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Old February 6th, 2016 | 03:00 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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From: Georgia
Hi everyone.

Monday. Why does the weekend go so fast, and the work week go so slow? Eh, it's a journey.

Gonna be cold tonight, and cold starting the week. I keep hearing snow but I hope it's a false alarm.

John MSY is on the bid. Are one of those trailers for rent? I'd help you with the road...

Nothing else good. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Old February 6th, 2016 | 09:00 PM
OLD SKL 69's Avatar
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Hi everyone. Well, after all the snow melted since the blizzard that dumped two feet on us two weeks ago, we got another foot yesterday. Unexpected since they said it was going to be a dusting. Nothing like getting surprised. We also are expecting more snow starting on Monday into Wednesday, two different storms and they are not sure how much we are supposed to get. Can hardly wait.

London - good luck on losing the weight, sounds like you're off to a good start already. I'm sure you get lots of advice, but one of the things that helps is getting protein powder like whey isolate and drinking it twice a day, before breakfast and dinner. The idea is that the protein curbs your appetite so you eat less.

John - I like your garage, looks like you can fit at least 4 in there comfortably?

Dan - hope that everything keeps going well at the job so you don't have to go through that again. My contract is up on 6/30 of this year and I have to hope they renew it so that I'm not back on the unemployment line again.
Old February 7th, 2016 | 05:20 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Still chili in de hills
Old February 7th, 2016 | 08:26 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Mernin', all... As Jamesbo said, there's a nip in da' mountain air. Read 22* in Young Harris, on the way to Blairsville dis mawnin'.

Mike, not only are two vacant, but they're (all) still for sale... Maybe you could buy all 4 and just live in two, and you could tear the other two down and use the lot for storage. ;-) I sure could use the help with the road. I've reached the end of my rope. It will barely be passable when we get back, and not an eyebrow will be raised by a single inhabitant.

Darrell, thanks! It's two parts: the "inner sanctum" is a 4 car, insulated, climate-controlled garage, then there's the front part that is used for the two drivers. The outer part (I call it the carport) has one wall of screen with the remainder consisting of vinyl siding and vinyl ceiling, with weatherproof fluorescent lighting. This was all originally done to give me a place to wash the cars that would be safe from the 'skeeters and elements... but alas, when Better Half became the Weight Watchers stock manager, it also became a storage area for her inventory; so washing things in there now ain't as easy. But it's still a nice, big double carport that keeps us from having to trudge thru the elements when we come or go, among other things.

OK... fingers still crossed for Peyton, even though I'm less than a mile from the NC border as I type.

Watched the debate last nite; the first one I've seen due to not getting "cable." No comments permitted here. Just sayin'....

Y'all have a warm Super Bowl Sunday, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; February 7th, 2016 at 08:28 AM.
Old February 7th, 2016 | 11:46 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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From: Perry, GA
Howdy All

Turned out quite warm here this afternoon 58* F Tuesday & Wednesday are gonna suck though

Spotted this beauty on facebook Who wouldn't want to follow this train to it's destination?

Have a great Stupor Bowl I'm rooting for the closest team to me (Carolina) Not really a Manning fan, but always enjoyed watching Elway QB. Sorry Broncs
Old February 7th, 2016 | 02:33 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Night two looms large. Last night I spent taking out the aft lav on a 737. Actually we didn't get the module out, but got it all disconnected. It needed a composite repair. Luckily for me the repair takes 48 hours so that goes into my off days and I won't be putting it back in.

Scot that's a cool picture. "The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year."

John you don't know how tempting that is. If I were to go to MSY, not only would I be #1 on the seniority list, but I'd have 11 years over the next guy. But, NO is a good 7 hours I'd have to drive each way to Stockbridge, and that's pushing it after working all night and a couple of dogs that don't ride too well. Ah, but it's only 3 hours to my Mom's. I'll keep thinking. I have the perfect truck for gravel.

