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Old February 20th, 2013, 06:01 AM
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Morning All!

A cold 18 degrees here this morning and light snow falling. Lake effect snow is supposed to kick in, so everywhere will get some today. It's getting old now.... It's a toasty 76 degrees in here. Got my sandals, capris and short sleeve shirt on....

Well Steve and Clay got an email from the owner this morning, inviting them to the open house for our new Tulsa facility. I guess it's in April. Of course Steve doesn't
want to go. I'd love to, but that won't happen. It will probably just be the 3 of them. I'm so tired of being treated like I'm not even here. I'm never told anything, it's always about them. Well when they hired me, it stopped being a 'boys club', lol. I'm thinkin discrimination.........

Nicole was really mad about being let go from her job. She said the lady called her at 9 am yesterday morning. It was her and the other new girl they hired that they let go. I felt bad for her. She really liked it there. Hopefully she can find another job soon. I told her, no wonder this place has an ad in the paper about every 3 months!

Have a good day in the big city, Jamesbo!

Well you all have a good hump day, and stay warm!
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Old February 20th, 2013, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by oldcutlass
Well it's in the 70's here in Texas, I think I'll take the afternoon off and take a drive.
I wish I had that problem !
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Old February 20th, 2013, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by jamesbo
sandy, ya musta jes got your skunk stripe removed.:d

p.s don't forget as a "mod" i can ban ya fer post'in undesirable stuff [like wedding pics] :d
x 1,000,000
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Old February 20th, 2013, 05:34 PM
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Hey everyone.

Cloudy today and almost 60. Gonna be cold tonight. Last night was cold so I wore my winter gear, and I was inside the paint hangar and it was so hot I thought I would melt. Still beat being outside where it was 30.

Friday for me tonight and then tomorrow I get to run around all day and get things for my trip.

Sandy that's too bad about Nicole's job. Since she found out she really liked it perhaps she'll want to stick with it and the previous question of what if I don't like it will be relegated to rhetorical.

Jamesbo I did cut slits on the edges of the bologna. It puffed up in the middle anyway. I don't see what the big deal was, it was just hot bologna. Although I have a neighbor that loves those and he would kill me dead if I said that to him.

Okay off to work. Hope Wednesday was good to you all and Thursday is better.
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Old February 20th, 2013, 05:49 PM
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Humpday's been and went.

Tags need replacing. Went to the license registry but the lineup was too long so I'll go back early in the morning. 84.00/car / year now. This is stupid.

Sandy - She'll find another job with a better vet I hope. It's tough on the new generation trying to put down some solid time at a job. Seems like they're being treated as 'disposable' work force. Must have something to do with not having to pay benefits or something.

Mike - easy way not to get a bubble in bologna! Cut in half when you fry it. Still layers on decent and doesn't change the taste. Sometimes what I do is cut the bologna into small pieces and fry it up in scrambled eggs. Then layer between a couple slices of bread and make it into an 'egg sammich'. It all ends up the same anyway. More fun when it's all mixed up I think. I do that with tube steaks too.

Jamesbo - I think there's other counties besides Woodland that have the same approach. Don't think I want to visit there. Sounds like they believe strongly in 'canon law'. Interpret as desired.

Adrian - hows the differential repair going?

Clint - careful of them yotes! They might be packing and try to kill ya back.
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Old February 20th, 2013, 06:15 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Boy do I have a lot of posts to get caught up on.

Things are going well, just busy with work, a bit of stuff for the Cutlass and just life in general.

I'll try to catch up over the next couple of days.

Sandy, sorry to hear about Nicole's job.

Mike, if you don't like Best Buy, you'd better never come up to Canada. We have Best Buy, but we also have a Canadian chain of electronics stores, similar to Best Buy called Future Shop. They are often located close to each other, sometimes right across the street... Oh, and the Future Shop chain is owned by Best Buy!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 05:56 AM
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Morning All!

Where ya at??????? It's a cold 19 degrees here with flurries falling. Some weak sun trying to peek out.

