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Old November 4th, 2013, 02:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Worm a-gain

Wonder WTH time it really is????????

Mike, Sorry you didn't have a great weekend. Come up here and stay wit 3 cats inside 2 outside a step son and his squeeze if ya wanta relax

Pat, You're a young whipper snapper. My 50th is in the distant past. Thing I notice most was no one was still try'in toimpress anyone. We were all jes glad to be verticle

Boy, I'd hate to trust my fate to 12 of my peers who didn't have enough since to get off jury duty.

Have a great day Olds friends

Clint GET UP ya BUM
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Old November 4th, 2013, 04:21 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo. Did you run out of Melatonin? We were spose to gain an hour of sleep, not forget about sleeping!

Pat, glad you stopped by.

Mike, still waitin on the gas company to light your fire?

Well, after a lotta beer and a good dinner. me and the missus had a long knock down drag out... But it was a good talk, and hopefully we both came out with a clearer understanding of each other.

Have a great week. spose to start snowin tonight
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Old November 4th, 2013, 05:39 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Thanks Jamesbo, that's what I needed was a little perspective. Actually it's surprising what a good night's sleep will do for one's outlook.

Clint, what do you say post-birthday to your wife, hope you had a good day or hope the bruises aren't permanent. I know you'd never hit a lady, I meant yours.

After I get home with the dogs I'm gonna see about putting the last pieces on the blue van. I never did find headlights when I was in Florida so the surrounds may stay off, and I'll get my buddy Johnboy to help me with the bumper.

Okay gonna head out. Nice to see you Pat. Darrell get that porch finished. Have a good day everyone it's beautiful out here.
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Old November 4th, 2013, 05:45 AM
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Clint, Dat was only my immitation of de mrs.
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Old November 4th, 2013, 06:53 AM
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Morning All!

Clouds and sun here this morning, cold though. It was 28 earlier, now up to 31! Supposed to warm to the 50's today, close to 70 on Wed., but rainy.

I hate this slow time. Sorry, to all of you who like it, lol. It was dark at 5:30 yesterday, when I got home from taking Lin shopping. I wanted to schlep the Halloween containers back out to the garage, but didn't feel like doing it in the friggin dark. Guess I have no choice now, unless I wait until the weekend.

I am tired this morning. My body knows it should be an hour ahead. I slept like crap and coughed the whole night, I think. Still coughing this morning. 43 days now. Never in my life.....

Clint.... Happy belated to your wife! Sorry to hear about your 'spat', lol. I wish Larry and I would have a good one! I have 14 years of 'things I've wanted and needed to say but have been too scared' stored up inside just waiting to come out!!!! Of course it would all still be my fault anyhow. But I'd feel better!!!

Citcapp! So nice of you to drop by! Glad to know you're still around.

Mike... glad you got some rest and are in a better mood.

Darrell..... Tour pics to follow! Clint.... I'm too technologically challenged to figure out Photobucket, lol. I'm about out of space on there it keeps telling me. Guess I'll have to delete some real old stuff from there.

So.... did you see that Teepo is a Calendar Girl again!!

Have a great day all!!
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Old November 4th, 2013, 07:25 AM
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Bear with me guys, while I share the WD pics with Darrell! Love ya!!

Hershal's bar.

The drug store Glen and Maggie went to.

The alley by the bar where Randall got impaled on that fence, after the shoot out in the bar with those stranger guys.

The warehouse where Darryl and Meryl were fighting in Woodbury.

The 'cage' that Mishone opened up and killed the walkers that were in there.

The school Shane and Rick took Randall to.

The motel where Meryl tied Mishone to the post while he hot wired the car.

The store that Mishone went to and got medicine for Andrea.

The famous meeting table.

The creepy building where the table is, lol.

And the spot where Meryl was feeding and Darryl had to kill him.

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Old November 4th, 2013, 09:06 PM
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Evening everyone. Quiet day here, busy with work and then came home and finished up my porch. Glad I'm done with it, it's too cold outside right now to work on it. A little cleaning up work to do but it really came out nice.

Sandy - glad to hear Teepo is a pin up girl again. I kept meaning to send my pictures in but I'm guessing it's too late now. Thanks for posting all those pictures for the WD scenes, I recognize all those locations. Pretty cool!

