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Old February 6th, 2012, 02:47 AM
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Good Morning!

I sort of knew the words to that song because when I was in band in high school we had to do the music when the drama club performed the play "Hair" .
I finally figured out how to cut and paste and found the lyrics online too.

Glad to hear Lin is doing better Sandy, tell her howdy for me.
The wait and see what happens deal is a bit disconcerting.

My finger is doing better, thanks.
I'm jealous, I wish I had a grand dog , maybe you should just go to the vet instead of the doctor Sandy??

The car says thanks for the compliment Sandy.
The interior is nice, I wonder where they found blue cows to make those leather seats and door panels?
Maybe the Smurfs raise cattle?

I spent all day yesterday painting the rest of the frame on the front end of the car so I can start putting it back together, did I ever say I hated cars before??
I did catch the last half of the Puppy Bowl, lots of touchdowns scored, excellent game. They said they were going to have pig cheerleaders and I was expecting to see Rosie O'Donnel in a cheerleader outfit with pom-poms.
Thank goodness it was just the cute kind of swine with curly tails, I probably would of went blind instantly if I saw her dressed like that.
I tried to watch the other game but when Madonna came on I crashed, boy acrobats dancers never impressed me and lip-syncing to a sound track isn't performing in my eyes. I could of even done that but I have trouble dancing with the boys when I wear my spiked six inch heel leather stormtrooper boots.
If I could of worn my white platform shoes and did the Pee-Wee Herman "Tequila" dance I would of blown her outta' the water.

I was checking out the yard yesterday and noticed that the azaleas are getting leaves, the bulb type flowers are sprouting, and the grass is starting to grow in spots.
This has been a weird winter but I'll take it, I've only ran my snowblower once so far, knock on wood. I did more insulation in the attic last summer and cut in more overhang venting so we're saving a lot of money on fuel oil and electricity on top of the saving from being warmer than normal ... more car parts...or maybe another car??
Money doesn't burn a hole in my pocket, it never even makes it that far.
I have to find a clean '72 Cutlass Supreme to restore.
I'm sure glad they named those cars after her back-up singers and not Diana Ross, that would have been ridiculous.

Later, Allan
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Old February 6th, 2012, 05:31 AM
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Happy Monday. Didn't think much of the commercials, I do believe the game was better than the advertisements this year.

Just got all my photos and info to get the insurance changed over On the moldy oldy cars.

Hoping this Monday goes quickly for you.

Jamesbo, Thanks for the info.
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Old February 6th, 2012, 06:32 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool and clear but not smack'in whitey round dis mawn'in. Gots utter stuff to do.

Sandy, Glad things are look'in up fer your family.
Seems like if it ain't one thing its two.

Blue, De car's a beauty. Yeah, I think Smurf's got cows.

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Old February 6th, 2012, 07:28 AM
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Morning All!

Another beautiful morning out here! Sun and around 39 degrees right now. Guess we have a little snow heading towards us tomorrow or Wednesday. Figures.... I washed Tincanio, lol!

I got into work at 9:30. So far, no reaction to this antibiotic, which is a good thing! He gave me a little bit of it around 8:10, then came back in and gave me a little more, waited 20 minutes, came back in and gave me a little more, waited a half hour or so, and came back in and asked how I was feeling. I said good! No itching, no hives, no breathing problems. So I think this one will work!!! Yayyyyyy...... He gave me back the bottle of it - didn't throw it away. I guess if I get sick in the next 14 days, I can take it, lol. Ain't no good after 14 days. What a waste!!! He blamed the pharmacy companies when I complained about throwing away a full bottle of medicine. Whatever.

It's kind of busy in here this morning. Guys are humping cause they won't be here on Friday. They're going to New York for the sales meeting. I'll be here all by myself! Steve said the meeting in Houston was good. Projected sales company wide for this year are 300 million!!!! We did close to that last year, so I think we can do it!

It's only 74 degrees in here this morning. No one has cranked the heat yet. I'm surprised!! I don't have to have my fan on yet! Brian did get up and put on his jacket, though. Better than cranking the heat up!!

