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Old February 9th, 2012, 06:03 AM
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Sandy, CSI Miami doesn't make any sense. It's just a bunch of one liners linked together with alot of photography an weak plot. The scenery is nice though.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 07:57 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I'm still in Georgia and the Rolls is still in Florida. I think a guy I know is going to go retrieve it for me, if not I'll be down there bright and early Saturday morning with a Uhaul. Seems the car doesn't weigh 6000lbs, that's the gross weight. The curb weight is 5000 pounds. Still too heavy for my trailer but a Uhaul will work. Sheesh.

Luckily I don't have to get on the expressway to get to the Awful house. I used to take 75 to work every day and most days I would see some sort of wreck.

Jamesbo PM me your address and I'll send you a newsletter from the Amphicar club, if you want.

Everybody, I'm so far behind I think I'm first. We all seem to be on the green side and Clint I'm glad your Dad is getting better. I'll try to catch up and make an appearance here like I'm s'posed to and not disappear for days on end.

It's beautiful here today, a little chilly but nothing wet falling from the sky. Enjoy what we've been given.


Last edited by slantflat; February 9th, 2012 at 07:58 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old February 9th, 2012, 02:41 PM
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Morning all, nice sunny day here today with a top of 94

Jamesbo a Wallaroo is halfway between a wallaby and a kangaroo. Over here we don't get fancy with all the different names, if it is a "big" Wallaroo then we call it a kangaroo and if it a "small" one we call it a wallaby, us aussies can be slack when it comes to calling things by their proper names We have become so good at it that given any name we can shorten it to one syllable

Clint, glad to hear your dad is doing better. Lets hope he is home soon so all the stress is off everybody

Blue, the Olds won't fit through the drivethru down here even if I wanted to take it through. They don't seem to cater for land yachts down under I even have to park her in the back of any car park I go to where there is no other car so the morons don't hit it. My insurance would not like me if I put in a claim for a busted fender

Sandy that Son's of Guns show is pretty cool, have you ever watched it? You can get away with so much in the States compared to over here If it is fun, bad for you or dangerous the government taxes the s*#t out of it or makes it illegal Voting is even mandatory

I can't wait to take the Olds to the drive in when I can get a weekend off and organize some friends to come for free in the trunk There is only one left in the Brisbane area and it is on the Gold Coast

Have a good day ya'll

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Old February 10th, 2012, 02:26 AM
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Good Morning, it's a dark night with a low of 29 degrees here.

Who's Redgoat??
Redgoat defies explanation, better men than me have broken down in tears trying to explain who he is, maybe more like what he is?
The Most Interesting Man in the World doesn't always need advice on how to be the most interesting, but when he does he calls Redgoat and doesn't.

I've noticed the lanes at some of the new McDonald's drive-thrus are getting thinner here too Adrian, unlike the people that frequent them too often.
I do like their coffee and my dogs love the dollar menu McDoubles, but dogs and the majority of Yanks like anything made with mystery meat that's greasy and fattening so that doesn't say much. I bet they sell at least 20,000 of those things a day to dogs.
My one dog won't eat pork though, I think she was a Rabbi in a previous life.
The long beard and the black hat she wears may be a clue.
She always happens to show up at people's houses to visit just before dinnertime too??
Okay...suppertime to those below the Mason-Dixon line.
I bet you guys love it down there when foreigners call you "Yanks" BTW.

That juvenile delinquent Redgoat used to sneak his punk car buddies into drive-in movies in the trunk of his car all the time.
One time he remembered he had three spare tires in the trunk so to make room for the illegal entrants he ditched the tires in some bushes on the way there. After the movies when he went back to get them and as he was loading them in the trunk the cops pulled up with the gumballs going and he had some serious s'plainin to do.
There's one drive-in here that checks for food and drinks in the car on the way in and charges you fifteen bucks extra if you want to bring in your own or if they find any to offset the snack bar business they supposedly lose. You ever eat drive-in snack bar food?, 15 bucks is nothing compared to what the emergency room costs.
They charge by the car so they could care less if people are in the trunk, as long as they don't have any snacks or drinks that is.

Hey Sandy, Redgoat wants me to ask you if you ever ever went to the Ravenna drive-in with any of your numerous boyfriends when you lived out yonder there as a youth??
Like he should even ask.
Redgoat really needs to become a member here, I'm tired of him using me as a go-between. I have to take all the flak he gets and it's not fair, we'll have to talk to me about that with him.

