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Old February 3rd, 2012, 05:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Warm but wet dis afternoon.

Norton, Welcome back. We missed cha.

Scot, I hope ya didn't get any rug burn brak'in in de new carpet wit your bride.

CQR, Sound like one of thoses times ya gotta be better dan a 2 plate juggler. I'm sure they're glad to have a son like you.

BTW, If you can rememebr the 70's you weren't there. I listened to Janis' Pearl so many times on my 8 trach, I call tell ya whar it clicks in Bobby McGee.

Udo, I jes had luch wit a bud who used to own a company dat made dem tires. 'Bout 20 years ago he had an employee get kilt mess wit dem split rims.

Mike, Ere's a pic of my Bud's Cutlass drop top. I hope you find a nicer one.

TGIF Olds buds
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 06:18 AM
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Morning All!

A beautiful but cold morning here today. Sun is out, sky is blue, but it's in the 20's. Heavy frost all over everything. According to the weather last night, we're gonna get more 'normal' temps week after next.

Clint..... Good to hear the folks are doing ok! Hope they continue to improve. I heard about the snow that is falling out there this morning on the radio. Stay safe!!

Steve is off today. He's on his way to Houston for the annual sales meeting at company headquarters. Next Friday, the 10th, these guys all go to our New York plant for the sales meeting there. I'm not included in that one. I'm looking forward to having the place to myself, here.

Next Friday will also be 1 year since we lost The Colonel. Hard to believe it's been a year. I really miss him.

Not much going on around here today. Kind of quiet still. Brian is still way over worked and whining, lol. I suppose this weekend I should go up and take Lin shopping and get that out of the way. Then I'm gonna have to look at those friggin crooked drapes and I'm gonna get mad, lol.

Well you all have a great Friday!!
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 07:50 AM
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Nice Day all..

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 07:50 AM
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Good morning all

Norton, Glad to see that you are back and on top of your game. You have a lot of reading to do to catch up

Clint, Hope everything continues to improve with your mom and dad. I am sure this is a very stressful situation for all.

Sandy, Yeah time really fly's by doesn't it. Almost a year since Col went cruising on the route 66 in the sky. Miss his special sense of humor

Udo, Too cold for cruising that's for sure. Wouldn't want to mess with the tires on the rig.

Jamsbo, Going to California next week for three days of warm golf. Haven't shot a round since October should be interesting
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 07:53 AM
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I saw that pic in the magazine, Udo! Very nice!! Congrats! I should send one of Teepo in, lol!!
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:04 AM
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Hey All!

I just heard from Bluevista!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo happy! Just in case you can't tell, lol!!! He is still around, and is well! I'm begging him to get back on the forum. All together now: PLEEEEAAAASSEEEE!!!!

He and Laura had some trials and tribulations to go through and get over, as we can all relate to, and things are finally back in perspective for them! I am just thrilled!! I missed him soooo much. He has another Olds now, don't know much about it but will hopefully find out! I am just so happy!!
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:11 AM
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That's great news. Be great to have Allen back amongst the group once again.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:16 AM
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Come out come out wherever you are
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:23 AM
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Here I be everybody.

I've been through some hard times as a few of you already know and I apologize for not being more forthcoming and hiding out like I did for eight months or so but hopefully you'll understand and accept me back into the fold.

I unfortunately don't have the Vista Cruiser anymore but I did get a '92 Custom Cruiser so it's sort of an updated Vista Cruiser and more importantly an Oldsmobile. It not blue either but you can see blue skies through the vista window in the roof so I'm still Bluevista, that sideways reasoning sounds good anyway.
The interior is blue so you can see blue through the window the other way too, it's leather and smells like a cow.

It's going to take me a bit to get back up to speed, took me awhile to figure out how to navigate around but I'm getting the hang of it again. I see some sort of new chatbox deal whatever that is??
This is the best site around by far, I tried going on B-body wagon sites and felt like I was cheating on my wife, not that I would ever even think of that in billion years. I'm dead meat if she sees this...
I did make a new egomaniacal arch enemy on a wagon site, just let him register here and try to mess with me, I'll sic Sandy on him and he'll wish he was never born.