Larry didn't watch the whole game last night. He kept switching channels. I'm sure our people up in NY are happy today!

Blue....... Lord I missed your sense of humor!! I'd pay to see you dance in your spiked 6 inch heel leather stormtrooper boots, lol! I know what you mean about liking this winter!!! Isn't it wonderful?? I noticed the crocus starting to come up on Saturday. Hyacinths are partially up, daffodils have been half way up since fall.... I don't know what our spring will look like. You know we'll get a killing frost yet.

Well have a nice day all! Haven't heard from Adrian lately? And where the heck is Wolfie???? Hope he's ok.
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Old February 6th, 2012, 07:37 AM
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morning all

Blue skies and sunshine thru tomorrow says the weatherman then back to NW rain. The paper the other day stated that Seattle, Washington averages 58 days of sunshine a year. Isn't that grand.

Have a great Monday all
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Old February 6th, 2012, 08:18 AM
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Good Morning All

It's a bit drizzly out this morning but should fair up soon and be a nice day.

The stupor bowl was okay, halftime show stunk and the commercials were well just that. I sure thought New England had them but Ely and the boys pulled it out in Peyton's house again

Blue the 72 Supreme is a great car to tinker on I just wish I had the time and the dough to get mine back in order. One day soon I hope

Well it's time to round up some lunch. Yall have a great Monday

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Old February 6th, 2012, 10:58 AM
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Good Day All,
Well its a real nice day here today. Guess it wont be long and we'll be driving our Oldsmobiles and enjoying a bunch of car shows. And if I want to be driving my Cutlass, I better get to work on her Tranny leak.
Have a Great Day.
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Old February 7th, 2012, 01:10 AM
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Good evening all, sorry I haven't been on for a few days, I'm really getting tired of all this work. Maybe I need another month in the States

Great to have you back Blue!!!!! Looks like a pretty good car you got yourself there I finally got mine back on the road, yay. I put it up on ootube and I will put the link at the bottom so you can see. I posted one other link without the exhaust, she was quite loud

Also great to have you back Norton, glad your health has decided to cooperate for you

Any chance you can send some of those sale figures my way Sandy Just enough to retire would be good

Good looking truck you got as well Mike. I'm sure you will have fun fixin it up

Here is the link for the finished product Blue,

Have a good day/night everyone

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Old February 7th, 2012, 02:47 AM
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Clear wit cool mawn'ins and warm afternoons. Jonquils are bloom'in
Crazy winter

Cool link Adrian

About de Stupor Bowl. I've been to 3 or 4 an IMHO, it's hype fer de sake of hype.

Sandy, Tell de guys to quit "hump'in" til Wednesday. It jes ain't fitt'in to be hump'in on Mondays.

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Old February 7th, 2012, 03:15 AM
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Good Morning!!
I'm hungry, what's there to eat?

That's a beauteous Ninety-Eight Adrian, best one I've ever seen, sounds real good with the duals too. You need to ship that over so you could do a nationwide tour and give me a ride.
I really like the whitewalls, lots of guys don't put them back on those land yachts and they just don't look right without them.
I'm really missing not having an "old" car anymore, my Custom Cruiser is 20 years old and it's like a brand new car to me.
I keep forgetting about the GTO, never mind...

How much would you pay to see Redgoat dance in spiked heel stormtrooper boots Sandy??
He's not proud, he'll do almost anything for a buck, his dream is to find a rich old widow and become her gigolo.
He bought a white John Travolta "Saturday Night Fever" suit he can't wait to try out when the new casino opens downtown.
He's been trying to grow hair on his chest so the gold chains have some contrast but isn't having any luck. That nasty booze they always say will put hair on your chest really doesn't work, now he wants to join the Hair Club for Men.
I wish they'd stop delaying the casino opening, the real estate market should start doing much better around here when the massive influx of hookers is competing for housing. I have an extra room I could rent out to one or two ladies but I'm afraid Redgoat would take advantage of the situation and buy a full length white mink coat, a wide brimmed mink hat to match, and a '72 Cadillac Fleetwood with super fly headlights and porta-walls then go into business.

