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Old May 6th, 2012, 04:19 AM
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Morning !

Gone in 60 seconds, literally, for a tour in the 455....have a good day

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Old May 6th, 2012, 04:42 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

Partly cloudy this day wit scattered stroms Highs into the 90's

This site has seemed to get worse about loading, so I've learned to copy my post before I hit submit or even click go advanced after I've typed a good bit. It sure has come in handy Because if you're like me and sit and type fer a bit and then the loading part "loses" your post, then I'm not too inclined to do it all over again

Anywho I have to run or drive (better yet) to get some chlorine for the pool and it should be ready for the kids to enjoy, finally Well depending on the H2O temp of course.

Welp today is my only off day so I'd better go enjoy it, because I have to get up tonite at 1 am

Yall have a great day

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Old May 6th, 2012, 04:54 AM
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Lost my tome dis mawn'in also
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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:44 AM
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The site has had a reacquiring for about a week now. Slow or not loading. I'll send a note to Dan to look into it

Sun shine today for a change, nice maybe get something down today. The disc brake kit I bought for the 48 came with the wrong rotors so have stop what I am doing until I get the right ones bummer.

have a great Sunday all
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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:50 AM
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Well good morning everyone.

Couldn't get on all afternoon yesterday and up until just now this morning. Figured I'd better check in while I had the chance. This seems to be happening more and more.

Dog van was a no go this morning. I was thankful that it started yesterday so I could get home with the dogs. I messed with it all afternoon, it ran fine. This morning, nada. I'm not getting it. Fuel pump is working, everything else works, maybe something fried my new distributor. I'm gonna put a thread up here, I haven't run across many Chevy guys that are actually helpful.

Cruise ins at Summit start tomorrow. Weather is calling for rain. I rarely miss these, they are every Monday night.

I guess I better get out and do something about the van. It's blocking everything and I had to unhitch the Suburban to get to the Awful house this morning. If the site is still working I'll check back later.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 07:01 PM
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Hm, let me quote myself.

Originally Posted by slantflat
If the site is still working I'll check back later.
Got the new distributor out of the van and had it tested at Auto Zone. Bad module. Now tomorrow I'm going back to NAPA to see what they want to do for me. I think I got 12 miles out of it.

I like 67 Cutlasses for many reasons, but one is the 2door roof. However I'd really like to have a 4door. Do you think I can put the back part of the coupe roof and window on a 4door? Eh, I have too many projects already.

Ken that movie that's playing is the pride of the south.

I hope the weekend was good for everyone, and a good start to the week.

Here's another entry from the stable.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 07:27 PM
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Good Evening all.

I had a great day, spent the morning and afternoon working on the Cutlass (a picture has been posted in the build thread) and then went to a cruise night.

I've been having trouble with the forum as well the last couple of days.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:07 PM
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Sunday evening All!

Pat - you might want to get ahold of Paul (omicron). I don't think Dan can do much about the site problem, but Paul keeps his hand in the techno geek part pretty well.

Paul - not talking bout you ^^^. BUT, I'm gonna now. I posted about yer pic. You #$#@ posting that picture in black and white??? Just to hide that pretty blue paint? I'm diskapointed inya son. Jess havin some fun wit cha! One of these days I know you'll discover color.

Sandy - oh Sannndddeeeee? You must have been a busy lil girl all weekend. Haven't seen much of ya since Friday...

Ken - how was the swap meet? We needs ta know ya been spreading something down there.....

Mike - sounds like the dog van has seen its last days. 67s are one of my favs too. Learned to drive in one - 4 door. If you want a 4 door, go for the supreme - looks way cool with the hardtop sedan style.

Jamebo - have a good game in the mawnin..I would join ya but I have a handicap. It's called ' I can't golf worth $@HIt. '

Well, take care and sleep well my pets. I'll be up bright and early ta feed ya.....4 orders to go from Awful House
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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:09 PM
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Evening All!

I posted last night, then it was just gone, and like Scot, didn't feel like re-typing, lol. I've started hilighting and copying my post, so if it goes away I still have it and can re-post.

A gorgeous weekend here!! We had temps near 80 both days. I bonded with the lounge chair yesterday afternoon for about 3 hours or so. I loved it.

