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Old April 27th, 2015, 06:16 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Anutter cool start to the day but should be fine later. Found some of those nasty red lily beetles amongst the perennials coming up. Squished em betwixt mr thumb and finger. Not a good sign for the season. Prolly gonna have to stock up on insecticide.

Prayers for Brian and his family as they celebrate his Dad's memorial Mass today.

Guess I'll have to go out and water de lawns later. The ground here is getting parched. Speak of which, time for koffee.

Enjoy your day.
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Old April 27th, 2015, 07:54 AM
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Boomers abound

Mornin', boys & girl (what happened to our second girl?)

I thought we'd have a relatively calm morning and then the sky would fall in the afternoon, but we're off to a rollicking start. Looks like it's good for most of the day. And they say Elsie will be soaking her rock most of tomorrow, as well. I may never mow again.

Jamesbo, so sorry the vermin did that to your property entrance. There's no escape from the lice. But as Maude used to say, "God'll get 'em for that."

So is it too wet to whack 'em today?

Mike, "What's 'at?" Broderick lives! At least in our memories.

So speaking of old(er) shows, I had loaned my brother our copy of the movie, The Sixth Sense, with Bruce Willis. It's one of our fave's. So 6 months later, I axes him whether he watched it. He has no recollection of my even lending it to him, and it's gone with the wind! Sooo... unbeknownst to me, he orders The Sixth Sense from some Amazon vendor. Saturday, he gets the TV series (Gary Collins) in da' mail -- a big, fancy 6-DVD set with every episode! Good thing that's good, too, else he'd be COMPLETELY out $30. But we used to watch that as youngsters... was a great series. Mean time, I'll order me a Bluray of the MOVIE.

Clint, it's warmed up a lot from winter (our "cold" weather is definitely gone). But we ain't seen nuttin' yet as far as summer heat. It's gotten to about 90* one or two days; but nothing prolonged. One good thing about all this rain is it keeps the temps down. Won't see 80* today.

As we stand, we're on track to have one of the top-10 wettest April's in our history. We're well over 10" already. I think I'm going to have to use Mike's grass-cutter around here when things finally dry out.

Y'all have a great week, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 27th, 2015 at 08:24 AM.
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Old April 27th, 2015, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Well I lollygagged all afternoon and now I'm pressed to get out the door. Monday for work. See you all later, hope your week started out good.
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Old April 27th, 2015, 03:16 PM
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So today is beautiful and tomorrow even better. What could possibly go wrong? Pulled muscle in my neck. Dammit! Hurts to turn my head left or nod up/down. Took the missus shopping and had a heck of a time doing blind spot checks. Thank God for light mid day traffic.
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Old April 27th, 2015, 08:02 PM
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Evening everyone. Well, I played hooky and spent the day working on the 85 Riv. I ordered a Jeep Grand Cherokee steering box for it to replace the leaky, sloppy original unit. Put it in and it was a direct bolt in. Steering is much tighter and takes a little getting used to but its nice. Now I don't have to clean up big puddles anymore, lol.

Mike - always a good day when you can cruise the junkyard for parts.

Dan - glad you're feeling better, I was under the weather over the weekend too. Dam bugs are going around.

Alan - sorry to hear about your neck. Warm moist heat works real well.

Say prayers for the people of Baltimore, there's a huge riot going on there right now.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 04:22 AM
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Mornin All

My wife walked into the shop yesterday and asked if she would be driving the convertable this summer...guess I had better get at it. The **** is out, now the Holly is tossed, and Edlebrock or Quadrajet is going on...after I fix the bent header pipe

Allan, as was said warm water, vacation and lots of will be good in no time

Beauty day here...

Have a Day All
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Old April 28th, 2015, 04:24 AM
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Mornin all.

Darrell x2. Sad to see a city go down in flames especially from the hands of its own residents.

Allan, Sounds like a good reason to go find a masseuse and a bonus if shes attractive. Looks like they are digging a hole today. Gonna get it done and over with. Poor kid is heartbroke.

