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Old September 23rd, 2012, 06:12 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautimus day ere.

De passanger side a/c vent in my Chuby Surburban fell out. I've got a plastic welder but it has different rods fer different plastics. Anyone go a clue what kinda plastic de dash vents are mdae of.

Kinda reminds me of "The Graduate"

Plastic son, I'm just gonna say one word plastic. I wish Dustin had said, "WTF kinda of plastic?"

Enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds friends.
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 06:22 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

Mike and Paul, the altered is pretty much a homemade deal that my Dad bought a while back. But it's pretty cool though it is all Mopar except the front end. I bet Mike can guess what that is off of But yes the altered wheelbase cars from the 60's became what we now know as funny cars. And yes the "altered" refers to the relocation of the front and back wheels for better weight transfer at the launch Anywho here's a pic of it in action

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Old September 23rd, 2012, 08:09 AM
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Top o' the morning to you!

Scot that is cool as H! Yes I recognize that front beam. 68 or newer VW. I wouldn't have guessed that funny cars came from the altered cars of the 60s. Unless we're talking about different things here. Funny cars to me are the long body dragsters that the whole body lifts up. Built many of those models as a kid. Scot was your Dad a Mopar guy?

Jamesbo just take a trip to the local pull apart and get you a new vent. What year Burb? There are always plenty of Suburbans in the pull apart.

Spent a couple hours at the Awful house today. I don't usually stay that long. It's beautiful here today, wonder what I should do. I know what I need to do, start getting firewood ready for the winter. And work on the office and new dog penetentiary. And, and, and...

Listed the yellow truck on craigslist again. Last week got one guy. Today I've already got a half dozen, but they don't look serious. Eh, I'll give them a call. Did I say I hate selling things?

Well everyone have a great day.
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Scot that is cool as H! Yes I recognize that front beam. 68 or newer VW. I wouldn't have guessed that funny cars came from the altered cars of the 60s. Unless we're talking about different things here. Funny cars to me are the long body dragsters that the whole body lifts up. Built many of those models as a kid. Scot was your Dad a Mopar guy?
Thanks Mike Correct on the V Dub front end They are pretty dang strong and a lot of people use them because of that. And yes the Altered wheelbase cars of the 60's did in fact become funny cars. The class started as A/FX, B/FX, etc. Then became known as Funny Cars until they made them where the body would flip up (hinge) from the front mostly but I have seen them flip up from the back as well. And then like you say it transformed and progressed to what we know them as now which is basically a dragster type chassis with a fiberglass body

And to be honest my Dad was just a car guy. He mainly stuck to all GM or Mopar but disliked Phords. I think he has owned maybe 3 Phords in his lifetime. Two '32 coupes (one 5 window and one three window) and he also owned a '56 Phord truck back in the early 70's. The rest were GM or Mopar. Well one AMC AMX that would flat out haul the mail
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 02:54 PM
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Happy Sunday to everyone.

Got lots' o yard work done today. Waited most of the day for a buddy to help me bring home a big honkin new sandblaster. Just found out it comes NOT ASSEMBLED and will fit in the Sonata with tons o room to spare. I wasted the day waiting for that. Should have read the web page more careful. Guess I'll go pick it up tomorrow. Kind of late now. That means I don't have to fork out $$$ for AD to clean my parts. I'll pick them up and do them myself. It's been a week since I dropped off the differential for upgrades.

Scot - nice pic. You driving or someone you know? Just asking because someone had to take that pic. Looks like a good time there.

Mike - good luck with the sale. If you get a bunch of tire kickers, turn yourself into a shin kicker.

Jamesbo - funny about platic. Some stays good, some don't. Question is do you really need de vent or not? De platic de vents are made from either Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or thermosetting plastics. If you want to know how dey are made, you gots to go to skool agin. Jus take it fer face valu dey do breaks down and gits brittel over time, spashully in de hot Gawga sun.

