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Old October 25th, 2011, 04:50 PM
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Hope you fix your radiator problem Adrian its a pain in the **** when you have overheating.

Jamsbo do you allow scattering of ashes on your property for those of us who prefer to go out in flames For a fee of course
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Old October 25th, 2011, 08:25 PM
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Evening All!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, pics and video's, lol!! How come my name didn't show up in the "today's birthday" box on the forum? It said 'none'.

Well this day off flew by!! It was a gorgeous day - sun and around 63 degrees!! The rain is back tonight though, and they're calling for wet snow to mix in possibly Thursday and Saturday. I went to Ravenna this morning and took Lin for her blood work. Spent a half hour sitting and waiting, and she was in and out in 2 minutes! So I didn't get back here until noonish. Put the rims in Teepo and off we went to the body shop. She was happy to be out on this beautiful day! I spent about 2 hours there talking to Bob, the owner, and looking at his collection of die cast Olds' and the shop and such. He has a 65 or a 67 442 out in his shop that he's re-doing. He has that nice 60's something 442 I posted a pic of at one of the Chick Fil A cruise ins. He is an Olds lover and so is his dad, lol!! They have some beautiful cars!! He has lots of Olds signs in his office,

Anyhow, he's gonna look up my paint code and see if they can match it. I showed him those 14 paint sticks that Don Sitts gave me year before last when they said they can't match my paint. He said he will bring his camera thingy over and take a pic of her paint to see if he can analyze it. He didn't have his camera thingy there today or he would have done it today. He thinks someone may have done a custom paint job on Teepo - using her original color but adding all the metal flake to it. I don't know, but I reckon I'll find out! He was just amazed at my love for Oldsmobiles! He was telling the 2 girls in the office that they should be more like me, lol! When I finally got home from there it was 3:00, so I took Tincanio down to the car wash and cleaned her good. Didn't get a coat of wax on like I wanted to. I could have, but Larry wanted to take me out to eat.

So we went to Red Lobster and had a delicious dinner. I love that place! Ate like a pig, lol! Had cake and ice cream when we got home. He got me a new Droid cell phone, a Sirius XM radio for the car, and a Sirius Portable speaker dock for it so I can use it in the house too, and a year subscription for it. I don't know how much those plans cost, but I'll find out! Gotta read about all this and figure out how it works.

Nicole and Dave stopped by about an hour ago. Larry didn't talk to them at all. I sent some cake home with them. They got me a pair of pj's! Dave's birthday is Thursday so I might go over there.

So that was my birthday. Wasn't as bad as last year anyhow.

Adrian... I hope you get your radiator problem fixed! That sucks!!

Jamesbo... I like grits. I also like cream of wheat too! The Colonel liked that vegemite stuff.... I miss him.

Well I'm tired so I reckon I'll talk to you all tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a long boring day at work. Brian will be back and whining, lol!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 25th, 2011 at 08:29 PM. Reason: I'm old now.......
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Old October 25th, 2011, 11:10 PM
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A belated Happy Birthday!
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Old October 26th, 2011, 05:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Clear and cool dis mawn'in but warm'in up dis afternooon.

Although I would prefer a pic of Scully in a nitie, I guess we'll have to settle fer a pic of Sandy in her new PJ's.

Adrian, Every 455 I've ever had, had a tendancy to a little run hot. I'd put in a larger radiator and be sure the fan shroud is in place.

Pat, Our graves a 10'X10' so a 4'X8' grave leaves 3' on either side or a 6' walk way around them. For Cremains, we devide a 10'X10' into 4 5'X5' so you have room for a flat granite marker [if you want.] We have and 85' buffer around the side of the ploted spaces to scatter. On my space lot journal, I'd mark it by N [North,south/east /west] of a pinned space [So N-25 B wound be North of pinnned space 25 B. This way you can tell where the ashes were scattered.

Scot, De state of Gawga [Cemetery regulatory dept under the Ga. Secretary of States office] REQUIRES all Private cemeteries to place a deed restriction on the land s it will never be used for anything else. Yes, there was a pucker factor when I signed that piece of paper and had it recorded in the Fulton county Court house.