I finally got the parts and the Crustom Cruiser has actual installed springs now.
I forgot how much wrenching you have to do on the coil spring compressor to compress the springs down to size, and then once they're installed you have to uncrank them too.
I kneel down and put the spring between my legs then sit on it to keep it from turning when I'm compressing it and through the whole thing I'm wondering what would happen if the compressor let go.
I'd have Redgoat help but he always seems to disappear when there's any work to be done, he's a real hack so I'm probably better off doing it myself.

Last edited by Bluevista; February 10th, 2012 at 02:32 AM. Reason: Redgoat
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Old February 10th, 2012, 04:48 AM
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Mawn'in all

Oncest again chilly mawn'in wit warmer afternoons.

Tanks Adrian. I needs to brush up a mite on my marsupials. We ain't got but one 'round ere. Possum.

I bet Scot used to sling Possum Frisbies when he was a pup. De seem to get run over alot at nite and when de dry up, they fly jes like a Frisbie.

Mike, You got an Amphi? I'm gett'in jealous if ya gots an Amphi and a Rolls.

Blue, I'm glad you got dem springs in an ain't sing'in Saprano.

Clint, Drop any more baby bovines las nite?

TGIF Olds Friends.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Its friday!!!!!!!

Good Friday mornin all!

Adrian, The car sounds and looks great. I wish we were having good enough weather to break our the nice rides. Still have 8-10 inches of snow in the yard, and more is in the forecast for this weekend. The motorcycle rain date race is postponed again. Looks like we're catchin up on our average yearly snowpack.

Sandy, Sunday we'll be glued to the TV since 'The Walking Dead' is back from its holiday break. Hope you have a good day minding the store alone today. open the windows and turn on the fans! No root canal or anything major, Doc said I probably got somethin stuck and caused a little infection. I'm on some AB's and sposeto call him next week. He also made an appointment to bring his dodge in to me next week for new headlights and an oil change. So he's gonna be owing me and not the other way around .

Mike hope you get your spur home soon. can't wait to see some pics. do you have a fedora to wear while cruisin in it?

Blue, This Redgoat fella sounds interesting... I think I've seen him once waling down main street. Everyone walked on the other sidewalk on the other side .

Jamesbo, No more decalfinated cows yet. It was nice and sunny yesterday and spose to be the same today. Somewhere in the 'Newly Expecting Mama Cow Handbook' I think it stated its against the law to give birth when its nice out.. I suppose we'll have a new rash of youngin's this weekend when the weather gets crappy again.

Have a great day all.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 05:58 AM
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Good morning all.

Jamesbo I've had an Amphi for 18 years. It's currently awaiting some much needed restoration work. I've owned a few odd things in my driving career.

Clint I don't know what a fedora is but I'll look it up. The woman I got the car from gave me what she called a chauffeur's cap. It looks more like a bus driver's hat, and it doesn't fit anyway. I found a ballcap in the car that has the double R on it.

Adrian you really have a nice car there. I would park at the back of the lot too if it were mine. And not take it to the drive thru at Macca's.

Blue I had a mechanic friend once(don't read into that) who helped me with the front springs on my Cutlass. He hooked the spring compressor inside the spring and ran it down with an impact. Had my springs changed out in a jiffy.

Time for bed. One more night then I'm free again for a few days.

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Old February 10th, 2012, 06:06 AM
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At least you are getting the snow on your side of the mountains..
how can we have the "greatest snow" when we aren't getting any??

well the mountains look white but I sure miss it on my grass.. Yes I LOVE the snow and I am missing it...
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Old February 10th, 2012, 06:31 AM
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Morning All!

A moment of silence please..... as we remember the laughs and fun we had with The Colonel, who passed away one year ago today. I still miss him.

Still dark and 27 degrees here now. Expecting snow later - 6 - 8 inches they're saying, but it's supposed to go up to almost 40 before it starts. Don't think we're gonna make it, lol!

It's soooooo nice and quiet without the guys! Radio is turned up, fan is on, sandals are on, thermostat is turned down!! Hope it's a quiet day. Yesterday, the phone was really busy! So far just one call. Got myself locked in so no one can come in and steal me, lol!!

