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Old September 23rd, 2013, 03:36 AM
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Mornin all.

Welp another Monday. Started raining last night at about 11:30, Still raining good and steady right now. I don't think I've ever seen my lawn this green in September. I really need to mow it, but its just too wet anytime I have some time to fire up the mower. Nights are getting cooler. I heard that copper mountain ski area, had gotten some snow yesterday. It was a nice day yesterday down here. We went racing and the missus finished 3rd in her class. I had a DNF. My exhaust broke right at the head. I nursed it back to the trailer. I didn't want to crystallize a valve.

Well. I have parts to order. Have a great day all.
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 05:02 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, It's a beautiful day to go smack whitey round.

Had a suprise when I returned to de farm last nite. I was mistaken. De beagles from hell only demolished one scrren door.


Dem Saints is on a roll. Too bad de Dirty birds are headed down hill.

BTW Here's a nice souvenier fer ya

Sandy, Congrats, you're knock'in dem dead on de car show circuit.

Mike, Tanks fer de offer, but I prefer to keep the howl'in SOB's outa ere not in ere.

John, I checked de wood shop when I got home. I've got a box of 32" scrren brand new ready to install. All I need is sum new narrow lath to cover the stables.

Well GTG

Have a great week Olds Friends.
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 07:21 AM
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Morning All!

Cloudy and cool here this morning. The sun is supposed to shine later..... hope it hurries up, lol. Temps in the 50's right now, only supposed to get to 60. But warming up all week.... looking good on Wed. and Thurs. nights for a change!!!!

Clint... everything is really green around here too, for this time of year. Trees are changing though.

I felt bad not going to the Balloon Affair show yesterday, but I really didn't want to get Teepo all dirty if that field was wet. The BOP at Summit was nice. Lots of Oldsmobiles!! I saw my friend Carl with the beautiful blue Cutlass S - I haven't seen him all season and was getting worried!! He's the one I got Teepo's rims from. He said he hasn't been out to many shows. He lives in Medina, so he's a ways from here anyhow. Glad to know he's still around. Pam brought their Buick so I parked by her and we spent the day together. Pops was there in his Buick.... He was putting on the Brimfest show yesterday, so I guess he had someone else running his show while he was out getting a trophy at the BOP, lol. I was happy with our Top 30 trophy. I think that's my 50th award total.

Tonight is the Riverfront. Don is taking Teepo's picture, since I missed Olds niht because of rain. He told me to remind him. I'm leaving work at 4:00 so I can get over there and get a nice space.

Larry said he told Jr how rude Elyse was to me, when Jr picked her up yesterday. Bet that does a lot of good.....

Darrell..... we are meeting in Hotlanta on Oct. 26th. Going to go to a few places and tour some things there. My main purpose of going is to meet the guys from here finally! Larry and I are flying down on the 25th. I'm the only one who's gonna do the WD tour. Since I'm gonna be a tourist there, I figured I might as well! Come on down and meet with us on Saturday!

Jamesbo.... glad the damage wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

Clint.... stay dry, lol!! Hope you don't get bad rains again.

So..... Lucky Nicole got her picture taken with "Darryl" (Norman Reedus) from the Walking Dead show!!!! I am sooooo jealous!

Attachment 168422

She said she's never washing that t-shirt, lol. I guess they were having a blast down there, which is good. They should be home today.

Well I guess I better do something, so I'll talk to you all later. Have a good Monday!
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 11:18 AM
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Howdy, folks. Lost yet anudder post by not practicing what I preach (not copying my messages before I try to post them). This'll be an abbreviated one.

Jim, da' Dirty Birds seem to have had their wings clipped.... Saints looked pretty good overall yesterday.... I guess 31-7 says it all; but we still have some work to do on the running game. Right now, I'm a'skeert of da' Panthers in our division. We play them twice in 3 weeks toward the end of the season, so if we keep up the good record, those should be some interesting games. The stinkin' Panthers usually seem to have the Saints' number...

Also, I assume you meant to say "Mike" re: the screen and lath?

Anyhoots, I'll check in later in the week. Have a great of what's left of Monday, Oldsmobuddies.
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 02:36 PM
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Evening everyone.

Twas such a beautiful day today, the dogs wanted me to see as much of it as I could. Hope it lasts through the week.

John I think Jamesbo just wanted you to know he had a box of screen, that's all.

