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Old July 2nd, 2018, 12:17 PM
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Well Day 1 is now in the record books. I did exactly nothing for 8 hours. Walked in at 6 sharp and the lead showed up at 630. After a short meeting, I walked around with the safety guy and he showed me all the obvious stuff. Then I sat with a guy who was doing paper work. He did that all day and it seems that's what I'll be doing. I couldn't do any paperwork because I have to go through more training and get a password and that sounds like it will take weeks. Lord I hope I'm not sitting watching paint dry for weeks.

Beautiful here, if not a bit warm. I think I'll go for a walk. Then tonight is the Summit cruise in. I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 03:23 AM
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Rise and shine Mike, It's time to go get paid for doing nothing [for a while}

Headed to get my eye surgery checked out [apres surgery look see]

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 12:16 PM
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Oh hell Jamesbo.

Hi everyone.

Today I did not do nothing. I started at the beginning. Trucks came and unloaded bad tires and we separated them by type and took the covers off, took the bearings out, checked paperwork, moved them to where the bead gets broke. These tires weigh hundreds of pounds and the young kids were throwing them around like nothing. I was trying to turn one while rolling it and it got away from me and it fell. Everyone laughed. I was embarrassed. This one guy came over and lifted it back up like it was nothing. I was mad, really, because I used to be able to do that, but I couldn't do that today. I came home filthy. It's been a long time since I've gotten that dirty at work. I hope I never have to work that job again.

Seems I'm going to go through every facet of breakdown and buildup before I get back to the paperwork part. Tomorrow I'll probably be breaking the bead and separating the tires I threw around today.

Didn't make the cruise in last night. Got to talking on the phone and relaxing and before I new it the cruise was over and I hadn't left the house. I went to bed early and slept good. Tonight I think I'll mow a little bit but go to bed early, because they want to start at 4 tomorrow instead of 6. My God.

Quiet day here. Must be everyone traveling for the holiday. Hope everyone stays safe.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 12:36 PM
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Good afternoon everyone,

I think the weather dude has rocks in his head. He keeps insisting it's going to rain and of course it doesn't even come close. Clouds yes, rain - nooooo. I think the only way to guarantee it will rain will be to wash the cars.

Since the Malibu inspired me yesterday, I did the oil change on the Sonata today. The only thing that takes any time is removing the engine cover. It has 6 bolts that hold it to the top of the block. How dumb. Oh well. After it's all said and done I ran the car and checked the oil. Hmmm, it seems it likes to have just a bit more than 5 L even though the manual calls for just 5. I go by the dipstick, not the manual on this. I noticed there was some noise from the front left so I checked and it's not the engine, it's either the alternator or idler pulley making that noise. I spose I'll have to get my extender and listen through the tip to find it. I really don't want to be changing any of that crap out right now.

Jim - How'd the eye doc visit go? Can you blame him for your score yesterday?? Hopefully all is well. MY BIL just had both of his peepers done. One about 4 months ago and one about the same time as you. He says his vision is much better now which is too bad, I think he enjoyed just groping his wife with the eye excuse saying he couldn't see where she was... Did they put a replacement cornea lens in when you did yours?

Mike - Baby steps. Ya know what? Let the young bucks do the heavy lifting. Why worry about killing yourself when you don't have to? Only 2 days in on this job won't give you the true picture of what's going on. Honestly I don't think I could do that kind of work now.

Glenn - How's the missus? Hoping she's ok.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 01:15 PM
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Mike, I wouldn't worry about it, you can visit those young bucks in the hospital when their backs give out

Allan, the whole thing started about 3 months ago. Because my family has had a history of glaucoma, I always get an annual check up. for 67 years nada, this year they said, they couldn't dilate my eyes for the check up because I had a pressure build up. so, I had one lasered [to relieve the pressure] went back and the stupid laser was on the fritz. Finally got the other one done and this was just a pre op [with the check up I went for in the 1st place.]

