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Old March 17th, 2014, 07:03 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Yup more easy listening from Elsie today

Thanks Clint we did really well on the garbage sale I need to shoot you an email soon brother. I have a quick question that prolly wouldn't be kosher to axe here.

Jamesbo I would love to hear about the dragster

John have you heard of ? They have a few Buicks and Oldsmobiles that they are selling as well as a ton of parts. I'd love to save the '67 442 But they have a GS or two and I figured as a last resort you may inquire about anything you may need or may be missing to bring her back to her former glory. Heck they even have a '69 GS Cali edition

Pat it's good to hear from you brother.

Whelp I best get off of here and get sumphin done.
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Old March 17th, 2014, 08:39 AM
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Good morning all and Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the REAL Irish folk.

Report on the XM radio renewal. Having called direct to the customer care # 866-635-7541 you get alot less run-around there and the gentleman was quite respectful. The best he could do was 6 months for $25. That's way better then the "market" price so I am a happy camper.

Gorgeous day today here in Omaha, sunshine and headed to a high about 55 I believe.

Sandy, I hope today brought with it some good feelings and hopes for an even better tomorrow!

For the basketball fans, I am gonna be a busy guy keeping track of my FAVORITE Syracuse Orange, and the 2 locals: Creighton and Nebraska! Fun times ahead.

That reminds me, if anyone is a College World Series fan, remember I am in Omaha and would love to host you and your family and friends by helping you find lodging and maybe taking you out for a GOOD Nebraska steak while you are here:-)

Well, the real estate business is waiting, so best get at it. Have a great one..and watch out for the green beer!

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Old March 17th, 2014, 11:04 AM
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Yes indeed, Happy St. Paddy's day to all.

Time for some Irish refreshment?
Here's to all that love the color green!
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Old March 17th, 2014, 12:33 PM
Cutlass Lover
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Afternoon all

I spoke too soon. Feeling very miserable.... I'm at work though.

Sunny and up to 35 degrees now after a cold 16* this morning. Nice to see the sun.

Nice in here without Brian!!!! I had a little nap at noon. Wish I could have went out and walked but just feel too yucky. I called the docs office this morning and told them how I feel. Didn't do any good.

I've only managed to get one bottle of water in me today. it just tastes so awful. I ate some toast for breakfast and it tasted horrible too. That's it. Stomach just feels huge and bloated. One more treatment...... she's gonna fight with me but I don't care. My mind is made up.

Nicole made it home last night around 11. She had fun at the concert. Broke her phone screen when it fell onto the car seat and she didn't see it and put her knee on it! That's going to be an expensive replacement. Guess you'll have that.

Clint.... what'd you think of TWD last night??? I was shocked! Great episode. I loved the 'crispy' walkers lol. I was really surprised they killed off the 2 girls in one episode. Poor Carol. That Lizzie was a little psycho sicko. I felt bad for Carol having to do what she did... I'm glad Tyrese chose to forgive her for killing Karen.

Can't believe there are only 2 episodes left, then we have to wait till October.

Jamesbo... you should have watched the Talking Dead. It was pretty good with Carol on it. Next weeks previews loom good! Daryl is gonna be kicking some butt!!

Citcapp... glad you stopped by. Been wondering about you.

Well you all have a good evening.
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Old March 17th, 2014, 01:08 PM
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Ya Talk about capital punishment. That was a rough episode. Kinda odd that Carol and Tyrese were so close to Darryl and Beth.
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Old March 18th, 2014, 04:19 AM
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Mornin all.

A lot cooler this a.m. but no snow. Starting to get the hang of the time change. nice not doin chores in the dark.

I hope everyones kidneys have properly processed all the green food coloring and is back to normal. I had an english ale lastnight. It's called King Goblin. Real good . I recommend you try it if you run across it.

Have a tuesday all.
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Old March 18th, 2014, 04:53 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Had a great time in Australia. The car show was excellent, as always, and I even got to be interviewed by some guy named Fletch that produces car shows for TV. Only got Business Class from Sydney to LA but heck I'll take what I can. Glad to be home, though.

Lots of catching up to do. The dogs were none the worse for wear, but they were glad to be home, too. A comfy couch beats the cold concrete floor any day. Got some errands to do this morning.