Paul - I like your idea of the Eastern front show n shine/drive. Maybe I'll do the Western Front here in AB next year when the car is back on the road.

Hope everyone's weekend was good and the next week is better.
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 05:45 PM
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Allan that was a friend of my Dads giving it a go
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 07:05 PM
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Evening All!

It was a cloudy, sunny, rainy chilly day here, temps only in the low 50's. It started out with sun and clouds, then a rain shower late this afternoon.

I went to the Pops show over at the Brimfest. Just as I opened the garage door to back out, it started to rain - even though the sun was shining. This big ole black cloud moved over and it rained lightly for about 15 minutes. Larry started laughing, lol. So I waited about a half hour so I wouldn't be under that cloud on the drive to Brimfield, cause it was moving in that direction, and then we left. There was a good turnout of cars there. We got a beautiful blue Top 20 trophy! It's really pretty. I was very surprised.

Teepos heater was blowing strong, lol. It sure felt good!

Some of the guys were teasing me about being in the Cruisin Times, lol. The guy with the Monte brought his copy over and showed me the picture. It's just a little one, but I'm still proud.

Mike... no, I never go to the shows as just a spectator, though I've thought about it. Going without Teepo would be like going naked or something, lol. Be quiet, Jamesbo!!

When I got home, I went out to the garage and brought down some of my scarecrows and fall stuff. I swept out the breezeway so I can put the containers out there. This week I'll work on taking up all the summer yard decorations and get them put away, take down the windchimes, etc... Then I'll put out the Halloween decorations next week end, since it will be October. Hard to believe....

Larry grilled steaks and taters for supper.

Well I reckon I'll get off of here and get stuff ready for work in the morning. Clay might be off tomorrow, I don't know. I think he's getting gravel delivered or something.

Here's the pic from the Cruisin Times. It didn't come out real well. I took it outside and there was glare. Have a good evening all!

Attachment 174189

Last edited by cutlassgal; September 23rd, 2012 at 07:09 PM.
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 07:05 PM
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Hey everyone.

It must have been nice in Ohio today since we haven't heard from Sandy. Hope she stole the show.

Allan one thing I'd love to have is a sand blaster. I use a prety big one at work but sometimes it's a pain getting things in to the building. I think they are magic.

Talked to two guys out of 8 today about the yellow truck. One guy said he wasn't sure that's what he wanted, and was going to call me back(he didn't). Second guy was adament he wanted to come today but an hour after he said he'd call he said he couldn't make it today, but could come tomorrow. I'll be holding my breath. Actually I wouldn't be sad if he didn't, it's a nice truck. I just don't have a real use for it.

It's so nice out tonight I turned off the AC and opened the windows. It's comfy in the house but I can hear all the dogs in the neighborhood barking and howling. I don't get people that have dogs and leave them outside all the time.

Well I hope everyone has a good start to their week. Good night everybody.
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 07:09 PM
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Sandy you snuck in just ahead of me. Congrats on the trophy, and the picture in the magazine. Actually, it looks like you're in there twice. In the top picture all the way to the left, is that Teepo's nose sticking out next to the man walking past?
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Old September 23rd, 2012, 07:30 PM
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Good eye, Mike. Yep it sure is!
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Old September 24th, 2012, 04:19 AM
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Mawn'in all

Alittle nippy dis mawn'in but warm an clear dis afternoon. A Blue bird day fer sure.

Mike, If I went to de pull a part, I'd have 2 vents in de floorboard. I gots de part, It jes falls out

Scot, Tanks, I may use some PVC plumber glue [non purple]

De club is closed today fer sum stupid Ping golf tournament. Gotta head north to play anutter course. Gotta meet my bud at de Awful House on 400 [1 of 12 on Ga 400 I'm sure]

Enjoy anutter week Olds friends.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 05:37 AM
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Morning All!

It's a cold 42 degrees here, but the sun is shining. Heading only to around 60 today.

Where are you all?? Snuggled all nice and warm under the covers, lol??

