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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:48 AM
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Happy 90* afternoon everyone!

Hot, hot here in Hotlanta. I found out that most locals hate when people say "Hotlanta." Hm.

Happy Anniversary Sandy. Many happy returns of the day!

Scot I hope you have an awesome day. It should be a little cooler for the shindig later on, I know it's a scorcher down your way this afternoon.

Jamesbo I've heard of Frank Gordy, but not his brother. I've seen the Varsity special on PBS a couple times. Don't make it up there very often.

I'm headed out to mow the lawn. My neighbor mowed her lawn the other day, just to be difficult I imagine, so it might not take me as long. We'll see how good of a job she did. Usually I do both mine and theirs. Got some serious trimming to do as well. I'll check back later unless I melt. Ninety Five in the shade and no shade. Yikes.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 03:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

Gonna get a tad on de warm side today.

Allan, "Tincanio" is one of dem cars I never heared of.

Scot, I think your right Monday golf is look'in kinda dangerous wit storms and lighten'in.

Mike, Everytime you post your headed to Austraial or sum whar. Why not just drive sum time and I'll meet cha in de big city. I'll treat cha to a Varsity Chili cheese steak.

Sandy, Dis is de latest I've ever set out Maters. I'm gonna be hav'in "sink sandwiches" fer Halloween.

Welp, Gotta go water me Maters for de heat comes in. Have a safe Sunday Olds friends.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 08:01 AM
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Happy Sunday everyone!

Scot hope the shindig was a blowout!

Jamesbo I'll meet you up there some time, is the Cyclorama close to there? I know it's near the zoo. Have no idea where the zoo is.

Paul you've inspired me. I've been looking around for a late 70s Delta 2door. Oddly enough not many to be had, in fact I haven't seen any yet. And no Allan, I don't need another vehicle, but I want one!

Not much going on today, it's beautiful out, but gonna be hot! Think I'll just work around the house today. Got my mowing done for the week, which makes me happy.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 11:40 AM
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Morning all, still dark out so the weather will be a lucky dip today I know it will start off cold but other then that any ones guess hehe.

I don't ride like that clown in the video Jamesbo, only people who don't value their life do that, too many cars that can pull out in front of you doing that. There is a time and place for everything and opening up a bike you have to be sure you can see pretty far in front of you especially over here the wildlife can really do some damage

Congrats again on the young ones graduating, mine has just started school this year and before I know it I will be in the same boat

Medical treatment over there cost so much money, I really don't understand how it all works but over here if you are sick you go to the doc and get fixed, if you pay for medical insurance you just jump to the front of the line is about all if you don't you have to wait a little longer unless you are really sick then you get seen first and it is free yeah taxes are high but they are high pretty much everywhere these days so we don't notice it. Sorry looks like I might be starting to get political so I will stop.

Off to work now, day 1 so have a good day/night everyone,

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Old May 27th, 2012, 07:36 PM
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Evening all!

Well I posted last night but I guess it never got here..... hmmm...

Another hot muggy day today. Near 90 but lots of humidity. Yuck! Left about noon and picked up Nicole and Lin and we went up to Jeans. When she got home from work, we planted the lambs ears I dug up out of my flower bed and took up to her. They're actually called Rose Champions but the leaves are soft and fuzzy so we call them lambs ears, lol! Then we went over to the cemetery and cleaned off the graves and planted flowers. Took a couple hours. Then we went to the DQ in Newton Falls and had hot dogs with sauce and milkshakes. Yummmmm.

I ran some heavy rain coming home but we didn't get a drop here. We need some.

Had a good day yesterday. I cleaned the house and when Larry got home from the shop, we went to Red Lobster for dinner! It was soooooo good!! Then we stopped and had ice cream. Dug up those flowers for Jean last evening and watered everything good.

I sure don't feel like I've had 4 days off already. They go way too fast. Nicole is gonna go get Lin tomorrow and bring her down for our cook out. I made my tater salad this morning so its done for tomorrow.

There were a pair of Orioles out here at the bird feeders yesterday morning! They were so pretty. I've never seen them before. One came back early today. It says in the bird book that they like nectar, but I don't know how to feed them nectar. I'll have to read up on it cause I'd like them to be regulars! They were around the hummer feeders but didn't attempt to drink any.