Jamesbo it's still cold here, too. Got to about 50 today, but gonna be cold tonight. Not looking like a winter storm, though, hope that has gone by the wayside. Sunny right now.

Okay out with the dogs then off to work. The Caddy needs gas today, or I'm hoofin' it. That's a pretty heavy car to have to push. Have a good night everyone.
Old February 8th, 2016 | 05:20 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

A mite nippy but clear. Think when de greens thaw out I'll give whitey a whack

John, Better enjoy your walks while ya can. It gonna snow in tonite in de mountains

Clint, Congrats, I slept thu it but saw de news dis a.m.

Scot, Dat's a reallly cool pic

Welp, GTG

Have a GREAT week Olds friends
Old February 8th, 2016 | 07:52 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Mernin All

Whelp my additional support for the Pantries was for naught. At least the best team did win, I'll definitely give them that. As for the festivities during halftime, I gladly flipped the channel

Yup that's a way cool pic, too bad time travel isn't possible.

Not looking forward to the cold blast we are in for
Old February 8th, 2016 | 02:38 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Ah, Friday. I don't know what it is, but these weeks seem to be crawling along. I have this awful feeling that the lav repair from Saturday night is going to be ready early and I'm gonna have to put it back in. That would make for a -really- long night.

Into the 20s tonight. The heaters in the big hangar do a pretty good job of keeping the place toasty, but open the doors and it all goes away instantly. It doesn't build back up as quickly. So it's a pretty safe bet that I need my winter clothes. The layers can come off one at a time if need be. Well, to a point...

Okay off I go. Have a good evening everyone.
Old February 8th, 2016 | 03:47 PM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Evnin', all... You're a good sport, Scot! I feel so good for Peyton... but what a defense! I'm really envious of those guys on behalf of the Saints, 'cause that's their weak link.
Jamesbo, we've been having the white stuff on & off all day today, but it's not been freezing. Tomorrow's a different story... they're predicting 12* for Tue nite... yikes!
We've walked every day we're here, so a day or two off won't kill us.
Found a good roofer in Hayesville if you ever need one... we had a few shingles blow off while we were away and they made easy work of it same day I called.
Mike, I'll keep the road holes open for you 'til you make up your mind. ;-)
Count me as a "like" for that pic of the '69 Oldses on the train! What a great pic. My Junior year religion teacher had a '69 Cutlass that I wanted so bad back then; but alas, it was pretty much out of my league, and he traded it in on his new '73 Delta 88 coupe.
Y'all have a warm one, Oldsmofriends...
Old February 9th, 2016 | 04:34 AM
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Mornin all. Just a quick check in.

Watched a great sporting event on Sunday. The 250 Main was a lot of fun to watch. Congrats to Christian Craig on a great race and his first main event win.

Have a day.
Old February 9th, 2016 | 05:42 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Mite chili dis mawn'in.

Glad I had my long handles on yesterday playing golf.

John, I'm headed back fer a day dis afternoon. Hope de roads are OK

Happy Fat Tuesday. Ya gonna go fer pizza?

Mike, It it were me, I plan a sick day at let de others finish de job.

Scot, I'd love to have a train load of 69's

Have a GREAT day Olds friends
Old February 9th, 2016 | 08:31 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Got sum accumulation up here

Nippy mountain mernin' ... Still 24* and prolly won't get much above that today, dipping into teens tonite. Here are a few pics for all to enjoy -- except if you're in Denver or N.Y. and can't stand the sight of the stuff.

Don't see much activity hapnin' today... will prolly just catch up on little things that I procrastinate on for years. Jamesbo, I was thinking on taking a little ride into Blairsville or such, but since I don't have to, I prolly won't. They were salting the roads with the brine trucks over that way last night on the news, so there's another reason to stay home.

