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Old April 4th, 2014 | 08:10 AM
1969w3155's Avatar
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My condolences John.
Old April 4th, 2014 | 05:41 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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John I'm so sorry. She must have been some lady. Continued prayers that Aunt Carmy stays well and finds comfort in God's love.

Well the swap meet was a bust for me today, but a good time hanging with Scot. I got a sunburned face and sat under a tent all day! Go figure that. Maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck. Scot sold one item and evidently donated one item.

Well I'm plum tuckered tonight. Hope everyone has a good weekend planned. Good night everybody.
Old April 4th, 2014 | 06:35 PM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Sorry to hear of your wonderful Aunt Jean's passing John. Our thoughts and prayers are sent your way brother.

Clint come on down and bring Brit with ya brother

Jamesbo I still have a ton of parts pups I may need to send up your way. Seems no one is looking to buy any magazines as I had no lookers, however I had a guy try to give me more That's just what I need, more magazines

Like Mike said I made a whole $2 this day on a single hubcap (wheel cover for the corrective types LOL ) and it seems I have donated another to a worker at the fairgrounds that needed four 14" hubcaps and wanted to go try one out on car before shucking out the dough. Apparently she has forgotten where she got it from and/or it didn't fit, because I spotted her eying another pile of hubcaps a few spots down a few hours later. Ah I look at it like it's just one less I gotta load back up tomorrow.

Ever been skeet shooting with XX Buck Jamesbo? Me thinks we should do that with the leftover hubcaps

X2 on getting burnt This is the second day in a row that I got too much sun Tomorrow I need to follow the shade and to not forget the sunscreen again.

Y'all have a wonderful night
Old April 5th, 2014 | 05:14 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Spose to be nice today

A buddy of mine’s got sum business folk coming in from Norte Dakota what’s wanta play golf. So, I told him I’d take dem out. De’re in town to go to de Masters next week.

Gonna be a long day and a crowded course. Ugh, business golf out’ings

Scot, Jes when ya cross de rail roads leaving downtown Sylvester as soon as ya cross de river, There’ s house down in a hole with maybe 2000 hub caps nailed to de side of it. I’m sure he like more. If you’ve never seen it, it’s worth de trip [If you’re into hub caps] If ya stop de guy wants you to pay him to have your picture took in front of his loverly home.

BTW, Could I borry $2.00 til next Friday.

GTG Have a great weekend Olds Friends
Old April 5th, 2014 | 05:18 PM
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Evenin all.

Busier than a cat coverin crap.

Had to go get the trailer with the quads in it. dump the sewer tanks. wash the truck & trailer, get all 3 quads ready for tomorrows race.install the wifes shocks and was gonna change her original '06 clutch, but it still looks like new.

Scot. I would if I could.

Jamesbo. Heres all my S#!t behind me.

Attachment 165176
Old April 5th, 2014 | 07:09 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Tired tonight. It's a lot of work sitting around all day. Nice day at the swap meet. Lots of fun hanging with Scot and talking with his friends. And his daughter & Co. Gonna sleep in tomorrow. This getting up with the chickens is for the birds.

Clint times that by ten and add a few cars and that's what my garage looks like. Hopefully that will change this summer. I need to get cleaned out and organized.

Sandy hope you're feeling okay this weekend.

Business golf Jamesbo? A bad day on the course...

Okay I think I'm done. Onward Sunday everyone. Good night.
Old April 6th, 2014 | 05:48 AM
1969w3155's Avatar
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Da worm. Not that early either, hmmm. Order of the day: Coffee. Work. see ya!
Old April 6th, 2014 | 06:52 AM
cutlassgal's Avatar
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Morning All,

Sun today and heading to 55 they say. Wish I could get sunburned....

Feeling like shi* at this point, of course. I'm not having any more. My mind is made up. She's not gonna like it, but I'm done. I've researched 4 vs 6 treatments, and there are a lot of ladies who have only had 4 and who are still alive and cancer free. God is the only one who can save me anyhow. It's totally up to him who lives and who dies. Doctors can 'prolong' your life, but still can't guarantee a damned thing. So I'm done. I won't suffer through this horrible mouth thing another month. Not only are my organs suffering from the chemo, they're also suffering from the fact there is no liquid in my body, and very little food. I am so thirsty. My feet burn like fire. Just the pressure from the blanket touching them hurts soooo bad.

