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Old February 13th, 2019, 06:32 PM
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Found the plug, yep right where I put it-in the trash can! I had emptied a quart of oil and threw the plug in the trash with the empty jug. Oh boy.....
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Old February 13th, 2019, 06:38 PM
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Good evening everyone,

Yesterday was one of those days I just felt like, umm, crap. Didn't help that it was miserably cold out and I'd scheduled a curling practice with Ron and Carl. Once I got about 12 rocks thrown I was starting to get into the routine I needed for draw and board weight shots. Carl and Ron are 'stick' curlers and needed some coaching on delivery and weight control. Carl did extremely well and got his draw, board and bumper weight figured out in about 20 minutes. Ron was still struggling with his delivery and weight. That practice came in very valuable today.

When I got home yesterday I looked at my LF tire again because it's been a problem child for quite some time now. Last Friday was when it got topped up to 31 psi from a low pressure of 23. It has been like this for several months and today I decided to see if it was worth fixing because I intend to buy new shoes for the car in April or May. Shop of choice was Costco since we apparently also had some money to spend of frivolous things like food and household sundries. The tire shop was like a cemetary. Jeffrey at the front counter looked bored out of his mind. I told him the problem and he said no problem getting in right away, but then asked if I had a spare. Apparently if the tire was damaged and not safe to reinstall they wouldn't take it in unless there was a spare tire to run it on. Otherwise I'd have had to get it towed. Anywho, it turns out the culprit of the slow leak was a defective valve stem. Best of all? Including re-balance and tax the all in price was $16.79 for the repair. Now if it had been a Costco tire? It would have been no charge. Guess where I'm buying my next couple sets of tires??

Didn't sleep more than 3 hours last night. It's very unsettling and I felt like I was dragging a piano till I got to the Saville. For the first 4 ends we played well, except for Jerome. He was struggling with his shots and the end result was we gave up 2 points in the first 2 ends. I put my 5&6 rocks under cover on the 4' circle, then Jerome capped them with additional guards. 4 points to us in the next 2 ends. Then the wheels came off the wagon. Our lead and second couldnt' make shots, and everything I put in play ended up being taken out by Barry. How frustrating when I can't be the skip on Wednesday. We're down 1 with hammer. The tying shot to force a draw to the pin and Jerome throws heavy board when all he needed was back line weight. Whizzzzzz, right by and we lose by 2. Oh well, it didn't change the price of coffee afterwards.

Glenn - good luck with the Jet skis. That's remarkable and sad at the same time about your friend. I really admire the survivors of WWII and can appreciate why they might not want to talk. Good for you being a friend and checking in on him

Greg - I checked both of them out. Both seem to have the same side damage so I guess it depends on whether you're inclined to Bowtie or Blue Oval. The Ford looks like it's the better deal based solely on the estimated price. I think the Ford will go really cheap, so if you get it you'll be further ahead. On the other hand the Chebby is still less than 3500.00 and you might get it for less than 5K. That's also pretty decent. I can see your dilemma. BTW, I think you're the only one in the world who has ever put something down and forgotten where....nope. We all have done that and can relate. Good luck finding it.

Jouni - I can see why you picked that location to mount the MSD. I'm looking at the engine cradle crossmember and this thought comes to mind - Why are there so many holes in it??? They're all factory holes of course but WTH???

Marc - your description of dynaflow sounds a lot like an electric car acceleration.
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Old February 13th, 2019, 10:40 PM
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Good Morning folks. <- You see how annoying are those random big letters middle of sentence? My last Computer did same, so the problem is on this forum. Atleast annoys the hell out of me

So yesterday i was figuring out wiring, and got it drawn. 7 wires to front, 4 wires to trunk-area, and 2 leftovers. Had to order separate fuse/relay-box for engine bay to tidy up wiring.
I hate when separate relays and fuses are dropped all around the engine compartment. Exact same fuse/relay box costed on local shop 50€, and from ebay delivered to your door 12€..
I chose the ebay-option.. So, today's garage-day again. Not much to do until i got my fuse-box, but something to kill time.

Allan R - I quess you draw the short-end this winter. It promises +7 for tomorrow Some snow is going to melt. Soon to work? Hell yeah, im in! Makes some difference for living when your at work, you make 3.5-4.6k$ to hand per month, and now when unemployed, i get 1,5k$ to hand per month. Its alot for doing nothing ofc, but just gets bills payed, nothing else. So im living on the savings from the summer, and apparently, my Cutlass likes to use them in no time
Well, tomorrow is your skip-turn. Going to humiliate opponents like last time?

redoldsman - About WW2, here they recently opened up age-old case of Finnish volunteers on SS-Viking division during WW2, and their supposed war-crimes. Once again they came to conclusion, like in the investigation done right after the war some 70 years back, that they might have done war-crimes, but they cant prove it. Damn, i say, this is ridiculous to open up such old cases. When someone has agenda to drive..

