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Old January 19th, 2019, 02:09 PM
Oh no, not again...
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I had no idea my car would have a load lever until it went off and scared the hell out of me just after I bought the car. The funniest situation I've ever seen with car hydraulics was over on 109th street when I was a kid; this guy pulled up in an early 60s Citroen Pallas, we were waiting for the same light. My dad was driving, I was in the passenger's seat. So this guy starts pumping the Citroen up and down, big grin on his face as my brother and I are watching. Then, the car was at top position, and it sagged on on side, this look of shock and terror came over him, followed by embarrassment, as he limped off with his car half in the air. Must have been a lousy drive to the dealership sitting at an angle.
Not much going on today; in fact, I'm getting sick, and I'm heading to bed. Feel like absolute crap, like someone kicked the s--t out of me. Can't stop freezing...and it's snowing again...jeez...great.
Have a good weekend.
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Old January 19th, 2019, 07:44 PM
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Well big surprise my Mom didn't like the color I chose for the bathroom. She said she didn't care what color it was. But when I started painting the first wall nope, didn't like it at all. That's fine, what color should it be. Two hours later we settled on Peach. What a revelation.

Marc that's too bad you're getting sick. That's no fun. I hadn't been sick in years and now I've had a cold for three weeks. Last time I had cellulitis I was so cold I got in the shower and turned it all the way up. I just stayed there until I could feel the hot water running out. I almost panicked, I thought what the heck am I going to do now?

Went to my sister's today and helped hang the TV on the wall. Took about 5 minutes. That was about my excitement for the day.

Well it's off to bed. Tiger is already sound asleep. It rained a lot of the day but isn't supposed to tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 06:40 AM
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Sorry to hear your're not feeling well, Marc.
Boy, it's cold. Says -7F on the thermometer. We have a clunk that goes off every once in a while. It sounds like someone in the upstairs bedroom dropped something heavy. Only does it maybe 2 times a day. Can't find it. We have a basement sewage pump which goes off once in a while which I at first thought was the noise, but now I don't think so. I dunno...Hope I can find it, nothing more unsettling than clunks in the night.
The basement ceiling is all done and looks great. I can't stand unfinished projects, even though this one wasn't started by me.
Allan, Jack is doing well, I gave him a bath in the downstairs shower and it went OK, but I probably won't do it again, It's just too hard on him. He still seems like a happy boy...
I had a 2002 Impala that I bought new in 2001. It went 300,000 miles, and I'm told it is still going. A great car. Anyway the one thing that it seemed I was always changing was the front wheel bearings. A couple days ago the wife and I were traveling down the highway in the 2010 Impala we've had since 2010 and I was thinking now this car has 115,000 miles and still has the original front wheel bearings. Well sure enough I started hearing the familiar whirr of a bad wheel bearing. I think it's the left front as if I veer right it gets louder. Wife couldn't hear it on the way down but on the way back it was getting louder and she could then hear it. It's getting worse rapidly. So I ordered 2 wheel bearings from Rock Auto. They are lifetime warrantee ACDelco. About $130.00 a piece but I plan to run this car to 300,000 also so they will surely get replaced again. I found bearings for that 2002 for as cheap as $30.00 each shipped, but they were absolutely junk. They went less than 7,000 mile before they growled and they started to seize up and get hot. I wonder if that isn't a major cause of the burnt cars you see along the highways? Anyway I have the new bearings but I no longer have a heated garage ( that will change next spring), so I plan to wait until it warms up a little.
Well enough rambling.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 06:54 AM
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Good morning everyone
Last day of Continental Cup. Last night team NA pulled off 3 much needed wins to narrow the score to 5 points. Today should be interesting. 2 'skins' games today Men/Women for all the marbles.

I guess we're going to Costco today. The missus analyzed our spending there and it warrants upgrading our membership to the Executive level. If we do this right it means our membership could end up costing $0.00 over the year. We're pretty selective what we buy, but there will be some big ticket items this year including tires, so the 2% cash back might add up sooner.

Spoda warm up today and even have + temps for next week.

Mike - I have to do our main floor bathroom. I don't like the 10' ceilings though. I have the baseboards off and the fixtures are an ezpz 5 minute job. There were a few places that needed some filler but not much. The toilet has to come out to do a good job though. Again, not hard, just inconvenient. I use my shop vac to get all the water out of the thing so there's nothing that slops on the floor when I move it. Room is going to be a dove gray color. Safe travels home.

