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Old October 11th, 2014, 04:03 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo. It's the weekend. You retired folk ain't sposed to be up this early.

John That is a nice looking 71. What was he asking for it? I dated a girl who's best friend had a yellow 302 car. I only owned 2 red and one green. all 3 were 70's.

Cutlassdad, that sounds great. I may have to give that a go this weekend.

Mike, They sold the plane. He was hired on by DB aviation. They are trying to take over that whole area for maintenance and contracts. It's a desk job now. He doesn't even touch the planes. He's building spread sheets and maintenance plans.

Scot Congrats on the job. Peak is coming up. Get ready.

Have a great weekend all.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 04:33 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Day two of tree-fest. I hope there's no day 3.

Clint I haven't heard of DB Aviation. Is it run by a guy named Cooper?

Okay time to get going. Have a good day everyone.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 07:11 AM
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Mike, Ere's a pic of him
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Old October 11th, 2014, 08:46 AM
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Morning everyone.

Idiot new neighbors in the condos behind us were woo hooing till early this morning. They could use a copy of that book called "shut the hell up". So I slept late like retired folks are sposed to I guess.

More fun with Mr. paint brush today.

Mike, good luck with the tree peeps. Sure as heck hope de roofers aren't the ones I had!

Scot, I wanna see a pic of you in UPS shorts. Then you can be the poster boy for the toothpick box.

Gotta make koffee now, enjoy your day.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 09:59 AM
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Well we've passed the point where tree dude got here yesterday. He said he'd be here much earlier today. Uh huh. I think I've been had. He wanted half the money yesterday when he left, and I reluctantly gave it to him. I figured he'd done about half the job anyway, so even if he didn't show back up I wouldn't be out anything.

I wanted to work on the black truck today, but there wouldn't be enough room to work and have tree dude's truck there as well, so I'm painting today. And looking out the window at the gorgeous day I'm missing out on.

He'll show back up when he's spent the money I gave him yesterday. So here is what I've learned. If someone wants money before the job is over, don't give them enough to disappear with for a few days. If he doesn't show today(he hasn't even called) I'm not sure I'll let him finish. I mean, I want the remaining trees down, but I also don't have any use for bums. That's not the first word I had there.

On a positive note, I'm getting my painting done that I've been putting off.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 10:22 AM
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Yeah, Mike the 1st rule of werk is ya gotta show up

BTW, I found a rig you don't have and desperately need
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Old October 11th, 2014, 11:39 AM
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That is sa-weet Jamesbo. You're right, I do need that. It's gotta stand in line, though, as I'm hot and heavy looking for a Metropolitan.

So at 226pm tree dude shows up. He went right to the back yard and was yammering with his old lady and the guy he has to help him, and now is revving his chainsaw up like he's Evel Knievel. Two Twenty-Six. I'm gonna show up to my work 4 1/2 hours late and see what happens to me. Eh, back to painting.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
So at 226pm tree dude shows up. He went right to the back yard and was yammering with his old lady and the guy he has to help him, and now is revving his chainsaw up like he's Evel Knievel.
Huh? You mean Freddy Kruger dontcha?

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Old October 11th, 2014, 06:34 PM
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What I meant Allan was that he would start the chainsaw and then rev it up like a kid on a dirt bike. Well it's 930 and they just left. Got all the trees felled and tomorrow he'll finish cutting up the last pine and then trim up the oak. My view of the lake just got a thousand percent better. Can't wait to see it in the daylight. I now have an enormous cleanup project that will probably take me all winter to complete.

Question: How do you adjust the parking brake on a vehicle with rear disc brakes? The PB on my Silverado doesn't hold. Pads are okay, I thought maybe the cables were stretched out. I also thought there'd be a turn buckle somewhere to tighten up the cables. I didn't see one. Any ideas?

Well, now that the threat of trees falling on people is gone for the evening, I'm going to run out and get a quick bite and go find some dog food. I was hoping they'd be gone by 9 so I could go to PetSmart.