Greg Rogers - Thank you. Soon its been 2 years since it has last moved with own power. Its about the time to get it moving again. You seem to like lose plugs also. Welcome to club

Jamesbo - That riddle was hilarious

Okay, have a day all!
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Old February 14th, 2019, 05:01 AM
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Chili but clear

Greg, Congratulations, St Anthony werks every time

Headed note with my valentine

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 14th, 2019, 07:07 AM
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Happy Valentines Day everyone,

Taking the missus for dim sum today. That's her favorite so we are going to a place we've never tried but have driven past numerous times in the west end. I'm not big on this kind of food so I guess I'll sit in the spectator seat opposite her and watch the action.

Jouni - Yes sir, you win the early spring contest. Still -24 here this morning and no letup in sight. Your cost of living must be pretty high but I guess it all evens out in the long run. Send some of that nice warm weather our way. Tomorrow I'm going to do my best to outscore Harvey. Their team is funny - when Peter or Jim miss a shot, Brian (who skips the team) gets all excited and jumps up and down, gets all red faced and frustrated. When we make a great shot he turns and looks at me and says, :Why did you do that?, or How did you do that?" I don't like confrontational games so we keep everything low key and extend the olive branch when needed so everything stays amicable. I think it's good that the game stays a game and off ice the people stay friends.

Greg - Well done sir! Sounds like you did the Sherlock Holmes approach to finding it and won. Now you don't have to go out and spend oodles on a new cap. BTW, I saw the Chevy has a reserve. I also looked a little more closely because those pictures were taken when it was wet. It looks like the whole left side of the truck, from fender to rear was hit. Did you notice it also is missing the drivers side mirror? More I see of it the more I like that Ford.

Dan - Looks like you're escaping the massive snowfalls this year. That's great news especially for your back and commuting.

Paul - Looks like you guys got hammered with that snow storm!
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Old February 14th, 2019, 08:37 AM
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Allan, most of the heavy stuff has missed us, though the one from a week and a half ago dumped 16" over a couple of days, and that's fine by me. Jouni, no large letters appearing here in my keyboarding. A quick trip to the dentist this am. all went went well, in and out in 30 minutes. He wants me to get a dental splint, ( $400.00), which my insurance won't pay for. So we'll see. We pay for insurance and they don't pay for squat. We wouldn't want the shareholders to get upset would we?
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Old February 14th, 2019, 09:30 AM
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Yeah, dental splint aka night guards. My dentist wants me to do that too but like you it isn't covered under my plan either. I was thinking about whether the kind that's used in football or contact sports might work because they're more flexible and cost less. A splint here is over $500.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 09:52 AM
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Allan, I have been using a OTC brand: Dentek for the last year, about 20 bucks. He wants me to bring it in and see how it wears etc. I replace it every two or three months. It is made of silicone I believe, and you have to microwave it in water first to help mold it to your bite. Unfortunately for me the solution will cost several thousand dollars.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 10:30 AM
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Hi everyone.

Opposite day today from yesterday. Got out around 1230. Low number today, I guess so everyone could go to a little party the company was having in the hangar in celebration of Profit Sharing Day. I'm not a big fan of Chik Fila so I decided to skip it and come on home. It's beautiful out and a little warmish so I'm gonna do some things outside.

Dan I haven't been to the dentist in years. My Mom gets mad because she's always paying big bucks for dentistry and here I have pretty good insurance and don't use it. I can tell you what, if I never go to the dentist again it will be too soon. When I was little I was terrified of the dentist, and nobody cared. I promise it won't hurt. I promise I won't do that, I promise... and then they did it anyway.

Jamesbo some time when you're up there dig out that sand blaster machine, and I'll come up and get it. That is if I can still use it. Spring is right around the corner, I'm gonna blast the hell out of everything.

Okay gotta get busy. Lots of stuff to do to get ready for Florida tomorrow. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 10:51 AM
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Dan, I did some preliminary phone calls to dental offices and checked their rates for night guards. Typically here they range around $650.00. On line I found this site I'm considering. Have a look and tell me what you think. Pro Teeth
Interesting how something as simple as oral hygiene and protection can scare people. I remember the old days of dental practice weren't all that much fun. Not saying it's fun now but at least now the practice is much safer and almost painless.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 01:54 PM
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Here's me being a dumbass. I get in the car(that's been sitting for months) to run some errands and take it to the car wash, and I don't even notice that the clock is an hour ahead. So I do my running around and by gosh, it's after 4 so I better have my supper. Stop at the Awful house and am talking with the server, and happen to glance at the clock. It says 330. I look at my phone and it, too, says 330. I said, can this be right? Yup. Then it occurs to me, the clock in the car is an hour fast. Hey, my day has 25 hours in it today.

Allan I don't find it interesting at all. I would literally start trembling when I had to go to the dentist. My dentist had huge fingers and it felt like he was shoving them down my throat. He wreaked of cigarette smoke and he had a creepy smile. He died of lung cancer and the guy that replaced him was a First Class *****. I sold a car to a friend of mine once and he brought a friend of his with to help. The guy was in scrubs and I said, are you a nurse or a doctor? No I'm a dentist. He was a nice enough guy but all those feelings flooded my mind and I couldn't wait for him to leave. Irrational? Yep. But my teeth aren't gross and I don't have bad breath so I'm going to keep on keeping on.