I hope everybody is doing well and if everything gets back to normal you'll be wishing I would of stayed away longer, then I'll now all is all back to normal for sure.



P.S. I'm Grandpa Bluevista now too.
I find myself driving really slow with one directional on all the time for some reason now???
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:26 AM
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Oh I hope he posts!!! Nevermind.... he beat me to it lol!

WELCOME BACK BLUE!!!!!!!!!! Thank you soooooo much for coming back to us!! I missed you so much! I'll kick anyone's a$$ that messes with you, lol!!! Sometimes you just have to ignore certain people - it's their own insecurities that make them have to sound like they know it all, when they don't know a darned thing!

So tell us about this new car! Did you have to do anything to it, or was it already beautiful when you got it? I need to see more pics, lol! Teepo will be soooo happy to know you're back, when I tell her!

Last edited by cutlassgal; February 3rd, 2012 at 09:31 AM.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:32 AM
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Good Day All,
Thanks for the great welcome back. My weight has been holding pretty steady for the past couple of weeks, and I seem to have a little more energy. Dont know what was or is wrong but I sure hope it has passed.

Blue, welcome back. Hope everything stays on track for you.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:38 AM
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Welcome back Granpa Blue,

Would you mind detail'in my engine bay. My back's kill'in me and I know how much you like detail'in.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:48 AM
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Welcome Back.... Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back Blue! I think I was "initiated" into the Good Mawnin Thread bout the time you weren't posting anymore. Good to hear all is well and congrats for being a Grandpa! I know you must be proud.

Congrats Udo on your JWO debut Very nice '80 Cutlass Supreme you have there.

Jamesbo, she made me promise not to kiss and tell

Clint good to hear everyone's well, but I know stress levels were out the roof. Hopefully there is a sigh of relief for you soon. And yup she sure does make us take our shoes off at the door and has done so for 20 years. I guess that is why the carpet lasted that long

Well it's gonna be a great Friday! After all we have Norton and Blue back amongst friends Yall have a great day

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 10:18 AM
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Congrats Udo!

WB Blue!

8" of snow so far. Real fine, wet, heavy, windblown stuff. Almost got the mighty Yota stuck Never done that yet. None of the parts houses will deliver today. I have a nasty toothache today. I think I'm clenching at night. I wonder why?

Happy Friday all. Have a great weekend.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 10:45 AM
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Thanks guys and Sandy,

I'm all verklemt...

Here what made me a grandpa, and his name is Daylen, most recent pic I have on my PC so pretend the guy holding him is Gabby Hayes or one of the guys from ZZ Top.
And no, that is not me holding him in the pic either before you ask.
I may be a grandpa but it didn't make me look like one overnight I hope.

Attachment 178366

Who cares about my lousy car pics?
I'll get some on later, nothing to get too excited about but it's slowly growing on me.
It still scares me a little having a computer, TBI fuel injection, driver's side airbag and ABS, otherwise it really isn't much different than the Vista Cruiser when all is said and done, it does have a Chebby engine though.
My favorite part is watching the powerful antenna go up and down.
The engine is black and is staying incognito, I'd have to paint it gold or chebby orange and both options seem very wrong to me.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 11:29 AM
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 11:51 AM
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Happy Friday everyone!

Welcome back Blue and Norton. I read about you guys in the archives. Glad you're here to interact with now.

Jamesbo that's a decent looking car, but after sitting for so long will need pretty much everything. I hope someone gets ahold of it and does it up good. You know they ain't making any more of them.

Sandy that is quite the collection of Oldsmobiles you listed the other day. Too bad you don't still have them all, you could have your own little museum. My first car was supposed to be an 81 Cutlass, but instead it was a 70 Cutlass. I still did pretty good.

Udo that's a nice looking car you have there. I've never had a picture of my car published. Must be some thrill to open up a magazine and see your pride and joy.

Pat enjoy California. And have a Double Double at In&Out for me.

Clint I'm glad your folks are on the road to recovery. Hopefully you can relax a little now and give your dental work a rest.

I don't think we've heard from Adrian for a few days. Maybe he didn't make it off of night shift.