So while I was gone I was picked for the Savannah bid. The person in charge of it has been calling me all week. I think I'm gonna turn it down. I'd love to go there, I'd LOVE to get out of my department I'm in now, but I can't afford to support two places, and I can't just have any place for the dogs. It seems the dogs are always my excuse for not doing something. It's no excuse, they are my responsibility and can't speak for themselves. I need to make sure they are taken care of as well as possible. I'm not all broken up about not going, would have been nice.

Okay gonna reacquaint myself with the Awful house. Hope everyone has a good day I'll check in a little later when I'm caught up.
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Old March 18th, 2014, 05:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Niceer dan yesterday but kinda frogggy out dis mawn''in

Welcome home Mike, Your Olds friends missed ya as much as de
Awful House friends. Did ya see dat Delta wing sans pannel dat landed in Atlanta ?

Sandy, sorry you're feel'in lousey but it's 'bout over Right?

Clint, Sorry but I jes can't get into all de different beers/ales.But I guess dat's why de have horse races, people like different horses.

Scot [wit 1 T] De were haul'in dis bat mobile dragster all over de country from California with a black Ford station wagon. About de time I hopped in de back seat wit dis guy and his wife, he said, " Reach behind you and get me a Blue and get one fer yourself" So I reached behind de seat and stuck my hand in a ice cold cooler filled with Pabst Blue ribbon.Well one Blue led to anutter. De turned towards Macon at the square in downtown Barnesville and I had to walk 3 blocks to de military school. Dat was de hard part. Not fall'in off de sidewalk. I was an elderly 16 at de time.
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Old March 18th, 2014, 06:56 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Elsie has left the building Yay! Today is supposed to be a cool 55* but the rest of the week is looking marvelous to start the beginning of Spring Hopefully this year we will actually get to enjoy Spring without going directly from Winter to Summer

Jamesbo I'd love to see a picture of said dragster PBR was my 1st beer administered to me by my Grandpa Not long after that he switched to the Colorado Kool-Aid. The PBR cans still had the pull-tabs on them and we would take them and use the "seal" part to fling the "pull ring" part like a frisbee

Mike glad to see you made it back and that sounds like you had a blast. I don't blame you on the Savannah deal, it would be one heck of a commute much less finding the time to get moved.

Allan I like the picture but refrain from the green beer LOL Although I am from Irish and Scotish decent. Pretty much I have lost my taste for beer in general, but I do enjoy an occasional whiskey, ice & water or just my favorite Canadian brand of the Royal stuff straight up.

Scott I have an iPod that has over 60 hrs of my favorite music, so there is no need to subscribe to XM or the like. Ever since Paul Harvey has left the building, I usually do not seek out talk radio either.

Whelp gotta run, y'all have a great day
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Old March 18th, 2014, 07:38 AM
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Hmmm, that King Goblin looks tasty, I'll give it a try if I see it in my area.
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Old March 18th, 2014, 10:53 AM
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Afternoon all

Sunny and blue skies today and it's 50*!!!! I sure wish it would stay, but we're back in the 20's next week. The weather guy said last night "your know how we usually get the teaser days of 60 & 70 in march? Well we don't show that happening this year." Now what kind of crap is that??? Relentless this winter is.

I walked for 15 minutes at lunch time. Hips were hurting but I trudged on. Birds were singing.... just a great day to be alive! I can imagine my lawn chair out there in a few months.

Steve has his heater blasting of course. Its 76 in this room and I'm dying... fan has been on all day.

I feel a little better today. Mouth and taste is still gross and disgusting. I've rinsed my mouth with baking soda several times. It helps for a few minutes then that nastiness is back. Stomach has settled down some. Ate a little leftover corned beef and cabbage for lunch. Mostly ate the cabbage taters and carrots. Can't do much meat....yucky!

Brought in my genetic testing reports and copied them so I can give them to my neices who have daughters and may want tested at some point. At least they'll have my history when I'm dead and gone.

Also brought in my pathology reports, tissue test, and all that stuff and re read it all and looked things up so I can argue with Dr. Rehmus on Friday about stopping this treatment. Back in the day before they had tissue tests to tell you what your recurrence chances were, you pretty much had a 50/50 chance of it coming back somewhere else. I lived 23 years without that happening. So if now I only had a 31% chance of recurrence without having chemo, I'd say those odds have dropped with 4 treatments, and I'm not going to dwell on recurrence. If she wants to lower the dose of taxotere I'll have all 6 treatments. If she doesn't, then I'm done at 4. I'm not ever having chemo again anyhow if it does come back so what's the difference? If it comes back, its God's will and that's the plan for me and I've accepted it.

