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Old September 1st, 2011, 06:20 AM
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Good Morning All!

Gonna be another hot one here in the mid 90's. There are a few storms a brewing out there, one in the Gulf De Mexico and one in the big water which has already been named a hurricane. I hope we can manage some rain out of one of them, though I can live without the tornadoes and the flooding.

Well I finally got the slugs out of the engine and now the guy that was buying it has pretty much backed out on the deal Go figure. I have disassembled many engines in my time, but this one took the cake as to being the most seized up. I dubbed it the "cuss wagon" cause it took a truck load of swearing and "persuasion" to free the pistons from ALL 8 cylinders.

I've got to go work on my altered this evening and hopefully it won't give me a fit like the other engine. Although, it shouldn't be seized up at all. I am hoping to re-assemble the engine my Dad tore down before he passed and put it back in the race car to sell. It's off topic, so I won't show the can o' worms But if you are curious, I have pics I can send through a PM for those that may want a gander at her.

I hope everyone has a great day.

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Old September 1st, 2011, 06:22 AM
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For those of us who like cars and cook'in
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Old September 1st, 2011, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Just to get you frett'in. You do know there is a right and a wrong way to balance new SS II/III tires/rims. They should hve the caps on them to be "Correct"
That ought give you about a weeks worth of trying to find a tire store to do it right.
You mean "scatter" balance? That way you can have the center caps bolted on whilst being balanced?
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Old September 1st, 2011, 06:26 AM
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Red Green is hilarious
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Old September 1st, 2011, 06:39 AM
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[QUOTE=Jamesbo;317711]Take care Don, You're in our hearts and prayers

Pat, Can't you find anything in Miss. to do but werk? They're sum interesting sites to make your visit more pleasant.

Taken the other half wit me this time, gonna mess around Memphis for a few days and then see some sites.

I always thought by the time i was in the 4th quarter, I could coast a little. But I spose I'm gonna be werk'in when the final gun goes off.

I second that I thought the same but still putting in the time, even after I retire next year I will still have to keep my consulting business and work part time to support my hobbies and pay taxes
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Old September 1st, 2011, 07:10 AM
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Morning All!

It's sunny and humid again here. Had some light rain and thunder early this morning. I took advantage of having the day off and laid in bed dozing on and off until 8:30! Nice for a change. Sitting here watching CMT and just had some lovely frozen Eggo waffles for breakfast.

Jamesbo....... Quit addin to my stress level! Do I really have to have the center caps on to have the wheels balanced? I suppose they could do that. Just take em off the old wheels and put on the new ones before they put em on the car. I dunno. I think my bezels are in better shape than the ones on the new rims, but I gotta check it out. I'll probably have my guys at Defer Tire do it. Or Don Sitts. First I gotta get them painted or whatever.

Scot.... I'm sure you will be a pleasant guy behind the counter! We need a few of those down here at the Twinsburg post office, lol!! They usually only have 2 people working, both grumpy and slower than molasses in January!! The line in that place goes out to the front doors usually. I've learned not to go in there at lunch time if I want to get to eat lunch, cause it takes practically the whole hour, lol! And at Christmas......... it's a friggin nightmare!!!!

The same at our Wal-Mart..... they have the most unfriendly cashiers working that I've ever seen!! If you don't like working with people, get the hell out of that job!! Some people are not people people, ya know?? I love people. I'm great at customer service and such. We have to work - might as well be pleasant while we're doing it!

I went to the Chick-Fil-A cruise last night. Not as many cars, but a few new Oldsmobiles I haven't seen before. Too bad they weren't there last week while Paul was here. A beautiful red 70 442 parked by me, and an original survivor 66 442 came in. The guy with the 66 works at Highland Auto Body here, and he said they do rims, lol! I was telling him my paint woes, how they say they can't match her paint, and I need to get some things touched up on her. They use Sherwin Williams paints there mostly, he said. I might have to stop by there one day.