John.... so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and the family.

All the crocus are pretty much up. I hope I can go out and look at them later on. I'm tired of being on this couch since Thursday night.... Sitting around isn't good. Would like to fill the bird feeders, but the damned black birds come in and wipe everything out in minutes!!!!

Our DSL is down here at the house. Called Windstream yesterday and she tried to tell me the modem just 'died'. I had internet yesterday for about 2 hours, then it started acting jerky like, so I was gonna unplug the modem and reset it, and it's power light was red. So unplugging it did nothing. The lady said of course it's not under warranty anymore - I've had it less than a year - so I'll have to buy one. I'm using my little Verizon mifi right now to connect. Don't know how much I have left on it. Always something......

Well I'm gonna rest some more. You all have a great Sunday.
Old April 6th, 2014 | 07:30 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Fix'in to come up a cloud down ere

Sandy, Sorry you're feel'in poorly I don't feel so good eitgher. Musta got a hold of sum bad ice or sum'in.

Clint, Now dat's more like it. I was worried 'bout cha be'in a "neat Freak"

Mike, It wasn't my business. How as help'in a friend out.

Will some one please tell me how in the wild wild world of sports how People Norte Dakoda can be good golfers. I jes don't get it.

Enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds friends.
Old April 6th, 2014 | 08:21 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Mornin', Oldsmogang. Thanks much to everybody for the condolences & prayers! I know Jean's in a better place, with her beloved brother and sisters and other family who have preceded her, including my Mom.

Clint, now that stuff looks like something I can relate to! I've been on a roll getting my garage in shape. It's one of those weird things where it was brand new 4 years ago, but I didn't have any real plan, and I had lost all my (expletive deleted) in the flood, so it got out of control pretty quick. But I've gradually amassed more (expletive deleted) and the time has come to get 'er dun (i.e., organized). I think the hardest part is done. As soon as I finish this god-forsaken air distribution system, I'll just have to finish putting up clocks, posters, etc. and I'll be at 99%. (100% will never happen, of course.)

Sandy, after you've prayed and agonized over your decision, you have to choose whatever direction you're being led in. I join my prayers with yours that you're making the right choice. Just remember you could think of it as being 2/3 there. Personally, I'd look at the hard numbers and go with the odds, even if it meant suffering through a couple more sessions of misery. Or maybe there's no statistical difference b/w the 4 and the 6 treatments, in which your decision is a no-brainer.

Whelpt, lots to do today, as usual. Weather's crap on & off, and a big front is headed our way tonite into Monday morning. I actually got the bulk of the lawn mowed Friday morning before the first round, so's I feel good about that. (It was starting to look as if nobody lives here.)

Y'all have a great Sunday, Oldsmofriends.
Old April 6th, 2014 | 09:12 AM
Kyle's 77 Cutlass's Avatar
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Bout time

late morning oldsgang. Well spring is finally showing up here in Manitoba. Not sure for how long but it is a start. A whole week of above freezing . Drop this snow and get on with grass. Have a great day
Old April 6th, 2014 | 02:01 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Howdy everyone.

Rain. This is one time of the year I don't mind rain. The yellow dust is everywhere. Though if it only rains a little, the dust turns to a paste. Yuck.

Kyle welcome to the fold.

I know it was your friend, Jamesbo, my point was heck, you were golfing. Now if the other guys were better than you...

Sandy good for you. Stick to your guns. I have no idea if that's the "right" decision, but it's right for you. Are you still going through with the other surgery?

John I saw what looked like the back of a GS at the swap meet. I didn't get a chance to go look at it, but it had that wing thing on the trunk. Looked to be primer black. I used to see a 4 door 70 Skylark on the highway once in a while when I lived up home. I was driving a 70 Cutlass 4 door and the guy would always give me thumbs up and a rock and roll head banging look. He kind of looked like Garth from Wayne's World.

