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Old September 20th, 2012, 04:53 AM
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Mornin all.

Yesterday went backwards, so I have lots to do today. Better get to the shop early. Have a great day.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:12 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili mawn'in but spose to warm up dis afternoon.

Mike, I'm jes fun'in wit cha.

Sell'in your own cars is one giant PITA.
My favorites are de guys who call ya from Deal NJ an wanta make a low ball offer if you'll send dem pics of the inside of de muffler. Then [w/o ever seeing the car] start tell'in ya every frgg'in thing about it an EXACTLY how much it's worth.

Sandy, I think de werd Chickfil a is a little tooooo political for this site.

Scot, Ya ready to roll yet?

Allan, Sorry 'bout de mismatched drums. I think Drums from Argentina turn in de wrong direction. I used to know a dancer from Argentina and she.............OOPS better not go there. Come to think of it, it might been Brazil.

Saw a 58 Vette yesterday at de golf course. I had absolutely NO desire to own it.
See one, see dem all, Must be gett'in old.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:14 AM
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Good Thursday Mawnin All

Another nice morning here. I got a ton of stuff accomplished yesterday, man I love the cooler weather

Well as suspected the insurance company totaled my daughter's Poncho, but of course they want to hem haw around about getting her a rental The lady that ran the red light uses Allstate, and everyone I've talked to said they are very SLOW to work with on these types of cases. I just want my daughter to be made "whole" again and all of her expenses that have and will accrue due to this be paid.

Anywho enough venting about that My friend got a brand new A/C system installed yesterday They are ecstatic about the difference between the new one and the old one

Well yall have a great Thursday
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:19 AM
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Jamesbo the C1 is the only Vette I'd consider as my own. But if you were to give me a '63 split winder, a '67 L88 or any other big block Vette, I wouldn't kick 'em to the curb.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:35 AM
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Morning All!

It's another chilly in the 40's morning here, but the sun finally came out about 7:23 am!! We have rain chances this evening they're saying. The weekend is not looking good.

So... How come no one answered my question about Teepo's heater/fan/blower, whatever it is that's not working?? I need heat in her!!!!!!

Bellacino's is tonight, and it's gonna be a chilly ride home.....

Steve has his heater cranked again. I have on capris - rolled up past the knee, and a thin short sleeve top, and it's still hot in here! Brian went out and turned on the AC for a minute yesterday afternoon. He was hot. I turned my fan on about 10:30 yesterday morning. Brian didn't like that. 'It was so nice and quiet in here without it on". I said, Sorry, I can't friggin breathe. There's no air circulation in here. F-him!!!!!

Boy he's in a talkative mood this morning. Calling everyone. It's gonna be a long day. It got so slow in here yesterday that I was dozing, lol.

Scot.... good luck with the Ins. company. I remember what that's like, lol. Just a pita!!

Well you all have a great day!
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:49 AM
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Well Sandy it's either a fuse, the switch or the motor itself. Fuse is straight forward, the other two takes a little troubleshooting.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 06:05 AM
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1]did you try it on different speeds? In a 69 the fuse for high is different than de utter speeds.
2] lap robe
3] Steve
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Old September 20th, 2012, 06:16 AM
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Thank you. Well the one time when I put the switch up to high and moved it down a notch, it blew nice and powerful, lol. But when I restarted her after getting gas, I couldn't get it to blow at all. I kept moving the fan switch up and down, and nothing. I had the heater on 'heat' and I could feel warm air coming out on the floorboard, but it just wasn't blowing out. I'll check the fuses tonight.

Usually the heater in her will run you out of there, lol. I love it!

Jamesbo...... you crack me up!! Guess I can take my Snuggie with me tonight to cover up with on the ride home, lol.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 08:06 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Long night last night. Got done early, had to sit around to take care of dayshift's plane, while dayshift stood there and watched us.

Got home a little too late and had some cleaning up to do. One thing about going to a ten hour shift is the dogs will only be home 12 hours alone instead of 14.

Sandy the High speed fan I believe is run by a relay, not a fuse. In my 70, I get all speeds of fan except High. At that point the fan just turns off. If you can get it to work sometimes by fussing with it, it sounds to me like a wiring problem. Something has come loose or is chaffed.

Jamesbo I had the same thought. Just put the office in the car with you Sandy and it will be warm as can be.

Scot I thought your daughter drove a Cavalier? It sucks when the ins company drags their feet. Well you know what they say, the squeeky wheel....

Clint, wasn't your buddy taking the Hupp to a show after you got it running? How'd he do with it?