So happy Saturday night everyone. Hope you're all out whoopin' it up good.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 08:38 PM
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Mike - press the parking brake pedal down, then release it. Do that about 6-7 times. It should move the star wheel adjuster at the top of the rear brake wheel cylinders on both sides.

The other way you could do this is to remove the caliper and rotor, then manually adjust the star wheel. Once you get them off, you'll see the star adjuster at the top between the 2 brake pads. Turn to the top to tighten - don't know how loose yours is but maybe up to 5 cliks or so? Try 2-3 and then see how it goes from there.

To take off the caliper, undo the (2) big 18 mm bolts at the back and take them out. They're in pretty tight so you'll need a lot of force to loosen them. Use a snipe on your ratchet to get better torque out of your socket. When the bolts are out, wiggle the caliper loose and set it up on the frame rail, then off comes the rotor. Easy peasy.
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Old October 11th, 2014, 09:05 PM
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Evening all!

Sun and clouds here today but a cool chilly wind blowing. Went to the show over at the Stow Glen Nursing Home. Got a little top 10 trophy. It's cute. Won a basket of Halloween goodies as a door prize. Has a nice apple scented candle, bags of pumpkin mini muffins, a cake mix and funfetti frosting, some pumpkin flavored creamers for in coffee. It was a nice door prize. I'm really not in to all the pumpkin flavored stuff. I'll make the cake since it's just a yellow cake mix, but I won't use the creamers or eat the muffins. I can have a couple slices of pumpkin pie, then I'm usually done for the year. That's enough for me.

Last week at Giant Eagle they had some little pineapple pies and I bought 4 of them, lol. I love pineapple pie! Haven't seen them in years!! I also love raisin pie but also haven't seen them in years. Lots of calories in those little pies, though. Of course I'm down to 138 lbs. after all this, so I guess I can have the calories. Don't want to get back the flab they used for the reconstruction too soon though. Gotta watch those sweets. Bad time of year coming up where it gets dark early and nothing to do but sit around and eat....

So I was surprised to see Dr. Smith show up at the show today driving a beautiful 52 ******! I told him that I've paid him too much money in the last 24 years I guess. He laughed. I guess his dad is a resident at the nursing home. I posted a pic of his ****** on my facebook page. It sure was purdy....

Got home this afternoon and brought the rest of the plants in to the breezeway. We have frost warnings out for tonight. It's already down to 39 outside. Supposed to be like 70 on Monday, but rain of course.

Tomorrow I want to get the wind chimes taken down and put back in the shed. I think I can do my little ladder now. I have to rip up my mater plant too. It sure did me proud this year! I still have a lot of little maters in the fridge. I already ripped out the green bean plants. I did get quite a few bags of beans frozen this summer. They'll taste pretty good in February!

Clint... I'm not sure about Glen. I know what the preview looks like, but they do show him in other situations so I don't know.... I hope they don't kill him off. I'd like to do my hair like Carol's - I really like how her's looks though it's darker than mine is now - if mine ever grows and gets some weight to it, lol. I like her spiky look, lol.

Scot.... UPS job, huh? That's great! I'm happy for you!!

John... thank you! Prayers do work.

Jamesbo... I'll have to try that. I don't have an iron skillet anymore. What you been getting up so early for these past few days?? Since I've been off, I've been sleeping until right around 8 am. I gotta get out of that habit! I hear Larry leave early then I go back to sleep. Still on the couch...

Mike... I like the squirt gun idea. God, I'd love to! Lead me not in to temptation... I'll just tell them where to go. I've turned in to quite the bit*h through this, lol.

Well you all have a good evening. Talk to ya later!
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Old October 12th, 2014, 02:22 AM
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Worm A-gain

o dark thirty

Sandy my puter is in my office above de garage and de kids are sleeping all over de house. So I get up and check out.