I ran out of stuff to do on the car until I get my latest order from Rockauto.
They give you those business card sized magnets with customer's car pics on them with every order and I think I have enough of them to completely cover the hull of a battleship.

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Old February 7th, 2012, 04:49 AM
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Good mornin. Gonna be short today. The weather persons blew it. 10% chance of snow with little to no accumulation, my heiny! 3" so far and its still coming down. I knew I shouldn't have taken the plow off yesterday.

Have a great snow free day.

Shouldn't meteorologists study meteors?
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Old February 7th, 2012, 05:45 AM
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Morning All!

It's a dark cloudy 34 degree morning here today. Goin up to the high 30's. We are supposed to get some snow showers later today..... heard lake effect may kick in on Sunday - it's only gonna be in the 20's on Saturday and lows in the teens..... burr. I have loved this winter so far. A little snow..... then it melts! If every winter would be like this, I wouldn't have to move to Phoenix! Yes I would, lol.

It was just absolute gorgeous yesterday! Got up to 48 degrees in the afternoon!!!

Blue..... you just crack me up, lol! I wish the casino would hurry up and get open too. They seem to keep having problems with parking decks collapsing as they're building these things!! I think the one in Cincinnati just went down not too long ago.

Clint.... that sucks!!!!! You just keep that snow out there, please! How's your tooth feeling now? Larry cracked another one of his teeth last night. He chomps on ice and hard candies..... his dentist keeps telling him not to do it! As mother used to say - if you don't listen, you'll feel!!!!! So much truth in that saying, lol!

Adrian..... Glad to hear from you! Yeah, I think you need another break.... come on over! We'd love to have ya back again!

Well you all have a nice day!
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Old February 7th, 2012, 08:11 AM
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I'm speachless try'in to get a pitcher of Blue's impersanation of John Ravolta wit his new Mr. T. starter set.
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Old February 7th, 2012, 08:56 AM
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Blue don't forget the three foot purple feather to go in your mink hat
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Old February 7th, 2012, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Blue don't forget the three foot purple feather to go in your mink hat
That would be Redgoat's hat, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that get-up.
Sort of like the feather Rooster on Baretta wore in his hat?

Attachment 178269

When Redgoat sees this he'll want to dye his white Ravolta suit pink.
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Old February 7th, 2012, 09:27 AM
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Oops I'm sorry Blue, I meant to say (ahem cough cough) Redgoat But yes exactly just like the one Rooster donned except longer
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Old February 7th, 2012, 10:20 AM
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Good Morning All,
Pretty cool here today. Had a look at my Tranny in the Cutlass yesterday,thought the front seal was leaking but turns out the O Ring in the front pump is the culprit. So I guess I should just bite the bullit and do a complete rebuilt .
Adrian, That is a beautiful car that you have and it sounds great too.
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Old February 7th, 2012, 12:07 PM
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Back without luck

Hey everyone, I'm back after a long and trying weekend.

The new car I bought is a 1981 Rolls Royce Silver Spur. It belonged to a friend's dad, and since I've been having trouble finding a convertible that I like, I figured this would be major cool.

The car ran great when I went to pick it up, in fact I drove it two hours from St. Cloud to Ormond Beach. Got it up on my trailer and then figured out the car was too heavy, by about 1200lb. Took the trailer back home to Atlanta, flew down the next day, and got as far as St. Augustine and it quit. No fire. Had it hooked to a friend-of-a-friend's house and flew home this morning.

I'm having trouble finding a trailer that is suitable so Plan 9(from outerspace) is I'm going to go buy a trailer that will work. I don't want to go through this again, and besides I've been looking for a reason to buy a nice enclosed trailer.

So I'll try to catch up later on and contribute something. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Old February 7th, 2012, 12:41 PM
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Sorry to hear that, Mike. That sucks!! Hope you get it worked out!
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Old February 7th, 2012, 03:27 PM
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Morning all, overcast today so it will probably rain later on

Sounds like getting your new car home is a bit of a mission Mike, sure hope it isn't this hard to fix the fire in it

Thanks on the car compliments I do like her that's for sure.

