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Old October 31st, 2011, 11:55 AM
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Calling for 3-6" more of the dreaded stuff on Weds.

It was a good day Sandy. That place has a neat history, and its really a neat place. I noticed that the doors didn't fit properly on most of the rooms. Can't wait to stay there next year.

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Old October 31st, 2011, 12:34 PM
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Good Afternoon and Happy Halloween!

Good luck to you star player Ken! I know you must be very proud.

Thanks Clint for the pic of the hotel from The Shining Have any from the inside? Especially from the bar room. Did you have any uninvited visitors? LOL

Well I've got to get off of here and get ready to scare the ghosts, princesses, pirates and goblins

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Old October 31st, 2011, 01:07 PM
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Wow! That's a cool pic, Clint! Glad it went well!! Was it creepy, lol?

Hi Scot!!
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Old October 31st, 2011, 01:14 PM
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Hello Sandy
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Old October 31st, 2011, 03:06 PM
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Lol **** on, my wife says this is my **** site I just love when the olds takes it's top kinda gets my motor running.....oh man this has endless comedy potetntial
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Old November 1st, 2011, 03:56 AM
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Morning all. Getting ready for the snow Had lots of ghosts and goblins demanding payment last night. I guess the neighborhood is getting young again. usually we only get 2-3 Probably had over 30 last night

Fakser, Funny. At least its something you don't have to worry about the kids walking in on.

Sandy & Scot. There were certain parts of the tour (the 2nd and 4th floors especially)That felt heavy or sad. I took a pic into a mirror of my wife and there were a pair of hands I don't recall. The other pic (taken within seconds) doesn't have them.

Heres a link to the pics I took (phone pics, sorry)

The kid looks much more healthy. She's probably regained 10-15 pounds since she went in.(she needed it) Taking our Jerk Russell Terrorist in to get fixed today.

Have a great day all.
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Old November 1st, 2011, 05:56 AM
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Morning All!

Another cold morning here. 32 degrees and frost. The sun is coming out now, thank God! I forgot I needed to start Tincanio this morning and let her warm up some, and scrape the windows... I hate parking outside in the cold! So I was running just a few minutes late. Plus I caught 8 of the 13 traffic lights on Rt. 91. Never fails!

Had no trick or treaters last night as usual. I saw some kids going down the street around 6:15 so I quickly turned on the outside light hoping I'd get some kids, but no go. I went out and lit the candles in the pumpkins and stuff too. I haven't had any kids stop in the 12 years I've lived there. And I always decorate the yard and stuff. Guess they all head to the big developments. So now I have to eat the Reese cups and 3 musketeer bars myself!

It's quiet in here today. Not much going on.

Clint.... Cool pics, lol! Glad your daughter is improving! Always a good thing.

Jamesbo.... where are you??

Well have a great day all!!
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Old November 1st, 2011, 06:18 AM
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Mawn'in all

Frosty and Chilly ***** dis mawn'in but warm'in up in de afternoon.

Clint, Dat movie gives me the creeps. I'd rather take a shower at the Bates Motel than go in dat place.

Sandy, I'm right cheer. Beleive it or not sum times I do sum'em beside post of C.O.

Counting traffic lights I see.

Faker, As a mod, I had to delete all the **** I find. Haven't seen much lately and I been look'in Real hard.

War de heck is Don. I bet is colder than and brass bra up in de Blue Rdige.

Adrian, What did cha do about de over heat'in?

Pat, I know what cha mean 'bout clients/ customers interfer'in with what cha wanta do. BUT, when de dinner bell rings ya gotta do what cha gotta do.

I raced off de course de utter day to help a family out. Only got in 5 holes.

Happy "Day of the Dead"
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Old November 1st, 2011, 07:40 AM
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Cool today but supposed to have sun this afternoon. Gonna pull a Jamsbo and go out and smack whitey around this afternoon. Have a great day all
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 05:47 AM
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Morning All!

Where are you????????? This thread was quiet yesterday......

It's nice here today. 42 and sunny now! Heading up to around 61 later!! Works for me, lol. Gonna be a nice week but rain on Thursday.

Clint..... are you out clearing snow? I saw where a big storm was gonna hit you all.