Tomorrow morning it's gonna be a mess they're saying. We have that storm from Kansas heading our way so we're supposed to get ice/rain/snow/sleet all early in the morning. Then I guess our temp is going up towards 40 so after it gets above 32, we'll be ok.

Nicole was in a better mood last night. She fixed a 'healthy' chicken stir fry for supper with white rice. It was very good!! She printed a bunch of healthy recipes to try. Today she job shadows at a vet's office in Hudson.

Paul.... nice to hear from you and know all is well!!

Mike.... my fried bologna always puffed up too, I cut the edges also. I don't know what the big deal is about it, either. It still tastes like bologna, lol! Only fried. I like it, but it's not something I would eat often. Matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I had bologna. It's not good for you.

Well you all have a great day. I believe Colorado is supposed to get snow from this Kansas storm too, so Clint might be getting prepared!
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Old February 21st, 2013, 05:58 AM
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Mawn'in all

A mite chili dis mawn'in

Mike, I spoke wit de cook at de Awful House de utter day. He said, de make a new pot of grits every nite.

Gang, It's come to my attention dat History has officialllly died wit dis generation. de stepson is tak'in his squeeze down to Savanah fer de weekend and informed me de were go'in to visit de fort whar de War Between de States started [Dat's de civil war to you foreigners] I hate to brake de news to him dat he's not only got de wrong fort, He's in de wrong frigg'in town.

Oh well dats what a college degree gets cha des days.

Dis generation gap intrigues me. My Monday golf buddy's wife told her grand son [who had a tag hang'in off his new britches] "He looked like Minnie Pearl' Unfortunately, he ain't never heared of a 8 track much less Minie Pearl so she got de ole Deer in de head lights look.

I've noticed, I get dat look outa kids alot des days.

Oh well, Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 08:20 AM
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Jamesbo, I was watching something on a news program with an older gent (an American) in France, who commented on a couple of college students who didn't know that the Original Thirteen Colonies were all on the East Coast!
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Old February 21st, 2013, 11:07 AM
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Hi everybody.

What a great day it is out. I'd venture to say it's 70 or close to it. Bright sun shine and blue sky abounds.

Got home before 8 this morning and crawled into bed. At 1030 my neighbor called and asked if I wanted to go to breakfast. So my sleeping was cut short. Heck if I wouldn't have gone I'd still be in bed, wasting this lovely day.

Got plenty to do today. Running around getting last minute things for Florida, doing stuff around the house, and later on the guy across the street is coming over to look at my back steps. They need rebuilding in the worst way.

Paul I took a picture of some logo lights for you with my phone when I was up on the lift one night above the stab on a 767, but CO won't let me post them here. I guess they are in the wrong format, or I still don't get how to do that stuff. Eh, basically they are two lights mounted flush in the upper surface of the stabilizer.

As my Mom would say I'm dating myself here. I was in the Awful house the other day and a guy came in that looked like Pat Boone. I said to the server, that guy looks like Pat Boone. The server said, who?

Okay! Got lots to do this afternoon. Can't wait to get to it.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 01:57 PM
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Just got back from curling practice. Just me there which was ok because it gives me more opportunity to practice my draws. Half way through, I stopped to talk with the icemaker who was shaving sheets for the next group coming in. He explained how the new scraper they got shaves the ice to get the rocks to curl, and by how much. The ice at the Saville is considered by all the pros to be one of the best facilities in Canada. It was a great info session for me. Also found out HE's the guy who's responsible to install the ice for the Tim Horton's Brier that starts here on March 2.

Oh, I played a mini game against myself! It was exciting and depressing at the same time. I won, and also lost

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Gang, It's come to my attention dat History has officialllly died wit dis generation. de stepson is tak'in his squeeze down to Savanah fer de weekend and informed me de were go'in to visit de fort whar de War Between de States started [Dat's de civil war to you foreigners] I hate to brake de news to him dat he's not only got de wrong fort, He's in de wrong frigg'in town.
I see cannonballs flying in your near future Jamesbo. Umm, wasn't that the war between the Confederacy and the States? I didn't think the States was in a war with itself... unless y'all want to get political and modern.