Clint.... we still don't know for sure that the smoke was from the cabin that Beth and Daryl burned... but the walkers were drawn to the fire there, so that could be the crispy ones.... who knows how much time passed between the fire and Carols gang stopping at that house? Guess we'll find out eventually. I think they'll leave us hanging about Beth until October.

Its soooooo nice without Brian in here! Only one more day of freedom.

Mike... glad you had a good trip and made it home safely.

I better check Brians email so you all have a good day!
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Old March 18th, 2014, 05:34 PM
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'Evening everyone.

Well quite a productive day. Got the kitchen cleaned, got my groceries and lottery ticktets, and accepted a new job.

Yep, the woman from Savannah called and I told her I was interested. I had just talked to my sister and she said it was a good opportunity, and I should do it. I needed a change. blah blah. Well she convinced me anyway, and I think it will be good for me. I start 250/SAV on April 15. Not a lot of time but I'm confident I can get us all ready.

Allan I'm so sorry about your mum. I know you'll miss her terribly. What does "adoptive mom" mean?

John what is the show you want me to see on Netflix? Is that something you have to sign up for or is it something you look up on the internet, like youtube? How are the aunts this week? Hope you get Big Buford home okay.

Sandy that's a big decision. But if it's what you for certain want, don't let the Dr. talk you out of it. Doctors don't know everything.

Jamesbo I hadn't heard about the plane with the missing panel. I had to look it up. Looks like it was a really big panel. Does anyone know where the panel ended up? Like someone's back yard?

Well I guess I'll start my overthinking tonight. Lots to do. Hope everyone is doing good. Clint, Dan, Scot, Scott, Pat.......

Have a good evening everyone. Tomorrow is back to work for me.
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Old March 19th, 2014, 04:16 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, Congrats on the new gig. I hope it all works out well for you.

Sandy/Darrell, with only 2 episodes left, it's gonna be interesting where they leave us on such a scattered crew.

Jamesbo, Thats kinda the way I feel about Vodka. The guy at the store tells me how good this one is compared to that one and I'm all, "dude, I mix it with different juices, so taste really isn't a priority..."

Everyone have a humpday.
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Old March 19th, 2014, 04:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Happy hump day

Spose to be nice down ere

Mike, I hate to brake de news to ya but sum one in Fla hit the jackpot. Don't quit your day job jes yet

John, Were's de Granny sport?

Sandy, I hope you're feel'inbetter today. Hang in there gal

GTG meet sum engineers early dis mawn'in.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old March 19th, 2014, 05:07 AM
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Happy Camel Day All!

A little brisk this mawnin but should fair up nicely to around 70* or so I think I may take the coupe out to stretch her legs a bit

Congrats Mike on the job brother. Say on that '57, is it a twice door or a more door? Anywho I guess maybe if the transition doesn't hinder the swap meet, then maybe you can find a few more items to bring

Clint/Sandy I just can't get into TWD but I can't get enough of Supernatural. If you haven't seen it yet, they have a ton of episodes on Netflicks.

Two eggs over light, four pieces of toast, three fresh sausage patties and coffee (black). Its what's for breakfast Y'all have a great day! Ciao!
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Old March 19th, 2014, 11:00 AM
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Afternoon all

Not feeling good today but what else is new.

We have rain today. Maybe it will wash some of the salt off of Tincanio. Temps at 49. Gonna be cold again the last half of next week.

My last day without Brian. He'll be back tomorrow. Sure has been nice.

Tomorrow is my nephew David's birthday. I wont be able to go up with a cake for him this year. Damn this stuff..... I mailed his card this morning.

Scot.... Supernatural is good. Nicole had a lot of the box sets. I watched it a few times with her. She likes their chebby, lol. I like TWD better though.

Mike... I really think I'm making the right choice for me. Can't possibly be any cancer cells in my body right now. I'm just pre dispositioned to get it evidently, since they can't say its heriditary and it's not caused by my genes we know now. Cancer is just a cell that keeps dividing and doesn't stop like cells are supposed to. I don't know why I keep getting the whacky ones, lol. I just know I'm done. I do know that I'm cutting out all the red meat that Larry fixes and doing away with sugar as much as possible since sugar feeds cancer, and I will be eating a helluva lot more salads, veggies and fruits in the future. As soon as I can eat, that is. Today this rancid mouth and taste is just unbearable. I'm ready to cut my tongue out.

Have a good one all.

