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Old October 15th, 2011, 11:29 AM
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Wish I was still asleep Pat. Got 2 ot days today so my week is a bit longer

You and teepo are welcome anytime Sandy they can share the back shed Min is quite pleased with her garden thats for sure.

I will have to get Tink to hang the flag then Jamesbo as I get bad hay fever around dust does get me out of some house work though so it's not all bad hehehe

Will prob go for a cruise on Friday night, I have to run the engine in on Wednesday first though. Thanks for the kind words.

Well have a great day ya'll, off to work for me,

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Old October 15th, 2011, 07:00 PM
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Evening All!

Where was everyone today?? It was a very windy day here, lots of clouds too, but no rain. Had wind gusts over 40 mph! Had to keep going out and picking back up the Halloween decorations. I don't like driving Tincanio in the strong winds.... feels like she's gonna go over, lol.

Didn't do much today. Cleaned the house. Made a pumpkin pie and some cinnamon struesel muffins.

Hoping for a good day tomorrow for the show. They're still calling for afternoon showers though. God I hope they miss. Just one last show for the season. How depressing is that??

Well have a good evening all! I'll talk to ya tomorrow sometime!
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Old October 15th, 2011, 08:04 PM
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Good evening everyone.

This week was busy for school work. I spent hours trying to make a program work. Every time one problem was fixed, another popped up. And also the network at school going down twice this week didn't help.

It rained on and off yesterday. And it was the same today, rain, sun, rain, sun, ...

Tomorrow a local car club is having a fall cruise, but will cancel it if it rains. The forecast isn't looking good.

Adrian, your car sounds great.

Sandy, good luck with the weather for the show.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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Old October 15th, 2011, 09:31 PM
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Where was everyone today??
Well, if we knew that you were making pumpkin pie and cinnamon strudel, we would have been at your place!!!
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Old October 16th, 2011, 04:01 AM
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Mawn'in all

Well, I beleive, I missed yesterday completely. Thar goes my perfect attendance award.

Mixed me a big ole pot of Gumbo wit shrimp an andouille yesterday.

Dis cooler weather makes fer de need of sum comfort food to warm you inners.

De Super model put out a pumpkin on de poach and I swear, I beleive the frigg'in ground hogs is gnaw'in on it. I tried last week to get rid of the sob by soak'in rags in ammonia and stuff'in dem up his borough. I got to get rid of dis thing before he hybernates fer the winter and wakes up jes in time to wreck my spring garden a-gain.

I've tried trapp'in dem, shoot'in dem, ammonia, Next I guess I'm go'in fer de smoke bombs.

Any suggestions.?
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Old October 16th, 2011, 07:36 AM
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Morning All!

Well it's raining again.... surprise, surprise!! 49 degrees outside.

I called Joe this morning and he said they cancelled the show today, so it's rescheduled to next Sunday. The 10 day forecast is looking good for next weekend, but of course last week at this time, today was looking good too. So who knows???? Anything is game this time of year. Hopefully there will still be some leaves on the trees next weekend so I can get some calendar shots of Teepo in the colors. I dunno, though. They're droppin fast. Alot of the trees already look like skeletons.

So I don't have much planned today. Gonna take my Hibiscus' over to Larry's shop and get them out of the breezeway here so I can move the rest of my geraniums and such in. I hate winter. Got the electric heaters going in the house this morning, so it's warming up in here. Larry talked to the gas company last week and they're supposed to start digging Nov. 1st. We'll see.

Jamesbo.... don't know what to tell ya about those groundhogs. There's one out back that lives under Steve's shed. He's out all summer. Steve keeps sayin he's going to shoot it, but so far he hasn't. He is a huge sucker, lol!! The 5 deer were in the neighbor's yard last evening, making their way down the street. I really wish something would happen to them!

I dug out all your recipies Jamesbo, so I can start getting ingredients to make them throughout the cold weather. I love that tomato hamburg soup, lol!

Well gotta get dressed and get moving, so you all have a good day and I'll talk to ya later!
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Old October 17th, 2011, 05:37 AM
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Morning all.

Clint.... did ya get your hay?? Do you have a farm?
Sandy, yes ma'am. we went and got a load. we'd been up for over 8 hours when Pat posted, Just don't have real good service in the I-70 corridor. My wife has a couple of feed stores and a boarding stable. They (her and her mother) bring in and deliver out over 1000 tons of hay a year. With a lot of the local hay being shipped to texas (drought), its gonna be an interesting year.

Well, need to do a stock order. Hope everyone is well.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 05:58 AM
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Mawn'in all

Brisk clear Mawn'in but spose to reach 80 dis afternoon.