Have a good night everyone.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 04:11 AM
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Mornin all.

surprised to see no one has posted yet.The wife is sleepin in a little and may just be takin a little of my advice that sleep is not only good, but necessary.

I noticed the roofline on the yellow building to the tight of 'Impalement' Alley looks like it needs attention. Is this a real slow dying off town? curious as is seems like very little activity except for the tours.

Darrell, Me too. I never got around to submitting any photo's either. But Brit will be in the calendar for Jalopyz so that will have to do for this year.

Spose to snow today.

Have a great day all
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Old November 5th, 2013, 04:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Clint you Ok?

Never mind, I jes saw ya beat me

Worm a-gain? NOT

Are we thru wit de WD yet?
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Old November 5th, 2013, 05:35 AM
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Hey, folks... no woim for me, although I've been back at the salt mine since 6 sharp.... only have 142 e-mails waiting for me to sort thru....
Elsie is currently visiting.... wasn't supposed to really show up 'til manana... glad I didn't ride the M_cycle here today (I thought about it.)

Cool pic's, Sandy. I'm still on episode 1 of WD.... maybe one day~!

I'm going to try to work from 6-2 during this last few weeks of work.... just eat at my desk during work.

So far OK w/ Aunt Connie. Thanks to all for the well wishes. Poor girl is hanging in there at the new home, as of last Thursday. I've filed a formal complaint to the state licensing agency against the last home. The lady I spoke to yesterday said they are actively investigating. I sincerely hope they find cause for real action. I'd hate to see this happen to any other helpless soul.

My envy of you being in the mountains is somewhat limited by the company you have, Jamesbo.

Sorry the "party" was a bust, Mike.

Thanks for the well-wishes, Paul.

You been slippin' a bit on the worm, Clint.... Got any trips to Jazz Fest planned?

I'm getting a little excited about my prospects for going up to St. Ignace next summer -- although it's a long time away. I've always wanted to go up there, and LOVE real AACA car shows/meets. Wish I could get the Olds up there, but it's not an option at this time.

Whelpt, lemme get back to them e-mails.... Y'all have a great Tuesday, Oldsmobuddies.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 06:04 AM
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Love ya Jamesbo!

Morning All!

Cool and crisp here this morning, some sun is peeking out. It's a nice morning. The air smells like leaves, lol. Supposed to get to around 58.

Haven't heard from Jay about Teepo..... hopefully he'll call today and I can go get her. I think I'll go vote at lunch time just in case I have to go get her tonight.

We have a lot of tax issues on the ballot which I'm voting against. Twinsburg city tax was raised from 2% to 2.25% back in 2009 and they agreed to put it on the ballot in 2013 to see if that 1/4 % should be repealed. I'm all for repealing! This is one of those 'tricky' worded ones, where it takes a 'yes' majority vote to get it repealed, and a 'no' majority vote will keep it. I'm sure a lot of people will see it and think it's a new tax and automatically vote 'no'. We also have tax issues for Summit Co. alcohol and drug abuse something or other, the Akron Zoo, and the Metroparks. We have judges, clerks, trustees and school board members to vote for. Quite a bit this time around!

Nicole's friend Nick (the one she went to CA to visit in 2010) and who is in the Army, just graduated from his Medical training and he is coming to see us tonight. He will then be going to Korea when this break is over. He's such a nice young man. I hate to think of him going over there. Him and Nicole are going to go down to Kalahari water park in Sandusky tonight and spend most of the day there tomorrow.

So I forgot to mention!!!!!! Charlie - you know Charlie - got married last week!!! He posted pics on Facebook, lol. Guess he sure got over Nicole (and not getting his TV back) in a hurry, lol. It was just July that he was here badgering her for the TV. I posted that I wish him and his new wife all the best, which I really do. Even if he is an A$$! I just hope he really did pay off that collection agency for the back rent on that apartment. Nicole hasn't got any more letters from them.

Larry and I had dinner last night at Outback steak house with Pete - he was the owner of the company I worked for before I came here. Him and his wife sold the company in 1999 and they moved to Naples in 2002. The place went downhill after they left under the new owners, but I stuck it out until 2008... anyhow, he was in town for a funeral and he wanted to get together with us. He's still a partner of some sorts in Larry's company - I never did understand that whole thing. Anyhow, we had a great time! It was so nice to see him. I always called him and Dale "mom and dad" lol. Dale didn't come up with him this time. They usually try to get up here in the summer. He 'gave me away' when Larry and I got married. I miss them. He had his 'Johnny Walker Red' last night, lol. They had steaks and I had the most delicious wood grilled Halibut and seasonal veggies! I love the loaves of the honey wheat bread they give you there, lol. It was almost 10:00 by the time we got home. You'd never know that man is 78 years old to look at him.