Steve is back today. Clay is here too. He said the ground is too wet to work in today, so he might take tomorrow off.

It's quiet in here so far. Nicole has to go back to the orthodontist today cause she lost the 'permanent' retainer he had glued behind her front teeth, she was eating a sticky sucker last week or something. She's paying the $60 it cost to replace it. I told her I don't have it. She shoulda been on her hands and knees looking for that little piece of wire on the floor, lol. I would have been! If she had it, they'd glue it back on for free. Lessons learned......

Well you all have a great day when you get up and about, lol.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 06:03 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Cold this morning, 49* on the back porch. Why that doesn't affect the dogs I don't know, I can hardly stand it. How in the world did I ever survive living up north all those years?

Plenty to do today. New tire for the Saturn, tag office, Walmart, it doesn't end. We'll see if that guy from Dallas shows up today. Oh I'll call you at 10. Uh huh.

Sandy I tried to be snuggled under my covers but someone decided to pounce on me and slobber in my face. If that isn't a reason to get up I don't know what is.

Sorry Jamesbo I thought you meant that it actually broke. Go to the pull apart anyway. You might find something that suddenly you can't live without.

Okay gonna get going. Gotta get all this done today so have a good one everybody.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 06:37 AM
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Mornin all.

Well, It was a good trip and a great wedding ceremony. (I think it lasted all of about 15 minutes) Real small wedding and mostly just family and close friends. had a nice reception and got introduced to a Cracken. Good stuff with Dr. Pepper. The wifes, younger aunts husband was flirtin with some pretty girls from Germany, And is now in the dog house for an expended stay. Man am I glad it wasn't me that does stupid stuff like that anymore.

I'm running the shop alone today. I'll get caught up later. should be able to post a few pics as well. Have a great day all.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 07:16 AM
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Good morning Everyone

Going to be a beautiful day today with highs around 75°. I guess for all you folks who are used to the low 80's and 100's it must seem cold at only 42 or 60. But that is what we normally get up here around this time of the year. This year we're just lucky to be having an exceptional fall. Works out good for me so I can get more work done on the car. Have to call AD and see how they're doing with the differential swap. If they haven't bead blasted the drums and control arms I'm telling them not to. I want to do it myself with the new sandblaster.

Clint - I like short and sweet weddings. Less time to fall asleep and you're outta there. Have fun in the shop.

Mike - That doesn't sound like my idea of a wake up kiss. You can keep it. Have fun at Awful House.

Jamesbo - Tournaments can just ruin a day can't they? LOL on going to the pull a part. You'll prolly come back with another car..

Sandy - ditto on the retainer. Up here they actually drill and screw it in the back of the teeth right to the jaw bone. Apparently it doesn't hurt - according to Graeme and he doesn't have a great pain threshold. I see TPOs heater is fixed. What was the solution?

Have a great day in the working world!
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Old September 24th, 2012, 01:34 PM
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Well I do believe I'm gonna go over to the Riverfront tonight!! It's a cool 56 degrees out, but the sun has been shining all day. It's 'Appreciation' night tonight over there. There is going to be a ton of cars, no doubt. I'm gonna call Don Sitts when I get home and tell him to save me a spot!! The last cruise in is scheduled for Oct. 8th over there.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 07:12 PM
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Hi all.

Went to Summit tonight. I wasn't expecting much but to my surprise there were quite a few cars. Not many that really stood out, but a nice showing anyway.

So the yellow truck is "down the road." That guy did call this morning and came with his son to see it. They checked it out real good, took it for a nice drive, then came back and lowballed the hell out of me. Give me a break. The price was 1250 and it was a clean truck? He said you come off the price any? I said what would you give me for it? 900. I said I'd take 1000. 950? Nope. Okay then. And then just to mock me there had to have been a dozen of that vintage truck at Summit tonight. Well, hope he enjoys it. Sounds like he plans on keeping it stock, which pleases me.