Blue.... I"m soooooooooo glad you're back! You crack me up! You tell Redgoat that he doesn't need to know about my excursions at Mid Way drive in, lol! Yes, I did frequent it in my younger days. Haven't been there in years. They have the 2 screens there now. I'm glad to know you didn't hurt yourself sittin on those springs, lol! That would not have been a good thing, lol!!

What I've noticed around here lately are the 2 lane drive thru's at McDonalds. The one in the Boro is a 2 lane, and they tore down the old one in Ravenna over the summer and re-built it, and it's a 2 lane now. Unfortunately the lanes do go down to one lane for the pay window. You could drive thru in the Olds, but would have to walk over to pay and pick up your food, lol! I took the Cutlass through it over the summer.... she didn't like it. I didn't either!! A little too close for me.

Clint...... Redgoat is also known as Bluevista's evil twin!!!! He is quite the character and tends to get Blue in trouble at times..... I was going to watch that Walking Dead show, but never did. I thought it looked like it would be a good one. Winter is the only time I really watch any TV. In the nice weather, I'm outside from when I get home from work till it's too dark to see, lol. I hate being inside. Teepo and I stay very busy when it's nice out. Good news about your tooth! At least it didn't cost you a fortune. It seems to me that my brother- in-laws cows would have their calves way out in the field all the time, and Bob would have to get them and the mamas back up to the barn, and yes usually in crappy weather, lol.

Soooo..... BigJerr has made me the coolest clock!! You know I'm gonna need more than one, lol! I can't copy a pic of it though. Adrian..... do you have any of those skills, lol??

Well better get off of here and do something I suppose. The fax is on so something is coming over... Catch ya later! Have a good one!
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Old February 10th, 2012, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Somewhere in the 'Newly Expecting Mama Cow Handbook' I think it stated its against the law to give birth when its nice out.. I suppose we'll have a new rash of youngin's this weekend when the weather gets crappy again.l.
Boy, Ain't dat the truth. Thunderstorms used to drop 'em like crazy.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 08:21 AM
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Mawnin All

Yep Jamesbo dem possum frisbee(s) fly like a wham-o

Clint I used to work on a farm and I was the only "cowboy" dey had on the clock, so when any of the calves came out breached I had to get the floor jack out and help em along I miss them days. I was the only one with a tractor that had a radio, closed cab, A/C and cup holder. And I kept my 30-30 with me and shot a many of coyotes roaming the pastures. I would be fixing fences and skipping rocks across the many ponds we had while everyone else was harrowing fields all day.

Mike I'll have to see whatcha charge to haul a few hoodlums to the prom, my second oldest is a senior dis year and she like spending Daddy's $$

Wonder if Jamesbo done scared B-O-P away I hadn't heard much outta him since he posted the pics from the Dilliards

Well it's Friday a bit cooler with scattered sprinkles here at the moment, but temps are gonna start falling after tonight Low for Sunday in the lower 20's burrrrr I hate cold weather


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Old February 10th, 2012, 10:10 AM
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Scot, I gots a PM from BOP gots a new gig, It's gonna take him a while to gets acclimatize at his new werk.

Clint/ Scot, First time I had to pull a calf it [she] was a Charlois calf outa an Angus.
Both of 'em made it but de calf grew to be twist as big as de mama.Dat's when I stopped buy'in cows from folks I didn't know. 10/15 years later everyone wanted to buy my Heffiers cause de knew what de come from.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 11:52 AM
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Well the snow has started here. Fine little flakes coming down now. It's about 30 out there. Nicole and grand dog came and had lunch with me. Nicole is feeling better now. We e-filed her taxes from her whopping 2 jobs she had last year - one of which lasted a whole 3 weeks! At least she'll get back the $86 bucks she paid in. I'm lovin it here without the guys around!!!
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Old February 10th, 2012, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
I've owned a few odd things in my driving career.

