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Old March 29th, 2017, 05:14 AM
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Mornin all.

Well the meeting went a little better than expected, but its not signed sealed and delivered yet either.

Rained most of yesterday and all thru the night. Not sure if theres snow at the shop, but we'll see here shortly.

Mike, he doesn't seem to be too worried so I know I wouldn't be.

Inline, Hope it warms up soon for you. How long is the warm season there?

Have a day.
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Old March 29th, 2017, 05:32 AM
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Beautiful this morning,

Damn shame I've gotta spend the day on a lawn mower


So when the owl down loaded, what did you do? "Oh, no honey can I help you in any way?" or did you pull a jamesbo and Roll over laughing

Mike, Try running away from him clapping your hands, I'll be he'll come then.

John, How'd the priming go?

Inline, Glad you don't have any permanent damage, BE CAREFUL


Have a great day Olds friends
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Old March 29th, 2017, 06:41 AM
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Boy, driving it was better than i remembered
Now 500 miles breaking in new gears, but it already felt like its moving with alot less effort versus old 2.41 gears. I quess im gonna love those new gears. Noise didnt bother at all at 55mph, later gonna see how it is at 75mph.

CQR - Whats warm? If its over zero temps night and day, maybe 5...5,5 months. And if were Super lucky, me might have almost one month with daily temps reaching over 68F. So, depends who you ask, we might never have warm

Right now its 49F outside, but i consider it as a spring atleast

Jamesbo - So did the owl sh*t too? That must have been one helluva show there
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Old March 29th, 2017, 11:19 AM
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I wasn't there luckily Jamesbo
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Old March 29th, 2017, 02:55 PM
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Hi everyone.

My Monday was a success and now we are well on our way to Friday. Beautiful out and that sure helps.

I got up a little early today because someone kept pouncing on my face. Jamesbo I try the running away from him and it works most of the time, as well as sitting down on the ground. He'll run as fast as he can to body slam me. The biggest thing is to get his attention when he's after some critter.

Clint what do you think your sister is up to?

John are you working on the bike next to the two cars that need work also?

Not much else for a hump day. Looks like April is shaping up to be a busy month. Birthday party in Jacksonville, house closing in Pensacola, helping a guy move from NC to Alabama. Poor Tiger will be in jail a lot.

Okay everyone have a good evening.
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Old March 29th, 2017, 03:45 PM
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Mike, Don't ever give a command you think he's going to ignore.Wait til you've got his attention
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Old March 29th, 2017, 11:15 PM
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Good Morning everyone.

Beautiful day again, but under zero temps. Gonna give good wash and wax today for Cutlass. Then woodwork continues.

Have a good thursday everyone!
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Old March 30th, 2017, 04:02 AM
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Anutter nice one

Inline, How come ya don't get icicles washing the Cutlass when it so cold?

Clint, lucky for you, I'd hate to see you laughing until ya got a pitch fork between your eyes

The cemetery looks really pretty this time of year.

Mike, I betcha Tiger would like some bacon on his burger

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old March 30th, 2017, 05:02 AM
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Mernin', all... Rained most of night and will do so most of today. Got the priming done, wet-sanded, & masked for base coat; but don't want to spray in this 100% humidity; spose to be nice & dry manana, so I'll wait 'til then.

Mike, po' Tiger. But I almost have to laugh at Jamesbo giving you instructions on how to train the boy, then suggesting bacon in the next breath.

Clint, so this was the meeting with the belligerent family members?

Inline, pic of primed panels (before masking) is included, per your request. More to come.

Y'all have a dry one, Olds amigos.
A little tough to see with the reflection, but this is the right fairing, and you can see the two (relatively) horizontal patches that are primed and sanded, awaiting masking & basecoat.

This is the panel that fits over the left section (in the picture), to the left of the gap in the fairing. As you can surmise, the curb made a fairly straight scrape directly across the whole fairing. It could definitely have been worse: I could have had the saddle bags on, and it could have landed on the brand new right exhaust pipe I just paid XXX for last year!
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Old March 30th, 2017, 05:18 AM
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Dang those tippy unstable contraptions John.

Inline. , I need a place with more warmth and more sun. The Olds sure looks happy in that pic. I grew up in a 76 Cutlass S that my mother put 281K miles on before we got T boned while out Pheasant hunting. Otherwise we'd probably still have it.