Well I better get off this puter and do something around here, although I will prob wait until I get the urge to do something so nothing will get done lol

Have a great day everybody

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Old February 8th, 2012, 02:44 AM
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Good Morning.

Bummer about the Rolls Mike, are you going to buy a new truck to pull the new trailer too?
I've tried that same reasoning many times and my wife just looks at me all funny-like and says "Dream-on...boy".
Rockauto sells Rolls-Royce parts if you need anything BTW.

Nothing exciting happening around here, hopefully my parts arrive today so I can get the OCC back together and get it up to the shop for an alignment.

Hey Sandy, you should get an enclosed trailer for Teepo so it doesn't get dusty going to shows, Mr. Chebelle has one.
Does Tincanio have a trailer hitch and good brakes???
You would have to put Tincanio's drive hamsters on steroids to have enough power just to pull it empty, put Teepo inside and the hamsters would probably go on strike for unfair labor practices.
I can picture them marching around Tincanio in a picket line with little tiny protest signs and a real tin can for a burn barrel to stay warm.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 04:08 AM
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Good Morning all,
Its about 42 here in dallas. Time is not going by fast enough. I'm ready to get off and go take a look at my cutlass to see how things are coming. Hopefully I will have some updated pics to show you all.

Last edited by Alex72cutty; February 8th, 2012 at 04:10 AM.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 04:31 AM
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Mawnin All

Clear and cooler this morn with temps in the mid 30's, but supposed to fair up nicely with highs in the mid 60's.

Blue I can picture the hamsters going on strike as well That's too funny, I'd never have pictured Teepo as a trailer queen, but then again she does get quite the attention

Wow Mike, a Rolls? You must be going to start limboing people to the airport on the way to werk Anywho I'd be leary of pulling anything that heavy with the '68. Those drum brakes are a bear to stop (ask me how I know)

Norton I think rebuilding the trans would be the best way to go, might as well.

Jamesbo did ya catch the Chebby commercial dat said "Where's Dave?" "Oh Dave didn't make it." "He drove a Phord." LOL Now Phord is crying foul over the stupid commercial

Yall have a beautimus humpin day

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Old February 8th, 2012, 05:56 AM
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Mawn'in all

Weather is Scot's X 2 - 5/10 degrees

Adrian, Dis month I gots a wallarroo smilin at me fer 29 days. Thanks again fer de calander

Mike, Congrats on de Rolls, I'm gonna have to come down dar a take a pic. It's probably de only one parked outside de Awful House. I never ridden in one. Would you take ms fer a spin?

I got's a trailer fer my tractor. Don't know if it's big enough fer ya but you're welcome to it. Alll ya gots to do is fix all de wire'in de rats chewed up.

Norton, When ya gets dat tranny leaked fixed Sandy could use sum help wit her leak.

Scot, No, I didn't see dat one. I was stuck watch'in Storage Wars. I'm still try'in to figger out how dos dudes make any money haul crap all over de place to find out what it's worth.

Happy Hump day Olds friends
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Old February 8th, 2012, 05:58 AM
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Morning All!

Cold and crisp here this morning. Temps in the 30's, supposed to get a little snow today. Well, it's flurrying right now, lol! I just looked out.

Not much going on in here. Kind of a quiet morning. I started playing computer games yesterday morning about 9:30...... it was a long day!!

Blue.... you leave Tincanio's hampsters alone, lol! That made me laugh! She does not have a trailer hitch, lol. I love my cheesy tin can! I've had it a whole year now!

Scot..... Of course Teepo is worthy of being a trailer queen!!!!! She would probably like it, lol, but she was made to be driven, not pulled around! If I had Mr. Chebelle's money..... I could buy a car that I never had to work on too, lol. No oil leaks, no grease anywhere, mirrors all around it, best of show trophies.... But it has no character, to me. He's never done anything to it!! I love to drive Teepo!!
I haven't seen that commercial yet - that's funny, lol! Brian here would get insulted.... he's a die hard Furd guy. Nuff said!

Well have a great day all!
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Old February 8th, 2012, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Adrian, Dis month I gots a wallarroo smilin at me fer 29 days. Thanks again fer de calander
What in the wide world of sports is a wallarroo? Like a baby kanga?