Don't want to turn on de TV and awake de prince and princess or de Super model get p.o.'d

I wish I could type more better I could really tell some stories of de craziness
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Old October 12th, 2014, 05:07 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Looks like another nice day shaping up. Surely tree dude will be able to finish today. He just needs to finish cutting up this last tree and trim the oak. Then I need to get to work cleaning it all up. The dogs can't figure out what happened to their yard.

Time for Awful house. I've been eating oatmeal for the past few weeks, which hasn't been bad, it helped get my weight down a little, but today I think I'll really shake things up and get some scrambled eggs. Just none of that liquid plastic oil.

Got a few things to do today, so I hope tree man can function by himself for a little while. Of course, he said he'd be here after lunch, so I suspect he'll show somewhere around dinner time. Last night he felled that tree well after dark, and then made the comment that he hated it getting dark so early, because it cut down on his work time. I think yammering with your friend half the day doesn't do you any favors, either.

Allan thanks for the tutorial on brakes. I had no idea setting the brake several times in a row adjusted it. What you can't learn sometimes.

Okay have a good day everyone.
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Old October 12th, 2014, 06:38 AM
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Morning everyone

Yup, doesn't get to sun up till 7:55 today. Lots of o dark side mornings in the forecast. Yesterday ended up being too windy to play paintbrush and today isn't looking much better. Temps are above normal but so are the winds. 30-35 mph. Spoda calm down on Tuesday.

Jim, sorry to hear. Build a bedroom in dat fancy well organized garage of your, ad a ber fridge and big screen tv an yer set!

Mike, you're welcome. Hope your problem is soled now? I forgot to ask what year yours is but that should work.

Clint, isn't this the race weekend? How'd you do?

Paul, how'd the repair on the Stang go?

Slurp, got my koffee keeping me comfy.

Enjoy your day.
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Old October 12th, 2014, 07:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Tree man is gone, for the night. Nine-Forty. He wanted to keep going but was afraid my neighbors would call the police for running a chainsaw this late. So tomorrow will be day 4 for a one day, one and a half day job. Eh, who cares. My neighbor tells me what he's done so far would have cost 3K if I would have called a professional outfit. Come to find out, this guy works for a professional outfit, and works on his own on the side.

So this afternoon I went to see three Metropolitans. They were all solid cars but only one ran readily. Guy said he'd make me a great deal. Three cars, extra parts, and the trailer the one was sitting on. How could I pass that up? I'm gonna go get them tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. I can shoehorn the cars here and there, but I'm not sure what I'll do with the trailer. There's room somewhere.

Okay gotta find something to eat then hit the sack. Hope everyone's week starts out good tomorrow.
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Old October 12th, 2014, 07:07 PM
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Hola, hombres y muchacha

Hot & sticky all day today, w/ some sprinkles. Just returned from Destin (FL) for better half's weekend work get-together. 'Twas very nice, but it's a fer piece for just 2 days. Left kitties w/ bowl full of food, and it was shiny clean when we returned -- although I think they had just polished it off, since they didn't eat much when we replenished it.

Mike, congrats (I hope!) on the acquisitions... I'd like to come up and see them all one day.

Pulled the trigger on a new Toyo in GA ... spose to pick 'er up when we go up in the near future. Now I need to sell the Camry....

Whelpt, got lots to do before retiring tonite, so let me run and hopefully get back mit y'all soon.... Have a great Sunday nite, Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 12th, 2014, 08:25 PM
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Evening all!

Had a nice day today after a cold frosty start of 33* this morning. It got up in the high 60's with sun. It's still nice outside now. Warm tomorrow and Tuesday, but rain on and off they're saying. Hope it's nice for Bellacino's Thursday. I think this will be our last one.