Anybody catch the X Files last night (Dan)? I'd give it a "C" at best. Somewhat disappointing -- been there, done that. Chris Carter seems to be looking too closely at the old seasons to make connections, but it seemed strained and stretched to me. And I know this sounds awful (I am), but I didn't shed a tear when (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Scully's mother kicked the bucket.

Have a toasty one, Oldsmofriends.

Front balcony looking at road

Front balcony looking at woods

Front balcony, viewing straight down

Back deck 1

Back deck 2

Back deck 3

Back deck 4

Back deck 5
Old February 9th, 2016 | 10:03 AM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Got home early, early this morning and was in bed by 4. Can't beat that. The dogs wanted their breakfast around 8 and then I went back to bed. Got up around 1230. Now I have at least part of the day to get something done. I may take a ride into Riverdale and see my insurance agent.

Did I tell you guys that I got a call from the Yard ****'s the other day? Seems someone was riding around in the neighborhood my shop is in and called about 7 properties. The Code woman told me she hadn't been in that neighborhood since 07. She hated having to write everyone up because they were so nice. I said, we all like our neighbors, well, except one person. So I need to move the couple cars I have over there into the hangar, and I'm going to register that school bus. It won't fit in the hangar. Heck, then I'll take it out and drive it around. What fun.

John, I can't be sure, but it looks like the fence on the back deck is too far over. hahahaha.

Jamesbo, it said on the sign in sheet last night that the lav repair would be ready 0700/10. Well that's tomorrow and I'm off. I don't envy whoever has to put that sucker back in. Hey I made a funny. That plane has a vacuum waste system.

Okay gonna get ready for the day and do something. It's cold as can be out, but the sun tries to peak out every now and then. Have a good day everyone.
Old February 9th, 2016 | 10:09 AM
1969w3155's Avatar
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John, looks like you got a dusting of snow, nice views that you have. Didn't watch the X Files as I work 2nd shift, and don't own a DVR. I don't want to pay to watch at a later date, something that I've already paid for once (Cable/Satellite).
Old February 10th, 2016 | 04:49 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Kwik worm?
Weather folks didn't disappoint: 11* with a nicer covering of snow dis' mawnin'.
Am I in GA or in MN? A little of this goes a long way, but at least I don't have to be out in it. Looks like another day of hunkering down and propane expenditure....
Thanks, Dan... & heard ya' on the cable bills. You can get your own DVR if you want... usually a lot cheaper than renting it from the lice.
BTW, I called Windstream (IMHO, not a pleasure to deal with) and asked them what I'd have to do JUST to get a HD picture if we were to ditch this dinosaur and get a flat panel, but still only get "reception" cable. It would be an extra $20 a month just to get a HD picture! I told her I'd keep my dinosaur until it melted and turned to crude.
Y'all have a warm one, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; February 10th, 2016 at 05:37 AM.
Old February 10th, 2016 | 05:55 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Windstream sucketh

John, Ya got more dan dis side of de hills. Oddly enough when I was driving up there was a streach between Dawsonville and Cleveland dat was dry as a popcorn phart

GTG Happy Anniversary to me and Ash Wednesday to John et al
Old February 10th, 2016 | 08:25 AM
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John, I looked at buying a DVR, but you still have to subscribe to a service to use it.
Old February 10th, 2016 | 11:01 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Happy anniversary, Jamesbo & Izzy!
Dan, you can get a DVR to record "over the air" digital signals, if you're close enough to get them. We get over 30 channels "OTA" in Ponchatoula thanks to our outside antenna on top the house... Nowadays, everything that comes OTA is digital. No cable required. Now if you DO have cable or satellite, I have no idea what they might require you to have. But for things like X Files on Fox, all you would need is an antenna.
Old February 11th, 2016 | 05:38 AM
slantflat's Avatar
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Good morning everyone.

Happy Anniversary yesterday Jamesbo.

Beautiful out, if not cold as a mother. Was windy yesterday.

Got all my stuff moved at the shop yesterday. It burns my hide that people can't keep their noses to themselves. Well, I've got a couple ideas how to help them do just that.