Well I'm leaving before the chickens tomorrow for Florida to get the new ride. I'll try to post a picture so you can see it. It's not an Oldsmobile, but sort of related by a really big stretch. But for now, I'm going up to Winder to look at a 68 Chevy truck. I can't get anyone to go with me, so I'm taking my trailer in case I like it. Hope it fits on there. I only have 79 inches between the fenders. I know the next version of the Chevy truck won't fit. Hm.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Okay I can't figure it out easily and I've gotta go. I'll give it a try later.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 12:15 PM
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Awwwwwww...... isn't Daylen a cute little fellow! He must take after Laura's side of the family, lol! Lord, I've missed you! How come you have a black chebby engine? I know you didn't put it there..... remember the pic you made of Teepo's engine painted Chebby orange, you shi*?? I looked for it but couldn't find it.

Mike.... Have a safe trip to the Sunshine state!

Clint..... Don't you just hate stress? Hang in there. I have some kind of TMJ thing going on with my jaw on the right side. Woke up the other morning and had such pain over there! I think Larry socked me a good one or something during the night, lol. I don't know what happened overnight, lol. I don't grind my teeth. So I went to my dentist and he just gave me a prescription for like a powerful Motrin type pill to relieve the swelling and get it so I could open my mouth to eat. He never took x-rays or anything. I thought he would. I can eat now, but there's like a pressure I can feel everytime I open my mouth. It still isn't right. When I chew, sometimes a sharp pain comes and goes clear into my brain, it feels like. I can hear and feel the bone hit bone or something when that happens. So I'm eating very carefully and slowly. Don't think there's much they can do about this TMJ stuff from looking on the internet and reading about it. So I reckon I'll live with it for a while. I just got my dentist paid off after 2 years, and I don't want to be paying him again already!!
Hope your tooth gets to feeling better. Toothaches are miserable. You be careful in that snow...... and keep it out there, ok?
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 12:38 PM
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Thanks for the congrats all...

Glad to see a post from Norton...

and the incredible come back from Blue...
Must be a MAGIC BLUE...

Take good care..

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 01:03 PM
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Hey Blue...... I forgot to ask, how is that scoundral Redgoat doing?
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Hey Blue...... I forgot to ask, how is that scoundral Redgoat doing?
You rang??

That Redgoat is fine, he told me to tell you that they painted the engines black in honor of an early Rolling Stones album??
He's been busy secretly teaching Daylen to give his mom raspberries when she's feeding him creamed carrots on command.
The bubble wagons all had Chebby engines, a 305 or the optional 350 in '92.

Redgoat says he wishes he would of gotten to your engine sooner with the chebby orange paint.
Still can if you want??

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 03:31 PM
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Hi Blue

I was trying to sing the welcome back Kotter song with Bluevista, sadly it didn't work couldn't stand the sound of my own voice.

You need to get some rocket stickers and put on the air cleaner at least.

Sandy is just as giddy as a school girl now which is great because soon you'll start hearing the weather reports and how she can't get Teepo out of the garage and you'll have to console her.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 05:38 PM
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Welcome back Blue!
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 08:00 PM
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Good evening everyone.

I'm going to hit the sack for a couple hours and then head out for Florida. Just wanted to check in before I go since I'll be absent for a couple days.

Here is a picture of my new pickup truck. I got it this evening. It's very solid, has a few issues, but absolutely workable. Six cylinder and three on the tree. Runs real nice.

Hm if the picture works here I'll do the same with a picture of the car I'm going to pick up in Florida.
Edit: Can't get the picture to work. I guess you'll have to wait for me to take my own pictures.


Last edited by slantflat; February 3rd, 2012 at 08:04 PM.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 08:44 PM
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Mike, I can see it. Clean lookin truck. Needs a set of meats and maybe a chrome bumper. but looks good. and Besides, those L6's wont die. heck, you could put it together in a sandbox and get 200k out of it.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 07:25 AM
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Mawn'in alll

Dank an drizzly dis mawn'in.

Perfect day to whip up a Frito Pie fer lunch.

Since Blue's back wit us. I won't dare have a pickle wit it.

Nice truck Mike, Has anyone but me ever thought the spare tire location on pick me up trucks is the stupidiest design ever thunk up.

