, all the things they are doing on the shows you'd need a King's ransom to do. I just watched Stacey David build a "kit car" that he said ANY person could buy and build, for about the price of a Z06 Corvette. Hm. And how about this guy in Kansas that builds new Shelby GT500s out of 68 Mustangs? Scot your friend did it right. Buy something already done and then go about making it yours.

Allan hope your son feels better soon.

The place I got the black truck from still hasn't gotten the paper work done, even though the guy assured me it would be done last week. I guess I'll have to call the State and lodge a complaint. I don't know what that will do, but I have to do something. I suppose I could make the hollow threat of calling my attorney(I don't have one), but if he called my bluff I'd be sunk. I can't drive the truck after Oct 5 if I don't get this taken care of. Very frustrating.

I think I'll hit the sack. Haven't done a thing all afternoon, and all this rain isn't helping me want to stay awake. Awful house in the morning. Hope everyone's week started out good.

Last edited by slantflat; October 1st, 2012 at 07:01 PM.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 05:10 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, De monsoons left us but it's still a little soggy out dare.

Scot, When I was a very young pup my neighbors father had the bright ID to buy a 56 Olds 4 dough and let us boys take it apart in his back yard. I think he paid 50 bucks fer it. Every afternoon we 'work on it" finally got to take the body off the frame with a bumper jack and a few bricks

We did sum crazy stuff wit de parts [as kids do] like trying the fan onto an electric motor just to see what it would do. [inside my friend's house]

John, De news dis mawn'in was talk'in bout de Dirty birds go'in to de Stupor Bowl. I think it might be a bit premature. I'm gonna go out on a limb ere and say befo de seasons out, de worm will turn and de Saints will beat dem.

Allen, My parents had a gravity gas furnace and used to do dat often. We jes collect dust bunnies an let it go. Hum, Maybe I could borry dat vacuum truck to clean out de Dog hairs in de Burb.

Mike, "Fiat" wel dares anutter one I didn't know you had. What model?

Have a great day Olds frineds
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 05:52 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

The sun is shining here and I believe it will be a great day

The good thing about my friend's '56 is that it still has the original 324 in it Those were great engines for sure.

There is another event this Saturday at Paradise Dragway in Calhoun, GA and then the Return of the $10,000 Drag Race Oct 13th at Commerce, which is going to be huge. Complete with car show, swap meet and some nostalgia drag racing to boot

Well I have to get everything put away from this weekend that is packed in the Tahoe Yall have a great Tuesday, ya hear?
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 06:07 AM
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Morning everyone.

Jamesbo where you been? I've had the Fiat since I been here. In fact it will be one year tomorrow. It's a 500 Pop convertible.

It's beautiful here as well. Very soggy. I stayed in all day yesterday so I need to do something outside, but don't know what yet. Put the new tire on the Saturn for one thing.

But now I'm late for Awful house. Have a great day everyone.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 06:12 AM
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Morning ALL,
Here in NY it's overcast but some sun later maybe.
hope i see some color on my car this weekend i pass by the shop on lunch everyday.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 06:21 AM
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Mornin all.

Awful house sounds good this morning.

Scot, Neat looking new-old car. Tell your buddy congrats. Have a good safe race this weekend.

John, Head on up here for that restaurant ide'er. We could sho use a good Cajun place to eat.

Mike, the building was originally built in '28 and partially rebuilt after the '38 flood sent a tree through the front wall. This is the place I have called home away from home for the past 18 years. That is my shop that I run. Its a neat looking old building, but it was really only designed to work on a few old Model A's, and at a much more laid back pace than we need to do now. But The rent is cheap, and it kinda pays some bills.

Welp, They are calling for snow tomorrow. Wonder how the candidates will feel about that? Shouldn't stick since it's supposed to be in the mid 80's today.

Have a great day.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Jamesbo where you been?
I dunno? Sleep at de switch I recon. or listen'in to You know who whine 'bout de weather, or her office temps
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 06:55 AM
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Morning All!

The cow arrived here last night. Been raining ever since. But it's in the high 50's this morning. No heat blasting in here anywhere for a change. My fan is on.....

Another quiet day. This is getting really scary. Not many orders, only about 6 phone calls a day, no faxes yet this morning either. Don't know what's happening out in the steel world, but it's not good.

Not to get political, but this is interesting....... Our HR dept. emailed all of us the "New Tax Provisions Initiated by the New Health Care Reform" list of taxes and when they are going to take effect. Coming up in 2013 are:

Itemized deductions for medical expenses.... Where now the medical bill deductions are at 7.5% of your income before you can claim them on the federal tax return, they go up to 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Additional Medicare tax on wages of people earning $200,000 or more.... The tax increases from 1.45% to 2.35%.