Clint... how's your bee stung dog today?? Hope the swelling has went down some. The Dude is soooo happy to be a free spirit again, lol. The fur is starting to grow back where his stitches were. He's back to his old self. He's happy and so am I!!!

Another quiet and slow day in here. Yesterday was sooooo long....

I haven't heard anything from Steve yet about the 3 weeks vacation for me that I reminded him about last week. Don't know if he's contacted Mr. Moore yet or not about it. I know he's behind on giving our evaluations too. Guess he's too busy working the ***** on his friggin heater, lol!

Well I better get off here, so you all have a great day!!
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Old November 5th, 2013, 07:19 AM
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Well, morning all, gotta vote today, then pick up 3 dzn donuts or cupcakes, and get a flu shot...which reminds me of the time I was in the Doctor's office, and he decided that I needed an allergy shot, he said the nurse would be in to administer it in a few mniutes, well, in she comes with the syringe, and I start rolling up my sleeve, to which she says "not there"! uh oh..."in the cheek"? I say, "yep" was her which I replied " If I'd known that, I would have shaved first!
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Old November 5th, 2013, 07:55 AM
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It's funny being an off year for elections, I can't believe the amount of mailings, phone calls and recorded messages (even though we are on the do not call list). It's ridiculous. The negative campaigning by both parties is terrible, makes me not want to vote for either candidate.

Hope it is not so bad by all of you.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 10:05 AM
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Darrell, I know it's bad up in your neck; thank goodness we have no elections in LA this cycle; but the nationwide campaigning for the gubernatorial race in VA seems unprecedented. And they're all negative!

I know who I want to win, but I dare not get "political" lest Jamebo kick me off .

I wonder what poor "Rocketraider" would say regarding his beloved state, and its being caught in this national power struggle. Sickening.

I spent 7 mos. in N. VA after Katrina and liked it lots -- even under such adverse conditions. But I think its proximity to the beltway has changed its demographics significantly, even since '05 and '06. Used to be a conservative bastion. Prolly not so much anymore.... Whelpt, better quit whilst I'm ahead....

Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
It's funny being an off year for elections, I can't believe the amount of mailings, phone calls and recorded messages (even though we are on the do not call list). It's ridiculous. The negative campaigning by both parties is terrible, makes me not want to vote for either candidate.

Hope it is not so bad by all of you.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 10:32 AM
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Morning all, still dark out but I reckon it will be a hot day like all the others around here.

Time flies when your having fun, Tink and I had our 8th wedding anniversary yesterday.

I don't vote over here. I can't stand any party like you john but that's enough of that

My first weekend off since starting day shift and I got more done then the last 3 months at home

Time for me to go to work, take it easy everyone,

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Old November 5th, 2013, 11:20 AM
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Congrats, Adrian!! How is Tink feeling nowadays?? Everything progressing as it should? Is she still on Facebook? I haven't seen any posts lately.

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Old November 5th, 2013, 02:30 PM
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Hey everyone.

Happy Anniversary Adrian. Here's to many, many more. I thought it was the law that you had to vote. Maybe just in Victoria.

Beautiful day here, but cold. I think I got all my painting done and am ready to assemble the rest of my parts. I need to go to the junkyard and find a piece of trim before I can put on the grille.

Dan what were the donuts for, were you late to work?

Sandy is that Mike dude from Senoia or is he just there for the show? How many times can the walkers get killed before someone notices it's the same ones?

John I should have known better than to think the weekend would be fun. Several years ago I was in charge of Corvair Atlanta. Some people that never did anything were always the first to complain and find fault in what I'd plan. One time I let this one guy have it, privately, and he then shared what I had said with everyone. Even though this wasn't the Atlanta club, word gets around and people don't have much to say to me. It's always the same, do you still work for Delta? Are you still in Stockbridge? That's about it. Eh, I don't need no silly club to enjoy driving my cars.