Last edited by cutlassgal; March 19th, 2014 at 11:13 AM.
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Old March 19th, 2014, 11:17 AM
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Well here it is Wednesday afternoon already....

The temps here were doing soooo well and now they're tanking again. Tomorrow when I wake up Nicola boom boom says it will look purty white again and the dust will be settled for a spell. Oh yay....

Need to get mobile here soon. Have a Dr's appointment this afternoon at 2:45. Get the results of some bloodwork. I doubt it'll be favorable and I likely have some 'splainin' to do to Dr. Deb. I also need to talk to her about an upcoming surgery; it needs to be moved up as there are complications developing.

Mike - I think you mean "adopted". Nancy was the Mom I adopted when I was only 17. She's not my biological Mom, but gave me the support, nuturing and love that my own Mom didn't. BTW, thx for the PM on that other issue. I'll wait to hear back from you when you get any information. I really appreciate you going the distance on that.

Clint - hee hee hee, Have a Wednesday bud! Love the micro brewery you own....

Scot - LOL izzat wit one hump or two???

Sandy - them long posts do that sometimes. I hate it when that happens. (just did ctrl A/ctrl C to make sure here). Good luck with your Dr and pathology.

Jim - I hit de jackpot last Friday too!! Wondabout tree more free tikees, but datsall.
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Old March 19th, 2014, 12:25 PM
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Happity Humpity, boys & girl

The days roll by so fast.

"Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives."

Whelpt, got the GS dis mawnin'.... It really does need some fine tuning and finishing; I have a regular laundry list already -- some of which I already knew. The BIG stuff has been done, but it's unfinished.

To make life even more interesting, I got it off the truck and was headed to the gas station 100 yards away and it ran out of gas -- 50' after I left. Luckily, a couple guys jumped out of their pick-em-up and pushed it whilst I steered. Thank goodness the fuel pump & battery are good....

It seems to run well, but it's going to take some time and effort (and more $$) to get it the way I want. But I definitely abandoned the idea of putting the console, buckets, and N-25 exhaust in 'er.

To my delight, however, the copper color looks better every time I see it. Really kinda' pretty. Better half likes it, and she's my color guide, since I'm pretty color blind anyhoots...

Welcome back, Mike! Glad you had a great trip.

[QUOTE=slantflat;670752] John what is the show you want me to see on Netflix? Is that something you have to sign up for or is it something you look up on the internet, like youtube? How are the aunts this week? /QUOTE]
You have to subscribe to Netflix, Mike, but it's less than $10/month, and is worth it, IMHO... especially if you have a Blu-ray that can stream the service to your home TV. The show I was referring to is called Air Disasters.... I know it's not a pleasant thought, but it's so well done, it's fascinating. It shows an insider's view into the aviation industry. It was originally on the Smithsonian Channel (which is obvious if you clicked that link), and I watched all 10 episodes of Season 1 in about a week. There are more seasons I'm hoping will be on Netflix soon.

Saw Aunt Jean yesterday. They'd rather fill her up w/ morphine than turn her in the bed to help the pressure wounds. I tell them all the time, and they agree; but getting them to turn the poor girl you'd swear was an act of Congress -- in a gridlocked system, no less. You hate to say it, and God forbid I sound cynical, but Hospice has just become yet another way for the big medical outfits to make more money. (Man, I sound so much like my Dad now, it scares me.)

This outfit isn't as bad as the ones who oversaw Connie, but they can certainly try my patience (patients?). Jean is usually sleeping and groggy; If I can get a few minutes of coherence when I'm there for a few hours, I feel fortunate. And she eats downright awful. If it weren't for chocolate ice cream and malts, I don't think she'd make it another day.

On a pleasant note, however, I'm taking my two brothers out to eat seafood this evening; it's our annual "brothers' birthday bash"! One's b'day is in March and one's is in April -- so I'll prolly gain 5 lbs tonite.... gonna' fill up on oysters (or "ershtas," as da' Yats call 'em).

Y'all have a fab humpity, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; March 19th, 2014 at 12:40 PM.
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Old March 19th, 2014, 12:39 PM
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So far Allan it's a one humper

Sandy my middle daughter got me into watching it and she would give her eye teeth for that '67 4 dr triple black Chebby
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Old March 19th, 2014, 02:40 PM
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And back we go

Hi everyone.

Boy this going back to work after being off 10 days is for the birds. Well, I have a new found joy to look forward to. I don't know how long it will remain a joy but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I will so enjoy telling my foreman tonight that I'm OUTA HERE!!

