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Old June 5th, 2011, 03:04 AM
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Evening all, glad to hear everyone is doing well, even if you need a kip Jamesbo and your like a lobsters sister Sandy

I have been quite busy around here lately, I have installed a twin spotlight out the front of the house so now we can see the front gate, just. Even put a switch inside with the rest of them and everything, all professional like

It is Mini's birthday at the end of the month and I have decided to build her a cubby house. I can get free boards from work which makes it alot cheaper the rough dimensions are 10' by 8' floor size with 6 1/2' walls. I am even thinking about putting air con in it It will be the coolest one on the block lol. When I finish it I'll post some pics.

I have found the engine I will be gettin for the mower, it is gonna set me back $1350 big ones. Good thing it is almost winter here and the grass has slowed down on the growing side

I finished day 4 of 7 days straight today so I am off to bed, be safe and I'll ttyl

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Old June 5th, 2011, 03:21 AM
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Yo sho get up early down thar.

I wish I'd knowd ya needed a mower motor. I'd given ya one.

Geeze Louise they're expensive down thar,

I ain't tell ya what to do BUT why not hold off on de A/C in the play house til it get's hot.

Don, Safe traveling. Stay in touch. Ya might miss out on the first year Sandy get a single trophy.

She's batt'in 0 fer 2

I'm try'in to enjoy de peace and quiet dis mawn'in before I ere de patter of little feet. Cause once it starts, it don't quit til dark. Boy am I feel'in old.
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Old June 5th, 2011, 07:19 AM
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Good Morning All!

We had a pretty nice Anniversary yesterday. We enjoyed the day without the pidder-patter of the munchkins My Hottie got a new Impala yesterday and we went out and ate about 3 dozen of the bivalve aphrodisiac variety.

Today we have to go round up the munchkins and it's back to reality again.

Jamesbo, I sure want to try the Grits a yaya soon, it looks and sounds really good.

Sandy, I want to wish you luck at your next car show. I know you'll bring home some more trophies this year.

Adrian, I hope you have better luck with the kids club house than I did. I built a nice one in a tree for them with a slide and all kinds of neat stuff. But the kicker is the only ones that use it are the dogs when they are chasing squirrels. It is a sight to see though, I will have to post a video of the Jack Russell going up the ladder, barking at the squirrel that is way up the tree and then going down the slide only to do it over and over again. Too funny

Well I've got to run to go look at an A/C for a friend and pick the kids up.

I hope everyone has a good day.

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Old June 5th, 2011, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Don, Safe traveling. Stay in touch. Ya might miss out on the first year Sandy get a single trophy.

She's batt'in 0 fer 2
I think she has to take off that fancy Oldsmobile Air Cleaner Wing-nut that we got a while back, and also that Delco battery. Them judges in Ohio think Delco is not a Die Hard!


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Old June 5th, 2011, 11:22 AM
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Morning all, hope everyone is well today. Jamesbo I have a spare air con unit sitting in the shed doin nuffin, it is reverse cycle and only a little baby one so I figured put it to use. Either in the cubby or bung it in the shed wall and actually use it instead of lettin it collect dust

Have a safe an enjoyable trip Don.

I think your right about getting up too early Jamesbo, 4 in the morning is not the time one should be upright. That is why I like the shift work, only have to wake up early 2 days out of 8

I didn't need a motor till after I got back, it died then oh well, once I finish with it it will be like new, at a fraction of the price, for down here anyway

I'm off to work for my last day shift, then 2 night shifts. Then I can rest but only for 24 hours then I'm back to work again Can't wait till I have a few things done around here, then I can rest a bit more

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Old June 5th, 2011, 07:45 PM
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Evening all!

Well another beautiful day here!! It's so nice to have sun and heat, lol!! Well another show, no trophy. Make sure you keep accurate score, Jamesbo! It's just the beginning of the season - good things come to those who wait!

Looking forward to next Saturday - BOP show! I'll post pics of this weekends shows tomorrow.

So I get to the show today - after having to take a friggin detour that put us way out of the way - I get my stuff out of the car, get my duster to clean her off, and what do I see on the drivers side behind the wheel well and over to the door????
Why it looks like someone sprayed "silly string" across there! Clear down on the kick panel even. Rows of what looks like silly string..... turns out it's GUM!!!!!! Strings of someone's chewing gum!