Okay gotta let the dogs out one last time before work. I spent all my extra time this afternoon watching Hitler spoof videos. Them are funny right there.

Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 08:08 PM
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Evening everyone. Being election day and all, the kids were home so I took off and hung out with them. We went bowling and had a lot of fun. Think they're hooked they want to go bowl again tomorrow.

Mike - I hear ya about the campaigns. After I left that message this morning on here, I got 4 more phone calls and one more knock on the door. Mostly negative messages. I followed the Virigina primary some, they said that 76% of the ads in that state were all negative. What is wrong with these people? Anyway that's about as Political as I will get, and my rant for the day.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 08:52 PM
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Dan what were the donuts for, were you late to work?
nah, if it's your birthday, we bring in donuts or other goodies for the department.
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Old November 5th, 2013, 11:13 PM
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Thanks everyone

Tink is progressing along nicely Sandy, well as nicely as you can expect

If you want to get technical Mike, it is
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Old November 6th, 2013, 03:32 AM
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Mornin all.

Looks like Adrian got the worm today. At least here in the mountain time zone. Adrian, you are such a rebel... BTW. Happy anniversary.

Dan sounds like I owe you a happy belated then.

Mike, Its things that go back to before marriage. She has a lack of trust in anyone. and when she starts throwing accusations around that are completely unfounded, I get a little uptight. We're all good again. they usually don't last long.

Sandy, Boomer is still really swollen. I took a look last night and think there may be something stuck inside his upper lip. he is going to see Doc Hill tomorrow.

Jamesbo, I'm ok. just a half bubble off.

John. No. nothin planned for anywhere at this point. she's a little to pre-occupied to do much travelin.

Have a great middle of the week.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 04:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little dank dis mawn'in but spose to fair off.

Adrian, Happy Aniversary I wouldn't dare translate "progressing nicely"

Clint, I got my ears pinned back dis mawn'in. I think it must have sum'em to do with planatary allignment. Cause I don't have a clue WTF I did/said

Mike's got the right idea. Getcha a couple of dogs an call it a day.

John, I'd never kick you off. De only problem wit Political jokes is de SOB's keep getting re elected.

Sandy, Not to take off on de Walking Dead vs. Breaking Bad BUT, Did you see where Anthony Hopkins wrote a letter praising de act'in in Break Bad.

Welp GTG

Have a great hump day Oldsfriends
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Old November 6th, 2013, 06:20 AM
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Morning All!

Another beautiful morning here. Sun/clouds and temps at 50 degrees. Rain to move in later.

It was so nice last evening! I was outside until after 8 in the dark, lol. I schleped the Halloween decoration containers back upstairs in the garage and brought down the Scarecrows and other containers. Hard to believe it's that time already.... seems like I just did this!

Clint.... I hope Boomer is ok. Maybe he got into something else and wasn't stung?

Mike.... from what I understand, Mike went to school in Jonesboro GA, so I think he's a native.

Jamesbo.... I never watched Breaking Bad, but I heard it was good.

I just watched Sunday's episode of WD last night... it was good! Carol will be back I do believe.....

Nicole left last night to go get Nick at the airport and head to Kalahari. I hope they made it alright. She was tired.

I'm gonna call Jay today and ask about Teepo.... I'm getting worried! I want to take Tincanio to get detailed before the snow flies. I want a nice coat of wax on her and I just don't have time to do it myself. I should call Bob and see what he charges. I don't want Armor-All sprayed all over everything. I'm not nuts about that stuff, lol. I like the 303 Aerospace stuff I use for the vinyl and rubber. I just want the outside done, not the inside.

Well, all the tax levy's I voted against, passed. I did hear that the vote to repeal the 1/4% Twinsburg tax passed, but that little extra that goes back into our paychecks will just be taken by something else. It sucks. Such is life I guess.

Well you all have a good humpday!!
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Old November 6th, 2013, 11:34 AM
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Hey, boys & girl....

Home today watching these two guys put the new floor down in the office. I know I did more than they will do, with the carpet-ripping-out, painting, and furniture movning; but I didn't feel comfortable laying down these vinyl tiles. After watching them, I think I could do it now.

Durn, anybody price water filters lately? The cheapest one for our fridge was $40, jes fer a little ol' canister (genuine GE, anyway... but if you get some off brand, you never know what you're gettin').

