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Old September 28th, 2011, 04:32 AM
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Wow. Lots 'o violence in here. Jamesbo smackin whitey, Pat smackin Sandy, Mrs Pat, Smackin Pat...

Hope everyone has a great Hump day.
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Old September 28th, 2011, 05:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yeah, CQR, It's de sign of the times.

Scot, Please don't tell me they're gonna close de post office whar ya jes got hired. I've been watch'in de news and it seems like there's sum trouble afoot.

Pat, I won't post it cause it too gruesome but sum one just sentt me an e-mail titled "Cooking with copper" where 2 guys in Dallas tried to steal a 13,200 volt live wire out of conduit.

Sandy, Let's not start de whin'in until at least one leaf falls.

Hope everyone participates in "Hump Day"
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Old September 28th, 2011, 06:15 AM
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Morning All!

Chilly here with clouds this morning. Only gonna be in the 60's today with more friggin rain later. No cruisin tonight I'm sure.

Thanks Citcapp.... I needed that!

Went to Solon last evening. Seems like I just got there and it got dark and was time to leave, lol. Not a whole lot of cars there. Some were leaving as I got there. Probably 75 cars or so. It clouded up so a lot were leaving. No rain, though.

Teepo sure gets a lot of compliments! It makes my heart smile, lol!!

Jamesbo...... I've been sweeping leaves off the deck since August, so it's whinin time!! I'll take a pic and show you how many leaves are in our yard already.
Trees are changing color real fast now. I'm starting to get my usual fall depression setting in already. The dark, the chill, the thought of putting Teepo away.

One good thing - gas prices are coming down! I got it for $3.10 last night at BP. Only took $20 to fill from a half a tank. I was happy!

I can't believe it..... Steve just turned on his heater out there! And he's dressed in a long sleeve sweater!!! Lord! What's he gonna do when it gets cold? It's 76 degrees in mine and Brian's space here, and my fan is about to go on!!

Scot... I'm with Jamesbo about these post offices closing. I know they're picketing or something over in the Akron area here about the closings. I sure hope they don't affect you! That would really suck!

Well you all have a good hump day!!
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Old September 28th, 2011, 06:17 AM
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It's hump day?! :O
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Old September 28th, 2011, 09:43 AM
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Happy hump, Hum...that doesn't sound right
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Old September 28th, 2011, 10:37 AM
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LOL, Citcapp!!!
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Old September 28th, 2011, 02:42 PM
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Good Afternoon Morning People!

The postal closings won't affect me as of yet. There is a processing plant in Augusta that is closing. The reason they are struggling so much is due to the fact that Congress passed a bill that stated that the USPS has to prepay 75 years in advance for future retiree benefits to the tune of $5,500,000,000.00 (yes that is 5.5 BILLION dollars) And the only entity in the world that is required to pay that far in advance. Another instance of good ole Uncle Sam with both hands in our pockets. One good thing is that supposedly the USPS has never had to lay anyone off due to this YET. But instead transfers and early retirement bonuses are payed out. I personally am still looking for something better everyday because they cannot guarantee my hours once I get all of my training in. And being a temp for the first year, I am the low man on the totem pole. Anyway it's good to be gainfully employed so I will do my part as long as they do theirs.

Jamesbo I saw that email and man those guys were TOAST and crispy.

Well back to the festivities, my youngest just turned 9 so it is a Hippo Burpday Party here


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Old September 28th, 2011, 03:44 PM
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Yea! Happy birthday to the ankle biter Scot.

Pushin 90F at 4:45 p.m today.

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Old September 28th, 2011, 06:07 PM
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LOL tanks Clint
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Old September 29th, 2011, 04:44 AM
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Good Morning All

I don't have to report until 1 pm today. Melissa had a great B-Day and just loves all of her gifts. She was funny last night, she didn't know which one to play with first. LOL

Feels great out this morn around 63 and the highs are gonna try to reach 90.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Old September 29th, 2011, 05:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool mawn'in with highs in the high 70's

Scot, Give your yard ape a happy berfday hug fer me.