Where it came from I have no idea. Don't know if someone threw it out of their car window or what. I know it wasn't on her last night, cause I detailed her. So I'm sitting down on the grass with ice cubes outa my cooler, rubbing them on the gum, and using my thumb nail to scrape it off for about an hour. Sun shining on it, making it even more sticky. Wetted a rag and tried that, I was pissed!!! Got most of it off, had to use Goo-Gone when I got home. The sun was frying my already burned arms while I was sitting there - I was not happy! I just wanted to dust her off and sit in my chair!

I've never ever had anything like that happen before to any car. I should of just went home when I ran into the detour. Sign of things to come, lol. Anyhow it was a nice show. Lots of compliments on Teepo as usual, but no trophy.
I do love just going to the shows and being out driving her. A trophy is just a nice surprise, lol!

Well I'm tired and it's back to work tomorrow, so I better get off of here. Adrian, that sounds like quite a nice club house you're gonna make! Be sure it's big enough you can use it in case you get on Tink's bad side, lol! Ttyl!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; June 5th, 2011 at 07:51 PM.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 04:23 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yes, anuuter hot dry one. We don't see any rain com'in fer a while.

Gotta go smack whitey round befor it hits 95

Dispatched anuuter ground hawg last nite just befor dusk.

I'm keep'in score

Jamesbo 2 ground hawgs

Sandy 0 Trophies

Sandy, Sorry for your set back. Seems like I bermember, you can use ice to remove gum. Maybe Joe P knows. I'll ax him. Yes, the season is still young.............. you're just in a batt'in slump. You'll pull out of it soon.

I'm glad you didn't find the person who thru the gum out. We'd hate to have to bail you out of jail for assault and battery.

We partied so hard dis weekend that one of my kin folk couldn't take it no mo and ges passed out.

Reminds me,

" A friend will come baill you out of jail, But a great friend will be sitting right there next to you saying, Damn, wasn't that FUN."
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Old June 6th, 2011, 06:24 AM
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Morning All!

What a cute pic, Jamesbo!!! He looks plum tuckered out, lol!

It's a beautiful sunny day here again! Goin up to 85. Hope it's nice this coming weekend for the BOP show!

The guys are telling me all about the Houston trip. Everyone had a great time, it was 100 degrees and humid as heck!! 40 years in business is quite an accomplishment!

Jamesbo.... I got the gum mostly off yesterday at the show using ice cubes from my cooler, and my thumb nail, lol! Just had to use Goo Gone to get the residue off of her, when I got home. I'm glad I didn't see who threw it too, cause there would have been hell to pay!!!! It would not have been a pretty sight, lol!!!!

I have to go see the heart doc this afternoon for my 6 month check up. I'm gonna tell him about these hot/shivery episodes I get and see what he says. Also gonna mention the shortness of breath I get occasionally too. Maybe he'll switch medicines again.

I should go up to Linda's tonight and take her grocery shopping. My weekends are full now that show season is in gear so I don't have time to take her. I'm not going to any cruise in's tonight or tomorrow. Just Wednesday and Thursday nights. Gotta get her cleaned good for the BOP.

It's still quiet in here today even though the guys are back. Gonna be a long day!

Have a good one, all! Gonna load my car show pics now!
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Old June 6th, 2011, 06:50 AM
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Good morning guys and Sandy

How's everyone doing? Good weather here for a change, hot and sunny. Been out of town the last week and not able to check in. Seems like lots has been going on. Pressure washed the front deck and put down some water sealer to protect the wood, only two decks to go, then pressure wash the house and touch up the trim paint. Then install new stairs to the lower patio. Going to be a summer of outdoor work. Will have to find time for the cars in between.

Have a great day all
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Old June 6th, 2011, 07:31 AM
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Hi Citcapp! Nice to hear from you! Sounds like you're gonna be busy, lol!! Hope your good weather holds out!

I'm posting 2 new threads of car show pics in the Clubhouse, so go take a look!
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Old June 7th, 2011, 04:38 AM
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Morning. The suns gonna be red again this morning. the haze from the AZ fires is really bad. Gonna be hot and cool down nicely for the mid week. Great pics, cutlassgal.
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Old June 7th, 2011, 05:23 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yes, anuuter hot dry one down ere.................... A-gain.

I can't beleive I let yesterday slip by w/o remembering our guys who stormed ashore Omaha, Utah, Juneau, Sword beaches and climbed the cliffs at Pointe du hoc.

Last week, I was unload'in a grantie marker off of a semi and it slipped off the pallet onto my index finger. Yes, I said a few choice words.

That's my excuse fer play'in golf like a goat yesterday. I should of gone on the DA list but couldn't miss my Monday round.

Wish I had. I stunk.