So I'm going to get all my stuff together tonight so I'm ready to go when I get home from work tomorrow. I don't like the idea of Tiger being by himself all morning and then hiking him off to jail, but there isn't a lot I can do about it this time. I got Saturday to mess with the car and Sunday to paint, so I can't be lollygagging around. Took the car to the coin op because I don't have a garden hose, and it looks worse than before I started. Maybe I can wash it quick at Mom's before we go to the car place.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 03:02 PM
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Mike, my comment was a generalization. I'm sure there are millions of people who feel the same way you do. Sorry if it appeared I was singling you out because I wasn't. I don't exactly enjoy dental procedures either, but they don't give me nightmares either. Back when I was a kid Dr Hardy didn't use rubber dams, gloves or pre freezing, and I also have to say that at that time I'd rather kiss the south end of a north bound horse than go back, but I'm too old for that crap to bother me anymore. Funny how I can still remember his name and where his torture chamber was located. I'm sure he's dead now and the building has been rented out by a florist

Have a good trip and visit with your mom.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 04:18 PM
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Very nice day of golf - spanked it.
For ***** & giggles, late this evening I thought I'd drive my John Deere ZTR Z225 riding mower into the creek in the back of my property - success! Had to pull it out with my truck.
One foot further it would have been completely submerged with me on it.
I'm thinking of an encore performance for the weekend. Probably should stay clear of my chain saws.
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Old February 14th, 2019, 06:31 PM
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Good evening!

Yes Allan, we did get hammered.

Another snow storm has come and gone. The official accumulation was a foot of snow but it was winding and blowing. Schools were closed, university and college classes were cancelled as were mail delivery and garbage pickup. The city was mostly shutdown. Some drifts in my driveway were deeper than the opening of my snowblower! The main roads weren't too bad so I ended up heading to work. I picked up a coworker on the way. Their street hadn't been plowed, deep snow, snow drifts and rutted ice under it all. I think it's the most "off-roading" I've done with the 4runner but glad that's what I was driving.

Jouni, if you send some warm air to Allan, can you make sure it passes through Ontario along the way?

Jim, I like the the yardage marker.

Have a great Friday everyone!
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Old February 14th, 2019, 06:55 PM
Oh no, not again...
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It must be warmer in the city Allan, because on the highway to the Fort this morning it was its customary -35, like it has been all week. That is at 6 AM.
Dr Hardy, eh? Was he an Englishman? I knew one in the Fort when I was growing up, he was a pompous ***, and his kid (who was my age) was a snowflake and a POS. Where was your Dr. Hardy located?

Jouni, I read that about the Viking Division; every European country in the German orbit had people like that. I had relatives who were like that, one of whom ended up dangling from a rope at the end of the war. His own villagers strung him up. He was Gestapo. The thing is, yes, these men were all young and stupid, and they did unspeakable things. War does that, regardless of whether you are on the winner's or the loser's side. Being on the loser's side makes it easier to scapegoat people, sure, but that's not the point here. But in the case of the SS and the Einsatztgruppen, those people deserve to be hunted down and punished, they did a lot of terrible things to unarmed civilians who's only crime was being part of of an identifiable group. That's wrong, and there's no justification; to top it off, many of the perps were likely police officers in civilian life who went right back to it once the war ended.
In Germany in the 60s they finally went after those police who joined the SS and Einsatztgruppen, many went right back to their villages and picked up like nothing had happened. But it had happened, and there were enough witnesses who survived and were appalled and shocked enough to stand up to these monsters when they finally got around to arresting them. These people slaughtered civilians, and they were able to sleep peacefully after that. That's inhuman. The reason why they used police is because police officers have no compunction about shooting unarmed civilians, their entire lives are in an "us and them" mentality, so murdering Jews wasn't too much of a stretch.
Now with the Finnish Viking division,( and other nationalities who were mustered into the SS, it's not exclusively Finnish) these people were idealists motivated purely on the **** racial theories; to get them to do things wasn't a stretch, they didn't need brainwashing and reprogramming. The SS command knew that and capitalized on it. Look at Leon Dagrelle and the Belgians, he was one of the most fanatical ***** and died an unrepentant one. He was there from when Belgium got taken over in 1940, fighting in Berlin until the absolute end, driven out by the Russians, and somehow making his way to Spain. The SS was as much about psychology as it was about racism; they understood and utilized one to get the other. Himmler and his gang were masters; use willing foreign volunteers as useful idiots, and then when the time is right, hang 'em out to dry. They never got that far, the war ended too soon. So many survived, and had to return to their home countries and bury secrets to stay alive.
Going after these people opened up old wounds; particularly since many of them became very successful and rich businessmen after the war. The SS remained a loose brotherhood, they helped each other out, all covertly of course, but they did. It was the way they preserved themselves. Get to the point of being "too big to fail" and the government will look the other way. And they all did. It was a very confused time; and it could very easily happen again, hell, it has happened again but on a more limited scale. And then there's what the Russians did to their own people, different ideology, but same result. These people need to be hunted down and taken out of society, and even 70 years later. There's no reason any one of them should die peacefully in their own beds. Sorry, I do feel rather strongly about this, I've studied and forgotten more about 20th century European history than most people (even those who were there) ever knew. I'm a passionate amateur historian.