Adrian, I gots my new National Geographic yesterday. After I checked out the naked natives, I read a cool article 'bout the canyons in de Blue Mountains. Man, They're deeper than "Waldon's Pond"

Sandy, Ya know after Monday and Tuesday, even de Calander says W T F

Pat, How's de Mrs. Recover'in? Shot 41/40 yesterday Not bad fer an ole phart hugh? Chipped in a birdie, Made my day/week/year

CQR, Ya know thar was also an article in National Geographic 'bout the "Teen age brain" I read it and decided it must of been writtne by a teen ager.
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Old September 29th, 2011, 05:49 AM
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Mornin all.

Scot, Glad she had a good birthday. Make sure she stops aging at 12 cuz once they become a teen its all downhill from there.

An article on the teen age brain? Musta been a real short article.
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Old September 29th, 2011, 05:56 AM
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Morning All!

Another crisp morning here. In the 50's and only going up to the 60's with rain chances later of course. Sun is peeking out alittle. Guess we have another cold front coming at us - it's only supposed to be around 50 on Saturday, lows in the 30's in some places. Too early..... We'll get some nice days yet though. You all can send some of those 90 degrees my way!!!!! I'll enjoy it!

I didn't go to Chick Fil A last night. It got awful cloudy here around 5:00 of course. Didn't want to chance getting rained on. We'll see about Bellacino's tonight......

Nicole is going to come have lunch with me today. I brought us leftover sketti. And she's bringing a Vampire Diaries dvd for us to watch an episode. I gotta call Defer and make an appointment for her to take the Intrigue in for an oil change.

Jamesbo..... you are funny this morning, lol!

Scot! Good to hear from ya!! Glad your daughter enjoyed her b'day! I remember when my daughter was simple.... I don't blame ya for still job hunting. Anything government run is scary these days. Just put away what you can and keep on looking. Clay and Brian were talking this morning about home loan interest rates coming down - they're wondering why they are so low right now. I guess one bank has them at like 3%. It's sad when you have to wonder "what's up" when something that seems good comes along.

Clint..... that's a great cartoon, lol!

So..... where is Ken (442much) Wolfie, and Don?? I'm getting worried. Guess Blue decided to ignore the cards I sent him and Laura. I haven't heard anything.

Well you all have a good day!
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Old September 29th, 2011, 08:52 AM
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teenagers have brains, who would have thunk it. I thought they ran on hormones and testosterone until at least mid 20's.

worried about Don and Wolfie as well

Good golf game Jamsbo time to sell the clubs and call it a day
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Old September 29th, 2011, 02:14 PM
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Morning everybody, weather is just fine today. Great for working in the shed

Jamesbo, you just taught me something about my country lol. All I know about the Blue Mountains is they're south from where I am and it snows there in winter

Well I better be taking Mini to school so can start in the shed. Today is the day the engine goes back in

Have a great day ya'll

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Old September 30th, 2011, 04:59 AM
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Good Morning All

Going in at 1 pm again today


Here is one for Jamesbo

Yall have a great day and a safe weekend

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Old September 30th, 2011, 05:02 AM
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Oh and that is a great looking engine Adrian! I hope it runs as good as it looks, upload a video on youtube when you get it running.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 05:04 AM
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How'd the install go Adrian?

Happy Friday everyone. We bowled well last night but the other team bowled better. We got creamed. they had one team member that bowled below a 200 all series. None of them even had a 200 average

Enjoy your morning off Scot. Have the last cruise tomorrow really hate to see the summer end. Nippy this morning. but supposed to get nice today.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 05:13 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool beautfiul day

So a litttle mo 'bout dis teen age brain article in National Geographic.

Basicly, [accord'in to de article] teenages do understand the risk associate with sum of their behavior. But it seems they want thrills so bad that the "reward" [thrill] out weighs de danger. Doesn't seem to matter if it's sex, cars, drugs, skateboarding down a stair case. Anutter thing it talked 'bout was the giant imporatnace of "peer pressure" and learn'in from their peers [as opposed to learn'in from sumone hwo knows sum'em]

I don't know 'bout your peers when you was grow'in up, but my peers were a bunch of drunk, horney idiots who drove like maniacs.

I vividly remember my "turn'in point" and detour into sanity.