Jamesbo must be doing something other than posting on CO.

Larry was out mowing/mulching leaves last evening when I got home. He hasn't had a chance to do anything in the yard for all the rain. He couldn't do much in the back yard cause the ground is still tooooo wet! So we are buried in 'feet' of leaves out there. I put on my boots and went out in the yard and took down the Halloween decorations. Killed all the spiders that crawled into everything, and put the stuff in the breezeway to dry out before I pack it all away again.

Tonight I'm gonna go schlep all the scarecrows down from the other garage and get them set out. I love scarecrows, lol! They're so colorful and cute.

Nicole and one of the grand dogs came and had lunch with me yesterday. It was nice to see her! Dave is trying to buy a house way over in Westlake. I told her I don't go to Cleveland, so I probably won't be over. I don't know why he's looking so far away. He works downtown. I know there are other houses for sale a lot closer than Westlake.

Well hope you all are ok, and come out soon, lol! Have a good day!
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 05:58 AM
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Mawn'in all

Frosty dis mawn'in but spose to hit de mid 60's dis afternoon.


Please don't give me C.O. anxiety by not post'in before first light. I'm live and well.


How'd cha hit 'em? Is de course record still intact?

Clint, Dat pic caused and argument betwix a bunch of us as to what/what/when de Shining was made. MY cuz out west says, dat was de hotle datinspired Steven King to write de book.

Scot, Have you seen the bumper sticker "Honkies fer Herman" yet? I think "Crackers for Cain" would be a good one also.

OOOOOOOOOOPs, Dat's not a political statement it's an observation of an automovie bumper enhancement.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 06:15 AM
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Sandy, yes, have about 6" so far. But at least now the snow is only blowing sideways, when I left the house I looked up at the streetlight and the snow was actually blowing upward

Jamesbo, The Stanley Hotel(The one in the pic I posted) is the hotel that Steven King stayed at that inspired his book. That i also the hotel that was used in the Mini series of 'the Shining'. The Movie with Jack Nicholson was actually filmed at a studio in Europe. The building was actually a replica of the timberline lodge in Oregon. Steven king actually said he 'hated' the adaptation of Kubricks movie to his book. Thats why he redid it and oversaw it for the mini series. In my pictures you will see a door. That is the door of room 217 that king stayed in.

Gotta go plow and shovel some more. have a great day.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 07:04 AM
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Well glad to know you're all alive and breathing out there, lol! Jamesbo.... you make me laugh!!

Clint.... Stephen King is one of my favorites! I love his stuff. I used to have a collection of all his books. I can't remember half of what I've read by him, though. He sure has an interesting mind....... scares me, lol! I always prefer the books to the movies.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 07:56 AM
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Good morning everyone.

It is sort of a cloudy day here today. It is going up to 15C this afternoon.

I wrote my last midterm of the semester yesterday. I might actually have some time to work on the Cutlass this weekend.

CQR, at least that is some improvement with the snow.


Have a good day.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Stephen King is one of my favorites! I love his stuff. I used to have a collection of all his books. I can't remember half of what I've read by him, though. He sure has an interesting mind....... scares me, lol!
I remember years ago I took my TW to see "Misery". She said she wanted to see it.

When the show started and it said "Stephen King", she wanted to leave!

She still is afraid to say his name.

He is really weird, though....

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Old November 2nd, 2011, 09:18 AM
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Nice to hear from ya Don! Misery was a good book. It's scary how that man's mind works, lol!!

Paul.... Hope you get some Cutlass time in! Tell your dad I said "hi"!!
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 11:30 AM
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Good morning all

Well ist's still morning in WA.

Jamesbo to use your words played like a goat, well more like a half blind three legged goat.

Don, nice to here from you

Yuck shoveling snow not my kind of thing CQR, I 'll leave that one in your neck of the woods. I know Sandy is looking forward to the show, she loves the white stuff
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 12:16 PM
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Well Pat, dat's Ok. You're still a better cook and more loyal husband dan Tiger.