Sandy is that guy one of the zombies? I heard that around town the producers put up little signs that say, please don't mow your grass so the place looks deserted. Of course if you put whipped cream on your grass it would look desserted.

Not much else, so off to work. Have a good night everyone.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 03:20 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike. thats funny. That dude is the redneck hero. All the ladies seems to get a little giddy when he comes on screen.

Sandy. I bet that made her day. Had a hard time sleepin last night. (even before the missus got up at 2.) I realized it was too quiet outside. The crickets have been furloughed. I assume its too cold for them anymore(49F). I'm gonna have to keep the window closed if it cools off anymore. I guess they had 3 inches of the yucky stuff up at the tunnel yesterday.

Jamesbo, If you are really looking forward to a bunch of re-screens, I have plenty around here that need to be done.

One of our heelers ripped off a toenail, So he's gimpin around with a foot full of vetwrap. looks like he's gonna stay home today.

Have a great day all.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 05:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Slight mist down ere dis mawn'in.

Sandy, You're in fer a treat [and such] I saw on de TV dis mawn'in "Fear Fest" is gonna be on. Not only do de have your famous Zombie show, de gonna pack de air ways wit Spinning children's head, Ground eels and all sorta scary sutff.[ and such]

Course, I gonna be watch'in Lawrence Welk reruns.

Clint, Wanta know why I gots a whole box roll of screens in de wood shop. Cause betwix, my wife's cats and her son's dogs De tear dem out constantly and IT REALLY PI$$ES ME OFF. Not to mention what de do to de Wicker furniture.

Welp, Gotta go repair sum stuff so de can tear it up again

Have a GReat day Olds Friends
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Old September 24th, 2013, 06:41 AM
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Morning All!

Cold this morning - in the 40's, but the sun is shining. Gonna warm up to the 60's.

It was chilly over at the Riverfront last night. Don took Teepo's picture for this year, so I will be able to pick it up next week. Not a whole lot of cars over there. Too cold, I think.

There's a little cruise in - fund raiser for one of the DJ's tonight in Ravenna. The guy was diagnosed with ALS or something this summer, and they're trying to raise some money to help him out. I don't know if I'll go or not. I'd like to.

But the Intrigue wouldn't start this morning, so I had to take Nicole to work, which made me 25 minutes late in getting to work myself! So I think I have to go buy a battery for the Intrigue tonight. I should of started the car each day that she was gone, but I didn't. I don't know what's wrong with the old girl.

Hopefully one of Nicoles friends can go pick her up when she gets off. Otherwise, I guess she'll be sitting until after 5 when I can go get her, lol. Larry wasn't talking when I got home from the Riverfront last night, so I don't know what's up his a$$ this time. He didn't say anything to Nicole when she came in last night either. He's jealous of my car and of her, so who knows........

Tincanio has been making another thunking sound coming from the rear again.
Don't know if it's the other side stabilizer link that's broken, or the same side again, or something different! Got a recall notice from Toyota yesterday for the "fix" they did on the 'rear suspension arms' last winter. Seems the 'fix' may not be correct, so when they get the 'new fix' together for our state, they will let us know. Meanwhile, the vehicle should be taken back to a dealer and looked at again, especially if you are hearing sounds from the rear! Maybe that's Tincanio's problem. Who knows? So I guess I'll be calling Toyota to make an appt. Then I'll probably have to take her to Don's again to be fixed, if it's nothing to do with the recall...... crap!

I feel like crap. Coughing and scratchy throat and plugged nose. Started Sunday night. Taking extra Vit. C through the day.

Another slow boring day in here.

Mike.... I like Darryl cause he's like quiet and shy with people, lol. He just doesn't say a whole lot. But he sure is good with his bow and arrows, lol.

Well you all have a good day!
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Old September 24th, 2013, 02:01 PM
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Howdy all.

Dreary day here, but it isn't raining now. Didn't see rain until maybe lunchtime last night, and then it was really only mist.

My high hopes for doing stuff outside today have gone so I slept in a little and now am doing little things inside. Might go grab a pizza later for my supper.

Sandy hope the croup goes away quick.

I'm telling you Jamesbo put up the metal.

Slow day around here. I should turn on the radio or something to get some excitement going.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 08:58 PM
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Evening everyone. Just checking in, not too many updates today, everone must be busy?

Sandy - how'd you know I was good with a bow and arrow?