This morning, I went out and picked up Nicole and her friend Nick, who is visiting from California and has been staying with her and Charlie this week, and brought them here for the day. I took us all out for breakfast, came back home, then her and Nick watched movies and visited while I went out and cut dead flowers off in the beds and did some planting. Larry went to the shop and mowed, then we had a cookout and Jr. and his daughter came. We went to Cold Stone for ice cream too. It was a nice day.

Nick is the fellow that she went out to California to stay with for 3 weeks after she graduated - some of you will remember how upset I was over that back then, lol. Well he's a very nice and polite young man, I have to say. Came in and shook Larry's hand, and also again when we left tonight, and thanked him for everything.

Guess it's been pretty tension filled being out at Charlies he told me. I was worried yesterday when they stopped by after Nicole's dentist appt. Charlie clung to Nicole the whole time. I couldnt get her away to even talk to her! Then when I tried to talk to Nick, he was right there. She acted so nervous, like someone was gonna say something wrong and she'd get in trouble. She constantly picks at her thumb, and it's a mess. Stress. I think he's slowly brainwashing her. He tells her how she thinks, how she feels, what she believes.... it's scary. I was stressed out all day after their visit, so I decided to get her and Nick today so they would have a chance to visit and talk before he goes back tomorrow, without anyone spying on them or breathing down their necks. I don't think Charlie liked it much when I just showed up un announced and said 'you're coming with me today', lol. First thing out of his mouth when I took them back tonight was "what'd you do today". So I started talking. You could have cut the tension in there with a knife. Not a good situation....

If she gets this job, she won't be making enough money to afford an apartment on her own, but I told her she has to do something and get out of there!!! Even Larry was somewhat sympathetic, but he sure didn't volunteer to let her stay here. He was friendly to both of them today anyhow, so that was nice.

So I didn't make it to the Olds show. I really wanted to go. Jaunty posted a thread with pics of the show - I saw my friend Bob's 72 Cutlass drop top, so he was there. Check out Jaunty's thread!!

Just watched the weather on the news... they're calling for storms on and off tomorrow, and they could get bad in the afternoon/evening with high winds, possible hail and cloud 'rotation'. Not sounding good. I believe the Riverfront will be canceled, so I probably won't be taking a half day vacation tomorrow. Looks rainy pretty much through Thursday, so I don't think the opening week of cruise ins is gonna be a good one. Have to wait and see though.

Paul... happy to hear you got some work done on the Cutlass! I'll have to check out the thread.

Jamesbo... I planted my maters, green pepper and green bean plants today! I sure hope bugs bunny or something else doesn't come along and eat them until I can get a fence of some sort up around my little piece of ground, lol. I'll be pi$$ed!!!

Larry bought some flowers yesterday and made up some hanging baskets and planters. I sure hope we don't get any more frosty nights. My hydrangea is getting little tiny flowers on it, peonies are loaded with buds about to bloom, hostas are open and some of the lillies have buds! I'm ready, lol.

Well better get off here and get stuff ready for back to work. Brian will be back.

Have a good evening all.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Ken - how was the swap meet? We needs ta know ya been spreading something down there.....
Nope, doc says I'm clean, so haven't been spreading anything to anyone...especially "down there"...

I picked a few cruise calendars that shows all the car shows happening this summer. Also bought a 23 channel mid-seventies CB radio. It looks to be in great shape AND it lights up and works...$10. Looks like Smokey and the Bandit's CB.

Not a lot of Oldsmobile stuff. Maybe next year the club will buy a table and let members sell their stuff. We'll promote the club and members get to sell their Oldsmobile stuff for free. They will have to put in time however.
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Old May 6th, 2012, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by 442much
We'll promote the club and members get to sell their Oldsmobile stuff for free.
For free??? No way hoser! I'm not 'giving' stuff away, although I don't mind helping out promoting the club.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 04:25 AM
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Mawn'in all

Got a little wet stuff las nite but today it's spose to be nice.

Gotta go smack whitey 'round.

Y'all enjoy Monday
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Old May 7th, 2012, 06:18 AM
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Morning All!

Cloudy here of course. They're still calling for storms, so don't know if Riverfront will be on or not. Temps in the 60's now, heading to the high 70's.