I never knew I had a problem til I went and can see fine [except my golf ***** in deep woods]

When my eyes got back to normal I Got all the mowing done [a-gain] today and for the 4th, I'm gonna pressure wash the house. Finally remember something I hate worse than weed whacking, trimming hedge, I've got a pole trimmer and a hand trimmer and both of them feel like I'm carrying one of Mike's tires. I'm not sure why, but the only part of me that get's tired is my arms
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 01:27 PM
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Good Afternoon Everybody:
Mike, doesn't sound like a fun day at work. Are the tires off different types of airplanes? No way I could move one of those things. Do you know how much they weigh?
My wife is having a helluva time with this sciatic nerve. She has never had this before and with the exception of childbirth I have never seen her in this much pain. It started Sunday and she call the doctor Sunday evening and he prescribed some muscle relaxers that did nothing. So she gets a 1:30 appointment yesterday and I take her. The doctor prescribed tramadol for pain and prednisol for inflammation. The tramadol did nothing for the pain so we go to the emergency room right before midnight. After two and a half hours we left without seeing a doctor. There was a senior citizen that came with his blood pressure at something like 190/109 and a guy about 40 that came in and thought he was having a heart attack. I had no problem with them going in front as they should have. The ones I had the problem with were the Mexican child that had a rash on her arm and the +/- 20 year old Mexican girl that was pregnant and was laughing with the three that were with her and playing video games on her phone while she was waiting. I had to tell her little boyfriend to turn his phone down. After two hours I asked the nurse how long she thought it would be and she proceeded to tell me it was based on the severity of the ailment and not the time you had been waiting. I was pretty pissed when we left but probably not nearly as pissed as I will be if I get a bill from the hospital. I have already gone on Google and left a 1 star review this morning. There is a string of them. We will never go back to this hospital again. Never.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 01:41 PM
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So sorry for your experience

The word is 'Triage" it means dealing with the most severe cases 1st. What it doesn't say is who determines what is worse.

In these parts many hospitals are money makers 1st and take care of the patient 3rd or 4th.

They're [IMHO] a good place to get a] sicker or b] die. I'm not so sure a "Doc in the box" aren't better places to go

I've had the same problem from time to time, Lie[or is it lay] down, SLOwly pull her knees to her chest one at a time [to stretch the nerve] and sleep on a heating pad in the lower back
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 02:19 PM
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Thanks Jim. I wondered who determines the severity of the case, a computer or the nurse. If it is the computer I am sure the nurse can input key words that will move the priority up. Baylor/Scott/White is one of the bigger hospital groups in the area. You bet they are for profit. Baylor Dallas is one of the best run hospitals I have ever seen. Not the case with Baylor Lakepoint. I thought it would get better when Baylor purchased the hospital a couple years ago. Not the case. We will never set foot in this place again. I will see if I can get her to try the stretching exercises.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 05:02 PM
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Glenn I don't know for sure what the tires weigh but they are definitely over 200 pounds apiece. The main tires anyway. Atlanta is the only wheel/brake shop so every tire from every station comes through here. The main tires for the new A350 are almost as tall as me. I wish your wife the best in recovery from her nerve pain. I hope you have another hospital close enough by in case you need ER again or for anything for that matter. Good thing you weren't bleeding to death.

I realized about half way through the day that I didn't need to get good at that job, but give it a good effort. The young guys probably laughed at me later on, that's okay. I'm grateful for the experience, it does a guy good to work hard once in a while. I still don't want to do it again.

And now off to bed. Sheesh. It's still light out. I didn't do jack this afternoon. Oh well. Good night everyone.
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 06:59 PM
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Afternoon all, been a very busy week for us here. We have now officially moved house. Took a while as we ended up doing it ourselves including cleaning the last house. After living there for 9 years you don’t realise how many little marks the kids have put on all the walls until the place is empty lol. Handed the keys back yesterday.

Almost have the new place set up and unpacked as well. Just need to get a couple of different things as our old stuff no longer fits properly in the new place since we downsized. I can now mow the whole lawn, nature stop included with my line trimmer so I can sell the ride on mower I have and don’t have to buy a push one which will be a nice change. Mow the lot in half hour I reckon lol.

Glad and to see you’ve moved shift Mike. It will take a bit to get used to I’m sure but before long you will find your grove I’m sure.

