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Old March 13th, 2011, 03:46 PM
Cutlass Lover
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Evening All!

Isn't this extra hour of daylight a wonderful thing?? I'm lovin it! So what if it's a little darker in the morning - won't be for long!!

We had a beautiful day yesterday. Sunny until mid afternoon and 51 degrees. Sun felt sooooo nice! It clouded up though, but no rain. Most of the snow we got Friday is melting. 37 today and cloudy and dank.

Went and got my eyes rechecked yesterday. He thinks the measurements are off on the distance and intermediate parts, from where they should be at my pupil, so things are distorted when I look through the distance part. They're going to make new lenses. I hope they get it right this time.

Jamesbo..... I made that Rojo rice stuff yesterday. Very good! Larry put sour cream on his second helping and liked it better. I'm taking some leftover for lunch tomorrow. It was quite tasty!! You have some good recipes!!

Didn't do much this weekend. Started "spring" cleaning and washing curtains and such. When this weather gets nice, I'm going to be outside!! Next Sunday is my nephew David's birthday, so I have to get him a cake and make him a batch of my fudge this week to take up.

Well Larry fried some pork steaks and made some mashed taters, so I'm gonna go eat. Haven't ate since breakfast, so I'm hungry! Have a good evening all!
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Old March 14th, 2011, 04:49 AM
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Mawn'in all

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Jamesbo..... I made that Rojo rice stuff yesterday. Very good! Larry put sour cream on his second helping and liked it better. I'm taking some leftover for lunch tomorrow. It was quite tasty!! You have some good recipes!!
Tanks, Sandy Glad ya'll enjoyed it.

WTH is a "Poke Steak" da ya mean "Poke chop?" Ya'' so talk funny up dare. I likes to marinate poke chops in I-talian dress'in with sum Montreal season'in before I grill dem.

Cloudy but warm dis mawn'in. I'm gonna go smack whitey round today.

I hate day light sav'in time. It's againist de natural order of things.
I like to get up wit de chickens an go to bed wit dem. Now de chickens won't roost til 9:00.

Reminds me of Alaska in de summer. It's close to mid nite fore de sun goes down.

Tomorrow I gots to drive to Augusta to give my speach. Never been down dare any utter time dan to see de Masters. Hope I don't get lost.

Ya'll have a wonderful day AND be safe.
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Old March 14th, 2011, 05:24 AM
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We talk funny?
In Cleveland proper I would say at least half of the residents are from Georgia or have relatives there that they visit monthly, and talk just like you Jamesbo.
"Ho de do!" is what they say when the elevator door is closing and they want to get on.

They are pork chops, some weird people call boneless chops pork steak.
Who said "pork chops and applesauce" while imitating whom to Alice on the Brady Bunch?
I bet Sandy knows, she probably had his and David Cassidy's posters on her bedroom wall next to her "I'm still hanging in there" kitten hanging by it's claws poster and her groovy "War is dangerous for children and other living things" poster.
I still see that kitten poster around, that poor kitten went to the big catbox in the sky a looong time ago.
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Old March 14th, 2011, 06:14 AM
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Morning All!

You guys are funny this morning! Must be the sun - we're not used to it, lol!! It's a beautiful morning out here today. Sun is shining, birds are singing..... Life Is Good!

I have to leave at 2:30 today to take Nicole back to that periodontist. Hope she is happy with the gums this time. I'm really tired of going over there.

Jamesbo..... I am not talkin funny, lol! Poke steaks are thinner and longer than a chop, they have a bone, and they're cheaper than a chop. Larry likes them once in a while. I like chops better myself.

Poke chops and applesause...... Wasn't that Peter Brady in his Humphrey Bogart imitation?? I did not have his or Greg's posters in my room. Lots of David Cassidy, though!!!!! Lord he was soooooo hot! I was "in love", lol!! Thanks for the memories.....

Have a great day all!
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Old March 14th, 2011, 06:48 AM
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Good morning guys & gal

have twice the rainfall as normal this march. It is still pouring outside. This sucks. I like to buy a whole pork loin and cut my own pork shops and pork roasts. That way I can make them 1-1/2' thick for grilling. Yum Yum.

Have a good day all
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Old March 14th, 2011, 01:00 PM
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I hate this F^&** game. I wanta break 80

Now back to poke.