Brian is back.... he printed a couple emails so far, leaned back in his chair talking on the phone 3 times, and just left for McDonalds.... got alot of work accomplished in this first hour, lol.

Nicole has to take Nick to Cleveland Hopkins airport later this afternoon. I hope she's careful in that traffic over there. Guess the new casino is supposed to open next week. I know that's gonna be a busy place for quite awhile. We will put off visiting it until it's been open for awhile, lol, so the crowds die down some. It sure will be nice to finally be able to leave my money in my own state, lol! : God knows I've left it in a lot of other states....

Well you all have a good Monday!
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Old May 7th, 2012, 07:19 AM
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Good Mawnin Oldsmobile Fans

Cow + Flatrock ere this mawnin, we need it though Hope Jamesbo can swung all da way to da 19th

I guess I'll have to post up some more of my rides in my sig, since Mike has added one to his I've got 9 total LOL Sure would like to get that number down to 7 sooner or later

Well at least the copying and pasting trick is werkin But there's nothing I can do about the slow loading Good thing Sandy caught on or that long post from last night could've been lost to cyberspace

I thunk I'll broke out da crock pot and make a batch of my werld framous Beef wit da Stew Yummy! It'll go great with the rainy weather

Allan, I think Ken meant you could sell your stuff without having to rent a space personally

Welp I'll be around soon as I peel dem new taters


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Old May 7th, 2012, 09:18 AM
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Monday Morning you special peoples!

Jamesbo - go whack a do whack a do whack a do! Ifn I wuz wit ya it would prolly sound more like : Crap, damn, $%# etc. Whitey has a better chance surviving wit me dan you.

Scot - Cow & FLatrock? Dats a new one fer me? I'll be over for lunch wit a big bowl of yer beef surprise... Yup, I know Ken meant the space would be provided free of charge to anyone who wants to help. Just I likes ta razz him sometimes. He's a great guy to sit down an lissen to. Always has some interesting part of history to tell ya! Plus he has a comfy couch in in cave....

Sandy - you a gambler??? Nawww. Hope everything works out for Nicole. That story about Charlie (Nicoles BF??) gives me the creeps. Help her walk, no RUN away from that. Someone that controlling sounds psychopathic.

Well it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I guess it's time for me to play with Mr. Rogers train. Geez that just sounds wrong..... Anyway I volunteered to help the Diabetes Assn canvass for funds. Out of the 5 routes they asked me to distribute to other volunteers (inc me) I phoned them first and guess what? Most of them changed their minds about helping. So it looks like I'll do the 3 extra routes myself. To me it's important to help cause I'm at the pre diabetic stage called Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT). Trying hard not to do the right stuff to avoid becoming diabetic. tic tic tic.....

Anyways, y'all got my blessing to do whatever ya want, short of robbing a bank or crashing your car today! Film at 11:00
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Old May 7th, 2012, 10:10 AM
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Allan cow + flatrock = Rainin like a cow p!$$!ng on a flatrock Anywho come on down I'll roll out the red carpet, give you the tour of the collection(s) AND get ya a bowl o' stew Awesome thing your doing for the Diabetes Association
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Old May 7th, 2012, 11:12 AM
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Afternoon All!

Well I checked the website, and the Riverfront is cancelled tonight. We just had a cow and flat rock pass through here right before lunch. It poured..... got very muggy out there now, and some weak sun is shining through. But this was only round 1. Round 2 is coming later on around 5 ish or so they are saying.

Thanks Allan R... I'm trying to help Nicole get out of there. No, Charlie isn't her boyfriend - that's the problem. He thinks he is and thinks he should be. They were friends. Period. He wants more, she doesn't. Charlie offered her a place to stay when her and Dave broke up at Christmas time. As friends only. Well he now wants to be boyfriend and girlfriend. He's really scaring me... He wasn't too happy when I took her and Nick back last night.

I texted Nick this morning. Charlie goes to work at 6 am. Well.... he's home for 'lunch' at 9 am, lol! Trying to catch her and Nick doing something, I suppose. So he goes back to work.... Nick and Nicole were going to go to Chili's to eat lunch before she takes him to the airport, and guess who comes home before 11 am? Says he's 'done for the day' at work. He works at Lowes..... I really don't think he was done for the day. He wanted to be there with them. What an a$$!!!! I told Nicole to be sure and hug Nick before he goes through the gate, no matter what Charlie tells her. She's my kid.... she has backbone, lol!