Managed to do some multitasking between job work and trying to finish my front porch today. A lot of work but it should be nice when finished. Trying to get it done before the weather takes a turn for the worse. Been really nice, around 70-75 everyday the past two weeks, think we've only had one day of rain. Hope it stays that way for a few more days till I get finished.

Hope you all had a great day, time for bed.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 03:22 AM
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Mawn'in all

Las nite it rained liike a cow but it's still dark thirty so I ain't show if it's still ere er not.

Loverly day to spend on I-285 The Peremeter [dat isn't a peremeter, it's a circle 'round de city] I gotta drive to down town Tucker, Ga [a.k.a. east jesus]

Rain on Interstate + ladders+ coolers+ matressi= great trip

Alllan, Hope cha brakes didn't leak any overnite.

Sandy, I watch sum of Breaking Bad last nite and it occurred to me jes how violent so many shows have become. Ever notice on Law and Order, a body is allways found in the 1st 30 sec of de show.

I grew up with de Lone Ranger, Superman and Roy Rogers sock'in de bad guys and knock'in dem down. Today de either shoot, stab or kick de $hit outa sum one. No wonder de kids are so violent.

Wonder what Ozzie Nelson did fer a living?

Oh well GTG

Have a Great day Olds friends and say so incantations over a candle fer my safe return.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 04:00 AM
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Morning all.

Congrats on the worm Jamesbo. Sorry to hear you have to get up so early.

not much new. Looks like Frank Petersen got one of the Old 69 shifter cars re-done. Good on him. Thats him on the right.

Have a great Humpday all.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 06:06 AM
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Morning All!

Cold and crisp here, 44 degrees. Supposed to warm up later on though. It was nice yesterday. It would have been a great night to cruise Solon.... Lookin good for Chick Fil A tonight.

Went after work last night and bought a Diehard battery for the Intrigue. $144.00! I about sh*t!!!!! Larry had a heck of a time getting the old battery out, the way it's crammed in the corner at an angle. He had to take off that 'arm' thing that goes from the fender over to the front of the car... I think those things are supposed to help in case of an accident or something. Could of been some engineer just wanted to make things more difficult, lol. Then there's that wire harness thing thats attached to that arm.... had to pull on it to get the battery up around it. Sure isn't much room to work on anything under the hood..... wires were getting squished when Larry was trying to put the new battery back in... he wasn't pleased, as usual. But then she fired right up the way an Oldsmobile should! The old battery was put in in Aug. of 2005. It was a Delphi battery. It was nice to see the battery tray had no rust and things looked pretty good down there, lol.

I'm still coughing and hacking this morning. My chest hurts. Might be a sick day in my future tomorrow.....

Well I better try to find something to do.... you all have a great hump day!
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Old September 25th, 2013, 06:17 AM
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Happity humpity... Elsie seems to have vamoosed, and the dryer and hopefully cooler air is filtering in today, although it's still going to get close to 90 today. But they're predicting the low 60s for the N. Shore tonight.

Tickets for the 10/26 Fox tour will be available around the 5th of Oct., so I'll keep you "tourers" posted. As I mentioned to Sandy, I'll be glad to get the Cyclorama tickets for everybody as well; just PM me and y'all can reimburse me when we get together... that way, we'll at least know we'll all be scheduled for the same date and time and hopefully avoid any snafu's.

Speakin' of a violent culture, what do you think about this lunatic? You have to have some issues going into the game if Grand Theft Auto can affect you like this.

Y'all have a great humpity, Oldsmobuddies.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 08:42 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Another dreary day. It was raining pretty good early this morning, but now it's just cloudy. Inside stuff to do today.

Well this is a first for me. I've talked myself out of buying a car. There's a 65 F85 in Florida that looks like a pretty good deal. I figure I could buy it and then use parts from my smashed car to fix it up. Of course I don't need another project, and once I got it I'd be stuck with it. Eh who knows. It's an ebay thing and probably over by now, maybe if the price goes down I'll be more interested.

Good luck in Tucker, Jamesbo. Last time I was there I saw a movie that sucked with a woman I didn't really care for. No not because of that.

Sandy you look horrible. You might have to start your sick day this afternoon. Of course Chick Fila is good for what ails you.

I'm not a big fan of the 69 Cutlass but I like the Hurst cars. I always thought those pictures of Linda Vaughn waving from the trunk lid were actually her flailing in the wind trying to hold on.

John put me down for the Cyclorama. I've been saying I'm gonna go see it for years. The Fabulous Fox and Cyclorama. How can that day get any better?