John We are in the 30's right now. Looks like me may be warming it up to the 70's this week. Old Man winter is a tough old bird. Looks like he's gonna go the full 12 rounds this year.

Dan, Hope you are feeling better.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 05:00 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Good night at work, if you count an impromptu engine change as good. We were all set to be done ridiculously early, and then the engine failed boroscope. It was a 757 and they are pretty straight forward as far as changing engines. Got the new one up and torqued and ready for dayshift to finish up.

Clint I wouldn't be so sure about the locals in Baltimore. I read(was it here?) that there are "professional" rioters that just go from town to town participating in the riots and upheaval. I wonder how they fund themselves.

Darrell there was a Riv like yours in the junkyard the other day. It was missing its bumper fillers, and was pretty picked over. It should be there a little while longer, if you want me to look for something on it I'll go back and check it out.

Ted you're lucky your wife supports your hobby. Or at least likes what you're working on.

Okay I think I'll hit the sack. I took Wednesday night off so tonight is my Friday. Hope the dogs aren't too restless today, I feel like I've been put through the wringer. Have a good day everyone.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 05:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one down ere

My regular golf bud was sick yesterday so I played wit a really nice fellow [retired Delta pilot Mike] he's a single digit handicapper

Maybe get de garden plowed today before more rain comes in tomorrow.Oops gotten do an oil change on de 2500 Cheby 4 X4 my to do list is growing.

Allan, Bout your neck. I've found dat when speak'in to de wife. I always nod my head up and down never side to side.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 28th, 2015, 06:35 AM
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Spoda get up to around 78 here today, but getting windy later. WTH? Gas here just went up .38/U.S. gal overnight! This is total BS. Should have filled up yesterday....

The boys GFs BD today so she'll be coming over later for a visit. He's going to bake her a cake with help from the missus. Should be interesting. Ah to be young again

Darrell, sounds like you've got the Riv almost ready for the season?

Ted, so what was your answer?

Clint, I'm sorry that she's facing that today. Please pass along my support. It's always hard when you're that close to an animal. What happened to the 3 yr old?

Jim, yeah couldn't even nod without pain. I just mumble and that seems to work.

Heading out to see de Doc in a bit. Not about de neck tho, that will cure itself. Time for a quick kuppa koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 02:56 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got up late, because I went to bed late. Eh, I'll be okay, I won't have to bring donuts. Makes me feel rushed in the afternoon, though, which is kind of stressful.

My neighbor's house has an alarm they put in before they left for New Jersey. He gets a message from the alarm company saying the battery is dead in the controller. It's only two weeks old! So he calls and says, would you go over and see what they're talking about? Then he says, but don't call before 1 in the afternoon. I said sure, I'll set something off and then can't get ahold of you and when the police come they'll haul me off to jail. Give me a break. So I said I'd go over there before work tonight. Hm, work or jail. I'd have to think about that one.

Jamesbo how much did the retired Delta pilot complain? I've heard the other pilots will go to the hotel and ask what part of the hotel the Delta pilots are in, and would they put them in the other part.

Okay time to head out. Friday tonight. If the police come while I'm next door, I'll try to log on here if prisoners get computer time. Have a good night everyone. Onward Hump Day.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 04:26 AM
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Mornin all

Mike Hope they have wifi in the hoosegow I'm sure there are out of towners joining in the reindeer games, but not all of them. I did see a young man who was out there protesting and his momma was openin a can on him. That was refreshing to see.

Allan, we're thinking he was malnourished as a baby. He has multiple skeletal issues that is going to keep him from ever being sound, let alone ridable. He hasn't been able to run and has had to be kept in a small enclosed area to keep from hurting himself.

Everyone have a Humpday.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Showers returning

Mike,,, I was tell'in him about you and not know'in what kinda lead you would have on any given night and he said de same was true fer pilots. Ya never knew who was gonna be de captain and sum of dem could be [and were well known to be ] 1st class jerks dat all the other pilots avoided getting a trip with.