Clint, Bet you don't ever go on hay rides do ya. The only thing worst than gett'in up hay is grind'in feed in a Hammer mill in de winter in a barn. Talk 'bout dust. Geeze Louise.

I don't miss my cows at all. Nutt'in like putt'in out hay on a rainy wet cold mawn'in. De tractor tires sling'in mud all over de place, your hand freez'in.

Sandy, I don't remember what you're talk'in 'bout hamber tomato soup?
Course, I may be hav'in a "Senior Moment" I cooks so much stuff sum times, I forgets what I cooked.

Welp, It's Monday so y'all knows what I gonna do.

Have a great one.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 05:59 AM
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Morning All!

Hi Clint! Is everyone else sleeping in?? Jamesbo is out smackin whitey no doubt.

It's cold here this morning. In the 40's. But the sun is out. Supposed to be another wet week here with temps being in the 40's for highs by Thursday. Hope the show doesn't get rained out next Sunday. They're showing a 30% rain chance, but it's too early to tell.

Not much going on in here this morning. Very quiet. Only 2 phone calls so far. Gonna be a long day. Should go to the Riverfront tonight, but it will be dark by the time I get there, lol. It sucks.

Well have a good day all, wherever you are, lol!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 17th, 2011 at 06:04 AM.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 07:38 AM
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Morning Olds nuts

Home for a couple of weeks so started on the 48 again. Got the 5-speed TKO mounted to the 455. Now its test fit time to see what tunnel mods to do. Sure nice to get started again. Cool but no rain in the 5-day forecast. Well gotta get back to work. Wish I was smacking whitey around like Jamsbo.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 10:06 AM
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Afternoon mawnin peeps

Pretty day here so I am going to enjoy my afternoon off

Yall have a great day
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Old October 18th, 2011, 03:32 AM
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Mawn'in all

Mawn'in Glories

Anutter beautiful day wit a chance of rain. I hope so. Aerified de yard and overseeded de utter day. little grass sprouts is thirsty.

I got sum smoke bombs to atttack de frigg'in ground hog. De ammonia soaked rags stuff in de holes didn't seem to werk. But I'm a little fraid of sum em catch'in fire.

Maybe, I can dail 91 and keep my finger on de next 1 when I lights dem.

Pat, I had 2 birdies yesterday and still played like a goat. 2 birdies 0 pars and countless doubles. Bye de bye, Your engine / tranny combo is awesome.

Sandy show me dat tomato soup recipe. I forgets it.

Y'all have a wonderful day.
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Old October 18th, 2011, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Mawn'in Glories

Pat, I had 2 birdies yesterday and still played like a goat. 2 birdies 0 pars and countless doubles.

I was out taking some pics for Jerry's calendar and when I was looking at them on the computer screeen, instead of the camera, I noticed I snapped a picture of Jamesbo. You have to look very closely. You might have to click on the picture to zoom in. When you find him you will be glad you're not whitey. He is hanging out on the roof-top deck on the 19th hole.


Last edited by arodenhiser; October 18th, 2011 at 04:14 AM. Reason: thai pho
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Old October 18th, 2011, 04:20 AM
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Nice picture Adam. Millie shure is purty.

Morning everyone. 35Fnippy degrees this a.m. I gave up on the flowers they are just gonna have to tough it out or die.(probably the latter) I didn't plant and pansies, so I don't guess I'll have any flowers to show in January. Hearty little buggars. Scrape the snow off and watch em thrive. have a great day.
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Old October 18th, 2011, 05:32 AM
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Morning All!

Another crisp dark morning here. Temps in the 40's and cloudy. It isn't even getting daylight now until after 7 am! We have more rain coming at us..... we're gonna break the record as the "wettest" year by Thursday they're saying. I can sure believe it. It's still lookin nice for the weekend! Keep your fingers crossed for me, lol. I need to take calendar pics and go to the last show on Sunday.

I should have went to the Riverfront last evening, but figured it would be dark by the time I got there, lol. So I brought in the geraniums and other plants from the deck and put in the breezeway for the winter. I got to get those boxes with the rims in them out of there so I have more room, lol. I keep forgetting to call the body shop.

Jamesbo.... I don't have the recipe with me, but it's the one where you add the big can of V8 juice to the browned burger, and I think, beef broth. It's really good!!!

Clint.... I didn't plant any pansies this year either. Don't know why, they're so pretty, lol! My marigolds are looking beautiful out in the front bed. They always look their best in the fall. Snapdragons are still pretty too. I'll be ripping them up pretty soon. I picked about 5 beautiful roses last night that are blooming out beside the house. They smell soooo nice!

