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Old June 18th, 2018, 06:33 PM
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Adrian that's great. But moving sucks. Just leave everything and get all new stuff.

Summit cruise in was slim pickin's tonight. The yellow 442 wasn't there but a 4 door 67 Cutlass Supreme was there that looked like it had textured porch paint on the roof. And a 67 Imperial. Never saw an Imperial there before.

Brought home some ice cream for our treat tonight. Tiger gets a chocolate sundae and I get a hot fudge one. I don't give him very much of the chocolate but he gets a taste.

Gotta get ready for the morning. Hope it's cool enough. We're going to leave about the same time Friday morning. At least I'll have most of the day at home.

Good night everyone.
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Old June 19th, 2018, 03:29 AM
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Headed to the eye doctor

Catch up later

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 19th, 2018, 06:40 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Spoda be anutter hot one today cresting out around 88. Yesterday the idiot neighbor puts on his sprinkler in the back yard and leaves. It ran for over 9 hours. So much water that there was standing water in the drain swale between our properties. At 9:30pm I went and turned off his tap. No one was home so I guess he can thank me another time.

Heading out at lunch to visit with Max. Should be interesting.

Adrian - Is the house in the city? Moving isn't a whole lot of fun IMO but you'll get it done no problem. All those mates you've helped with stuff should be more than willing to help you out in return. If I was there I'd definitely offer to help.

Jim - which eye??

Walk time after brekkie. Maybe I'll run into the honkers again. Enjoy your day!
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Old June 19th, 2018, 06:54 AM
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Got an x ray of my wrist this am, supposed to have the results tomorrow. Had one of my lower back also, been killing me as of late, originally injured it back in '79.
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Old June 19th, 2018, 08:28 AM
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Dan, hopefully everything is going to be fine. I did the same thing and damaged L5S1 back in 83. Luckily it only flares up every 5 years or so now. I use robaxacet which seems to work.
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Old June 19th, 2018, 08:43 AM
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While we are talking about backs, here is another story from my past. You guys will be calling me crazy and lucky. Certainly the lucky is true and the crazy probably to a degree. Ten years ago I had a dead willow tree in my side yard. I decided I would start pruning it back in preparation of taking it down. I am up on a ladder with my feet 10 feet off the ground with a brand new chain saw trimming a limb. I called myself being very careful with the ladder. I was cutting through the limb admiring how my new chainsaw was cutting. When the limb came down the end hit the ground (pretty long limb) and kicked back and hit me in the stomach. It knocked me off the ladder and I went straight down. I don't remember tossing the saw but i did. The only memory i have is thinking this is going to hurt. I rolled and yelled when I hit the ground. It shattered the L2 vertebrae in my back and I spent a couple days in the hospital. Then I wore a big back brace for 90 days but had no surgery. I am fortunate I am not a quadriplegic and rarely have any pain from the injury. The chainsaw disappeared and i think my wife gave it away.
Good luck Dan.
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Old June 19th, 2018, 09:29 AM
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Left eye, Had the right one lazered a few months ago
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Old June 19th, 2018, 11:18 AM
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Hmmm, good thing you whacked whitey yesterday. Hope it turns out fine....

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Old June 19th, 2018, 11:55 AM
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Thanks Allan, It's really a walk in the park, Drove home and showed a family some lots [in my Ray Charles look alike costume]
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Old June 19th, 2018, 09:28 PM
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Thanks Glenn, I had a message on my answering machine when I got home from work, so I'll call them to see what they came up with. I have a co worker who, several years ago got knocked out of a tree while trimming it with a chain saw, he fell with it in his hands, landed on his back with the chainsaw still running, and him holding it inches from his chest. Very, very, lucky.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 03:00 AM
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HOT 93

Note to self. Only use chainsaw on the ground

Backs, About 20 years ago, I screwed up my back. I had 2 bird dogs on a double leash leading them out of the kennel, I reached back with one arm to latch the gate we just exited when both of them jumped forward. The doctor said, "do what I saw or you're gonna get the knife. " I stayed home for a month resting it. It finally got better and now only bothers me when 1] I send alot of time walking on a hard surface or 2[ when it get cold [like wearing a wet suit] So, I gave up malls and scuba diving

An unusual flurry of cemetery sales activity this week

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 20th, 2018, 04:21 AM
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Yeah first part of our international move plan was to downsize to just what we need nothing more so we moved back into surburbia. Nice small little house that is just what we and it is very close to everything we do, school for the kids, shops for all that intails and halves the distance I have to travel to get to work.