Allan R.... Tincanio is my 2007 Toyota Rav4. I call it my tin can cause it's like so cheap and tinny sounding when you close the doors, lol. Nothing like the sound of an Olds, lol. So Blue christened her 'Tincanio', lol. I love the thing though. I wanted something with 4 wheel drive and that was easy on gas, and I saw it on Don Sitts website. So I went over to talk to him about it and he let me have it for a week to drive and see if I liked it. It only had 17,000 miles on it and he gave me a good deal on it. February was a year since I bought it. It just makes me happy every time I get in it, lol. Its fun to drive.

Jamesbo.... you're just planting your maters? My little cherry ones have lots of blooms. The other one is getting big but no blooms yet. My little garden is doing well. I lost one little green bean plant. My pepper plants look good. I planted 2 of them. So far nothing has ate any plants yet!!

Well reckon I'll get off here..... talk to ya tomorrow!
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Old May 28th, 2012, 03:31 AM
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In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
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Old May 28th, 2012, 05:18 AM
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Good Memorial Day Mawnin All

Thank you to all that has served our country and especially the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom
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Old May 28th, 2012, 10:49 AM
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"Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."

This is inscribed on the Liberty Bell.

How's everyone today? Cooking out and enjoying family and friends I hope. The dogs and I are kicked back and relaxing. I might do some house cleaning later or help my neighbor pick weeds.

What I really need to do is get the Saturn cleaned up and ready for my trip to Pensacola next week. I'm going to visit my Mom in her new place. She's been there a couple months.

Non-hurricane Beryle has cast some clouds upon us today, making it seem a little cooler. I don't know if we're going to get anything out of that or not. The weather channel says maybe. Their whole industry is based on maybe.

I thought it was New Years last night. Half the neighborhood was shooting fireworks and people were out hootin' and hollerin' . At least there weren't any guns being shot off. The Awful house was jam packed today. Walmart, oddly enough, wasn't.

Okay! Gonna do something productive. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
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Old May 28th, 2012, 12:47 PM
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Fresh Monday mawning to all!

Yesterday I spent the whole dang day working (no, slaving is more like it) for my Mrs. She wanted the back flower bed (8' X 30') cleaned out, but she also wanted to salvage some of here perrenials. So it was a slow arduous process. Dig; clean out all the dirt/roots/ find the bulbs. She had kind of let it overgrow the last 5 years so it was a jumbled mess of everything with roots. Took me 7 hours but finally got it done. Then I mixed in some sand, sheep poop and peat and took the tiller to it. Turned out just fine. It was dark when she got home so she couldn't see it. Kept her awake till after 2:30 because she was worried that I had dug up her pink 'Babies Breath'. Nope. But she went out and checked. Then she woke me to tell me that it was ok, I could go back to sleep because she felt 'better about it now'.

This morning I took Graeme to an orientation to his college from 9-12. Kind of disorganized. At the end of the walking tour part: Any Questions?? Yup, where is the Archtectural section? Well duhhhhh? The tour guide didn't know. So on the way back to the main building she stopped to ask someone. Oh, it's in that building we were in a while back..... Honest to God, I wanted to say "Here's your sign"

Good thing was we found it. Then Graeme and I went for lunch. Food court at Kingsway - he wanted 'Bul -go-gi Beef' so I ordered 2 plates. Was pretty darn good. Nice to 'do lunch' with your son from time to time.

Well, it's early afternoon here, so I better git with it. Gotta do some more planting. My maters don't have blooms yet, but anywhere that has 90° weather all the time it doesn't surprise me yours do. Don't forget to water - them maters can drink a gallon or 2 of water a day.
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Old May 28th, 2012, 07:27 PM
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Evenin All!

Hope all your Memorial Day activities were good! It was a blistery 96 degrees today from around 1:00 on until this evening. It's down in the 80's now. Very humid...... It was pretty breezy though, which was nice.

Jean couldn't come join us today, and Jr. couldn't make it either, so it was just me, Larry, Nicole and Linda. We had a nice cook out with steaks, chicken breasts, italian sausage, burgers and hot dogs. Tater salad, baked beans, cut up melons and grapes mixed together, and nanner puddin. Yummmm Yummmm! I sent lots of leftovers home with the girls, lol. I'll be eatin them for lunch this week too.