Gonna leave in a little bit to go meet John and Better Half for some scrumptious fried chicken. I've been waiting for this for months! Should be a nice day for a drive in the mountains.

Okay have a good Thursday everyone.
Old February 11th, 2016 | 07:56 AM
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A little warmer out there than what I thought it would be...19°, supposed to get from zero to a -5° for the overnight lows this weekend, but for the moment at least we have a blast of sunshine to go with it.
Old February 11th, 2016 | 08:01 AM
LondonCutlass's Avatar
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Afternoon all.

Another beautiful day in London. Chilly start but sunny and clear all day.
Just booked another trip to L.A for my boys graduation in May.
This time I got the whole family coming including my daughter and partner and my grandson. 11 hours on a flight with a 16 month old sounds like a recipe for trouble.

The diet is going OK even though I only lost 2lb last week. Problem is I have even started dreaming about food.

Have a good day all.
Old February 11th, 2016 | 08:23 AM
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London, hope the trip goes well, with better weather this time.
Old February 11th, 2016 | 12:27 PM
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Safe travels Mike, Bring me home a big thigh

London, I dream about food all the time and I'm not on a diet.

BTW a friend of mine from Havana made me sum arroz con polllo. Sound good fer diner but I sho am gonna miss a repast with John Mike and de good looking one
Old February 11th, 2016 | 04:25 PM
OLD SKL 69's Avatar
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Evening everyone. Well, we got 10 inches last Friday and another 5 on Monday. Nothings really melting since the bottom fell out of the thermometer and its not supposed to warm up until next Tuesday.

John - I like all the pictures of your yard, must not be common for you to see white stuff covering your ground. The garage sounds nice, I wish I could put one that big on our property. Hope you can get your washing station back soon.

Scot - yes I wish time travel was possible, I would love to have anyone of those I can see in that picture.
Old February 12th, 2016 | 05:33 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Chili dis mawn'in but spose to warm up

FYI no golf on Monday an if John don't head back to de swamp He's gonna be iced in.

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
Old February 12th, 2016 | 10:17 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Yikes! You right, Jamesbo. We decided to hit the trail back to the Plantation a day early; no sense in getting iced in up here.

BTW, took a ride to Blairsville this morning and it was lightly snowing when I left. It started coming down in clouds and I just barely made it back up the mountain when I got back; they had about 1" accumulated, and it was slushy and icy -- temp was right at 31*. It took a few attempts to get past a couple of the steeper inclines. I was going to try it in reverse (with the FWD Fusion) if I failed that last time I tried.

Mike, hope you do OK at work tonite. Man, that Dillard put a hurtin' on me. But boy, was it good! Along with the company. Off the top of my head, we had the scrumpious fried chicken (best yet, IMHO), stuffed peppers, braised pork chops, cream-style corn, baby carrots, field peas (a highlight, IMHO), broccoli casserole, baked macaroni, green beans, fried okra, and I'm sure a few side dishes I don't even remember. Add to that the mini corn muffins, biscuits, dinner rolls, chutney, and apple butter and you have a meal that would put a hurtin' on the most gluttonous food-lovers, including myself.

Thanks for the kind words, Jamesbo. I took just a few pics below: the repast, Mike and "his" chicken, the Better Half taking a big swig of her tea ,

AND, last but not not least, us entertaining Peetie the miniature pony, Cha-Ching the hungry llama, Greta the pot-bellied porcine, and misc. other roosters, hens, and goats. The "Dillard Farm" animals really tugged at our heartstrings.

Yep, Darrell.... snow still brings out the little boy in me. When I was a kid, it was automatic holiday and play! I still feel it in a lot of ways.

Sorry if these pic's slow down the page loading... anybody have an issue? I can prolly resize 'em if need be. When did the site start letting us add pictures directly, anyway? Used to have to do them as attachments, and they were automatically downsized.