Have a great weekend Olds friends.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 07:54 AM
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Morning All!

It's snowing a fine little snow here right now. Temps around 34. Don't know if it's supposed to keep snowing or what today.

Well Redgoat.... I see you found the pic I was talking about, lol! I was just wondering how your engine would look in that ungodly color, lol!! I think I'd keep it black too. Oh my poor engine.... it sure looked rough, didn't it? Booster all ugly and those red heater hoses...... Thanks for the color change offer, but I think I'll keep it as it is now. Someone worked really hard to make it as beautiful as it is now, lol!

Mike.... I like your truck! It looks nice from the picture.

Clint.... How's the toothache and the snow today?? Hope both are letting up some, lol!

So I get a call from my nephew David, Jean's son, yesterday afternoon telling me that Jean is in the hospital! Seems she was up most of Thursday night throwing up, and again yesterday morning when she got up for work. So she called off work - which she never does - and went back to bed. Davey said he poked his head in her room about 1:00 yesterday afternoon and asked her if she was ok, and she said she didn't know.

She got up and came out to the living room and sat down, and Davey said he could see her heart beating hard and fast in her neck from across the room! So he called the fire dept. and the paramedics took her to Robinson. I called and talked to her last night, and she said they don't know what's wrong with her heart yet. It's beating erratically. She said in the ambulance that the paramedics were talking about her heart 'quivering' on the bottom and beating normal on the top. I told her that's A-Fib, that's what I have! She said they asked her in the ER if she ever had A-Fib and she said no, but her sister does. She said she could hear the nurses talking, and they'd say "well she's normal now", and then a minute later they'd say "well there she goes up again". She didn't have a heart attack though, which is good.

She said they are supposed to do 'tests' this morning, what kind of tests she didn't know. She said they have her on a personal heart monitor that she keeps in her pocket instead of having her hooked up to the heart monitor on the pole in the room. I don't know why. She's had Mitral Valve Prolapse since the early 80's, when she had 2 heart attacks. In December, her doctor changed the medicine she's been taking since back then to Topral, a kind of beta blocker. He told her that the old medicine wasn't doing what it should be doing anymore. She started the Topral around Christmas time. She's had headaches and stuff since changing. I told her to tell her doctor..... don't know if she ever did or not. I told her they had to try a couple different beta blockers on me until we found one that works. That Topral is a nasty one. I was reading to her off the internet about it a couple weeks ago, when we were trying to figure out if it could be causing her headaches. I told her they may have to give her something different.

She said the ER doctor didn't seem to know anything about her mitral valve prolapse. They were going to call in her regular doctor this morning. So She's supposed to call me and let me know when they're done with the tests. She didn't want me coming up there and her being gone having tests. I'm thankful she didn't have another heart attack. She's 73 now, and I worry!! So keep her in your thoughts, if you would please!

I suppose I better get off here and start some cleaning - don't know what the rest of my day is gonna bring. I need to take Lin shopping sometime. Maybe later if I head to the hospital since they're both in Ravenna, lol!!

Have a good day all!!
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Old February 4th, 2012, 08:20 AM
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Tis a perty day here in the heartland. Temps going up to 72 round here dis evening with clear skies

That's a good looking '68 Mike. Is it the 250 L6 or the 292 L6? I've got the '67 stepside that came with a 250 and 3 on the tree, but since High School I've put three 355 smallblocks in it. And like Clint said, you can't kill them things. I still have the 250 (still running when I pulled it) the bellhousing, clutch, pressure plate, z-bar and pedal in my garage. IIRC the 250 came with about 20 hp shy of the 283 output. The three speed saginaw's first and reverse sliding gear went south and I had to park where I could just go forward and start out in 2nd So since I had to change the transmission I figured I could put a new small block in her and have more fun.

Well there was a little excitement this morning at work. I was out on the back dock getting ready to unload Uncle Sugar's Letter Truck and pow pow pow........ pow pow pow pow pow. Across the street is a bowling alley and I guess some people were arguing over who had the ugliest shoes I don't like it but Warner Robins is getting worse and worse about shootings and stuff. I guess it's pretty much everywhere but they should bring our troops home and fight a real war here and get these gangs and dealers behind bars where they belong. Anywho yall have a great day, I gotta find some lunch but it ain't gonna be frito pie

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Old February 4th, 2012, 08:56 AM
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Good morning all


I will keep your sister in my thoughts.