I ended up giving a bunch of stuff away to a friend when we moved because of all the tools who ask if it’s still available when you try to sell something online. Too much of a headache and wasted time. Wait half a day just to have them not turn up

You’ll have to put one of those gps trackers in ya wallet Jim so if ya lose it again it’s easy to find 😁

Back to it I guess, take care everyone,
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Old July 3rd, 2018, 08:49 PM
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Glenn, I hope the your wife's pain eases up. It is no fun. My back was killing me yesterday at work, hurt to stand, hurt to sit. 84° at 11pm tonight, per my cars thermometer, on the way home from work, too damn warm for me. No lake effect to cool us down, as the wind has been from the East for the last two days. I'm gonna work 6 hours tomorrow, or today by the time most of you read this. Mucho dollars for working the holiday, then I'll work Sunday for some double time, all on the same check. I may take a four day weekend the following week, haven't decided yet.
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Old July 4th, 2018, 05:33 AM
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Good morning everyone,

We got some rain yesterday evening, at the same time I was grilling some rib eyes. The steam coming off the bbq was pretty impressive.

Nice cool start to the day here.

Happy Independence day to all you south of the 49th!

Sufferin Sucotash!!! Gas here went up 74¢/gallon overnight. They say it's just short supply. I think it's corporate greed. They said it was previously costing 8¢/gal more than they were making do the math...

Adrian - Good on ya mate! Moving is such a bugger at times it makes one glad when it's over. Always have some adjustments to make on new digs. I hope everything works out good there. How are Tink, Lego and Minn adjusting?

Dan - Sorry to hear about your back. I can appreciate how that feels. Just curious, other than the money, why would you put yourself through that if your back is hurting?

Happy Humpday y'all.

Last edited by Allan R; July 4th, 2018 at 06:58 AM.
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Old July 4th, 2018, 08:02 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well look at me I'm done with work for the day. We were supposed to work 4 to 12, but everything got caught up early so we left at 10. I don't mind that. They said this way we can enjoy the holiday. Now, in my other department, the leads would have gone home early and left us high and dry. I was in the health club again, but not so many tires this time. I'm hoping that's it. Of course the next stop is tire breakdown. Not better, just different.

Think I'll rest up a bit, since getting up at 2 isn't very nice, then go get the black pickup and do some stuff to it. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old July 4th, 2018, 08:37 AM
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Happy 4th of July to all in the USA and a good morning to you Allan:
It was 103 here yesterday but we have a cool spell coming up where it is only going to be in the mid 90's this week. We thought we were going to get some rain last night but no such luck. I am going to fire the Weber up later and cook the usual hamburgers and hot dogs for the 4th. We are doing a pretty low key 4th. There are lots of fireworks around and we will do the local show here in Rowlett. I don't do the crowds at the big fireworks shows.
I think the wife is a little better today. She still has a ways to go. We were supposed to leave on a small vacation up in Arkansas next Tuesday but I don't think that is going to happen now. We will probably postpone it. Oldest grandson starts bandcamp at the end of July so August is out.
I hope everybody enjoys the holiday. Stay safe and try and stay cool.
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Old July 4th, 2018, 08:42 AM
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Allan, one day off in the middle of the week doesn't do much for me, so I might as well work, treat it like a normal work day, and get the extra money.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 03:06 AM
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Still hot and dry

Wonder how come London didn't wish us a happy traitors day

Mike, Are they split rim tires [ like huge trucks use} You can get killed messing with them

Yesterday, [while the super model went to her companies 4th party] I put on my Jesus Weejuns and pressure washed the deck. A little spray sure cooled things down

Today, I'm going to town to buy a new fly line. Maybe, I'll stand out in the river and try to see the waterfall For the new comers I'll post the pic a-gain [so you'll know wth I'm taking about] cause I know the ole timers are tired of looking at it

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 5th, 2018, 06:59 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Hope your 4th celebrations went well. It was just another oh hum day up here we continue to get closer to our provincial and federal elections. There will be changes...hope that's not too political.

Beautimus start to the day. Nice and cool but spoda be up to around the 80's later, even hotter tomorrow. I guess I'll have to start watering again.

Jim - yawn...

Dan - How'd things work out yesterday? My son got 2 promotions at work yesterday and a significant bump in pay. WOW! Never seen that happen before

Glenn - My wife saw your avatar and really likes your car.

Well I fried up some breakfast (poke) sausage for de boy this mawnin. Costco brand. They're lean, really lean. Almost no grease in the pan and they fried up nice and golden. Of course he comes down from his shower and says 'no time'. Well they'll still be here for him tonight. The ones I had tasted good, but I also like to put HP sauce on em.