How’d you go at the eye quack Jim? Can you see straight now

I will only need a hand to move my safe Allan, it’s an old pay office one and weights 350kg empty

Enjoy you evening everyone,

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Old June 20th, 2018, 06:17 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Anutter cut/paste for heat today. Water is going in the back right now before it gets hot. Plants and grass are liking this.

So I chatted with the neighbors yesterday around 9:15pm and splained to them that jackhammering in the basement doesn't lend itself to making friendly neighbors. None of them seemed to be aware of the noise bylaw, but you'd think some common sense would prevail?? They rented the jack hammer from Casa Depot and were trying to get the job done so they didn't have to rent it 2 days. You'd think they would have planned better and done the work during the day instead of waiting till 8:00 to unload it. They showed me the work they're doing inside. Looks like mini Persia.

Adrian - You sure it's not made of black plated gold??? Right now I'm a bit envious of your temps in Brisbane. At least with the smaller house you shouldn't have to worry about a huge yard to maintain. What are you going to do with the chickens and coop? Still lots of things in your shed you'll have to find a new home for too.

Mike - where are ya? Not like you to miss a day.

Dan - Hope the results are positive.

Jim - Prolly everyone is dyin from heat.

Glenn - The closest I got to owning a chainsaw is my weed whacker, and I don't climb trees to use it....

Enjoy your day everyone.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 06:25 AM
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Adrian, I never knew anything was wrong but it was kinda preventive operation
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Old June 20th, 2018, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by redoldsman
While we are talking about backs, here is another story from my past. You guys will be calling me crazy and lucky. Certainly the lucky is true and the crazy probably to a degree. Ten years ago I had a dead willow tree in my side yard. I decided I would start pruning it back in preparation of taking it down. I am up on a ladder with my feet 10 feet off the ground with a brand new chain saw trimming a limb. I called myself being very careful with the ladder. I was cutting through the limb admiring how my new chainsaw was cutting. When the limb came down the end hit the ground (pretty long limb) and kicked back and hit me in the stomach. It knocked me off the ladder and I went straight down. I don't remember tossing the saw but i did. The only memory i have is thinking this is going to hurt. I rolled and yelled when I hit the ground. It shattered the L2 vertebrae in my back and I spent a couple days in the hospital. Then I wore a big back brace for 90 days but had no surgery. I am fortunate I am not a quadriplegic and rarely have any pain from the injury. The chainsaw disappeared and i think my wife gave it away.
Good luck Dan.

Good morning all and thanks for the story Dan. Glad you were not hurt worse than you were. My daughter is an ER/Trauma nurse and she shares stories from time to time about guys falling out of trees or being knocked out of them and then they get to go visit with her. And there are there some that fall off ladders. 2 weeks ago she had a guy come in to the ER with 4 broken ribs, a fractured pelvis, broken right arm and 2 collapsed lungs. He fell out of a tree and as mentioned, the result was not good. His daughter was getting married that day at her parents house and for some reason, 2 hours before the wedding the father decided he didn't like the look of a branch in one of his trees and decided he was going to correct the issue. Unfortunately, he spent the day and then some in the hospital and he completely missed his daughter getting married. He was not too popular with his family given his poor decision to be a tree trimmer that day. Oh, and the tree branch never got trimmed.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 07:32 AM
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The new house has a single lock up garage so I’ll be putting my tools and what not in there, cars can park outside for now.
The chickens will be going to a friend of ours and another one will help me dismantle the coop and take it away to be used for something else.
Nothing like some preventative maintenance Jim, too bad the clowns who run this place don’t know what that means
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Old June 20th, 2018, 08:16 AM
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Well, the x ray info came back as no fracture in my wrist, and stenosis, arthritis, and bone spurs in my lower back. They are going to set up P.T. to see if it will help.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 09:38 AM
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Already nearly 80° here and it's only 10:30!! This mawnin my walk down by the lake felt like a mawnin from Cancun. Fortunately there's a gentle 10 mph wind to keep things from feeling stifling. Honest, I don't know how you guys in the heat belt of the southern and eastern handle it. I already did a wet T shirt contest washing the Saturn as it hadn't been done in a couple weeks. Not very many interested wimmen came to stuff my waistband with $$$