When I was a scout master down in Peachtree city we had our share of pilot dad. Most of dem wer nice. Dis particular guy is with out a doubt one of the nicest fellas I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Don't think he was with Delta ver long. He used to fly corporate jets

Clint, so sorry for your situation. I'm an animal lover from way back [except my wife's cats] of course

A/c compressor went Tango Uniform in de Cheby yesterday. One day before warranty went out GOTCHA

I hate to say dis but if I as a cop and sum kid offered me a bottle of water, I'd be afraid it was poison

Geeeze Louise, I better go before I stat a political rant

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 29th, 2015, 05:16 AM
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Talking SPURS take another win...tooo close

What an EXCITING game last night....

yes FREE coffee for San Antonians...Spurs Win=Free Coffee in S.A.


it's 50 degrees outside ready for the steamy hot sun
Under the norm we should be having 90 degree weather already

time for ready to put the cutlass back together and get her on the road...

Anyways have a good day everyone.....
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Old April 29th, 2015, 05:16 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Rain. At least we were inside last night. The dogs chewed up some more of their room. I think it's supposed to keep up all day.

Jamesbo I'm actually friends with a couple of captains and they are great guys. I also know several other captains and they are ******. I guess it's like that with any profession. I'm glad he was a good golf partner. The Delta pilots really do have that reputation, though.

So I'm gonna hit the sack for a couple hours, then take the dogs to the kennel, then meet someone back by the airport. Tomorrow I head to Cheddarville. Have a good day everyone.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 06:37 AM
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What a beautimus day yesterday! Got up to 75, great to fire up the grill. Korean style braised ribs.mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm,m good!

Planted part of the garden yesterday even though the soil was a bit cool. 3 rows of Swiss Chard. Amazing vegetable. Prolly plant some beans and stuff next week. Killed another couple red lily beetles, they're not gonna kill my lilies again this year

Clint, prolly better off for the poor thing to just get it over with so he doesn't suffer anymore. That's really sad to hear what happened. Hope Tori is ok.

Jim, uhhh, what about de beagle frum hell?

Mike, I only see stuff from the passengers point. Did we leave on time and did we land in one piece? Last flight was with Air Canada and landing at Calgary was so smooth you couldn't tell the actual touchdown. I told the cabin attendant to compliment the pilot and she says, "oh the pilot didn't land the plane, it was the First Officer". No matter, he was excellent and deserved the praise.

Dan, 80 meelyun!!!. Got one tile that's worth 2 meelyun all on its own. Light lavender color.

Cooler day shaping up. Time for a steaming kuppa koffee and fit at it. Enjoy your day
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Old April 29th, 2015, 06:42 AM
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Allan, Funny you should mention " De Beagles from Hell" Last summer de chewed thru a screen door on my back porch for about the 300th time and I said Phuque it" I'm gonna leave it as an outward and visible sign to remind de Super model of de damages des (%^(&$^%*^& animals do. Jes repaired it last week. Guess it's time fer anutter visit
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Old April 29th, 2015, 08:26 AM
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Dan, 80 meelyun!!!
2048 is a 4x4 grid, what alien version are you playing, 90x90 grid?
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Old April 29th, 2015, 10:59 AM
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Old April 29th, 2015, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
2048 is a 4x4 grid, what alien version are you playing, 90x90 grid?
4x4 grid is the entry level Dan. It goes up from there to 6x6 and 12x12, or if you feel really challenged - on a dodecahedron. I'm playing on a 12x12 board. Nothing alien about it.

Jim - jess checkin ta bee shur, yer not zactly a lover of all aminals den? Speshully beeguls from hell?

OH, de missus just came in whilst I was typing this and she said to say HI!
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Old April 29th, 2015, 04:52 PM
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Okay so the dogs are in jail and I'm home by myself. It's quiet in here, even though they wouldn't be making much noise anyway. I don't like it. This way, though, I can get to the airport early in the morning.