Headin out to say howdy to de boys and have a cuppa koffe wit em. Enjoy your day!
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Old July 5th, 2018, 08:00 AM
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Allan, It went well, no problems with the back, even though I had to move a 300lb die from a machine, and then put it back about 20 minutes later. It didn't hurt that I took a 500 mg Naproxen earlier. It's a good thing that your wife didn't see what Jim posted this morning, or else we would all be told to go stand in a cold shower! BTW Jim, thanks again.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 08:41 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
Jim, good advice to Mike on the truck wheels. There is a reason they have a cage over those things when they inflate them. We will let you know when we are tired of you posting the waterfall picture. I am not there yet.
Allan, thank for your wifes input. I don't know what it is but women really like the 54. I think part of it may be the color. The first time I showed the car at a NTOC Zone Show it was Ladies Choice. At car shows it seems a lot of women like their picture taken by the car. That is okay with me. Congrats to the boy. We always like to see our kids do well.
It has cooled off here and is only supposed to be in the low to mid 90's today and most of the week. There is even a 40% chance of rain on Saturday. I will be working out in the garage today to try and finish my housekeeping.
Have a good one everybody.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 12:09 PM
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Hi everyone.

I'm beginning to think the lead is a bit of a masochist. Not sure how to spell that. I'm in the tire room two days and today he says, help Hormel break beads. Well, that doesn't take long so guess what I do to pass the time, work in the tire room! The rims are indeed split. I don't see a way for them to come apart and hurt someone, when the tires come in we take the shrader valve out. Several plugs come out, the beads are broken, and then they go to where the tie bolts are taken out. You'd really have to work at giving the guys an aired up tire to unbolt. I haven't been to the build up of the tires yet, but I know they are filled in a cage.

Allan when my friends from Australia were here years ago we got some HP sauce. Don't know where it came from, but afterward my Mom came to visit and she said it sounded weird and threw it out. I never used it once they went home anyway. Of course I brought home some vegemite the first time I was in Australia and I still have it. It expired in 2005. That's okay, I'm not eating it. That stuff is vile. But I like looking at it.

I must have slept better than I thought last night, during the siege, because I was pretty with it today and I feel good now. Might try the mowing I didn't do yesterday and maybe work on the black truck a little.

Have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 01:29 PM
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Been busy. Only visited wit de boys till 9:30. I got bored of lissening to them brag about their motor homes and travel trailers. If I needed that kind of drama I'd have gone to see a chick flick.

When I got home I decided to attack several more sections of lawn that needed aerating. I really don't mind doing this by 'foot' because I can control the placement of the holes and depth too. It takes a lot longer than a machine but the results are better. Besides, I tried that machine and it pulled me around like a tiger on a leash and wasn't much fun. I think both give a guy a good workout, but this way I also don't end up breathing in all the exhaust fumes. I found the easiest way to do this is to water the ground for about 15 minutes, let it sit for 10 minutes and then go nuts with the aerator. I figure I have another 3 days worth of spots to get done. For now I'm done and enjoying an iced cold beverage out of the sun. It's windy out there too, and easy to get burned when the breeze makes the skin feel cooler. All things equal, I get some exercise and the lawn looks spectacular.

While I was watering out front, the lawn service (Dr Green) fertilizer/weed control guy shows up at the new neighbors. He sprayed literally everything there was so much that needed controlling. I casually told him, "You'll be back". He said "Hope not, Jeez you should see their back yard". I knew what he meant because I can see it from my deck. It's a pigsty. Actually that's derogatory to pigs, so let's just say it needs a LOT of help or divine intervention. They still aren't moved in because the house isnt finished. But they have their late night hooka smokes and leave the yard trampled and junk lying all over. The guy spraying the grass isn't paid to move anything so he just sprayed around and over everything. Before he left he told me I had a beautiful lawn and was amazed it was so green and weed free considering what the lawn next door looked like. Secret of success is constant vigilance and attention. Plants and grass can sense when they're appreciated.

Hey Mike, I tried vegemite once. That was enough. It's waaay too concentrated for me. I forgot to ask Adrian if he's a fan of it. HP sauce (HP abbreviated for House of Parliament) is a thick brown steak sauce. I guess it's one of those things you either like or hate. I happen to like it, obviously. The lead is a masochist? He likes to inflict pain on himself? What a strange dude.