The 70 442 wouldn't start when the people went to leave, lol. My friend Ed was there again, so he crawled under it and wiggled the wire on the starter or something - the guy said he's been having problems with it - and she started right up! I told the guy he better get it fixed - can't have an Olds that won't start! I told Ed he might as well bring his tool box with him every week.... he's turning into our cruise in mechanic, lol.

Well I better get up and get moving. Got some laundry to do and stuff. I plan on going early to Bellacino's tonight. I think the rain is out of the area now for the rest of the day. Have a great day all!
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 05:16 AM
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Good Friday Morning All!

Supposed to be another hot one here, but the forecast is looking better for the weekend and even a 70% chance of rain for the holiday. We sooo need the rain. Also might even get some of the tropical depression that is meandering around in the gulf.

I want to take the kiddos somewhere this weekend but I am not sure what they want to do. Maybe it will cool off enough to take them fishing or even somewhere to ride go-karts.

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a safe weekend
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 05:34 AM
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Mawn'in all

X2 We badly need sum rain down ere.

"Scatter Balance" I never heared of dat term but dta's what I meant.
Sandy, I didn't mean to add to your stress level, I was just try'in to be informative. [I get so few opportunities] I'm gona let Scot elaborate cause I know ya don't beleives me 'bout anything but how to cook up an awesum pot roast.

Communication is so important. Jes dis mawn'in 'round 6:30

Me, "Who were you talk'in to on de phone?"

Super model, " I bought a vacuum. cleaner."

Me, "Well dat's nice, but who was on de phone at dis hour?"

Super model, "Oh de 800 operator."

"What we have ere.......... is failure to communicate."
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 05:54 AM
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Evening everybody, been a few days since I was on and alot has been happnin. Congrats on the job Scot, I'm sure you will be a great PO clerk. Just tell Jamesbo which one your working at so he can get discounts on any large packages he has to sent

Hope all goes well for you Don, you are in my thoughts

Sandy, Jamesbo is pulling your leg, you don't need to get the wheel balanced with the cap on. I have never heard of it over here so if they do do it over there they are so **** lol As for getting the tires put on after you paint/powder coat them just tell whomever you buy the tiers from that if they scratch the rims you are not paying for the tires. If you give them fair warning then they can't argue when you walk off with your free tires

We got some pics printed and put up on the wall of our trip to the good ol US of A I like the ones with all the friends we met on our trip, there are several just for them

Good to hear you had a good time in Ohio Paul and got home safely.

It is official, spring started yesterday here. So before long it is going to be like Hotlanta is at the moment, hot and hotter

I am waiting on 2 bolt sets for my engine then I can finally finish her. I am so looking forward to being able to drive her again. Also since she is almost back on the road I will be having a much needed rest from all this over time lol

Have a great day ya'll, I will get my backside on here more often lol


Last edited by Ausraven; September 2nd, 2011 at 05:56 AM.
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 05:55 AM
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Morning All! That means you Scot, lol!!

Where is everyone?? Looks like yesterday was kinda dead on here too.

It's a very tropical morning here. We have some weak sun, and the humidity is thick outside. Looks like fog. Front windows are covered with heavy dew. We're supposed to have a heat index of like 101 later today. Then when the cold front comes through with the rain this weekend, we drop to the 60's next week.

I enjoyed my day off yesterday! It went sooooo fast though. Today probably will too. I didn't do much yesterday. Did laundry and went down to the Farmers Market thing Twinsburg has on Thursday afternoons and bought some nice fresh green beans so I can freeze them. Also bought a few little pumpkins and gourds for my fall decorating. We have so many leaves falling already. I'm looking at the tree across the road that's turning red already too....

I'm gonna call the DJ that's doing the Summit Racing BOP on Sunday and see if they have a rain date for the show, or if it goes on rain or shine. It's supposed to be worse here on Sunday, then rain on Monday too. Wish I could send you some of it, Scot!! Hope you find something to do on the weekend. We're not having a cookout or anything. I was gonna go to the Riverfront Monday afternoon, but I dunno. Depends on the weather now.