Hmmm, I'm thinking a ham and cheese Omelette with toast is sounding pretty good right about now. Have a great Sunday.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 08:50 AM
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Morning again! Forgot to mention the other day that the new Global West solid rear bars work GREAT! Mike Payton came over the other day and he took me for a good drive - straight as an arrow - hands off, and feels better in the "butt" feel.....know y'all know what I'm talking about. Progress on the balance issues, but so so slow. Going to run to HD for a couple thins with a friend, then a late breakfast at Chuby's….I'm thinking a couple over medium, bacon, and biscuits and gravy...……..Yuuummmmmmm
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Old January 20th, 2019, 09:12 AM
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Aron, Sawmill gravy I trust

Marc, Good fences make good neighbors BTW, Hope ya get ta feeling better

Allan, Ya may wanta sit down fer this. I've never been inside a Costco

I jes don't care for Big Box stores of any kind
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Old January 20th, 2019, 11:05 AM
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Jim - Ya may not like dem big box stores but dey do save me $$ enuff ta make em worthwhile. Nice new store too an I like their parking. Gas there is purty cheap too but I get a better deal with my corporate gas card. I figger you never bin inside cuz ya gotta have a membership card to git inside. In a way it kinda reminds me of a Canuck band no less.

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Old January 20th, 2019, 11:15 AM
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Hi everyone.

Sun is finally out but it's cold as a mother. Got the new paint this morning and have been patching and sanding.

Greg for my last two dogs I got big water troughs and filled them up outside. Emptied a whole bottle of shampoo in the one, put each dog in and lathered them up good, then switched to the rinse tank, they came out spiffy. And the mess was outside. Tried it once with Tiger, I could tell he wasn't a fan but he did okay. I've always had German Shepherds and they make one gigantic mess trying to bathe them in the bathtub.

Gotta check my compound. Gonna try to finish up today but if I don't no big deal. Going to my niece's for dinner tonight. Early drive home tomorrow. I still have some things to do before work starts up again, but it's a short week, and I'll be back at the desk.

Have a good afternoon everyone. Hope you enjoyed late breakfast Aron.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 12:43 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Still not feeling all that hot, but figured I'd better move around a bit or just die where I was. So I got up. Still feverish, so I don't know what I got, but it's not pleasant. Sure kicks the crap out of a guy though.
Looks pretty nice out there today; the snow is actually starting to melt in the sunlight. That means I'm going to have to get off my *** and do something about the driveway, there's a skiff of snow on it from yesterday. Maybe later...

Other than that. gonna take it easy today, got a watch in the bath and that's about it. The machine is doing the work of cleaning it. Then all I do is put it back together again without losing anything or having any spare parts left over. This one is a Waltham 1857 PT Ellery, an 11 jewel watch from 1870, so technically "Civil War Era", (yeah, I know, that ended in 1865) It's one that I've been tampering with, I got it to run OK but it still needed a cleaning. So, I'm going to to try and clean it up, hopefully I'm not removing what was holding it together, and then get it running reliably and on time again. The funny thing is a dirty watch actually runs fast, you'd think it'd be the opposite.

Picked up an old Wittnauer wristwatch yesterday, it seems it was a wedding gift from a person named Elsie to her new beloved in 1944. I haven't worked out the monogram yet, but it would be the guy's initials. It was a nice watch once, she spent a good dollar on this thing back in 1944. The engraving is very professional too, the lady had taste. The sad thing was that this watch was used by the guy his entire life; it's got a fair bit of wear, and then I buy it long after they're both dead as a parts watch for $20. It wasn't running, the guy I bought it from didn't have a clue how a watch worked. So I buy it, look it over quickly, while he's telling me it never worked and he doesn't know what's wrong with it, and I move the seconds hand that was binding and it takes off. It's still running on my desk. So I'll clean it up, restore it a bit, and then put a nice band on it and sell it again. So maybe Elsie's gift will continue to give in the coming years. That's the part about watch collecting that I'm not sure I like, because it adds a very human dimension to an otherwise mechanical item. So who were these people? When did they live? Did they have a good life? You end up getting an intimacy with people you've never met who are long dead. Kinda creepy...