Then the filters for the 2-stage sink purifier are $40 a pair.... I guess I should change them more than once a year, but dat's all they gettin' changed.

We also have a (huge) whole-house filter at the well pump, but I only change that every other year... and I could prolly go longer than that. That booger is around $100

Whelpt, y'all have a good humpity-hump. And BTW, I'm pretty depressed about the VA governor results ... although I'm not really surprised. (At least now I know Jamesbo won't kick me off.... ... and sorry about the ear-pinning, ma' man; it happens to the best of us).

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 6th, 2013 at 11:40 AM.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 11:45 AM
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Zo dis photographer lady ax me de utter day if she can take sum pics at my farm,Zo I says sure have at it.

Welp de lady whose daughter sat on my MF tractor to get her pic took owns a bakery. Lookie what I got. I wonder if de guy who owns de liquor store has a kid dat wants to get his pic took?
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Old November 6th, 2013, 12:53 PM
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You're funny, Jamesbo! That was nice of her. If I sit on your tractor, you'd have to give me candy.....

John.... good luck with the remodel, lol. Yeah, fridge filters are expensive! We have a Maytag and they are a little over $40. Shouldn't cost that much......
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Old November 6th, 2013, 12:59 PM
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I hate selling cars on Craigslist. These people vote, and are using up valuable O2.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 02:33 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nice day here, of which I saw more than I wanted. Not gonna be quite so cold tonight.

Clint I don't like to sell anything. As evidenced by my front yard. My favorite is when the people lowball you over email and they haven't even seen the car yet. Or want to trade. Hell, if I wanted more crap I'd just keep my own.

Happy belated, Dan. Hope your day was a success.

Darrell I heard the Do Not Call list is the government's way of collecting information to sell to people who want to call you. It's all a scam. I wouldn't doubt it. It's a conspiracy.

Ah night #2. Hope everyone is enjoying their week. See everyone later.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 06:48 PM
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Evening everyone. Hope you all had a great day. Nice weather here, about 64 and sunny.

Originally Posted by slantflat

Darrell I heard the Do Not Call list is the government's way of collecting information to sell to people who want to call you. It's all a scam. I wouldn't doubt it. It's a conspiracy.
Mike, I spent about a half an hour calling back all those numbers and put myself on the "do not call me again list". We'll see if that works.

Sandy - hear ya about voting down bad stuff. NY had a referendum on the ballot this year for opening up 7 casinos in NY State. I voted against it but it looks like it passed to. It's their answer to helping fix our budget woes instead of fracking. Wonder who's going to take care of all those people who now need gambler's anyomous. Next up will be ***** houses. LOL There, another rant.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 11:16 PM
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Thanks guys for the B-day acknowledgements'! Dang fine cake ya got there Jamsbo.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 03:28 AM
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Mornin all.

Darrell, there are exceptions to the Do not call registry. Political calls, charities and people you have done business with before are some of them. The biggest problem with the Do not call list is if they do violate it, you have to jump through hoops for anything to happen to them.

I was very surprised at the election results here. I was amazed that the $1B yearly tax increase for schools failed miserably. Maybe the citizens of my state are starting to wake up? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. musta been a fluke.

Mike, I had a lady all ready to buy over the phone and she asked where I was located. I told her in town on main street on the north side. (I had Morrison listed in the CL ad) But she wanted to know where Morrison was, I said on the west side of Denver by Red rocks. "Oh thats too far away!" Click.

Jamesbo, I gotta get the wifes MF into the shop today. We have to put a ring gear on it. Isn't it funny you can't parts for 8 year old jeeps and Chryslers, but its a piece of cake to get a ring gear for a 50 year old tractor?

Sandy. We'll have to see what Boomer did. Hes real swollen, but its not tender or ouchie for him. so we'll see.

Have a great day all.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

De cow on de flat rock is ere dis mawn'in

I noticed dat no one said anything 'bout me not Smack'in Whitey 'round on Monday.

I got a call Sunday from a lady whose mother was in a hospice an she HAD to see me Monday Mawn'in.

Zo Duty calls, and I meet her and spend 2 hours wit her splain'in things. She picks out a lot and order's a marker and She takes home a filled out contract fer her borther [what's got de money] to sign. Everything is fine right ...............NOT.