Now, back to the present...

Took tomorrow off, I'm tired of going out in the cold and I'm exhausted. I'll get a 4 day weekend out of this. Still feeling kind of "off" from that flu I had earlier.

Have a good evening!
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Old February 14th, 2019, 11:29 PM
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Morning. So, yesterday i wired most of what i have to wire, and just generally hanged on garage when one guy appeared there and just talked. Not much else. Today im not gonna do much. Even heated sauna yesterday, so im not heating it again today. Maybe ill just kill time?
Should really start to read that book " Donohue - The unfair advantage". Seems really interesting.

Nailheadcanuck - Yes, horrible things are just that, they shouldnt be allowed. But today, and actually all after the war, its been only losing side which been pummeled. I bet allies werent any better ( minus the jewish massacre), I dont even start to talk about wars after WW2, especially 90's and forward, and threatening ICC, but since they won, they are "above the law". Thats how its always been, and always will be. Thats the main point why im not too excited about that.
You got to also understand that world looks a bit different looking from our history than yours; at Winter war we received zero help against USSR from allies despite promises, and everyone just looked how will it end. For us, **** Germany was a gift from heavens, without allying with them and going to Continuation War, theres very little doubt that we would have ended like all of those Baltic countries, which got their independence only after collapse of USSR. And those volunteer which were on Viking-division proved really valuable at the deciding times of Continuation War. As did the help of ***** again. It really is a sum of many things that it ended up like it did for us, but theres no denying that allies did nothing and **** Germany saved us from the fate of Baltic countries. Dont take this so that im a fan-boy of **** germany, but all things aint so black-and-white than they seem, and also geological location and history events plays a part on that view. Btw, i really like history, and seems like you too?

car_designer - Sure, ill pass it to you both. Already shows +5c and im Still drinking my Morning coffee

Vintage Chief - Good you mentioned chain-saw, i should get a new chain for mine. Been in the works for last, hmm 2 months? Been using just normal saw and some grease-elbow to do wood for sauna

Okay, i quess thats that for now. its friday, so good weekend for everyone.

Last edited by Inline; February 14th, 2019 at 11:33 PM.
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Old February 15th, 2019, 05:50 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Somehow i think this winter will just never end. Sigh.

Marc - Yeah, it was warmer here at only -26. This morning it's -29. You ready for the light snow that supposed to show up later this evening and stick around through the weekend? BTW, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Canadian Isis fighters who think they should be allowed back into Canada because they were only radicalized away from here; ergo they pose no threat to reintegration.

Jouni - You're rubbing salt in the wounds with those + temp readings.

Off to the Saville in another hour and a half. Looking forward to another great battle of the rocks and rings. With this really cold temp, I wonder if the ice will be more keen than normal. We shall see.

Have a good weekend.
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Old February 15th, 2019, 10:43 AM
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Good Almost Morning:
I hope everybody is up for a good weekend. I took my wife and daughter to lunch yesterday for Valentines Day. My wife and I have more horror stories than we would like to tell about Valentine dinners. Then I picked the grandsons up from school and we went and got cards and flowers for their mother and grandmother. I have a few errands to run today. The weather is still nice with sunshine and a high of 68 degrees.
Jouni you are no doubt a better student of history than I am. But I will say there is NOTHING about the ***** that is any way related to heaven. Fortunately most of them are dead and on their way to hell.
Have a good weekend folks.
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Old February 15th, 2019, 10:49 AM
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Hi everyone.

Had some rims ready when we got to work at 5 this morning, and we finished up and were out of there by 930. That has to be the best early out ever. Though I just got home. I stopped at the Awful house and spent three hours there. Well, got my lunch paid for, the ice machine was broke and the manager asked me if I'd go next door to the gas station and get some. Sure. Well after sitting around a while longer, I said to the server, can I have my ticket back so I can leave? Nope, the manager signed off on it. I said that's dumb I was only next door. Well, thanks.

Overcast but sort of warmish. It's supposed to rain for 7 days. Sheesh. Hope the weather is better in Florida. I just need to load the car up and I'm all set. Everything is put together. Tiger goes to jail and then I hit the road.

Marc I wish I were on a level that I could comment or converse about stuff like that. I'd never heard any of that and it's very interesting. Sounds horrible some of it, but part of history and needs to be known.

Odd, Norm, I had heard the John Deere ZTR Z225 was amphibious. Maybe there's a kit you can install?