I finally got around to cleaning Teepo off some. It's nice and cool in the house garage with the AC on and a fan runnin in there. I thought about goin to the Riverfront this evening, but it was just too hot and sticky out there. Nicole fell asleep on the couch for a few hours anyhow and I didn't want to wake her up. Guess there was Charlie drama around 1 am this morning, so she was up late. She said he tried to come on to her, and she didn't want any part of it, so she left her room - slammed the door on his hand, lol, and went to watch TV. Guess he wouldn't leave her alone so she slapped him in the face - scratched him under his eye she said, and she left. I sure wish she'd get the hell out of there....

But we had a good day. Ate way too much, and too much lemonade, lol. Didn't do much else today, just relaxed. Enjoyed a few hours in my lounge chair earlier this morning.

Back to work tomorrow. Brian is off until Thursday, so I'll have more to do. Hope we're busier, cause it's been slow..... I hate to go back. Hope the week goes fast and isn't one of those long weeks for a short one, lol.

Sure hope we get some rain. They're saying tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy with a chance of storms. I'm about tired of watering every evening. The yard is just too dammed big, and we have too many flowers, lol. The climbing roses on both sides of the house are in bloom and are just beautiful!!

Well you all have a good evening!!
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Old May 29th, 2012, 04:21 AM
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Sitting on my porch listening to the Baltimore Oriole sing - Awesome!
Jamesbo,Lest We Forget, very important to never forget our history !
Slant flat"' wish I had you as my neighbor-mine does not even cut his grass, let alone pull a weed!
Allan, VERY important having lunch and supporting your son!Awesome
Sandy, x2 on the rain thing-been watering the garden for the last week, and working in the heat is not fun

Have a great day
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Old May 29th, 2012, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Hot one. De wind's blow'inouta de south but no rain from de huricaine.

Allan, A few years back a guy in Mid town [Atlanta] made a fortune sell'in 5 gallon buckets of Bah Bah doo doo. [Sheep Poop+ marketing]

Sandy, Seems like de poor boy jes can't take a hint. IMHO, She needs to GTF outa thar.

WTH is Pat? Ole buddy, I played like a goat but de Colorado Koolaide made me forget the entire experience. 46/46 When de batteries in my 3 wood go Tango Unifrom, thar's not much hope.

Scot, Y'all gett'in drowned?
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Old May 29th, 2012, 05:27 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Well it's rainy ere with the occasional tropical gusts of wind. I guess it's to be expected with T. D. Beryl "barreling" away not far from ya We ain't getting drownded yet Jamesbo It's a good thing it's as close to the coast as it is or else it may stall out and want to hang around fer awhile

I'm afraid to ask about the batteries in your 3 wood

Sandy it sounds like Larry needs to go pay Mr. Charles a visit Oh and there's another one of those up for bid.....

Allan, we got the same blah blah blah when we took the eldest to GSU for the tour. Had to walk for miles and it was all just to make us "feel" better about leaving her there at the well renown "party school" of the South

Well yall have a great day
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Old May 29th, 2012, 06:35 AM
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Morning All!

Muggy as heck here, some weak sun but mostly cloudy, temps in the 70's right now. I was in here before Steve and Clay this morning, so on went the AC! It's about 78 in here now. Still too hot for inside!

Brian is off - it's nice and quiet. Seems to be a slow morning so far. Probably people are off all week. Wasn't much traffic out there.

I'm downloading last weeks pics from Bellacino's on photobucket right now, so will post them soon.

Have a great day all! Scot... pm me......
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Old May 29th, 2012, 07:14 AM
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Good morning everyone!

A little overcast here today, but so far no rain or wind. A bit of a breeze.

Sandy is Larry a little more tolerant of Nicole these days? Your descriptions of family events don't have Larry and Nicole going at it all day. That's a good thing. Too bad about Charlie. I agree, he's escalated into dangerous territory and needs someone to help him make better decisions.

Ted you make me laugh! None of my neighbors want me around because of all my cars. I keep the lawn mowed and things tidy, but evidently just being cars is a turn off. Of course the woman across the street with no grass and 100s of dead shrubs is okay.