Sandy, I think he got plum wore out fishing. It's alot of werk ya know.
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Old June 7th, 2011, 05:57 AM
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Morning All!

It's dark as night out here right now - we have "severe" thunderstorms in the area. We have no rain yet, but it's been getting darker since I got up, and the thunder is sure rumbling out there! It's very muggy too. It's supposed to get sunny later.

I went out and picked some roses this morning and brought in so I can smell them all day! They are soooo beautiful! Not all of our roses smell, but we sure have some purty ones, lol! The lilies in my one bed are starting to open- they're red. The stargazers and all my smell good lilies are starting to get buds on them! I sure love the lilies!!!

I have a couple little tiny maters on my plants, Jamesbo! I saw a friggin slug out at the bottom of my one little green bean plants, so I sprinkled slug food killer stuff around them.

Well the skies just opened up - it's pouring out there and all the street lights and parking lot lights are on!!

Went to the heart doctor yesterday afternoon - I don't have to go back for a year! Unless something happens, of course. Said my heart sounded good - right then anyhow - and he asked me how this medicine was working. I told him it's working good, but I do get short of breath easily. And I hate the way it makes my hands freeze!!! He said theres nothing he can do about that - this is one of the less intense beta blockers I'm on for people with Raynauds syndrome. Whatever.

I left the doc's and went and took Lin grocery shopping. We stopped at A & W and had a burger and a root beer float..... yummmmmm! So I didn't get home until it was going on 11 pm! I'm tired today. Must have woke up about 5 times through the night. I forget what it's like to sleep through the night and wake up feeling like I went to bed!!

Jamesbo..... that sure is a cute little feller!

Well have a good day all!
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Old June 7th, 2011, 06:07 AM
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Good Morning All!

X2 on the another hot one here. Although it's "only" supposed to get in the upper 90's today

I did start picking cucumbers and tomatoes yesterday, yummy

Jamesbo is that a "brookie" the little man has caught? Sounds like whitey smacked you around yesterday

I hope everyone has a wonderful day

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Old June 7th, 2011, 06:08 AM
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Perch, I think?
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Old June 7th, 2011, 06:14 AM
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Oh okay. I bet he did have a blast.
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Old June 7th, 2011, 07:11 AM
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Good morning guys and Sandy

Well we had our three days of early summer now its back to cool and rain. Supposed to have sun by the weekend. Our Olds club is going on a cruise to a clam and Oyster bake on Sunday, should be fun getting the old 57 out again. Well be taking a ferry ride to get there.

Jamsbo, your not supposed to drop things on you finger thought you knew better.

Sandy, My wife has the same problem as you with Raynauds, she is cold all of the time and her hands and feet are ice cold to the touch. She likes to sneak up on me and slip her hands inside my shirt. Evil she is
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Old June 7th, 2011, 07:24 AM
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Hi Citcapp! Tell your wife I feel bad for her! This Raynauds stuff sucks big time, lol!!! I get so tired of being cold all the time. Especially in the winter. I don't know how many times this past winter I was in tears because my hands just hurt soooo bad when I came in from cleaning off the car or feeding the birds. Even with 2 pairs of gloves on. It's not fun at all. Nope...Nope..Nope. Sitting here now, my hands are like ice.

Sounds like you're gonna have a fun cruise! Hope you have good weather, and your big old car doesn't sink the ferry, lol!
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Old June 8th, 2011, 04:38 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yes, anutter hot dry one A-gain

I'm try'in to run down my bud Donny. I went to one of the places he werks and stole an empty chemcial barrel but they had sumthing I really want. He must be at de utter course werking cause de're hav'in sum fancy smancy golf tournament dis week.

I talked wit one of his helpers and he called it a "tote"

Basically it's a pallet with an aluminum frame and a 250 gal plastic chemical container. I thnk it's spose to be turned back into the chemical company.

But If no one is watch'in I may go snag the thing, clean it out, put it on my 2500 Chebby 4X4, fill it full of water and water graves that have new gass try'in to survive the drought.

Donny, We can use Big Mike's favorite excuse. "Sorry Mr. Chemical Rep. It gone run over by a Mexican driv'in a Bob cat."

Ya'll have a wonderful Day.
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Old June 8th, 2011, 04:51 AM
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lol. Always a fun read Jamesbo.

Going to the springs on Saturday to pick up a set of SSII's for the CS. Gonna save the redlines and put some bigger meats on her.

I seem to have transformed into a fire-breathing mythical creatures posterior today. I hope I can get the lead out. Have a great day everyone.