Every had a Borgward Isabella?
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Old February 10th, 2012, 12:35 PM
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Jamesbo I worked for a German guy who coincidentally owns more "stuff" dan Donal Frumph. Schneider was his name, you may have seen it around the ATL on the side of semi trailers. His so called vacation home in Henderson betwinkst Perry and Unadilla cost about $10M A $35,000.00 chandelier was damaged in transit and one of the other farm hands took it home and had it hanging in the corner front room of his little shotgun shack Damn light were werth mo than da damn hawse Anywho he had about 12,000 acres with around 1500 head of cows, 500 steer and 20 good bulls most of the time but he would rotate the stock once a year. Usually sell the cow/calf combos and the steers over 500 lbs. but would keep his bull stock. There were a Charolais bull, two Limousin bulls, a crazy deranged and very angry Brahma bull, a few black Angus bulls and several Hereford bulls.

I can understand acclimatizing to wOrk I still ain't use to these crazy hours myself here at the Unk Gubby P O.

I know you can get some good deals on cars down there, clean, well kept and low miles. But the kicker was having to pay Georgia $500.00 just to transfer the title because it was purchased out of state. A friend of mine that use to make the lotto run to Fla for us Perry folks (including the High Sheriff ) befo Gawga jumped on the bandwagon. He would go down there to the state line once a week and would sometimes take me along to drive his car back if he bought one down there cheap enough to make a profit even with the transfer.

Sandy, the girls want me to tell you to send about 2-3 inches of snow down here for them.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Sandy, the girls want me to tell you to send about 2-3 inches of snow down here for them.

Sandy just be sho to skip Hotlanta AND DUMP it all on Perry. Atlanta drivers and snow don't exactly Gee and Haw.

Sides, I ain't got time to stand in line at de stow buy'in milk and bread.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 01:17 PM
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Jamesbo I haven't been to Atlanta yet and the drivers Gee'd and Hawed Ever. But then again the snow and traffic here don't Gee and Haw either.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 01:27 PM
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Druing "Snow Jam" whatever year it was. My poor ole truck got hit 3 times stand'in still by "Buckhead Betty's" driv'in Mercedes.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 01:32 PM
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Well it's let up again now. Hardly anything out there. Most of it is supposed to come down overnight and temps in the teens..... burrrrrrrrr... I'd love to send it ALL your way, Scot!
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Old February 10th, 2012, 02:01 PM
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No Jamesbo, never had one of those. But I do have a 1945 GMC DUKW. It's a wreck but who isn't these days! In the past I've owned a diesel Mercedes wagon, a Ford Skyliner retractable, various aircooled VWs. I've always wanted a 308 Ferrari, but when my neighbor told me he had one once, and it cost him 5K to tune it up, my desire waned a little.

Scot let me get this pompous car sorted out and I'm sure we could work something out for the prom. Maybe a ride in your purple beast. I never get charged 500 for registering a car from out of state. That's insane. It's always 38 for me, the tag fee is 20 and the title transfer is 18. Remind me never to register a car in Perry.

Sandy please keep your snow to yourself. People here in the south are not prepared for it, and I am done with it. I moved to Georgia at the ripe old age of 29, and at that point winter got more unbearable every year. At my advanced age now I think I'd just hide under the covers until spring.

Friday night people! Last night of work for me. The Rolls should be home tomorrow. The lake is down and I'm going to go play in the mud. And, I'm going to two junkyards this weekend. Boy am I livin' or what?!


Last edited by slantflat; February 10th, 2012 at 02:07 PM. Reason: misspelled my own name, sheesh!
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Old February 10th, 2012, 02:14 PM
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Morning all, overcast here today but I'm sure the clouds will part in time for me to do some work outside.

Just for you Sandy I will attach a pic of your clock, now you can't say I don't do anything for you lol

Good to hear your got those springs in without a problem Blue. I put some lowered springs in our honda and the compressors were nice and bent when I finished the job

Marsupials are over rated Jamesbo, they never look when crossing the road and frequently get hit. Not a damaging thing when it is a possum but when you hit a 6 foot red kangaroo you are up for a new car

Your can send some of that snow my way Clint, I won't mind at all. I have a slight angle to my yard so it wouldn't be to difficult to get to the top of the hill again

Let us know when you get that Rolls home Mike so we can start pestering you for pics

Have a good day ya'll

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Old February 10th, 2012, 10:24 PM
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Hi All. It's after midnight, does that count as morning?

I really need to work on my Good Morning Thread attendance. I have fallen behind again. I have only read page 91 from the last week.

It is cold here again, after a few days above freezing. The snow has been melting a little Is it really February in Canada?

I've been spending a lot of my time recently job hunting. I thought things were supposed to be easy after graduation?