Okay sitting here isn't getting me to Florida, where I'd almost be if I hadn't spent half the day jawing. Eh, Mom isn't expecting me till late, it will all work out. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old February 15th, 2019, 11:11 AM
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Hi Guys,
Allan, I went to Copart in Ionia, Mi. and looked at some trucks. The red Chevy was damaged up and down the sdes and side air bags were deployed. I decided to pass on that one. It sold earlier today but I wasn't watching the auction so I don't know how much it sold for... The 05 Furd we did find (#55078728) It's a nice truck- looks well maintained and clean. The drivers door does work ok but the rear door doesn't open. I'm going to watch it. I also looked at a 07 Ford (#26011529) that's also pretty good. That one is damaged on the right side and the passenger door opens but doesn't close right- looks like the cab corner behind the right front wheel was pushed back some. They both are supposed to be clear titles. I'm going to watch those both.
About bite splints, I've had one for 25 years. It seemed my bite wasn't right sometimes, so I asked my dentist about it and he told me I ground my teeth at night. Back then the insurance would cover it but only once in a lifetime. Now I can't hardly sleep without it. It's amazing how strong that plastic or whatever it's made of is!
Have a good one guys!
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Old February 15th, 2019, 03:37 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Day All,
Allan, yeah, I guess I'm about as ready as I'll ever be for more $%#*&!! snow.
As for the Isis fighters, I agree with your perception; - I love the sarcasm. My thoughts would be to just let them rot over there; they wanted so desperately to give up the good life and the freedoms we enjoy here for the lovely deserts, then they should just stay there. Nobody forced them to go, and be damned if I'll concede to using tax dollars to bring them back and try and "reintegrate" them. They're on the same level as the *****, a bunch of overly emotional half-educated people who learned just enough to be dangerous and are incapable of any critical thinking. They will never be reintegrated, they never were integrated, and their understanding of their religion prohibits any kind of integration or reason. All they know is "disintegration". These people should be denied their Canadian citizenship because they evidently received it under false pretenses, and by going to Isis confirms that. I would happily grant their wishes to visit the 72 Virgins, or was it 72 figs? Depends which translation of the Koran you read.

Jouni, I didn't want to broach the topic of Finland standing alone in 1940, because it also opens a can of worms. Prior to the German operation of Barbarossa in 1941, they actually campaigned against the Finns, (as part of the ****-Soviet pact of 1939) and refused to sell them anything. There were plans after Norway campaign to go after Finland, but the OKW decided to let the Russians take care of them. This would serve 2 purposes, it would tie up a sizeable Russian force in the north allowing for a quiet German buildup in the south, and it would keep the Swedes neutral but pro-German because if the Russians were to succeed in getting Finland, they'd likely be next. The Finns were the only ones who were able to make effective use of the incredibly crappy Brewster Buffalo fighter plane; that's how desperate they were.
Now when the Germans turned against the Russians, no one was more surprised then them that the Finns would even talk to them. Yes, I could see where the Germans would be perceived as being a saviour, but by 1944 that was all over and the German orbit started to decay from within. The Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, and Bulgaria started paring back and going their own ways, resulting in full German takeovers and taking more resources away from the north. The Finns didn't really benefit from German intervention or technology; they'd stopped the Russians on their own and just held them. I think Mannerheim played his cards quite well, and managed to transition into the "western" camp after the war without too much difficulty.
It was an interesting period, but so was the postwar period that no one talks about. It's been figured that as many as 6 million Germans "bought it" as a result of Allied occupation between 1945-49. And surprisingly enough, after the KGB archives were opened to the public, it proved that most of that occurred on the western side. ...Who knew.
Yeah, I'm a history nut, I write articles about history for a local coin magazine. What I love is the human aspect, the dates and events are boring and can be dragged out of a book. It's the human stories and the people who were fascinating.

In fact, today I just kicked off a whole whack of old history books at the Goodwill here in town. They're going to hate me, and I'll bet my picture is going up on the wall under "Do not accept any donations from". The stuff I gave them will probably hold down a few shelves for a long time. But that's a problem I've got, I have so many books, I'm actually worried that the house may collapse. I've got an estimated 1000 books in the bonus room over the garage alone; almost all of them hardcover too. Some of them are antiques, so they were made with leather and heavier paper. I've read most of them, the problem is my "to read" list is growing to the point of being unmanageable. All the modern stuff that comes into this house gets read, but the antiques are piling up. So now I have to start culling, and there's no one who wants history books. They'll take fiction and computer books or self-help books, but no history books. And that's pretty much all I's either Goodwill or Landfill. What a horrible waste.

Anyway...back at it; just packing up another few boxes for the next "drive-by"...Have a great evening!
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Old February 15th, 2019, 09:57 PM
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Norm, I don't know if some of the books that you are getting rid of are WWII history or not, but if so, and if you were closer, my buddies son would scoop them up in a heartbeat. He has a Masters in History, absolutely loves WWII history, and reads all that he can get on the subject. He doesn't do too bad with car related stuff either.
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Old February 16th, 2019, 12:42 AM
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Good Morning everyone.