So Yesterday, De funeral director calls me and says, "Her Brother has changed his mine because of possible break thrus in medicine, he wants his mother's body preserved"

Ya think medicare and Social Security are in trouble now, Wait til de start digg'in dim up and bring'in dem back to life. Maybe poor guy has watch too many episodes of WD Whatcha think Sandy?

Sorry Olds friends, I jes had to share to keep sum since of sanity

Have a GREAT day
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Old November 7th, 2013, 05:14 AM
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Worm done been devoured by Clint

Mornin', all.... Rained like the dickens most o' the night; cleared out now, and a mite cooler now, and spose to chill off even more during day. Lookin' pretty nice for the weekend.

Originally Posted by CQR
I hate selling cars on Craigslist. These people vote, and are using up valuable O2.
Clint, my wiffey, who's in the legal arena, said one of her teachers (way back when) used to tell them to look at the Jerry Springer show and think of every person in the audience as a potential juror~! I guess you could think of every CL respondent as somebody in the Jerry Springer audience.

No surprise we're in the shape we're in.

Jerry is a Tulane Law School grad, BTW. So N.O. can claim him as a one-time local, unfortunately.

Re: your tax defeat, sounds like you guys over there need to bring back Patsy Schroeder . (Oooops! Political.... .)

Sandy, they got the floor in yesterday.... looks real nice. They still have to put in two thresholds (he calls them "reducers") and the shoe moulding. Then he's going to recarpet our stairs, then we'll figure out some new way to squix-away our $$ on the house .

Y'all have a fab Thursday, Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 06:30 AM
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Morning All!

Busy place this morning! Cool and cloudy here, temps in the low 40's and they ain't a gonna go much higher today. We had rain start yesterday afternoon and through the night. A little sun peeked out earlier.

Happy Belated Birthday, Dan! Hope it was a good one.

Jamesbo.... You crack me up! I don't care about the breakthrough's in medicine - I wouldn't want to be preserved! That's just creepy. If they found some way to bring you back or whatever, there comes a time where the quality of your life would go down hill I'd think, and you'd be better off being dead. Just shoot 'em in the head! I wouldn't want to be a walker!!!

Darrell... You make me laugh! ***** houses, lol!! When I was in NY in Sept., I couldn't believe the price people were paying for cigarettes! Almost $12 a pack!! I about shi*, lol. They said most of that price goes to NY City taxes. Might as well roll up a $20 bill and set it on fire, lol.

Clint.... Did ya take Boomer to the vet??

I forgot to call Jay yesterday. I have to do that today. Bob called yesterday and I was talking to him about detailing Tincanio. He was supposed to check the schedule and call me back, but he hasn't yet. The guy is so busy he just forgot me.... But you know I won't let him forget for long, lol!

I put out some of scarecrows in the yard last night and a few other decorations. It was only like a misty rain then, so it wasn't bad. Then I watched the CMA's.

Tonight Nicole and I (and I guess Nick), are going to meet my friend Pam (with the Buick GS) over at Applebys in Stow for supper. I'm looking forward to it!!

Well you all have a great day!
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Old November 7th, 2013, 08:05 AM
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Top o' da mawnin to ya Oldsmofriends

It's rather rainy here this morning but should clear up by this evening.

Happy belated birthday Dan

That's a pretty neat cake there Jamesbo

Clint my JR got stung exactly like that from trying to eat a yellow jacket that flew in the screened in back porch The swelling will go down in a few days.

Sandy did you ever get your windlace ordered?

John I guess it could be much worse.... Politically speakin' that is. Guess we shall see how the nation reacts come next November 'Nuff said bout dat I guess

Hope everyone has a great Thursday
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Old November 7th, 2013, 08:48 AM
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"Classic Olds text." About a week ago the text style of the emails sent from here has changed, it looks like text from a typewriter, I cannot find a way to change it, and only the emails from ClassicOldsmobile have this. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
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Old November 7th, 2013, 09:07 AM
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Dan there should be a button to change your email to HTML somewhere depending on your email provider.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 09:37 AM
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All of my email is HTML, and the text is fine, just the emails from CO that I open have this text, and if I open the email to read it, the link to the topic to bring me back here (The Good Morning Thread for example) will show html in the link.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 09:39 AM
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Here is a copy and paste from my email.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 11:12 AM
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Looks like the same email I have always got from here Dan.
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