Mike, My sister, her hubby and the triplets are moving into Mom's house and part of the deal is to take care of her as she ages. Problem is her and her hubby are Artists and have had a rough go recently finding employment. She did just get her Masters in Nutrition, but now she's starting out in a new field (on the bottom rung) at the ripe age of 50. I'm just trying to make sure that mom's needs are covered first. then, whatever is leftover my sister can use.

Jamesbo, I bet it does. We are behind the 8 ball in the moisture dept. this year. The ground is just now barely starting to turn green. But never fear, they are calling for a heavy snowstorm on Saturday so it should be white here shortly.

Have a day.
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Old March 30th, 2017, 05:29 AM
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Morning stroll

NOT hike,definitely NOT jog
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Old March 30th, 2017, 01:57 PM
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Evening all

Lovely day today, warmest day so far this year at around 70 which is not normal for this time of year so shorts and t shirt day today.

The prep for my artificial grass is coming on nicely, another 3 tonnes of sand tomorrow then compact it all down, level out then lay the ' lawn'

Signing my deal next week with a developer who will take my plot with permission for three houses in return for rebuilding my barn conversion plus a bit of cash. ��

Inline, I don't know how you can live in a freezer for most of the year. ❄️
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Old March 30th, 2017, 03:33 PM
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Hi everyone.

Been getting up to 80 lately, and it isn't too hot but in the afternoons it gets a little stuffy in the house. So I turned on the AC the other day so Tiger wouldn't cook in his room before it cooled off for the night.

London I'm guessing you're installing something similar to Astro Turf in your yard? Not a bad idea. How is it attached to the ground and how do you stop it from wrinkling?

Jamesbo I can always get his attention, it's whether or not he wants to ignore me is the issue. I'm at about 50/50 right now. If I walk towards him with the leash he usually thinks he's in trouble and will lay down.

John are these the same panels you had painted up in da hills? Maybe if they don't turn out like you want them to you could bring them back.

Night 3 already. This week is going well and it will be the weekend again before I know it. Took three of the four Fridays off this month for various activities. Gonna be a quick month. Not sure what May will bring. Pilgrims?

Okay out with the dog and then to work. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old March 30th, 2017, 11:14 PM
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Good Morning everyone.

Friday, raining snow.. It promises warm for evening, 52F!
One more week at home, then im off to work. Oh boy im waiting it ( havent told you before... ).

Bee-Oh-Pee - Really cant tell too much from pics, but let me say that in pics they atleast look great Btw, what bikes that?

LondonCutlass - Weve been always told that GB generally has crappiest weather on whole Europe. But from what ive been reading here, you have alot nicer weather usually than us. Ive been misquided for whole my life it seems.
Sounds like a good deal with developer, congrats

Jamesbo - Loosely related to your suggestion about bacon hamburgers to Tiger.. Ever heard a phrase " if it has bacon, it got to be good" ? Thats true even!
Is that pic taken from your cemetery? Just came to my mind about that plain grass-field.
Oh, and about washing the car- it turned to 49F so i could wash it But ive been washing my car at winter too, just use hot water all the time, and remember to dry all the Windows and lights

Have a good Friday everyone. Tomorrow or sunday im gonna do some bbq, hasnt decided from what meat yet, but fiancee brought some VERY hot'n'tasty bbq-sauce which we already tested on ribs at oven. They were delicious.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 02:35 AM
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Elsie came and went during the night

Inline, Yep that's my cemetery. Wanta buy a family plot?

Mike, John,

Give yesterday's events, I'm gonna have to rethink rethinking how to get from point A to Point B. Since I'm a native surface street junkie, if ya need any help just PM Google map Jamesbo

This is gonna be a BIG mess for quite a while

Inline//London what happened is a major Interstate bridge [250,000 per day car count] had some GDOT pvc stored under it [along with some homeless people]Somehow there was a fire and the bridge collapsed

The politicos are gonna be pointing fingers for quite a while blaming who shot Nellie in the bellie over this SNAFU

Have a great day Ods friends
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Old March 31st, 2017, 04:42 AM
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Still calling for snow today/tonight tomorrow. not sure how much we're gonna get, but I'm gonna put the plow back on the truck.

Have a great weekend all.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 09:24 AM
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Mernin', all... Bluebird day in da' Swamp, although I'd take about 10* cooler on the high of 82.