Now Allan if I would have caught up here this afternoon I would have said, oh I don't go to Awful house on Mondays. But I did in fact stop there on the way home tonight for a round of chocolate pie. I'll be there in the morning as well, because Tuesday is a regular Awful house day for me.

Again Sandy nice pictures of the car show. I love those huge trophies you get. If that's for Top 20 what must Best Of Show be? You'd need a pickup to haul it home.

Well it's time to hit the sack. My boy has been a pain in the neck all day, but he's sleeping now so maybe I'll get a decent night's sleep. Hope everyone has a good night.
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Old September 24th, 2012, 07:12 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Foggy out this morning and cool.

I went bowling tonite, 2 games at or above average, so I am happy considering it is only my second week this season.

Sandy, how was Riverfront?

Thanks for the pic of the car Scot. Never would have guessed a VW front end.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 04:59 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool mawn'in but anutter Blue Bird day down ere

Mike, On de way to de play golf we ate at de first Awful House I've ever been in dat didn't have a few extra Atlanta Urinal and Constipation lay'in 'round. Missed my mawn'in Cross word puzzle sum'in fierce.

Played pretty good fer an ole phart 44/42 but no bev cart [or bev cart babette] Bitter disappointment.

Allan, Dars sum'in special 'bout how to put a compressor on a concrete floor, whatever it is I can't think of it at de moment. I got an el cheepo blast cabinet and de cotton pick'in plastic top is so scratch up, I can hardly see wtf I clean'in. Leaks like a sieve, so I hardly ever use it.

Clint we got up hey yesterday, I give de stuff away jes to get rid of it. I'm outa de cow business and love every minute of not hav'in to put out hay on cold rainy mawn'ins. Slosh'in round in de mud on a tractor, open gates. close gates, mud sling'in off de rear tires.

Scot, Did de insurance company treat cha right? What cha gonna get your girl to drive?

Sandy, [cut paste] Congrats [Jes fer future reference,] You are only gonna get 1 congrats from me. I flatly refuse to congrats you ere and on FB.

Bowl'in ????? I could never figger out HTH to keep score. Never made much since to me.

Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:14 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Boy I sure love this cooler weather

Jamesbo how'd ya do at the different course?

Sandy how many cars made it to Riverfront?

Mike well the upside to the deal is that this Father/Son will put in a lot of bonding time and hopefully have a super nice truck when they are done I guess you have a big heart because $1250 would be a steal for that truck as is.

I've been thrashing to get to coupe ready. Sunday I went for a spin out in the country to do some mock launches and the carb was acting up So yesterday I spent the day cleaning it and it still was acting up off the line. Plan B I took the carb off the altered and put it on the coupe after a good cleaning. I haven't started it up yet to see how it's going to act yet because it was getting dark and I didn't feel like messing with getting out the portable lights since I haven't put overhead lighting in the garage part of the shop yet. Today I'll go try it out and if that carb needs rebuilding, then I'll have to bite the bullet and revert to plan C. Which is buying a new one due to the time frame I have. So I may be heading your way Mike as none of the parts houses here stock that size carb.

Yall have a great day
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:21 AM
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Nope Jamesbo, we had to procure a lawyer. The lady that ran the red light is saying that my daughter hit her Anyway that lady was ticketed by the GSP for running the red light and our witness was directly behind the woman that ran the red light, so we are in good shape. It's just that we had to rent a car on our dime until the insurance company decides to step up. IMO they've already admitted fault by trying to make a lowball offer on the totaled Grand Am, but they think they are saving money by not giving us a rental.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:40 AM
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Good morning and happy Tuesday.

Jamesbo you're better off, that newspaper is horrible! If'n you want a crossword, pick up a book of them.

Scot that's nice of you to say, but I didn't believe that truck was worth much more. I got out of it what I paid, so now I can say I've owned that vintage of truck. And I learned that I'm not comfortable driving one. Though this guy yesterday the steering wheel is going to carve a notch in his belly.