Anyway, enough maudlin crap; - back at it, the Waltham is coming out of the bath.
Have a good weekend!
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Old January 20th, 2019, 01:38 PM
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Allan, After 40 + years in the shopping center business I don't want to go anywhere near any store. I used to use the [now defunk] Webvan, Order your groceries on line and I'd be the 1st delivery. By 7:00 a.m Monday my grocery shopping was over for the week

I think in my lifetime, I've seen the 1st and last mall built, As a kid they were wonderful as an adult I never go. When driving around my ole real-estate eyeball still notices "Retail center"s and the truth be know, There's very little retail; left most centers are full of various eateries,

Unfortunately, I'm forced to go to Lowe's and Casa depot, [that without a doubt, has the sorriest lumber I've ever seen]

What I miss the most are stores with inventory depth not width, [Example] The gun, or fishing, or camera store where the owner and employees actually knew WTF they were talking about and didn't have ta pull out a phone to see which aisle inventory was located where
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Old January 20th, 2019, 04:16 PM
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Jim,. I get that big box isn't for everyone. However it works for us. We don't go out and buy supplies for Spartacus or the crew of the Titanic and as luck (or planning) would have it we have a chest freezer downstairs alongside a spare 20 cu ft fridge. Why you ask? Why in the wild world of sports would anyone buy enough to fill them?? You haven't met my missus. She has a firm policy of ensuring that if WWIII breaks out, we have enough supplies to last for several months. I'm not kiiddin ya either. Today we upgraded our membership from regular to Executive. Cost us $50 for the year. We immediately got back $40 of that in coupon savings only available to Executive members, + we get 2% of total purchases back in cash at the end of each fiscal year (which is November for us). I get it, this can be a slippery slope.

BTW, if you went to Casa Depot where my son works? Ax him a question and he can answer it. Ax him where something is and he can tell you without looking it up. In fact he'll take you right to it and hand it to you. I guess that's why he's a valued employee there and why he exceeds his sales quotas every week. De big whigs came from Head Office (in Gawja) came out to his store specifically to ax him questions about sales and products. He nailed everything and even sprized them by telling them some information they apparently didn't know about his store and procedures with vendors. Nope, you can't fool him and he has an easy manner about him that makes ya wanta hug him or shake his hand and smile. Too bad he doesn't know how to wash a car.

Greg - Good to hear that Jack is doing well for the most part. I didn't think a bath would put that much stress on him. He's still gonna look at you and wag his tail, and try to lick you to death. Good to hear you got that kind of performance out of your Impala. I'm hoping my Sonata (07) and Malibu (10) will last that long. I only have around 90K miles on the Sonata and the Malibu is only at 38K miles. So why am I looking at buying another Olds????

Marc - I'm looking at another Oldsmobile. So far I haven't heard back from the seller but I think it might be a decent car. There's some discrepancy in the ad he posted and the mileage shown on the car. Overall though I really like the look of this thing. If he gets back to me with the answers to a few questions I'm game to go look at it and test drive it. Almost as good a hobby as cleaning and repairing watches - maintaining old Oldsmobile's.

Aron - Between you and Jim I'll never figger out southern meal stuff. But I'll take your word for it that it tastes good.

I'm off to watch the final death throws of the Continental Cup now. Good thing I don't have money riding on this thing...the World team only needs 1.5 points to win, NA trailing with 16 and needs 15.5 to pull a wabiit outta their hat.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 05:37 PM
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Allan, sounds interesting; - what kind of Olds? I do like maintaining them myself, but right now it's 25 miles away and the Buicks are in the garage maintaining themselves. They sure are nice to look at and walk by when we go an use the wife's miserable Rouge. But they don't need anything except copious amounts of gas right now. Next year the Olds will be here and I will hopefully spend more time on it.

Jamesbo, yeah, I hear ya about those big box stores, can't say I'm a fan and I'll only go into one when I need to. Otherwise, no.

Aron, Well, Okay...I imagine it would taste good, but...that stuff will plug up arteries faster than one of my cars goes through a tank of gas...careful!

The watch job was a success; it's running well.

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Old January 20th, 2019, 06:47 PM
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Marc, it's a 98 and imported from the US. I've always loved the big cars. First one I bought for myself was a 1983 Regency Brougham (Burgundy paint, dark burgundy padded vinyl roof with burgundy crushed velour interior). I was at Nicholson Chev Olds and was torn between it and a 1983 25th anniversary Hurst Olds. I bought the 98 and it was about the same price as the HO. Such a wonderful car to drive. Not a lot of power, but like driving a sofa down the road. It actually got pretty decent mileage too.