OK, Jamsbo ya got me what is Frito pie? Or do I really want to know.

Sunshine and mid 50's today which is a rare occurrence for us here in the Northwest this time of year. Guess I'll take the hint from my wife and get out and finish the yard clean up. The retirement house will be build on a large concrete slab painted green. The trees and shrubs will be plastic. no more yard work for me.

Always liked the year of chevy. I had a 67 CST short box with the 327 and posi rear and split front with center arm rest. It had camel back heads and dome pistons which I found out when I rebuild the engine. It was a very fast pickup. Another one I should not have let get away.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
Jamsbo ya got me what is Frito pie?

It's a really complicated culinary delight.

1 bowl
cover bottom of bowl with Fritos
Cover Fritos with Hot Chili
Cover hot Chili wit graded cheddar cheese
Cover graded cheese with chopped onions

Goes great wit a "Thirst Slacker" as ole Diz used to say.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 02:57 PM
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Hey everyone. Just got back to my friend's with the new car. We're going to dinner tonight and I'll head home in the morning.

Thanks for the nice comments on the truck. Definitely a project but should be a lot of fun.

Sandy take care of the sis. I'll be thinking about you guys.

Okay everyone have fun and I'll see you in a couple days.

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Old February 4th, 2012, 03:41 PM
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Afternoon. Been pushin snow around most of the morning. then had a good nap after lunch.

Sandy, good vibes sent towards your sister, hope she gets things settled down. Tooth is a little better, just an annoyance right now. The snow quit and the sun came out today.

Attachment 178351

Jamesbo, Yes sir, but at least they have the cable & crank dealie now instead of the all-thread and crossbar on the older ones. Frito pie is a delicacy up at the ice races But I'm not familiar with Diz or thirst slacker. Could you enlighten me?

Scot, sounds like you need to apply for hazard pay.

Pat enjoy the sunshine, I know I am.

Mike safe travels.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 05:28 PM
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Evening All!

Well Jean is doing ok. I talked to her earlier - she didn't want me to come up, she's tired and grumpy! Just wants to be left alone. I can understand. She had an echocardiogram done this morning, but has to wait to hear the results. They're gonna do a cat scan on her head too, to see if anything is causing her headaches. She said they're keeping her on that Topral, but are splitting the dose to once in the morning and once in the evening. Her heart is beating ok now they said, but she said she can't even feel it beating. She still has the monitor on. She is hoping to come home tomorrow. Thanks all for the thoughts!

Clint..... I don't like that picture, lol!! That's what we should have around here right now. I'm sure glad we don't!!

Scot.... glad someone didn't go postal on you all!! That's a scary thing...

No Blue today??

Went out and started Teepo this afternoon and let her run. She liked it!! But I need help with something.....

I have to post some pics on another thread - I think it's the power steering pump, but I don't know? It's leaking, whatever it is. It's all wet on top by the threads. So I need to know what to do. Also looked like tranny fluid on the cardboard I keep under her. Should I worry about that? No smell, but kind of reddish color. I didn't check the level. So go take a look at the pics and 'steer' me in the right direction, lol! I know I'm gonna be getting suggestions that will confuse me!! Save me, Blue!!!!!!

Have a good evening all.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 06:25 PM
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Good morning in the evening!!

I was busy installing the bushings and ball joints in the Crustom Cruiser's control arms today, I hate cars sometimes. .. a lot of times actually. I thought it would take a couple of hours, ten hours later and I'm still not finished. I broke down and went to Advance Auto and picked up the loaner ball joint press, my BFH wasn't big enough, I really need to get a bigger FH.
Concours D'Elegance mammoth Oldsmobile suspension assembly and detailing is a real bear.

I'd just keep checking it and putting more of whatever's leaking back into wherever it leaked from Sandy.
My car drips a little, oil is way cheaper than what it would cost to tear it apart to replace a seal.
Your car's old enough to drink and smoke so it's okay, I've heard the dripping comes with old age too, your car may needs Depends.