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Mike, Congrats on de Rolls, I'm gonna have to come down dar a take a pic. It's probably de only one parked outside de Awful House. I never ridden in one. Would you take ms fer a spin?
I know right

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, No, I didn't see dat one. I was stuck watch'in Storage Wars. I'm still try'in to figger out how dos dudes make any money haul crap all over de place to find out what it's worth.
Here it is Watch the Chevy commercial.

Oh and I love that show but the TW says it all staged, which it is but they do find some neat stuff occasionally

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Scot..... Of course Teepo is worthy of being a trailer queen!!!!! She would probably like it, lol, but she was made to be driven, not pulled around! If I had Mr. Chebelle's money..... I could buy a car that I never had to work on too, lol. No oil leaks, no grease anywhere, mirrors all around it, best of show trophies.... But it has no character, to me. He's never done anything to it!! I love to drive Teepo!!
I haven't seen that commercial yet - that's funny, lol! Brian here would get insulted.... he's a die hard Furd guy. Nuff said!
Oh I know Teepo is all that and way more appreciated than a trailer queen. Like you said you drive her when the weather is nice, it's your pride and I know a whole lot of people that love your car as well including me. Bet mr chebbelle can't say that You'll have to email Brian the chevy ad if he turns the heat up too high
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Old February 8th, 2012, 08:59 AM
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Ive been to Mr. Chebelle's house and in the garage on the south wing of the house with the Chebelle in it he just has a little "My Buddy" plastic fishing tackle box with a few tools in it.
He's one of the nouveau riche so you have to give him a break, the plastic fake flowers and naked cherub statues in front of his million dollar house aren't that bad.
He does have a sand trap and a putting green way in the backyard he spends all day bonking golf ***** out to when he's not fishing, maybe I could be his caddy/ worm wrangler and make a few extra bucks?
I'm not proud, that should be obvious by now, he can even call me "boy" and slap me around like Laura does.

Last edited by Bluevista; February 8th, 2012 at 09:03 AM. Reason: I be disremembering puncshuations
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Old February 8th, 2012, 09:21 AM
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Lol!!! I talked to him at several shows this summer, Blue. I'd ask him if he went to such and such show, and he'd say "No.... I was on the golf course". He said it's a hard job, but someone has to do it. I said " I bet it is".... I'd like to know where he got all his money. Rich uncle die or what? He's too young to be retired. Maybe he's a silent partner in Google or Facebook or something.

And...... just let me tell you something bud, you up and leave us again without a word, and I'll be coming to your house and slapping you around like Laura does! Got that??
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Old February 8th, 2012, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Lol!!! I talked to him at several shows this summer, Blue. I'd ask him if he went to such and such show, and he'd say "No.... I was on the golf course". He said it's a hard job, but someone has to do it. I said " I bet it is".... I'd like to know where he got all his money. Rich uncle die or what? He's too young to be retired. Maybe he's a silent partner in Google or Facebook or something.

And...... just let me tell you something bud, you up and leave us again without a word, and I'll be coming to your house and slapping you around like Laura does! Got that??
Yes ma'm, I got it.
I knew it was mistake letting you know where I live, funny that you keep your location top secret?
I could find it on google I bet, I'd just look for a herd of deer eating all the landscaping and a green cutlass with a white vinyl top in the drive and that would be the place.

Mike is retired and I have no idea what he did, never talks about it.
He may have worked at McDonalds picking up butts in the parking lot for all I know.
His wife Dorothy is the head buyer for Nordstrom's IIRC and makes the big bucks.
He wants to buy an LS6 convertible now and talks about spending 85 to a 100K for one like it's nothing and isn't snooty about it at all. They got bored with them so they sold their string of horses so he has some mad money to play with.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 12:06 PM
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Good Day All,

Kinda cool again today.

Jamesbo, If I only had that small leak Sandy has I wouldn't worry. But I guess because I didn't use the car at all for the past year, the O Ring dried out and started leaking. About a litre a night.

