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Old May 17th, 2012, 04:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautius day.

Mike, Sam Massell was de mayor befo Jackson. He's de one who got the ball roll'in on the new airport [now old] and fat Jackson took all de credit.

Interesting 'bout de airport book. Dat means I've seen all 3 of dem.

I don't know 'bou you guys, but I'm stay'in de heck away from Kohls
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Old May 17th, 2012, 04:50 AM
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Now Jamesbo how am I supposed to go to sleep when I'm laughing so hard!

Actually there have been probably half a dozen or more airports since Asa Candler bought the defunct car racing track on Virginia Avenue and turned it into the first Atlanta airport. I've always heard it was William Hartsfield that was the big proponent and that's why the place was named after him.

And speaking of big wigs, this morning Andrew Young will be honored by having his name painted on the nose of one of our 767s. Not sure what his claim to fame is but Delta is sucking up to a bunch of big Atlanta types these days.

Gonna hit the sack. I got a couple extra hours to myself today I'm going to take advantage. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 04:54 AM
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William B. Hartsfield Yep he was de mayor forever [back hwne I was a pup] Since you're a trasplant Mike ya may not know dat de [late] gorilla Willie B. was named fer him.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 05:32 AM
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Mawnin All

Gotta run to another Honor's Society Award Ceremony be back shortly

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Old May 17th, 2012, 05:40 AM
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Happy Thursday.

I've been asked to take the Olds to the Masonic car show on Saturday. Nothing like hangin around a bunch of old guys with Funny little marroon hats.

The tranny is coming along. Still trying to figure what to do about the carb linkage. I may see if I can install another throttle shaft into my carb.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 05:55 AM
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Morning All!

Crisp and cool here this morning. In the 40's. Sun is out and we're heading to the high 60's. Had some frost overnight. I don't think it's ever gonna get warm and stay warm this year, lol.

It was cold and windy at Chick-Fil-A last night. We had that little bit of rain come through around 10 am yesterday morning, then it cleared up and got cold! Not too many cars there. A 70 442 came by. I hope we have more cars there this year than last. I dunno.... The DJ said there were like 25 cars at that new cruise on Tuesday night. Who knows if it'll take off or not. Charlie and Nicole came by. Every time he'd go to touch her, like put his hand on her arm or something, she'd move. I'm sure she got counseled last night for it. I bought us sandwiches and fries. Well I had chicken strips since I can't open wide enough to eat a sandwich.

Mike..... thanks - I will try to cover up that shiny ball thing so it looks like it used to, lol. Yes..... I am **** with Teepo, lol.

Scot.... Thank you! Don't worry - you have other more important things to do than sit around with a manual waiting for me to ask dumb questions, lol.

So I went to see my medical doc on Monday about this pain I've been having on and off through the winter, up under my right rib cage. I told her that it comes and goes, will spread around and such. Just an uncomfortable feeling. I can't pin point it to anything I eat or certain times or anything like that. I'll just notice all of a sudden that it's there. Sometimes it lasts for hours sometimes a day or two. She sent me to have an ultrasound of the whole abdominal area on Tuesday, then to see her on Monday to go over the results.

So she calls me on my way home from the cruise last night - I thought 'this ain't good', lol. She tells me they see something on my right kidney, around the urethra. It has one of those official names that you can't pronounce, lol. So now I have to schedule a CT scan to get the kidney looked at better. I told her I don't have any pain in the kidney area, no other kidney related problems that I'm aware of. No infections, no problems going to the bathroom, etc.... I swear, this year has just sucked so far, lol! Hopefully it will be something as simple as a kidney stone that they can break up, and nothing serious. I'm about tired of crap happening to me.

Jamesbo.... that sign is great, lol! Thanks, I needed the laugh!! Are you close to Leesburg Gawja? That's where Phillip is from on American Idol, lol. He's the one I'm rooting for this year. That young man is such an artist with his style! He doesn't just stand there and sing someone elses songs. He adds his own twists to them. Anyhow, I was just wondering when they showed Leesburg last night.