I got's me sum poke to cook up us'in you recipe.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 12:28 PM
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God is it a beautiful day here!!!! Sun and 64 degrees!! I just might back Teepo outa the garage and take her for a spin tonight!!!! Beautiful cruisin evening!
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Well Pat, dat's Ok. You're still a better cook and more loyal husband dan Tiger.

I got's me sum poke to cook up us'in you recipe.

Hope you like the recipe its good stuff
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 05:19 PM
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Well, if I get my yardwork in, and my Sat. football, and going to dinner w/my bro and his wife..just maybe I can sneek one more cruise in the Olds, before she goes into storage.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 07:57 PM
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Afternoon everyone, hot day here but it is only going to get hotter

Jamesbo I got my rad flushed and it brought down the temp a bit. I think it also has to do with the timing, just can't get it right I will work on it in the morning as I am currently at work It's good when the machine runs right, more time for surfing the net on my phone hehehe

Hope you get that cruise in tonight Sandy

Clint, you could always put some in an icebox and FedEx it, only takes 4 days to get here

I would try and get some work done on the cutlass Paul before it gets too cold and you can't

Good luck to your son Ken, let him know he has support all the way from Australia

Good to hear from ya Don

Better get back to these machines, have a great night ya'll

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Old November 3rd, 2011, 04:50 AM
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Morning all!

Lost power to one wall of the shop. I hate a/c wiring. I lost a neutral somewhere. I decided to re string the whole circuit. The old braided insulation was falling off the wires and I really didn't feel like balancing up in the rafters to find the break. so waalaa. we now have light (and tire machine and balancer) again.

My blushing bride was born 29 years ago today. Going to dinner at the White fence Farm tonight. Sounds like the kid gets another day pass to join us. Will be the first time Gramma and Great Gramma have seen her since she went in. Hoping all goes well. MIL can be a little harsh.

Adrian, feel free to send some of that global warming my way.

3155 here's hopin you get one more Hurahhh! this year...

Don and Sandy, I think that is one of Kings Best movies. Kathy Bates was a perfect fit.

C_D Happy wrenching!

Jamesbo, Do you ever get any unruly trespassers on Halloween?

Have a great Thursday!
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Old November 3rd, 2011, 05:36 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool wit sum rain dis afternoon.

Pat, My frigg'in shoulder is kill'in me. I'm gonna take a few days off de links.

Clint,t If you mean at de cemetery NO NEVER, If you mean at my house, I've had exactly 1 Trick or Treater in 35 years [and she and her family moved about 30 years ago.]

Don, Glad to have ya back wit us.

Adrian, If dat doesn't solved de over heat'in go with a 4 row and be done with it.

Y'all, I'm sorry to say I'm not a big Steven King fan. When I want to see sum'em wierd or scare de crap out of me. I jes go to Down Town Atlanta.

Right Scot

Ok, Cook'in time.

Me and an Emory bud went to our favorite Cuban resteraunt fer a noon repast yesterday and we go sumthing really yummy and different.

Ere's de recipe. Only what we had yesterday had chicken mixed in wit de shrimp.

Folks, Dis one willl make ya slap you mama. NO kidd'in. The flavors combination is awesome.
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Old November 3rd, 2011, 06:06 AM
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G'mawning All

Cool dis mawnin wit a chance of da wet stuff dis eve.

I've got the day off so I must make the most of it. Been workin on my off topic coupe the last few days. She was running like a pig at the track so I've tuned her up a bit so she'll be ready for the next one. It's off topic so here is a link to a vid of my nephew and I gwan down the 1320 last Sat. He tickled me, he was having such a good time. Hey that's what it's all about And he will remember that day the rest of his life (first time to the track)

Yup Jamesbo Downtown Hot 'Lanta has aplenty of freaks, thugs and "zombies" year round if'n you want a good scare. That recipe sounds delish I'll have to try that one. As far as the bumper sticklers go, no I haven't seen them and I am like Sandy in that effect. I don't care for them one bit nor would I have that stuff on any of my vehicles Nuff said

Speakin of poke, I have a tenderloin to cook this eve. Hmm I have to decide what to matrinade it in

Yall have a great day.

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Old November 3rd, 2011, 06:35 AM
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Morning All!

Nice morning here today. In the high 40's with a little sun, but rain coming in tonight they say.