Nice job on the watch! I remember teaching my son to tell time. It's so frustrating when at school they use digital watches and don't teach the kids anything about analogue devices. I think it's a dying art to glance at a pocket watch like yours and automatically know what time it is. BTW I see your watch is about 4 minutes slow

Don't get me wrong. I don't frequent big box stores all the time. Hmmm, well I guess I do come to think of it. Places like Casa Depot, Lowes, Superstore, Walmart, No Frills, Ukulele Tire to name a few. I pretty much have to in order to get good pricing. On a fixed income that's an important factor. My Gawd! De missus has turned me into an economist.
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Old January 20th, 2019, 09:25 PM
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Jamesbo, fortunately we still have a couple of lumber yards around here to get good wood products from. Some of that big box stuff does look like crap, especially for the price. Allan, what year of 98? Keep us posted. By the way, ya might want to work on your math a bit as the 1983 H/O was the 15th anniversary model. I wanted to buy one in '83, but did not think that I could afford it, but the next year they had the '84 H/O, and I drove one (showed the salesman how the lightning rod shifter worked), but they wouldn't deal on it, so I bought an '84 Grand National instead. Went up to the Amish furniture place on Sat. and ordered a 48" wall mounted coat rack and an entryway bench, both made of cherry. All of this stuff comes from Ohio no matter where you get it from, so I'm gonna have a two month wait. Got some of Allan's weather here, a modest 2° at 11pm. Brrr, you can have it.
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Old January 21st, 2019, 04:46 AM
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22 degrees do I win anything?

Allan, I guess the apple don;t fall far from the tree. He's probably the only Casa Depot Employee that knows piercing from holes.

Good luck with the 98, I'm still kicking myself for not buying the loaded police interceptor land yacht a few years back. I wonder what happened to it. It was loaded with rare options

Aron, If it taste good spit it out, it'll kill ya

I'm feeling kinda old today, "The Big Chill" was on the Classic movie channel. Nelson Eddie and Janette McDonald , I would have expected but not "The Big Chill"

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 21st, 2019, 06:58 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well the World takes the Continental Cup home for the first time in 7 years. Eve Muirhead (Scotland) had the winning hit and stay to take them over the top and win. No one, and I mean no one expected this match to go to the 8th end of competition in the last game. Classic nail biter. Congrats to the World team on a well played event. That gives North America another year to practice and lick their wounds.

Dan - Ooops! Yes sir, spot on 15th Anniversary. Don't know what I was thinking. I did sit in that HO though and too be honest, except for the lightning rods it looked exactly like the interior of my 78 and 82. This car was front and center of the showroom as there were not many dealers who got therm. Test drive? Nope - they wouldn't let anyone test drive it unless they signed a Bill of Sale. I thought that was kind of dodgy. When I look at todays market, they really haven't held their value all that well either. This is a 94 model. I had a 95 that was a Regency Elite and loaded with every option except sunroof. Sadly it rusted out and I was through throwing money at it. This one looks solid, but it's the lower Regency trim. I heard back from the seller and it's a little on the high side for mileage than I'd like. 175K miles. He's only had it for 15 years. I'm thinking of going to see it in person and see what it's like. I need this car like I need a leg amputated.

Jim - Sux doesn't it? Ya know ya gotta get usta it though. Hmmm, I saw pictures of me when I was young (er) and that's also depressing. I had dark hair and had a hard body. Sigh.... Whut happened to time? Mebbe we should ax Marc...

Well, almost time to go shoot up some insulin. See ya later.
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Old January 21st, 2019, 07:45 AM
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Sick of snow. Yesterday Morning i woke up to approx 6 inches of snow on the ground, didnt feel happy Shame my wife aint interested about moving, id be ready in a heartbeat. Summer there, winter somewhere warm(er).. What a dream.
Not much else. Been just wearing the soffa and watching tv, cold enough outside that im not going there.Oh, been doing woodwork too.

Jamesbo - No prices awarded for just 22F, im sorry

nailheadcanuck - Nice looking watch

Allan R - Sooooo you lost Curling. Must been interesting game to watch for enthusiast, since it went on so long. 98? You have it already on your yard?

Okay, have a day all!
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Old January 21st, 2019, 08:25 AM
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Jouni - Umm, someone has to come in second. It was time for The World to win. If they didn't I think they would have taken all their toys and played in their own sandbox. Actually when you consider all the countries in Europe to draw talent from, I'm surprised they aren't better than they are. Team North America has only Canada and USA for players and USA only has 2 real teams. And yes, it was quite an interesting game. NA did well to hold off the inevitable and it was fascinating to see World teams (who had the undisputed lead) start choking and missing shots. But when they only need one point, it's only a matter of time if you know what I mean. I think our snow is over for a bit. Now into a heat wave where we'll be +1 or 2 this week. I guess not much point to washing the car. What does your roadways people put on the road in the winter to give traction? Hopefully not calcium chloride.
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Old January 21st, 2019, 01:45 PM
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Calcium chloride. And boy do they put it. Not sure myth or not, but they say that in Russia on countryside they put pig pee on roads and it would melt it? Why not?