Dan was your coffee this morning the very expensive civet coffee? I'm not a coffee drinker, and after reading where they get the beans I'm not sure I'm in a hurry to start. Hm, the Awful house could have a mascot.

Work tonight. I might try to take a day off this week and get a few extra things done. I got the paint for the living room today, I'm not sure it's going to be what I want. Also my niece is getting married in California next week, not sure if I'm going out for it or not. I guess I oughta, I flew up to Chicago for her sister's wedding a few years ago. We'll see.

Okay have a good night everyone and I hope your week starts out well.
Old April 6th, 2014 | 04:56 PM
1969w3155's Avatar
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Dan was your coffee this morning the very expensive civet coffee?
Uh, no. I would never even try that stuff no matter how good that it's supposed to be!! Probably has a "Earthy" taste to it.
Old April 7th, 2014 | 04:29 AM
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mornin all.

Sandy, sorry you're feelin cruddy.

Jamesbo, You don't realize how much crap you got till to need to paint

Mike, Scot hope yins made millions at the sale.

John. I really want to take my time and re load everything into the garage the right way, but I have to swap 2 motors in the ATV's and get Brit back in bed before next weekend. Not sure how that is gonna happen.

Well, we had the last race for the winter series yesterday. The track was rougher than a cob and twice as dusty. I feel like I been hit by a freight train.

Have a Monday all.
Old April 7th, 2014 | 05:40 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Like a cow [make that a herd of cows] on a flat rock POURING
rain down ere

Sure am glad I played golf on Saturday

Clint, De best laid scemes of mice and men off times go astray. Jes throw de stuff back in thar [like I would] It'll feel mo like home.

Sandy, Clint or other TWD fans. On anutter FB page sum yoyo is show'in people "interesting" places in Gawga to go. One of dem is Bellwood [granite] quarry down in SW Hotlanta.

Besides de fact dat's its posted, off limits and patrolled [and it's in a neighbor hood dat ya shouldn't go w/o a "piece"] Soon der gonna make it into a resevoir.

My long awaited Point? I think all de WD fans are sneak'in in cause it was in a scene [or scenes] from y'alls favorite show. Google it an let me know.

As fer a Kopi luwak. From de little I know, It's become so famous/ popular after de movie "Bucket List' that de can't get enough of it in de wild. It brings $100 a cup in NY. So big business steps in in China etc and now de got des poor monkies caged up feed'in dem nutt'in but coffee beans. Although they're poop'in beans der also go'in crazy and becoming deformed from eating nutt'in but coffe beans. kinda like de Rhino horn insanity.

Welp, GTG stay dry Olds friends
Old April 7th, 2014 | 05:43 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Supposed to strom later and may get a bit rough

Sandy we will continue to send good thoughts and prayers your way. Hopefully you feel way better today. I too am having issues with my Windstream modem They were supposed to call yesterday but did not. I found that if I rebooted the cpu, left the modem unplugged all night, then plug it back in, eventually it would light up. But for how long who knows?

Jamesbo I have a distant cousin that was or maybe still is the high sheriff down in Sylvester. I don't believe I've seen that barn you speak of with all the hubcaps. I am down to only four boxes of them from seven, so I am fairly pleased with that.

hope yins made millions at the sale
Thanks Clint. I made a few bills but not quite the amount I made at the yard sale the other weekend.

Whelp it's time to take the little doggy to the vet to get her stitches removed. Hopefully we can get out of there before the strom hits Y'all have a wondermous Monday! Ya hear?
Old April 7th, 2014 | 06:27 AM
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Scot, It's not a barn It's de guys whole house
Old April 7th, 2014 | 07:51 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, It's not a barn It's de guys whole house
I bet that is a sight

Whelp the pup got her stitches out and has a clean bill of health Thank goodness!