Out in the lily bed Larry and I dug up and replanted in September, there were 4 lily's starting to come up for some odd reason a few weeks ago, and damned if the friggin deer didn't come and eat them! Bastards!!!!!! Their hoof prints all in the dirt... I'm hoping that since they shouldn't have been coming up now anyhow, that they will be alright and come back in June like they should? I don't know. Never had any come up in October, lol. Must be cause we messed with them. Guess I'll find out. I'm fencing the darned bed next year.

Well have a great day all!
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Old October 18th, 2011, 05:36 AM
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Sandy, The one with rice?
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Old October 18th, 2011, 06:27 AM
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No, no rice. That's your arroz something or other, isn't it? With the hamburger and rice?? I'll look tonight. You call this Hamburger Tomato Soup. I'll look tonight if I remember.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 03:29 AM
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Mawn'in all

" It was a rainy nite in Gawga...........rain'in all over de world" [Brook Benton]

Sandy, I fergets? Must be a senior moment.

Scot, Y'all gett'in sum of de wet stuff down in the land of the Ghoper Tortoise?

Welp, My dear ole sister in law [one of 5 sisters in law] is ere fer a week. Sandy there's alot to be said fer Larry's silence. I can't get a werd in edgewise and I now gots two woman using my razor in de shower.

I ain't gonna cook nutt'in and I ain't wash'in one dish er pot.

Wish I listen to dear ole dad "Always marry an orphan" "Ain't got no family to get in your hair."

I gotta go hide in a closet fer sum peace and quiet. Talk wit y'all later.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 04:42 AM
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Morning All. Chilly night last night. the house is usually pretty good about staying above 60 but last night it didn't make it. the furnace kicked on a little after 3. Not used to it yet, but I wasn't sleepin real deep anyhow. everything has a layer of frost this morning. but supposed to be sunny and 60s today.

Jamesbo, sorry to hear about the SIL. Well another hump day is here, and I just don't have the energy. Gotta go finish the oil change on the daughters ranger, the new owner will be over to pick it up this morning.

Have a good day all
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Old October 19th, 2011, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
" It was a rainy nite in Gawga...........rain'in all over de world" [Brook Benton]
Scot, Y'all gett'in sum of de wet stuff down in the land of the Ghoper Tortoise?
Yessiree we were getting drenched down ere most of last evening and all night. I thunk there may be a chance dis mawnin fer some mo.

Oh Good Morning All! I almost forgot I haven't posted here in the morning in a while. Oh well it's my day off, finally I think I may try to catch up on da honey-do list

It's supposed to get cooler as the day goes on so I'll play it by ear as to how much honey-doin' I do

Yall have a great day!

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Old October 19th, 2011, 05:15 AM
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Any of dem loose Tigers in Ohio thin'in out your deer herd yet?
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Old October 19th, 2011, 05:45 AM
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Morning All!

Rainy here - surprise, surprise.... and in the 40's. Supposed to get up to the 60's and get really windy. Chance of Tstorms. There was a pretty sunrise earlier before the clouds moved in.

No Jamesbo, those animals aren't too close to us. It would be nice if they'd get the deer though, lol! They've shot quite a few of them from what I hear. We seem to have a lot of those "exotic animal farms" around here..... never hear about them until the animals get loose. You could send your sis in law this way, lol.

Scot! Strange to hear from you so early, lol! I hope you have a good day off!! Don't work too hard. I work harder at home than I do here. I swear yesterday was soooo long. I was doing crossword puzzles by 10 am. Now I want to fall asleep when I get home cause it's friggin dark by 6:30.

Jamesbo..... Your Tomato Hamburg soup recipe:

1 46 oz. can V-8 juice
2 pkgs. (16 oz. ea.) frozen mixed veggies
1-1/2 to 2 lbs. cooked ground chuck - don't drain
1 pkg. beef stew mix - dry
1 whole small onion minced or chopped fine
pepper to taste - probably won't need salt
1 can beef broth - add when done

In slow cooker, combine first 5 ingredients. Mix well. Cover and cook on high for 4 hrs. or until veggies are tenderness you like. Check after 3 hours - stir well. Season with pepper.

Now does this sound familiar???? It's delicious!!!