Curling in Finland is next to none-existant, only times you see it even on tv are olympics.
But how Finland is so good on ice-hockey with only 5,5milj people? Were supposed to get snow at wednesday, and from friday to next weeks wednesday..... GAAAAAAHHHH!
Were soon on our all-time high since we
​​moved here, i have two really high piles of snow..
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Old January 21st, 2019, 03:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got back a little while ago. Uneventful ride home, which is always a good thing. It's cold as a mother but the sun was out all day.

I had turned the furnace off while I was gone. What's the point in heating the house for four days when no one is home. Temp was 46 in here when we got back, and it was 44 outside. The furnace is chugging along and the temp is almost up to 60. I decided to give the stove a try once again. And once again, it's the same old thing. I'm going to keep at it until it's time for bed. It has to be something simple.

You know Allan, the car you are looking at isn't a 98, it's a Ninety-Eight. And I don't think they've been called 98s since the 40s. But you knew that. Maybe it's a Crown 98. A Delta? Sorry.

Jamesbo I remember when that movie came out but I never saw it. Tom Berrenger went to my high school, although a little bit before me. To my knowledge I don't know anyone who has killed themselves. With the exception of Mike Peterson, who was riding his motorcycle down Westwood Drive and instead of taking the turn smacked a tree doing about 100. I don't think death was his intention.

I always thought the 80s 442 looked better than the H/O. I also thought the Regal T Type looked better than the Grand National. I know, no accounting for taste.

Hang in there Marc, I know you'll start feeling better soon. Man I tell you what, you do some good work.

Well I got some laundry in and it's gonna be bed time here pretty quick. Short week for work, and it's back to the desk. It seems a little strange that today is Milk Day but MLKjr's birthday was 6 days ago. Eh, I wouldn't turn down a long weekend. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old January 21st, 2019, 04:13 PM
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Morning all, we are the same in weather only on the other end of the scale down here. Grass now crunches under foot it's that dry.
Good to see you got home in one piece Mike.
I finally got that bridge photo for you Allan. In it you can see how it works and how if it isn't lined up right the weight of the train could bend it
Marc I got a couple of pics of grandads watch and put them up for you to see. I've wound it up and have a stop watch running along side it to see how well it holds its time
I am still going along with my studies and have passed my past module. So that's 3 down and 9 to go. Been lacking motivation and had a few distractions the last couple months but hopefully I can get back on track with this course I'm doing.
I'm happy to try anything once when it comes to food, especially when I'm traveling as that's when you get to sample the local dishes cooked how the locals do it and not some restaurant on the other side of the world.
Time to get back to it, got a couple hours before I have to go to bed for night shift tonight.
Take care everybody,

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Old January 21st, 2019, 04:16 PM
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Mike - Uh huh. You're right of course. Just so much easier to type 98 than Ninety Eight Regency. The more research I do on this car the more I'm likely to give it a pass as it's a 94 instead of the 95 I had. Body wise it looks the same but it's a lesser car with a lesser engine. Sort of like comparing your Saturn to the Low Saturn. It's got the Buick 3800 engine that only has 170 horses instead of the 3800 Series II with 205. And with 175K miles (not km) it's at that point where it's going to need some serious maintenance unless the seller gets back to me with some information showing up to date maintenance that's been done to the car in the past 15 years he's owned it. The car was imported from the US so the speedo and mileage are the way you're used to. It also has the analogue dash instead of the digital DIC I had in the Regency Elite. I think the price is too high too. Guy wants 3200.00 for the car and I think it's likely only worth about 1500-1900. Of course everyone wants an arm and a leg for their used car.