Elsie and her entourage has arrived
Old April 7th, 2014 | 09:37 AM
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RIP Mickey Rooney
Old April 7th, 2014 | 02:22 PM
Kyle's 77 Cutlass's Avatar
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Hey guys and gals. And thanks for the invite, almost t-shirt weather. Spring had finally come, atleast this week. Snow is melting, Sun roof is open in the vw. It's looking promising. Have a good one crew. Peace and enjoy the old's dream. Thinking my next tattoo will be an olds badge. Cheers
Old April 7th, 2014 | 03:08 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hey everyone.

Running late today. This morning after a night full of rain I came home to find the dogs completely trashed their room. At least they stayed in there. Had a big mess to clean up this afternoon. Oh, and it started thundering just as I was going to bed, so I didn't get to sleep until noon. Oy. Hope I'm not reattaching a wing or anything like that at work tonight.

Scot glad the pup is good.

Kyle I hope the VW with the sunroof is a 1963 27 window Deluxe Microbus.

Off I go, have a good night everyone.
Old April 7th, 2014 | 06:01 PM
Kyle's 77 Cutlass's Avatar
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Hey everyone.

Running late today. This morning after a night full of rain I came home to find the dogs completely trashed their room. At least they stayed in there. Had a big mess to clean up this afternoon. Oh, and it started thundering just as I was going to bed, so I didn't get to sleep until noon. Oy. Hope I'm not reattaching a wing or anything like that at work tonight.

Scot glad the pup is good.

Kyle I hope the VW with the sunroof is a 1963 27 window Deluxe Microbus.

Off I go, have a good night everyone.

lmfao. NO Touareg
Old April 8th, 2014 | 05:16 AM
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Mornin all.

Kyle Sorry to hear about the VW. BTW welcome to the madness.

Mike. Dang, Thunder season already? bummer. Reminds me I need to go get boomer a thundershirt.

Scot, It sure wasn't a good day for comedy yesterday. John Pinette passed as well. He had some good stuff. Glad to hear the pup is mending.

Jamesbo, Thats kinda what we did last night. I'll have to go thru and organize later. I have way too much to do this week. I have to pull 2 motors out of the quads and install one. I think the kid lost third gear so now I have a tranny to tear apart.

The wife took me to the shop this morning so I could bring Brit home. She got snowed on yesterday. but its supposed to be in the 70's today.

Have a Tuesday all.
Old April 8th, 2014 | 05:18 AM
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Mawn'in all

Munch, munch, munch Worm

Well, Elise done left but it's a mite wet still.

Got a family com'in early dis mawn'in so can't chat much.

Sandy, How ya feel'in?

Have a great day Olds frineds

"I'll be back"

Edit, Dag nabbit Clint beat me a-gain
Old April 8th, 2014 | 09:14 AM
cutlassgal's Avatar
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Morning all

Had some rain this morning but sun is peeking out now and temps in the 40's. Rained all day yesterday.

I stayed home yesterday. Just feel like crap. Could have stayed home today too but Steve is on the road making sales calls until Thursday.

I just don't know why its taking so long to recoup this time. I am sooooo friggin thirsty and just want to drink so badly. I'm sure my organs are having a harder time bouncing back with less and less moisture going into my body each time. My tongue is just coated a gross white and the minute anything hits it the taste is just rotten.

Yeah.... I'm done with this. I think I'll be dead in 2 months if I keep up.

John... I can't really find a lot of statistics out there. But several women on the breast cancer forums have only had 4 treatments because their bodies can't take 6, some only had to have 4 to begin with, I think it's up to the oncologist who's treating you myself.

Mike... yep I'm planning on having the double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery as soon as I recoup from this chemo. Wont have to worry about breast cancer again. And any time you have cancer someplace, there is always that risk of you getting it again somewhere else. Nowadays they call that "distant recurrence". So when I had it 23 years ago, there was a chance it could have came back in another organ, bones, blood etc... where ever. There will always be that chance in anyone who has had cancer, no matter how many chemo treatments you get. I've never sat around and dwelled on the thought and I don't plan to start now lol.

Whatever will be will be.....

Well I brought a chicken ala king dinner I'm going to try to eat. Usually rice is tolerable. Tastes like shi# but I can get it down.