Good day at the Awful house. A couple people I hadn't seen in awhile. One of the servers tells me she's pregnant. I said, try getting married first. Second time, same guy, twelve years apart. Hm. One guy was telling Alabama jokes. Reminded me of some of the jokes we'd tell about the cheddars.

Okay gotta do something. Have a good day everyone.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 09:02 AM
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Mike "down" for Cyclorama (dare I say that reminds me of that Seinfeld?).
Beware how you talk about '69s in Jamesbo's presence, Mike.
I gave up trying to figure out people's decisions. Maybe it puts a little uncertainty (and thus, a bit of a thrill) in their lives, like shooting craps? Dunno....
What are the cheddars? Is that like a Green Bay cheese head?
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Old September 25th, 2013, 09:44 AM
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Welp, Made it back alive an in once pieced Even got a WONDERFUL BBQ samich at de last Hickory House left in the world [on Northlake Pky]

John, I can't beleive ya have to buy tickets fer de Cyclorama ahead of time?

Mike, Sorry the moive /girl rolls weren't reversed.If she had ...............................never mind.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Alllan, Hope cha brakes didn't leak any overnite.
Me too Jim! I looked this morning and the shop towel I put down was nice and dry. That NAPA rear hose seems to have done the trick back there. I'm still not 100% sure on that RF line/hose fitting so I'll go pump it a few times and see if it cries. Still have the OEM line if I need; it can be blasted clean and reinstalled. I don't get why those fittings are having such an issue since they're new. Anyway, got my fingers, eyes and legs crossed it's a sealed system again.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, I can't beleive ya have to buy tickets fer de Cyclorama ahead of time?
Prolly don't have to, but CAN, Jamesbo... so why not? When I'm headin' into uncharted waters, I want to eliminate all the uncertainty I can; it ain't no more expensive.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 11:45 AM
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John I wasn't saying anything bad about the 69s, just that I like the Hurst painted cars better than the regular ones.

Can we go rock climbing after the Cyclorama? I'm down, I am, down. Mark me down.

Jamesbo the woman was awful regardless.

I've been cleaning off/going through stuff on my desk all morning with my digital cable TV music going. Imagine, 200 channels of nothing to listen to.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
Prolly don't have to, but CAN, Jamesbo... so why not? When I'm headin' into uncharted waters, I want to eliminate all the uncertainty I can; it ain't no more expensive.
Oh, You one of dem guys. Sorry, I didn't know.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Oh, You one of dem guys. Sorry, I didn't know.

I'm down! Mark me down, dude! George is gettin' upset!
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Old September 25th, 2013, 12:20 PM
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Lol! Mark Larry and I down for all the tickets too, John.

It turned into a beautiful day here. It's about 72 now - or it was at lunch time. I had to go to Macedonia to Wal Mart and get drugs for this cold. Stopped by the body shop and talked to Bob for a minute. I found Clint's show on AT&T U-verse and wrote it down so Bob can watch it. It's going to be on there a couple times on different days. So hopefully he will be able to record it if he can't watch it. He will like Brittany.

Brian is off tomorrow and Friday. Goin to Cinci to see customers. I am gonna be liking it! Maybe I can set the AC back down a degree or two. It's getting up to 78 in here before it kicks on. Too friggin hot. I put on my "laying out in the sun" tank top that I keep here. To me, 78 degrees is shorts and tank top weather!

Gonna be a great night for Chick Fil A!!! Mike.... since Brian is gonna be off, I can't miss work. But I could still be sick on Monday! Ya never know!!
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Old September 25th, 2013, 07:11 PM
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Evening everyone. Got to sit down a little earlier tonight, whick like, never happens. LOL.

An update on selling the Eldo. The guy who is buying it asked me to keep it for another month until he can get here. Now I'm a storage unit too? Geez. Told him I would let him know but the more time goes by, the more likely I'm feeling like telling him to forget it and I'll keep it or find another buyer. It's not like he's paying me top dollar or even what NADA says it's worth. Never easy right?

Sandy - you always make me jealous when you say you're going to chick fil a. It's our favorite place.

Hope y'all have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 03:54 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy, I showed Tor the pic of Nicole and Daryl. Her response while glaring at me "Why did you have to show me that?" lol.