Pat, Do you buy a bone in whole loin? Most of dem round ere are boneless poke loins but I think I've done de same thing your talk'in bought. When a bone in whole loin is on sale de'll cut dem up into REALLY think poke chops.

In never heard of a poke steak and I thought I'd eat'in most every poke part dare was to eat. My favorite is backbone. I THINK cha can't cut a whole poke chop and have back bone cause it's de little tip of de poke chop but I ain't real sho.

Dis is soooooooooooo confus'in to me. A Boston butt is a shoulder and a Picnic ham is de tip of de butt which is really a shoulder ? Right???

We need a Joe P. type Butcher on board ere.

Pickled pigs feet anyone? How bout sum Head Cheese [which ain't cheese at all]

What's dat stuff de Amish sell ? Scrapple or is it mush? can't bermember.

I gotta go practice my speach fer tomorrow.

"Dis baby seal goes into a bar.............................."
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Old March 15th, 2011, 06:24 AM
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morning guys,is it summer yet.It's freezing in NH
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Old March 15th, 2011, 07:52 AM
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Morning All!

Where is everyone today?? Jamesbo is giving a speech, I know. Wake up out there!

It's cloudy and in the 30's this morning. Going up to the 40's and high 50s by the end of the week!!! Unfortunately rain this week too. Darned yard will never dry out.

I have beautiful crocus blooming..... finally!!! It's so nice to see their happy little faces, lol! The ones the deer haven't ate yet, that is. Magnolia trees have big buds on them! Daffodils are getting buds. It's soooo nice! Still snow laying in piles in places too.

Well we're done with the periodontist. She said Nicole's gums look good, and only to come back if Nicole decides she wants that little piece of extra tissue removed.

I am tired today. Haven't been sleeping good cause it feels like my heart is jumping around in there every night when I lay down. I don't know what it is. It's not beating fast, just doing something else. I suppose I should call the heart doc, but I'm afraid he'll want to go in and burn the tissue! I don't want that. I don't notice it much through the day, just occasionally. I'm tired of this crap!! I could sure use a nap right now, lol.

Well have a good day all!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 05:31 AM
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Morning All!

I can't believe no one was on here yesterday! That's sad......

It's gray and dark here but 43 degrees. Rain supposed to move out. I hope so.

Jamesbo..... how'd the speech go?? Did you survive??

I mailed my first Tincanio payment this morning! Only a gazillion more to go! I love that thing, lol.

Well have a good day all, if you're all still alive and kicking!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 05:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Got up at 4;00 a.m. and headed home from Augusta.

De speach went fine. [Probably cause I didn't use Blue's Baby Seal joke as an opener]

It was held at a Unitarian chruch. I also bit my lip and didn't tell de joke about what do ya get when ya cross a Unitarian with a Jehovah Witness.
Oooops, goin off in de wrong direction ere. Better rein in.

I spend alot of time biting my lip with sum fairly humorous stuff [to me at least]

It's kinda funny. This world has sum people who just like Meet'ins. Diet Cokes cookies and all. I've got a cousin like dat. If de have a meeet'in, he'll join up.

As I've said a few hundred times, I don't like moives [walk-ins] meet'ins, or malls. But sum times cha gotta do what cha gotta do.

Glad cha'll missed me.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:23 AM
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Well yeah..... I was lonely on here all by myself yesterday!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:26 AM
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I guess Blue figgers' if ya can chat with TeePo you and post and answer by yourself.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:57 AM
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Well we're back to normal temps for this time of the 30's. As the days get warmer I find I'm on the computer less other than when I'm getting the newsletter ready to send out and April is a newsletter month for the Northern Lights. Once I get this one out, I'll start working on the July issue. 26 pages for a car club newsletter that has volunteers and no paid positions takes a bit of time. I was going to say that we're a local club but then we have members from Vancouver Island to PEI and Nova Scotia as well as Northern Alberta to Carlsbad, CA and Farmers Branch, TX. So we're pretty spread out as a club.

Just a few more touches and I'll send it out on the 31st, and unless it gets a lot warmer, I'll be on line here.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 08:30 AM
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Nice to hear from ya Ken!! Good to know you're still around. It's still too wet to get out and do anything around here. Warmer temps are coming though, and that's a good thing!