I'm gonna transplant some of the lily bulbs in the front bed today. They say you should do this about every 3 years. Plus Larry bought some more bulbs (so we have plenty for the deer to eat next spring), so gotta make some room. I swear to God I'll put up a fence around them next year whether he likes it or not!!!!

Don't know what else I'm gonna do today. Work out with Gilad again..... I feel the workout from yesterday, lol! I don't work out during the summer like I should cause of the cruise in's and shows. I don't have time. But I do everyday in the winter when I get home from work. Larry is home today too, so I don't know what he has planned. He just works, works, works. He gets irritated with me cause I piddle around. It's like - it's my day off. I don't have to work at anything if I don't wanna!! I have country videos on right now - God forbid it's not Fox News!!!!!! Gee, why would I want to get my blood pressure all up listening to the same old crap, when I can watch relaxing videos??? Anyone seen Brad Paisley's "Old Alabama" video?? It has a lot of nice old cars in it and a drive in theater. Pretty cool!

Well have a great day and weekend all. Stay safe if you're traveling!!! TTYL!!
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 06:04 AM
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Now people are a wakin up, lol!! Bout time!

Jamesbo...... I was just kidding about my stress level, lol!! I'm sure they will put the wheel all together before they balance it. Matter of fact, I'll tell them to. I forgot to call that powdercoat place yesterday. Will do it in a few minutes while I'm thinkin bout it. Are you doing anything over the weekend??

Adrian! Nice to hear from you! Glad all is going well and you're getting the car back together! That's a great thing!! Wish we could skip winter and go into Spring, lol. Somethin tells me it's gonna be a doozy.....
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 06:45 AM
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Winter going to be a doozy? You mean lots of snow? It would be nice to see about 2-3 times as much snow and snowstorms as last year
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 06:54 PM
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Good evening all.

I guess I have a bit of catching up to do.

Don, hope things go well.

Scot, congratulations on the job.

Adrian, if you ever come back to North America, try to visit the Great White North (Canada).

Went to check the progress on the Cutlass today. Even in primer, the car is looking better. I will try to post an update on my build thread soon.

Fall is getting close. Tonite was the pre-season meeting for the bowling league I'm in, and bowling starts next week. Classes start next week too.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old September 2nd, 2011, 08:07 PM
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Wolfie..... Don't make me come over there, lol!! Don't even talk about "that word" yet!!!

It sure was hotter than heck here today. Got up to 94 but the heat index was in the 100's. Thought I was gonna die a few times working out in that lily bed. Sweat just pouring off of us and dirt stickin to that, lol! My hair was as wet as if I'd washed it. I had a hard time breathin in the humidity, and got lightheaded a few times and went and sat down in the shade with my ice water. We dug up all the lillies and separated the bulbs and replanted them. Some clouds moved in so we were out of the sun for awhile, but the humidity was awful!! It's still 89 right now. I don't mind the heat, but the humidity..... I could never live in the South!! I worked in one of the other flower beds awhile too since I was already filthy and sweaty. The shower sure felt nice!! Then we went and got our shopping done.

I'm watching the news now, and the weather was just on. Looks like this front is gonna stay to our north tomorrow during the day and move in tomorrow night and Sunday is looking pretty wet. Darn, I hope they reschedule the BOP show. It's supposed to be 92 and still humid tomorrow. I'll take it over the 66 degrees we're gonna have on Monday, though, and a 50% chance of rain. Doesn't look good for the Riverfront on Monday. So I guess I'll head to the Pop's show tomorrow. It's closer than the one in Akron. I really hate to see all the Pop's guys win again, though Pop's has given me some trophies and plaques. We'll see I guess!

Paul... I'm glad the car is coming along!! You're gonna have to bring it down when it's finished, lol!!