Brian! - Good to see you here. Life at Ives must be driving you crazy for you to be on here in the morning. Here's a good one for ya!

During residency, a neurologist got paged at 3AM to the SICU. He called them, a bit curious as to what was going on, as 3AM calls to the neurologist rarely come from the SICU so he calls and introduces himself as the on-call neurologist. The very southern-sounding nurse on the other end of the line loudly exclaimed:

“Neurology? I wanted Urology. I got the wrong end!”

Dan - PT often is worse than just living with the existing condition. Hopefully it works out better for you than most. I'm glad to hear that the wrist isn't damaged.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 10:17 AM
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Old June 20th, 2018, 11:00 AM
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Thanks Allan. I decided it was time to place a Toronado radio that has been sitting around for a while for sale and while on here I looked at these posts for the last page. When I saw Dan's misfortune, I recalled Laura's story from the other week.

It must have been an omen to get on CO today as a couple of hours later Raymond sent me an email out of the blue with a photo of me standing next to his 442 vert just before I shipped it back to him, telling me he really appreciates the work I did on the car. Can't say I'll make a habit of getting on this thread but who knows.

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Old June 20th, 2018, 02:29 PM
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Evening all

Miss me?

So, as you may have guessed, been even busier than usual. I’ve now got three separate building jobs going at the same time so I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

Good to hear everyone complaining about bad backs. I hurt mine last week but I don’t have time to stop so im guzzling down the anti inflammatory drugs along with the pain killers and I’m coping.

The diet is going really well and Ive now lost 43lbs and I’m just 6lb off of my target. My knee feels so much better because of the loss.

Hope everyone is ok. I still haven’t had time to go back a few pages and see what you’ve been up to but I will soon.

London weather high 70s and very nice.
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Old June 20th, 2018, 09:00 PM
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All right, I have my support behind me!
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Old June 21st, 2018, 05:49 AM
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Good morning everyone,

The heat advisory continues today. Beautiful mawnins but horrible hot afternoons.

PT - dats funny.
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Old June 21st, 2018, 06:09 AM
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Yep hotter than a 3 dollar pistol

So, Yesterday I have 2 groups of ladies that wanta buy cemetery lot

Group 1 10:00 appointment, Show p on time, come inside close their eyes and put their finger down on the plat and say, "I'll take that one. " Me, "Don't ya wanta go look at it. "No, it doesn't matter" In and out in 15 minutes

Group 2 1:00 appointment, call and change to 2:00, show up at 2:30 and spend 3 hours saying, " I have one more question"

Someone alot smarter than me once said, "People are different"

Cut grass early this a.m and waiting on anther family

Clint, Whereya at [in the vernacular]

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 21st, 2018, 07:51 AM
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Good evening everybody. Halfway through my last night shift and I can’t wait for it to be over. Got a load to do at home for the move and what not and I would rather be doing that then be at work.

So how did Greame’s promotion go Allan?

Just how much grass have you got to cut Jim? You seem to be cutting grass ever morning

I have minor back pain every now and then but nothing some stretches and rest can’t seem to fix. For now.