Darrell, If he hasn't paid for the car yet, then its still open game. If someone else buys it before he picks it up, then I say its fair. He really hasn't bought it yet. Who knows, you may find someone else who you will feel better selling it to anyhow,

Well, The neighbor from hell seems to be moving one piece of furniture out at a time. Looks like he may be out this weekend as he was moving his motorcycle yesterday, and the garage is completely empty.

A crappy old willow tree finally broke this last week. I'll have to take it down this weekend. Oh well.It'll be nice to have it gone I guess. The rain and wind did it in, and now its kind of laying on some other trees right above the neighbors garage.

Who decided that the only time a smoke detector or CO detector can alert you of a low battery condition is at 1:18 a.m.?

Have a great day all.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 05:10 AM
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Hola, hombres y muchacha....

Was a welcome 63* at the Plantation this morning... wish I could've gone on a long jog; but alas, the salt mine beckoned .

But on a happy note --> today is my last day of full-time work here! I start part-time next week, and the way it's lookin', I'm just going to take the week off.

A couple friends took me out to lunch as an early birthday present yesterday, and it was fab. One of the ladies (who works here in my building) was someone I worked with at my first tech-writing job in '88... so we've been knowing each other quite a while.

This Italian restaurant near here, East of Italy, has a delicious muffaletta they do on their in-house-made bread that knocks my socks off... along w/ a Ceasar salad. I could've taken a long nap after, but figured I better not.

Sandy, you and the Larrymeister are down!!

Originally Posted by CQR
Darrell, If he hasn't paid for the car yet, then its still open game. If someone else buys it before he picks it up, then I say its fair. He really hasn't bought it yet. Who knows, you may find someone else who you will feel better selling it to anyhow
Ditto, Darrell --- tell the skinflint he needs to come up with a $500 nonrefundable deposit if you're to hold it any longer, else it's back to the advertisement. I know you can sense it as well as anybody, but I smell a large, straight-tailed rodent....

Good luck with the screen, Jamesbo. Sounds like you have yer work cut out fer you. What's your take on the game in Athens on Saturday?? They're hypin' it up pretty good, as usual. Sounds as if it's gonna' be pretty good. Da' Dawgs have homefield advantage, but da' Cats are rated 3 spots above this week. I hope it's a good game, whoever wins. If it's broadcast over the air, I'll watch.

Well, y'all have a great Thursday, Oldsmopeeps.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 05:17 AM
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Howdy all.

Actually a nice day here, but I'm not ready for these cool mornings. It's about 60 right now.

Might go look at a backhoe today. It's in Macon, not a bad drive, we'll see. Not much to look at but if it's a good machine I'll be happy. It's gonna have to sit outside so who cares what it looks like anyway.

I have to go to this class tonight for work. I was going to go last night, but since it was my day off the foreman said, don't come in on your day off. Then he calls me eighteen times and says, you have to take a hearing test before Friday, can you come in and do that, and by the way go to that class? I should have told him no. He would have gotten in trouble for dropping the ball letting me know about my hearing test. I took one last month. I fail it every year because I had an ear infection in my left ear some years ago and it operates at about 50%. Had nothing to do with work. For some reason they decided to make a big deal about it this time. Oh the class is called, Coaching the Industrial Athlete. I have no idea what it could possibly be about.

Sandy I hope you're feeling better today. It's true, if Brian isn't going to be there today why take off and waste that special day.

Clint when I lived at home the neighbors had Willow trees and for years they rained branches into our yard. The one had branches that grew so long they were over our garage. New people moved into the one house and my Mom shamed them into taking the tree down. Horrible things. We had Willows growing all around the lagoon at my high school. They looked awful.

Looks like I'll be a little late to the Awful house today. No problem, when I get home my day's agenda will be working on painting my living room. Might also go look at tile and furniture. Have a great day everyone.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 05:41 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be warmer an clear today.

Gotta haul de Supermodel around dis mawn'in.

John, I really don't give a rat's a$$ 'bout de Dawgs. I know too many obnoxious woof woofers to follow their lead. I'm been to Athen's exactly once. I was gonna go to grad school there. Drove over, Couldn't find a park'in spot and said "Phuque it" went home an insted of going to grad school went fish'in in de Bahamas fer a year. Smartest thing I ever did.

I have been to 1 Gawga game in Columbus, Ga [there's sum trivia fer you to figger out.

Mike, I've found being hard of hear'in can sumtimes be a benefit. Kinda ike de Geiko commercail with de owls "Who?"

GTG, Have a great day Olds friends
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Old September 26th, 2013, 06:20 AM
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Morning All!