I think the rest of the day I should just chillax.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 02:01 PM
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Is that what that means? Sorry, I should look up words before I use them. He likes to inflict pain on me! He has the look of a country preacher. Kinda looks like John Denver. But he's an administrator. Listening to him talk I don't think he's ever turned wrenches, always been a lead, or a planner, or some sort of desk jockey. Not that we don't need desk jockeys, but it's hard for a mechanic to take a guy like that seriously when he's never walked the walk, so to say.

So I sat down for a minute and of course fell asleep for an hour or better. Deciding whether or not I should go out and work in the yard anyway. Bet I know what I decide. I know, I'll ask Tiger what I should do.
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Old July 5th, 2018, 03:35 PM
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Mike, you were close. The word you were looking for is sadist. Someone who likes to inflict pain on others.
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Old July 6th, 2018, 03:01 AM
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Another hot one,

Red and I are enjoying our mawn'in Bagle with Nova and cream cheese

Went and got a new fly line yesterday, I'm not gonna fish, jes enjoy the scenery

Hedges trimed, weed whacking done [ for the time being] Things are shaping up

Speaking of words, Have you ever wondered in the PC world we live in why in the Wild Wild World of sports there isn't [that I know of] the word for the female equivalent of a misogynist

Cage or not they scare me to death

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 6th, 2018, 06:38 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Gonna be a hot one here too. Only 7:30 and it's already 68°. Forecast is for around 90. So the water is on while it's cool.

Fishin for the sake of relaxing is an art form. Ya just tie a rock to the end of the line and ignore anyone else who comes by asking if the fish are biting...

There is such a word Jim - It's Misandrist.

Idiot contractor next door never showed up till 8:00 pm. Then starts using his chop saw at 10:15pm. We had words. Then at 1:02 am??? Yup, he's using an air nailer in the house. I've been nice long enough. Now if he goes beyond construction noise deadline of 9:00 pm I'm calling bylaw to enforce the noise issue. What's really irritating is there was NO ONE at the house to work on it all day. Now this. Didn't stop the neighbors from showing up for their nightly hooka party either.

Have a good Friday everyone.
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Old July 6th, 2018, 11:20 AM
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Hi everyone.

Week One is over. Today I matched inner and outer rims and sorted paperwork. It was a welcome departure from the nasty work the prior three days. But guess what. When I finished up with the rims I had to help in the tire room. I made sure to not get grease all over me.

I think either word could be for a man or a woman. Or some dogs.

Allan those contractors must be related to the guy that took down some trees for me a few years ago. He wouldn't show up until later afternoon, and sometimes it was after dark. I told him I didn't have any lights in the back and he said he didn't care. I thought he was out of his mind and shouldn't have let him work, but he got the trees down without any mishaps. He was running chain saws at 11pm and I was sure someone would have called. Nope.

I'm gonna order some black wheel paint from Eastwood. I asked about the correct black for my SSI's that I need to paint, and someone said Eastwood had a good rally wheel paint. Well their rally wheel paint is grey. But they have a black wheel paint right next to it, and they say it's correct(who knows) so I'll get some. What else should I get from them? I hate to get only 4 cans of paint, anyone ever use their lens polisher?

So I'm headed to Ohio this weekend. The woman emailed from the trailer place and had put me off, saying she only had one trailer like I wanted and it was spoken for. Now she says she has one but it has a surcharge and instead of being 3195 like the website says, it will be 3400. Still a good price but it kind of ticks me off. And it has fold up ramps and I don't really care for them(they'd be okay if they are adjustable). I could probably find a used trailer for that amount around here, I don't know what to do. I need to figure it out quick.

Think I'll take a bit of a nap on purpose, Tiger needs to go to jail and I need to leave around midnight. Got a couple things to do beforehand, though.