Had a great time bowling last night. My worst game of the night was about 30 pins over my average.

I hope to finally work on some Cutlass parts again this weekend.

Blue, interesting technique for working with the springs.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old February 11th, 2012, 02:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda chilly ***** dis mawn'in.

Scot, My Vista came from Califor-i-a I don't think I paid no 500 bucks fer de title transfer. Is dis sum kinda new thing?

Car-designer, Who de heck told you "things would get easier?"

Sandy/Blue, Dis falls under the rather large catagory of "None of my Frigg'in Business", BUT How come neither of yous guys weighed in of Richard's thread 'bout de father who was upset wit his daughter?

Mike, When you take Scot girls to de prom in de Rolls, Can I test drive de Amphi in Sawn lake?

I've also wanted a 308 gtsi but all I gots is de Magnum shirt. I use it when my bride ax me to go to de Mall. Bermuda shorts, black socks, sandals, my magnum shirt. Usually does de trick ............haven't been to de mall in decades

Adrian, I think de clock pic needs sim mo snow in it.
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Old February 11th, 2012, 05:09 AM
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Goood Morning.

My daughter is dropping off the grandson in a few minutes for us to babysit today.
Kids are a lot more fun when you know they're going home later.

I weighed in on that daughter thread, the guy's an idiot and should look in the mirror if he wants to find the source of his problems with the kid, next thing she'll do is either shoot him, run away, or come home pregnant.

Every spring compressor I've ever seen says "Do Not Use Impact Tools" on it somewhere.
I don't even own any impact wrenches, all they're really good for is
breaking things or changing tires fast during pit stops, otherwise I've never found any real justification for owning them besides being a weakling or lazy. I have natural impact arms and fingers like the Six Million Dollar man's fake ones, they're even foot-pound calibrated so I have no use for a torque wrench either.

I don't know nothin' about birthin' no cow babies.
I won't go near those humongous and evil devil-horned creatures for anything.
I've never even sat on a horse, I fed one some sugar once at camp in fifth grade, I was scared stiff and thought it was going to inhale my whole arm then bite it off.

My car is all back together, finished it up yesterday and it sit's just right now.
It actually started and runs good after sitting for three months too.
After disconnecting everything to clean and paint the engine I was really worried that some fault code would come up the way my luck goes. I'm still a little leary about having a car with a computer but I'm slowly getting used to it, this old dog can still learn new tricks.
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Old February 11th, 2012, 07:03 AM
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Happy Saturday everyone!

Car-Designer I don't envy your job search. When I was in school I must have sent in or visited hundreds of applications and places. Interviewed with few. Finally got a job and 18 years later I'm still with it. Good luck to you, it will happen.

Cold and windy today. I'm headed to the junkyard in Griffin today, where the cars are sitting axle deep in mud and trees are growing up in them. It's cool. Last time I was there I spied a 67 Cutlass that looked like it could start up and drive out of there. I'll take a closer look today. Tomorrow will be pull-apart.

Jamesbo I don't know why you don't just go get you an Amphi. There is one on our website for a mere 29K, and even though it needs quarters it looks quite seaworthy. Although, if you win the beer round on the golf course, there are a couple other cars around 45- or 50K that don't need anything but a new owner.

Don't worry Blue, disconnecting the battery is what makes messages go away. At work we call that "cycling power."

Well I'm hungry so I think I'll stop off at the Awful house on the way out. If I drag home something big I'll take a picture for everyone.

Have yourselves a good one!

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Old February 11th, 2012, 07:17 AM
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Morning All!

Well the snow arrived. It's snowing and blowing and drifting. It sucks!!!!! 20 degrees. I've been standing at the kitchen window watching the birds. I don't know why they pick the worst days to come out and eat? I did have 4 sets of Cardinals out there! They look so beautiful against the snow. The big red headed pecker was out too.

I'm not planning on going out in this crap today. Just gonna do some cleaning. I need to go into Nicole's room and touch up the paint where I filled in the nail holes. Maybe I'll make Jamesbo's meatloaf today.

Jamesbo.... I didn't see that thread by Richard? Sounds like someone resembles Larry, lol. I'll have to go look for it. I did see the insurance company one.

Thanks for posting the pic, Adrian! Isn't she just pretty, lol? I can't wait to get the clock!! I'm gonna hate to put it out in the garage.