Well you all have a great day!!
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Old May 17th, 2012, 06:05 AM
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Nope, Leesburg is down near All bennie

BTW, WTH is American Idol?

FWIW, If de Doc says, cystoscopy, RUN
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Old May 17th, 2012, 07:43 AM
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American Idol is the show where they pick kids from all over to sing, to become the next American Idol. The panel of judges who pick the kids are Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, Jennifer Lopez, and Randy Jackson. And America judges for whoever they like. They start out with quite a few kids, and then the process of elimination, until there's only one left. There are people in the music industry who coach and work with the kids. They're down to the top 3 now, tonight one will be eliminated. Better be friggin Jessica. She should have went weeks ago.... lol! We start watching it in January cause there's nothing else on to watch. Last year was the first time we watched it, but it's been on for years.

I'm not gonna ask you what cystoscopy is..... from what I'm reading, anything to do with the kidneys or that area is gonna hurt like hell, lol! b Just what I need....
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Old May 17th, 2012, 08:06 AM
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Good mormin' all. I've been on vacation this week. I need to get back to work to relax. Been up every morning doing something around the house...taking down dead trees, recharging the AC on the cars with AC, driving the youngest to school, fixing/painting the deck, football practices, cutting the grass, changing out the trasmission oil and filter on the 442, actually AAMCO does it as part of their guarantee for life's free so it's all good.

Oh, BTW, my youngest, Josh, made the Tier 1 All-Star team and will be going to the Alberta Summer Games in July...., so I can't make the show in Seattle although, I may cross into Montana for a few days as the border is about 30 miles away.

Sandy, I hope all turns out well with the doc. As for American Idol, my wife watches that and then Canadian Idol after that. I only watch American/Canadian Idol when they have the tryouts and people really can't sing. LOL, now that's entertainment!

Maybe I'll have a nap, or see what else needs to be done around here. There is a cruise night tonight, so if the sun stays out I may go. It's about 1 mile from here. Perhaps I'll spend the day in the "cave".

Have a good day everyone.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 10:41 AM
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American Idol sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.

WTH happend to de baby duck?
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Old May 17th, 2012, 11:04 AM
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Old May 17th, 2012, 12:40 PM
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Clint, what is dat? Pressed chicken? Awwww dat po baby duck.....Jamesbo style

Sandy - it's never good news when the doc calls back right away. On the + side, if they found something that is going to keep you going for the next 20 years, $$ becomes secondary. I know that's easy to say, but staying healthy comes first. If you get Larry to stomp on your toes really hard, you won't even feel the pains in your ribcage. Keep that Charlie creep away from Nicole. Sounds like she knows how to handle it for now, but she needs to just get away from him. Restraining order sounds like a good idea.

Ken - You're alive!! ???Aamco still has shops out here? In 2003 when I sold my 98 the 200R4 had been rebuilt by them at 74K km. It went back every year from 87-2000 for the free service. In 2000 I could not find a single Aamco shop anywhere in the Edmonton area. Does the Tier 1 competition affect the Olds show? I suppose I should start working on my car again pretty soon. Been bothered by real bad tendinitis in my right elbow. Sometimes can't even pick up a cup of coffee with it. Been a real downer for working on the car

Scot - ANOTHER awards ceremony? Your girls are the best! Just think, all that fancy dress up is just rehearsal for the pending weddings!
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Old May 17th, 2012, 01:04 PM
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Oh Clint, Lol! That ain't my poor little baby duck. I really think he was a baby goose, since all the baby ducks I've seen are yellow?? He was dark brown/blackinsh. I dunno. Jamesbo.... I took him across the street to the auto garage where there is a pond. I think that might be where he came from, but I don't know. I sure hope he found his family.