I hope you have success with your campaigning for funds. It's a great cause! Larry's mother has diabetes. Sad. You be watching your diet!!!! And yes..... I love to gamble, lol! Love the slot machines......

I'll eat his beef stew, Scot! I loves me sum beef stew. Especially with biscuits. Over biscuits is even better, lol.

Tomorrow is Blue's birthday. Sure wish he'd get back on here already......

Last edited by cutlassgal; May 7th, 2012 at 11:16 AM.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 11:50 AM
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Pat, Played like a goat 44/45

Allen, Ya gotta keep up wit de lingo [like cow pi$$'in on a flat rock= rain'in cats an dogs] Ya kind got to get the visual watch'in cows I recon.

Course, I can't keep up wit Nicole et al. It's kinda like Bob an Carol an Ted and Alice er sum''in.

Thar she goes, Cows on flat rock arriveth ere. Glad I'm off de links.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 12:02 PM
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Hey everyone

We missed out on the cow here, got a couple drops and some thunder, but now the sun is out. The dogs are still freaked out, though.

Took the new bad distributor back to NAPA. They didn't have another one and one guy let it slip they shouldn't have had the one they sold me. Probably someone else's core. Anyway they could order one and have it tomorrow morning. I said I just wanted my money back. Nope, warranty is only for exchange. I said this isn't about warranty, it's about poor equipment. Nothing they can do. Nothing they want to do is more like it. Yes I realize their policy is no returns on electrical parts. Well, even at a buck twenty I'm not installing the new one. I'm gonna get one from Summit or somewhere, because there's no way I'm trusting a second POS so I guess I'll just have an expensive spare. Perhaps in the morning when I get the new part I'll drive right up to the counter. I'm driving a Suburban now because the dead blue van is blocking everything else.

So I'm wondering if the cruise in will be tonight at Summit. It's beautiful out now but they sort of freak out about rain. I'm going up there anyway so I hope there's a good turnout. It's the first one of the year.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 12:36 PM
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Hi Boys and Girl.... I usually wait until I have something relevant to post, but I have nuttin' today.... weather's still hot in SE Louisiana, w/scattered showers (~10-20%); but chances increase toward Wed., then a slight cooloff, to highs in the mid-80s instead of around 90, where it's been lately.
Better half visited Mom in IL over weekend, so I did a little piddlin' around garage. Washed the poor Camry (daily commuter) .... not that it needed it!
Y'all have a great resto'day.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 12:38 PM
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Jamesbo you ought ta PM me your email addy, the better half sends me loads of hilarious stuff going around the base but not so appropriate for all to see

I agree Mike the aftermarket modules are waaaaaaaaay better than the crap you get from the local parts counter, but heat is the #1 killer of those modules. Toss out the dielectric grease after you put some on the prongs and lay a thick bed of that heat sink stuff from Radio Shack or equivalent underneath it and then no worries

Sandy you are more than welcome to some of my werld framous stew too The beef and veggies are gonna be so tender after slow cookin all day, you won't have to chew it
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Old May 7th, 2012, 05:52 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Allan, I swapped the headlight bezels. Is this better?

Attachment 176619

Sandy, I hope things work out well for Nicole.

Mike, did the Summit cruise happen?

Allan, good luck with the fundraising.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 06:15 PM
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Hi everybody.

Just got home from the Summit cruise in. Sandy does the Summit in Talmadge have these too? I thougth I was toast, it clouded up and started raining at my house a little before 6, but I wanted to go anyway because I wanted to buy a tool box. Well when I got there the sun was out and there were about 100 cars. Not a big turnout but always a good time.

Well I'm beat down. Beat down by the distributor. Every place that sells stock Chevy distributors sells the exact same brand as NAPA. However I'm glad to find out, now, that NAPA is the most expensive by far. So aside from getting a Mallory or MSD for hundreds of dollars, I will just install my replacement part I get at NAPA tomorrow, and then go down the street to Autozone and get a module and make up a little kit so I can change it out on the road if I have to. Also it makes no sense to sell the van because anything I buy to replace it is going to need maintenance. I just freak out sometimes. It's actually one of my better rides.