Last edited by CQR; June 8th, 2011 at 06:19 AM. Reason: typo.
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Old June 8th, 2011, 05:26 AM
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Good Morning All!

Just about as hot as it was yesterday

The garden is looking good even though we are in a drought. We need rain bad.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Old June 8th, 2011, 05:43 AM
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Morning All!

Hot, hazy and humid here today. Going up to around 93 degrees!! Don't know if I'll go to a cruise tonight or not. I hate humidity!! We're supposed to get more storms tomorrow, so I imagine the Stow cruise will be off if they come in the afternoon. Got home yesterday, and some of my hybiscus' and geraniums were blown over on the deck from that storm yesterday morning. My green pepper seedlings were floating in water cause their container filled up! What a mess. But my green bean plants were good.

I boiled some eggs this morning and cooked some macaroni before I came to work so I can make macaroni salad tonight. I don't like to eat heavy when it's so hot. Matter of fact, I hardly get hungry when it's real hot. I just drink water, water, water!!!!

Quiet in here. I swear yesterday was 15 hours long!!! I got so bored I started dozing in the afternoon, lol. Don't know if people are on vacations, but it's slow!!!

Well have a great day all, and Jamesbo.... don't be getting yourself in trouble, lol!
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Old June 8th, 2011, 10:10 AM
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We got a bit of humidity up here, but not as warm as yesterday. I will be picking up a 2-4GB photo card for the camera, as I am taking a vacation day tomorrow for the Hot Rod Power Tour coming to town.
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Old June 8th, 2011, 02:49 PM
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Checked the US weather news last night and the only place colder then Seattle yesterday was Point Barrow Alaska. Summer has to be out there somewhere I know just can't seem to find it. Here summer, summer, here summer, summer,.............
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Old June 9th, 2011, 05:02 AM
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Good Morning everyone.

Cooler today drizzle, this morning and a possibility of some rain this afternoon. Looking forward to Saturday to put the new springs and shocks on the '67.
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Old June 9th, 2011, 05:29 AM
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Sorry its still cold there Pat. I'll send you some of our heat, is supposed to be 95 here today.
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Old June 9th, 2011, 05:34 AM
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Mawn'in all

[See above weather forecast]

Sure am glad I don't do car shows.

Scot, I luv South Georgia in de winter when I can go murder Mr. Bob White but you can have it in de summer. I spent sum time manag'in sum shopping centers down thar and a few minutes on a built up roof in de summer ......................Geeze Louise.

Still look'in fer my ole Bud Donny, before I enter a life of crime and go steal'in stuff from de golf club.

Sandy, It's not snow'in so quit the whin'in. Just close your eyes and pretend you're in loverly Arizona.

CQR, I see you're a man of few werds. Ya need to expand you repertoire. Inquir'in minds need to know.

Pat, I fergets which thread I was read'in yesterday but I started to send the poor guy your way. He was trad'in wall paper points fer car parts points with his wife.

Which remodel are you on now?

Let me see ere. Don's on de road, Adrian's look'in fer a lawn mower motor? Where de heck is Wolfie?

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Old June 9th, 2011, 06:16 AM
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Morning All!

Some thunder rumbling around us, but no rain yet. Chance of storms all day. Still muggy and in the 70's. Jamesbo..... I'm happy about this weather - I ain't whinin, lol! I like the hot.!!

Darrell.... nice to hear from you! Haven't for awhile, lol! Record heat in a lot of areas so far.

Citcapp.... summer will get there eventually..... I hope!

Where is Wolfie??? Must be working hard on something. Where is Ken?? I was wondering if he got his ultimate cloths yet?

Clay is off today and tomorrow, so it's quieter even in here. Kind of a slow morning.

I was going to go to a cruise in last evening, but with Rt. 91 being closed over that way, I didn't want to fool around sitting in traffic waiting for her to overheat, lol!! It got up to 96 yesterday! I laid in my lawnchair at lunch. People tend to look at me like I'm crazy, lol! I love the sun - what can I say. My sunburn has faded to tan now. So I spent the evening detailing Tincanio and vacuuming her out and such. Then I sat on my swing on the deck and enjoyed the night. I love it that it's still not completely dark at 9:30!!!!! This is my time of the year!!!

The Stow cruise in is tonight - if it doesn't storm. Then I have the BOP on Sunday, and the BOP at the Riverfront on Monday evening. Looking forward to them!