BTW, Welcome back. Glad the trip was a safe one and I'm sure you'll figure out what's wrong with the venting for your stove. We have our furnace thermostat hooked up to an app on my phone so if I was away and the house was empty I could override it and set it lower, then restore it to normal temps about an hour before I got back. As it is though the missus and I are home a fair bit so I don't touch it, and I leave it set at a comfortable 71°

Jouni - Watch out for that stupid calcium chloride. It can eat the bottom out of your car in a hurry. We just started using it here last year and I can see some deterioration on the bottom of the Malibu where it was pristine when we bought it. There's a maintenance company that looks after a section of the Henday here that uses a beet juice solution to de-ice the road. I think they only use it on the concrete sections and no it doesn't make cars turn purple.
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Old January 21st, 2019, 06:10 PM
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Adrian, nice watch; Swiss made, circa 1910 or maybe a little later, 800 silver case, probably about 16 size. If you can get the back open I'd love to see the movement. The back lid should just snap open, it looks like there's a hinge there, then there's probably a dust cover which is also hinged but it's snapped down a little tighter. You'll probably need a knife to pop it open. Nice thing about that watch is it isn't a pin-set or lever set, so it's simple to use.

Jouni, yes, Calcium Chloride is terrible stuff. My LeSabre is starting to rust as a result, don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep it before it dissolves. They're throwing it down quite liberally right now. It works well enough, but what it does to steel is incredible. There's no fixing it, just replacement.

Mike, Glad to hear your place didn't freeze up. Pretty gutsy to leave the heat off, hope you get your drafting issue worked out. All I know about stoves and flues is that at -40 if the damper is open all the way the stove can "run away" and turn into a molten mass of orange metal. Lots of people used to burn their houses down up here back in the day.

Allan, I agree with you, the 94 or 95 Buick 3800 is a bit of a dog as compared to the Series II. That said, it's almost bullet proof. But, unless you're getting a real smoking deal on it, you're probably right. The biggest problem nowadays is trying to find a car like that made from 1996 to 2005 without a million klicks on it, they just don't exist. When I bought my LeSabre 9 years ago, I paid a bit more for it because it was low mileage. Now, well, it's got 265,000 on it and, yeah, if something starts to slip, it's pretty much a write-off. It's almost worth buying one of these types of cars out of a retirement haven like Arizona or Florida; - but the only problem is if the geezer who owns it cheaped out and failed to load it up when he bought it. I've looked at a few LeSabres with low miles and an AM radio with window cranks; - who orders a car like that?

Well, early to bed; today was exhausting and I think the fever is back. Have a great evening!
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Old January 21st, 2019, 06:14 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Nice...I had a good reply to everyone typed out and this wretched thing "lost it"...Wonder where that went? Somebody's probably reading it on the Studebaker Forum or something. Well, I'm not typing it out again.
I've had enough for today....
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Old January 21st, 2019, 06:16 PM
Oh no, not again...
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I guess it did make it after all...I must be sick. Goodnight all...
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Old January 21st, 2019, 10:29 PM
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Ahh yes, good ol salt on everything. The parking lot maintenance company the does the lots at work, just dumps that crap by the truck load, when anyone pulls into the lot, all you see is a cloud of salt dust kicked up by the vehicle. Well, the weather should be interesting around here over the next week as they are forecasting 29" of snow between now and next Monday the 28th. We did set a record low here Sunday night/Monday morning of -12°. Wind chills up north were at -38°, probably just another day in the park for Allan and Jouni.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 03:00 AM
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Good morning.

Well, when we woke up wife told theres cold?? I thought was just a matter of clothing. Was +13c/55f at downstairs At night it went to -27c/-16,5f, and its still -20c/-2f outside. Going to be tight on soffa. Burned fire already, now its warm inside.

Theyve been putting calcium chlorade here to roads for decades, so nothing new here.

Nailheadcanuck - Welcome to club " it just lost my whole long post"

Have a day.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 04:09 AM
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31 so I loose again

This morning, I get to go to least favorite place City Hall for a meeting about TDR [Transferring development rights] I'll report back if they don;t throw me in the slammer. I despise lying politicians.

I mean really, don't treat me like I'm stupid. This isn't my 1st rodeo

Have a great day Olds friends

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Old January 22nd, 2019, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Ahh yes, good ol salt on everything. The parking lot maintenance company the does the lots at work, just dumps that crap by the truck load, when anyone pulls into the lot, all you see is a cloud of salt dust kicked up by the vehicle. Well, the weather should be interesting around here over the next week as they are forecasting 29" of snow between now and next Monday the 28th. We did set a record low here Sunday night/Monday morning of -12°. Wind chills up north were at -38°, probably just another day in the park for Allan and Jouni.
Oh yeah, Cold huh Dan! They say we can expect 6-10 inches today and tomorrow here. I'm not really looking forward to snow but if we get it maybe we can go snowmobiling. I will have to go buy trail permits for the 2 which is $50. each. I haven't bought them yet cuz the last 2 years I bought them and never went on the trails. Last night a friend of mine said he couldn't get the kitchen in his place over 55 degrees. He's very bummed out as he spent big bucks on a boiler system that heats the floor. Hay a good one Guys!
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 07:19 AM
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Good morning everyone,

A very pleasant morning here today at 15°F. Yesterday morning right after I posted what happened?? Hahahaha, yeah buddy - snow started falling like manna from heaven. Didn't last more than an hour though but it still just doesn't seem like this is 'natural'. I think the weather Gods are conspiring. Well I'll have to see if things are accurate on the forecast - it's spoda warm up to actual + temps by end of week.

