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Old November 18th, 2013, 04:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little dank. Can't type cause my left arm is fubar

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Old November 18th, 2013, 04:36 AM
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Jamesbo. Rest up. It'll get better. Sorry to hear about the coughin nails. But glad your still here.

Darrell, That was interesting last night for sure. Mayhap there is a little good left in the Gov.

Hope everyone fared well with the tornados. Colorado lucked out this year. I can't recall any actual damage from the twisters. Musta been the Chinese year of the the water. We did have a lot of wind yesterday at the races. It settled down a bit during our race, but it was howlin 30-40 mph during the bike race in the morning.

Sandy, the seat looks fabulous. John, so does the room.

Allan. Looks like fun. NOT!

Hope everyone makes it thru the Monday. I have a Hupmobile coming into the shop today for wheel cylinders and a fuel pump leak.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 06:01 AM
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Morning All!

Sun is out this morning, temps in the 40's. Still windy but they're supposed to die down. I lost one of my fall flags out by the driveway - I shoulda took them down - and 2 of my signs were knocked down, but that's it. All little scarecrows lining the driveway are acounted for.

I'm surprised we didn't have any tree branches down in the back.... I feel for the folks in the other states that lost everything.

Darrell..... her seat had a tear in the back of the front seat, driver's side and the foam was showing through. It couldn't be patched, they told me. Also a tear was starting at the top of the passenger seat where the sun is on it all the time. Material was just dried out and old.

I tell you, it's like sitting on a brand new seat! The padding is so firm! I sit up much higher, which is nice.

Clint/Darrell..... The Gov is a sick person... I knew when he saw that little girl that he'd start thinking it was his family! It was nice to see that he has a 'human' side, lol, but he's sick in the head. It will be interesting to see what happens. He's not going to like taking orders from that other guy that was with him in Woodbury....

Maybe I'll just have Defer check the coolant. I didn't know if the stuff breaks down over time or what. It's always nice and clean (on top anyhow) when I check it.

Awwww Jamesbo... sorry your arm hurts. I hope you start feeling better.

Well I better do something. Will try to post pics of the windlace and package tray later on. Have a great day all!
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Old November 18th, 2013, 07:08 AM
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Good Mawnin All

It's eerily warm here with temps around the 70's and supposed to reach 80*

Sandy your interior looks marvelous! Your coolant looses it's freeze protection properties as it ages and breaks down. You can test it easily with one of these hydrometers. They run around $5-10

Allan you can keep that white stuff up thar! We have a new member in the S.O. group

Jamesbo I hope you heal quickly my friend. Keep us posted on your recovery.

Paul it's good to hear from you brother

Whelp back to scouring the job boards Have a great day Oldsmobuds
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Old November 18th, 2013, 08:16 AM
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Well thank you, Scot. I do believe I've seen one of those testers out in the garage, lol. I'll have to look for it!!
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Old November 18th, 2013, 08:35 AM
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You are quite welcome Sandy Basically you squeeze the air out of the bulb and vacuum will pull the coolant in, then you check to see if your coolant is sufficient to protect from the coldest expected temperature in your area. I would say at least -10* or better in your area just to be on the safe side.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 02:34 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nice day here, got up to about 70, but was breezy. Scot if you guys got up to 80 that's great!

I've also seen other hydrometers that were like basters. When you draw the coolant up into the tube little colored ***** float and tell you how good the coolant is.

Clint weren't you working on this Hup a few months ago? You know I don't think I've ever seen a Hupmobile in person, only in pictures.

John I haven't had an office in years. The office turned into a bedroom(that turned into Fibber MaGee's closet) so now I just have my desk and computer out in the living room. It's easy to watch TV while I'm looking at the internet, though. Someday I'll have my new office in a room downstairs with a nice view out to the lake.

Paul I wish I would take time to just go out and drive. One time at night I was bored at home so I got on 285 and just drove the whole way around until I got back home. An odd thing to do but it gave me something to do. I have lists of lists that I look at to determine what I should do any given day. Maybe I should schedule leisurely drives.

Ah Groundhog Day #2. Wasn't too bad last night. We worked inside and got a lot of little things done to the plane. Got it out early and got home a little early. What was funny was I was supposed to work on this plane last week, but we never got it, it went back out.