What cha gotta worry 'bout are the city and church cemeteries dat are not regulated. Next door to me is a Primitive Baptist church that has a total of 90 members [and IMHO won't ever grow. ] That has none [like in Zero] records of whose burried where. If Pa's here and mon's thar, I guess I'm spose to be next door. Don't ax me what happens when someone gets divorced.
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Old October 26th, 2011, 06:11 AM
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Morning. About 3" of snow so far on the ground. wet, heavy & drippy, should be a fun day workin on cars not.

Hope you cool it out Adrian. I have a beautiful Lass from Perth sending me some Vegemite, So I will give a report soon.

We are going on a tour in the famous Stanley Hotel (The Outlook Hotel from the Shining) on Sunday. Next year we are going to stay there for Halloween. Not sure if the kid will be able to join us yet or not. seems like she is making some progress.

I didn't realize thats the Scully you were talking about. I thought that Scot was working with someone named Scully. Hey, They are both gubmint jobs...

Sandy, In case you were wondering, this model years snow is still cold and wet.

Pat, would that mean you would be remembered as a flamer?

Have a great humpday.
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Old October 26th, 2011, 06:51 AM
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Morning All!

Back to work. It's dark and rainy outside of course, but in the 50's now. Gonna stay in the high 50's today.

Clint..... I coulda done without that description, thank you very much, lol! Boy that sucks that you're having snow already. Especially that heavy wet crap that brings down limbs and wires. Man I am NOT ready for it. They're saying it's gonna be a bad one too. They all are though.

It's a slow morning in here. My Marc is going to take me to lunch today! We're going to Casa Di'Angelo's and I'm gonna have their delicious angel hair pasta with mushrooms..... yummmmmmmm..... or lasagna. Don't know yet. Oh the calories between last evening and today...... gonna have to work out double time tonight, lol!

Well I reckon I better do something around here, so I'll talk to ya later! Have a good one!!
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Old October 26th, 2011, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, De state of Gawga [Cemetery regulatory dept under the Ga. Secretary of States office] REQUIRES all Private cemeteries to place a deed restriction on the land s it will never be used for anything else. Yes, there was a pucker factor when I signed that piece of paper and had it recorded in the Fulton county Court house.

What cha gotta worry 'bout are the city and church cemeteries dat are not regulated. Next door to me is a Primitive Baptist church that has a total of 90 members [and IMHO won't ever grow. ] That has none [like in Zero] records of whose burried where. If Pa's here and mon's thar, I guess I'm spose to be next door. Don't ax me what happens when someone gets divorced.
Tanks Jamesbo fer splainin de rulz. Unfortunately my Dad was buried at his small country church, but luckily they donated that plot

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
He has lots of Olds signs in his office,

Anyhow, he's gonna look up my paint code and see if they can match it. I showed him those 14 paint sticks that Don Sitts gave me year before last when they said they can't match my paint. He said he will bring his camera thingy over and take a pic of her paint to see if he can analyze it. He didn't have his camera thingy there today or he would have done it today. He thinks someone may have done a custom paint job on Teepo - using her original color but adding all the metal flake to it. I don't know, but I reckon I'll find out!
Too bad you didn't snag a few pics of da signs Sandy I'da loved to see em. Here is a link to purchase whatever ya needs for your paint. If you call them, I'd imagine they would give you the codes he needs or even order what he needs.
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Old October 26th, 2011, 05:36 PM
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10:00 a.m. on Weds. Sandy & Paul

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Old October 26th, 2011, 05:55 PM
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CQR...that ain't even funny!!
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Old October 26th, 2011, 06:42 PM
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I know. I'm living it.
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Old October 26th, 2011, 10:56 PM
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Happy belated BD Sandy. No snow here yet, but it did rain today. Sunday is supposed to get to 15C with the Sun. We play the semi finals in my son's football, having won the last game with him returning four punt returns for touchdowns (two called back on penalties). One good ones were 100 & 78 yard returns. Will take the battery out of the 442 this weekend and cover her until Spring.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 04:29 AM
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Morning. Really hard to get up and at'em knowing whats in store today. at least the snow fall is done. now time to melt off and make everything all muddy.