Gonna fix my neighbor's lawn mower today. We had an agreement that if he paid for half my rear bag attachment, I'd mow his lawn forever. Well his wife is impatient and will jump on the mower, like yesterday, and then she tells me the blades won't turn. Some spring that holds the cable that pulls the switch that activates the mechanism that puts on the blades broke. While I'm at it I'll change the oil. He's had it over three years and never done a thing to it.

Okay off to Awful house and then errands. Last day off I need to make it count.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 11:39 AM
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Well blow me down ack ack ack ack....Shades of sunshine hurricanes! It's been so dang windy here for the past few days it's not funny. Currently winds are gusting to 25mph , but beautiful clear skies. Supposed to rain later tonight. I hope.

Sandy - So Tincanio is a Rav 4. My sister in law has one too. But then again she's gay..... On a different note? Get Nicole home away from Charlie and tell Larry to get over it. She needs some strong family support or a restraining order or maybe send that creep Charlie to jail to smarten up. OMG, does he think he owns Nicole?? He's not playing with a full deck, so get her to a safe place before something really bad happens. You guys are like extended family to me and I don't want nothing bad to happen to any of you.

Jamesbo - ony reezun I got sheep poop is I heard it was stronger and worked better. Don't smell bad nope, I dint taste it

Ted - thanks, I look forward to those special times with Graeme. Good to hear about the 70 Registration. Keep it safe and dry.

Mike - fixing lawnmowers?? Come do my old one. Took it semi apart to clean the choke. Shot some carb cleaner in and pulled the chord. Fired right up, but not sucking gas. Just burns out the prime. Don't want to spend a lot on it becuz its 18 years old and I did buy a new one last year. Thought about blowing some compressed air in through the gas inlet in case there's something stuck there. Any thoughts?

Scott - yeah, colleges are so wonderful. Have to wonder about some of the info. Tour guide says Graeme can buy puter programs from the 'tech store' on campus for like 20.00 for 200.00 programs, and same 'severe' discounts for Mac laptops. You know when it sounds to good to be true? We'll find out in August. Gotta pay all his fees by the 25th so he can get his ID/bus pass and books etc. This is way more involved and $$$$$ than when I went to College.

Adrian - watch how the time flies. They just started school now? In 12 years you'll be saying ' ....but..they just started school the other day'. Stay VERY involved with your kids as they grow and succeed in school. A lot of what they don't learn at school, they learn at home. It needs to be quality time.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 11:44 AM
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Well we finally got a little thunderstorm this morning around 10:00. It didn't do a thing to get rid of the humidity, though. Sun was back out at noon so I could walk, and it's in the 80's.

I watched a young hawk screeching at himself in the mirrored door of one of the buildings here in the complex, lol. He would throw himself against the door, back away and turn around, screech and ruffle his feathers up then turn around and throw himself against that bird in the door, lol. Musta watched him for 5 minutes. He was funny!

Mike.... yeah, Larry has gotten friendlier with Nicole the past few months. I ain't questioning it, lol. You sound like my nephew, with all those cars everywhere, lol. David always has zoning there cause people complain. They just don't like cars, I guess.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 06:50 PM
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Evening everyone.

Beautiful day here today. It rained at the Awful house this morning but when I got home(3 miles away) it hadn't rained a drop. Mild, sunny, loved it!

Just as I was leaving the Awful house, I held the door open for an old guy, and just as I turned around his wife tripped over a parking curb and landed flat on her face. I helped her up, everyone came running out of the building asking if she needed an ambulance. She sat up and all she did was skin her nose. The old man just yammered at her for falling. I'm guessing she's a little stiff tonight.

Allan I don't know what's wrong with your mower. Sounds like a blockage somewhere, like maybe the valve is turned. Sometimes there's a little screen at the bottom of the tank and if a bunch of junk gets on it the fuel won't flow out of the tank. If it runs fine on something sprayed in, the problem is before the engine obviously. Give it to the kid down the block and he'll fix it in an afternoon and become an industrious yard mower for the neighborhood.