Paul did you get those bezels from Adrian?

I need to visit Illinois, also. John what part did your wife go to? I grew up in a south suburb of Chicago, and originally from Moline.

Sandy you want a couple of us to come up and persuade Charlie to move on?

Okay everyone have a good night. Tuesday is waiting for us.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 06:36 PM
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Hey Paul - I wasn't dissin your car. I really do like what I've seen so far. Yup, that looks 100% better . You do know what I was referring to. Thanks for the words of encouragement on the fundraising. It seems that a lot of people that I've talked to are either diabetic or getting close. That's scary.

Sandy - You keep on getting between them. Any chance Nicole can find someone else to room with? Charlie sounds like a total jerk with possessive and insecurity issues. With that kind of open behaviour, I think he should be locked up. Bring Nicole home for awhile if you can so you can help her put some distance between Charlie and 'access'. Put a restraining order on him. BTW, Mike says I'm beginning to sound like you I'm flattered to be soundin like the CO diva. We rock girl!

Mike - that unit you got that's just hanging around? Put it on evilbay and get at least 75% of the price back. Better than hanging onto it and taking up space.

I'm gradually starting to get rid of some of my hoarded parts. Keeping just the stuff I need to finish my car.

Met 'Eldon' at my buddy's Birthday party. He teaches welding at a tech college here. He wants to buy my fishing boat, motor and trailer. Thought maybe I could get about 1200.00 and him to teach me some basic welding. A small welder should be around 500-600 I think. Then I could start being useful around metal work.

Pleasant evening to all, God willing we'll chat in the mawnin.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 06:41 PM
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I almost forgot!

Summit always has a couple cars on turntables in the showroom and what did I see tonight but a 66 442 W30. Bare bones. White with red interior. What a knockout. I took some pictures with my phone and I will attempt to put them here. This car shined like a new penny.

Damn it why doesn't this work for me? Well, if anyone wants to see some crappy pictures of a cool car let me know and I'll email them to you.

Here's a picture of my Suburban instead.

Last edited by slantflat; May 7th, 2012 at 06:45 PM.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 10:48 PM
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Allan, I swapped the headlight bezels. Is this better?
Dammit, that's funny! but now gravity has pulled your hood down, and it's going to scrape the paint off
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Old May 8th, 2012, 04:48 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be a pretty one down ere wit only a chance of rain.

I think I gonna sit this latest episode wit Nicole out an keep my trap shut.
When you wife is de baby of nine [Good ole Irish Catholic] thar's enough female drama in my life wit out look'in north to Ohio.

Sandy, Fer the first time in 40 years, I ain't plant'in a garden. I'm gonna set out 50 or so maters and dat's it. I planted sum pole beans dat de frigg'in gound hogs allready eat up, so to heck with it.

Now I got baby ground hogs. Red [my golden retreiver] brought me one he'd caught de utter day an kilt fer me.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 06:20 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Birthday Blue..... if you're out there!!!

Still rainin like the cow on the flat rock, lol! Muggy and temps in the 60's. 78 in here and my fan is on!!! Boy we had viscious thunder storms roll through all evening yesterday. They didn't miss that forecast, lol. Lost power once for a while. The lightening was scary!! The back yard is a lake this morning complete with the ducks out swimming on it.

I think I'm going to head to Ravenna after work and take Linda grocery shopping. I won't get home until 10 ish. But it has to be done. I'd rather do it on a yucky rainy night than give up one day of my weekend.

Paul..... That's great, lol! Very clever of you.

Mike.... Our Summit has shows - they don't have cruise in's. They let other people have their shows in the parking lot too. There are 2 shows I plan on going to over there this year. I have 2 trophies from Summit that I've won. Matter of fact, we got rained on there last year at the BOP show. They're about a half hour away from me. I'm glad you got to go enjoy the cruise! Thanks for your Charlie offer, lol, but I don't need you all yet!