Well time for bed for me. I'm wacked. Hope everyone has a good day and I'll catch up later.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 08:12 AM
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Mike you've got to bermember I was blessed with four Daughters Two of which are driving age and one has her learner's permit But yes the second oldest still has the Crapolier
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Old September 20th, 2012, 08:26 AM
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Good Mawning Everyone!
We're finally getting the nice weather here. For the next week it's supposed to be in the mid 70's! Wah HOOOOO!

All the wind has been drying things out a lot. I'm about the only one who still goes out and waters the grass in the mawnin.. my neighbors think I'm nuts but I still have the greenest weed free grass in the neighborhood! It's nice to have the time in life to do this stuff.

Jamesbo - problem will get resolved shortly. One way or another. Argentina does have it's fair share of beauties .... Isn't Brazil in Indiana?? I'd settle for drums made there!

Sandy - What Mike said - High Speed blower fan relay might be the problem, but I don't think so. If you're not getting ANY fan speeds I'd be more inclined to check the connection behind the fan switch itself. Either it's got bad contacts or the switch may be no good. The system is designed to default to min floor/def air when it craps out.

Clint - yad sdrawcab a dah uoy raeh ot yrroS. I'm sure you'll figure that out....

Mike - I hate shifts like that when you get home feeling wacked. I never ever got used to it even after 31 years. Guess the secret is not to do them all the time.

Scot - My man! I don't think we've heard anything bout your progress on the job mediation? Mind me asking how Phase 2 is going?
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Old September 20th, 2012, 08:31 AM
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Sandy, on the blower motor here's a tip that will get you going in the right direction:

If the fan doesn't blow in any speed, it is most likely the 25 Amp heater - A/C fuse in the fuse block.

If the fan doesn't blow on HIGH, check the 30 Amp in line fuse before the relay. If that is ok then you have to check the blower High Speed relay.
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Old September 20th, 2012, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R

Scot - My man! I don't think we've heard anything bout your progress on the job mediation? Mind me asking how Phase 2 is going?
S l o w

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Old September 20th, 2012, 12:42 PM
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Note to self.

Get up early for Sandy snuggie view'in
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Old September 20th, 2012, 05:37 PM
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Hi there all.

I slept until 6 this evening. I haven't done that in years. Well, probably three years! I hope that helps with the zombie-ness. Allan the shift itself doesn't get me down, I've been doing it for many years. I don't sleep good due to the helpers and that's what is a drain. Probably not too many years ago I could sleep little and still function, but you know what they say about time marching on....

Geez a lot has happened this afternoon. Allan your trip to the auto parts store rivals no other. I wouldn't have been that patient and left with drums in hand. All the while reading your story I was afraid it would end with them putting the drums on the machine crooked and now your car drives like it has oval wheels. Glad that wasn't the case.

Scot I didn't realize you had more than one daughter driving. How many vehicles you got going?

Well that time again. Hope everyone has a good evening and good start to your weekend.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 04:36 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, Got up dis beautiful day fer de Snuggie show but.........

Oh well
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Old September 21st, 2012, 04:59 AM
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Mike, We went to a cruise with it. It did well, and the older crowd was pretty happy to see it, the younger crowd mostly just passed by. I have since put axle bearings in it, and just yesterday replace parts of the drag link. There are no references to what parts fit, so, its a lot of time just looking up dimensions and trying to find something that will fit. I'm done working on it for now. It runs well enough for him to putter around in it and see where he wants to go with it for the next phase. We've been working on a '50 ****** pickup that someone has cobbled together.

Thanks Allan. Yesterday was much better, we got everything done that needed to be finished and all of Weds. Screwups done too. Hoping for a stressless Friday.

Headed to Gunnison and Mt. Crested Butte this weekend for one of my Wifes younger Uncles wedding. Her Grandpappy sure spread his legacy around for many decades. The missus has an Uncle in his 60's and one still in college

I'll see if I can take some Pics of the area.

Have a great weekend all!
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Old September 21st, 2012, 05:03 AM
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Good Friday Mawinin All

My it's awful froggy here outside

Originally Posted by slantflat
Scot I didn't realize you had more than one daughter driving. How many vehicles you got going?
Let's see there's 9 in the fleet now, soon to be 10 within the next year

Sandy now I am confused, you are hot natured at work but cold natured in Teepo

Yall have a great Friday and a safe weekend
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Old September 21st, 2012, 06:42 AM
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Morning All!

Well it's a beautiful morning here. Sunny and temps around 60 right now. Supposed to have rain later, and the weekend ain't a lookin good. Hopefully I can get the Brimfest Show in on Sunday. Maybe....