Take care everyone,
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Old June 21st, 2018, 09:51 AM
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Adrian, About an acre and and a half except of course today when I had to go over everything again cause my wallet is misssing
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Old June 21st, 2018, 10:09 AM
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Hi everyone.

Been a nice week at Mom's. We're progressing slowly on jobs outside because it will rain then stop, rain then stop. Right now it's just stopped and I'm waiting for things to dry out.

Jamesbo losing your wallet on the mower can be a very bad thing. It will be over there, and over there, and over there...

Adrian sometimes I feel the same way. I'd rather be doing -anything- other than being at work.

Glad to see you're still kicking, London. That's a lot to keep up with. Aren't you due for another award? That will ease things.

Well the trip down started out okay, got a later start than I wanted, but by the time we got here it was downright hot. I made Tiger get in the back and he sat and pouted. So we're leaving tonight around midnight so it will be cool the whole trip, instead of in the morning. Hey, that gives me four whole days at home before I have to be back to work.

Going to dinner tonight with the whole crew. Should be a good time. Hope everyone has had a good week. It's the Summer Solstice, yay.
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Old June 21st, 2018, 10:11 AM
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I think I messed yesterday. The day before I worked on my tractor and was unable to get it to run. I have not cranked it in a couple years. I think the starter solenoid is either bad or had a wire off it. It is not easily accessible. So I used a jumper cable and got the engine to turn over. I took the top off the carb and cleaned it out with Berryman's but to no avail. The fuel pump is working and it will hit if i spray starting fluid in it. It got too hot to fool with it anymore so I gave up. Then i turn to my walk behind weedeater. This is a cheap MTD brand with a 3.5 horse Techunseh engine on it. It had been in mystorage shed for 2-3 years. I drug it out and was not too encouraged. The engine would barely turn over and it probably had 10 dirt dobber nest on it. I pulled the spark plug and shot some Marvel Mystery Oil in the cylinder and turned it over several times. The gas tank mounts were broken off the plastic tank so i used some zip ties (love those things). I sprayed some staring fluid in the carb it fired but died. Took the carb off and it was really gummed up. Took it off and soaked it in my carb cleaner. Put it back together and it ran good. I put a new plunger in the carb and now i can push the plunger 4 or 5 times and it starts on the first pull. Then of course the belt was broken and I had to order a new one. I had no hope for this thing. I changed the oil in it and now all i need is a belt. I was ready to spend $300 for a new one. Now if i can get my tractor going. I did start on installing the aluminum radiator in my 54 yesterday. More on that later.
It is a day inside today. I had a follow up doctors appointment this morning. Everything was ok. Got a haircut and have a dental appointment this afternoon for a cleaning. Somewhere in there I am going to the tax office and renew the plates on my 54. I have YOM plates and now can renew them as antique plates for 5 years for $60 and no inspection.
Well this is probably the longest reply i will ever have on this thread. I think i am probably caught up for the last 2 days.
I hope all of you are having a great day.
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Old June 21st, 2018, 12:21 PM
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How does 90 cents a linear foot sound for painting both sides of a 4 board white fence including paint
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Old June 21st, 2018, 12:51 PM
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Jim, how long is de fence? Mebbe better to advertise it as a full job subject to inspection and approval. Sounds like yer playin Tom Sawyer.

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Old June 21st, 2018, 12:56 PM
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Allan, about a quarter mile, In some places [against the woods] it doesn't need both sides [waste of money] so I'm thinking about both sides some areas and one side others [which should give me twice as much coverage on the one side only]
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Old June 21st, 2018, 02:13 PM
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Hmmm, that's close to $1300.00! You sure that it wouldn't be better to just advertise it as a student summer job for around $600?? Oh wait, what am I thinking? Kids won't get out of bed nowadays unless they get $20 to do that... You're supplying the paint and brushes, so I think that's a fair price, unless you want to spend more, of course. Is it PT? (Pressure Treated, not Physical Terrorist )