Allan R.... I don't know what's going on. I go have the CT scan in the morning. Have to be there at 8:30, drink the dye stuff, wait an hour, and have the scan at 9:30. My whole abdominal area is sore from that lady pushing that ultrasound wand all over it the other day, lol.

Guess we'll have to continue to figure out what the pain under my rib cage is from after we get this friggin kidney thing figured out. I have no pain around the kidney area, lol. I just don't get it!! Believe me, I understand that having your health is everything. I am proud and happy to say that I am a 22 year cancer survivor!! I got it when I was 30. I don't know if I've ever mentioned that on here - I don't really talk about it. I really never think about it, lol. I just thank God. I know though, that the chemo contributes to a lot of problems later in life, as it kills good cells along with the bad when you're getting it. In the booklets they give you to read before they start the treatments, they tell you that in like 20 years you could develop heart problems, bladder problems, bone problems, etc... I think I'm living proof of that, lol. I'm sure this kidney thing will be nothing, but I'm sure it's gonna be painful to find it out, lol.

Ken, thanks! Nice to hear from you. Who does your wife like on Idol?

Scot! Congrats again!! What a wonderful thing. I'm sooooo jealous. I sure never thought my daughter would turn out like she did. She had such dreams at one time. I don't know what happened.

Where's Adrian? Where's Citcapp?

It's gonna be a gorgeous night for Bellacino's!! I really need to drive Teepo and de-stress tonight, lol.

Last edited by cutlassgal; May 17th, 2012 at 01:08 PM.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 01:23 PM
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Sandy - I'm so glad you are a survivor. Not a lot are. This is the first I am aware of hearing it. My Dad did not survive his cancer; we lost him when I was just 21. It was quick for him, but very painful. His short suffering and loss left emotional scars on me I still feel today. I cross my fingers everyday that the cancer mutated gene passed me by. You hang in there. You're going to be just fine.

BTW I know what you mean about the ultrasound hurting the day after....had one done recently for elevated liver enzymes. I swear those technicians seem to take courses from physiotherapists if you know what I mean.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 02:02 PM
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Well I wonder if I was laughing while I was sleeping, because I was laughing when I went to bed and then when I woke up. Clint I wasn't expecting that to scroll up, too funny. Makes me think a chicken sandwich is in order from Awful house.

Sandy it almost sounds like you have gall stones. I would get the same kind of pain, but mine was debilitating. It would last from a couple to several hours. At the time I didn't know what it was, but after I almost killed myself cutting down a tree, I had this whole body scan done and that's when they found them. The pain episodes had stopped by then so my doctor said don't do anything about it unless it comes back.

Jamesbo I did know about Willie B. I think he was long gone before I got here. One thing I'd like to do is go see the Cyclorama.

Ken and Scot, you guys have some awesome kids.

Okay! Gotta get ready for the day. I love telling people, I'll call you at lunch. Lunch when I'm working is 4am. I always get these alarmed looks.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 02:40 PM
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Thanks all for the congrats I hate to admit it but I shed a few tears of JOY today :embarrassed: I couldn't be any prouder. And no Allan I am NOT ready for any weddings I want them to get their college out of the way first but now the two oldest are all grown up, I just hope they continue to make the right decisions. Wow there were several getting some pretty hefty scholarships, I mean north of 100K for a 4 year term I think that is great, however we will have to yet again rely on good grades, HOPE and Pell grants to eke our way through this ones college. I'm not worried though.

Jamesbo I think I'll heed your warning and stay away from Khols as well

Congrats Sandy on being a cancer survivor I hope this new pain your having is nothing serious.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Ken - You're alive!! ???Aamco still has shops out here? In 2003 when I sold my 98 the 200R4 had been rebuilt by them at 74K km. It went back every year from 87-2000 for the free service. In 2000 I could not find a single Aamco shop anywhere in the Edmonton area. Does the Tier 1 competition affect the Olds show? I suppose I should start working on my car again pretty soon. Been bothered by real bad tendinitis in my right elbow. Sometimes can't even pick up a cup of coffee with it. Been a real downer for working on the car
I'm alive and apparently causing sh*t on another thread...with no help from YOU! There are 3 Aamco shops in Edmonton. They warranty the tranny for as long as I own the car and as long as I get the free oil and filter change every year. It was due. I had put 900 miles on the car since last year. The oil coming out of the tranny is about as clean as what people are putting in their cars. But it's free so who am I to complain. There was a leak so they ordered new parts and changed them out. $0.00 on the invoice, "see you next year".