Didn't get my cruise in last night. Larry wanted to go to Lowe's and get the trim board for around his office floor. He's redoing his office at work - well, I guess he's almost done with it. He knocked down the wall between his office and the one next to it.... there's a lot of little offices in our building for some reason - anyhow, he knocked down the wall between the two and made his office bigger. He had to get some new ceiling panels, and fill in the 'trench' left in the floor from where the wall was, and he took down the dark paneling they had up and painted the walls. He had Lowe's come level the floor - it's some kind of brick looking ceramic tile throughout the building, very dark. So they leveled it and yesterday came and put down the nail strips -had to drill into the floor to keep them from moving - and they laid the carpet. So he got his pine trim boards last evening and the stain and varnish, and is going to get them done and cut them to fit, and put them up. He took his saw and such over to the shop too, so he could do all this over there. So his brand new office is just about done! He's good at this kind of thing.

His son, Larry Jr., had some girl turn in front of him one night last week and wrecked his car. He has an Impala. Only has 2 more payments on it. So the girl told him and the cop that she had insurance, but when Jr called them, they said her policy had lapsed! So now daddy is concerned because the apple of his eye has to pay it all himself. I said "that's why we have 'uninsured motorists' coverage in our policies". He only has a $250 deductible. I had a $500 on the car Nicole wrecked. But "pooooorrrrr Jr."!!! Sorry, but I can't give much sympathy. He didn't have any for me when Nicole was in that accident last winter... in another state and I didn't even know what was going on!! Matter of fact, I was yelled at and all sorts of crap if I remember correctly...

So Larry has been picking Jr up in the mornings and taking his kid to the sitter and then bringing Jr to work. I was told that "Nicole could walk to work" when she had her accident. If I would have helped her like that, it would have been the end of the world!! The unfairness really makes me mad........... I just keep my mouth shut and don't say anything. But it really hurts me. Thanks for listening to me vent!

Speaking of accidents....... My sister Jean called me yesterday afternoon and told me that David, her son, hit a deer in her poor old 84 Delta 88 the other night! She's looking for parts now. I posted in the "parts wanted" forum. He said he turned the car sideways so he wouldn't hit it head on. Guess it shattered the windshield anyhow on the drivers side, and took off the mirror on the drivers door, so she's looking for another one. She's having Safelite come out and put in another windshield. I don't know what else she'll be looking for. As you've seen in pics, the car is not in the best shape in the world to begin with, but it's all she has and it runs!!! She said it's pretty scratched up down the side.
I hate deer!!!!!! So if you know of anyone with '84 88 parts, let me know! I don't know if any other year parts might be interchangable or not?? I wish I could buy her another Oldsmobile.....

Clint.... Happy B'day to your wife! Hope you have an enjoyable evening and all goes well!!

Adrian..... Please send some sun and warm my way! Pleeeaaassseee!!!! I'll enjoy it for ya!! Hope ya get your car figured out.

Jamesbo.... take it easy with your shoulder!

Scot..... Good to hear from ya! Enjoy your day off!!!!

Well you all have a good day!!
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Old November 3rd, 2011, 06:37 AM
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Scot, Hoodlum? Why not call it Nehi Grape.

Cool car, I'll bet your little buddy is hooked BIG TIME

Marinade de tenderloin in Mojo sauce shed it up and searve with black beans and rice [Can ya tell I'm on a Cuban kick? ]
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Old November 3rd, 2011, 06:49 AM
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Jamesbo that is my Dad's nickname for tha car. He lived in the big ole town of Haynesville Hence the "Haynesville Hoodlum" Yup he is hooked and is asking when are we gwan again. Tanks for the complements. As far as the mojo sauce that sounds good, but not one for the black beans and rice. Not my cup of tea. Remember I have a house full of PICKY girls

Clint tell the Mrs we said Hippo Burpday

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Old November 3rd, 2011, 06:55 AM
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Not to Worry, Scot, You and me is de only people on de Forum who knows WTH a Nehi is anywho.