Blue.... so you're babysitting today, huh?? Bet Laura loves it! I haven't seen Elyse (Jr's. daughter) since Christmas day. She's a weird kid, lol. Cute as a button though. She has that Bemer personality, though. Sad, at the ripe old age of 2. She hardly ever smiles. Just gives you that Bemer stare, lol!! All my sister's have commented on it. And she clings to Jr. Isn't an outgoing kid at all.

God you just make me laugh! Bionic man! mmm.... mmm... mmm.. Glad you got the car all back together. I can't wait to see it!

Well guess I'll go look for that thread and then get off of here and do something, lol. Man that wind is blowing so hard - the limbs on the big maple by the dining room window are really swinging!!!! Kind of scary......

Have a great day all and stay warm!!
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Old February 11th, 2012, 07:40 AM
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Just getting in from werk. I clearly bermember about 20 some odd years ago about the $500 transfer fee. Maybe it was just a Houston County thing

Colder here and getting windier out, tomorrow will be brrrrrrrrrrrrr cold fer sure.

Good luck Paul on your job search, it's tough out there but keep lookin and something will come up.

Yall have a great Saturday and stay warm up ere

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Old February 11th, 2012, 10:51 AM
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Good morning all

I didn't know Redgoat was allowed to babysit. he might teach the young one how to use a whoopee cushion or put hot sauce in the dogs food or other neat tricks.

Been out of town so doing a lot of OC reading this morning. Gosh its hard to catch up.
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Old February 11th, 2012, 06:14 PM
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Welcome back, Citcapp! Well it's down to 14 degrees right now. It snowed and blowed and drifted all day. Brian texted me around 4:00 and said they were on their way back from NY, and they were sitting in traffic on I-90 about 7 miles in to Ohio. Guess they made it back ok, cuz he texted me again when they got to Twinsburg. I'm glad I wasn't stuck in Clay's GMC with them, lol! I'm sure there was a lot of whining and complaining going on!

I pretty much stayed in the house today. I did go out and shovel the big drift that was up against the breezeway doors. Man it was cold out there!! The wind blew the snow right back at me. I made a delicious meatloaf - not yours this time Jamesbo. I made mashed taters and gravy to go with it. Comfort food, lol. Also made a nice cinnamon struesel bread.... yummmmmmm! Sitting here watching TV in my snuggie now, lol!!
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Old February 12th, 2012, 04:23 AM
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Good Morning.

My daughter showed up with my grandson Daylen and she got snowed in so they're still here. She has a Jeep Cherokee and it goes pretty good in the snow but nothing stops well in this stuff and it doesn't matter what tires you have or how many wheel drive. You see SUV's down in ditches with their overconfident driver's sitting in them more than any other vehicle.
Mu daughter's mother-in-law is in town from Florida and they were going to go get their hair done. She moved down therer after the divorce from Daylen's other grandpa. She's been through a few guys just like my older sister, if I miss a wedding I can always catch the next one.

Bionic Man Sandy? It's "The Six Million Dollar Man", the female version spinoff was called "The Bionic Women". All she did was brood all the time on that show, I think she had bionic tear ducts. I always called her "The Bionic Bit...uhhh...Bimbo", yeah...that's it.

I had to shovel the walks and blow snow off the drive all day yesterday, my lungs are really tired and I can hardly pucker my lips anymore.

I talked about it in the pig in the Vermont State Troopers insignia thread.
That Redgoat has a stuffed pig he shows to Daylen every time he's here and tells him it's daddy. His dream is that someday in the fuure when he starts talking and sees a pic of a pig or one on TV when he's with his cop father he'll point at it and call it daddy.
He was thinking of getting a Rosie O'Donnel doll and doing it but that would be degrading to pigs.

Last edited by Bluevista; February 12th, 2012 at 04:26 AM.
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Old February 12th, 2012, 05:55 AM
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Mawn'in all

It's frigg'in 18 degrees in de mountains and sum of dat snow Sandy sent to Perry dribble a little ere las nite.

I'm fraid, winter is finally upon us.

Yep, Sandy "comfort food" is a must. If I knew how to spell cut up sirloin wit peppers, onions and maters skewed on a stick, I'd tell cha what I fixed las nite.