Allan, if the plane touched down and it was that smooth, neither one of them landed it, the computer landed it.

Jamesbo that's always been an excellent idea. One fender bender on the street and it would be over. You'd have to have it repaired by an airplane mechanic. I like the original the best, the Aero Car. The wings turn into a mighty big trailer, though.

Clint, he's still a pretty horse. Poor fella.

Guess I'll hit the sack early tonight. Right after Charlie's Angels. I don't miss the dogs when I'm sleeping. That is until I wake up and wonder why the dogs haven't come to wake me up.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 08:04 PM
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I don't think so Mike. It was a smaller Bombardier CRJ-705. I don't think those are automated like the Airbus of Boeings. I'm not surprised that some pilots can be that smooth. Ya gotta give credit where it's due.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 09:12 PM
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Allan, 4x4 is about my speed, and dodecahedron, well that's Greek to me!
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Old April 29th, 2015, 09:17 PM
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pretty cool!
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Old April 30th, 2015, 03:22 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Headed to the airport in a little bit. I haven't been to Wisconsin since 1993. Hope we have good luck working on this car.

Allan any commercial transport is going to have autopilot. Maybe the crew did land the plane by hand, but if he is that smooth he is wasting his talent flying regionals.

Be back late tomorrow night. Have a good couple of days everyone.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 03:52 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike safe travels. Hope its as good as you remember.

Had to get up early this morning. the missus had to run off to work early. She got me up at 3. She blew up the Coupler in the Gehl Skidder filling in the hole for the horse. So now its as useless as you know what on a boar. Sounds like they need to use the loader to pick it up and get it on a trailer to get it in for repair.

Have a day all
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Old April 30th, 2015, 05:05 AM
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flat tire

Good morning to me....flat tire so early...

happy least I got my parts and tonight putting them on..
chilly ***** again 54 degrees...wth....mannnn
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Old April 30th, 2015, 06:36 AM
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Cool mawnin. Crap! Found more red lily beetles eating the fresh growth of lilies sprouting. Some of them were already mating. They all got doused with Billy the Exterminators favorite pesticide - chrysanthemum oil spray and then squished. I also clawed ups the soil an inch or 2 deep and sprayed it too because they hide in that depth. Looks like it's going to be a daily battle all season.

Clint, is your skidder a wheel or track drive? 3 in o dark thirty? Way too early. Hope you can stay awake rest of the day, and don't get hurt forgetting something.

Mike, I know planes have auto pilot. Heck they've had that since WW2. Just an FYI, Air Canada isn't a regional airline. Not sure why you'd say he's wasting his talent. Some peeps are just really good at their jobs and make the others who aren't look not so good by comparison, prolly why some airlines let them use auto land. I guess you could argue it either way in terms of safety and control.

Dan, I've been playing that same game for almost 8 months.

Terry, have fun getting the parts installed. Ou get the rag joint figured out?

Jim, you use that plastic mesh on de screen or metal screen? Beagles from Hell are kinda mindless. De naturally want ta escape and wander. Jess leave em tied up outside on de poach an let em know on de rope or chain. Oh, trow dem a bone from time to time to shut em up. Either that or a tennis ball.

Koffee time. Enjoy your day.
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Old April 30th, 2015, 07:33 AM
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Mernin', all

Absotively posilutely gorgemous day here in da' swamp -- it's a 1-percentile type of day. Was in hi 50s here on N. Shore, and spose to make it up to around 70, w/low humidity... dry as a chip. So happy Jazz Fest folks will be able to make up for the sucky days last weekend!

Still tying together loose ends from the big purge and the landscaping project. Great day for the outdoors!

Anybody going to follow the NFL draft closely? Saints have no excuse this year (their picks were a bust last year). But they have 9 picks of the first 80 or so, so it will be like a kid in a candy store for them, starting this evening.

Y'all have a great Day of Thor, Oldsmofriends.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 05:35 AM
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WTH is everybody? Jazzfest?