Lord, on the news now, they just said a 13 month old baby was left in a car this morning, and died, due to the heat! She wasn't found until 4 hours after they dropped off 4 other kids at a daycare! How could you not know you were missing one? My God. Sometimes the worst thing for a kid is the parents. Sad.

Well on that note I'll wish you all a good night. Jamesbo..... It's after 11:00 and you're still up???? I'm shocked!

Last edited by cutlassgal; September 2nd, 2011 at 08:11 PM.
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Old September 3rd, 2011, 05:57 AM
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Morning All!

Where are you??????? Jamesbo is probably sleeping - he was up way after his bedtime, lol!

Sun is out and it's muggy here. Got the weather channel on and it looks like you all in Gawja are gonna cool off to the 70's! Those folks in N'awlins are getting slammed with rain again.

Still not lookin good here tomorrow starting around 1:00 in the afternoon. Don't know about the BOP.

Well gotta get ready to go - registration starts at 10:00! Have a great day all!!
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Old September 3rd, 2011, 06:04 AM
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Good Saturday Morning All!

Thanks Paul and Adrian on the congrats. I am glad to hear the good news on you Cutlass Paul. Is it the one in your signature?

Sandy there are a few ways to balance tires. One is called scatter or static balancing and the other is called dynamic balancing.

The first being the last resort if your tires cannot be balanced on a traditional dynamic balancer. It is where the wheel is placed horizontally on a balancer that uses gravity to find the heaviest point on the tire and you simply counter balance until it stays level on the balancer. Pictured here...

And you've seen the traditional dynamic way where a machine spins the tire really fast and the computer tells the installer exactly where to put the weight and what size to use. The main difference is that with a dynamic balancer, you cannot have your center caps on due to the fact that they have to "lock" the wheel down or else it would propel into something across the shop while spinning it at a high rate of speed and with static or scatter balancing the wheel by merely placing the rim on top of the machine. Dynamic balancer picture...

I hope that made sense.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Be safe all


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Old September 3rd, 2011, 02:05 PM
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Afternoon all

See thar Sandy, I told cha so.

Got visitors up at de lake, gotta do sum cook'in and listen'in. [I don't have to talk de Super model handles dat part]

Mak'in sum strawberries Romanoff fer desert. I'l guarnatee ya I won't be up late tonite.

Ya'll enjoy your weekend.
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Old September 3rd, 2011, 02:30 PM
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Jamesbo does the lake surroundings still look like the tornado just went through there? I bet the trees still look ragged in places. Have a great time up ere.
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Old September 3rd, 2011, 07:24 PM
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Evening All!

Well I went over to the Pop's show at Tallmadge Collision today. It was supposed to go until 4:00 but Pop's called it at 2:30 because of the heat index. It was miserable out there!!! Got up to 94! It was a nice show, but a lot of new cars there which I don't like. Teepo did get a nice plaque, though! The Ravenna boys got their share too, lol. I was parked close to a pear tree that was dropping pears and leaves. There were yellow jackets on the ground eating those rotten pears!! I didn't like it!!

Still don't know about the BOP tomorrow. They're still calling for storms in the afternoon. Weather is coming up on the news soon so I'll see what they say. I'll sure be happy when this humidity breaks, even though it's gonna get cold.

Sometime this weekend I have to get those green beans frozen, and take Lin to do her shopping too. Might do the beans tomorrow if the show gets rained out. I should get some housework done too, lol.

So this was really gross..... this afternoon after I got home from the show, I was out on the deck on my swing, and I heard the leaves rustle on the ground by the corner of the deck. I went over and was looking, figuring it was a chipmunk running around, and here it was a garter snake and it had a toad in it's mouth!! The toad was looking right at me - I felt so bad for it. I came in and told Larry and he came out to look. I don't know how that snake was gonna eat that big toad, it must have had the back legs of the toad in its mouth. Larry just said "that's nature". I don't care if it is, it was gross!! I don't know what happened to either of them cause they were gone a few minutes later. Probably went under the deck.