Jamesbo.... I figure Blue is getting conditioned by Laura for that big upcoming wedding here pretty soon, lol!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Nice to hear from ya Ken!! Good to know you're still around. It's still too wet to get out and do anything around here. Warmer temps are coming though, and that's a good thing!

Jamesbo.... I figure Blue is getting conditioned by Laura for that big upcoming wedding here pretty soon, lol!
It's supposed to hit 80 (27 c.) today!

All week long they say! Better get seats seats back in Blue Belle and shake her out!

I'm going to order a Window Sticker from 4speed442.

Have a good one, everyone.


Last edited by Ddbord; March 16th, 2011 at 10:17 AM. Reason: Old Age!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 12:10 PM
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I keep forgetting to ask..... Have any of you seen that Geico commercial on TV where the orange cat is driving that old Camaro (he looks like my cat, lol) and the dog is driving an old Skylark (I think)?? It's a pretty cool commercial, full of the old cars! I've only seen it on the Fox news channel that Larry watches all the time.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Nice to hear from ya Ken!! Good to know you're still around. It's still too wet to get out and do anything around here. Warmer temps are coming though, and that's a good thing!

Jamesbo.... I figure Blue is getting conditioned by Laura for that big upcoming wedding here pretty soon, lol!
How did you guess?
Friday is the big day.
My monkey suit is being cleaned and pressed at the grocery store as we speak.
I still don't know about that?
It will probably smell like fish or produce when I get it back.
Only wear one for funerals and weddings if I have to.
I can't even tie a necktie, I figured I was going to be a priest so I never learned how.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 01:07 PM
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You crack me up!! You'll be fine, I'm sure. Well congratulations on becoming a father-in-law!! And pretty soon, a grandpa, lol!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:43 PM
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Good evening all.

Another busy week. Maybe one of these weeks I won't say that.

The weather is getting really nice up here. Cloudy today and made it up to 4C. Nice to not have to use a - before the temperature.

We had a little shake here today. Don't want to call it an earthquake with the recent big ones. But this is the second time within 10 months.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 04:33 AM
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Good morning Classic Oldsters.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

An old Irish saying,,
"May the wind be at your back when the green beer attacks".

You going to see your hero "The Fonz" at the Autorama this weekend Sandy?
It still cracks me up when I see those biq women in third world countries on TV news reports wearing brand new "Where's the Beef?", "Cowabunga!", and Fonzie "Ayyyyyyyyyyy!" T-shirts.

Or was that Streetsyltucky?

I think you should get Adrian an autograph from "The Fonz" as a gift from the people of America.
I would say legal citizens of America but that would leave half the country out.
Is "The Fonz" like "The Wal-mart"?
You can rent him out from Big Al now too, half the American Graffitti cast will come to your birthday party or bar-mitvah for a fee with a day's notice.
Those appearances by Shirley from Laverne and Shirley at those Baker's Square restaurants in the pouring rain last Summer were pitiful.
I felt sorry for her...not!
Paul LeMat shows up anywhere they tell him, I could of had John Milner at the wedding tomorrow and a local replica yellow deuce roadster for a limo with him driving.
I think we should take Adrian to Quaker Steak and Lube for lunch so to see disembodied cars sticking out of walls and junk parts hanging around.
Redgoat and I could take him to the Crazy Horse and we could see
bodys that have a couple of enhanced parts hanging off of a pole?
I went to Quaker Steak site and stared at the cool slot cars going around for hours before the dog licked my face out of concern and finally broke me free of the trance.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 05:27 AM
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Happy Saint patrick's Day

My super model is "Black Irish"

I think it's got sum'em to do wit de Spanish sailors swim'in a shore after their ships sank during de defeat of their "Armada."

I geckon their must have been sum lonely Irish women at de beach dat day.

Maybe dat whar de expression "Any port in a storm" came from?

Gonna be a beautiful day for the drunks to get out and parade around.


Jes send me a tie, I'll tie it fer ya and slip it over my neck and send it back. Voila

Blue, If'in ya'll go to de "Shoe Show" P.M. me sum videos. My bride would have me sing"in tenor if'in I ever go.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 06:07 AM
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Top o' the mornin to ya!

Blue..... how much green beer have ya had already, lol??? You are on a roll......