Good luck to your boy Ken.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 04:42 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chiily clear mawn'in and warmer afternoon.

CQR Geeze Louise, HTH do ya get out of de shower in de mawn'in?

Sandy, I jes read on de "Grave Matters' web page de opened a green cemetery in Ohio [EcoEternity Forest.] Don't know nutt'in bout dem but

Scot, I don't think ya gotta worry 'bout most church cemeteries. It's jes de ones where the Religion isn't grow'in [Like Primitive Baptist in Atlanta] or the town is dry'in up [Like Standing Rock Ala.]

I got a herd of cousins from LaGrange com'in up today to smakcy whitey round today. Ya know ole Lafayette musta had sum kinda ego to call his farm "The Farm" [LaGrange]
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Old October 27th, 2011, 06:31 AM
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Morning All!

It's a chilly 42 degrees here. Dark and raining of course! Gonna be this way all day. The COLD air is supposed to come across the lake this afternoon and they said the best time for us to see snow or ice pellets coming down will be between 2 and 7 pm.

Today is Nicole's boyfriend Dave's birthday, so I have to do some running at lunch and get him a card and such. I'm gonna go over there tonight after work.

Clint..... Those pics SUCK!!!!! Lol. I thought about you when I saw pics on the news of the trees that came down from all that wet heavy snow. I hate it. I really do. I heard Wyoming had a bunch of snow too.

Well I spent last evening hooking up the Sirius XM speaker dock thingy in the house with the radio, and trying to figure out how the whole thing works, lol. Had to call and get service hooked up. Larry was impatient (there's a surprise) and kept pushing buttons and stuff and the service wasn't even hooked up yet, lol. We finally got it. Found a nice 70's station and was listening to it. There's an all Elvis station and a bunch of talk show crap and sports crap stations.

I don't know about putting the radio in Tincanio. I hate to put sticky crap in my vehicles. I don't even put bumper stickers or anything on my cars, and the mount for this radio goes on the dash somewhere and it has to be at least 60 degrees in the vehicle and then you have to let that sticky base sit there for 2 - 3 hours before you put the radio on it. I guess it has things you can use to mount it in a vent instead of using the sticky pad, but my vents don't shut off, and I use the vent/floor setting for heat so my hands get some heat on them and don't turn white, lol. It's not fun having freezing cold hands.

Then you have to mount this antenna thingy on the roof in the back, and run this wire under the weatherstripping and such into the vehicle and hopefully the radio already in the car has a jack open in the back to plug the XM radio into! Quite involved it is!!! Nothing is ever simple.

Brian was telling me this morning about ethenol in the gas........ he took his Toro snowblower to be serviced a week ago. He just bought it last winter, and it started leaking gas after not to long. He forgot about it over the summer, but discovered it leaking a week ago. So he took it in to be fixed. It's still under warranty. He talked to the guy last evening, he said, and the guy told him it's the ethenol in the Marathon gas eating the seals. Or at least that's what they're blaming it on. So they got into this discussion about the gasses with the most ethenol. Of course I just filled up Teepo with Marathon, and it's supposed to be one of the bad ones. I had heard the opposite before. So Teepo's seals are slowly being eaten away. The guy told Brian that Stabel doesn't even help prevent it. I dunno. I told Brian there have been a lot of discussions on here about gas and ethenol. I haven't put the Stabel in Teepo yet.

The guy gave Brian an estimate, and Brian got mad cause it's under warranty, so Brian is going to calll Toro and see what they say. It will be interesting to see what they say.

I made the mistake of wearing a Halloween sweatshirt in here today..... it's already 78 degrees and Steve has his friggin heater blasting!!! I swear to God I don't know how they are gonna stand it when it gets cold. It's not healthy to be this warm inside. Brian even got hot and went and turned down the thermostat. I think there's something wrong with it. Plus it's out in Clay's office by the door so it gets the cold drafts on it which makes the heat kick on. And I think this new heat/AC unit they installed in Sept. is working more efficently than the old one was. Good thing I brought a T shirt in cause I figured I'd be burning up!!