3.8% surtax on Investment Income of higher income individuals.

Then there are several more (5) tax increases on things like the Flexible Spending Account, tax on insurers and self funded group health plans for seven years, Tax on Manufacturers/importers of certain medical devices - 2.3% of sales price, Eliminate corporate deduction for prescription expenses for retirees - 28% income tax deduction is eliminated, $500,000 limit on deduction of compensation to health ins. company executives. In 2014 the Individual Mandate Tax, (where they're gonna fine you if you don't have insurance) the Employer Mandate Tax and the Tax on Insurance Carriers take effect.

What a friggin mess this thing is!!! I can barely afford my health insurance now and all it DOESN'T cover. I just can't wait to see how much I can't afford it next year, lol!! I just thought it was interesting. Nuff said...... Hope I didn't raise anyone's blood pressure too much.

Scot..... What's going on with your Round 2?? Anything? And how's it going with the insurance company about your daughter's accident?

Well you all have a good day and stay dry!! They're calling for our high temp to only be like 46 degrees this coming Sunday! November weather..... everything is still a month ahead. TTYL!!

Jamesbo...... Love ya!!!
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Jamesbo...... Love ya!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. We gotta quit meet'in like dis.

I thought I was gonna get "Jamesbo stop being a $hit"

Intertesting tax changes. If GM can't deduct retires medical expense they're go'in down de tube A-gain. De spend 'bout 5 million per year on retired UAW werkers Viagra. Now that's alot of................
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 08:50 AM
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Additional Medicare tax on wages of people earning $200,000 or more.... The tax increases from 1.45% to 2.35%.

Well, that won't apply to me!
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 11:08 AM
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Happy Toosday to ya'll

Not nice here today. Look up uglee in de dictionary - and you'll get de picture.

Well Graeme's feeling somewhat better this morning. Good enough for college (have to remember not to call it 'school' anymore). He slept till almost 9:00pm last night then got up for some chicken soup and other solid food. Sometimes he's just not good at communicating what's wrong and Joanne and I worry our fool heads off. I drove him today to help out. Turns out the first class was cancelled so he had another hour to kill. So he says, "that gives me time to do more review on.....". Attsa my boy!!!

On the ++ side he was asking more about the college scholarships. Told him that most he can apply for would start next year and they are Instructor/professor directed. You do well in the class and show interest and the faculty recommends you for the scholarship. I think he was aware of that. He showed me his marks so far in various categories: Design, Calculus, CAD, Safety and so far he's got 100% in everything. He was worried on the weekend about his math mark and spent about 3 hours on line with the math program to bring it up from 95% to 100%. I'm very proud of his motivation to do well. You can prolly tell

Dan - I think that 200K takes a LOT of folks out of the picture.

Scot - you going to both of those shows? If you are, best of luck winning some $$ or titles. Maybe even a trophy you can post to show Sandy.

Jamesbo - cleanin de furnace jus SUCKS! Course ya new dat. Ifn ya used dat vacuum truck ta siphon junk frum de burb, half yer ride would diskapeer includin dem loose AC vents...and mebbe Red too! So mebbe jus leaves well nuff lone.

Clint - You're killing me here. 80° today? We'll be lucky to hit 44. We have snow forecast for tomorrow too. Great - the same day I pick up my differential.

Mike - You have to spell out Fiat for Jamesbo in BIG LETTERS You know how easy it is for him to miss all this fine print on the thread. Go FIAT, go! Gotta duck, I think he's teeing up whitey to smack my way.....

Johnny - nice to see you on the thread. Are you putting pics of the new paint in your album?
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 11:59 AM
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Don't mention it.


Funny you should say that... I had a friend almost 30 years ago named David Bertrand from over the Lafayette way.... mais he were a tru Cajun, yeah.... and he and his new bride (beautiful girl named Susan Strong, believe it or not) headed west to the great state of Colorado to claim their fortune in opening a Cajun restaurant there.... I haven't heard from him since !

I have no idea whether they succeeded, lost their keesters, had kids, or what... I think he ducked out of sight b/c he owed me $50 for a tire I had to buy for his old Mazda 626 that I fixed and drove to him in Lafayette - I got a blow-out on the way and had to buy a new tire... thank goodness it was a Saturday and da' tire sto' were open.

I miss ol' Dave... I'm sure he wouldn't recognize me nowadays any more than I'd recognize him. Anyhoots, 'nuf 'bout Dave & Susie....

Y'all have a good Tuesday evening; it's a glorious day in Sportsman's Paradise.

Originally Posted by CQR
John, Head on up here for that restaurant ide'er. We could sho use a good Cajun place to eat.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; October 2nd, 2012 at 12:09 PM.
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