So..... All my guys at Bellacino's last night were eager to help with Teepo's heating problem, lol. One guy who was a friend of one of my friends, came over and was messing with the 'resistor' box thingy that's on the firewall above the booster - he was messing with the wires coming out of it and telling me I should get a new box and put on there and explaining how to unplug the wires going into it, and how to take it off the firewall and all that. Then he went over to the AC unit box thing and was messing with the wires that go into that plug on the side of that - I forget what all he said about all this stuff, lol. But her fan was blowing when I started her to leave Bellacino's!!! So something he messed with must have made the fan work! It was blowing on all speeds. I was pleased!!! God she puts out the heat. I had to slide the thing over to the cool side.

I gave my friend Ron the old guy with the beautiful gold Cutlass S a Don Sitts Oil change gift card I won this summer, and I gave my friend Don one of the gift cards for a free oil change at Klaben, last night at the cruise in. I figure I'm not gonna be using them all. I still have one to each place, left. I didn't want them to go to waste! I'm such a good friend, lol.....

Scot.... It must be the difference between being shut in this office, where there is no fresh air at all, and no air circulating and it just gets stiffling in here, and being outside in the fresh air, and when it cools off outside, the body temperature drops. Something like that, lol. It's a big difference, I know that! I can breathe so much better when I'm outside, or at home with a window open to let the fresh air in. It gets chilly fast outside now once the sun sets, and I just need a little heat to take that chill off when I'm driving home at night. My hands are like ice cubes all the time, since I've been on this beta blocker. Doesn't matter if it's 100 degrees outside, my hands are cold.

Steve is off today - it's nice!! It's a stuffy 76 degrees in here and no one's heater is on, lol. I turned on the fan when I came in. I need circulating air!! Clay is back today.

Sorry Jamesbo..... no Snuggie pics, lol!

On that note, you all have a great Friday!!!!
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Old September 21st, 2012, 07:37 AM
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Good morning everyone!

Good night at work, still stayed till the end. I had an inspection up on the vertical stabilizer of an MD88. Now, I was on a giant lift truck with rails but I'm not a fan of heights. I wouldn't say I'm afraid but I'm not usually happy about it. The verticle is about 30 off the ground. The inspection turned out to be ridiculous. It was written up as delamination and dents. What we found was no delamination and the dents were little spots well within limits. I guess Fort Lauderdale was having a slow day, they are the ones that wrote it up.

It was foggy here too this morning. The hangar doors were open and it looked like there was a white veil hanging in front of them. We could hear the planes taking off but couldn't see them. Weird.

Scot I know you've said before your 72 needs restoration. Do you drive it now or is it done until you start the resto? Only 9 cars? Rookie!

Oh boy I get to get into bed an hour earlier than yesterday. Have to go to the store when I get up because the dogs ate the last of their food this morning. I was on my way to get more when I had the unfortunate tire incident.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and starts the weekend with a bang! A subjective bang, not a real one.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 07:38 AM
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Good Friday morning everyone.

It is cool, cloudy and should start raining anytime.

Today is my last day at my current job. But I am looking forward to the next one and doing different things.

It is supposed to rain all weekend, so no car shows for me.

Allan, glad to hear things worked with Fusick and the local parts place.

Sandy glad to hear the heat is working again in Teepo.

Only 9, Scot?

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 07:50 AM
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Yup just nine Well the '72 will run fine but the steering column needs rebuilding from sitting and the lock assy is stuck. But I do crank it occasionally with the switch at the bottom of the column. But as far as driving it no, it's not tagged.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 07:56 AM
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Morning guys, all packed up and ready to go to New Hampshire Motor Speedway tonight. We brought the RV up on Wednesday.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 08:03 AM
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Friday type mawnin to everyone

Yesterday is done and I'm back to mostly normal now. Its a cool 48° at the start of the day. Graeme had a hard time getting up this morning. I keep telling him not to stay up so late. I guess he'll learn on his own soon enough. We've got the bus routine down to an art now. He walks out at 6:54 and the bus is there at 6:57. That will likely change when the snow flies...

Paul - saw the morning weather. Looks like you guys may get slammed with rain for a day or 2? BTW I found 4 new regulator rollers for the back quarter window, prolly different than the front ones though. Not sure.

Scot - 9?? You should start a car sales lot. If we had 9 up here I think someone would bust us for curbing...

Mike - I know what you mean about the height thing. Glad you weathered it ok. I used to train guys to use man lifts and it's something that can be a little unsettling in a bucket at 30'. I hated the hydraulic foot/hand synchro feature.

Sandy - nice to see you're sharing the wealth. Wimmen are always cold for some reason...