Jamesbo, I'm going to have to think about your message a while... I've been bad looking at the news (if that's what you're referring to). Just plain can't do the 3 national broadcast networks any more, and local affiliates are almost as bad. UPDATE: Better Half just informed me of the cataclysm on I-85. Miraculous nobody was even injured! I need to get my head out of the ostrich hole.

Mike, yes, but I think they could tell. This ain't gonna' be the best job in history, but doing it myself counts for something. Nobody will know unless they get real close up.

Inline, it's an '07 Yamaha FJR. Hard to believe it'll be 10 yrs old this year....

Headed to the IP Casino/Biloxi tonite to see Michael McDonald... we've always liked him... Unlike Inline, there are male singers we like. LOL! Of course, we'll have to also sneak into McElroy's seafood restaurant for some fresh fried Gulf victuals.

Clint, I guess you'd be the last one to watch Highway Thru Hell, then, right? I'm addicted to Jamie Davis Heavy Rescue.

Y'all have a great Friday, Olds pals.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; March 31st, 2017 at 10:34 AM.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 09:42 AM
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I hope you all have a safe and happy day

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Old March 31st, 2017, 09:49 AM
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Did alot of woodwork today, then drove my gears in for an hour, bought some beer.. Now on Computer ( apparently). Fiancees helping her friend to move.

Read about that bridge-thing on general discussion. Sounds like theres big mess on hands of citizens.

Bee-Oh-Pee - Hey, i like male singers aswell! It just dont make the perfect combo
FJR is timeless bike. And really nice. Enough grunt also for two.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 10:23 AM
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Well that storm that blew in from Texas through the midwest and south, took out one of our trucks while on the road in Texas. The truck got flipped onto it's side by either high winds or a Tornado (they haven't confirmed which), but the got it upright and sent it on it's way with a load of damaged goods, that made here yesterday....what a mess, unloaded the trailer and left it mess for us to sort through, they assigned it to two engineers. Have fun I say.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 10:32 AM
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Here ya go, Just picture I-285 with an additional 250,000 cars/trucks per day
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Old March 31st, 2017, 02:08 PM
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Evening all

Jamesbo, that gonna cause a bit of extra traffic!!

Mike, what I'm putting down is similar to an AstroTurf but a bit more advanced, hopefully should look good.

Busy day today but got loads of stuff done.

Tomorrow, going to the football to see my beloved team, hoping for a good day.

Have a great weekend all
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Old March 31st, 2017, 03:30 PM
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Hi everyone.

Friday already. I'll take it. Supposed to be nice this weekend so I plan on getting a lot done. Uh huh.

Jamesbo I'm glad I don't ever go downtown. As that's quite a bit north of me, hopefully my small trek on 285 will be unaffected.

We were supposed to have severe storms last night around 4. Some time after midnight the rain came with a little lightning, then it cleared up. Then a little later it poured like salt. Glad I was inside. Then it cleared up again and it's been a beautiful day here.

And it's that time again. Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old March 31st, 2017, 11:08 PM
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Good Morning everyone.

Saturday. Promised rain for whole day, not nice. Thats about the bbq... Gonna do something at wooden oven.

LondonCutlass - Sunderland?

Have a good weekend everyone!
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Old April 1st, 2017, 12:46 AM
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Morning all

Inline. No, not Sunderland. My team is from the third division. Southend United.

Time to get out of bed and hit the grocery store before the mad Saturday rush.

Have a weekend all.
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Old April 1st, 2017, 04:58 AM
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Beautiful in the hills today


I'm curious if your commute changes with the overload on I-285

London, My collage bud is married to a Brit, She turned her front yard into a vegetable garden in the city.I guess I always picture English homes with flowers in front instead of plastic grass

John, Between dining and concerts, I understand why you don't have time to watch the news. I've often consider giving it up. But Lent without pork is about all I can handle at the moment

Me thinks I'm gonna crank up Das Boat and take Red for a spin

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 1st, 2017, 09:35 AM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from the Awful house. First started at the credit union. They must have been giving something away because you could hardly get in the front door. I decided I didn't need to be there that bad.

Jamesbo the ride to and fro was unaffected. I travel on 285 between 675 and Hapeville, really not anywhere close to the bridge. Hapeville. If you call the wrong number and still talk for an hour, you might be a redneck. If your house has wheels and your car doesn't...