I'm off tomorrow. Taking a sick day cause I have a doctor appt. and Linda has one too that I have to take her to. Figured I might as well take the whole day!!

Well you all have a great day!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 27th, 2011 at 06:35 AM.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 07:41 AM
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Good morning all

Woke up again this morning which is always a treat. Weather is cool and cloudy supposed to start raining today and through the weekend, now thats something to look forward too. Gonna take the day off tomorrow and spend the next three days working hard on the 48 (with a few beer breaks) hope to make good progress.

Jamsbo have fun golfing with the gaggle of cousins.

Sandy hope all goes well with the doctors tomorrow. Seems like you spend almost as much time with them as you do with Teepo

Have a great day all.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 09:18 AM
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Good afternoon everyone.

It is a cool day today. It went down to 32F overnight, but they are still not calling for snow within the next week.


Ken, good luck for your son's game.

Sandy, I hope the ice pellets melt before they land, and don't freeze up on contact. And hope things go well at the doctor's.

Pat, have fun working on the '48.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 12:53 PM
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Well it's done nothing but rain all friggin day!! Standing water everywhere. I'm sure it has raised the inches of precipitation we've had so far in our wettest year on record!! The air is waaay colder now than it was this morning. You can definately feel the difference. Haven't seen any snow flakes yet. I had to go to Giant Eagle and a couple places at lunch time - it was miserable out there. Headin to Nicole's after work.

My doctor appt. is an easy one tomorrow. Just the start of the yearly check ups ya got to have. First you have to go see them, then you have to go back to discuss results and things. Time consuming!! Linda's appt. is her 6 month check up and I'm sure she'll be scheduled for her other yearly tests and stuff as well. Her kids can take her for that stuff.

Paul... lets keep hoping we don't see any of that frozen stuff!!!!
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Old October 28th, 2011, 04:24 AM
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Happy Friday Morning all!. Hope it drys out a little today Sandy. I'm draggin today. hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Old October 28th, 2011, 05:01 AM
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Morning All!

Well Clint, I reckon it's us toughies that are up and about in the cold this morning, lol! It's friggin cold here this morning, right at 32. We have our first killing frost this morning - all the leaves on the bushes are shriveled up and everything is just white. I thought it was snow when I got up and looked out. Gonna have to scrape Tincanio when I leave. This sucks!!

It did quit raining around 4:30 yesterday afternoon and the sun peeked out. It was cold though. I went after work to Pizza Hut and got a pizza and breadsticks and got a DQ ice cream cake and took to Nicole and Dave's for his birthday. We had a nice evening! I got home around 9.

I'm likin this satellite radio, lol! Found some Eagles and been listening to them. I'm still playing with the radio and figuring it out.

Looking out the window, there are 3 of the friggin deer way in the back of the yard. They'll make their way up here no doubt. I should go get the 22 and burn their asses, lol!

Well I reckon I better go get dressed and get on the move. Gotta be in Kent at 9:00. Man I don't want to go out in the cold. Heck, it's only 67 in here, lol! Can't wait to get some gas in the house........

Well you all have a great Friday! Talk to ya later on.......
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Old October 28th, 2011, 06:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Really Foggy dis mawn'in. Unfortunately dats when I see de most coyotes. Had to wait a while before Red went for his mawn'in constitutional.

Gonna fix me up sum crab cakes dis weekend.

Gotta get crack'in. Goofed off tooo much dis week.

Y'all be sweet
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Old October 28th, 2011, 07:10 AM
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Good morning all

Cool and dry here but supposed to start raining this afternoon and then through the weekend, what fun. At least I have heat in the garage for working on the 48. Got my new carb delivered today sure is pretty. Its a Quickfuel 850 custom build for my 455. After I install it and the headers the engine and tranny will look like a work of are. I will have to bring them into the living room so I can sit there and admire them. Better than watching the bob tube.

Jamsbo how did the group golf go, surly there is a story to tell?

Sandy have fun at the doctors.