Have a good afternoon everyone .
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Old July 6th, 2018, 12:28 PM
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Good afternoon guys:
I have been working out in the garage trying to get things straightened up and half way organized. We just go a little shower (very light) and all it did was raise the humidity and get my Olds wet since I had backed it out with the top down. By the time I got it in the garage and took the water blade and then dried if off the rain stopped.
Jim, that weedeating is just like that old song about a cowboys work; it is never done.
Allan, surely there is some kind of noise ordinance. A change in neighbors can sure mess you life up. I don't think you have to put up with that.
Mike, good luck on the trailer. I would think is a place as large as Atlanta that you could find one. Have you checked Craigslist?
Have a good weekend everybody. I think I am going to take me a short nap. One of the pleasures of retirement.
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Old July 7th, 2018, 03:20 AM
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Evening all, been rainy the last few days but I no longer care about that lol.

We we are almost settled into the new place, I just have to sort out the garage and get a low bookshelf for under a window.

I wont miss all the weed whacking Jim that’s for sure.

Quite windy at work tonight but but it’s better then getting wet I guess.

I do like vegemite Allan. The trick is to spread it thin on toast with butter

Back to it for now, take care everybody,

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Old July 7th, 2018, 03:57 AM
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Elsie came just as I finished getting everything looking reasonably good. Got just enough rain to get everything growing again

Note to self. If ya don't like mowing, don't open a cemetery

Mike, Stupid question de jour. Why do you have to match wheels? Don't they come off the plane matched? Or does someone shuffle the deck jes to make life interesting.

Got a family coming this a.m. for the 3rd time in 3 years. I guess that's a sign they like the place.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 7th, 2018, 06:48 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Twas a hot one yesterday. I got some more spot aerating done and by then it was hot so I stopped and sat down under the deck umbrella for a while with a glass of Iced beverage. I found an old rotary sprinkler that just does small jobs so I used that to water down the areas I had just aerated. We got about 5 minutes of rain last night so I guess watering will still be on the agenda.

Adrian - Good to hear from you again. So that's what I did wrong with the vegemite. I spread it a little thicker and honestly it was so hard to eat I gave up on it. Having anchovies on pizza by comparison is next to nothing. What do they put in vegemite to make it so concentrated?

Jim - I'm glad I don't have a cemetery. All that space is nice but a lot of work.

Glenn - Hope none of the interior of your car was damaged by the rain.

Mike - Safe travels to Ohio and back. That sucks to have a surcharge on the trailer, but at least you're getting something you wanted?

I guess the words I had with the contractor the other night worked. He shut down around 9:10 last night. I can live with that. Hopefully he continues to take his anti-stupid medication.

My asian lilies are just getting ready to bloom! A couple have flowered and they look fabulous. When they all open the flower garden is going to look amazing. I have literally around a thousand or more of them in various colors.
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Old July 7th, 2018, 10:33 AM
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Jeesh, I hate it when people don't show up when they say they would. A guy was supposed to come and get the wood from two small trees that were cut down by the power company, already cut 18"-24". he was supposed to show up at noon, only lives about a mile away. Did he show? Oh hell no. I guess I'm **** when it comes to punctuality, I show up when I say that I will. I called the next guy that was interested, maybe he'll call back. Mild temps here for a couple of days, in the mid 70's. Supposed to heat up again next week. Time to out some feed your weeds on the lawn to see if it will help.
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Old July 7th, 2018, 11:43 AM
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Wonder if they'll give me a demonstration?
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Old July 7th, 2018, 01:07 PM
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Jim, I would think that to get a demo, that you might have to visit them, as it appears to have a buried line to follow, unless that is the barrier used to keep it form wandering off. Guy number two called back on the wood, showed up 5 minutes later as he works about 3/4 of a mile from here. Stopped by on is way home and we loaded his Chebby up.
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Old July 7th, 2018, 11:33 PM
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Hi everyone.

What an awful day. Left at 430, hit traffic in various places, a slow moving police escort, accident traffic, bridge traffic, and got to the guy's house in 10 hours. Spent a couple hours there and headed back. No traffic, no police, no accidents, and it took 10 hours. I don't get it. It would have been a tough trip for Tiger. Good move sending him to jail. Oh and half way home the AC belt broke on the truck so now I have no AC.

Allan I didn't get the trailer. I passed because I decided I didn't want the stand up ramps. And partly because I was mad about the surcharge. Sometimes I cut my nose off to spite my face, but it doesn't matter if it's $2 or $200. If they're trying to cheat me then I'm not having it.