That's too bad that you have to get a lawyer to force the insurance company to do what they are supposed to. They are pretty much thieving liars but I've toned down my disdain for them somewhat after they bailed me out(twice) in 08.

Paul I used to bowl with some people I worked with. On the first night, my score was low, because I'm bad at bowling, and people from the other teams were saying, hey that's smart sandbagging on the first day. I said no that's the best I can bowl.

Well Awful house awaits. Have a great day all!
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:42 AM
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Oh Scot if you want tell me what you're looking for and I'll have a look around and see what's available. Might save you a trip up the four lane.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:49 AM
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Scot, I got a box full of q jets if ya need one/sum/ a pile
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Old September 25th, 2012, 06:17 AM
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Mike unless that truck was a rust bucket, and I don't mean the normal places like the rocker panels below the doors or a fender or two with holes the size of half dollars or less, then just the rolling chassis would be worth that without engine and trans.

And thanks you guys for the offer but the car is set up for a Holley and it needs a 770 cfm. My calculations show 750 cfm for the street and 825 cfm for the strip, so a 770 cfm should be a happy medium for it and Summit Racing is the closest place to get one for me.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 06:32 AM
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Morning All!

It's crisp and chilly here this morning. Temps in the high 40's. Sun is shining now, but supposed to rain later this afternoon.

Clay is off today. Hope he gets his gravel or whatever he's doing done before it rains.

Lord it's scary slow around here. I've heard lots of people in the steel industry saying how they've slowed way down too. The phone has rang twice this morning.

It was a chilly night over at the Riverfront. There were at least 200 cars there, I thought there would be more..... The Mayor of Cuyahoga Falls was there giving speeches and shaking Don's hand and such. It was a nice cruise. I'm downloading pics now so will post in the Gen Disc. forum.

Jamesbo.... you make me laugh, lol!

Scot.... sorry to hear you have to go through all that crap. An accident is stressful enough on it's own.

Mike..... A Best of Show trophy is 4 ft. tall! They are beautiful!!!! One day.......

Speaking of best of show, I haven't seen Blue's neighbor Mr. Mirrored Chebelle at any shows this year. I haven't seen my friend Ed with the cool old Rambler either. Just thought of that. Hmmmmm....

Tonight, weather permitting, I shall schlep containers of Halloween and fall decorations down from the upstairs in the back garage, and stack them in the breezeway so I can start decorating.

Well I better go check Clay's email, so I'll talk to ya later. Have a great day!! Go look for Riverfront pics.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 06:40 AM
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Dang Scot, I just gave away your Holley a month ago. I hate dem things
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Old September 25th, 2012, 07:22 AM
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Oh well Jamesbo, that seems to be my luck these days
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Old September 25th, 2012, 08:15 AM
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Good Mawning Folks

Was a very nice day with lots of interruptions yesterday so didn't get much done. Today looks like it will be nice but cooler at around 68° or so. Plan to pick up some coarser glass media (20-30) for the blaster. The ultra fine stuff is great for just stripping paint but I need some HD for the springs and such. For 10.00 that's not bad.

Going to AD to pick up some parts so I can paint and install bushings (oh how I love to press bushings). Also going to see my buddy Pete. He has an older Cutlass coming in today and invited me to come down and look at it.

Jamesbo - crosswords huh? Why don't they ever call them 'cussword puzzles'? I have a terrible time with them and usually just give up after a few cuss words... So far no leaks on the cabinet. The viewscreen gets blasted? They sell protector sheets (attach inside with 2 sided tape already on the sheet). Use some foil tape and close in your leaks, put in a new sheet of plexi and the protector sheet - it will work much better when you can see what you're doing.

Scot - Damn shame the 'at fault and knows it' lady is posturing like that. This should be a slam dunk with the witness. Should sue the at fault driver for punitive damages anyway. Good luck on the coupe carb issue. Hope plan B works so you don't have to buy plan C

Paul - I used to bowl too back in my earlier days. You do 5 or 10 pin? I did 5 and my avg was around 180. Had a few 250 and 300+ games though. Must have been on the 'lucky' alley.