Jim - Yeah, long as you live in Gawja, you'll lose that contest every time. Good luck with TDR. Need some bail money??

Marc - I did get a really vague reply from the seller about the 'Ninety Eight'. He bought it at an auction for around $7000 fifteen years ago. He said it had issues with a leak but can't remember what kind it was and also can't remember exactly what fixed it. No other records and it sounds a lot like he's not the kind of guy who believes in maintenance or keeping records. Too bad because it makes a car sale easier when those are available. With that in mind (and if you convert the miles to km, it's got 280K km on it) I think the smart move here is to keep on walking. If you want to see the car it's on kijiji. Ninety Eight for Sale

Dan - WoW! That's a lot of snow forecast. Have you checked out your snowblower to make sure it's in running shape? Sounds like you're going to need it. Hahaha, a walk in the park? Nope I'm not liking it any more than you are and contrary to the opinion about 'conditioning' it doesn't hold water. I think the older I get the more sensitive I get to cold weather. This is the first year we're not heading south to warmer climes mostly because the missus decided she wants to stay home instead. Me? Heck I'd take a nice sandy beach filled with sun, palm trees and copious amounts of margaritas any day.

Adrian - Now I see what you were talking about with the bridge situation. Those don't look like they should take long to replace and they're short span too. Keep in mind I'm used to something much larger when we discuss trains and bidges. Same concept though, just different scales.

Jouni - And that's why we use natural gas here for heating. Modern stuff eh? Even gas fireplace which works great BTW although I don't use it all that often. I just thought of something. when your house gets that cool, you have the perfect environment to store your best friends

Greg - Trail permits?? WTH? We don't need no stinkin trail permits here. Sounds like you guys are being raped with taxes and permits for dang near everything. In floor heating is great for the feet, but takes a long time to heat a room. I bermember one hotel we stayed at that had in floor heating. It was great for the bathroom, but not so much for the rest of the room. They also skimped on the AC and flow through ventilation. I think it would have been a nightmare in the summer.

Well I can't take it anymore. Right after I have something to eat I'm heading out to clean the Malibu. Seems like my suggestions to the son just bounced off. Like I said, he's not a car guy and I can't just let that car start dissolving from the calcium chloride.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 08:26 AM
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Nope I good to go w/o bail money,

Complete waste of time to go .listen to people who like to hear the sound of their own voices

The TDR program is kinda like pushing a rope
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 08:45 AM
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Well the Malibu once again looks shiny and new. Somehow I wonder if de boy will even notice. It's going to get a serious underneath scrub and touch up in the spring. I'll put it up on jackstands and wire brush the rust spots then spray them with undercoating.

Here ya go Jim - right outta the TDR handbook.....

Or maybe this???

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Old January 22nd, 2019, 09:18 AM
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Not much to report here yet. Snow coming this afternoon. I agree the older I get the more sensitive to the cold I get. I upgrade my snowthrower mitts every few years, and they keep getting thicker each time.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 12:34 PM
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Hi everyone.

Odd day. I was locked out of signing things off over a week ago. The lead knew about it and was supposed to fix it. I was in training last week and didn't need to sign anything off, so today I try to start work and I'm still locked out. The lead wasn't there. Another guy who had the same problem said the other lead is the one to fix it anyway. So I get with him, he says he put in the application to reinstate me, and it will take 5 hours. After the whole day still locked out. Then just as we're leaving work some alarm goes off in TOC 1 and they close the gates. No one gets in or out. What's with that? They evacuated the building but we couldn't go anywhere? This happens on occasion and funny that it's always at quitting time. I don't know what a$$hole thinks that's funny.

So Jamesbo whose rights were being transferred? Did you go because you are a business owner in town or were you invited? "Come listen to me tell how important I am."

Marc I often turn the heat off if I'm going to be gone for more than a couple days. As long as it doesn't get below freezing for more than over night it doesn't hurt anything. Now in the summer I may turn the AC up but I won't turn it off.