Another cold one here this morning, but sun is out and we're getting to about 73 later on. Should be a nice night for Bellacino's!

Went to Chick Fil A last night. The usual cars, lol. No, there was a new lady named Sandy there, with a 79 Rolls Royce. She has long brown hair. Waaayy longer than mine, lol. I was gonna ask her how she stands it in the heat and humidity but I didn't. The Rolls was pretty nice for it's age. Original bias tires on it. She would like to sell it. I don't know for how much. The car was in Fla. for a long time.

Nice in here without Brian! I'm coughing my fool head off this morning. Every time I cough, my chest hurts. But I'm not coughing up anything, so I don't know what it is. I'm taking Comtrex Deep Chest Cold capsules. It sucks that you have to go to the pharmacy and ask for the medicine nowadays. Can't just get it off the shelf anymore..... Thanks little druggie kids with nothing better to do....... I'm not really sure what I can take - or shouldn't be taking - with being on this beta blocker for my heart, lol. As long as it keeps beating, all should be good!

Darrell..... Tell that guy to kiss your a$$!! He sure expects a lot....

Clint..... Tell her that Nicole had to pay $60 for that picture with Darryl! I guess they had 'packages' you could buy. She told me that an autograph was $40... they weren't allowed to take pics of their own, either. That kind of sucks......

Well I reckon I better check Brian's emails, so I'll talk to ya later! Have a good one.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
An update on selling the Eldo. The guy who is buying it asked me to keep it for another month until he can get here. Now I'm a storage unit too? Geez. Told him I would let him know but the more time goes by, the more likely I'm feeling like telling him to forget it and I'll keep it or find another buyer. It's not like he's paying me top dollar or even what NADA says it's worth. Never easy right?
Reply back to him.. Sure I will store it..
However I need a Deposit. (non refundable) as well as Say (up to you on the figure) of $10 per day in storage that is on top of the purchase price of the car. and car will not be released and title remains in your possession until all balance due is paid for.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
The Rolls was pretty nice for it's age. Original bias tires on it. She would like to sell it. I don't know for how much. The car was in Fla. for a long time.

Ohhh. Rolls for sale from Florida. -shudder-
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Old September 26th, 2013, 09:25 AM
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I'm not really sure what I can take - or shouldn't be taking - with being on this beta blocker for my heart, lol.
Sandy, ask the Pharmacist on what drugs that you can take for your chest cold or anything else that may crop up. Darrell, I'm in agreement on the caddy buyer, demand a deposit, if he really wants it, or tell him it's up for sale again.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 01:27 PM
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Well Thursday it is!
Nice morning for breakfast with the other retired dudes. Then it was off to Curling practice. Jack and I arrived about 1/2 hour early but the front desk was ok with letting us on for a 1.5 hour practice instead of the usual 1 hour. Great first time on the ice with the new slider. My ice reading skills have not deteriorated either and I can hit the broom with around 95% accuracy. Just have to work a bit on upweight shots. All the fine draws and comearounds are on the money.

Jim - you put a curse on me with that..... There's a slight leak now from the lower lf side. I think it's the copper crush washers. Found a new set in my parts drawer, I think they came with the ILT hoses. I'll slip them in and see how they react to a pressure bleed. Not sure why the rf line flare is giving me so much grief.

Clint - you got any good suggestions on procedure to prevent that line to hose connection from leaking, besides the obvious don't cross thread it? Gonna go out and play with it soon as I get changed into my zoot suit.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 01:32 PM
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What we have found is some female fittings are not threaded deeply enough thus not allowing proper pressure on the flare fitting. The line nuts can have a shoulder on them to allow for a tighter compression. Here is a pic. of the one with a unthreaded shoulder and one without on the right.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 01:32 PM
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Usually the shouldered nuts are metric. but something to look at.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 01:44 PM
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Wow, that was fast Clint. I just went out and checked the OEM line nuts and compared them to the ones on the MC ILT ones. Both are full depth threading, so in theory they should push the flare down over the fitting nice and tight. I know that the nuts and lines are snug. I don't want to overtighten anything either and yes, I use a flare wrench on the 7/16 and a 11/16 on the lower hose fitting so I get a solid connection.

Question: I loosened off the line from the frame and attached it to the hose, then snugged the line/hose tight. Then I pushed the hose fitting through the frame mount bracket and clipped it in place. The replacement line sits a bit higher off the frame than the OEM so I shimmed the line anchor clip and snugged it down. There might be a small amount of side pressure on the line as a result. But if the nut is already tight on the flare end, that shouldn't have any effect on the end result will it?