Originally Posted by slantflat
As my Mom would say I'm dating myself here. I was in the Awful house the other day and a guy came in that looked like Pat Boone. I said to the server, that guy looks like Pat Boone. The server said, who?
LOL, Mike! I would have pointed and said ' HIM! '.
I also have a back deck that needs re-building this year. 14' x 14' and stairs to boot. Going to redo completely different now with a 6' privacy screen to the south and West where the new Row housing was built.

Dan - Hang out around the colleges and you'll find out there's a LOT of things we studied that is no longer mandatory; including proper grammar or manners.

Sandy - bet you're not wearing capris with that snow falling. Don't be slipping and falling on your walks.

Paul - was thinking about you lately. So, what kind of minor work did you do to the Cutlass? Inquiring minds need to know. I don't think there's much you can do to improve on that beauty!
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Old February 21st, 2013, 05:13 PM
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Morning all, overcast here so not as hot which is nice.

Bummer about Nicole getting fired Sandy, at least she liked working there so she can narrow down what she wants to do hopefully.

Not sure how it got broken Allan, I haven't flogged it that hard so prob from previous owner. I have hopefully found one I can bolt back in locally but have to wait till the weekend to find out for sure, the car it is in is at the blokes mums house.

Are you going to put some bricks in the van before you leave Mike to keep it from swerving every time there is a little breeze? I know from experience you need some weight in a large van when driving down the highway

Good to hear from you Paul, glad all is going well.

How was the big city Jamesbo? Do you like them as much as me?

Minette sure is getting big Scot

Have a good day ya'll

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Old February 21st, 2013, 05:51 PM
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Adrian - she's a doll. I see she doesn't fit in Joey's pouch anymore. So much for free rides.. You'll probably need a new carrier. The pic I looked at seemed to show broken metal. Those carriers are cast IIRC. Or did I miss something in the pic?
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Old February 21st, 2013, 06:13 PM
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That's right, they are cast and it broke on both sides of the carrier so the "hat" came clean off The gears got a bit chewed when it was slipping in the diff but that is to be expected
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Old February 21st, 2013, 06:21 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Nice sunny day here today, but not very warm.

Adrian, good luck working on the car, hope the bolt in part works out.

Allan, I can't give away all my secrets... Work might not have been the right word, it's more planning and looking into ordering parts. The body is done, but still need to do some work under the hood and in the interior.

Mike, thanks for taking the pics, but you don't need to post them. I was just curious where they were located, and you gave a good description.

So, would it make me "wise beyond my years" if I actually know who Minnie Pearl is and know of Pat Boone?

Have a great Friday everyone!
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Old February 21st, 2013, 06:52 PM
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Adrian - probably better to get new gears and carrier in that case.

Paul - Howwdeee!!

Yup you would be amongst the wisest if you knew ol Minnie and de crooner. No worries on giving up secrets. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. Got lots on the agenda. Question is will it all get done???
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Old February 21st, 2013, 06:54 PM
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Allan, that is a question I keep asking myself too.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 07:59 PM
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Evening all.

Oh Allan how I miss Minnie Pearl. She was part of a group of Opry players that toured the country in the late 80s and 90s. Her last appearance was at the Rialto Theater in Joliet, IL, which was ridiculously close to where I lived, and I didn't go see her. She had her stroke right after Joliet and she didn't perform after that. I'm still kicking myself.

Adrian what a cutie. She looks so proud in her girl scout uniform.

I think I'm all ready for Florida. Got everything together and ready to go. There is just one little hitch that's cropped up. There's a German Shepherd at animal control that is the spitting image of my boy. He's been there less than a week but is on the euth list for tomorrow. I'm a sucker for German Shepherds anyway, I can't stand to think he'd be put down. I had a pitbull for a short time and my dogs didn't want anything to do with him, and I realize my first responsibility is to my dogs, but my heart just hurts over this dog. Maybe I'll come up with a revelation over night. I don't have a lot of time since I have to be in Daytona Beach by 5 and it's a six hour drive.