Say does anyone know anything about trunk paint? Is it all the same across all the divisions for a given year? I need to know what the base color grey is for 1965 for the V8 Corvair, but I hate to ask the Corvair people because they're mostly just a bunch of stuck up know-it-all's. I can get the splatter part from a vendor but I want to touch up and blend some spots, not do the whole area. Someone at some point painted the front trunk of the Amphicar black, and I took some turquoise splatter paint to it and it turned out beautiful. Looked just like the trunk of my Cutlass. Got lots of compliments from those who had merely the factory color in their trunk.

Time for the dogs' treat. We're having ice cream. Hope everyone has a nice evening and good rest of the week.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 08:17 PM
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Mike - far as I know the splatter paint came in 2 colors - grey or turquoise. Is the Corvair going to be a points car? Not 100% sure, but it would be logical to have the trunk splatter paint 'universal' like you're thinking. I know that 65 442's trunks were painted body color. Wish I could help ya on this....
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Old May 30th, 2012, 04:53 AM
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Good morning all. Looks like I'm the first poster today. Boy all you easterners sleepin in?

Gonna get into the mid 80's today. then cool down the rest of the week. 10% chance of Rain on Saturday for the first cruise night I can make it to.

Got the 200-4R back from the builder yesterday. Probably wait until next week to put it in.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 05:28 AM
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Good Wednesday Mawnin All

Well the Torpical Strom is gone, so back to hot and muggy What little rain I did get, the wind afterwards dried it out Oh well it is what it is

Allan it sound like your mower either needs a diaphragm (fuel pump & gasket in 1) or like Mike suggested the pick up tubes are clogged. 18 years old? Hmm time fer a new one

Mike it looks like GM gray/white splatter paint is the way to go.

Sandy I bet that was a hoot watching the hawk Birds are funny creatures.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda sputtered rain ere and dare. Jes enough to settle de dust. Spose to hit 90 today

Allan, Dang ya stay up late. Down ere we go to bed and get up wit de chickens.

Mike, Sorry, I don't know much 'bout Corvairs cept they're known fer burning oil. I like em alot though. Had a bud in highs school who had a Monza Spyder dat was sweet. Never remeber look'in in de trunk, I was too busy hang'in on when he'd drift it thru de curves.

Have a great day Olds Friends.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 06:24 AM
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Morning All!

A cooler drier day here today. Sun and in the 60's right now. We're only gonna be around 70 tomorrow. It sure was nice to get some rain. We're supposed to have more this weekend. Of course about the time the shows start, that's when the rain will be here every weekend.

Not much goin on in here. Quiet again. I'm liking it with Brian gone! No one to control the thermostat, AC is on, and Steve and Clay aren't complaining!!! Brian is really an **** control freak, lol. It's always all about him...... He comes back tomorrow.

Chick-Fil-A night tonight! I really should go to Aurora and check out that new cruise in over there tonight. That's close to Blue.... maybe he would be there!! I sure do miss him - again.

Well you all have a great Hump day!!!
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Old May 30th, 2012, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
That Poem is on the back of our 5 dollar bill too.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 07:18 AM
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Worked on my car last night until 1:00am, then realized, it's ladies night down at the local watering hole

**Gets in his 1994 sentra hot rod, fires up the 89 horsepower beast and cruises down to the bar**

Meets a zumba/cardio instructor, gets a free drink for being so charming. Home at 3:00am.

Wakes up at 6:00am, goes to work, gets hammered for an airplane being late. What a wednesday!
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Old May 30th, 2012, 07:57 AM
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No pics of Zumba?
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Old May 30th, 2012, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

No pics of Zumba?
I know right!!

It was quite the show, let me tell you.....

I have a feeling not "all" she does is zumba
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Old May 30th, 2012, 11:35 AM
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Ah ha ha ha ha..... I love this mornings comments....

Tony, so when you fire up the Sentra and thump the gas a few times does it sound like this? Zzzzooooooommmbbaa, zzzzooooooooommmbaaaa, zoooooooooommbbbbbbaaaaa.... Glad you got a good nights rest!! I can see ya now. 'Wanna come home and check my pulleys? My water pump needs adjusting.....I need a cardio adjustment; my blood pressures's rising.......Holy Zzzumba!! I need another drink..... You young uns havin waaaaay too much fun

Clint - if that 200R4 doesn't work for ya, it will prolly slide into my 72 pretty easy.... Sounds like you'll be having fun soon.