Hmm, yesterday i did absolutely nothing. And that was fine for me. Just shopped for some more wiring and connectors. It was damn hard to find 13-wire cable for some reason.
Today my father comes to spend a night and take few beers at sauna. What else?

Allan R - So it ended up topping to +7 yesterday, and it was +3 over 12hour span. Want to hear more? Yup - Its already +3 How did your game went last evening? Victory?

Nailheadcanuck - Exactly why i stated it was sum of many events what happened. Ill pick separate pieces from your text to make it easier to follow.

Yes- we didnt receive any technology from Germans. We wouldnt even had means to produce anything more complicated than we currently had. But we received food, weapons, ammunition, and some troops.

About Germans allying with us - Hmm, we have different views, and i quess different historians stating it their own ways. We actually werent really surprised about contact from Germans- more like relieved. USSR already had made attack plans after Winter War, and was already threatening us. So you can see why it was gift from heavens to us that they offered alliance. And that is where and why German allying saved us. Just look how Baltic countries ended, so would we without it. Weve had long history with Germans. Going to back to Civil War when Germans trained our troops and even made landing to Finland to seal the victory for Whites over Reds. Tid-bit of history; when we got our independence, we were supposed to get a king from Germany and become an monarchy.

German help on Continuation War - Well, we clearly wouldnt had made it without German help. German panzerfausts proved really valuable against newest USSR tanks, since our AT-guns werent efficient anymore for newest tanks USSR rolled at the end of Continuation War. Plus dont forget the flight-group Kuhlmey. Without German weapons and that flight-group our SE-front would have collapsed at deciding fights, and if it would have collapsed, USSR wouldnt had negotiated since then theyd have straight route to our Capital.
And there comes one lucky event of history for us again; if Allies wouldnt had been closing to Berlin, theres really no doubt about it that USSR would had concentrated bigger army and attacked again to slay us, but since things were as they were, when they didnt get victory at their timeline, they wanted to get their troops to Eastern front out from the not important front and close it.

But really, it is a sum of really really many things that would take loads of space to even discuss about. One thing which should not be forgotten, is that WW2 should be looked as continuation to WW1 despite the 20-year span between them. Also, location, location, location. WW2 looks way different looked from US than for example here. Facts stay facts, historical events may not be changed, but the views to them differ. There isnt one real truth to things as general history books lets you believe.
Example, looking from here, US adventures at middle-east are generally looked with bad eye, but i quess your view is way different, you wouldnt be there (middle-east) otherwise. Thats what i mean about location and view to things.

Btw, wheres Bee-Oh-Pee Came to my mind since we sometimes discussed with him about history Didnt even realise that he was missing until now.

Fine day coming. Yesterday i called to work just to make sure i have a spot for summer, since now its the time when companies are looking for employeers for summer. Surprisingly many keep changing companies from year to year on our industry. And companies generally wont tie their employees for longer than ongoing season, which is kinda weird in relation to fact that every spring they have problems getting workers.
Okay- have a good weekend everyone!
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Old February 16th, 2019, 07:20 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Yay I say facetiously. More snow last night and spoda be more today. On the good side of that at least it's only about 2" and it's light stuff. Can't shoot the weather dude cuz he's just the messenger. The hunt goes on to find someone to shoot about our crappy weather. Who caused it? Must be political fallout so I can't post that here...

Jouni - You kill me bud. But we are having a heat wave here right now too. It's currently only -18 and we might get to a high of -9 or so over the next few days. Don't you wish that was you? Victory at Saville yesterday??? How can you even think otherwise? My team played very well and set up the ends perfectly so we could steal points right from the start. Ron struggled with his shots (he plays third) but overall it was some of the best the front end has done all year. I made some pistols to bury rocks where Harvey couldn't get to me. The line and weight were perfect, and the ice was very very weight sensitive. Final score was 10-3 for us. Bee-Oh-Pee is John. He's been on some kind of sabbatical from CO for quite some time (over a year now). We do miss him and hope he'll come back. He was working on his Starfire when last I saw anything posted from him.

Marc - I have boxes and boxes of books and records I need to find new homes for. They're taking up valuable storage space in my basement and they haven't been touched in over 30 years. In fact I would estimate that the records (mostly classics and jazz) haven't been out of their jackets in close to 45 years. I had intentions of one day setting up my turntable and listening to them but I just haven't had the inclination. It was going to be part of the basement development to have a record/book library sanctuary but it's getting further and further away. The missus is gradually taking over the basement as a storage facility in case there's another war....

Greg - I looked at some more offerings that copart had and didn't see much that was really decent. Most of their stuff has some serious damage that would cost a lot of $$ unless the buyer had skills to fix.

A curling weekend is upon me. This time it's the start of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts. Starts today and goes till next weekend. I appreciate that TSN will broadcast every game, whereas Sportsnet won't when they cover their feature curling tournaments.