Ya ever ax a contractor how much he'd charge to have it sprayed?
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Old June 21st, 2018, 02:32 PM
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yep treated 5/4 board
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Old June 21st, 2018, 04:16 PM
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Why bother then? PT wood should be fine all on its own. You looking for a color change? The PT wood has to weather a few years before it can accept any kind of stain.
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Old June 22nd, 2018, 02:20 AM
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Well, they been up and painted for 20 years it's just time for another freshening up
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Old June 22nd, 2018, 04:51 AM
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Hi guys!
Glenn, I hear ya about all the problems with ethanol fuel and lawn mowers,etc. I make absolutely sure not to leave anything with old fuel in it- been stung too many times! I have never been a believer in "snake oil" remedies over the years, they never did what they promised, but a couple years ago I was surprised. I have a Polaris snowmobile that would bog down when trying to accelerate. I asked a buddy who knows a bit about snowmobiles and he said I would have to rebuild the 2 carbs on it and don't run it until I did or will lean out and burn a piston or 2. I had some "Seaform" fuel additive that claimed it would clean gummed out carbs by just mixing with gas. Engines will actually run on the seafoam. So I mixed some gas/seaform about 50/50 and took it for a easy ride, trying not to get into the bog by babying it. After 10 minutes or so it still bogged but was better, after 1/2 hour the bog was gone, accelerated great! It's been 2 years since then and still ok. Now I buy the non ethanol "Rec gas" and use it in my stuff that sits around and I also add some seafoam in those things.
Hope you guys are all doing well!
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Old June 22nd, 2018, 05:00 AM
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I put Seafoam in everything, blowers, weed whackers, chain saws etc

Naturally, after I canceled all my credit cards, I found my wallet. I'm gonna toss the brown alligator thing and try to find a day glow orange one

Headed norte

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 22nd, 2018, 05:53 AM
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Morning everyone. I use Seafoam too in everything an it works well. Had a string trimmer a few years ago that would only run if it was on the partial choke setting. But then I found Seafoam and after some use it solved that problem and the trimmer still runs great. But Seafoam is just a cleaner and will not solve ethanol issues. I bought a new Ferris zero turn 2 years ago and the dealer told me that if I didn't use an ethanol treatment the warranty for any carb or fuel issues would be voided. They recommended Ethanol Shield so I use it just to make sure my warranty would not be questioned. I feel like a chemist when it comes time to fill the fuel container.

Jamesbo, glad you found your wallet but too bad it wasn't before you had cancelled everything. Its like my motto when it comes to old car parts or anything laying around the house for that matter. My experience is the need for something I had been holding onto for some time is always 2 weeks after I decided to get rid of it. Never fails!

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Old June 22nd, 2018, 06:37 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Still hotter than a pancake griddle. Overnight temps are pretty warm too. Last night we got some boomers and a bit of rain, but not much. This mawnin around 5:00 there were more boomers but only spits of rain. Tonight Elsie is spoda visit, so we'll see.

I only tried Seafoam once and that was in my 95 Regency Elite. It didn't do anything for the car so I haven't used it since. I may give it a whirl for the weed wacker and snowblower, although both of em are still running fine without.

Another batch of donor cars just got added to the local boneyard so I might head out there later to check out the offerings.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old June 22nd, 2018, 06:52 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
Yesterday was what I called an admin day. I didn't do any physical labor yesterday. I had a follow up appointment with the surgeon at 8:45. Everything was fine as I expected. Then I went and got a haircut. Next was the tax office where I renewed the license for my Ford Flex and my Olds. I have YOM plates on my Olds and renewed them as antique plates for 5 years for $60. They do not require and inspection and have some driving restrictions which are supposed to be only to car shows, parades and to a mechanic. The cops pay no attention to it. I got to thinking and realized I will be almost 77 years old when they expire. Dang. It is supposed to be 100 degrees today so I will be in the garage with the fans on working on the Olds. I am hoping this new aluminum radiator will help cool the old girl down. This is the last thing i can try.
Have a good Friday guys.
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