We went shopping this morning. Stopped at Tractor Supply and got birdseed and sunflower seeds. The squirrels are wondering why I've quit feeding them, lol. I'll tell you - if the squirrels are any indication of the winter ahead, it's gonna be a bad one! I've had more squirrels out here this year than I've ever seen before!!! They are everywhere! I don't know where they're all coming from. It's scary. I hate the damned things and I really hate them eating the bird seed. They come right up on the deck! Wish they'd go hibernate or whatever they do.

I put out all my scarecrows today along the driveway and in the flower beds. They look so cute. I didn't lug down any Halloween stuff. The scarecrow container doesn't weigh much so I lugged it down last week. It was nice working outside. Got all the wind chimes down and back out in the shed. Yanked dead plants out of the planters I made for work, got the mater plant pulled up and schleped them all out to the brush pile. I had a huge pumpkin vine bloom out at the brush pile this year and got a few little pumpkins off of it. The frost killed the leaves on the vine last night, so I don't know if the other few pumpkins on it will grow and turn orange or not. Every year I dump the old pumpkins and gourds out there. Last year nothing came back, year before last I had little pumpkins grow. I don't know why it skips years.

We got no grapes this year. They all had that black spot again. Larry trimmed all the vines down this spring, and cleaned the ground under the arbor real good. The vines grew nicely and had pretty grapes on them, then the spots started showing up and killed them all. It sucks!

Clint.... what'd ya think?? I thought it was a great opening episode! Welcome back Carol, lol. It will be interesting to see what is up with Morgan when he finds the group... I never thought about him showing up. Took me a while to realize who he was, lol. It's gonna be a great season!!

I think tomorrow night I'll try to sleep in the bed again and see how that goes. Hello ear plugs that I haven't missed in over a month.... I'm about tired of this couch.

Well I'm gonna get ready to sleep, so you all have a good night!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 12th, 2014 at 08:27 PM.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 02:03 AM
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Worm and Elsie

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Old October 13th, 2014, 04:35 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo sounds like whitey is safe today? Sorry.

Sandy. That episode did not disappoint. The slaughter trough had the missus hyperventilating. I instantly knew who the guy was,but I couldn't remember his name.

Mike db has been bought by Landmark aviation. Still small time, but basically does all the maintenance and now most of the charters out of Waukegan Municipal.
Mike your Silverado does not have auto adjusters on the parking brake. IIRC that is a 3/4 ton? You said your pads are ok, but are the parking brake shoes ok? The half tons are very thin to start with and the design is flawed. It allows them to fall and wont stay centered and wear out on one part of the shoe. Yours does have a star adjuster that you access thru the rear backing plate. , to see the shoes, you will need to pull the rotor off.

John, Another Camry? or something else?

Allan, No. No race this weekend. We do have one next weekend. I rebuilt the top end on the missus' quad. it actually looked better than I expected. but went thru it anyway. She was ready for new valves for sure but since you do grind these, I can't really call it a valve job. You don't even lap these. I'll try to post pics from my phone.

Have a day all.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 04:37 AM
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Here let's see if I can make these pics show.
Edit: nope. do it the old fashioned way. (Not real fond of the mobile app.)

Attachment 161992
Attachment 161993
Attachment 161994
Attachment 161995

Last edited by CQR; October 13th, 2014 at 05:11 AM.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 05:04 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I'm sitting here looking out the back windows and it looks like a completely different view. I can't tell you how pleased I am at the results of the tree trimming and removal. Now, providing tree dude shows up before dinner time, I can't see how he wouldn't finish up today. I need to start getting things cleaned up.

Clint you're right, my truck is a 2500HD. Rear disc brakes. It looks like there's a lever that is pulled on by the cables that just sets the pads on the rotor. Nothing outside the regular brakes. Of course I haven't had it apart so I'm not real sure.

We have Landmark Aviation here at Hartsfield. They took over Mercury as the FBO. Sometimes if we have an inordinate amount of planes laying over we'll park some at Landmark. It looks funny to have jetliners parked right next to little general aviation planes.