My car's not even 21 yet.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 06:38 PM
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I got your depends right here, buddy! I was a little surprised to see the tranny fluid. I know she drips oil, that's why I keep cardboard under her. Her seals need replaced. Now.... go to my other thread and tell me if I should just tighten the threads on the lines going into the "gear box" as I was told that's what it is, please!!
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Old February 5th, 2012, 03:24 AM
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Kinda chili but spose to be a nice day.

Originally Posted by CQR
Jamesbo, But I'm not familiar with Diz or thirst slacker. Could you enlighten me?

The "Game of the Week" was sponsored by Falstaff "The Thrist Slacker"

He called everbody "Patnah" and would sing during the 7th inning stretch.
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Old February 5th, 2012, 05:18 AM
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Good morning, the big game is on today!
The Puppy Bowl VIII lineup looks real good this year.
I'm nursing a sore and swollen finger this morning, I smashed the knuckle when I was popping out a lower ball joint, when it let go the wrench swung down fast and my hand was between it and the concrete floor. Then I went and did the same thing on the other one, I forget fast.
Maybe someday I'll be able to drive the car again, this just wanting to clean up the thing a little is turning into a real project.

Nickel beer night and what happened becuse of it at the old stadium here is almost as legendary as when the river caught on fire, one of the major reasons they went to plastic beer bottles and ridiculously high beer prices at sporting events.
They still can't figure out how to make lightweight plastic flashlight batteries and snowballs, flash bulbs and flashcubes were very aerodynamic but you don't see many of those around anymore.

After the enormous groundswell of requests from members here asking to see pics of it and all the cards and letters I've received from close and distant lands asking the same here's a few pics of my car.

Attachment 178337
Attachment 178338
Attachment 178339
Attachment 178340

I decided to name her "Starshine" because then I can go out to the garage in the morning and sing "Good Morning Starshine" to her and not appear weird to the neigbors.
Still working on gettin the "gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song" part down but I'm gettin' there.
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Old February 5th, 2012, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Bluevista
Good morning,
I decided to name her "Starshine" because then I can go out to the garage in the morning and sing "Good Morning Starshine" to her and not appear weird to the neigbors.
Still working on gettin the "gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song" part down but I'm gettin' there.
Huh? how did you figure out how to even write that? I can't even say it let alone sing it
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Old February 5th, 2012, 06:40 PM
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Evening All!

Gorgeous day here today! It was sunny and 43 degrees!!

What a long day!! Just got home a little while ago. Went up to Lin's this morning to take her shopping. We went out to the hospital to see Jean, and they were releasing her. She was happy! They never did give her a diagnosis - just that her heart was beating erratically. She knew that already.... They told her the echo looked good and the cat scan on her head was ok too. They said it could happen again, and if it does to call her doctor. Comforting....

Got Lin's shopping all done. I stopped at the car wash and washed the salt off of Tincanio! She looks much better now. Then I stopped at Nicole and Charlies and gave her back her house key and visited with grand dog. Ate some dinner with them.

I'm tired. I have to go to the allergist in the morning at 8:00 so will be going into work late. They said prepare to be there about an hour and a half. I sure hope I'm not allergic to this antibiotic they're gonna try on me. It really makes me mad to have to pay $20 for a bottle of antibiotic, when all they're gonna do with it is stick a needle in it, poke me with it, then throw the medicine away!! What a waste of money and medicine!! I'm gonna tell the doctor that I can't afford to do this. You would think they could get a sample of medicine for testing purposes, and I'm gonna ask him about it. Then we wonder whats wrong with health care!! That's a whole bottle of paid for antibiotic - cash price is $94.89 - and it's going to get thrown away. I just can't see it. So I hope I'm not allergic, and I don't have to buy any more medicine that's going to be wasted.

Blue..... your car is very nice! Very pretty interior. I like Starshine, lol! Hope your fingers are feeling better. Glibby glub gloopy....

Have a good evening all!
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Old February 6th, 2012, 01:57 AM
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Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuz Morning...

21-17... wow, it was a great Party
and I´m dog-tired...

Nice Day all...

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