Got up around noon today and then took the blue van for tires. I spent more than I wanted to but I got Michelin LTXs and they look awesome. I put them on Chevy 454SS rims. It looks like one of those 70s Nomad Sport vans. Way cool. Now I just have to figure out centercaps. The old tires were a little scary, and I'm also getting the alignment done on Friday. It's going to need a centerlink I'm pretty sure.

John I've seen that show before. It's a good one. How do you get Netflix if you don't have digital TV? Can you just hook it up to the computer? Then I could read 36" email.

Sandy I admire you for being so convicted in your decisions. I hope the doctors don't give you any grief over any of it. If more people were so firm in their decision making there would be less of the doctors over medicating and over treating.

Thank you, Jamesbo, for teaching me something. Homeless people are fairly rare in Henry County but one pops up once in a while, as do the pan handlers. I saw one today and your saying popped into my head. There but for the Grace of God go I. I actually thought about that for a moment.

Scot the 57 is a 4 door sedan. I wanted that car on purpose. My grandfather had a 2 door sedan and my Mom learned how to drive in it. Mom doesn't like any of my car stuff but when she sees a 57 Chevy she likes it. So I got this car, it's the same colors as my Granddad's car, Adobe Beige over Sierra Gold. Copper and Tan basically. I had hoped I'd get this restored and Mom could drive it when she came to visit. She has this thing about not liking 2 door cars so when I saw this one I bought it. The restoration was sort of stillborn but I tinker with it once in a while and I hope it doesn't take too long to get it done. One thing is for sure when I'm looking for a place in Savannah I'm getting something that has a good place to work on cars.

Thanks Clint(and everyone else). At one point I was so unhappy in my job that I considered quitting the company. Anything has to be better than that.

Okay out with the dogs then off to work. Hope everyone has enjoyed their hump day and has a good rest of the week.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 03:38 AM
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Just a quick worm (it's delicious after not tasting it for a while) and a quick mazel tov to Mike! Here's a wish that the luster of the new job never wears dull, brother.

You can get Netflix directly on the Internet. Newer digital TVs do have inputs to function as a computer monitor. But I think its most popular role is as a streaming service (like Hulu, Amazon, or a slew of other streaming subscriptions you can buy) through a Blu-ray player or other Internet-ready "streaming" devices such as game console or gizmo that hooks up to both your TV and the Web.

If you have a decent size monitor and/or really like to watch movies, it's prolly worth the $10/month to just subscribe and watch it on the computer. But some of the newer HD content (if you have a good connection, which we really do NOT) comes over pretty nice on a big-screen. We get glimpses of it with our slow DSL, but often it will have to stop & rebuffer. We have one crazy bug with our "main" Blu-ray in the living room: when we do a streaming service, the subwoofer doesn't work. Have no idea why... everything else on the Blu-ray drives the sub except the streaming service. But it sounds good enough without it in general.

I took a few hours off yesterday to pick up Coppertone (a.k.a. "Granny Sport"). But today there ain't no excaping my 10 hours at the mine.

Y'all have a great one, Oldsmosiblings.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; March 20th, 2014 at 04:52 AM.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 05:06 AM
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Mornin all.

Runnin behind today. I did not want to get my derriere out of the sack this morning.

John, We have Broadband and it was running extremely slow until they came out and installed a new modem. Now I think we at over 28mbps which is plenty fast for the things I need.

Jamesbo. Theres another I didn't know about... the 57 sedan. I may need to start a spread sheet on this.

Scot ain't it funny? I have no desire to own a 4 door car, but I would rather own a 4 door truck.

Sandy, sending warm and fuzzy thoughts your way.

Welp, 7670.09 days ago, I tied a knot. WTH was she thinking? been a pretty good trip so far.

Have a Thursday all.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 05:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda froggy dis mawn'in but spoe to hit de 60's today

Clint, Yeah, I think an excel spread sheet is de only way to keep up wit Mike's stable

John, Congrats on de Granny Sport mak'in it safely to it's new home. Sorry ya can't take itout today. De don't have sick day whar ya werk?

Sandy, Jes keep think'in "Car shows an Gawga Peaches" are jes around de corner.

Allan, Dat poor camel looks to tired to hump or "walk a mile"

Enjoy de day Olds friends, It's almost Friday
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Old March 20th, 2014, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Mornin all.