Well have a great day all! Jamesbo..... stay away from the golf club!!
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Old June 9th, 2011, 07:27 AM
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Another cool day here but no rain, supposed to burn the clouds off and have afternoon sun. We'll see. Got the garage in ship shape with a new work bench and cabinets. I can at least turn around without stepping on something. Just need to put the steel sheet on the top of the work bench and it will be complete. Built it a 42" so I can stand straight and work on things. Now I need to build new steps to the lower garden area, what fun. Looking forward to cruising on Sunday to the Oyster and clam bake in Port Orchard which is a few hours away from home. I'll let the 57 stretch her legs a little. Love to hear the exhaust note of the big 455.

Have a great day all

PS good luck at the car shows Sandy and Teepo
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Old June 9th, 2011, 08:13 AM
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Good Morning All!

Sandy, hopefully the weather will hold off tonight so you can post more pics.

Jamesbo I think this heatwave is affecting you. Stealing and Murdering Just joking cause I like to blast the quail and the doves in the winter season.

Try this one, I'm sure it's cheaper than the chemical company's empty one will be and definitely cheaper than a bail bond.

Yes I agree being up on the rooftops and in the attics around here is for the birds. That's why I am exploring my options in a different line of work.

I hope everyone has a wondermous day!

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Old June 9th, 2011, 09:45 AM
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What fun is it to jes go out and buy a water tank.

I wouldn't have any thing to write on CO in the mawn'ins.
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Old June 9th, 2011, 10:39 AM
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Ah I see Need a getaway driver? The coupe will do 160+ mph but we'd have to borrow the bed of dat gator to haul it.
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Old June 9th, 2011, 10:43 AM
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Like I allways say,

" A friend will bail ya out of jail but a great friend will be sitting right there wit cha saying BOY, Wasn't that fun. "
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Old June 9th, 2011, 10:55 AM
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Oh Lord..... Partners in crime, lol! It's cloudin up out here....
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Old June 9th, 2011, 04:02 PM
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Life's no fun unless you have partners to scheme with Now about that tank.......
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Old June 9th, 2011, 05:56 PM
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Hey Sandy, hope all is well with you too. How was the cruise to the car show?

Was in the pool tonight with the kids and it turned as dark as night. We got out just before the lightning and thunder, thought it was going to hail. It just poured for about an hour, which is good since my lawn was turning extra crispy.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 05:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

We need rain bad. Even de oak trees are look'in poorly.
Ain't weather funny. [Not haha funny just odd funny]

Still can't run down my pal Donny. Maybe he's on vacation.

Naw, He's downtown during the stupid golf tournament. Maybe next week he'll give me a shout when things calm down. He werks at 2 golf course dat are as different as nite and day. De one I play is out in the burbs and calm and friendly and not very crowded. De one is town is crowded and go,go, go all de time.

Hey, Sandy, I know wit does high cheek bones, you aint fer off de reservation. How 'bout a Rain Dance fer your old buddy down south.

Insted of people think'in you're a little pixilated fer sitt'in in a lawn chair out side dur'in luch, Ya could go all out and do a rain dance fer me.

I'll be star'in skyward wait'in fer de results of your efforts.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 05:37 AM
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Morning All!

You are funny, Jamesbo! Sure, I'll do a rain dance for ya! Then the other tenents here will really think I lost it, lol! It's clouding up out here now, calling for some storms to come through, but I thought it wasn't until afternoon. It cooled down last evening - we're in the 60's right now. Supposed to be a cooler weekend.

Well they canceled Stow's cruise in last night. It was cloudy and windy, but it never did rain. Teepo was upset!!

I'm gonna spend all day tomorrow in the garage cleaning her up for the BOP on Sunday. Last year they had us in different catagories.... this year I don't know how they're doing it. There was no catagory choice on the registration form??

I'm hoping Blue will show at this one? He could bring his goat, even. I am really missing him!!!! We both got those 1st place plaques at this show last year.

I'm sure glad it's Friday! What a looooooonnngggg boring week it's been in here!

Have a great day all!
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Old June 10th, 2011, 06:18 AM
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Good Morning All!

Jamesbo, I'm still trying to find my place in here. Soon enough you'll wonder if I ever shut up

Good luck at the show Cutlassgal.

Cooler weather today. Should be real nice. I bowled my best series this season last night, altho my teammates didn't fare so well.

My daughter came home with a Jack Russell pup, so none of us are getting a whole lot of sleep.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Old June 10th, 2011, 06:21 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
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Originally Posted by CQR
Jamesbo, I'm still trying to find my place in here. Soon enough you'll wonder if I ever shut up

Just look at it like cyper musical chairs. When the music stops ya gotta post as fast as ya can or you loose your place.
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