Mike - Yup I'll check the tank and pull the fuel line. That sucker fired up ok just before I stored it for the winter. Wasn't the Corvair the car that Ralph Nader crucified? Unsafe at any speed? Wonder what he'd say if he was alive today and could see what tech and safety changes have happened in automotives?

TTYL, gotta go bitch to the optometrist about my goggles.....I smell warranty coming....

Jamesbo - I is aloud to stay up late sumtimes... when i was werkin i wood stay up till the God awful hour of 10:00 sumtimes. But always up by 05:30
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Old May 30th, 2012, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R

Mike - Yup I'll check the tank and pull the fuel line. That sucker fired up ok just before I stored it for the winter. Wasn't the Corvair the car that Ralph Nader crucified? Unsafe at any speed? Wonder what he'd say if he was alive today and could see what tech and safety changes have happened in automotives?

Are you saying he wasn't alive then either?
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Old May 30th, 2012, 12:12 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nader is still around. He is 78. His book was about the auto industry in general, the Corvair was only Chapter One. I read that book and found it skewed and ridiculous, and that was before I owned a Corvair. He is a mettlesome twit who has no business commenting on automotive anything since he's never owned a car and most likely has never driven one.

So! Another glorious day. It's right at 90* on my back porch. Got some painting of autoparts to do, and this is the perfect time to do it. Might run a couple errands as well. Work tonight, Florida this weekend.

How's everyone?
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Old May 30th, 2012, 12:47 PM
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De VW bug was 100 X mo dangerous dan de Corvair. firewall gas tank and de would roll over in a New York Sec.

Speak'in of which. do anyone remember "safety straps" on Independent rear suspension dat would stop de rear wheels from fold'in under. Seems like [in de dark memory of my mind, ]I''ve seen a car jacked up dat had dem. Maybe an XK-E
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Old May 30th, 2012, 03:30 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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OMG = Ralph Nader is still around? I guess I jumped the gun.....
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Old May 31st, 2012, 05:01 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be anutter hot one wit rain dis even'in

Originally Posted by Allan R
OMG = Ralph Nader is still around? I guess I jumped the gun.....
Yes, He's still verticle.

Tony, I didn't know dat poem was on a $5 bill. Nice to know. I'll have to get one of my draft dogg'in friends who moved up your way to send me one.

Now back to Zumba
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Old May 31st, 2012, 05:49 AM
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Morning All!

Cool here this morning and mostly cloudy. In the high 50's heading towards 70. Gonna be a cool rainy one tomorrow they're saying.

I went out to Aurora to that new cruise in last evening. It was ok. They had about 30 cars. Saw a few of my friends there, lol. Met a lot of nice new people. I'll be posting pics on a new thread soon. Teepo got lots of compliments, which she loved!!!

It was sad to be sitting across from Geauga Lake, and seeing the old roller coaster skeletons still standing, but grass and weeds and trees grown up everywhere. The buildings all boarded up. We used to go there when we were little kids, and I dated a few guys that worked there when I got older, so I spent a lot of time at the park. Took Nicole and her friends every year. They shut it down 4 -5 years ago, wasn't making enough money I guess. It was nice back in the 90's when it was still Geauga Lake on one side, and Sea World on the other. You could take the boat across the lake to either park, then they built a boardwalk across. I can't believe they weren't making money. They have a water park now on the old Sea World side, called Wildwater Kingdom. It does a good business I guess, when it's not raining around here, lol.

Well Brian is back today. Whining about how much work he has here to do. Whatever. He hasn't asked me how my days off were, or how my weekend was, so I'm not asking him how his was either!

I got a call from the heart group yesterday about Linda. They said from the echo she had done a few weeks ago, her heart muscle is very weak. It's at like 40% and should be at like 55%. So they want to put her on a low dose water pill and a blood pressure pill. Then they want to see her in 4 weeks and again 6 weeks later. They said these pills should help her breathing too. She's short of breath alot. I'm sure her heart is on it's way out - it's been shocked soooo many times, and such for so many years. I told the girl that I will let Linda's kids know when the appointments they make are scheduled. I have my own health problems going on and can't miss a lot of work. It's always friggin something, isn't it????