Need to go to the store. Tiger has to stay here, because I'm afraid that the clientele at Walmart would try to cause him trouble if they saw him in the car. And besides that there's any number of stray cats that hang out there(and people buy stuff to feed them) and Tiger would lose his mind.

Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 01:37 PM
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Good Evening Guys:
I have been off here for several days and need to catch up. My wife's surgery went really well last Wednesday. The robot is amazing and she only had three small incisions and is doing well. When I got up off the sofa bed in her room last Thursday morning my back was hurting and got worse quickly. It quickly got to the point that the lower right side hurt like hell and I could hardly move. If I moved the wrong way I would scream out in pain. It was the worst pain I have ever had. My brother referred me to his chiropractor he has used for several years. I called and go an appointment for Friday and went back on Saturday and yesterday. I was a lot better after the treatment yesterday. It is still sore but without the severe pain. I stayed in the recliner all day Saturday watching the Barrett Jackson auction and then watched football on Sunday. Good thing our daughter is here because the timing of the back thing really sucked. At first I wondered if it was the bed in the hospital but after I thought about it I think it was pulling that damn commode up the stairs with the two wheel dolly. Those things are heavy. I came in and looked at my computer a couple times but didn't even feel like typing. We are having roller coaster weather but nothing like you guys up north are having. I really don't know how you do it. I better finish up before this post disappears since I would not retype it. Hope all of you are doing well.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 01:54 PM
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Mike, I've been on the list to sell development rights for years. Basically the city program doesn't work so they keep having meetings of interested Senders/sellers. I should be able to sell my rights [and not develop my property] to a developer in a commercial area and allow him to increase his density In theory it's a good idea but the problem [s] aren't going to be solved by the city bringing in different 'Experts" to pontificate. I think in 6 or 7 years of this program, They transferred/sold rights once

Basically I usually don't do meeting, malls or movies [walk ins]

Maybe I should get a tat

Trying to save a little piece of this orb is getting to be hard werk
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 01:59 PM
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Allan, yeah I know it sounds pretty bad having to pay a trail permit fee but it's worth it if you use it. In Michigan you have to purchase a snowmobile registration that lasts for 2 years. That sucks but if you're out on your machine anywhere you can be cited and probably could have your snowmobile seized without it. It is similar to a car license plate. But the trail permit is a different thing. The State maintains long trails that go hundreds of miles across the upper and lower peninsulas. They are groomed and are really nice and if you want to go any distance riding, the trail permit is worth the $50. a year, that is if there is enough snow to go riding.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 03:18 PM
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So Jamesbo, if I understand this correctly, you sell your rights to developing your property and then you can't develop it. Someone else buys your rights and then they can develop more than they normally would be able to. That's like pollution credits. You develop less so someone else can develop more. Your city sure has a lot of land drama.

Last night I messed with the stove and got a fairly good fire going. But every time I'd open the door copious amounts of smoke would come out. It got so bad I turned on the ceiling fan, opened the door in the kitchen, and put a box fan at the door, to suck out all the smoke, thus negating the extra heat. I let the fire die down, I didn't want to open the door again. After a little while the fire started up and burned quite nicely. So I thought, gee the problem is over so I opened the door to put in more wood and tons of smoke poured out. I don't get it.

So I've been thinking about this. Could it be the smoke itself is too heavy to escape the chimney? The wood I've been using has been a tad damp. Not the recipe for success but with a little newspaper and a little cardboard, the wood usually dries out quick and burns nice. From the ground the chimney on the roof looks good. Not sure I want to mess with it tonight, but I got my gas bill and it was $92. And it's cold as a mother in here.
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 05:03 PM
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Greg, It seems I spoke out of turn. Guess I didn't realize the snowmobile or sled rules since I don't own one. Here's the skinny for where I live, and the cost for a one year license is $54.45

In Alberta, everyone who operates a snowmobile on public land must:

  • Have a registered snowmobile.
  • Carry a minimum of $200,000 in public liability and property damage insurance.
  • Wear a safety-approved helmet (including passengers and those being towed by a snowmobile).
  • Be at least 14 years of age to operate a snowmobile independently. While receiving instruction, a person younger than 14 must be accompanied by an adult or supervised closely.
In addition ( I didn't realize how strict the laws were) : OHV Helmet Law and Caveats
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 05:17 PM
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Mike, I was surfing the web looking for reasons your stove is acting wonky. Here's a video that covers a lot of information. Hope it has something you will be able to use to make yours work properly.

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