Ok, it's that time again. Gotta go have my breakfast stew of pills and needles.
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Old February 16th, 2019, 08:54 AM
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Btw, wheres Bee-Oh-Pee
Jouni, good question. He hasn't been on this thread for at least a year and a half, when he left to do a more detailed restoration of his '64 Starfire. He does post on other threads when looking for parts once in awhile, but for some reason has shunned us.
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Old February 16th, 2019, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Jouni, good question. He hasn't been on this thread for at least a year and a half, when he left to do a more detailed restoration of his '64 Starfire. He does post on other threads when looking for parts once in awhile, but for some reason has shunned us.
Dan, Mike had noted the same thing a couple months back. I just looked at his profile and saw that he's currently active here. Who knows, maybe he lurks in the background to see what's going on but never puts his foot back in the water. It would be nice to hear from him, but you know the old saying "Take the horse to water but can't make him drink".

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Old February 16th, 2019, 09:53 AM
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Good Morning Olds Guys:
A front moved in last night and it dropped into the 30 right after sundown. It is overcast and cooler today. Today is our daughters 46th birthday so we are taking her out for late lunch today. We will take her and the boys and meet our son and his wife for lunch. Not too much planned other than that. My wife and I are going to hear our son play music tomorrow afternoon and then stop by and pick up the big trailer so I can go pick up the 27 OIds tomorrow night from Autorama. That will be later because they don't let the cars out until the awards are over about 9:00. I didn't put a car in Autorama this year (did that 3 years ago) but made a big contribution.
Allan, I was at Copart last Tuesday when I donated my boat. Man that is a huge yard. I suspect most of those cars are sold to wrecking yards. I didn't have the opportunity to drive the entire yard but most of the cars look like it would take too much to repair them. Then if you did you have a rebuilders title and not a clean title. They have heck of a website. The best thing you might find is an older car that somebody donated to a charity and Copart is selling it for the charity.
That is about all I have Olds friends.
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Old February 16th, 2019, 08:44 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Evening!
So today wasn't too bad; it started off snowy, but I got the kid to take care of that problem, and it warmed up to about -18 this morning, it actually felt warm. Went to breakfast, and then finalized the Coin Show arrangements at the hotel. The came home, and I just finished repairing and rebuilding a pair of Waltham 18 size pocket watches. The silver one is a key-wind from about 1884, and the gold coloured one is one from 1908 made for the Canadian market. I had to shove a mainspring into that one, and the old key-wind had a hairspring issue and was filthy as all you-know-what. So they're done and for sale.

So I'll just keep it short, and let the pictures speak for themselves. The older silver one is in a pretty beat up coin silver case, and it's a basic 7 jewel movement. The thick glass crystal is period correct, but probably not the original. Probably was the pride and joy of some working stiff. Probably ask about $100 for that. The other one is a 17 jewel movement in a gold-filled case that still hasn't "burned through" to the brass. It has a better sunken-dial, and it's a Canadian market dial with the 24 hour register on it. This one is definitely a lot more expensive and probably belonged to someone of some means, and not some working stiff. I'll probably ask $150 for that, since it's clean and has a new mainspring.

Just going to sit back and celebrate my success; have a good evening!

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Old February 17th, 2019, 04:14 AM
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Hi guys, Well all my stuff sold on ebay and I got it shipped out. Already I got a complaint about the 63 Vette and 57 Belair Jim Beam decanters. (They both went to the same buyer) He sent me pics of the issues and he is right, I didn't look at them good enough- my fault. So I know how ebay backs up bidders and I did advertise them as excellent condition so I refunded him his purchase price minus the shipping costs which he agreed to. I should have just had a party and emptied them and threw the rest away. Oh well I hope the rest of the items are OK with the buyers, I haven't heard back from them yet. I think next time I want to get rid of good stuff I'll just give it to the Salvation Army. Much less hassle.
This weekend is the State of Michigan "fish without a licence" weekend and there sure are a lot of ice fisherman out there. Also its the Harrison winter event ( can't recall the name) so there is a lot of action around here. One of the things they do is have a bus to take people around to the area bars. The strange thing is they use a school bus! Yep, last year we were at a bar when a bunch of drunks were off loaded off the yellow school bus- Pretty odd!!
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Old February 17th, 2019, 07:07 AM
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Good afternoon everyone.

Was at the garage wiring again. Soon its wired. I quess ill pull new rear speaker cables " just in case" now when i have seats off to pull my wiring on original cable tunnels.
So father visited yesterday and left this Morning, good times. And sauna was a joy once again

Greg Rogers - Ive noticed the same. If i have something not-so-valuable, ill rather junk it than sell it, due to aforementioned hassles

Nailheadcanuck - Once again, nice looking watches

Allan R - Where i can bet for your games? Wednesday for lose and Friday for victory Nothing personal, just maximising my profits By the way, im sure you want to hear this, so hear me out; 10-day forecast promises that 8/10 days have day-temps at plus

About Bee-Oh-Pee, thanks for clarification. Maybe he has so much things going that he dont have time to participate there. I know that when summer comes, ill drop back to mostly reading and rarely commenting. Funny thing is, that reading and writing takes only about 15mins per time, but somehow even that 15mins is too much when youre at hurry.