Allan R..... You're right - nothing wrong with being like me at all, lol! We DO rock!!! Larry won't let Nicole come home. So she has no where to go. He never did like her - so once she moved out, there ain't no coming back. He's an a$$ like that..... I'm sure if Charlie was getting violent, that would be different, but since Nicole didn't listen to him ( he and his son know it all, believe me) she's stuck. If she gets offered this job tomorrow and takes it, I'm gonna try to help her get out of there. I just don't know how she is such an a$$hole magnet, lol, but she sure attracts them.

Jamesbo..... you make me laugh! I'd stay out of it too, lol.. Sorry you're not gonna plant a garden. I was afraid those hard rains last night were going to destroy my spindly little bean plants, but they were still standing! I planted 3 maters (2 cherry and one Big Boy), 2 green pepper plants, and a bunch of green beans, lol. I'm sure I have everything too close together in my little space, but live and learn, lol! I decided to plant my cherry maters in the ground instead of in pots on the deck this year. Gotta get some fencing put around. Larry has some netting he bought and put around the lily beds to keep the deer out. I think he has some left I can use. I haven't seen our resident ground hog at all. I think something musta happened to him over the winter. Gee..... so sad. NOT!

Allan R..... by the way, 'mater' means tomato!

Oh it's gonna be a long day. I was sooooo bored in here yesterday. Today is lookin the same way. Brian just left to make his McDonald's run. I'm still not talkin to him much.

Oh yeah...... Scott (oldspackrat) has one of those cheezy strap thingys - NOS- that he's gonna send me. Looks like the ones from that web site. Said to pay him what I thought it was worth when I get it. Isn't that nice? Now I'll need to know exactly how it goes on - the proper position - so I don't put it on wrong. I'm sure the side where the tie closes should be facing a certain direction, lol! I'll have to ask Rob for a close up pic of Lady's.

Well you all have a great day!!
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Old May 8th, 2012, 06:50 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Same forecast as Jamesbo. We had some pretty good storms yesterday eve. We went to the school for the proper induction of my third daughter's National Honor Society last eve and it only sprinkled a bit on the way thank goodness But once we got home the light show began and the bottom fell out

Sandy glad you found your part.

Mike that's a good lookin suburban you have there. You want that distributor from my van it's yours.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 07:00 AM
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Talking morning all

Cool with chance of rain here but sun and the 70's by weeks end.

Well Sandy don't know what to tell you. My wife's older sister has both of her "Kids" back home with her one is 52 and the other is 50 both not worth a damn and how her 5th husband tells her their moving to Mexico to start a dive shop. So they are selling everything and moving talking the "kids" with them, by the way she is 69 pushing 70. So things aren't as bad as they could be with Nicole.

Have you had the droptop out lately? Seems like the weather is getting to the point where you can start driving with the top down. No garden, guess father time is catching up with you?

Sound like you have a passel of smart girls there. Hopefully they will all make a lot of money to support you in your old age
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Old May 8th, 2012, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
Sound like you have a passel of smart girls there. Hopefully they will all make a lot of money to support you in your old age
Amen to that brother
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Old May 8th, 2012, 09:33 AM
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Red face Land of Lincoln

Hey, Mike... She went to Peoria via Bloomington... her family still lives up in the Peoria area (incl. Pekin, Washington, etc.) where she grew up. Her Grandpappy was from Moline... he worked at John Deere.

How we got together here in LA was "just one of those things," as Francis Albert Sinatra once crooned & Cole Porter wrote (but prolly in a different sense).

Sorry to hear of the distributor woes... cars are kinda' like people: it's hell to get old!

Have we heard from Clint since his excursion to the N.O. Jazz Breast.... oops ... I mean Jazz Fest?

Originally Posted by slantflat
I need to visit Illinois, also. John what part did your wife go to? I grew up in a south suburb of Chicago, and originally from Moline.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
Jamsbo,Have you had the droptop out lately? Seems like the weather is getting to the point where you can start driving with the top down.

It's getting close to time Pat. Problem is 'round ere in de spring, if ya take your Trophy Blue drop top out in de spring wit de yellow pine pollen, in 'bout 30 seconds you're driv'in round in kinda an "Exhorist pea soup green" drop top.

[Not that I don't luv Green Cars Sandy]

John, Dat sound like my kinda festival. Got pics?

Mike, I luv my Suburban, One of these days, I'm gonna unpack it and see what's in the 3rd seat.