Have a good day.
Old April 8th, 2014 | 11:25 AM
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Sandy, Go easy on de Soy Sauce
Old April 8th, 2014 | 12:50 PM
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Jamesbo.... that doesn't even sound good so I won't be eating anything with it in it lol.

Windstream sent me out a new modem which should arrive today. This guy I talked to said the old one was still under warranty so no charge to me. Now if Nicole could get a new phone I wouldn't have to hear anyone bitch about electronic stuff!! Samsung sent hers back un fixed.... they want $200 to fix the screen. Might be the cheapest route to go from looking at prices.
Old April 8th, 2014 | 02:25 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hey everyone.

Nice day here. A little breezy but sunny. Gonna be colder than a well digger's heal tonight.

So I get this call from the woman that I always talk to at the Credit Union. She says, this isn't related to the credit union, but since you do a lot of work on cars I thought you could help me. I thought, hm, that's nice of her to think of me. She wants a flare wrench. I figured she was working on brakes. She said no, the carb on her dad's 72 C10. She needs a 1" flare wrench, to get the fitting on the copper line off where it goes into the carb. She said it was like a regular wrench but open on both ends. I wouldn't have called that a flare wrench, any of you guys know what she's talking about?

Sandy try some brown sugar on your rice.

Clint in Georgia it rains all year round so we get thunder and lightning, too. I think we're done with it for the week.

Friday for me. Last night wasn't too bad. Finished up a few things on a 767 then started taking a flap off a 757 that had some lightning damage on it. No telling what's in store for tonight.

Hope you guys have a good evening. Onward hump day.
Old April 8th, 2014 | 06:17 PM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Hey everyone It seems as if wind stream doesn't want my business. Haven't heard from the service tech since the internet went TU. They will receive yet another call tomorrow.

Mike do you thank the girl is talking about a combination wrench or maybe a AN wrench Maybe she wants a hand or two

Well phone is in dire need of charging so I shall chat later Oldsmofriends
Old April 8th, 2014 | 09:50 PM
1969w3155's Avatar
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A flare wrench would be the right wrench to use on the carb inlet. They have a narrower opening that allows you to go over a fuel or brake line. I'll see if i can find a pic to scan.
Old April 8th, 2014 | 09:52 PM
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There ya go.
Old April 9th, 2014 | 04:31 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike. There is a special wrench for the 1" fitting on the carb. A line wrench will most likely be too thick. (And even I don't have a 1" line wrench.) I think Lysle makes a specific wrench for the Varajet but I just cut an old box end (12 point) and use that.

Attachment 165154

Scot. I'm thinking there may be an ulterior motive as well.

Spose to get near 80F today. Yesterday finally got nice enough to open the shop doors in the pm. I have a Mudstain vert to put a PDB conversion on today. The kit was supposed to already be here. Haven't seen it yet.
Tor took the JRT to the vet. something has been up with him for a while. They put him on Thyroid meds but he still wasn't acting right. They did and x-ray and found what I knew all along. He's full of $h!t. So the poor cur got an enema yesterday.

well hopefully he'll feel a little better today.

Have a Wednesday!
Old April 9th, 2014 | 04:32 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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Clint, you gonna' beat me to da' worm dis mawnin'?
Edit --> Answer: YES!

Still gettin' my bearings.... back at the salt mine again. What a strange week.... seems like an extended dream.

Looks like Elsie has finally moved on. Lookin' like drier -- and definitely cooler -- air has arrived to chase the ol' cow off. 'Twas 45* at the Plantation before I left. Low-mid 50s here in Big Easy.

Whelpt, lotsa' emails to check and correspond do (unfortunately, all work related); so let me get to it.

Y'all have a Happity Humpity, Oldsmochums.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 9th, 2014 at 05:52 AM.
Old April 9th, 2014 | 05:55 AM
Jamesbo's Avatar
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Mawn'in all

Chili dis mawn'in but spose to warm up. Things are really green'in up fast round ere.

Time to start mow'in, weed whack'in and more white fence painting.

Happy hump day Olds friends
Old April 9th, 2014 | 06:31 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
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Good Mawnin All

Yup a bit cooler and Elsie has successfully washed most of yellow pollen off. Thankfully that stuff doesn't bother me, but I know several people that it does.