Adrian, did you get your over heating problem solved.

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Old October 28th, 2011, 08:15 AM
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Hi all.......

It was a sunny day here in Germany, maybe one of the last,
before the cold dark winter is coming over Europe..
A nice day at all..
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Old October 28th, 2011, 11:12 AM
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Pat, It went fine until the 16th hole. Sum how I was able to hit a six iron so the ball went completely sideways [a la Tin cup driv'in range scene] I said "F.I. " and headed to de adult beverage haven.
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Old October 28th, 2011, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Pat, It went fine until the 16th hole. Sum how I was able to hit a six iron so the ball went completely sideways [a la Tin cup driv'in range scene] I said "F.I. " and headed to de adult beverage haven.

Isn't that what's called cause and effect
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Old October 28th, 2011, 07:37 PM
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Good afternoon everyone. Pretty overcast today, lets hope it doesn't rain

Have to tell you Clint, I like what I'm seeing in your back yard wish I had some but I don't like my chances

Jamesbo, everywhere I looked online and what you said told me that the 455 will run a bit hot so I took it for another drive, it hit 230 waiting for 4 sets of lights within 1/4 mile so the radiator will come out and get flushed. If this doesn't help then a bigger one will go in I just finished my last night shift last night so I will be able to get the radiator flushed this weekend, hopefully that cools it down enough for me to be happy.

Have fun working on the 48 Pat. As soon as I work out the overheating problem my garage will get a much needed clean out and tidy up

Hope you get that heating hooked up Sandy before it gets too cold Over here if there is ethanol in the fuel then they have to advertise the percentage because a few years ago they didn't have to and alot of peoples mowers and pretty much any other small engine had all sorts of problems but cars didn't seem to have as much problems I just get premium and be done with it

Seems like there are a few birthdays this week, first Sandy, then Dave and mine is today

Nice pis there Olds65

Well I better go do something productive, have a good day ya'll

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Old October 29th, 2011, 06:00 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Belated Birthday, Adrian!!!!!!! I'm sorry I missed it. I didn't even get on FB yesterday. I hope you had a great day! There are alot of us Scorpios around, aren't there??

Well it's another cold 32 degrees this morning. Frost out there, but not as heavy as yesterday. The fog was also terrible here yesterday morning. I didn't realize how thick it was until I went out and drove in it, lol. Visability was about 5 foot or so. Couldn't see anything...... scary! There were a lot of accidents they were reporting on the radio. It finally went away around 10:30 and we had some sun. But it was a cold day. I saw on the weather last night that there's a storm heading towards the East coast and they're gonna get dumped on. They were saying this is a unique thing, that there's all this snow this early. It's supposed to have some kind of "wrap around" effect that's gonna bring some of the snow to us possibly with the rain later on.

I think Teepo is gonna be in the house garage all winter. That yard is never gonna dry up out there. I had boots on yesterday when I was out planting the mums because it's so wet and muddy!! Maybe I should call around for storage. I saw a couple ads in the paper over in Macedonia for heated storage. I'd hate leaving her somewhere that I couldn't see her though. It's gonna be hell on my freezing hands cleaning off Tincanio all winter if she has to sit out in the weather.....

Doctor appts. went well yesterday. Linda is healthy, blood work was good. She goes back again in April. We went out and had breakfast at East Park where Jean works after my appt. and before hers, lol. It was yummy.......

I planted the mums yesterday afternoon that I've had sitting out here for fall decorations with the straw bale and scarecrow and pumpkins and indian corn. They were starting to look crappy in the pots, lol. I still have the flowering cabbage and kale out on the straw bale, so it still looks nice.

I filled the birdfeeders yesterday too. Amazing enough, the deer didn't discover that last night, so there's still food out there this morning!! There are 2 big red headed woodpeckers out here and one of the little downy peckers, lots of mourning doves and black capped chickadees and a few tufted titmice and little brown sparrows or whatever they are. I like watching the birds.