Mike - urrrp! There, I did it for ya so you could feel the tummy tension go away. I remember when I used to go for breakfast every day after the morning shift. Kind of ate a hole in my wallet faster than I could eat the brekkie. No wonder you need to sell them thar vehicles!

Sandy - slow in the office? Some people dream of that job. I thought you were a CNC operator though. Not sure how the office part fits in?

Well, time to head out quickly enough. Already was in the garage for about 15 minutes doing a bit of blasting this morning - finishing details on the tail light pods. Should be ready for paint today. TTYL
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Old September 25th, 2012, 08:48 AM
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......I thought you were a CNC operator though. Not sure how the office part fits in?

Allan R.... I've always worked in offices. I'm the 'sales assistant' here. We're just a sales office - no shop, no inventory, nothing. My husband has a grinding shop with all sorts of machines. Maybe that's where the confusion came from? Anyhow, I hate it when it's slow. It makes for a very looooonnngggg day!!!!!
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Old September 25th, 2012, 10:27 AM
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So, I'm out piddling around the car, and I remember that I'm out of glass cleaner, cuz last time that I wanted to clean the windshield, I couldn't find my bottle of "Invisible Glass", so I run down to Advance Auto, and procure another bottle, I'm good now! Get home, go into the garage and put it in the cabinet....and what do I find? One bottle, full, second bottle, 1/2 full, hmm, must be invisible ony when I want it! Have a good afternoon all!
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Old September 25th, 2012, 10:43 AM
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Lol! I hate it when that happens.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 11:52 AM
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No problem.....

Hey, y'all. Sounds like everybody's basically hangin' in there in the last week; finally got another lull. Feast or famine around here. Went on a weekend "retreat"... that was the first time I slept 8 hours three nights in a row in years... I felt like a different person! Wow....I'm going to have to try that more often; too bad I have to get up at 4:10; just don't feel like "lights out" at 8:10 p.m.

Mike, I worked both nights & weekends in the late 70s at Federal Reserve Bank in N.O. sorting checks -- really didn't like that schedule. I'd be headed to work when the rest of the family was watching the end of The Honeymooners and gearing up for Johnny Carson.... pretty depressing. I knew I wouldn't make a lifetime out of doing that. So now I gets up at 4:10 every mernin'. Ain't no justice in dis life.

Congrats on the Teepo coverage, Sandy... it's more than my pride-and-joy has ever received; that green is really photogenic. Glad you got the heater pumpin' again.

Scot, sorry those lice are making life difficult for you; I hope you got a good ambulance-chasing attorney that soaks 'em for double what they should have freely paid.

Y'all have a decent Tuesday evening. It's muggy, dry, & warm in the Cajun swamps. Could prolly use a little rain, believe it or not.... again, feast or famine.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
So, I'm out piddling around the car, and I remember that I'm out of glass cleaner, cuz last time that I wanted to clean the windshield, I couldn't find my bottle of "Invisible Glass", so I run down to Advance Auto, and procure another bottle, I'm good now! Get home, go into the garage and put it in the cabinet....and what do I find? One bottle, full, second bottle, 1/2 full, hmm, must be invisible ony when I want it! Have a good afternoon all!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who does dat.

John, Your silence on de Saints is Thunderous.
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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:36 PM
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Well plan B didn't work. Old carb sat on the shelf too long But with three cans of carb cleaner and three used toothbrushes, the original Holley 3310 off of the coupe came back to life. Launching it is the only dilemma, definitely need a higher stall torque converter but what I have will have to do for this year. Can't wait till Saturday I'll be sure to post a pic or two
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Old September 26th, 2012, 04:16 AM
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Good Humpday Mawnin All

Brisk fall mawnin here, feels good outside

Going to grab the coupe today and bring it home along with some camping gear, far wood and a few little things for the swap meet portion of the event.