EDIT: ok going to get at it. I'll let you know what happens. 2:56

Last edited by Allan R; September 26th, 2013 at 01:55 PM.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 02:47 PM
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ok. If the steel lines are new, and you tried 2 hoses (female fitting) and have leakage at the same place, I would look closer at the steel line. If there is a hairline crack at the base of the flare, it would leak with either hose, and those cracks are hard to see.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 06:29 PM
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Clint, I think I figured out what happened.

1. The crush washers on the left side were too big. The ID was right but the OD was too large so it wasn't seating right in the flange rings. I found another set of washers in my work bench drawer and they were the right size. Temporarily removed and plugged the front reservoir of the MC because I didn't think I'd get it done as fast as I did. New washers installed in about 30 seconds and tightened down. Re-bleed and test with 6 strong brake applications. No leaks on this side. Here's what I think the problem was: Too large OD on the top washers kept the seals from forming properly. Caused sweating and drips. I don't think the thickness matters as much as the OD.

2. Went back to that RF brake line. I got the OEM line all cleaned up and ready to install. Blew it out and it's good. I undid all the anchor clips in anticipation and checked the fitting one more time. The line was now sitting flush on the frame so I think installing the clips before connecting the fitting was more than 1/2 the problem. I made a couple slight adjustments to the line so the flare nut would thread in very easily. Then I put the flare over the fitting and seated it for flush. Fit pretty good. Then while holding the flare in place I threaded the nut in till it was snug. Tightened it all up, then repositioned the anchors and tightened them down. My theory is that when the anchors were holding the line they were still creating somewhat of a small angle that the flare nut didn't overcome on the flare seat. The nut wasn't cross threading, it just wasn't seating properly on the fitting because of slight side pressure. I had Graeme pump the brakes a good 6 or 7 times to test it for leaks. Didn't see any (used a dry shop towel to check) so I'm letting it sit overnight. If it still leaks in the morning, I'll pop off that line and replace it with the OEM which I know is good. Right now there are 2 clean dry shop towels under both front wheels. They'll tell me what and where to look if there's any drips at all.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Darrell, If he hasn't paid for the car yet, then its still open game. If someone else buys it before he picks it up, then I say its fair. He really hasn't bought it yet. Who knows, you may find someone else who you will feel better selling it to anyhow,
Clint , Sandy, Jeff, and John - thanks, I appreciate all your comments. As and FYI, he did send me a deposit. And ,normally at this point, I would consider it sold. But since he has played games with the price, condition of the car, when he would pick it up/get it trailered, etc., I would have no issues selling it to someone else if they came over my house to see it and offered me more money, and sending his deposit back to him.

I used the Eldo for work today and drove it about 60 miles. It drives so nice and without any issues. Believe me, it pains me to feel like I'm giving it away.

Speaking of selling cars, I'm sorry to say that I have had to put more money into the business I started and may have to put my Cutlass up for sale in order to raise cash. Tough decisions.

Clint - sorry to hear your weekend just got busy with taking down a big tree. Hope it doesn't take you too long.

Allan - Glad to see you hopefully fixed your brakes.

Welp, have a good night friends.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 04:25 AM
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Morning all.
Thanks for the giggle Mike.
Originally Posted by slantflat
Ohhh. Rolls for sale from Florida. -shudder-
Darrell, since your in a contract with the guy, I hope he comes thru and gets the deal done.

Allan, Good to hear you may have it all sealed up. We had enough fun with brake lines this week. I had a 99 Silverado with rusted thru lines come in. What a disaster. Chevy doesn't sell replacements. They will sell you a roll of 1/4" tubing. So my guy had to make them from scratch. The truck was from IOWA, and didn't have any rockerpanels left. I assume the guy used to park it in the pond.

Sorry Sandy, no way I'd pay to have my picture taken with someone. I guess he wasn't making enough off the show?

Jef, sounds like a fair deal to me.

Jamesbo, Did you know that Farmer Macdonald was a bad speller?

The wife hit a bird in the dark yesterday on her way to work. Pretty little thing. Don't know what it is, (or what it was doing flying in the dark) Anyone have any ideas? Not a normal bird around here. It has a bunch of black whiskers on its head.
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Attachment 168361

Have a great Friday all.
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