Well I reckon I better get up and moving. Gotta clean this house today!!! I should go out and clean Teepo too, and cover her up. I haven't heard anything from Bob at the body shop yet about my paint for the rims. He was gonna look it up and see if he could match it to the car color. I told him I was in no rush, as long as I have them for next spring, so I don't imagine he'll jump right on it, lol!

You all have a great weekend!
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Old October 29th, 2011, 08:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Happy Berfday Adrian.

Dis weather is not look'in good.
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Old October 29th, 2011, 08:16 AM
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Good morning all

The older I get the faster the weeks go. I'm positive that Monday was yesterday.

Damn missed you birthday Adrian, would have sung you happy birthday too. If that radiator turns out to be clear you might have to invest in a 4 core unit or have yours re-cored that's what I did in the 57

Sandy, ya need a driveway to that garage we all have been trying to convince you of that for a lonnnnnnnnng time.

Jamsbo must be sleeping in today.
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Old October 29th, 2011, 09:37 AM
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Good afternoon everyone.

Happy Birthday Adrian! Hope you figure out the problem with your car.

Car season is officially over for me as of yesterday. The Delta is now in storage for another winter. I actually had to scrape frost off the windows yesterday morning. The heater in the car works very well though.

The forecast here looks good for the next week. No rain or snow and temperatures going up to double digits (8-13C) most of the week. I hope they are right.

Have a great weekend.
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Old October 29th, 2011, 11:22 AM
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Old October 29th, 2011, 04:24 PM
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Happy Birthday Adrian. I tried to send you some of this white stuff you so desperately want, but Scots co-workers didn't think it would make the trip.

Nice lookin mules 65. Yours?

Just got back in from cuttin broken limbs and trees. Couldn't get the Poulan to start, so I had to pull out the old craftsman elec. chain saw. Add another thing to the to do list. Then got the Toyhauler winterized.

The house smells great. I have a shoulder roast in the oven right now. The smell of garlic and oregano is filling my nostrils. Thanks Pat!

Well, tomorrow we break the kid out of 'jail' for the afternoon to go visit the hotel they used in the movie "the Shining'. Should be a good time, if we can get along.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
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Old October 29th, 2011, 07:14 PM
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Hippo Belated Burpday Adrian

Turned out to be a decent day, started raining this morning around 5 and turned off cooler. The wind was cold BRRRRR but the sun came out and I went to the nostalgic drag event over in Reynolds. Had a blast and got to run my off topic coupe about 8 times. There were some really nice cars there but the turnout was less to be desired. I guess because of the wind

Clint that hotel would be really neat to see

I have to work in the morning so I'd better get off of here and get some rest.

Yall have a good night.

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Old October 29th, 2011, 08:41 PM
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Well I got the house cleaned and laundry done today. Went out and raked the mulch up around the roses to protect them for the winter. Took my dead mater and pepper plants out of the pots and threw them out back on the brush pile. Got to put all the pots out in the shed again.

I made Jamesbo's meatloaf for supper tonight! It was delicious!! Also had some of my green beans that I picked and froze. They were sooooo good! Made some pumpkin spice cookies too.

Clint... I hope you all have a good day tomorrow and all goes smoothly!

Scot... nice to hear from ya! Glad ya got to go enjoy yourself.

Citcapp..... the driveway subject is like flogging a dead horse, lol! Believe me, I've been saying how I need a drive to that garage!!!! Maybe it will sink in one of these days. I can only hope.

Paul.... she's all tucked away now, huh?? I hate that. I have to get Teepo cleaned up and get her under her cover. She's just sitting out here getting dusty, and this house garage isn't very big, so I worry about Larry bumping into her when he takes the trash out and such. Not a whole lot of room in there, lol.

Well I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!
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Old October 30th, 2011, 02:26 AM
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Good Morning all....

I can`t believe the things i saw in the News.
A hard early onset of winter at the East Coast...

I hate the winter !

Forecast today here in Düsseldorf, cloudy with sunny intervals, no Rain.
Near 16C (61F).

@CQR .. not my mules, like more Horsepower..

Nice Sunday

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Old October 30th, 2011, 08:13 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chilly and clear dis mawn'in but a warmer afteroon.