Yep - we should take Adrian to Quaker Steak! Is there one out by you somewhere?? Larry has never been to one either. Gotta admit, it does have personality, lol! I think they'd like it. We'll stay away from the Crazy Horse!

It's a beautiful morning out here today!! Sun is out, it's in the 40's and going up to around 60 or so!!!! Spring is springing! It's a wonderful thing. We're supposed to have rain tonight though. Darned yard is never gonna dry out.

So..... just like I figured - all 3 of the guys will be going to Houston for the 40th anniversary party in June. Guess who's left behind????? Not a word has even been said to me. That's what gets me. They talk all around me, never communicate anything that's going on. It's just not right. You know, our office manager Steve, could have said Hey Sandy, since you don't have as much seniority as the rest of us, you have to stay here, or something, at least. But that's too much like right! Nothing was even said to me about the thing happening at all. I wouldn't have known if my friend in NY hadn't said something! I would hate to pull out my discrimination card, but they better figure out pretty soon that it's not a "boys club" here anymore. SOB's!!

The owner did say however, that I can go to Houston later in the year for a day or so!! And believe me, I will be going before the summer is out. I'm gonna be reminding Steve....... Ok. That's my rant for the day! It's too pretty of a day to have it spoiled by negativity!

You all have a great one, and stay safe!! Don't be drinking and driving! NO... NO.. NO!!!

Hey.... where's Citcapp???? And Wolfie????
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Old March 17th, 2011, 06:12 AM
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Mornin everyone. Going to be a great day here, about 55 and sunny. After this winter, I have spring fever big time! Planning on taking the car for a cruise later today, can't wait!
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Old March 17th, 2011, 06:38 AM
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Hi Darrell!! Nice to hear from you! Hope all is well! I'm ready for this 5 year long winter to be over already myself, lol! It's soooo nice to be seeing signs of spring! So you get to go for a cruise huh?? You lucky dog! Teepo may be out in that friggin garage until July at the rate we're going with the rain and soggy yard.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 07:54 AM
ya'll come back now....
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good morning all and Happy St.Patrick's day!!!
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Old March 17th, 2011, 07:54 AM
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Good morning guys & gal

Been a busy and sad time around our house so haven't been on the site. My wife's dad went into the hospital on Saturday of last week with an infection and passed away on Tuesday morning. It was quick with little suffering on his part. He was a great man and the last of the older generation in both of our families. We have now assumed that mantel. He will be missed.

We will be busy around he for the next week or so settling things and all. I will drop in from time to time to check up on you guys.

Have great day all

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Old March 17th, 2011, 08:04 AM
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Morning all, Spring is certainly in the air around here today.

Pat, Sorry to hear about your loss, it's always hard to lose a loved one. I will keep you and your wife in my prayers.

OLD SKL 69, Thats also in my plans today, Will take a little while to wake to Cutlass from her sleep, but definatly going to cruise today.

Sandy, Buy a load of driveway gravel and find some help to spread it out and away you go on your cruise.

Have a great day all.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 08:18 AM
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Morning everyone!! Happy St Patrick's day now you all have a good excuse to get your drink on lol. Good to hear your speech went well Jamesbo. Also good to hear you got tincan back Sandy.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Pat, our thoughts are will your family.

I am currently staying in Lake Park, GA till Sunday then we are off to Hotlanta. We will have to catch up Jamesbo. I didn't like Vegas at all, just like the Gold Coast back in Australia, too much traffic, not enough car parks. LA was good, took me a bit to understand merging on the highway though, their rule is if your front fender fits in a cap then your car will too lol.

Take care everyone, I will try to keep you all posted as much as I can.

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Old March 17th, 2011, 08:43 AM
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Sorry for your loss.

If I can help in any way manuevering thru the mine field of Funeral cost Just give me a shout.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 10:48 AM
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So sorry for your loss, Citcapp! That's sad. Will keep you all in my thoughts. I was wondering where you were... tell your wife I'm sorry.

It is an absolute gorgeous day out there! 56 degrees and sunny!! Windy, though. I went to Subway and got a sandwich and sat in the tin can in the sun and ate it, lol! Came back here and walked awhile. Sun is soooooo nice!

Dan... I'd love to buy some gravel and make a driveway to the garage, but I'm afraid I'd get killed, lol!! I think next year I'm gonna look for a storage place and pay to keep her for 5-6 months. I can still go start her once in a while, and she'll be on concrete when the weather gets decent and I can take her out!