Well gotta download my pics, so I'll talk to ya tomorrow!
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Old September 4th, 2011, 05:10 AM
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This is rare, I am actually posting in the morning, and it looks like I am first for the day.

Good morning everyone.

There were 2 shows on today, one that is expecting up to 2000 cars to the east or a small one in a small town south of here. But the weather has helped me decide... neither. It is already raining and they are calling for 70% chance of rain all day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be drier.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 05:17 AM
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Hello from Mississippi,

Brought the other half with me this time, went to Beal Street and listened to some great Blues music. had a street fair going on and there was music everwhere. My kind of place you can buy a beer and walk down the street with it. But hot and high humidly together is not my thing 99 with 60 percent sucks. Be back home on Tuesday. talk to you all later
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Old September 4th, 2011, 06:40 AM
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Good Morning All!

Well we are finally starting to get some sprinkles from the tropical storm Yay! We are supposed to get anywhere between 2 and 6 inches, I guess we'll see It is a lot cooler today with temps below 90

I have about 1/3 of the cast of Spartacus coming over to swim and eat today so it looks like I may have to grill under the porch

Pat I bet you are getting a ton of rain over there in Mississippi, don't want your beer to get wet

I hope everyone has a great day and be safe out there for the holiday!

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Old September 4th, 2011, 07:14 AM
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Good morning from dallas!

Forum has been light the last couple days - looks like most are out having fun for the holiday and taking a break from the car projects!

For good news, a welcomed blue-norther' is blowing in HARD!
This weather change is pulling many out of a depressed state (me included), as it is finally NICE out! Over the past 3 months, it has been 84* at night and 10x* during the day with no rain. Work outside has been miserable.

Now we have 60s and even 50s forcasted for the night and 80s during the day for the rest of the week!!!
I just hope it will be as forcasted.
I am taking Tues and Wed off to make some serious progress on the car.
Final cleaning to be done today and engine and frame will be painted tomorrow and I will then commence to reassembly!

I wish those of you with "too much rain" will send it down this way. I forgot what it is like....
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Old September 4th, 2011, 07:58 AM
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Morning All!

What a surprise to have Rob joining us this morning!! Well it's raining here, so I'm not going to the BOP. It's just been cloudy and a little drizzly this morning, but it looks like it's just gonna keep getting heavier on and off. It's cooled off to the 70's, but it's still tropical feeling. Last year I got a top 20 trophy over at this show. It was a cool day, but sunny I remember. Oh well. Still got until 12:30 before registration is over.....

I made the mistake of taking Larry out for breakfast this morning. Should have known better. We went to Bob Evans...... my sausage gravey and biscuits were delicious as always, but they have no ham slices - now why would a Bob Evans not have ham slices? Larry wanted ham and eggs. So that wasn't good. And his toast was just "warm bread". I told him now I remember why we don't go for breakfast anymore!!! It's never a pleasant experience. Oh well. Just the usual Sunday mood going on. I try to ignore it. Sure wish I could go to the show.....

Guess I'll freeze the green beans. No cook outs this year for us.

I did finally get the throttle spring from Year One yesterday! Looks just like her other one only silver, lol. Gotta get it put on today.

Citcapp.... Nice to hear from ya! Sounds like you're having fun!! I would enjoy something like that. Larry wouldn't, though.

Well hope you all have a great day and you get some of this rain where you need it!! I'm already tired of hearing the words "a cold front is coming through".