Jamesbo we aren't supposed to get rain until Tuesday morning. Fine by me. Even though I missed Denver this weekend I'm still taking tonight off, so I can go to Summit. This will for sure be my last chance to go, as it ends for the year in two more weeks. Really hope the rain stays away.

John did you make a deal with a GA dealer or did you set up delivery through your local dealer? I bought a truck out of town once, not because I wanted to...

Hope the Met recovery goes well today. Also found out my neighbors will be home today or tomorrow, so that means I need to get the Corvette out of the garage and the Mustang off the driveway. Looks like I'll be shuffling cars all day. Hm, not a bad thing to do.

Okay gotta get moving. Have a good Monday everyone.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 06:57 AM
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Hola, all...

Nuttin' much changed from last night... it's warm, and muggy as a greenhouse. The big wave of storms at the cusp of the cold front will sweep across us late tonight, then it'll be fall temp's for rest o'week. Nice gardening and weeding weather .

Sorry it sounds as if whitey is safe from you today, Jamesbo.

Glad you're getting out and about a little now, Sandy. Slow but sure .

Good to hear the trimming operation is going good thus far, Mike. It's tough keeping tabs on those wildcat chainsaw, rope, and snatchblock types. But I agree that paying for tree trimming through the "reputable" companies really breaks the bank. We're up against the same thing in GA. It's a dilemma.

It's an Avalon, Clint. The '14s are still arriving at the dealerships and there's $1500 dealer cash available now. I wanted one in GA b/c the ones down here (and the whole Gulf Coast region) are distributed through Gulf States Toyota, who put tons of crap on the vehicles and charge ridiculous prices for it -- stuff I have absolutely no interest in, such as paint protection, glass breakage sensors, and anything else they can gouge the customer on. The one in GA has a set of floormats added, and that's it. And this guy really responded quickly and (I thought) fairly to my quotation request.

I had bought the Camry in VA after Katrina for the same basic reasons. They were closing out the '06s for the completely redesigned '07s and the salesman had a no-nonsense demeanor on the phone when I called. I wound up spending $500 to ship it to Ponchatoula and still came out better than if I had bought it down here.

Only fly in the ointment this time is that my first color choice would have been blue, and this guy is not getting another blue one. So it's silver, w/ black trim, which does look mighty nice. I couldn't go another gray one, since both the Camry and the Fusion are gray. Need a little switch, anyhoots. If I'd have gotten blue w/ the gray trim, it would have been the same as the F-150. So this is something completely fresh. It's supposed to arrive later in the month, then we have to coordinate the delivery.

I drove a couple blue ones just for kicks & grins down here last Wednesday, just to see if they might cut me some slack on the add-on crap. They didn't.

Clint, exactly what is "the quad"? that's a mighty nice lookin' head. Huge bore, huh? Is it an oversquare engine? If the stroke is as big as the bore, it has to have be good 6-700 cc thumper, huh?

Well let me get crackin'.

Y'all have a great Moon day, Oldsmofriends.

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Old October 13th, 2014, 07:20 AM
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John, The 3 of us race 2006 Suzuki LTR 450's. They were only sold for 4 years(in the US) before the EPA shut them down. They didn't like the fact the Suzuki came up with a $20 party that would increase 7 horsepower (and also took it out of EPA Emissions compliance). 7 horse doesn't sound like much but these come with about 25 horse stock. Way over square. These are fast reving 450's with very flat pistons without much skirting. They have a 12K RPM rev limit for a single cylinder thumper.

Last edited by CQR; October 13th, 2014 at 07:22 AM.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 07:59 AM
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Mother Goose Must be a hoot!

Originally Posted by CQR
John, The 3 of us race 2006 Suzuki LTR 450's. They were only sold for 4 years(in the US) before the EPA shut them down. They didn't like the fact the Suzuki came up with a $20 party that would increase 7 horsepower (and also took it out of EPA Emissions compliance). 7 horse doesn't sound like much but these come with about 25 horse stock. Way over square. These are fast reving 450's with very flat pistons without much skirting. They have a 12K RPM rev limit for a single cylinder thumper.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 08:10 AM
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Morning everyone,

Frosty and cold here ths morning 32*.