Maybe I'm Burgess Meredith as Henry Bemis in his famous Twilight Zone... but I'm not that big a big reader...

Have a great Friday, Oldsmofriends, wherever you are.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 06:04 AM
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I dunno John. Usually by this time jimor Clint has been & went? Mebbe Clint got to sleep in an Jim got called to an emergency session on de links, sans beagles from hell. Mikes away fixin a car in cheese land. Teds prolly taking apart a vert or two. Dans lurking, and Darrell might be working on the Riv or doing a trip to Jersey? Terry's out cruising in her CS now that it's running again......

Purty quiet here. Still waitin on the city to clean the streets. They're only 2 weeks late in our hood.

Turns out something is wrong at the community mail box so de post peeps have suspended delivery till its fixed. Yup, they're right on it. They say it should be completed by May 7! Haven't had mail delivery since Monday. Typical gubment inefficiency.

Been so dry lately, really need some rain. Ok, time for some koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 06:28 AM
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Mornin All'

Allan, I was tearing apart the convertable, but life has gotten in the way. My son is big into football now.....5 days a week. His team was bought by Richard ex CFL/NFL no more messing around!
Busy time of year on the farm...better get at it

Hi John
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Old May 1st, 2015, 06:48 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan Its a wheel unit.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 08:54 AM
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Dans lurking
Hey, I just got here!
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Old May 1st, 2015, 09:55 AM
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Back at you's

Thanks for the rundown, Allan.... Dat worm was quite delectable. I'll take it any way I can get it.

Bout time, Clint...

Hey there, Dan. I'll be in your fair state next month already.... Be here before we know it. Staying in T.C. and we're doing the parade across the Mackinaw Bridge on the Saturday of the car show (6/20, I believe).

Hola, Ted. Better watch that son of yours... the scouts'll be after him before you know it...

Somehow, I can't see Mike wearing a wedge of Swiss. Guess he'll just have to pass on Packers fever for now...

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 1st, 2015 at 10:00 AM.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 10:48 AM
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Mother board went Tango Unifrom be back soon
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Old May 1st, 2015, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Mother board went Tango Unifrom be back soon
LOL, puters are real mothers some times aren't they? No shortage of ***** bodes. An industry unto itseff.

Good luck getting it back to normal (said in de nicest possible fashion of coase)

John - you're welcome. I guess I'm only battin around .400 right now. Somehow I doubt Mike would wear a cheeze head. Might eat one tho! Wonder if they got any Awful houses in Cheezeland.... I can see the menu:
Brekkie - Cheeze wit eggs or toast
Lunch - Cheeze with 'udder' stuff
Din Din - Cheeze over everting else

Snacks - Cheeze *****, cheeze sticks, Cheeze crackers
Libation - Cheeze flavored beer served with Cheezy pretzels...

Clint - hope you're doing ok today. Last couple days seems like they were a bit tough on ya.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 05:52 PM
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Nice article on Waffle Houses in today's USA Today.
The Cutlass is home and the firewall stamp has had it's picture taken.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 09:43 PM
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John, one of these years I may skip Homecoming, and head up there, but I see Homecoming as my Nirvana, so we'll see.
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Old May 1st, 2015, 09:58 PM
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How about a couple of pics of my former '66 GTO. I scanned these to show a co worker. The PO glued that funky hair carpet or whatever you call it (red) to the dash and armrests, I pulled it off (this was 1980), the dash pad was cracked, so I removed it and covered it with black Naugahyde after setting it out in the sun for awhile. The seats had no tears or anything but, they decided to paint them white..with a brush, took awhile to get that removed with mineral spirits, which took some of the texture off. It came out of Alabama, very clean underneath. I wish that PHS had existed back then, or I least that I knew about it. Column shifted auto with buckets, no floor console, a/c and tri power. The tripower was not on it when I had it (Eldelbrock), but ran into the owner that brought it up here, who claimed that it had it originally...I'll never know for sure. I should have kept it, but I wanted a Vette.
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