Last edited by cutlassgal; September 4th, 2011 at 08:21 AM.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 08:24 AM
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Morning all , Sandie I can hold off on the snow til December Today is sunny and warm , mid 80's with 78% humidity so it feels a heck of a lot warmer. Working on the yardwork , trying to tame a hedge that has gotten way to tall. I need a friggin stepladder to reach the top so I think it needs a major shortening. Unfortunately even my gas powered trimmer won't cut some of the bigger stuff so I have hand clippers with me to do them as I get to them. Slow going though and seeing it's 250' long it may take all day Both sides are trimmed up now just the top. Looks like rain Tues. and Wed. this week so I have another job to do tomorrow getting my leaf and compost mulch mixed with the horse manure. Small batch this year though , probably less than 100 yards.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 09:42 AM
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Ya'll ain't gonna beleive dis, Sumbody else is cook'in super tonite. Jallaleula

Smells like rain but haven't had any yet. Smacked white round dis mawn'in and it's 'bout time to d o my favorite thing-Nutt'in.

Scot, Most de tornado damges is pretty clean up cept way up on de mountains.

NicK Sapan's place looks brand knew. Wish he'd vite me over, but he never has.

Barbara and Vince Dooley gots a place up ere too but de never vite me over either.

Oh well, thar loss.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 07:52 PM
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Evening All!

Well...... being the glutton for punishment that I am, lol, I went to the BOP show today. Got another Top 20 trophy! Not a whole lot of cars there unfortunately. They should have rescheduled it for a better day.

I got there around 12:20. The sun came out and it was nice. On the way there, anyhow. I was there about 45 minutes when it started to rain. And it kept raining! They gave the awards around 2:00. We all drove home in the rain too. Teepo was not happy, and neither was I. But I figured it was gonna happen so I didn't get too upset. Spent 4 hours in the garage drying, cleaning and detailing her when I got home. I took my trophy pic in the garage, lol!

I'm downloading pics now so I will be posting them in a while. Hope to go to the Riverfront tomorrow evening if it's nice. It's supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow.

I snapped all the green beans tonight to get ready for freezing. I hope to get that done when I get home from taking Lin shopping tomorrow. We'll see! Ttyl!!
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Old September 5th, 2011, 05:22 AM
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Old September 5th, 2011, 05:29 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Labor Day to ya!! It's cloudy and 65 degrees this morning. Glad you're gettin some rain out your way, Jamesbo!! Hope you don't get too much too fast. I have the weather channel on, and I see there are alot of fires now out in Texas! That's horrible. They say no relief from the drought out there until November.....

I'm gonna go up and take Lin shopping, then come home and freeze the green beans, I hope. Who knows? I see mama deer and the two friggin babies in the yard across the road. Hope they keep over there. Probably checking to see if the lily's came up yet, lol.

Well you all have a great day!
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Old September 5th, 2011, 06:01 AM
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Good morning guys and Sandy

Wet and raining here in Old Miss but at least it has cooled down. Just mid 80's. Have a great labor day all
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Old September 5th, 2011, 06:45 AM
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Surprise, surprise, Sandy... Looks like everyone hangs out here when not spending quality time with their machines...
It has been hard to work up some motivation to get my lazy butt out in the garage this weekend.

I guess TX is the non-rain state but I wish we would get some soon - I cannot open my front door anymore.

Today I woke up to a COOL 65* and 30% humidity - feels wonderful. Maybe the AC can take a break today.
Will be perfect weather for engine painting for sure.

My neighbor is doing a BIG outdoor fish fry at 1pm, - striper and catfish that they caught a while back. I am sure there will be lots of beer involved, too.
We had brisket, pea salad, and HUGE ears of corn last night - VERY good! It is great to have neighbors that are better than family...
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Old September 5th, 2011, 06:58 AM
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Well it's nice to see ya taking a little break there, Rob!! You have been doing a lot of work on Lady in all that heat. You deserve a break. Sounds like you have a nice relaxing afternoon planned, lol. That's what it's all about!! Me, I'll be laboring, lol!
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Old September 5th, 2011, 07:11 AM
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I still have to labor in the morning; Lady's engine will get painted. Hopefully the frame will be done today or tomorrow and assemble can begin soon.