Mike, good luck with the tree peeps. They sound like they're related to the crew that did my roof. See what happens if you tell them you'll send them a check for the final amount. Then make them wait for the check like they made you wait for them. Sorry if the brake info wasn't 100%. Should have asked you what truck year.

John, good luck with the new ride. Avalon looks like a very nice car.

Koffee time, I'm running late today. It's Canadian Thanksgiving up here today.

Enjoy your day.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 09:20 AM
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Well rats, the credit union is closed today. I thought no one recognized Columbus Day in the south. I called the guy and he said to wait until Friday to come get the Mets, that gives him more time to dig up all the spare parts. I hope he didn't mean that literally.

John you can't go wrong with a silver car. You can paint some blue pinstripes on it.

No sweat, Allan. Truck's an 02. Wish I had a maintenance manual for it.

Anybody ever use those battery cutoff things you install on the positive battery cable? I'd like to put one on the Corvette so I don't have to keep messing with the cable every time I want to drive it. I've heard there are some bad ones that will melt and cause problems. Is there a good one?

No tree guy. He's got maybe an hour's worth of work left, you'd think he'd want to get it over with. I'm not worried about it. He'll get here when he gets here.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 12:41 PM
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Went out a slosh around smacking whitey anyway

De kids bought a BReaking BAd video and have been watching it 24/7

I like de show but don't need M-60 firing a few hundred rounds and Bad Finger when I get up in de middle of de nite

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Old October 13th, 2014, 12:49 PM
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Gee, could be worser

I have to say they have good taste in music, Jamesbo. Back when I was actually short, they were one of my faves. George H. introduces them as "an Apple band" in the Concert for Bengladesh movie, and they play their hiney's off.

Mike, silver is good... Better half's Y2K Xterra was silver, which we sold when we bought the Camry. The last silver car I owned before that was my '72 Vega. But it had an ugly green interior.

My favorite current real estate agent just called and said we're ON for 1:30 manana. Let's see if we can actually go thru with it this time.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 06:49 PM
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One Oldsmobile at Summit tonight. The teal 70s Omega I saw a couple months ago. And it was just leaving as I was getting there. Sounded real nice.

Not much else to write home about. Got a call from the tree man while I was there. He just showed up to the house. Said his little girl got bit by a dog and that's where he's been all day. Well, he was working in the dark because I didn't expect him and I didn't have the lights on. He was gone by the time I got home. So now it's all me.

Got all the cars moved today, neighbor's garage swept out, trash emptied, and turn the AC on in the house so it's cool for them tomorrow when they get home. Now my driveway is back to packed. If I'd hurry up and chop up the remains of the parts cars I'd have a little breathing room. Maybe after the trees are cut up in back.

Work tomorrow. Only two this week. Why can't I take three days off every week?

Okay last bit of Starsky and Hutch then it's Charlie's Angels. They're already into the ones with Cheryl Ladd. She's pretty, but she's no Farrah.
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Old October 13th, 2014, 08:42 PM
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Evening all!

Kind of muggy here, it was a nice day with the temp at 72* but cloudy. Warmer tomorrow but storms start in the afternoon.

I went out and cut down the hostas in the back yard today. What a job! Worked about 3 hours. I go slow these days. Sat on my cart some, then would stand and cut some. I get so stiff.... Went to the Streetsboro Wal Mart and got some black and dark gray sweat pants with the smooth waist. Elastic hurts my skin. So it was a good day. I still have to get to the ones in the front yard yet. Little bit.... little bit.

That was about the extent of my day. Nothing exciting.