Scot, Thats the coolest commercial, I've ever seen. I wonder if theres a law suit in GMs future.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 12:34 PM
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No doubt Norton it is my new fave Lawsuit? Maybe, but there will be some flack fer sure. Let's see how they retaliate. I've always had bad experiences working on other peoples phords so I never cared for most of them. The worst thing to me would be having to take everything off the front of the engine to get to one part unlike GM. Although I would have a 70 Mach 1 or an earlier 60's Falcon gasser would be fun.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 01:21 PM
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Morning all, a little rain yesterday afternoon but the sun is out this morning. Lets hope it stays that way

That is a good commercial there Scot, I read some of the comments people wrote at the bottom. There are some sad people in this world is all I have to say about the comments lol

Almost time for me to go to bed, one more niiight, oh yeah hehehe

Have a good Thursday everyone, when you get there that is

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Old February 8th, 2012, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Although I would have a 70 Mach 1 .
X2 on the Mach 1
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Old February 8th, 2012, 06:20 PM
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There was a blue Mach 1 round here with a 428 ram air, black stripes and lettering ever since I can remember. My daughter attends a college about two hours east of me towards Savannah, GA and one day last year I had to "run" down there and deal with her grand am (passlock issues) and there it sat by the road just before getting on I-16 out by the road "For Sale" none the less. Well, her car wouldn't start and she needed a way to get from the dorm, to school and to work or it was up to us to feed her So I didn't stop to see what they were asking for it, but I promised myself I would at least stop and ask once I got back this way. Low and behold after slaving over that darn grand am all day when I did get back the Mach 1 was gone. I had already slowed way down so I pulled in anyway and knocked on the door. A real nice fellow answered and said yes that was his brother's car that bought it new and had been "For Sale" out there for weeks. Come to find out a guy from North Carolina swung in that afternoon and payed $6,850.00 for it cash. And this car was a survivor, no re-paints no interior work only the basic stuff with one head gasket issue back in the early 80's and worn out drivers front seat cover. I guess if I were to have a phord it woulda been that one
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Old February 8th, 2012, 09:39 PM
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The 8 second part II to the chebby stupor bowl commercial
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Old February 9th, 2012, 01:02 AM
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Good morning.

TGIF Adrian.
When you go through the drive-thru at the Down Under McDonalds with the Olds do you have to slide over to pay and get your food, have to have really long arms, use one of those grabber things, or drive through in reverse??

You can't sue the government so GM has nothing to worry about from Ferd.
There is a 90's GM 350 V8 engine that you have to take the water pump and harmonic balancer off to get to the highly problem prone and very expensive distributor.
I won't spell it out exactly because the "ell tee one" guys will find this and be on me like white on rice.

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Old February 9th, 2012, 04:45 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter chilly mawn'in wit afternoons warm'in up a mite.

Scot, Dat's an interest'in commercial. I haven't been w/o a white Cheby truck in 'bout 40 years.

Don't know why, but my TV habits are a bit strange lately. Miss de whole Stupor Bowl but find myself watch'in sum wierd stuff. Lately. My Golden Retreiver has de hots fer Dog [de bouty hunter's] wife. I don't see the fasination but his ears stick up when she moves away from de camera. Personally, I think she needs to give up de tight top and start wear'in a tent or at least a MooMoo.

Rately, I've been watch'in CSI Miami. I don't really know WTH is go'in on BUT, de white sand, emrald waters, blue skies, and buxom blonde hard bodies seem to mimimize de winter chill.

Oh yeah back to Ferds. IMHO A Rustang is a Rustang. I did however drive a real live 66 Shelby GT 350 once and it was a sho nuff bear. Never got de deal on Elenors though. I did like de ole Galaxie fast backs from de 60's and I once owned a 71 LTD. De 65/66 Farlanes were pretty cool. IMHO. I'm jes not a big Holley fan. Now Webers are anutter matter entirely.

Mike, De news said sum one dropped dar gum on I-75 S and reached over to pick it up, so de whole Interstate is almost closed now. Hope you don't have to git on it to go to de Awful House dis Mawn'in. It's a mess.

Since all my olds buds have elected to talk Furds Chebelles and Rolli [plural for Rolls] I still would like to have an Amphicar. Maybe one day.