Have't heard any new news on either case yet

Yall have a great humpday
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Old September 26th, 2012, 04:58 AM
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Happy Humpday Morning.

Been a busy start to the week. Worked by myself on Monday. Had to replace the interior wiring harness on a 98 Chevy pick-up Then yesterday I had a Subaru that poured inside everytime it rained. Had to pull the headliner and clean the tracks and drain tubes for the sunrooves Sure seem to be doin a lot of interior work lately.

Scot sounds like a fun event. Hope the Coupe' works out her issues.

Jamesbo, The missus has hay stacked everywhere right now. She even has some loads outside and tarped She is still freaking out on not having enough. I'm thinking if she keeps this up I'm gonna put her on that 'Hoarders' show. She has been delivering out like usual. I guess her customers are hoping the price will drop if they wait to order it. She hit $500+ a ton now. Sounds like where its gonna stay.

Paul, I've been on a roll lately, my average has gone up 12 pins in the last two weeks.

Sandy, I think a lot of things are gonna be put on 'hold' until after the election. Doesn't make a whole lotta sense as it seems either way they are gonna havfta buy something no matter who wins. anywho, If you want some phone calls I can give your number to all the indian accented people named 'Dave' and 'Sam' who are trying to trying to offer me a cash advance for a 40% fee on my future credit card sales. They usually call, just as I have contorted myself under a dash.

Here are some pics I promised. We actually have a little orange & red this year in the colors. Usually it's just yellow. The haze is from the fires in Montana and Idaho. We've been dealing with that all summer it seems.
Attachment 174135
The view behind the ceremony
Attachment 174136
The view behind the seats of the ceremony.
Attachment 174137

We got some rain last night and spose to rain most of the day today.
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Old September 26th, 2012, 05:05 AM
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Thanks Clint The coupe will do fine, it's just that it needs a higher stall converter for an all out launch That sure is some perty country over there
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Old September 26th, 2012, 05:44 AM
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No worries....

Jamesbo, what a fiasco.... 18-pt. lead in second half. I suffererd thru the regulation time on the radio, then caught the pain of overtime on the big screen. They had no business losing to the Chiefs, but no matter how you slice it, Goodell screwed us.

You're forcing my hand -- can't hold back --> Bounty-schmounty.... you can't tell me the Saints were doing anything that all the rest of the teams weren't doing. The biggest mistake of Williams & crew was to not cease-and-desist when the subject first came up 3 years ago.

Man, we miss Sean. It's gonna be a long season.... And I just heard over the weekend that Greg Williams was exonerated for any ill-advised schemes he might have overseen on defenses prior to his coming to the Saints.

Goodell-Schmoodell. I don't think he can spell "impartial." But at least those Dirty Birds are flying high right now -- as hard that is for me to say.... . They look like they'll be contenders... maybe you and Supermodel can come down and visit 'em in da Dome in February....

Clint, man, dat's some beautiful looking terrain. Is that Gunnison? What a great backdrop for a wedding. Maybe it's time for me to re-visit CO. (I haven't been since '78, for an infamously failed snow-skiing experiment.)

Y'all have a good humpity-hump day.
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Old September 26th, 2012, 06:13 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter Blue Bird day


I was jes mess'in wit cha. I read sum whar?Oh yeah ere

Wow 150 mil in waggers

I Don't think dis is gonna be one of the NFL's finer moments.

Dat sho is pretty. If I lived out thar, I jes sit on my duff an look out de winder.

At 500 bucks a ton, I bet cha sum of de pot farmers are consider'in go'in straight and plant'in hay.

Scot, I hope cha get's dat thing ready in time. If I can help cha out jes give me a shout.

Mum, Mike must be gett'in an extra serv'in of scattered, covered and smothered.

Yeah, I needs to start think'in 'bout fire wood too.

Have a great hump day Olds friends.
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