Welp, 7670.09 days ago, I tied a knot. WTH was she thinking? been a pretty good trip so far.

Have a Thursday all.
I am right there with you.. on the next Tuesday I will be at 7300 Myself.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 07:03 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Morning all! Happy first day of spring at 11:47am, lol.

A smile this morning. Feeling about 65% this morning. We have some rain coming down, had a coating of snow on everything when I got up. It's around 34* right now. Supposed to see the sun and get to around 40* later. Guess its spring on the calendar anyhow...

Well Brian is back. Been over there muttering all morning. Phones are quiet.

Larry gave me my last shot last night and I don't know what he did or didn't do, but it hurt bad from the time he jabbed me. I cried. Then I was sooo hungry- my stomach was growling - so I made some Lipton chicken soup, not knowing what might taste good. It smelled so good! Took one taste of it and just started bawling like a baby cause it was yucky. You have no idea what it's like to be starving and everything tastes like crap. God I was so frustrated and mad! This is no way to live. My taste may never come back like normal. I'll friggin kill someone if that happens! Not to get personal, but I only went potty once yesterday when I got up, because I can't drink anything. That is not good for the body. If you can't drink, you can't pee, lol! I don't even want to know what my kidneys, intestines and bladder look like right now. I foresee many problems in the future..... I think they need to lower the dosages of these toxins and stretch them out longer if necessary to spare the internal organs and body the damage this crap causes. Some of these chemo drugs can actually cause other cancers! Good God.

Thanks for listening to me rant. I'm just not as strong as I was years ago I guess. When I think about kids going through this ***** it just breaks my heart. I know how crappy I feel. I cant imagine their little bodies....

Anyhow..... I'm thinking car shows! Got my new issue of Cruisin Times yesterday and they're starting to list the shows. Hope I can get the money to get Teepo's leaky tranny fixed sometime before show season. I owe soooooo much in medical bills.

Clint.... happy anniversary! And many more.....

Mike.... good luck on your new job. Hope it turns out to be what you want it to be. Its always nice to like what you do.

Well enough.... you all have a great day!!
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Old March 20th, 2014, 07:43 AM
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Thanks for listening to me rant.
Sandy, it's never a problem.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
sandy, it's never a problem.
x 2
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Old March 20th, 2014, 11:04 AM
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Happy Anniversary Clint!

Good Afternoon All

Yup it's Spring and what a beautiful day it is

Mike I like all the tri-5's including but not limited to Chevy, Poncho & Buicks. The more doors have a great amount of room to haul more friends Much less can look just as good especially if kept late 50's early 60's traditional styling

Thanks for listening to me rant.
X3 Sandy we are here to lend an ear

Whelp the kids will be home soon, I guess I had better matronate dem steaks, it's what for dinner
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Old March 20th, 2014, 02:43 PM
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Hi everyone.

So it's spring. It certainly is a nice day out. When did we change from saying spring was March 21 to, some meteorological explanation of a certain hour and minute on the day before spring? Well, it's a good first step away from winter.

Congratulations Clint. Here's to many more. There's nothing I'd like more than to be married and have a family. You're very lucky.

Scot I absolutely love the 57 Oldsmobile. That era of cars, especially the Oldsmobile, if you look at a 4 door it doesn't look like a 4 door. No matter, cram as many people as you can in and head off to 7-11 .

Sandy hang in there. Go out in a field somewhere that there's no one around and scream as loud as you possibly can. It sounds dumb but it helps.

John I'm gonna check out Netflix. I damn sure ain't gonna be paying a hundred plus a month for cable in two places. Glad you're liking the Byerk. Looks good now I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Well Friday awaits. Work wasn't too bad last night, but the foreman wasn't there. My fun of telling him to p*ss off will have to wait. I wonder if they still do "exit interviews." Why are you leaving, what do you think about this department, what makes you want to go to the new department, blah blah.

Okay have a good night everyone.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 04:48 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike do you have a 57 Olds? I'm just trying to keep my records straight...

Sandy I think I'm a x4 or 5 on the rant thing.

Congrats Jeff to you and the missus.

John, Have you gone out and terrorized the town yet in Coppertone?