Gotta go get up sum wood to keep de propane truck away.

Olds friends enjoy de little bit left of de weekend.
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Old February 12th, 2012, 06:08 AM
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Morning All!

Well Jamesbo..... you're a degree warmer than us right now! It's 17 here. Still snow coming down, but not as heavy as yesterday. I think it's supposed to quit today. I hope! Larry has already been out plowing driveways. Did I ever mention that I hate winter?

Blue...... that Redgoat just ain't right, lol! Point at the pig and call it daddy, lol! You are just baaadddddd!!!!!

Yes, it is amazing how many SUV's you see in the ditches. Those bigger ones like the Lexus' go flying around everyone.... I just creep along and take my time in Tincanio. Tincanio has a 'lock' button you're supposed to push if you're in deep snow or on gravel or something to make the 4wd kick in. It goes off when it gets up to 25 mph. I thought it automatically kicked in to 4wd when it detects a spin, but it doesn't say anything about that in the manual, so I dunno! I just creep along and let people cuss at me. At least I stay on the road, lol.

Well gotta get some breakfast, so you all have a good day and stay warm and safe!!
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Old February 12th, 2012, 07:58 AM
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Wishful thinkin'!

Naw, ain't nobody skeert lil' ol' B-O-P away! Unfortunately, my life ain't my own right now.... I started that new job in January and have a document due to the powers-that-be on the 28th and I ain't makin' the kinda' progress I was hopin'.... so it's continued nose to the grindstone until then (on top of the 2.5 hrs. of commute each day back & forth from Ponchatoula Plantation to the Big Easy).
I tried to do at least a little catchin' up w/ reading the posts just now and the group seems very intact! Maybe I missed a crisis or two (?), but everybody seems relatively unscathed, thank the Good Lord.... Am I right, 'Gal?
Everything down here is relatively fine, although the miserable cold weather (along w/ a considerable amount of precipitation) seems to have waited for the Mardi Gras season....
Now I'm not a parade-goer anymore by any stretch; but I really feel for all the po folk who line up on St. Charles Ave. and Veterans Blvd. every night only to have the wind whip their toupees clear into Lake Pontchartrain ....

Hopefully the mercury will rise a couple notches by Fat Tuesday so all the ladies can do on Bourbon St. what all the ladies do on Bourbon St. and what all the men are hoping the ladies will do on Bourbon St..... then everybody will be happy ....

As for me, I'll be at the salt mine on 2/21 working on my document. The better half will be up in Jamesbo's neck of the woods checking on the Hiawassee Villa, since neither of us has been there since we saw Jim in December. I'll hopefully make it up for Easter and have a week or so to play.

As for the Olds, I did finally get the seatbelts installed in the Starfire. They ain't GMs, but the colors match and they're presentable and at least I'll have a chance at not winding up with my **** scraping the highway should a (God forbid) crash occur.

Also, I finally got every single piece of the trunk goodies to finish my trunk. I ran smack dab against the "extinct tire" syndrome, since I have a set of 225-75x14's on there now; but I did manage to find an vintage Goodrich Silvertown bias-ply 8.55 x 14 online that I'm going to use as the spare (obviously for cosmetic purposes only). God help us if I really get a flat while I'm cruising.....

But I'm hoping to get that finished today, among the myriad "honey do's" on my Sunday list. So that will give me an excuse to come back soon & post of a pic of my "new" trunk!

And hopefully I'll be able to sneak a visit to the site from work again after the 28th.... So Scot, 'Gal, JB, & everybody else, I hope to be postin' that pic real soon. Hang tite.... I know the suspense is killing everyone!

Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Mawnin All
Wonder if Jamesbo done scared B-O-P away I hadn't heard much outta him since he posted the pics from the Dilliards
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Old February 12th, 2012, 08:44 AM
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Good morning all

We're having warm but very wet weather here. Its in the mid forties and so its warm enough to be back at work on the 48. Its nice to be back in the garage away from all that TV bull$H!t. Time goes by so quick when you're doing something that you enjoy. Talk to you all at the end of the day.

Going to make a pot of the chicken Chili and corn bread seems to be just the thing for a rainy day.