Well I'll get ready and head out. Hope the week started out well for everyone. Have a good night.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 07:35 PM
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Evening everyone. Nice day here, around 70 and sunny. Doesn't happen that often this time of year.

Jamesbro - sorry to hear you're still under the weather. Hope your feeling up to typing again soon. BTW, when did you change your name to "Jamesbo" or did I just not notice that before?

Sandy/Clint - it will be interesting to see if the Gov turns over a new leaf. Don't see him taking orders from Rodriquez either. Will be interesting to see if he stays with that group. Interesting that the story line on Sunday included none of the usual cast at the prison. Kinda missed Daryl shootin a zombie with a crossbow.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 19th, 2013, 03:34 AM
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Mornin all.

Not much to say.

The missus left early today to go to Silt for a semi load. So I have a lot of critters to tend to.

Jamesbo. hope you're feeling better today.

Mike, Yup. Same one. It was a little over a year ago. But they always seems to need more attention sooner or later.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old November 19th, 2013, 04:54 AM
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Mawn'in all

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Old November 19th, 2013, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

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Old November 19th, 2013, 05:53 AM
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My wife makes some pretty good chili ... What's your secret ?
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Old November 19th, 2013, 08:17 AM
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Late morning All!

Coudy and cool here, temps in the high 30's. The winds have finally died down.

I've been on the internet and calling around this morning to see what Nicole's insurance, on Larry's plan, covers. Her back is so bad she can hardly walk to get to the bathroom. Last night she just kinda fell in the hallway and laid there on the floor. All she did was bend to clean a toilet on Sunday, lol, and BOOM instant back pain! She took some of my old Vicodin yesterday and I gave her some muscle relaxers they gave me for my jaw. She's been putting Icy Hot on it. She called off of work today.

I'm going to go get her at noon and take her to Urgent Care. At least they can x-ray and see if there's something going on with the disks or something. She's had tail bone pain since 8th grade when some kid pushed her and she fell on it.

Quiet in here today. Brian left a few minutes to go have lunch with a customer/friend. So he won't be back until 2 ish. We get to go have a group lunch tomorrow for Thanksgiving, on the company. Wish we were going somewhere nice...

I have to call Bob and tell him Nicole won't be working for him tomorrow. Probably have to reschedule Tincanio's detail job too.

Jamesbo... hope you're feeling better. From your one word post, I'm wondering.

Darrell..... Jamesbo has always been Jamesbo, lol. I'm still not trusting the Gov... I think he's up to no good! I missed the regular characters too since they didn't even show them once. Who knows what's going on back at the prison!

Well you all have a good day!
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Old November 19th, 2013, 09:37 AM
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Tuesday Woosday

Mornin', all... I'll be off most Mondays now, so today's my day back at the salt mine. Was a nice 42* at the Plantation, but a temperate 57* in NOLA.

Stinkin' plasma flat-panel in living room is actin' up. Shuts down for an hour, then won't start back up for half hour or hour. I need to either have it repaired (thinking on it) or get a new TV. We're using a small one from the exercise room in the living room right now.... At least it's something. Just what I needed was something else on my plate; but I thank goodness it's something like this -- and no human ailment for a change.

Originally Posted by CQR
Hope everyone fared well with the tornados.

John, so does the room.

I have a Hupmobile coming into the shop today for wheel cylinders and a fuel pump leak.
Clint, my better half's family is all in IL. Her brother is in Washington and one of her sisters is in Pekin. Thank God, they fared OK, but as of last night, the brother still had no power. Pretty lucky.... but amazing devastation. The car dealership where he works is closed b/c of power loss.

Thanks for the compliment, Clint & Sandy... I'm just going to plug away an hour or so a day until it gets back to square one. I should've put everything back on the walls first, but of course, I didn't. That oughtta' be fun. Still don't have the dial-up working for the PC fax, but I rarely use that anyway. And the sound ain't workin' on the PC; need to troubleshoot that soon.

The Hupp family (of Hupmobile fame) (or at least their descendents) have a cottage on Torch Lake in N. Mich., where we used to go every year. Have fun with that car ~~ post us a pic if it's convenient.

Originally Posted by slantflat
Paul I wish I would take time to just go out and drive.
I heard that, Mike. When we were kids, my Dad would sometimes pack us all in the car on a Sunday afternoon and just hit the road for a couple hours in our '54 Pontiac.... those were the days . Our usual destination was across the (24-mi) Causeway Bridge, and back. We thought that was more fun than a barrel of munchkins.