In College, a bud took me fer a ride in his brand spank'in new Austin Healey Sprite down a dirt road in de country. Whilest slid'in round a curve, he got crossed up and rolled the thing 'bout 3 times. I was in de death seat [sans seatbelt naturally and of course no roll bar.]

When we stoped roll'in we were upside down with our heads down in a road side ditch the car was straddel'in [wich saved our lives] The windshield was flat as a fritter and gasoline was pour'in all over us.

I sum how managed to crawl out into de ditch and pulled him out de drivers side. All anyone had damaged was a few bruised ribs from de steer'in wheel.and sum soiled undies.

Nutt'in like be'in coverred in gasoline and pinned under a car to make ya think one or twice 'bout whose driv'in what how. I still don't like to ride with many people.

Well nuff 'bout be'in a stupid kid.

Ya'll have a wonderful weekend.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 05:18 AM
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Looks like we're all typ'in at once dis mawn'in.

Cool engine adrian

Scot, Stop it. It's too close to the calls you really get.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 06:06 AM
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Nothin like a little Willie P Richardson in the morning
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Old September 30th, 2011, 06:16 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Friday to ya! It's dark, cold and raining here. Very windy, but supposed to get worse through out the day. They are saying we could get hail or ice coming down in the rain tomorrow, as the air up in the atmosphere is very cold. Freeze warnings are out in some places for tomorrow night. But it's looking sunny and warmer next week!!!

Well I almost went to Bellacino's last evening, it was very cloudy, but dry. Glad I didn't go though, cause it was pouring rain before 7:00. I would have been pis*ed!! I hope it wasn't the last cruise, cause next week is looking good. Brad wasn't sure if he was gonna end in Sept. or go through Oct. like last year. So we'll see. Guess the Pops show is off tomorrow. It's rain date is Sat. Oct. 8th, so is the Stow Glen show. Why oh why are they always on the same day??
I gotta look and see if there are any shows on Sunday. It's supposed to be cold but sunny.

Brian is off today, so it's nice in here. He's been really busy and really whining about it, lol! I like it in here by myself. It keeps me busier too when I have to check his emails and such. So my day goes a little faster.

Jamesbo... I know my teen has a brain, she just chooses not to use it at all! I'm a firm believer in "children learn what they live", believe me. She has so many of Larry's bad traits, it's not even funny. My family has even commented on it. Why couldn't any of these kids in my family taken after me?? At least a little?? Guess my genes went to the other side of the family somewhere, lol.

I made appointments to get the oil changed in the Intrigue and in the Cutass next week. Guess I'll be paying for both of them since my child still isn't working. I can't let my Oldsmobile suffer.....

Adrian.... your motor is beautiful!!!! Hope all went well with the install!

Well you all have a great Friday!!
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Old September 30th, 2011, 07:57 AM
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morning all


looking good man, can't wait to hear the varoom, varoom.

Jamsbo, had a similar experience in my 48 ford pickum up truck with 3 guys in the front seat, no ditch but we did bounce around sum in there. Was chasing chicks in a new 57 thunder bird she made the corner I didn't. Out driven by a girl, was the talk of the high school for the remainder of the year.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp

Jamsbo, had a similar experience in my 48 ford pickum up truck with 3 guys in the front seat, no ditch but we did bounce around sum in there. Was chasing chicks in a new 57 thunder bird.
Pat, I bet 'American Graffitti" gave cha flash backs sho nuff
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Old September 30th, 2011, 09:42 PM
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Hey Everyone.

It was a dull, rainy day today. More on that further in the post.

After class this afternoon, it was off to bowling. My first two games were below average, but the third one was higher so not too bad of a night.

The drive home was interesting. The wipers on the Delta quit working Tried playing with the switch, went over the connections on the wiper motor assembly and checked the fuse. Still nothing, so couldn't drive home without wipers in the rain in the dark. Called for a tow.

CQR, I guess they we're just all having a great night. A really, really, REALLY great night.

Ausraven, very nice looking engine.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 01:39 AM
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Morning. (Not really, too early to be morning yet.)Well the MRS and I ore off to the western side of the state today. In search of hay. gonna be a long day everyone. Hope everyone has a fab Saturday.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 04:36 AM
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BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR It's chilly ***** dis mawn'in

Kinda busy day search'in Traveloisty fer beaches dat allow Golden retreives and teach'in Red sum new tricks.