Well I'm beat. I got two hours sleep today and have been on the move the rest of the time. I think I'll hit the sack and be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 05:01 AM
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I would if I could Allan but being as old as it is and Australian new doesn't exist

That is her sport school uniform Mike lol, close I suppose as girl scouts do sporty thing, or so I'm lead to believe.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 05:35 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

It's stromin here to beat the band We have flood watches everwhere from all the rain we had last week and we are supposed to get another inch or two by tomorrow evening

Yup Adrian she is growing up quick and cute as a button I hope you can find the parts you need to repair that third member.

I fondly remember Minnie Pearl and the Hee-Haw gang She kind of reminds me of my Granny except a bit taller.

Mike take it easy going down the highway, there is a lot of water on the roads. The offer still stands if you get a chance and want to take a gander at the van on your way there or back and you can have that stand alone cassette player unit. Just give me a shout. I am about 15 miles from the fairgrounds and it is a straight shot. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, there is not one but two WH in Perry LOL

Well I just got a call that one of the younguns is sick so I have to go scoop her up from school. Yall have a great day
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 05:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda wet an dank down ere

Adrian, she's a doll. Only I think when she get's older your gonna have to put up an electric fence to keep de boys away.

Mike, go get de dog. Florida ain't go'in no where. and BTW I used to deliver outdoor furniture in a van when I was a pup and when it get's wet ya doo need sum bricks in de back

I betcha a dollar to a dounut Sandy doesn't wear dem Troy Donahue britches in de snow. She better have her mucklucks on.

Scot, My My has Perry grown up to rate 2 Awful houses? How do ya decide on which one to pick? I know de one wit de least ugly waitresses.

Pat Boone ain't so old. Heck I bermember Hawshaw Hawkins.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 06:20 AM
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Morning All!

We have icy stuff coming down, temps in the 20's right now. Supposed to get up to 40 with rain this afternoon. Roads weren't real bad yet, when I came in. Salt trucks are out. Nicole had class today, since they were off on Monday. I hope she made it to Kent alright. My family and bad weather Friday's do not mix......

Nicole said she may have another job prospect at the vet's office she was job shadowing at yesterday. She brought home an application and filled out. It would be in the 'doggy day care' part of the place. So I'm hoping she gets it. She is too, lol.

Allan R..... I just wear the capris in the office. I take them off and put on my regular pants when I go out to walk at lunch, and when I go home. It would be nice just to be able to stay in the clothes I wear in here, lol. And believe me, I walk carefully. They don't pay extra to get the lots salted in this complex....

Scot... hope your daughter doesn't have that nasty flu!! That really knocks ya on your butt. I hope she will feel better quickly.

Adrian..... Min is really growing so fast! I remember when Nicole was so little and cute, lol. They grow wayyyy too fast! She is such a doll. I really enjoyed her when you all were here. Just soooo cute, and that accent!

They still show Hee Haw re-runs here on Sunday. I forget what channel. I always liked the show when I was young. Now I laugh at the hair do's - guys and gals lol, the polyester pants and suits the guys wore, those bushy sideburns...... I always liked Roy Clark. He's a helluva picker.

Mike..... safe trip, and enjoy!!

Well you all have a great Friday. Be safe, no matter what the weather!
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 06:34 AM
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Jamesbo its easy to choose, the newest Awful house is the best. However it is right beside the Cracker Brarrel so we usually go right by the WH and choose the CB instead But when we do go for WH there is one in Kathleen that is closer to me and newer than the Perry ones

Thanks Sandy, I hope it ain't the flu either I always liked Buck Owens style personally.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 06:47 AM
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Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

I'm holding fast at two dogs. The info on that dog in the klink was on facebook, and I posted that I was going to see him first thing. I also emailed some people that are volunteers at the place and they said a rescue group had committed to picking up this dog, so he would make it out. I emailed back and said I wasn't going then. I am going to call the rescue place and send them some money toward their expenses. A third dog would have been a challenge here, but the important thing is he's going to be safe.