Whelpt, y'all have a warm and dry one Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; February 12th, 2016 at 10:34 AM.
Old February 12th, 2016 | 03:04 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone. Happy Lincoln's Birthday.

John is right, we had a terrific time yesterday. The restaurant is part of a compound that has lots to do and see. The only thing John you need to downsize is the guy eating lunch next to you.

So in contrast to the awesome day I had yesterday, today I was ready to strangle everyone I came in contact with. Day two of trying to deal with inept county people over a registration. Traffic that took me an hour to get through that would normally take me 10 minutes. I was fit to be tied. Then my neighbor who wanted me to put up a fence for the dog that annoys the hell out of me, and as soon as I did and had my dogs outside, she lets said dog out to distract mine. Fail. And now I have to go to work and put up with those clowns.

If this were Groundhog Day today would have been as nice as yesterday and my blood pressure wouldn't be a million.

London keep up the good work. You're only supposed to lose a couple pounds a week anyway. The end result will be worth the effort.

Okay off I go. I'm praying for a low key, light night. Safe trip home, John. Good idea getting ahead of all that bad weather.
Old February 13th, 2016 | 06:04 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Chili and gett'in much colder before de sleet starts on golf day [supposedly]

Dang Mike/ John ya made me hungry. May have ta take de super model to a meat and 3 later today

Glad ya had fun and exited de hills before de ice hits.

Mike neighbors are a PITA anyway ya cut it
Old February 13th, 2016 | 02:56 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Cold as a mother at work last night. And windy. Things seemed better once I got to work, which makes me think I was really having a bad day. Today was sunny and I slept good. Gonna be another cold one tonight. Hm I should drink a cold one.

And that's all from the Greater Stockbridge Area. Have a good weekend everyone.
Old February 13th, 2016 | 07:25 PM
OLD SKL 69's Avatar
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Evening everyone.

Was 24 this morning and on its way down to 0 tonight. Supposed to warm back up on Tuesday.

I need to leave for Orlando on Monday morning for business however its probably going to be a short trip. I got called for jury duty for next week and my number is close to getting called. I have to check in Tuesday at 5pm, if I get called, I have to catch a flight back that night. Should be fun, lol.

Mike/John - I like the pics, glad to hear you were able to get together.
Old February 14th, 2016 | 05:37 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cold wit sum ice on de way "maybe" [dat's Hotlanta weather lingo]

Made me a BIG ole pot of beef stew las nite. Yummy Wish I had sum fried okrie

Happy VD everyone
Old February 14th, 2016 | 02:59 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Fried okrie? We had that the other day. Yet another reason to go to the Dillard House early and often. Or is that vote early and often?

Darrell do you have to go to jury duty no matter what? Or will you sit there all day and then they tell you you're dismissed because you don't match up with their criteria.

Friday tonight. Last night wasn't too bad. Was inside most of the night. No telling what's in store this time around.

John hope you got home okay.

Alright, time to hit it. Have a good evening and Happy Monday everyone. Hm, I think tomorrow is a holiday. Even better.
Old February 14th, 2016 | 03:28 PM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Made it home safely. Thanks for the wishes & prayers... you really need both, driving thru Hotlanta on any day. Gorgeous weather the whole way, in stark contrast to what's predicted for manana. And just "heavy" traffic there, as opposed to the usual gridlock. Only slow-down was near Ellijay (N. GA) ... we saw the results of what was almost surely a fatality -- multi car involvement, and one bad roll. If the occupants of that car survived, it would be miraculous. State cops had the hwy blocked and we had to detour off the main road.

All the Cracker Barrels were full-up due to Valentine's Day, so we just snacked all the way up. ;-) Saved about an hour, but it's time for some serious victuals now.