Luckily, the Summer Games are in Lethbridge from July 25-29. Our car show is July 21. Just hppen to be on vacation again at that time. Also on vacation at the end of June with Canada Day in there as well.

If you stop by, let me know. I have your A&W stuff. The free burgers and fries are for tomorrow (19th) and Saturday or the 24 and 25th. Take Joanne out for a burger, she doesn't have to know it's free - big spender.

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Ken, thanks! Nice to hear from you. Who does your wife like on Idol?
Is there a Philip Phillips? She likes the guy whose parents had no imagination in naming kids. Two first names, I think it's Phil Phillips or something like that.

Originally Posted by slantflat
Ken and Scot, you guys have some awesome kids.
Thanks Mike, we are proud dads, along with Allan. I have three boys and they have not given us any trouble. They are good kids.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 04:51 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be anutter nice one.

Sandy, You got to urethas. It's de pipe dat goes from you kidney to you bladder. When I was a pup, de thought one of mine was constricted an after 3 operations figgered out nutt'in was wrong. My new doc says, day because way back den, they didn't have the stuff to figger it out mor easily.

Pat, I had to werk on Monday so I smacked whitey 'round yesterday 40/42. Not bad fer an ole phart.

Mike, I'll meet cha at de Cycloram any time ya feel like go'in. I've been go'in since I was in grammar school.

Scot, You deserve to be proud of dem girls. Jes keep an eye [an a shotgun] out fer all de boys hang'in 'round.

Ken, You too should be proud as punch. BTW, I wish I'd never posted in dat thread. Evidently we've got sum thin skins 'round ere.

What If? Yogi Berra had a brother named Paul?
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Old May 18th, 2012, 05:24 AM
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Good Friday mornin peeps.

Sandy good luck with your tests.

Ken and Scot congrats on the youngsters accomplishments. Can't wait mine has a week until graduation. I didn't think she'd make it on time.

Allan, Sorry to hear about the cancer. Thats too young to lose a parent.

Ken and Jamesbo, I'm gonna have to do some searching for this thread you guys are wreckin.

Hopefully is doesn't rain for the show tomorrow.

Have a great day all.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 06:31 AM
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Morning all!

I'm sitting here in the waiting room drinking my second bottle of water they gave me. I don't know if they'll give me dye for this scan or not. She said to drink the water then in a while she will be back to see if I have to go to the bathroom... if she wants that, I need to be drinking coffee, lol!

Its a beautiful morning. In the 50s and supposed to get up to 77. Gonna be in the 80s all weekend! I am so ready!

Had a nice time at Bellacinos last evening. Won 2 door prizes. Gotta say the door prizes sucked this year lol. I took another Don Sitts oil change gift card and a couple coupons for free smoothies at the DQ. I need to get the 50/50 money lol. My friend Ron with the cutlasses s teases me about winning all the time lol. Heck, they all do!

There's a little show in Kent tomorrow that I might go to. Its just down the road from Bellacinos. No awards. Its from 2 to 5. One of the dj's from the country station I listen to is gonna be there.

Ken... glad your wife likes Phillip! He's the one I want to win!! He has such a unique style and is an artist/musician, not just a singer. Ive liked him since the tryouts. Ive been voting for him all season. I was surprised that he and Jessica made it to the finals last night and Joshua got voted out. I figured Joshua would take the whole thing. I sure hope Phillip wins it next week. I'm gonna be calling like crazy Tuesday night and voting for him. Jessica should have been sent home months ago, lol.