I used to watch Hee Haw when it was on. My favorite part was "I'm a pickin' and I'm a grinnin' ."

Scot depending on what time I'm through your neck of the woods on Tuesday I might give you a call. Otherwise it will be next weekend for sure. I'll take you up on that cassette player. For now I was able to find a boom box looking thing at Walmart that plays cassettes and I'll just set that on the front seat.

Rain started here around midnight but is gone for now. Overcast and blah but hopefully Florida is better. We got some pretty big lightning and thunder last night, so I had two helpers scrunched up in the corner of my bed.

Okay I'm heading out. Thanks for the well wishes for a safe trip. Jamesbo I've driven full size vans for years. They can indeed be a handful but they are one of my most favorite vehicles to drive. I'm later than I wanted to be leaving but heck, barring anything unforeseen I'll still be there in plenty of time for the bash.

Have a great weekend everyone and I'll try to check in at some point. I don't want to get in trouble for not keeping up my daily attendance.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
I'm a sucker for German Shepherds anyway, I can't stand to think he'd be put down.
You and me both . I had a German Shepard that we got from the humane society when he was about 5 months old . I'm not sure who owned it before us , but the dog turned out to be VERY mean . He bit me and friends along with my mom more then once . It was weird because he would be just fine , and then all of a sudden .... Chomp ! The dog lived a full life though . He was a big dog ( black and baige ) and he lived to be 12 . Even though he was mean , I still loved that dog .
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Ausraven
That is her sport school uniform Mike lol, close I suppose as girl scouts do sporty thing, or so I'm lead to believe.
She's a real cuttie Adrian .... Here's a pic of my kids at christmas time ....

Last edited by oldsguybry; February 22nd, 2013 at 06:55 AM.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:19 AM
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Cute kids! That's a nice pic. Good to hear the dog will have a home. That's a great thing.

Brian's wife showed up here before noon, so they went to lunch together. I'm glad... I was afraid he'd stay here today. I gotta go out and walk and hope it's not too icy. Steve and Clay were scraping their car windows before they left. It's still only 28 degrees, so it's not getting warm quick.

So where's Jamesbo today?????
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:20 AM
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Hi, all....

I've been scarce last few days ... hope everybody in Midwest and breadbasket weathers the snow storm. Better half is in IL, so I'm sure she'll see some of it. I know she landed safely this morning; hope it's OK when she needs to hit the sky again.

Been wet and muggy down here; it was in 60s this mawnin'.... more wet stuff expected all thru weekend. Not convertible weather, if you catch my drift.

Y'all have a safe, warm, and dry Friday, and an even better weekend, Oldsmofriends.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 10:14 AM
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TGIF day all!

It was exciting here this morning.
A little after 7:35 here sounded like Clint was outside practicing with his bull whip. I leaped up from de couch (was watching the news) and looked outside. Didn't see anyone, then I realized what I'd heard was 'the crack of dawn!" Boooo, hissss, I know it's bad. But on the good side that means the days are getting longer. We now are at almost 10 1/2 hours of daylight here. Spring's gotta be close.

Adrian - maybe you can get a carrier from monzaz or 507OLDS (Jim Mitschke and Brian Trick). Both of them rebuild rear ends and seem to have a handle on carriers that no one else does. Prolly there's more availability for them in the US than Oz too.

John - just watched the season 4 opener of Swamp People. They were showing some of the aftermath of Isaac. You guys really got hammered. Hope not many gators decided to visit close by.

Mike - what a relief to know that the dog is going to be ok. You have a great heart to help out the animal rescue people that way. Enjoy FL!

Scot - Buck Owens was also a cool guy. I'm also a big fan of the old Rowan & Martins Laugh in. Always loved Goldi Hawn's Sock it to me! They got away with a lot of stuff that would never fly today and had fun doing it.