John hope the concert was a good one. My Mom and I used to go to concerts at the Holiday Star Theater in Merrillville, IN, which was connected to some big hotel. We'd have dinner in one of the swanky hotel restaurants before the show. Really nice times.

Well this afternoon I might have a look at the deuce and a half. It's been sitting idle far too long with wiring problems. I got some advice from a deuce expert so we'll see if it makes any sense. A conehead I am not. If I can get this thing started I'm gonna hike it over to the shop where I have a little more room to spread out and maybe fix it for good.

Okay have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old April 1st, 2017, 09:43 AM
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Wow~! The drive thru Hotlanta was so bad before.... Don't know if we can handle going anywhere near there as long as that span is closed. The problem is, kitties get "sick as a dog" when they ride thru the mountain curves trying to dodge the city; I refuse to inflict that on the poor little buggers, since 10 hrs being caged up is hard enough on 'em. This will require some planning (and thinking), to say the least.

Michael was dern good last night, in spite of getting political once or twice. I had to take a Rolaids listening to his somewhat-veiled pleas to the citizens of Mississippi (actually, I think 75% of them were Louisianians). Lot of crap, IMHO. Should stick to singing. But to give the devil his due, he still has the chops -- at age 65 (this year). He worked his butt off on stage for about an hour & a half. I just don't understand preaching to a bunch of folks who are paying to see you. Boz Scaggs has a lot more sense than that. I won't go back to see Michael -- at least playing solo as he did last night. However, if they brought the Dukes of September around next year or a Doobie Brothers reunion, that'd be a different story!

Y'all have a great weekend, Olds buds.

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Old April 1st, 2017, 10:36 AM
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Jamesbo, the plastic lawn is in the back yard not the front, I will post a pic next week when I'm finished. The front has flowers and shrubs and a dirty white truck on it.

Inline, I really don't know why the rest of Europe think we have crappy weather, I've been in my shorts for two weeks now, we haven't seen proper snow for five or six years, we don't have tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, and it rarely gets into the high 90s. I only had to scrape the ice off my windscreen four times during the whole winter. What makes our weather bad is that due to a number of factors it's really difficult to predict more than a day or two in advance, this is a pain, especially if you book to go to a car show then it gets rained off.

Just got home from the football, great result for us, 3-0. My voice has gone due to too much shouting at the referee.

Gardening day tomorrow, time for a bit of spring planting.
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Old April 1st, 2017, 11:03 AM
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Just came from sauna. Nice 1 1/2 hours again. Rained whole day. just stopped. Didnt get anything done.

LondonCutlass - No speak even we could wear shorts yet. T-shirt, yea, but i wear it even at middle-winter... so that really dont qualify.
That Sunderland thing was kinda joke, one guy at school had an Sunderland-hat his uncle send him, which lived in GB. Thats why i throw it to you

Bee-Oh-Pee - Thats annoying. Ive seen that too- i dont go listen their political chit-chat, i go listen their "product". I always get fed up when it starts.
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Old April 2nd, 2017, 04:27 AM
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Good day.

Foggy, cold.. Doing big steaks at wooden oven currently, its heating up atm.
Bought an new lawnmower today, rwd. Old one required fix after every grass cutting, got fed up with that pos.

Not much else.. Woodwork continues.

Have a sunday everyone.

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Old April 2nd, 2017, 05:18 AM
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Beautiful in the hills


My invitation for steaks must of gotten lost in the mail

London, Love to see some pics when you have time

John, When are you going back up to inspect the new wall

Mike, since it's Sunday put some cheese and bacon on Tigers burger

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 2nd, 2017, 05:33 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Yesterday I did indeed look at the deuce and a half. Sadly that's about all. It has wiring problems and it's all greek to me. I'll probably end up spending a small fortune and have it towed up to the guy in Athens who works on these.

Jamesbo I'm hitting the Awful house solo this morning. I'm going to the junkyard afterwards and I don't want to leave Tiger in the car when I'm going to be inside there. Hm I haven't been to the junkyard in a couple months.

John just prop the kitty car carriers up in the window so they can see Helen as you drive through. They'll toss their cookies for a whole different reason.

London I want to see a picture of that white truck.

Okay off I go. No telling what I'll do when I get home, something critical I'm sure. Have a good Sunday everyone.
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Old April 2nd, 2017, 08:18 PM
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Threw my fiancee to work, after few hours its yearly inspection with Cutlass. I have really bad-*** Edelbrock Racing and Cloyes timing gear- stickers covering my illegal side markers Also front parking lights are illegal, but im just gonna take a hit from those.