Adrian! Hope you're enjoying your trip! I haven't been to LA or Vegas since the 80's, but I hated LA!! That traffic scared me to death! I never seen so many cars in my life, and they drove crazy! Vegas has built up a lot since I was out there. I'd love to go again sometime just to see. Did you go to the Hoover Dam or Grand Canyon while you were close??

Jamesbo..... don't feed Adrian chicken livers when he stops by, lol! Hope you have a good visit!

Well Nicole went on an interview this afternoon - hope she gets the job.

She called and told me the Intrigue wont start?????? I don't know these newer cars - what do ya do when they won't start? Never had that happen. She says it cranks like it's gonna start, then nothing? Could it be the battery?? Said she tried like 5 times to start it??

It was last started on Monday - she had it out, and pulled it into the garage when she got home, said it was running ok. If she hurt my Olds, there's gonna be hell to pay! I'll try to start it when I get home, and see what it sounds like.

Ken..... you out there? Any suggestions before I try to start it? Damn.......
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Old March 17th, 2011, 10:52 AM
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Sounds to me like she ran the battery down try'in to crank it. Did she check the gas gauge first? Save yourself a bundle and get the poor girl AAA is sounds like she needs it.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 11:17 AM
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Jamesbo... I have AAA. I may have to call them if I can't get it out of the garage. The battery is the same one it had when I bought it in 2006. It should have a full or almost full tank of gas. I know I just filled it last week. It was running fine when she pulled it in the garage Monday. I was outside and I heard it. So, I don't know. It's makin me crazy sitting here thinking about it. I've never had any trouble with it starting. I'll have to look in the manual. I know you can't pump these newer cars gas pedals like you could the old ones, lol.

I'll have to see if the idiot lights come on, if wipers work, headlights, etc.. before I crank it.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
The battery is the same one it had when I bought it in 2006.
Sandy, I can almost guarantee you that the battery is no good. It's not Nicole's fault!

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Old March 17th, 2011, 11:39 AM
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I'm sure it's not, Don! I won't kill her yet, lol. Like I said, I'll see if other things work before I try starting it. It's started good all winter, even with sitting outside in single digit temps... I dunno. I can bring the battery down to Advance and have them check it.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 12:29 PM
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Sandy, I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of my garage before and after the gravel driveway .Sure makes getting the car out of it easier.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
I'm sure it's not, Don! I won't kill her yet, lol. Like I said, I'll see if other things work before I try starting it. It's started good all winter, even with sitting outside in single digit temps... I dunno. I can bring the battery down to Advance and have them check it.
My Caravan was sounding a little tired and I went to Advance and the battery was really bad! It was 3 years old and had been completely discharged 3 times. That's what ruins a battery. It was an Interstate battery that they sell "at more places than any other battery!"

Bad batteries. The ones at Advance have a good record if you buy the $100 one, not the $80 one.

We're all waiting to hear the outcome of yet one more of Nicole's Adventures!

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Old March 17th, 2011, 12:55 PM
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Pat, I too am so sorry for your loss. As the older generation passes the nation is losing its finest.
Originally Posted by bulldog
Sandy, I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of my garage before and after the gravel driveway .Sure makes getting the car out of it easier.
Bulldog, I have a barn just like yours. Did my front with vertical steel siding though. I used crushed asphalt for the driveway. What size is your barn? Mine is a 30x40.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 01:05 PM
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I get a new battery AND a new daughter.That should solve most of your problems for 3 years.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 01:13 PM
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You got that right, Jamesbo!! I'll have to see if I can get Mr. "I don't work on cars" to take the battery out for me. I don't mess with batteries. They scare me.

Dan.... That driveway would work for me, lol!!! It looks nice, too. Wish I could talk Larry into putting one in.
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Old March 17th, 2011, 01:13 PM
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Bulldog, I have a barn just like yours. Did my front with vertical steel siding though. I used crushed asphalt for the driveway. What size is your barn? Mine is a 30x40.[/quote]

Higgins, Mine is also 30x40 but fits 4 cars comfortably with plenty of room to work. The steel made it a challenge to insulate but had that done put in a furnace and now I'm as snug as a bug in a rug.
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