Catch up soon, Oldsmofriends....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; February 14th, 2016 at 03:40 PM.
Old February 14th, 2016 | 05:40 PM
OLD SKL 69's Avatar
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Evening everyone. Left the house this morning to go to the gym and the thermometer read -1. Don't remember the last time I saw that around here. Getting packed now for the trip tomorrow, have to leave in the early am.

Mike - My number will probably be called to go to jury duty for Wednesday, then I get to sit in a room until I get called in for jury interviews. I guess I'm lucky, lol
Old February 15th, 2016 | 05:49 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Chili but de weather prognosticators are still at a loss fer what's gonna happen.

Guess it sells air time

John, Glad ch'all made it back to de swamp safe and sound.

I've always thought they should serve fried okrie in de picture show instead of popcorn. I love de stuff.

Welp gotta take sum socket wrench's to Sears today and swap dem out fer werk'in ones. My bud in de mountains could tear up an anvil.

Happy Monday Olds friends
Old February 15th, 2016 | 07:56 AM
slantflat's Avatar
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Good morning everyone.

Finally done with work for the week. The (disappointing) lead busted a bunch of stuff that had a lot of time left, and it looked like we'd make our 6:00 ready time, until we went to change out a left hydraulic system transmitter and found the bracket broken. Can't very well send a plane out with broken structure. I feel bad that 142 people will be delayed, but it's kind of funny because the lead gets in trouble for it, even though he had nothing to do with it. This guy has put the screws to me in the past so good for him.

Jamesbo be forewarned the new ratchets you get at Sears will be Made In China. Though I suppose a chinesium ratchet that works is better than an American one that doesn't. For now.

Got lots to do today before I take the dogs and head north. Someone said it's been snowing a bunch up there and I hope she was kidding. Eh, I'll have my 4 wheel drive with me, too bad I don't have a plow I could make some money.

Have a good day everyone.
Old February 15th, 2016 | 08:55 AM
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Mike, they're not mine.......... I am jes closer to a Sear's store dan de mountains.

Believe it or not, I jes struck out. Sear's at NorhtPoint doesn't have a single 1/4" drive ratchet My bud in de mountains gave me 4 broken Ratchets to get replaced. 2 Craftsman 1/4 ", 1-1/2 " and 1 1/4" mac. Now I gota find a truck fer de mac.

While I was out try'in to find $hit, I went by de plumbing supply house to find a top and bottom for my hand held shower sprayer bar. Chinese POS. De had to take a pic and send it off to figgger out WTF it was.

So fer I'm batting zero
Old February 15th, 2016 | 10:13 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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From: Perry, GA
Howdy all

Quick check in...

Gonna be in the 70's here for a few days Too bad it doesn't stay like this year-round

Hopefully you all are doing well. Things are maso-mano here.

Start my work week tomorrie and will be on the road a lot this week. Got a load going to Georgia State University and a load back down to Cedar Springs to the Ga-Pacific paper mill. looking forward to eating at the scrumptious Moby Dick's down that way
Old February 15th, 2016 | 12:54 PM
LondonCutlass's Avatar
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Evening all.

Busy weekend sorting out various paint jobs on my fleet.
The Mitsubishi has now been colour coded to take off some of the chrome bling so the mirrors, rear bars and the front grill is now satin black. Makes the truck look really mean!
The BMW has had the front bumper and valance repainted after my neighbour scraped it while parking. At least he had the decency to knock on my door and apologise.
Lastly my little Audi A1 had the whole of one side painted after some little $hit keyed it from front to back. That's now going up for sale.

Bit on the chilly side this week temps in the low 40s but at least it's sunny.
Please warn me if you put out spoilers for the x files, we get it a few days after you. At least we get The Walking Dead only 24 hours after you, bloody annoying though, they put on both these shows at the same time but I can watch TWD straight after on catch up and fast forward the adverts.

By the way I have put in a parts needed (SSII) so if you are near L.A, have a look.
Have a great week.

Last edited by LondonCutlass; February 16th, 2016 at 03:34 AM. Reason: extra

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