Clint Happy Berfday to de Misses. Berday Hint ....Don't buy her anything wit a cord.
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Old November 3rd, 2011, 05:17 PM
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Not to Worry, Scot, You and me is de only people on de Forum who knows WTH a Nehi is anywho.
Add one more to the list...'cuz I know!
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Old November 4th, 2011, 03:44 AM
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Isn't that what Radar used to drink? I had a few of them when I was visiting the relatives in Ohio as a kid.

She thanks everyone for the wishes. Happy Friday all.
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Old November 4th, 2011, 04:52 AM
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Morning all, lucky me, I'm on 3rd shift now...time to shower and go to bed.
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Old November 4th, 2011, 06:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda dank dis mawn'in.

Had me a big ole bowl of grits wit chopped up sausage fer breakfast.

Gonna cook up Pat's poke roast wit oregano and garlic dis afternoon. Gotta get it marinate'in dis mawn'in.

Wonder if anyone ever foundered on Poke?
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Old November 4th, 2011, 06:15 AM
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Evening all, nice night tonight, pitty I'm stuck at work lol

One more night then off for 4 days so it's all good

Talk about double standards Sandy I hope u can get teepo into the back shed before the white stuff comes She will be better off in there, more breathing room

Any of you can come down here anytime you like to get a break from the white stuff, we have 2 spare rooms. Would just have to get a bed for the second one

I'll get the car sorted out soon, then we can start enjoying it Took her to get a wheel alignment and balance as she got a nasty shake at around 55 only to find out my tyres are 9 years old so I will be up for a new set to get rid of the problem. The balance did help but only new ones will fix it completely. Not looking forward to that bill lol. Whitewall tyres are custom over here so I'm looking at around $400 each oh well ya get that

Have a good day everyone

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Old November 4th, 2011, 06:25 AM
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Morning All!

Jamesbo.... you sure eat a lot of poke, lol! So if you flounder, let us know!!

I used to drink Nehi Grape... I loved it!

Cool morning here - around 40 but it's sunny!!! Kinda windy out too. We're supposed to have some overnight temps in the 20's this weekend. But it's supposed to be nice during the day.

Lord it's been a long week! Glad it's Friday. Gotta schlep the Halloween stuff back upstairs in the garage and bring down the rest of the fall decorations and scare crows this weekend. Clean the house, and that's about all I have planned. May take Teepo out for awhile..... we'll see.

I can't eat this morning. Gotta go have the yearly blood work done for cholesterol and whatnot. So I'm hungry and grumpy. Appointment isn't until 1:00! It's gonna be a long morning!!

Hey Adrian! Nice to hear from ya!! I'm pretty sure Teepo is stuck in the little house garage. We haven't had the sun or wind needed to dry up the friggin yard. If we have wind, there's usually rain with it, lol! It's really wet!!! I wish I could get her back there so I can park Tincanio inside!!! Oh well, if she stays in the house garage, I won't have to whine this Spring when I want to get her out cause she'll already be on blacktop and ready to roll, lol! Hope your tires fix the problem!!

Have a great Friday all!

Last edited by cutlassgal; November 4th, 2011 at 06:29 AM.
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Old November 4th, 2011, 07:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Add one more to the list...'cuz I know!
I know as well
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Old November 4th, 2011, 08:08 AM
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Mawnin All

Just getting off work, so the day begins. A little breezy this morning after an over night shower.

Jamesbo there is nothing like a 6 1/2 oz Nehi grape straight out of the 35c coke machine

Yall have a good day

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Old November 4th, 2011, 08:12 AM
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Ole buddy, I hate to break it too ya BUT you won't see any RC products in a 'Coke' machine. You're begin'in to sound like your from Hotlanta.

I only did dat to ya cause ya beat me up so bad when we were play'in "Olds Trivia"

I got an ole "Chero Cola" bottle round ere sum were.
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Old November 4th, 2011, 08:16 AM
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We used to get them out of the coke machine at the fire station, but then again they had RC cola, Fanta, NuGrape, DR Pepper, Coke and Pepsi all in the same machine I don't remember who stocked it but it must have been in house I think I has a Chero Cola bottle round here too
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Old November 4th, 2011, 08:26 AM
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Cool, Now let's see who knows 'bout Chero Cola.
or "Ski" or "Doubble Cola"
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