How my olds buds win lots of races, bring home lots of trophis from shows, find hay and keep their jobs and their health.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 07:43 AM
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Good Morning All!

Feels great dis mawnin I've got to work this afternoon as well.

Jamesbo if you can teach Red that trick in the pic, then I am bringing you a couple more to train

Here is a little Saturday morning humor

Yall have a wondermous day

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Old October 1st, 2011, 07:21 PM
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Evening All!

Well today's weather just sucked!!!!! Windy and rain most of the day. Only got into the 40's. Sure looked like snow clouds up there..... friggin cold miserable day.

I shoulda known better than to believe the weather forecast and put in for a half day off this Monday. It was supposed to be like 65 and partly sunny. Now they're saying this cold front is still gonna be around and a chance of more rain Monday. I sure hope they're wrong. I really really want to go to the Riverfront. And I'll have to change Teepo's oil change appointment. Ain't driving her in the rain.

She was disappointed today that we couldn't go anywhere. I told her so was I!

So I spent the day cleaning. And I took a bunch of T-shirts to the tailor lady to have them shortened, cause they are way too long. I hate T-shirts to come down and cover my butt, lol. So that took awhile cause I had to try on each one so she could pin them. Got more to take whenever she's done with these ones.

I was gonna go up to Lin's, but it was just too yucky out and I didn't want to be out in it. Larry made a big pot of veggie soup this afternoon. It was good! I'm already thinkin of Jamesbo's tomato hamburger soup. Yummmmmm....

Paul.... sorry to hear about the wipers and the tow! That stinks!! Did you find the problem yet?

I'm headin up to Lin's tomorrow, then over to Nicole and Dave's to watch Vampire Diaries. Hope we finish that season set so I can be caught up and start recording it from TV to watch.

Have a good evening!
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 08:43 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Montreal, it is 47 degrees Farenheit. Rainy, humid.


That's what I call progress!

Cheers all,

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Old October 2nd, 2011, 08:58 AM
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cool but dry today. OCA chapter meeting today only two more after today then I will be the past president. Going to take the club for a fall cruise after the meeting should be a good day isn't supposed to rain until this evening.

Have a good day all
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 06:38 PM
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Enening All!

Quiet day on here it looks like. It was another crappy day here, as is the norm. Cold, windy dark and rainy. In the 40's. They're still callin for rain tomorrow, so I guess I'll go in tomorrow and change my half day off to Wednesday. Steve is off Friday and Clay is taking a half day Thursday, so I'll take hump day. At least I can take Teepo for her oil change if I can get the appointment moved.

Went up to Lin's and got some paperwork done for her. Repotted a couple of her plants. Then went over to Nicole and Dave's and watched 3 Vampire Diary episodes. Got home around 8:30. Grand dog is really shedding. Came home covered in dog hair. The cat didn't like the dog smell on me, lol.

It sure would be nice to have some heat in the house!! I'm real tired of being cold. Got a couple electric heaters going to take off the chill, but it's far from warm in here. Hope the gas company comes soon and gets our meter hooked up and digs and puts their line down and gets us hooked up!

Well stay warm and dry all.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 05:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, De closed the golf course today re sum kinda tournament an didn't invite moi, So, I'z do'in nutt'in dis mawn'in.

Read whar I ole friend Norm [88 coupe] went home to glory.

I was always fraid to ax him a question in a thread but every time I'd P.M. him, he'd get rigth back wit de answer.

Guess he an Col and talk'in cams upstairs.