I need to drive the Olds more, as I've lamented here many times.

Originally Posted by oldsguybry

Is Alan Ludden in the room?

Have a great resto'day, Oldsmobuds.
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Old November 19th, 2013, 02:45 PM
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Hey everyone.

Friday for me, yay. We're having our holiday dinner at work tonight, should be a good spread. One thing is for sure, mechanics know how to eat! Of course that just makes us lethargic the rest of the night.

John glad the family is all okay. I've never heard of Washington, IL, the scenes on the news look a lot like the twister that leveled Plainfield in the late 80s.

Sandy I hope Nicole is feeling better. I don't have a bad back but once in a while my back hurts and it's all but debilitating.

Jamesbo is that a Mexican post? Chili today and hot tamale?

Clint it's been a year since you were talking about the Hup last? Boy does time fly.

Okay the dogs are wanting out. Gotta leave in a few minutes. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old November 19th, 2013, 07:16 PM
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Evening everyone. A lot colder here went from around 70 to 45 in
24 hours. Today was my daughter's birthday, can't believe she's 10 already. Time flies.

Sandy - hope Nicole is feeling better soon. I know how much that can stop you from functioning.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old November 19th, 2013, 07:30 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Its nice to finally have things slowing down around here. I went bowling last night, and had a really good first game of 202 (60+ pins over average) but quickly went down the rest of the night.

We had the white stuff fall last night, and it was cold here today. Oh well, I knew it was coming.

Mike, enjoy your dinner. And you should schedule some fun drives. I like to have a destination though, even if it is just a lunch or store.

John, good to hear your family is ok.

Sandy, I hope that Nicole gets better soon.

Scot, I'll try to be around more often. I'll have some more updates for my build thread. But not tonite

Have a great Wednesday everyone!
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Old November 20th, 2013, 03:41 AM
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Monin all.

Paul nice job on the 200+

Darrell, I somehow thought you were older than that to have a 10 year old. Happy Berfday to her.

Mike, yup. Over a year. The fuel leak ended up being a loose bolt caused by a dried out cork gasket. So it shouldn't take too much to get her up and running.

John glad to hear the fam was missed by the destruction. Gonna take a lot of work to make all that damage right again.

Sandy, I hope you have good news about Nicoles back.

The missus left early fo Wyoming today. Spose to start snowing tonight. Looks like more than a skiff is expected. I may have to break out the 'Yota.

Jamesbo. I hope you're feeling a little more human.

Have a great humpday all.
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Old November 20th, 2013, 05:13 AM
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Mawn'in all

I'm geeting tired of feel'in like dog do

When I have sum'in nice to say, I'll be back
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Old November 20th, 2013, 05:51 AM
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Happity humpity

Thought I was gonna' be off today, but it's a 4-day worker this week. I'm making up for a few hours I missed during the dreaded partial shutdown.
'Twas 38 at the Plantation this morning: a little nippier than I thought it was gonna be. Spose to warm up to mid-70s today, though. Don't think wet stuff will show its ugly face today.

Thanks for the words on the in-laws, folks. You're right, Clint... those neighborhoods they showed on the news won't be back anytime soon.

Sandy, that interior (color and pattern) SO evokes memories of the 70s and late 60s. And I know it smells as good as it looks! Beautiful. I'm really starting to appreciate old crank windows, too. My GS had them, and I didn't really pay attention to the fact that they're practically nonexistent nowadays.

So sorry to hear of Nicole's back. Hope she gets an answer and some relief real soon... that's miserable, especially for somebody so young.

Mike, hope you enjoyed the dinner -- and all that tryptophan. I guess you must've slept pretty well after that .

Jamesbo, sorry you're feeling like puppy poop.... just remember: time wounds all heals . Hope you at least get some good drugs to ease the pain. Maybe a little Atlanta mint julep is in order.

Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
Jamesbro - BTW, when did you change your name to "Jamesbo" or did I just not notice that before?
Darrell, I always thought you were joking w/ that Jamesbro thing.