Adrian, WTH is a Wallaroo anywho. Looks jes like a kangaroo to me in de pic on my callander.

GTG, I'm apply'in fer a job at Mickey Ds pick'in up butts in de park'in lot.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 05:06 AM
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Happy Thursday all.

Been busier than a cat covered in crap.
Goin to the Dentist today for that pain in my mouth. Just like goin to the mechanic, cuz now it doesn't seem to hurt that bad.

Well, They quit pumpin so much fluid thru pop yesterday, which in turn means he doesn't have to get rid of so much fluid, and makes him a happy(ier) camper. That in turn makes me a little less pissed at him. He's admitted he's been pretty miserable in there, so I'm hopin he'll mind his P's and Q's and quit havin aneurysms.

Now the the ground is fully saturated (A.K.A. muddy as heck)and there is a foot of snow everywhere, the ladies in the pasture have decided to go an a serious weight loss program.

This is Sally, She was our first bottle calf. This is the first bull she's thown in several years. She usually has really ornery heifers. He's about an hour old here.

Attachment 178262

3 down and about a dozen more to go.

Good luck on the Job interview Jamesbo

Blue, I think those guys refer to that distributor as 'well camouflaged'

Scot, I'm gonna let all this ford bashing pass, since I'm true, blue oval since I was a kid.

Alex, Lets see some photos,

Sandy, Maybe your car has a little Harley Davidson in it? And Bulldog, Maybe yours has a lot?

Blue, Who's this elusive redgoat you've been talking about?

Have a great day all.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 05:28 AM
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Hey, Black Baldies I used to have Black Baldies or Mule headed Angus as sum people call dem.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 05:58 AM
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Morning All!

Cold here this morning. A whopping 20 degrees, but sun is out and sky is blue!! Supposed to go up to around 40. Snow coming in tomorrow evening.......

I'm looking forward to the guys being gone tomorrow! Brian is whining cause he has to be at Steve's house at 4:30 am!!!! Poor baby, lol! Steve and Clay don't mess around. They hate to be held up by anything too. And Brian smokes, so when they stop, they always have to wait on him and they get irritated!! Glad I'm not going on this trip....

Clint..... I love that pic! I used to feed baby calfs with bottles, lol. I liked it! I like cows. I always go look at them at the fair. My mom had jersey cows when we lived in West 'by God' Virginia many moons ago. I never attempted to milk one, though. Good to hear you're gonna go get the tooth looked at. Larry ended up getting an $850 crown Monday when he went for his cracked tooth.

Happy to hear your dad is doing better. How's your daughter? Mine is sick - I think she has the flu. She was complaining about being dizzy (worse than usual, lol) yesterday, burning up hot and just feeling horrible. I should of went out to see her last night but I didn't. Told her I'll make a doctor appt. for her today if she wants to go.

Oh dear!!! You don't know about Redgoat, do you? Daddy's, load your gun and lock up the women and children!! I'm not going there, lol!

Jamesbo... I've watched CSI Miami, but just can't get in to it. It's ok. I watch the original CSI (the one in Vegas) every week. I'm running in to a problem on Thursday nights...... I can only record 2 shows, and we watch The Big Bang Theory and the other shows after it on the same channel. Now I'm recording The Vampire Diaries at 8:00 on another channel, and now Idol is on at 8:00 also...... I hate it!! When you're recording 2 different channels, you have to watch one of them or cancel one out, or you can record both and watch something you already have recorded. You can't record 2 shows and watch a different channel at the same time. And tonight The Swamp People come back on, too! Ever watch that show? Clay got me into watching it, lol! Shootin those gators, lol!! "Shoot em Lizbeth"!

Nevermind.... it's complicated! There isn't anything we watch on Tuesday nights except The Last Man Standing, so I don't know why they couldn't put some of these shows on another night!!!

So there's my newest dilema, lol!! Well Nicole just texted me - says shes feeling a little better. I should run out to the boro at lunch time and go to Walmart and get her some cold pills and Nyquil and a thermometer and drop off. I can do that in an hour, I think. Kids......

Well have a good day all!
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