Clint - glad you're back on track. Have fun at the wedding.

Jamesbo - so you're a snuggie fan huh? Ya knows dey even makesem fer de ponies? De hawse in de bottom is de one y'all ride wen holdin up de bank or Wells Fargo
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Old September 21st, 2012, 08:13 AM
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Hey Scot, load that puppy up on Clints 18 wheeler and drop it off here. I'll have that steering and column rebuilt for ya in less than 12 years! Ya might get it back with a nice silver Cutlass S hood though.....Sorry - couldn't resist.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 09:03 AM
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Thanks but no thanks Allan It is a rather rare column as you know
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Old September 21st, 2012, 09:11 AM
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Allan, you shouldn't have said anything. Silver car - silver hood. I bet he wouldn't even notice... for about a minute!

Thanks for mentioning the rollers. I keep getting distracted and still haven't looked into the regulator at all.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 09:23 AM
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Hee hee hee, I have a complete new tilt column I would swap out into your car. But I'd also 'borrow the console and buckets..... just messin witcha! I already have the PW, PDL PT, P Seats etc just waiting for an excuse for a month or 2 of good weather.
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Old September 21st, 2012, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Hee hee hee, I have a complete new tilt column I would swap out into your car. But I'd also 'borrow the console and buckets..... just messin witcha! I already have the PW, PDL PT, P Seats etc just waiting for an excuse for a month or 2 of good weather.
Does it have cruise?
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Old September 21st, 2012, 03:34 PM
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Funny you should ask. It does - and it's an NOS cruise unit I bought several years back for around 475.00 Tempting isn't it?
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Old September 21st, 2012, 05:26 PM
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Happy Weekend everyone!

Tonight is Friday and I expect to be parking the RAD in the morning at 930. I'm not going to worry about that now.

Had to go to Walmart this afternoon when I woke up to get dog food. Every person I got behind driving there was going under the speed limit. Every aisle in the store I was in had people blocking it. And of course when I went to check out the person in front of me had to use some sort of coupon that wasn't scanning. I was beginning to think it was some conspiracy.

Hey Tony have fun at the races this weekend.

Allan curbing is illegal up there? I don't think it's illegal here, just not very nice.

Paul good luck with your new job on Monday.

Time to get going. Hope everyone has a great weekend. It's the first day of Fall today. Nice weather, for now....
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Old September 21st, 2012, 07:38 PM
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Evenin All!

Exciting news!!!!!! A car show friend texted me tonight and said Teepo is in the Cruisin Times magazine again!! . She said pics from the Walton Hills show. I texted her back and asked which issue but I haven't heard back from her. I'm anxious to see!! So my mission tomorrow is to go to parts stores and see if they have the magazine. Last time, I got the magazines in Hudson. I'm soooooo excited! She's getting famous around here, lol. Of course she is The Prettiest One!!

It started raining here around 6ish. The show at Stow Glenn Nursing Home that I was going to go to tomorrow has been rescheduled to Oct. 20th. There is another one in Cleveland though if the weather isn't bad. Have to wait and see I guess. I'll probably stay home and do some needed cleaning! I really need to get the carpet cleaner out and clean the carpets before winter.

Well have a good evening all! Just had to share my news.
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Mawn'in all

Clear Crisp fall day dis mawn'in

Sandy, I've never known [not in de Biblical sense] anyone as famous as you an Teepo.

Mike, De trick to pick'in a good Walmart is to fine one dat's not on de bus line.

Scot, I think I'm miss'in sum cars sum whar. 6 DD + hot rod+ 1 Oldsmobile= 8 oh yeah, + 1 van. How'm I do'in?

Allan, Dat's no exactly de kinda snuggie pic I was hop'in fer.

Clint, Dat sounds like my wife's family. Kinda reminds me what Groucho got booted off the air fer say'in.

Whar's Adrian?
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 05:44 AM
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Good morning everyone!

I was wrong about the RAD and I'm so glad. Seven of us jumped on a 757 engine change and got it done and run up before 7. Then the lead said the Friday guys could go home. Wow! So now I think I'll sleep a little and then do some yardwork this afternoon. It's also car washing day so we'll see if any of that gets done.

Jamesbo that was my scheme for looking at apartments when I first moved to Atlanta. I'd pick up one of those apartment traders and all the ones that said "On MARTA" I'd rip out and throw away. I ended up in Riverdale just down the street from the hospital.

Sandy congratulations on getting in the magazine. I'd love to see one of my cars in a magazine some time. Or on a calendar. Or finished.

Not only where's Adrian, where's Don, Blue, Ken, Udo, just to name a few.