I was hoping Blue would be at that cruise in last night, but he wasn't. Tonight is Bellacino's if it's not raining. I don't think the rain is supposed to start until late tonight. Sure hope Bob gets those friggin rims done...... Shows I want to go to are starting on the 9th!!! I'm sure the rains will start about then too, lol.

Well have a great day all!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; May 31st, 2012 at 05:52 AM.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 06:20 AM
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Good Mawnin All

X2 on the hot one down ere.

Sandy I bet that is a sad sight to look at, especially with all of those memories you have of it.

Lke Jamesbo said, back to Zumba
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Old May 31st, 2012, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Ah ha ha ha ha..... I love this mornings comments....

Tony, so when you fire up the Sentra and thump the gas a few times does it sound like this? Zzzzooooooommmbbaa, zzzzooooooooommmbaaaa, zoooooooooommbbbbbbaaaaa.... Glad you got a good nights rest!! I can see ya now. 'Wanna come home and check my pulleys? My water pump needs adjusting.....I need a cardio adjustment; my blood pressures's rising.......Holy Zzzumba!! I need another drink..... You young uns havin waaaaay too much fun
Bahaha, You bet, all the ladies get a ride in my Sentra, its been in the family since new. I'm planning on eventually tearing it down completely, painting the underside with POR15 and then rebuilding.

Here's a picture i took yesterday, dont all start getting jealous on me now

Also, i found out i officially have a hopefully 72 350 block, I looked at the VIN derivative pad, but it's so rusted i can BARELY see the numbers... I'll have to look further tonight.

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Old May 31st, 2012, 07:10 AM
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The poem is on the back of the $10 note too

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Old May 31st, 2012, 08:27 AM
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Well I posted pics in the General Disc. forum.... go look! Our computers have been down for the last hour and a half here at work. Can't do anything. Mightaswell be on my laptop!
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Old May 31st, 2012, 08:43 AM
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Turdsday mawnin to y'all...

Tony - yup, that's the right casting. BTW, you'll want to either clean the paint off the contact for your temp sender, or just replace it. Won't get a good signal through paint..... Hmmmm, you know you might as well take the carb off the intake and paint it too......BTW, If I was a chic, I'd be dying for a ride in that bad *** Nissan.......

Sandy - I don't think TPO will mind if she goes to one dance without new shoes.

Jamesbo - Ya even no whut zoomba is??? But WAIT, this 'vibrator' comes WITH batteries. Direct plug and play...

Scot - we're going through an identity crisis with Canadian $$. So far the 100, 50, and 20 have been redesigned and they're being made of mylar now with new security encryption. Now we can 'launder' our money and it will not come apart in the wash.... BTW, when the new 20 was revealed, most of the Canadians thought the image on the front was a tribute to 911. Nope, it's the Canadian war memorial in Vimy France.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 11:17 AM
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Hey good peeps.... well, we apparrently ain't no different from nobody else when it comes to the temp's.... it's been over 90 here every day for the last coupley weeks. It's spoze to rain a little today, and is actually drizzling now; so that'll at least take the edge off for us poor heat-soaked Louisianans.

Had 4 days off in a row and didn't accomplish half of what I wanted to. What a surprise!
Had so much to catch up on at the Ponchatoula Plantation, the garage has to take a back seat, so to speak. All day Monday was spent by me & my (professional) friend installing flush in-wall speakers for the home theater system.... Honestly, if I had to do it all again, I'd pass. ---> WAY too much time, trouble, money, and distress for the end result. It kills me to watch paddle bits going thru my baseboards.

I admit.... it's nice not to have the speaker boxes intruding on the living room, but what a PITA. The straw that broke the camel's back was that my friend mis-measured one of the places and we wound up having to "notch" (practical translation: remove) one of the wall studs. I hope the house doesn't collapse the next time we get a hurricane!

Thank God it sounds and looks nice; but we do still have the center channel on the fireplace hearth, and the subwoofer against the wall. It's a big improvement; it's just not worth it, IMHO.

The better half really pushed for it... and she was conveniently out of town for the installation! Dem wimmen....
Well, have a good one, Oldsmopeeps; I'm hanging in 'cause it's almost da' weekend again. (Unfortunately, it's the flower beds for me this time....)

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 31st, 2012 at 11:19 AM.
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