Well I guess I should get off here, so talk to ya late!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; May 18th, 2012 at 06:35 AM.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 08:09 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Well it is one heck of a beautimus Friday down in this neck O da woods

Sandy I finally got around to developing some pics I've had on my phones micro sd memory card and this was on it so I thought you'd enjoy seeing it. It's a 1/18 scale 1971 Cutlass SX in Lime Green with a White top put out by Lane Exact Detail and it favors Teepo

Sorry for the crappy pic but It'll serve it's purpose I guess

Thanks again all for the congrats, and yes Jamesbo dat 45/70 hasn't seen this much daylight since the 70's Now the middle daughter is walking the dawgs an awful lot I guess I can't prevent the raging hormones as much as I'd like to But she will be driving before I know it so if your ever down this way LOOK OUT and STAY OFF the SIDEWALKS Sounds like a great score Jamesbro although I know nothing bout shootin golfs.

Well it's brunchfest time fer me, TTFN
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Old May 18th, 2012, 08:52 AM
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Scot!! Awwwww.... it does look like Teepo, lol! I want it!!!! Where did you see it?

I made it into work at 10:05. The scan only took like 25 minutes. The person doing it had a hard time for some reason, getting the needle in my arm for the IV to put the dye in, and she kept like squeezing my arm and rubbing her finger over the needle in the vein and it hurt. It's all black and blue now. They don't usually have any problems at all. They took 2 scans without the dye and 2 scans with it, of the whole abdominal area. So now we wait and see.

Not that busy in here. Kind of quiet. It's been a long boring week......
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Old May 18th, 2012, 09:22 AM
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Sandy it's on my gun cabinet I bought it about 5 years ago at a hobby shop in Macon. I have three of them in different colors, black, blue and the green one I display in the case with miniature tools, jack and what not. Kinda like a diorama thingy.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 09:42 AM
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A little history on that particular car is they were limited to 1000 only and were released in 2002 for $99.00 retail. So they sold out quickly and are going up in value because Lane Exact Detail is right up there with Franklin Mint as far as quality IMO. I got lucky and bought mine at the right time because I paid less than retail at a retail store Here is their website
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Old May 18th, 2012, 09:52 AM
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Well, a cool and overcast day here to start our long weekend.

I had just finished watching the morning news and looked out the upstairs front window - we have a nice large family room over de garage - and I see this Jimmy parked out front with the driver and my neighbor looking at the front tire. Figured it was flat and my compressor was right handy so I figured to go help them fill it. Ha! Rots o ruck..I get there and the front wheel has about -50° camber and prolly about - 25°castor. (translation - was leaning badly into the truck like a broken axle). Anyway I helped him lift the front axle and take off the tire (it was really badly worn on the inside and had lots of aluminum shavings on top of the upper ball joint) Turns out the upper ball joint came apart and when he turned a corner the ball busted loose! No connection to the spindle) You could see it had not been greased for a long time - all rusted out. So it's sitting there right now waiting for a tow truck. Some people seem to think mtce means only washing the car once in a while.... See what happens where vehicle inspections aren't required annually?

Ken - What's this fascination you have for playing with *****? Well ok, I gotta admit I'm there too If I ask Karen will she turn red? BTW, the good Lord gave you something else to play with that's way more fun

No, I wasn't trying to cause you grief on that thread. I admire how you pick stuff that can stir the pot from time to time..... Ya, I have plans for more than a burger for Joanne. It's her birthday on Monday and she has to work. So Graeme and I are taking her out on Sunday. Working on your birthday sucks. I always used to book a days vacation for mine when it fell on a workday.

Sandy - I don't like them needles either anymore. Used to be they didn't bother or bruise. Now they do. Guess that's just a sign of age. Wait till you get as old as I am.....

Clint - Thank you. BTW the thread is called 'What if..."