Okay gonna hit the sack for a little while. Plenty to do today
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat

Not only where's Adrian, where's Don, Blue, Ken, Udo, just to name a few.
X2 + Pat??????????
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 06:20 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

Well more stressful stuff here. Now we are told to procure a rental for the eldest on our dime, then we will be reimbursed.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Scot, I think I'm miss'in sum cars sum whar. 6 DD + hot rod+ 1 Oldsmobile= 8 oh yeah, + 1 van. How'm I do'in?
Let's see
1 Tahoe
2 Impala
3 Crapolier
4 Grand Am (R.I.P.) Soon to be replaced
5 Cutlass Supreme
6 Coupe
7 Stepside
8 Altered Race Car
9 GMC Van
And then there's my sister's car that is sitting down at the shop but I don't own it.
So I think that covers it Jamesbo

Gotta run to Dublin. Georgia not Ireland. Yall have a great Saturday
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 12:50 PM
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I saw a PGA commercial for a guy named Haas...don't know him but he was standing next to a gorgeous red '70 W-30. I can't seem to find the commercial online. It came on while I was watching the Lucas Oil drag boat commercial!

Also, Barret Jackson on Speed right now had a beautiful baby blue '70 is the day for Cutlass' on TV apparently

Have a great day! Axe ya mom an dem I say how you durrin!
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 06:23 PM
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Evening All!

Well it was a yucky day here today. Woke up to clouds and light sprinkles, temps in the 50's. The sun came out 11ish for a while, then it was sun and clouds for a few hours, then the rain started again around 4:30 and temps went down to the high 40's. They're saying cloudy tomorrow with chances of spotty showers. Somethin tells me that if we go to the Pops show at the Brimfest, we're gonna get rained on for the 4th time this season.......

I went over to the Hudson auto parts this mornin and got their last copy of Cruisin Times, and no pics. My friend texted me this afternoon and said she's in the October issue, and they will bring their magazine tomorrow to the show and give it to me!
People who subscribe to the magazine get it earlier than the parts houses do. But you know I'll still be buying several issues!

Jamesbo..... I know, right?? Teepo is becoming famous around here, lol! Everybody knows her. I can't wait to hear what my car show guys say who have already seen the pics in the magazine, next time I see them, lol. I'm sure they'll have plenty to say. They already tease me unmercifully cause I'm always cleaning her and babying her, lol. I'm soooo proud of her!

Mike... you made me laugh, lol! A finished car would be good.

Nicole came over when she was done working at the shop today. Did her laundry and worked on her drawings for her project for class. I ended up cleaning the house. Oohh... the dust! It was thick, lol. I hate to see how much has accumulated on the ceiling fans when I finally shut them off. They've only been on since April, lol. I'm gonna have to do some good cleaning before winter and we have to be closed in.

I made some blueberry muffins this afternoon. I don't do any baking in the summer when it's hot. Then I soaked in the tub and got my hair washed and dried, and finally sat down. A productive day I guess, but I'd rather have been at a car show.

So I've been wondering about our missing members too?? I was thinking about Adrian and Ken today. I hope Don's wife didn't take a turn for the worst, or Don himself! Udo hasn't been around, Citcapp..... I don't know. Wolfie hasn't been on all year, I don't think.

Well I gotta look up some stuff, so you all have a good evening and I'll talk to ya tomorrow.
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 06:32 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Well, today was a wet day. Perfect for cooking I've been wanting to try making something different, so I decided on pierogi. Made a few types, some with potato and cheese and some with sausage as well, some kielbasa and some a spicier sausage.

Scot, an altered race car? Now you should know you'll have to post pics of all those cars you listed... Or at least the interesting ones... Ok, how about of just the altered race car?

Teepo's famous again! Congratulations Sandy.

Did Adrian ever reveal what his "new" car is?
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Old September 22nd, 2012, 07:30 PM
Always room for one more
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Hi everyone.

Guess it wouldn't be hard to guess I didn't get anything done today. I slept until 2:30, then played with the dogs and went out and took some pictures of my neighbor's boat. Tomorrow will be better because it will start with Awful house.

Scot is the altered race car one of those with the back wheels moved forward? Those look cool, why would you do that, help to launch?

Paul you're a regular Julia Childs. Rainy days are good ones to make stuff, and eat it.

Sandy do you ever go to car shows just as a spectator, and leave Teepo at home if you think some rain will come your way? You should paint TinCanio the same as Teepo.

Think I'll hit the sack. I haven't been motivated all day, even though it's been beautiful out. Hope everyone's weekend is going well.
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