Our inspection system works at way, that from bigger fault you must fix it and go show it again after that ( all problems related to steering, braking, bad fluid leaks, body rust etc), and from minor problems ( burnt lights, .. illegal parking lights etc) you get points. 3 points will go through, but from 4th you must fix enough of them to go under 3 points, and of course go show it again. So, now i have 2 points to use for minor problems. Without stickering my side-markers i would have only room for 1.

Okay, that was the educational lesson about our inspection system

Foggy and rainy outside ( f****ng English weather, take it back LondonCutlass! ). Slept really bad, dunno why.

Jamesbo - Invitation is on the way, just wait until our and your post offices manage to hassle enough with it, it just might appear to your postbox

Have a good new week everyone!

EDIT: No pass from inspection. Too big braking-force difference between rear brakes. Hope another seal hasnt leaked to drum, since they are all new parts, but my quess is just that i adjusted them poorly, lol. New try at wednesday Morning.
Also got one notification from leaking trans

Last edited by Inline; April 3rd, 2017 at 01:15 AM.
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 02:04 AM
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The wind is blowing from the south

So, it may come up a cloud before I can smack whitey around

We'll see

Inline, I'll keep checking my p.o. box, Hope my invitations gets here soon.

Around here, If ya got over 3/4 ton gvw you don't need an inspection Or if you car is old enough [like my Olds] but last time I got one, they only test for emissions really don't care if it steers or has brakes

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 04:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Cloudy here already, but warmish. Over 60. I hope the rain stays away, my plan is to go rent a tow dolly for the day and hike some cars over to the shop.

My cousin's boy is flying in today to go visit Candler School of Theology. This boy is big into track, makes me think of Chariots of Fire. His Mom asked me if there was anything he should know about Atlanta. I said, be back to his hotel room well before dark.

This will be two days in a row that Tiger misses out on Awful house. I need to take the pickup this morning to go get the tow dolly. Oddly enough someone put a big hitch on the Transit Connect, even though the owners manual recommends not towing with that vehicle. I don't have the right ball mount for it to work today, not that I'd tow a car with it anyway.

Well I guess I'll get with it. Last day off it needs to count. Have a good Monday everyone.
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 08:16 AM
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Adjusted my brakes at gravelyard, lol. Didnt want to drive to garage with tools onboard.
Hope it passes now. They are, in my opinion, somewhat "senseless" in regards when they start to drag, with truetrac installed, since theres that much of resistance already when you turn the drums By hand. Im sure inspector tells me at wednesday Morning did i succeed.
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 08:28 AM
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Mernin', all. We got the storms that are headed to your way today, Mike & Jamesbo. Mike, what's it like not having to worry about the pet(s) when the skies darken? Must be a new lease on life. You need to keep practicing with that new phone and get some more pic's up here -- cars + pets.

Jamesbo, official inspection will occur on the evening of Good Friday. Funny, 'cause Better Half & I were just laughing about how the finished product really looks nothing like what we envisioned... looks much more like a "brick" job than dry stack. But I think we're happy, since it looks great (at least in the pics) in its own right. Communication is definitely an acquired skill, and sometimes it's never acquired.

Also, Mike & Jamesbo, can I just grab 285 headed NW from 85, right past Union City, and take 75N right past Vinings, on into Marietta and on to 575 (where we would resume our regular route)? I'm sure this will be crowded, but maybe we'll try to hit it at 9 p.m. or so (seriously).

Y'all have a great Monday, Olds friends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 3rd, 2017 at 08:39 AM.
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 09:45 AM
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John, That would probably work [Unless of course someone on one of those roads drops their gum and reaches over to pick it up causing a 40 car pile up] BTW that's what happened on I 20 this a.m. Just to add a little more fun to the miserable compute ALL 4 east bound lanes blocked for 4 hours.

With spring break, things have not been as bad as I thought, The Zippy do dah [Marta] is packed with people avoiding the interstates headed to Hartsfield [airport]
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Old April 3rd, 2017, 11:25 AM
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John I don't get the High thru hell reference.

Only got a skiff of snow but we did get some needed moisture from the storm. They were calling for up to 8" and really had bupkis. So now they are calling for 3" tomorrow and we'll probably get 15"

Have a day all.
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