Ya'll have a wonderful week.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 06:15 AM
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Sorry about you golf Jamsbo, maybe today you can get back to work on the unfinished olds hanging out in your garage

Yeah Norm and the Col that's a pair to draw to.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 09:15 AM
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Monday Monday - By The Mama's And The Papa's

Well I was scheduled to train in Byron, GA on the counter (window) this morning, well all of this week, BUT....
1st I had to go all the way home to change clothes, due to no one told me I couldn't wear pants - so khaki's are fine check.
2nd The Byron Post Office didn't have a spare till for the drawer and the one I brought from Warner Robins will not fit their till openings
3rd The login ID and password I received from my supervisor does NOT work
4th The Byron supervisor has me call this automated 800 number to get a new password and login ID I was friggen clueless as to what to do or say..... Eked my way through that one though
5th I get sent back to Warner Robins
6th My supervisor and I try to get password and login ID still confused
7th Computer says processing and IT support says could take 2 days to get new password and login ID
8th Warner Robins supervisor says today is a bust go home I'll call you if I get info needed for training, if not be here early in da morning

So like Jamesbo my Monday is screwed up and I tank I will go change again and go work on sumpin else.

Yall have a great day

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Old October 3rd, 2011, 09:53 AM
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Would you believe it took me 30 days to catch up on old news , especially this thread. Bad news about Norm passing , I guess it is inevitable. I have been feeling poorly myself and have not been on the computer much lately. I just go out and push myself to do what I need to get done. Still no word from my specialist and soon just give up on him , or more likely his secretary. I have not driven the Olds for a couple months now but I go and start it up every once in a while. I tackled some work on the tractor and the bush hog this morning but now I think I will spend the rest of the day relaxing.Have a good one.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 11:25 AM
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Morning all, nice bit of rain on the way home from work last night, so I got wet Looks to have cleared up this morning though

Good to hear from you Wolfman

My monday felt like that too Scot and Jamesbo. I will be changing to a different crew at work in a week or two so it will become more of a challenge again current crew starting to bore me lol

How is your wife's foot Pat? All better I hope.

Install went well, just have to do the vac lines and the spark plug leads then put the rest of the front end back on I will post a video when she is up and running

Time for work, have a safe day everybody ttyl

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Old October 3rd, 2011, 12:11 PM
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Afternoon all!

It's just a sucky Monday all around, I reckon. I spent 5 hours in the ER this morning. Can't wait to get that bill. Woke up with another friggin bacterial infection in my arm. It was red and hurting, so off I went to the Urgent Care. They wanted to admit me, but I said NOPE!!!

They pumped a bag of anitbiotics in me, took 5 vials of blood, then came back for another one to check the white count. I laid there shivering uncontrollably for hours. My head is pounding, my back hurts like a toothache. I hate these damned things. There's just some kind of bacteria that I'm real suseptible to. They were going to let me go around 11:30, but I got real sick feeling, light headed and real dizzy. So they hooked me back up to another bag of fluids and I told them I hadn't eaten all morning. Got up and took my heart pill and had coffee. I always eat at work.

So they checked my blood pressure - it was waaaaay low like 68 over something, and they checked my blood sugar which was also waaaaaay low. So they brought me some OJ and a fruit cup and a couple graham crackers. I felt a little better after eating that. They finally let me go around 2:30. Larry came - I told him he didn't have to, he's busy at the shop. He drove me home and dropped of my prescription. Him and Jr are gonna get Tincanio later. Told him Nicole could get it for me. Whatever. Ya know, I worry that if something happens to me, with Nicole and Larry not friggin speaking to each other, I don't want fighting at my funeral, and I want my child to be able to come into this house and get my stuff, without him blaming everything on her. I swear to God he's like a kindergarten kid himself. Get over whatever it is this time and act like an adult. She's coming over in the morning and spending the day with me, so he better get over his bad self.

So I cancelled Teepos oil change this morning. Looked online, and the Riverfront is cruisin tonight - the last one. And I'm sick. That sucks. It's rainy but warmer, 54 today. They said that if it's rainy, drive the regular car over, they are having it rain or shine. Don't know how I'll get that plaque I had that guy over there make me. I'll have to call Don Sitts and see.

Well I gotta lay down again. I'm so achy and miserable and cold. talk to ya later.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 12:40 PM
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Gosh Sandy hope you get over that quick and are back to your regular self soon. Just have a read of that book to help pass the time
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 04:25 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

It was a gloomy day here, cool and light rain on and off all day.

Worked on the Delta this morning and did some testing and it looks like both the wiper motor and washer pump are bad. The washer pump is only a few years old. I will be buying new ones tomorrow and hope to have them installed by the weekend before a group goes for a fall cruise.

Sandy, I hope you are feeling better soon.
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