Got the intranet working long enough to check my emails and hopefully the phone co will get me fixed up today. Looks like it's starting to go TU again so I'd better go for now, like Jamesbo said it's time to mow again

Have a great Humpday Oldsmofriends
Old April 9th, 2014 | 06:51 AM
Bee-Oh-Pee's Avatar
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What happened to "2-T"?
Old April 9th, 2014 | 09:14 AM
cutlassgal's Avatar
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Morning all

Sunny and 47* here now. Heading to the 50's.

Wish we had pollen already lol. That would mean its warm! There are a lot of buds coming out on the maple trees now. I walked around the yard last evening admiring the crocus - they are finally coming up in big bunches and are just beautiful. The daffodils have buds and the hyacinths have some color on them even though they're still small. Tulips are coming up.

I went out and filled the birdfeeders last night and this morning most of the sunflower seeds were gone and the feeder hanging next to it had the lid knocked off and was empty. I don't know if it's deer or the coon or what? Has to be something able to get its tongue around the brim of the sunflower seed feeder,and that's a lot of seeds it ate last night. The stuff is too expensive to be feeding to animals.

I feel sooooo crappy today. Body hurts so baaaad. Legs, back, feet. Wore sandals again since I cant put on socks or shoes. Sure hope it doesn't get real cold again, lol. I'll be s.o.l. then. Stomach hurts and I don't feel like eating anything for lunch. Think I'm going to put my head down. Brian is here making noise so I dontthink I'll get any sleep.

Made an appt to take Teepo to Defer next Friday since we're off. Get the oil changed and have them see where the tranny is leaking at. Bellacinos starts Cruisin on may 1st and the riverfront on may 5th. I'm taking half vacation days those days. Its been a horrible awful winter and I'm so looking forward to going!!

My neice Tina is coming over next Tuesday night and we are going to order the supplements and oils and such so I can start on them in a few weeks.

Well you all have a good one.
Old April 9th, 2014 | 10:48 AM
slantflat's Avatar
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Happy Humpy everyone.

Beautiful, beautiful day here. A little cool, but so bright. I gotta run a couple errands in a few minutes I will need my sun glasses.

Thanks everyone for the descriptions of a flare wrench. I learned something. I call that a line wrench. I've never seen a carb that had a 1" nut on the supply line. No she's not looking for anything else. At least I hope not.

Sandy I so miss Maple trees. Don't miss the helicopters that fall down and clog up the mower but I'd take Maples any day of the week over all these pine trees. Summit starts their cruise May 5. I'll have to clean the winter muck off the convertible and get it ready. Geez I haven't washed any cars in weeks.

Scot I talked to that guy at work who went to Charlotte. He said it was good weather and 10,000 vendors. I asked him why it was moved up a week and he said he didn't know, but the schedule has been worked out through 2018.

I need to start mowing as well. I also need to rake. Last year I broke my two rakes and need to get another. I must be really cheep because basic metal rakes are nine bucks and I don't want to spend that. I like the big plastic rakes but they break too easily. Don't know why I'm so hard on rakes.

Well I gotta get to those errands. My neighbor wants me to go with him to dinner tonight. Actually he wants me to take him. His wife is gone to Florida and he's afraid to be alone. He'll call me twenty times in the next couple of days until I go back to work, then he'll call me forty times because I'll be sleeping and he won't get me and he'll panic.

Have you a good afternoon everyone.
Old April 9th, 2014 | 11:14 AM
GAOldsman's Avatar
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 5,191
From: Perry, GA
New modem woo hoo

Mike I believe my old carter afb had something like a 15/16 or maybe even a 1" fuel inlet fitting. In the picture at the top left. But if she takes the fuel line off 1st, then you can put a box end wrench on it.

Wow 10k vendors?! No wonder Perry was only halfway filled LOL

About the rake, you may want to check the woods LOL
Old April 9th, 2014 | 12:04 PM
CQR's Avatar
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Here is what I think she is talking about. the filter housing is 1" I believe

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