Scot, X2 on hav'in a herd of smart girls. But Can de cook?

Blue, I hope you're lurk'in ole friend. Happy Berfday.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 10:24 AM
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Here ya' go....

Jamesbo, is dis whutcha had in mind?

I tinks he was practicin' for da' "Make a ugly face" contest to be held in "da' french quawtas" dat evenin'....
When we wuz kids (in our 20s), I can't tell you what we called the fest, due to mixed company and omnipresent moderators....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 8th, 2012 at 10:29 AM.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 10:28 AM
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Not zackly John.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 10:36 AM
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Nice, hot afternoon everyone.

It isn't stifling and the sun is out. Can't get any better than that.

Thanks Scot. The dist in your van is an HEI unit, and mine is the next latest and greatest. I picked up the latest new one today from NAPA. The guy that gave me so much grief saw me drive up and ran to the back. This afternoon I'm gonna put that puppy in, and also cap and rotor, plugs, wires, the whole shebang.

John my Grandfather worked at Farmall in Moline. No one in my family ever worked at Deere, but then no one else worked for Farmall, either. Now all those factories on the river are ghost towns falling down on themselves. I don't think Deere has a factory in Moline anymore, just the home office, which oddly enough, is on John Deere Road.

Jamesbo my dogs are not quick with the ground critters. My girl got herself a squirrel one time, and my boy got a ground squirrel. Both times they thought they should bring them in the house. I wish they'd get quicker, because these critters are a big pain in the neck.

Okay gotta do something productive. Sat too long at the Awful house this morning, but did get my lottery tickets and went to Walmart. Now to get to that van and get it moved. I've had to drive the Suburban because everything else is blocked. I forgot how much fun that guy is to drive. Sure it weighs 5000 pounds, but with a big block and trailering gears, it moves! And it's fun to blast oil smoke out the sides to unsuspecting pedestrians.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, X2 on hav'in a herd of smart girls. But Can de cook?
Yessir dey can whoop up sumpin ta eat, we are a big family to today's standards (6) and all but the 9 y/o can

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Blue, I hope you're lurk'in ole friend. Happy Berfday.
Yea Blue come out come out where ever you are
Hippo Burpday my friend

Originally Posted by slantflat
Thanks Scot. The dist in your van is an HEI unit, and mine is the next latest and greatest. I picked up the latest new one today from NAPA. The guy that gave me so much grief saw me drive up and ran to the back. This afternoon I'm gonna put that puppy in, and also cap and rotor, plugs, wires, the whole shebang.
No problem Mike just trying to help. I hope everything goes well with the distributor install.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 06:56 PM
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Good Evening All.

A not sunny day with the stuff I can't talk about.

Allan, I know you weren't dissin the car. And I actually appreciate you mentioning the headlight bezels. I never noticed. And I did actually change them around last night, I was just having fun with the picture.

Mike, nice Suburban. And no, the bezels are not from Adrian, I just wasn't paying attention when I installed them.

Happy Birthday Blue!
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Old May 8th, 2012, 07:48 PM
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Evenin' everyone.

Paul that isn't what I meant. The car was upside down. You know, from down under. Oh never mind.

Got most of the stuff to work on the van, and just when I went out to get started I heard thunder. So that was that. A few minutes later came the torrential downpour. Then it was sunny again.

Jamesbo here's a car that looks like yours for less money. It's in Winder. No I'm not trying to make you feel bad. What does it say on the fender? Craigslist ad says it's a 68.

Hope Blue had a nice birthday.

Work tomorrow. Then on my weekend I'm flying up to Newark to drive home with my neighbor. He can't make the trip by himself and no one else will drive him.

Went to get the dogs some ice cream from Sonic tonight, and saw they have Chicago hot dogs. I said, I'll be the judge of that. So I got one. It had all the requisite stuff on it, but the meat was wrong, so the whole thing was wrong. Oh well, I realize this isn't Chicago.

Gotta stay up late tonight, so I can sleep in in the morning and not be zombie at work tomorrow night. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to hump day.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 09:04 PM
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With the fron bumper, grilles, hood, and head light bezels (front clip?) it's a '69, but the vent windows indicate a '68. F85 or F Eighty Five, is on the fender, I can't tell which, and don't remember right off.
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