Whelpt, y'all have a great humpity, Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 20th, 2013, 06:02 AM
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One???? No frigg'in way
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Old November 20th, 2013, 06:47 AM
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One for Hotlanta, one for the Big Easy, one for Hiawassee, one for Clayton, and one for Ponchatoula.... Just be sure you're already at your destination before taking this prescription....
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Old November 20th, 2013, 07:25 AM
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How 'bout 1 fer New Iberia
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Old November 20th, 2013, 08:13 AM
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Late Morning All!

Sunny and cold here today. Temps at 23 earlier this morning. They're saying some rain for tomorrow, now.... I took off tomorrow cause it was supposed to be sunny and Teepo had the oil change scheduled. I might call and see if they have any openings tonight.

Brian called off sick today. He must have ate too much at his lunch yesterday, seeing as how he didn't get back in here until 3:30 yesterday afternoon... I'm enjoying the quiet!

We're supposed to be going to lunch today - which is why I didn't take today off - I don't know if we'll still go without Brian. I hope so.

I took Nicole down to the Urgent Care yesterday. Got back here at 2:30. They took x-rays and they were fine. The doc said just a bad sprain. She got 2 pills to take, of course. Muscle relaxer and anti spasm. I put Icy Hot on it last night and she laid on the heating pad. She said it feels better today, but stiff. I sure hope it doesn't bother her much at work tomorrow. She's determined to go back. She just passed her 90 days on the 13th and she's worried...

Jamesbo... you're funny. I sure hope you start to feel better soon.

Paul... nice of you to drop in!

Clint... you keep that snow out there, lol. I think we're supposed to get some on Saturday. It's gonna be a cold weekend. Sunday is only supposed to be around 27 degrees.

Thanks all for the compliments on Teepo's seat. John.... this is the first time I've been able to roll down her back windows, lol. Jay cleaned out in there and said there was old dried grease and dust and crap. I was always afraid to try to get them down all the way for fear I'd break something.

I still haven't found anyone to restore that build sheet. Or just glue it back together. I'm still looking!

Well have a great hump day all!!
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Old November 20th, 2013, 08:29 AM
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Could an art museum make a reference as to where to get your build sheet glued back together? Someplace perhaps that deals with archival materials?
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Old November 20th, 2013, 11:43 AM
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Hey everyone.

Just got back from breakfast with my neighbor. I told him to call me if he wanted to go, and he called about 1130. I got off work early this morning so I still got a few hours sleep.

I think this afternoon I'm going to get up on the roof and clean out the gutters. Also need to take the blower up on the garage roof and blow all the pine needles off. Those can be murder on shingles.

John I wasn't around when Kennedy was shot, but I was in 8th grade when Reagan was shot and the principal came over the intercom to tell us. The teacher, Mrs. Knowles, looked like she was shot herself and said, I'll get the radio. She got a radio out of her desk and we listened to the news for the rest of class.

So Sandy lunch today? Maybe Brian will whine so much that he missed it you can all go again. Hope Nicole is feeling better today. She needs to get back to work, puppies make everything better!

What's that song, Jamesbo? One is one too many, one more is never enough. How you doin' today?

Our dinner at work was excellent. One of our better ones. Lots of good food, rare for all of us to be together at the same time. Usually when it's break time we're scattered everywhere.

Darrell happy belated to the little girl. Doesn't matter how old she gets, you'll always say, I can't believe she's xx already!

Paul I was telling my neighbor today, he needs to just take a ride. He's got a 68 Camaro he keeps saying he's gonna sell, because he can't drive it anymore, and he's always flip flopping, gonna sell it gonna keep it. I said, you and [his wife] just get in the car and go for a drive. Go to lunch a couple hours away and just enjoy the car and good company.

Well I gotta do something. This evening I'll get everything ready to go visit my Mom tomorrow. Beautiful here now, but I hear rain is coming later this week. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old November 20th, 2013, 06:57 PM
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Evening everyone. Busy day with work, which is a good thing. Saw something interesting in the local paper today. They keep track of auto sales for Long Island each month and it turns out that we bought more Mercedes than Chevrolets last month. Unbelievable right?

Mike - yeah I'm getting that feeling already about not believing how old she is. She's only about 7 inches shorter than my wife at this point.

John - I'm not the only one calling him Jamesbro. I see it on many other posts from other people. Guess I wasn't the only one he fooling. BTW, I like crank windows too. Other than the occasional **** that comes off of the handle, they are always reliable and seem to work forever.