Had me sum crab cakes wit roumalarde sauce last nite and a friend brought over a pear pie. Pretty tasty. Never had one of dem befo.

Sandy, Glad cha liked de meat loaf recipe. Your gonna need all de comfort food ya can eats fer a while.

Clint, Ditch dat Poulon and get yo self a Husky, Best one I ever had. I started out years ago wit one of dem blue Home lites. I cussed dat POS fer years.

Y'all have a wondeful day. I'll see ya bright and early on Monday.
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Old October 30th, 2011, 06:21 PM
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Evening All!

Hope you all had a nice Sunday. It was a nice day here. Sun and about 52 degrees. It clouded up though before dark. Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Hope it clears up for the trick or treaters tomorrow night.

I went to Kohl's today and did some shopping. Got a couple pairs of jeans and some summer tops they had marked down. Used the gift card Jean got me last year for Christmas. Came home and went out to the garage and cleaned Teepo and got her covered up. She is depressed now. Still hoping it dries up and I can move her to the back garage before the snow flies.

Boy those poor people on the East got pounded with yucky weather, didn't they? I'm sure glad it missed us. I hope we don't see any of it for a long time!!

Well gotta get stuff ready for work tomorrow. It was nice having 2 days off last week, lol. You all have a good evening!
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Old October 30th, 2011, 10:28 PM
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Happy belated BD Adrian. It was nice today (15C) and sunny. My son played in the semi final playoff game and we won 26-15 . They had a good write up about the team and my boy was singled out. {chest out a mile} I know, I know, it's only bantam, but to us it might as well be pro-ball. Oh, and we beat the Grizzlies today. Next week - city championship game. If we win it's off to the provincials. (fingers crossed). My son is number 21, Josh Pilidis.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 06:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Got a little frost on de pumpkin dis mawn'in.

After de frost delay, we're off to smack whitey round.

Geeze Louise, Our Buds up east got hit pretty hard. 31 Inch's on snow de say. Wit de power out, I don't think we're gonna hear much from dem fer a few days.

I think my weather map was more better dan I first thunk.

Ken Good Luck wit de game. I'll keep my fingers crossed fer ya.

Bye de bye, What was dat quick formula fer convert'in C to F degrees?

Sandy, Look at de bright side. If Teepo was in New England she'd be depressed in de dark.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 06:52 AM
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Morning All! Happy Halloween!!

Clear and cool here this morning, in the 40's. Supposed to have rain on and off all day. Should be good for the Halloween-ers later on, lol.

So.... my old clock radio automatically switches time for daylight saving time, and evidently it switched and lost an hour early Sunday morning, and I never noticed it yesterday. I really don't go in the bedroom throughout the day. So this morning, when it went off I was thinking 'it sure is light out side this morning'. Clock read 6:25. I went out to the kitchen and made coffee and looked at the clock out there to see the temp, and it's showing 7:25!! So I started looking at all the clocks, lol, and sure as shi*, they all had the correct time! So needless to say, I was late for work, lol!
I called and left a message for Steve - I'm sure he was thinking, 'likely story'..

What a way to start the week off, lol! It's quiet in here. They said it was slow on Friday. Glad I was off, lol. They're updating our internet service here today so I'm sure we're gonna have all sorts of computer problems later on.

Ken... congrats to your son!!

Clint.... how did the hotel visit go??

Well you all have a great Monday!!
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Old October 31st, 2011, 07:10 AM
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Good morning all

Spent the weekend in the garage cleaning and sanding all the small parts, pulleys, brackets, etc for the 455. got a few painted as well. What a pain in the neck. Painted first coat of the engine block. I went with Aluminum for the color because I am still not sure which color I am going to paint the 48. Also went to Harbor Freight and bought the 40 lb sand blaster. We'll see how that works out. I have a 80 lbs of silica sand left over from my old sand blaster that I wore out so will use that to start with to get rid of the rust. Well back to real work gotta meet with a new customer today and he is a difficult one, talks more then he knows blah blah blah. I will be into the Irish Whiskey early today. Have a good one. Oh and don't forget to pick up your Halloween candy
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