My hairdresser Katy is going to put some black 'low lights' in my hair on Wednesday. I can't take this snow white hair, looking like a grandma. I'm excited to get it done! Tina is supposed to stop by Thursday and Pam wants to have lunch one day. Just waiting to find out when.

Nicole called me today! It was soooo nice to hear her voice. She said everything is going well. She doesn't like the way the people drive - they scare her. Said she has some interviews lined up. She texted me some pics of the condo. Looks like a nice place. I'm glad she's getting along well. I enjoyed talking to her.

Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Going to try to sleep in our bed tonight. We'll see how it goes. Talk to ya later!
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Old October 14th, 2014, 03:43 AM
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Mornin all.

Looks like Jamesbo may have gotten the house back?

Sandy, Little turns into more, and more, and more, till its not so little anymore. Glad you are getting up and about a little bit better now.

Mike, What Parts cars do you have?

Allan, Happy thanksgiving (belated)

John, These new thumpers are something else. The missus has a little race inspired 150 4 stroke that really boogies. That thing has a 14K rev limit and pulls hard all the way to it.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 05:36 AM
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Mawn'in all

Naw Clint, I was up but under de kitchen table with tornado sirens go'in off

Sum one else need to chomp of de worm anywho.

John, Glad cha liked de music. Try it wit a few hundred rounds from a trunk mounted M-60 at 2 a.m.

Mike, I've got battery cut off on de tractor and de drop top but de go in de negative side. De one on de drop top is jes a **** dat loosens and de one on de tractor has a pull out switch.

Welp have a great day Olds friends my truck is[hopefully go'in in de bodyshop today.Nice rainey day to use a drop top as a dd
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Old October 14th, 2014, 06:36 AM
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Morning everyone

Thanksgiving was nice! My brother came over to join us and we had a great afternoon and evening.

Today all the lumber is going to the dump. Richard will be over in a couple hours with his truck. I'm guessing it's close to a tonne of wood.

Short work week up here for most peeps. 5 more days till my curling season starts! Woo hoo!

Time to put on a non percolated kuppa koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 06:52 AM
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Hola, all...

Elsie was sent packin', and now we have the cool, dry temps... enjoyin' while it lasts, which should at least be all week.

Yeah, Jamesbo, I'm sure the conditions under which the music is heard greatly determines its enjoyability. Glad you're getting back in the driver's seat of your abode. I guess you've come to expect those things, though, when you open your doors to the urchins (pls don't tell Supermodel I called 'em 'urchins').

Watched your whole little movie last night on the big screen, Clint... Really looks like a hoot. Must be nice to have an avenue like that to blow off some steam -- especially one you can share with the family.

Allan, glad Thanksgiving was nice. You must have one busy percolator! We're about to make the transition from iced to hot again. We cease using the flavored beans and just go with the straight java (albeit with some chicory) for the winter.

Sandy, glad you got to chat mit Nicole and she's doing well. It's great to have you posting again. Just the fact of your being able to go outside and do SOMETHING in the yard and garden must be very satisfying.

Today's the day we're closing the sale of the parents' old homestead of 35 yrs., so I'll be venturing to the Big City this afternoon and taking one last look at it before signing the papers. It's the end of an era.

Whelpt, have a great Tiu's day, Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 02:34 PM
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Hi everyone.

Turned out to be a nice day. We had storms early this morning and of course the dogs went berserk. No more rain at least the next few days.

Sandy I'm glad Nicole is doing good. How far away is Indy from you? Can you drive there and back for a visit in one day? That would be a good run for Teepo.

John hope the closing happens today and goes smoothly. Now you'll have to find something else to paint. Like the whole house in the hills.

Well okay Jamesbo, negative side. Do those things take up a lot of room. Precious little clearance in a Corvette battery box.

Clint the current wrecks sitting around are a 65 F85, 66 Corvair coupe, 84 G20 van, and what's left of a 61 Rampside. There's a few more that probably should get cut up but aren't.