Jamesbo - I guess the life of a moderator can be frustrating at times. However, Aliens has been known to stir the pot like that on numerous threads. It's his nature. For a while he's civil, then he goes whammo! Ken called it right - if you don't want to participate on the thread, walk away.

Happy Friday to everyone - at 5:00 IT'S QUITTING TIME!!
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Old May 18th, 2012, 09:55 AM
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Scot, Did cha check de heater hose? Imquir'in minds need to know.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, Did cha check de heater hose? Imquir'in minds need to know.
Shot who?
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Old May 18th, 2012, 10:09 AM
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Pat, I jes thougt 'bout you. I saw a motor home travel'in up Ga 400 towing a CJ-5 and de Jeep had one of those deer carries in the rear hitch. In the deer carrier was a giant grill. I guess he likes to cook on de road. Wonder if he's got de book "Manifold Destiny" 'bout how to cook on an engine on de hwy.

Make'in me up a big ole pot of Brunswick stew. Fer yous guys from de frozen North. Dat's cooked shreaded BBQ chicken, cooked shreaded BBQ poke, diced omions, diced maters, worchesters sauce, Tabbaci sauce, and white shoe peg corn.

Gonna fry me up sum hot water corn bread fer supper.

Allen, Brunswick stew is kinda like Vegetable soup in as much as dar ain't one correct recipe. Ya kinda make it de way ya want. Feel free to add a few bushels of Jallepeno peppers to yours. I know you enjoy de Drano after affects of a nice HOT meal.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Shot who?
De stripes on de heater hose on de little Cutlass. Sandy has been worried 'bout her's and de'r called " exact detail" Right?

Last edited by Jamesbo; May 18th, 2012 at 10:14 AM. Reason: confusification
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Old May 18th, 2012, 10:22 AM
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LMAO I see said da blind man No unfortunately dey ain't dat detailed
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Old May 18th, 2012, 11:38 AM
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Lol! You're funny, Jamesbo!!
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Old May 18th, 2012, 12:12 PM
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Jamesbo - Drano specials work! Just not when you want em too. Yer stew sounds almost good enuff ta eat. Would be more better I tink ifn youse got some fresh road kill ta liven it up....

Hey, don't be pickin on Sandy now. She's not well - member she's feelin poorly? Sides, she put dose PS hoses in TPO and dey didn't have the stripin she was pinin fer. But she's happy and dat's all dat matters....
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Old May 18th, 2012, 01:29 PM
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Gotta go pick up Barney Stinson and get suited up!
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Old May 18th, 2012, 02:38 PM
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I'm fix'in to chow down on sum Brunswick stew.

Allen, normally I don't eat anyone else's Brunswick stew cause I don't know what's in it. an I don't eat my own cause I do.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 02:44 PM
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Nuttin like some good ole hogs ead soup Yummy! Save me some please
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Old May 18th, 2012, 02:45 PM
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By the way if you haven't had Fincher's Brunswick Stew, oh my goodness...... It is to die for
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Old May 18th, 2012, 02:47 PM
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Happy Friday everyone!

Slept pretty good today, and I even got home an hour late. Stopped by the insurance place and the tag office on my way home this morning. I'm about as ready as I'll ever be to go get this behemoth. Question: It runs okay, but the tires are old and pretty cracked. Would it be better to take the interstate home and keep it around 60, or take the back roads?

Time to grab a bite and get it together.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 03:13 PM
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I'm a little confused ere.

xactly which "Behemoth" are we speak'in of ere?

___ Rolls

___Motor Home



___Bouser Van

Ya can jes check de appropritae box. Ya got so many cars, I need a program to keep up.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 03:19 PM
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Either behemoth I'd say interstate but keep the speeds down to around 50, because of the constant stopping and speed limit increases and decreases I wouldn't take the back roads. It'll take forever and less chance of being anywhere near help if needed.
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Old May 18th, 2012, 03:26 PM
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I'm call'in 91 an keep'in my finger on de next 1

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