Have y'all heard George straights latest? 'I Got A Car' He sure knows how to put em out.

well, The came home last night as I was finishing up chores and said, "You wanna take Brit out tonight?" I said "sure, where ya wanna go?" to which she replied, "Does it matter? Lets just go, she'll take us somewhere." Boy do I adore that woman... So off we went. We ended up cruising downtown Denver into a place called '5 points' It's a little better now, but it used to be a place you would avoid at all costs. Kinda like the south side of Chicago, Or East St. Louis. The houses are starting to be renovated and the area is trying to turn it around. Some fabulous Old brick homes with a Victorian flair. But the looks we were getting made me a little uneasy. We really didn't have near dark enough a tan to be in that area with a a car like that. Stopped in this old Place and had a Elk Cheddar Brat and the missus had an Alaskan Reindeer Brat.

Well, I have another Olds to look at today for that old chap in Illinois. This is a CS with 442 badging.

Welp I batter get with it. I need to find a fuel pump rebuild kit for a 50 Caddy Series 62.

Have a Friday all.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 04:48 AM
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Meanwhile in Bavaria:

Friday, 12:50pm at work. ~73°F. Free beer is all gone.

Time to leave and get to the garage, I guess. Have a nice day!

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Old March 21st, 2014, 06:46 AM
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Morning all!

Clouds are taking over the sun out here now and its in the 20's. Supposed to get up to 50 but rain/snow expected.

Quiet morning in here except for Brian's mouth lol. I feel a little better, but not much. It was nice not to have to have a shot last night. I'm able to drink a little more water today but it still doesn't taste good.

Leaving at 2:30 today for my appt with Rehmus.

Clint.... glad you all had a nice anniversary. and.... happy birthday tomorrow in case I don't get on here.

Jamesbo.... where you at this morning??

I have to take Nicole's phone down to the UPS store at noon and send it back. Samsung said they will look at it and replace the digitizer and it shouldn't cost anything cause it's under warranty.

Well you all have a good Friday.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 09:02 AM
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I snucked off to de mountain early
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Old March 21st, 2014, 02:28 PM
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Howdy everyone.

What a glorious day here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. Sunny and 70.

Bad news at the mechanic today. The blue van needs lower ball joints, idler and pitman arms, and a centerlink. So for about a grand it won't go down the street like a drunken sailor. I'm gonna have to over think this for a little while and see if I can come up with a better solution.

Work wasn't too bad last night. I wrestled with a 757 engine half the night trying to find a repair that needed to be removed and reinspected in the pylon. Got the repair off but dayshift got to do the inspection and put it back on. That isn't going to be fun. Left the airport right at 7.

Talked with a realtor in the Savannah area this afternoon. She's already sent me several listings and said she can't see me this weekend, but will go check out the houses that I like. She didn't seem put out with what I needed and the short time frame. I guess after 30 years she's heard it all.

No 57 Olds Clint. I just like them. I say I like the 58s too, but they are a bit garish. I really like the 58 Buick. Go figure. Birthday tomorrow? Have a Happy!

So Nop, the free beer was gone at 1257. What time did you put it out?

Guess I'll figure out a way to enjoy the rest of this beautiful evening. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 08:38 PM
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Evening everyone, looks like it was purty quiet here today.

Seems like the ol man is hangin on for dear life and won't let Spring into his sights for at least another week. Curse him!

Mike - a grand for that? Why not just do it yourself; it would cost a LOT less and really wouldn't take all that much time. I'd say for less than 400.00 you could have that puppy driving nice and that includes an alignment. Are you planning to move??

Clint - that 70 '442' you're going to look at? I looked at some of the 'professionally restored' components on it way. I'd buy that it's a clone though. Here's some of the things I noticed (I'm sure you also did)
- The 442 numerals are in the wrong places on the fenders and deck lid, plus they're not properly spaced or lined up.
- There's an Oldsmobile script on the left side deck lid for some obscure reason?
- No chrome hood louvers
- It has an A65 split bench instead of the A51 the 442's came with as standard equipment
- missing deck lid stripes, and has W30 stripes instead of the 3 side stripes. note: the W30 stripe is not proper either - too thin.
- Driveline is a 350/350?? Yer kidding me, all 1970 442's came with 455's, M14 floor shift unless upgraded to TH400 or M21
- I'll bet the VIN starts out 342670... instead of 344670.
- The paint and gaps look nice.
27K is a lot of $$$ for a clone of the real thing. About 8-10K more than it's worth IMO.

Yes, George Strait is one of my favs too! Good call on the song; does it remind you of your youth?

Nop - time for refills
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Old March 22nd, 2014, 01:17 AM
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A crate of free beer is delivered at the beginning of every year by our brewery as a starting point. This one was good for about 2 weeks, I guess.