Jamesbo both wheel halves have the same serial number. They go into the cleaner next to each other and come out next to each other, but the numbers get verified anyway. When I was looking at them a guy came over and said he might have mixed some wheels up. Sure enough, I had three or four halves that didn't come out with their mates. So I mixed and matched until they all came out and then they got their cards. They always stay together because that way you know they always work together. If you swapped one half out it might not seat right.

Dan you're like me. You expect too much of people. I try to expect nothing from people but that just makes things worse when they deliver.

Okay gonna hit the sack, been up exactly 24 hours. I'll probably sleep half the day tomorrow because Tiger isn't hear to bite my toes. Eh, it's only the weekend that I'm wasting. See you's all later.
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Old July 8th, 2018, 04:10 AM
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A little cooler and overcast

So, [depending on the day] every 3rd, 4th, 5th of July at the lake in the mountains, they have a huge fireworks display, People leave their poor dogs at home and go out on the lake in their boats to watch. And guess what, this morning their FB pages has several dogs missing. NOT very smart, I'd stay at home with my scared dog

Down here [ Norht fulton county] It's the horses that go crazy and get out

I'm getting more and more against these fireworks displays

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 8th, 2018, 07:35 AM
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Good morning everyone,

We had some heavy rains here yesterday, and this morning the gentlest rain falling but only likely for a short while. I'll take it though. Spoda be quite nice later on.

I wouldn't want one of those automowers. I'm just not that lazy.

Sorry to hear the trip was a bust Mike.

Good to hear the 'farwood' got picked up Dan.
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Old July 8th, 2018, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
I wouldn't want one of those automowers. I'm just not that lazy.D
It's a required art from and takes years of practice
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Old July 8th, 2018, 09:54 AM
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Mike, sorry about the crappy day. Some days the boogieman wins and it sounds like you had one of those days.
Allan, we could really use some of that rain down here in Texas. Our lake has really dropped and is starting to look like crap.
Spent part of yesterday working in the garage with the fans going. I think I will finish my housekeeping on Monday. The new base for the boys basketball goal came in yesterday and Keaton and I put it together. It is one of those with the plastic base you fill with sand or water. I can't imagine filling it with sand. That thing holds lots of water. We put some antifreeze in it they use in travel trailers and then finished it with water. Keatie is back where he can shoot hoops now. I have a Olds Club meeting to go to today. They move the meeting places around and this one is over in Fort Worth which is a 100 mile round trip. They do that to satisfy outlying members. Doesn't happen too often. I will probably go in the Expedition and leave the 54 in the garage. My wife is still having a fit with the sciatic nerve. She was better yesterday but had a terrible night. We have to get something done this week.
That is about all I have from Rowlett, Texas. Have a good Sunday afternoon.
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Old July 8th, 2018, 01:33 PM
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Well my buddy talked me into meeting him at the Awful house this morning so I guess I'm done being mad at them. Tiger is in jail and I had my pickup so no one would know who I was, unless they knew who I was. It was good to be back. I haven't been mad that long at anything for a long time.

Another buddy talked me into going to the Amphicar shindig in Ohio at the end of the month. I had planned to go until the current club president pissed me off, then I said I wasn't going. I must be some kind of pushover letting people talk me into things I don't want to do. Well I'm not talking to the president. This isn't childish, it's sanity-preserving. There's a couple people that ordinarily don't go that I want to see, and I can go check out the yellow convertible in person. After yesterday's 22 hour trainwreck, I'm flying up.

So it was sprung on me on Friday that I needed to bring new guy donuts to work tomorrow. Ten dozen. It was like 107 bucks! The alternative would have been getting duck taped to a table and hand creamed and pushed around the hangar. We get fired for that now so the new alternative would be a bad reputation that never, ever goes away. I know, not as much fun.

Okay gotta salvage what I can from the afternoon before I go to bed ridiculously early. I'll pick up Tiger after work tomorrow, and I'll probably skip the cruise in. Not very nice having him stay away all weekend and then as soon as he gets home I leave him alone at the house.

Oh today I've had my 68 Valiant 31 years. My Grandmother ordered this car new, it was built on January 18, 1968 and she picked it up January 23. She gave it to me in 1987.

Okay have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old July 8th, 2018, 02:37 PM
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Good to hear the 'farwood' got picked up Dan
Ya know, I scrolled up through the posts to see if I had mis spelled firewood, ya pot licker!
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