Sandy - with the economy being what it is even 'doggy day care' can be a fun job especially if you love working with animals (not the office type - the other ones that will lick ya to death). Don't sweat the cold for now, it's bound to warm up sooner than later. HEY! take Brians heater outside and plug it in next to whereever you might sit down for a break...

Jamesbo - Troy Donahue. That's a name I haven't heard for a long time. Yer datin yerself. Here's just for Sandy - Donahue specials
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 06:17 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, De cow on de flat rock cometh.

Adrain, I thought 'bout your quote dis mawn'in when I fixed me up a big bowl of grits. "I like grits, they're a great conduit for butter."

Mike, Enjoy your trip and travel safely

Scot, How's dat young'un feel''in dis mawn'in? BTW I don't much care fer the Cracker Barrel, dare sausage has too much maple flavor to suit me.

When I was a pup, I went to camp wit a bunch of foreigners. De had cream of wheat whilst we ate grits. De put maple syrup on dare pancakes and we drenched our was cane syrup.

I guess dat's why de have horse races, People like different horses.

Allan, I guess use is old enough to bermeber "Surf Side 6" when Troy Donahue wander round in dem funky britches, we used to call "Peddle pushers"

It was kinda a take off on 77 Sunset strip when all does dudes drove dem 58/9/60 T-birds to werk.
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 07:43 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

Whelp da cow came and conquered and is out of here until Monday

I think she is still under the weather, but at least it's the weekend and she isn't missin a bunch of school. Fed her full of chicken soup yesterday and will try to shove some more that way today.

I am hooked on Cracker Barrel's hashbrown casserole and country ham Way better than the smother cover bit I better hush, I am making my mouth water

Gotta run down to da shop, there is someone coming from Pensacola to buy my 348 chebby mil
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 04:11 PM
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Yay for Saturday!
Did y'all get a good sleep in day? I sure did - didn't get up till 7:30. Then I had to stay quiet till the rest of the house woke up at 10 ish.

Jamesbo - durn tootin I bermembers peddle pushers n even saddle shoes too. You n me must be close to de same age? Ifn' you tell me de name of whut yer pet dinosaur wuz growin up I'll tell ya mine.

Scot - can't have too much chicken soup when she's under the weather. Just make sure it's home made, not that stuff from cans. Hope she feels better soon. A wise ol Doctor once told me "Being sick is bad for your health" Duhhhhh. Want me to make some fresh home made hash browns smothered with butter n salt? No ham so you'll just have to take the bratwurst sausage as it comes. Good luck with the sale. BTW, I'm really enjoying those stories you sent me. Kind of need to have the puter set up by the fireplace with my tall glass of Captain Morgan and friends handy.

Can only guess the only reason no one else has been on here is they got a break in the weather and are enjoying the day outside polishing and cleaning their purty cars.
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 05:17 PM
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Sad to see the first Big Block produced by GM go but it is SOLD SOLD SOLD Needed the $ for a stall convertor and trans cooler for my hot rod. Now I just need to jet up to McDoughnut GA and browse my most local Summit Speed Shop Earned a good friend today through the transaction and he has lotsa toys And I even got an invite to his shop down in Pensacola that is a mirror image of my 40 X 60 shop except his is a true two story As to where my shop is around 16' at the ridge and 12' at the eaves. Anywho the better half's Father lives on Perdido Key FLA so when we go for a visit, his shop will be a welcome stop not too far from our destination.

Glad you are enjoying those dealership stories Al There are some good ones. I'd like to start a thread here similar to that one, the only downfall is that there are few on here that actually werked at a dealership. But I'd bet a dime to a doughnut they would be just as good if not better than those on that forum. The member list is off the chain over there compared to here though.

And thanks again all for the well wishes for the daughter. She is feeling muy bueno now that the good ole chicken soup took hold

Whelp I hope everyone has a great Saturday night
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 05:56 PM
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Evening All!

We actually had a little sun here today amongst the clouds!! God it was nice to see it. Seems it's been gray forever. It got up to 40 degrees which was nice.