Ah work. Well, it keeps us living in our house. Have a good night everybody.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 03:29 PM
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Back in one piece!

We're no longer the owners of the Metairie house! Thanks be to God and St. Joseph. All went smoothly....

Right, Mike: I have 6 gallons of S-W elastomeric paint that I'm going to paint the decks and stairs in Hiawassee with. Can't wait.

Later, friends.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 04:27 PM
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Well, I took a day off to attend a late day memorial for one of my best friends, who passed suddenly last week. I had a knot in my stomach all day, as it was totally unexpected and way too soon. When my parents moved to a little better neighborhood in 1966, he and his brother, were the first new friends that I made, with them being right next door. He was three years younger, his brother one and a half. We did many fun and stupid things in our youth, and managed to survive to adult hood. It was nice to see his kids, and an older sister, whom I hadn't seen in 15-20 years, he had a big family (seven kids total). I had talked to him on 9/28, and last seen him about two months ago when he stopped by to talk about his new job. Sometimes you just don't know.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 04:39 PM
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Dan, condolences on the passing of your friend. You're so right about "you never know" so it's important to make the best of the days you have, and remember the good times shared with friends and others.
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Old October 14th, 2014, 08:22 PM
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Evening all!

Had a beautiful day here today, cloudy but up to 77*!! Wish there was more of that to come.... raining now and temps in the 50's. Not looking good for Hudson cruise tomorrow night or for Bellacinos.

Ran the sweeper today then went and met Pam for lunch over in Stow. Had a nice visit. Stopped at the bakery over there and got my free loaf of honey wheat bread with the coupon I won at Bellacinos earlier in the summer. Haven't tried it yet, but it looks and smells delicious. I made rigatoni for supper with some of last years frozen green beans. Yummy!!

Went out and clipped off some more dead plants this afternoon. The back of my thighs feel yesterday's hosta clippings, lol. I did a Gilad workout this afternoon too, so I'll probably feel that tomorrow.

Slept in the bed last night. Laid awake until after 1 am. Tried to turn on my right side once - there's nothing for me to grab on to to kind of turn myself. I can't just turn like I used to. I did manage to lay on my left side awhile. But ended up flat on my back most of the night. I woke up about 3 times. So not a restful night. Hope tonight will be better.

Going to go have Katy put some color in my hair tomorrow. I can't wait!! Hope I'll look more like myself.

Mike.... it's about a 5 hour drive to where Nicole is now, she said. Guess they're in a suburb of Indy, though the mailing address is Indy. I sent her Singulair pills to her on UPS yesterday. She's on Larry's insurance, but they don't have SummaCare in any other state than Ohio so if she gets sick she either comes back here to her doctor or pays the whole thing out of pocket. I don't know....

Lin is sick. Has a cold or something going on. She has that ablation on her heart on the 21st over at Akron City Hospital. We're hoping she gets over the cold before then.

Well you all have a good evening!
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Old October 15th, 2014, 04:32 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy, That sucks about the sleeping situation. I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow. (pissus the missus off) but then I'm up usually around 12:30 or 1. Heard the ghosts upstairs this morning at about 2:00. I'm used to the house noises, but this was more than that. When I came upstairs I saw the kid was home and that what was making the noise. She was spose to be at the hospital all night. I had to take her some dinner last night. She had a patient with a rattlesnake bite to the face.

Dan, my sympathies on the loss of your friend.

John, Congrats! Probably gives you mixed emotions. Sometimes I wonder if all the work getting ready for race is worth it. Then being sore for 2-3 days after that.

Mike. sounds like you got your work cut out.

Allan, I'm starting to enjoy the new koffie maker. It has a bold setting that seems to take longer to brew, but it sure is tasty.

Jamesbo, Hope the breezes die down. Looks like it was pretty nasty in SE Ohio.. If they would just outlaw Mobilehomes, the occurrence of tornadoes would drop drastically.

Have a Humpday all.
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