Originally Posted by slantflat
the free beer was gone at 1257. What time did you put it out?
Actually I didn't notice when the last bottle went and who took it. First sneak, first serve.

Originally Posted by Allan R
Nop - time for refills
2015 then. Or else I'll actually have to pay for my Friday afternoon beer. Ouch.
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Old March 22nd, 2014, 04:26 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan you are correct on all counts. The guy is not trying to list it as a 442, but I think just wanted to add the 'bling' to it. It is a nice car. It's a lot more Orange than I would have expected for a Rallye Red' Colour (<- Thats for you and Paul, Allan) It does have its issues. It drives much nicer than the 69. Here is an album with foot notes on the issues I saw.

George Strait has a way with lyrics. I think most people can relate to this song or many of his others. That is partly why he does so well.

Have fun in the hills Jamesbo.

Mike, Sandy. Thanks.

Nop. I just finished my last bottle of Berg That my friend brought me. I'm so ready for more.

I Need to go bring home the 'bobcat'. The missus ordered 10 tons of dirt to be delivered late today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Old March 22nd, 2014, 05:27 AM
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Dis babe [that's BABE] I went to high school with posted is. Since it's stuck in my head, I thought I'd share wit my Oldls friends

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Old March 22nd, 2014, 05:44 AM
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Hey everyone happy Saturday.

Clint hope your day is a success. Happy Birthday brother!

Beautiful day here again. Decided to have a burn pile today. Probably the last chance I'll have for it this season.

Nop I hope your crate of beer consists of many of those packs of 20. Otherwise you guys are a bunch of light weights![my smilies aren't working]

Allan I could replace the parts myself but don't have a lot of time to do it. I'd have to have the ball joints and the alignment done. My plan is to stay in Savannah while I'm working, and then come home on my weekends. The best plan B I've come up with so far is to trade the Fiat on something big enough for the dogs but a little more economical. What I'd save in gas would probably make the payment.

Gotta git to the Awful house. Enjoy everything today.

Last edited by slantflat; March 22nd, 2014 at 05:50 AM.
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Old March 22nd, 2014, 09:17 AM
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Welcome to da' weekend

Went for a little walk in Ponchatoula Park w/ better half this morning; was virtually perfect: ~58* with no sun, slight breeze, and no wet stuff. Couldn't resist, although I was unsure due to the oral surgery yesterday morning. It seems to have gone well, but I'll be on liquids and (very) soft foods for about a week. But eatin' grits & lemon pudding for breakfast ain't as bad as it might sound ;-) At least the slight downtime gives me a chance to catch up on my rest.

Sandy, X5 or 6, or whatever the number is up to now. We B here, girl, FWIW... Car shows approacheth!

Actually, for us, the first Covington Block Party of the season is next Friday. Maybe I'll take the SF out and enjoy the spring weather, if Elsie isn't in sight.

Originally Posted by CQR
John, Have you gone out and terrorized the town yet in Coppertone?
"Does it matter? Lets just go, she'll take us somewhere." Boy do I adore that woman...
Sounds like a swell time, Clint!
But I'm afraid I won't be taking C'tone out any time soon other than to an interior/trim guy (that I haven't found yet) and a body guy (ditto for him, as well). I think I have a lead on the body guy, at least. But I need a lull in all the craziness first.

Originally Posted by CQR
Welp, 7670.09 days ago, I tied a knot. WTH was she thinking? been a pretty good trip so far.
Big-time Mazel Tov on that (belatedly), Clint! Yous guys are 4 months behind us (11/91).

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I snucked off to de mountain early
Me envious, Kemosabe.... I think Easter is our earliest possible date, and it's looking surer & surer. I started working for a new person and group on Thursday, so I'm going to have to tread lightly on taking weeks off and making up time. My previous boss was as easygoing with that sort of thing as anyone I've ever worked for. So I just need to dance the dance for a while and scope out my new surroundings.

Originally Posted by slantflat
The blue van needs lower ball joints, idler and pitman arms, and a centerlink.
Sorry for the bad news, Mike. Since you have a couple () vehicles, why not do it yourself? Just bring it to the guy for the final alignment. You could invest in some front end tools if you don't already have them, and you'd be ready for next time.
Good luck with the house hunting. Is it going to be as bad as I imagine to move for you? I'm surmising you have a nice, deep footprint where you are now

Y'all have a fab weekend, including those who're working thru it, Oldsmochums.
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