I took the Intrigue down to E-check this morning. She passed! I was worried. It was nice to drive it again. I love that car. I'd really like to restore it one day. It needs rotors.... Larry ground them the best he could when he did the brakes last summer, but I should have bought new ones then. The brake pedal really pulsates when you step on it. Nicole said it did, but I wanted to feel it myself. So I gotta put that on the agenda.

Came home from E-check and cleaned the house and did laundry. I made a pot of Jamesbo's baked tater soup too! Soooo yummy!! Then I made some blueberry muffins. Thats about it. Larry worked till 1:00, and Nicole went to get her hair cut and then to her friends. Well, speak of the devil and she comes home, lol! Early tonight. Her hair is cute.

Scot.... Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. I love the hashbrown casserole at Cracker Barrel too, lol. I like the Uncle Herschal's breakfast, bit it's a lot of food. So I usually just get pancakes unless I'm starving.

Well you all have a good night. I'm gonna eat me a muffin now, lol.
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 08:41 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Today was a cloudy, messy day. There was very light snow all day. At least it was warmer, 0C/32F all day.

Scot, glad to hear your daughter is feeling better.

Allan, I slept in this morning... about as late as you I like Laugh-In, but I've only managed to watch it a few times.

So I was missing from the forum for the last couple of weeks. Like I said I was busy with some planning for Cutlass projects, but a big part of being busy was actually buying another car. I figured it was finally time to get myself a 12 month a year car. Since I was 18 and started driving the Delta, I have only really had summer cars of my own. I always had access to the family's cars, but nothing of my own in the winter.

That all changed last Saturday. What do you think of my "winter beater"?

Attachment 171780

Attachment 171781

It is a V6 with 6-spd manual, but with 300hp from the factory I think it should make for a nice daily driver.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 08:54 PM
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I take it Blue is your favorite color Paul Tis mine as well Although I like the lighter electric blue best, similar to this one

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Old February 23rd, 2013, 09:08 PM
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Paul - you coulda had a V8. (I love that commercial) Car looks really nice and it appears to follow the blue theme of your 72. Just don't get a bunch of speeding tickets now. With gas in Ottawa right now around 130/litre and climbing I'm surprised you didn't go with a 4cyl turbo.

Hope you enjoy the car - it looks great! Do you guys have compulsory winter radial laws down there?
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Old February 23rd, 2013, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Paul - you coulda had a V8. (I love that commercial) Car looks really nice and it appears to follow the blue theme of your 72. Just don't get a bunch of speeding tickets now. With gas in Ottawa right now around 130/litre and climbing I'm surprised you didn't go with a 4cyl turbo.

Hope you enjoy the car - it looks great! Do you guys have compulsory winter radial laws down there?
There were 2 reasons for not getting the 5.0L V8. The first is fuel economy, but the second was the $12k price difference to go from a V6 to a V8.

No mandatory winter tire laws here (there is right across the river in Quebec though), but figured they would be a good idea for a combination of RWD and learning how to drive a stick in the winter

Scot, I was actually just about to consider metallic red as an option, but they found this car with all the options I wanted, right down to a block heater and stripe delete (the Pony trim package has side stripes I'm not a fan of).
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Old February 24th, 2013, 03:52 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool an froggy dis mawn'in.

Allan, Funy you should ax. I was jes think'in 'bout my dinasour friend "Tertius" de utter day. He [of course] was a Triceratops.

Scot, I wished you'd thunk to get dat dude to bring us sum shrimp from Joe Paddy's in Pennescola.

I likes blue myself but trophy blue is my favorite.

Enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds friends
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Old February 24th, 2013, 07:10 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

It's a bluebird day here with highs getting close to 70* this afternoon

Jamesbo now that I know the guy, I am sure he would do just that fer us I think he may come to the Perry Autofest in March although I dunno if the shrimpin bidness is worth a toot in the Gulf anymore

Paul you'll be glad you went with the blue as the fuzz is attracted to the red color like a bull Nice car as it is

Got to go enjoy what's left of da weekend
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