Clint - My little guy just turned 7 so I guess I'm really blowing your mind now. I just turned 40 a few months ago.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 03:49 AM
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Just a quick stop to devour a delicious worm.

Had to drop off the better half at airport at zero-dark-30 to go see Mom....

Have a great Thursday, Oldsmobuds, and I will try to duck back in later.... my Heavenly Bake Shop cinnamon bun awaits.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 04:37 AM
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Mawn'in all

What? Ted Kennedy got shot?
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Old November 21st, 2013, 04:38 AM
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Mornin all.

John, No parties while the boss is gone!

Darrell, You're just full of surprises. I had assumed late 50's and I thought I was one of the youngins on here. Now I think I got kicked up into the more experienced half.

Mike, I remember that day too. It was the end of 5th grade. That was when you could listen to the news and get just that. News. Not a continuous op ed piece.

Sandy, have about 1.5" on the grass right now. Its about 20F and they are calling for up to 8" from this storm. So it's not making me very cheery to be around. That and the missus and I continue to squabble. Glad to hear Nicoles feelin better. Make sure she lifts with her knees!

Jamesbo. Don't ferget to have one for Morrison, and one for Lakewood too. I'm sure that'll make you feel real good until it wears off. Then look out!

Well, I got a buyer for my Subaru today. I'm tempted to take the profits down to the local watering hole and see how polluted I can get. But I know better so I'll hold on to it and see if the people who had their outback towed in yesterday are gonna fix it or sell it to me to flip. Gotta love the Subies. They hold their resale better than just about anything around here.

Oops my phone just said Jamesbo replied to this thread. I wonder what he has to say today.

Have a great Thursday all.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 05:42 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Overcast and breezy today. Hope it's nicer in Florida. Gonna take the dogs, hit the Awful house, then head out.

Clint my best friend bought a Legacy wagon in 07, they love it. He's the one that lives in Highlands Ridge. Oddly enough he bought it when they lived in California and before he knew they were moving. They thought the High Saturn was on its last leg and here all this time later I still drive the heck out of it. Though I'm starting to think it's finally on its last leg.

John hope the Mrs. has a safe trip up to IL. I need to get up there one of these days, but I'll be a bit northeast of her destination. And it likely won't be until spring now, because every time I go up there in the winter it snows.

I'll see if I can check in while I'm gone, there's a computer room in the office at my Mom's apartment complex. Maybe we'll make it to the Coffee Shop while I'm there.

Okay gonna head out. Have a good week and weekend everyone be back home Sunday.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 05:42 AM
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Sorry Ole line from "when Harry met Sally" He [Harry] had gone out wit a young Bimbo and he axed her where she was when Kennedy was shot.

Bet Sandy likes the diner scene better.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 01:51 PM
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Old November 21st, 2013, 04:56 PM
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Evening All!

Had a rainy day here today. Temps in the 40's. Just a light steady drizzle all day. Needless to say I called Defer and canceled Teepo's oil change this morning.

So I puttered around the house then went shopping. Went to Kohl's and spent $150 that I didn't have to spend. Got me 2 black skirts, 2 tops, a pullover sweater, a pair of brown slacks and a pair of Isotoner gloves. I had a $25 gift card and found an email they sent me for an additional 20% off. I shoulda went to Wal Mart instead.....

Came home and made Mexican stuffed shells for supper and had some of my garden green beans that I froze, with them. Yummy!!

Nicole says her back is feeling much better. I put one of those Therma Care heat patches on it this morning before she went to work. I like those things. She appreciates all the well wishes.

Clint... we're gonna get it this weekend. It's supposed to rain tomorrow all day then that Alberta clipper comes in with all that cold air and we get snow. Sunday is only going to be in the 20's and they said this will be the first time we've had that kind of cold in November since 2008. Sorry to hear you and the wife are still fussing. Lord knows I know how that is! I cant even escape in the winter time, lol. I hate it....

Mike... have a safe trip.

John... you behave yourself!!

Jamesbo.... feeling better?

Well I better get off here. Nicole and Matt are making "healthy" sugar cookies...I gotta check em out! Have a good evening all.
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Old November 21st, 2013, 05:43 PM
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She was absolutely delicious in that movie.
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Old November 22nd, 2013, 03:54 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy, Get ready for it. Its a cold one. Thanks Allan, but you can keep your cold and your frozen dead guy too. Wait. That's Nederland, Colorado that has the frozen dead guy huh?