You all have a good hump day!
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:01 AM
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Nope, Cause I never cook in a crock pot.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:06 AM
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You should Jamesbo, it's slamming in da crockery pot! There are a ton of wholesome stuff to cook in dar that you jest put da ingredients in and left alone for a spell. Then its on like chicken bone No seriously you should try a boston butt in thar w/ some Mrs. Griff's BBQ sauce, yummy and will be sooooooo tender.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:28 AM
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Jamesbo..... It's how you printed your recipe. I didn't use a crock pot when I made it... Just a regular big pot on top of the stove, lol, and it turned out real good!!!!
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:33 AM
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Scot, You should be put in jail for putt'ing Sauce on BBQ.

You can wrap a butt in tin foil and toss it in de regular oven. When it comes out you can pour off all the fat and it's like it was slow cooked over a pit.

I likes my pulled poke wit a slice of light bread and a shot of Tabasco sauce. I can't stand BBQ sauce. It covers up de poke flavor.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:34 AM
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Jamesbo.... here is the post from January 19th.

Mawn'in sez,

Foggy dank mawn'in down ere in de sunny south. I would post sum Mark Twain quotes but de are a might too political.

Ya'll don't know dis but a few years back I decided to write a cookbook.
I had a blast do'in it. I've given dem all away or I'd share with those who wanted one.

One of de things I like best bout it was it had a cookbook organzier in it. It's a simple thing but very helpful. Basically ya can make one fer yourself. It's just a list of favorite recipes, who really likes it, and what page and cookbook de recipe came from.

Fer those of us who have their spice rack deranged alphabetically it come in handy.

Ere's de recipe de jour fer ya

Tomato Hamburger soup

1 46 oz can V-8 juice
2 packages (16 oz each) frozen mixed vegetables--if possible, get Veg-All
brand, as it includes potato
1 1/2 - 2 lb ground chuck, cooked-- don't drain
1 package beef stew mix (dry--on "mix" aisle)
2 teaspoons dried minced onion or 1 whole small onion, chopped fine
pepper to taste
salt to taste (mine didn't need salt)
1 can beef broth-- add when done

In a 5 quart or larger slow cooker, combine the first five ingredients, mix
well. Cover and cook on high for 4 hours or until vegetables are the
tenderness you like-- check after 3 hours-- stir well. Season with pepper
and salt, if needed.


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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, You should be put in jail for putt'ing Sauce on BBQ.

You can wrap a butt in tin foil and toss it in de regular oven. When it comes out you can pour off all the fat and it's like it was slow cooked over a pit.

I likes my pulled poke wit a slice of light bread and a shot of Tabasco sauce. I can't stand BBQ sauce. It covers up de poke flavor.
To each his/her own I suppose, but it sure is good YUMMY
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:37 AM
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And they even have crock pot liners at the grocery that makes clean-up a snap
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:37 AM
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Old October 19th, 2011, 06:59 AM
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Sandy, Oh dat one.............. Gotcha.

Scot, Dat's what de lady said when she kissed de cow. "It's all a matter of taste"

There are probably more arguments 'bout BBq and Brunswick stew dan thar are 'bout cams.

Anywho, Maybe I do use a crock pot every now and them but mostly I use a Dutch oven.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 07:08 AM
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Thats funny Clint! Jamesbo... what is a dutch oven??
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Old October 19th, 2011, 07:21 AM
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A large cast iron pot wit a lid. Le Cruiset make dem lined fer about what a bumper cost. The traditional ones are still made by Lodge but require seasoning. Like a black iron skillet. I have both of course.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 07:39 AM
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Oh! We have one of those. Larry makes his delicious baked beans in it, lol!! It's just cast iron - no lining.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 07:56 AM
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Old October 19th, 2011, 08:04 AM
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This thread is qucikly go'in to "Pot" A-gain.
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Old October 19th, 2011, 08:26 AM
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Whar's Pat when ya needs 'em?
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Old October 19th, 2011, 09:00 AM
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Old October 19th, 2011, 09:21 AM
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lol :d:d:d
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Old October 19th, 2011, 09:26 AM
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I'm right here, had to go to a staff (stupid) meeting this morning. Listen to the owners bitch and moan, sure glad I opted out of ownership with this group. The Dutch Oven joke is a hoot.

My dad introduced me to the real use of the dutch oven when I was just a tad. Used it to cook everything when we went hunting. Stew, biscuits, you name it. bury the pot in the coals of the fire and put coals on the lid. Yum Yum.

I have several styles of cast iron cookware all seasoned. Never ever wash them with soap. Just rinse with hot water and dry with a paper towel. The longer you have them the better they get. Once well seasoned you do not have to worry about stuff sticking to the bottom.


I will post a great pork shoulder recipe a little later today
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