Have a great Sunday all

Jamsbo, looks kinda like the Tiger might be staging a come back.
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Old February 12th, 2012, 10:04 AM
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Good Afternoon All

Cold as a well digger's behind dis morning with temps dipping down into the low 20's dis mawnin

B-O-P glad to see your still wit us and everything is hunky dory

Sandy forget what those people behind you are doing just keep on keeping on. At least you and the ones behind you will make it where your going safely.

Jamesbo those propagne companies are makin a killin off of that stuff and wit the twister damage up ere farwood should be easy to secure.

Blue I guess Redgoat had you by the ankles whilst you blew the drive off?? I bet you are plum puckered I mean tuckered out

Yall have a great Sunday afternoon

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Old February 12th, 2012, 10:36 AM
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Morning all, showers yesterday afternoon and they reckon more today but I haven't put my head outside and looked cause it's still dark so there's no point

Good to hear everyone is still keepin on with the snow coming down everywhere. You drive how you feel comfortable Sandy and when they overtake you and slide into a ditch just drive on past, as long as they look alright and no one is hurt

Looks like they are trying to pass some more really dumb laws regarding motorbikes over here so lets all hope that doesn't happen I would have a lot less money if they do thats for sure

Welcome back Pat, have fun working on the 48 Took the 98 out yesterday for a cruise, boy was it good

Better get some lunch together for work have a great day ya'll and stay safe and dry

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Old February 12th, 2012, 10:56 AM
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John, You don't have to go to de parades. Jes send a guy wit a video camera and a bushel basket of beads. We luv pics.
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Old February 12th, 2012, 10:57 AM
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Good afternoon everyone.

It is sunny and cold. It's -13C (8F) and feels more like -22C (-8F). Right now it looks like most of next week will be back above freezing.

I picked up the new interior parts I ordered for the Cutlass yesterday.

I went 5-pin bowling this morning with a group of car people. It is a Canadian bowling game. There are only 5 pins (who would have guessed) and the ball is just a little bigger than a softball and weighs 3-4lbs. I just can't get the hang of it, feels like I am pitching the ball more than bowling. But still a fun time.

Adrian, I finally got to watch the video you posted and your car looks and sounds great.

Good to hear from you B-O-P, look forward to the trunk pictures.

Sandy, like others have said, just drive so that you feel safe. And just think, we should be beyond the halfway point of winter. Before you know it, it will be too hot out

Originally Posted by Bluevista
That Redgoat has a stuffed pig he shows to Daylen every time he's here and tells him it's daddy. His dream is that someday in the fuure when he starts talking and sees a pic of a pig or one on TV when he's with his cop father he'll point at it and call it daddy.
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Old February 12th, 2012, 03:14 PM
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Good evening everyone!

Got the Rolls back today. The guy that went to get it for me called and I met him at my mechanic's and we got it off the trailer. I'll be at the mechanic's bright and early tomorrow morning to give him the keys and discuss what needs to be done. What a huge load off my mind to have it here and not still at the guy's house in Florida. Now to just get it running again.

Cold here all day. Sunny and 40. The lake is coming back up so I may not get another chance to work on the wall or go play in the mud. Glad I got done what I did.

Went to the old junkyard yesterday. The 67 Cutlass that I thought looked nice didn't look so nice up close. It had a later model 350 in it and lots of rust. The inside was nice, save for the rat leftovers, but it was brittle. Good parts car, and I learned that the cowl is the same as the 67 Chevelle. Hm.

So we haven't heard from Don for awhile. Hope he's okay. What about the others that seem to have disappeared? Wolfman and another guy I can't think of his name right now. Anyone ever hear from these guys? Hope they're doing well.

Well enjoy the beginning of the week, hope everyone is good.

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Old February 12th, 2012, 04:37 PM
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Redgoat had me by the ankles is right.
The old wheelbarrow technique does work well.
We had to blow off the drive again today, my mouth is so tired I can't even whistle for the dogs.
My daughter never read the owner's manual for her Jeep and didn't even know how to shift it into low range, it has a back-up camera and lots of cupholders and that's all she cared about when she bought it.
I need a back-up camera for the Custom Cruiser, need a reverse beeper and a few more cupholders too.

Sandy, Tincanio is a mighty winter vehicle and you drive slower than anybody I've ever seen that's under 90 years old so just watch out for people rear-ending you in this weather.

Redgoat enjoys nine-pin bowling up in the Catskills with his great uncle Rip Van Redgoat.
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