Mike hope you have a safe trip. Don't want to worry you, but I did hear its more likely to be passed to dogs in Kennels. Here is a story (one of many) about a virus thats just now breaking out. Keep an eye out.
Been in Ohio and a couple other states too.

Gonna be too wet and frozen to pick up leaves this weekend. I need to get the new computer set up anyhow. This one has been acting pretty good since the other one arrived a month ago, But I know the final BSOD is only a click away.

Well have a great Friday all.
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Old November 22nd, 2013, 04:37 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little dank but nutt'in like yous guys is getting

Tanks, Drugs are a wonderful thing.
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Old November 22nd, 2013, 06:39 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Morning All!

Dreary and dark here, rainy and temp is 49. Not looking forward to the cold.....

Steve is off today so I'm going to do his pile of filing and get that done. I like to wait until he is off so I'm not in his way. Quiet in here again. I didn't miss anything yesterday.

Jamesbo.... glad you're feeling better. What are you hearing from the truckers insurance company? Are they gonna pay you?

There wasn't much traffic on the roads this morning, which is always nice. I came in at the same time Brian did, and the first thing he did when he walked in was turn the thermostat down. It was hotter than hades in here. I figured they'd crank it yesterday when I wasn't here. I put on my tank top and capris and the fan is on. It's starting to cool down now. I'm such a pain in their a$$!

Well you all have a good Friday!
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Old November 22nd, 2013, 07:21 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

Cloudy here with temps around the mid 50's at the moment but should warm up nicely to around 71* and gradually go downhill as the weekend progresses. Monday is expected to be in the upper 20's for the low

Well I got the front yard all raked up *AGAIN* Never buy a silver leaf maple unless you like to rake leaves. This tree is only like 15 years old and it puts out tons and tons of leaves in the fall and tons and tons of little helicopter like seeds in the spring.

Allan isn't Edmonton a British name? If so is the majority of inhabitants English or French descendant? I have never been north of the border so I wouldn't know, but I associate Canada as being predominately French

Jamesbo hope all is going well. Careful with the pain meds and the koolaid brother

Had a guy send me a ton of old JWO magazines and to my surprise he also included tons of newsletters from the IL Olds club and tons of auto restorer magazines as well Amazingly I did not have a single issue of the ones he sent. What are the odds of that, when you already have several thousand various car magazines?

Whelp I guess it's back to the job search boards Have a great weekend all
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Old November 22nd, 2013, 11:15 AM
Captain Starfire
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Afternoon, girl and boys...

Warm & muggy this morning at the Plantation, but I slept in... when I got up at 6:30, it was up to 63* already. A front is moving toward us and is spose to bring rain this afternoon and tonight and a little chill tomorrow.

Whelpt, da' Saints came out wit a W last nite.... I think the Dirty Birds are finally mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs, Jamesbo, Scot, & Mike.... Not that that's a shock.... Boy, if I had a nickel for every one of the seasons the Saints sucked.... Da Blackbirds put up a valiant fight, and with only a few minutes left to play, I was getting worried...
I think the Birds play better against the Saints than any other team. To say this is a rivalry is an understatement .

Sorry for the early chill & white stuff, folks.

Easy on the analgesics there, Jamesbo . Hope you're improving... Did you happen to get a lull in business to give you a chance to recover? Maybe the customers are off for the holidays .

Unfortunately for me, our ISP has blocked Youtube from our eyes, so I can't look at Harry/Sally videos...

Glad Nicole seems a bit better, Sandy.

Have a safe trip, Mike. I always cubby-hole Reagan's assassination attempt with John Paul II's ... seems they happened so close together. Thank God both lived. And I also associate the assassinations of RFK and MKL for that reason; one seemed to be on the heels of the other.

I remember the morning I got up to learn of RFK's death during the night... I was still pretty young and I thought for certain I had misunderstood something -- surely he couldn't have been killed as well.

Whelpt, let me get back to ordering the food, drinks, and dancing girls for the party at my house tonite. Too bad the better half couldn't be here to enjoy....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 22nd, 2013 at 11:18 AM.
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