It sucks what happened to your frog... You shoulda grabbed the snake by its tail and whirled him around atop your head as fast as you could until the frog popped out! If over here, my neighbor woulda done that; frogs are a rare species here now.
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Old September 5th, 2011, 07:49 AM
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Mawn'in again

Still rain'in and boy do we need it.

Rob, Glad cha joined us. I was hoping ya'll would get sum wet stuff and sum brakes in de temps.

How 'bout sum hasbrowns with chili peppers and eggs dis mawn'in?
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Old September 5th, 2011, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Still rain'in and boy do we need it.

Rob, Glad cha joined us. I was hoping ya'll would get sum wet stuff and sum brakes in de temps.

How 'bout sum hasbrowns with chili peppers and eggs dis mawn'in?
Can you email some over, sans the chili peppers?
Time to get some raggy clothes on and get out there and get painting...
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Old September 6th, 2011, 04:26 AM
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Good Tuesday Morning All!

Way cooler here now since the tropical depression came and went and is supposed to be beautiful all week

Glad to see Rob posting here

Jamesbo you okay up there? I heard there were some twisters up that way.

Congrats on your trophy Sandy

Yall have a great short week out there.

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Old September 6th, 2011, 04:49 AM
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Mornin' all. Looks like its gonna be a long day. Gonna try to get some of last weeks stuff done. then takin my daughter to a concert tonite. Didn't sleep well, so tomorrow will be fun after being out way past my bedtime Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 04:55 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yep Scot, I'm OK. Twister were about 4/5 miles NW of me.

I did find a little dog in the front yard with a name tag that just says "Toto"

Cooler up ere to with the much needed rain still com'in down. Hurray

Thanks Pat fer de great recipe. Had sum Cha cha's chicken chili last nite.

Sandy, Congrats on de trophy. How 'bout a group pic of your hardware.

Rob, I guess it wasn't hot enough in Texas, Had to set the state on fire to warm it up a mite.

Don, How ya mak'in it?

Ok, true story [ Cause I ain't smart enough to make up dis kinda stuff]

Sister in law at de lake dis weekend. BMW drop top.

Me. " It's gonna rain tonite."

"It's Ok, I brought a tarp."

Me. 'What's wrong with your top?"

" Nothing, It's new and one little stick and it'd be $2,000 bucks down the drain. "

So, she pulls out a 2' X 4' plastic tarp, sticks de front under the windshield wipers, and the back over the boot, and puts 2 rocks on the back to hold it down. [note the sides are opened, and it will fill up with water like a bath tub and implode into the interior electircal switches, floor boards and all.

Now is the time for Jamesbo to keep his mouth shut. So I do.

And dis lady teaches in Public schools.

Anyone interested in a BMW convertible with a perfect top, no floor boards or electrical system? I see one in the not too distant future in my area.

Ya'll have a wonderful week.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Anyone interested in a BMW convertible with a perfect top, no floor boards or electrical system? I see one in the not too distant future in my area.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Anyone interested in a BMW convertible with a perfect top, no floor boards or electrical system? I see one in the not too distant future in my area.

Went to a car show yesterday. It looked like it could rain at any moment all day long, but never did. Attendance was down because of the weather. There were still over 100 nice cars there. The awards are a combination of judged classes as well as participant's choice and people's choice. When it came time for the awards to be handed out, the real entertainment started. In my class, production 1980-1989, 2nd place went to a 1970 GTO. And best Chrysler went to a Chevelle SS. In previous years a Roadrunner has won best Ford. As one person put it "This is why we all come". No one ever gets upset, and everyone that attended yesterday will probably be back again next year. It has just become part of the entertainment of the show.

Today is my last day before classes start for my last semester of university. I am actually sort of anxious for it to start.

(Sandy, you might want to skip ahead to the next paragraph, I will be talking about something you told me not to say at the Olds show ) I was looking at the local car show list the other day and realised there is less than a month of car shows and cruise nights left. It never even reached 20C yesterday. The leaves are changing. Its too soon for this.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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