But yeah, one week behind again. Have a good new week everyone.
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Old February 17th, 2019, 04:14 PM
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Hi everyone.

Been a busy weekend here in the panhandle. Got here fairly early Friday evening, and went to bed early. I was tired. Spent most of Saturday at the car place. I don't know why their game is to make you wait all day, when we were the only ones in the place. I guess to wear you down so you'll agree to anything just to get out. Um, that didn't work. Anyway came home with a 2019 Chevy Equinox, in Kinetic Blue. Very pretty. Mom loves it. My sister didn't have a fit like I thought she would so it was a win-win all around.

Today I painted in the small bathroom. Last month I sanded and patched and filled and sanded some more. Two coats of peach over dark brown and it looks quite a bit more lively. It actually looks pink but again, Mom likes it and it's her house. I'll do a little more cleaning this evening and get the trim painted next trip.

Need to leave fairly early in the morning. I have to wash work clothes when I get home, also get Tiger by 6. I don't expect the car to give me any problems, but it's had 11 years of the average speed of 19. Now that it's going to get more of a regular workout I expect things to start cropping up that will need attention. I keep forgetting who on here had an Aura. I'll probably need some advice coming up.

It's been nice to see the family and eat meals with another person. I miss Tiger. It's been a nice visit but I'm ready to get home. Hope everyone has had a good weekend and has tomorrow off.
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Old February 17th, 2019, 07:49 PM
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I keep forgetting who on here had an Aura.
That would be me.
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Old February 18th, 2019, 06:13 AM
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Chil and dank [souther for wet/cold]

Very interesting perspective. Almost Junian prospective of looking at things thru different eyes.

Be-Oh- pee, I had to call John a few weeks ago to ax him [fer a friend] if a certain restaurant in "The Big Easy" was still open. He's doing fine, werking on his cars and enjoying his sabbatical from some drama

Nailhead, Nice watches a-gain

Greg, A big dumpster was my answer.

Allan, I hate to tell you what I paid for bite guards and how uncomfortable they are so I'd throw them out of my mouth in the middle of the night.

Mike, I still need sum painting done up here if your mom runs out of walls

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 18th, 2019, 09:17 AM
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Off from sauna. Was pretty boring day, started to prepare my towing hitch for painting, but… Still boring. I need some work!
Thats it for my day. Tomorrow to garage to continue wiring. And kill time.

Jamesbo - Please translate again What Junian prospective means? Even google didnt enlighten me. Never heard that phrase

Hmm. Still long until sleeping time. Hmmm… What will i do? Anyways, have a day all.
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Old February 18th, 2019, 09:25 AM
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Junian= Carl Jung

Among other things, one of his philosophies was look at yourself [inward] if something is really bothering you. [self reflection]
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Old February 18th, 2019, 09:36 AM
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9Hello Old's Friends: Just finished my morning walk (w/o walker or cane) of 980 steps (4 trips up/down) in our long driveway! Progress. Sadly, seems as if all I know to talk about nowadays is my "ailment". Recovering from a stroke is painfully slow. Going to run up to the Lone Star Roadhouse this evening to hear Alan McDanial play some good music. Probably even have a TX brand of whiskey (brewed outside of Ft Worth; the aroma is wonderful, sipping even better). Meeting Friends there. Wednesday getting windows retinted in the '92 Custom Cruiser, and Thursday start out patient therapy at Big Baylor on Gaston Ave. Excited about that. Have eye exam March 15th at VA Hospital for new glasses, and to get checked out to be able to drive once again. That's killing me. Juju a good driver, I'm just a terrible rider!

Last edited by Aron Nance; February 18th, 2019 at 09:38 AM.
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Old February 18th, 2019, 09:45 AM
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Jamesbo - Care to elaborate further? Im not just getting it
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Old February 18th, 2019, 10:37 AM
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Jouni - I believe Jim is trying to say you have an interesting (and somewhat fresh) way of seeing things. Don't 'over analysze" or then you'd definitely be a Carl Jung or Sigmund Freud. zzoooo, how long haff you had dis kind of proplem?
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Old February 18th, 2019, 10:38 AM
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Good Morning (almost) to everybody:

It is chilly here today and a little overcast. Yesterday my wife and I went over to Guitars & Growlers in Richardson to hear the Pickin Circle my son put together about a year ago. It is one of those deals where there are several regulars that show up but anybody can come and sit in. He tries to let everybody sing two songs. The have a mixed bag and they all have lots of fun. I am proud of him as he does an outstanding job and has so much fun doing this. He could have never done this with his first wife (I won't even go there) and has the full support and his encouragement of his sweet wife Shelly. Aron, I just thought of you on this and how you might enjoy the event and when the time comes you could sit in. Here is a link:
I got the 27 Olds home last night. The NTOC did very well at the show with several first place cars and even won best display. I still have the big trailer out front and will take it back to the stable where I keep it shortly.
That is about all I have at the moment Olds Friends.
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Old February 18th, 2019, 10:42 AM
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Truth is like peeling an onion, Each has alot of layers
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