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Old November 16th, 2017, 09:32 AM
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LOL, I know what an Eskimo roll is, I was being a smart aleck!
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Old November 16th, 2017, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
LOL, I know what an Eskimo roll is, I was being a smart aleck!

Ok, let's see ya do one
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Old November 16th, 2017, 10:34 AM
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Evening guys.

Hurry, and tired, just visited to say hello.

Will catch ya tomorrow, early wake-up to work.
Tomorrow contains work, sauna and beer. Perfect friday.

Hey, one fast question; does summit racing have chritmas sale or something? Just wondering, when im ordering 2500$ worth of parts, if they have some december sale, with that amount it would be worth to wait a month or so

Have a good thursday everyone! Cya
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Old November 16th, 2017, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
What a Polar Bear calls an Eskimo in a sleeping bag? Allan, I'll get the type of kayak that you sit on rather than in, and one meant for fishing, as they are more stable. I have a couple of co workers who kayak, claim that theirs are more stable than a canoe. No white water around here, so that will make it safer. My concern is getting my camera wet.
Hahahaha, great sense of humor Dan. An Eskimo roll is a kayaking maneuver to flip an overturned kayak back upright. It uses the principle of a hip flick and paddle sweep in the opposite direction to flip the boat back upright.

Kayaks are essentially more stable, but only if you are lowering the center of gravity by sitting in them, as opposed to sitting on them. The kayak I was using was called a 'Roto Bat' which is a slightly smaller boat. It requires a spray skirt that the kayaker wears and attaches to the rand of the opening to prevent water entering. Honestly, IMO you'd be better off with a small inflatable boat (space saving) and electric motor for stability and space for storage.

Rotobat - It's smaller, lightweight, extremely strong and very manoeuvrable.

Lake kayak - Small, open, reasonably stable but no protection against a roll or equipment getting wet

Small inflatable zodiac type boat (Sorry, the brand was just there... )

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Old November 16th, 2017, 02:57 PM
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Evening all

Took your advise and went through Fusick to get my indicator and switch and also took the trouble of getting a set of new light surrounds and a few other bits. Bit of a killer on the carriage at nearly $200 then I suppose I will have a bit of import duty to pay. As Jouni knows it’s not cheap to have a US car over here.

Bit of a ***** up at my building site, I asked a gardening company to cut down all the overgrown bushes at the rear of the property and they mistook the front for the rear. Unfortunately the front is protected woodland so I will no doubt be in line for a hefty fine.

Weather today is dry mild and grey high 50s, getting chilly over night around 30F
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Old November 16th, 2017, 04:05 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got home late, got to bed late, got up late, Tiger bugged me all day. Tonight should be terrific. Actually things haven't been all that bad this week so I can only hope that trend continues.

Don't worry London. That stuff will grow back. Maybe no one will see until it does. Did you already finalize your Fusik order?

Neighbor called and said come get some pizza. I'm there. I haven't had pizza in a long time. I know I'm going up to my favorite place next week. Can't wait.

Okay off I go. Night 3. Hope everyone has a good evening. One more to go.
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Old November 16th, 2017, 09:49 PM
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Allan, it will be a lake style of kayak, no white water around here, nor really any fast current on the rivers in my immediate area, I'll make sure to get some experience before bringing the camera along. I pulled the trigger on the lens today, It's already shipped. I will work the day after turkey day and pick up 3X pay, take Saturday off, then work Sunday @ 2X pay. The opportunity will come up again the week of Christmas, so, basically I've got the cost covered.
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Old November 17th, 2017, 04:16 AM
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Good morning everyone.

It's been many, many weeks since I got home and it's light out. Got to work last night and found out we mechanics had a pow wow with the GM this morning. He said he wanted to know how we were doing in general and what he could do to make our jobs easier. The underlying theme was a particular lead, though, and we think he's trying to build a case against him.

Tonight is my Friday. I almost feel like staying up today but I know I'd go into auto-shutdown around noon and that wouldn't do me much good for the evening. So off to bed I go. Hope everyone has a good day, I'll see you all this afternoon.
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Old November 17th, 2017, 05:30 AM
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A little frost on the pumpkin dis mawn'in.

I knew I shoulda smacked whitey yesteryear but got busy and didn't sneak out

London, That reminds me of the ole joke about the [pick your least favorite school] kids laying sod. "Green side up"

Dan, I got a buddy that Kayaks, Course he also hang glides, and races
Speaking of racing. What do you experts think of this LAST curve?.IMHO it's blind and too narrow

Maybe it will warm up so I can sneak out

Have a great day Olds friends

Edit, Jes got a call from a family so there goes golf
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Old November 17th, 2017, 09:21 AM
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Good to do the longest day at friday

LondonCutlass - Yep, no cheapy to have US car as hobby

Jamesbo - Honestly? First, that guy drives like a girl, and i wasnt surprised at all how it all ended. Damn, even from 2.00 onwards you can see his car going wider and wider than the car in front of him. I knew before the video showed whats gonna happen next

Okay. Wife heated sauna, i just ate, now im going to rest from this working week to sauna.. Music and beer at sauna, thats just perrrrfect.
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Old November 17th, 2017, 09:43 AM
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The track just up and bit him. Well, the weather forecast has changed quite a bit, snow n sleet n freezing rain are gone, along with 50mph winds, just a good soaker with around an inch predicted. Winds are down to 20-30 mph. But, I ain't sitting in the rain to watch my local football team play in the semi final. I'll be watching Michigan get whooped by Wisconsin instead.
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Old November 17th, 2017, 01:59 PM
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The curling God's smiled in us today. Everyone played well and we took a 9-6 win in the books.
Spoda warm up here a but tomorrow. Great, that's going to turn all the roads into a messy slushbowl. That calcium chloride they're using on the roads means I'm going to have to use the car wash a lot more.

End if the day quitting whistle time!
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Old November 17th, 2017, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Slept pretty good today. Not as long as I would have liked but heck, I got better than a week now to catch up. Was pretty today, about 60 and sunny.

Jamesbo I think that guy needs to go back to driving school.

So my neighbor bought a car off her niece in Florida and was all worried about how to get it up to New Jersey. I said, just drive it. Either keep her license plate and then mail it back to her, or have nothing and keep the Bill of Sale handy. She changed her plate on her car to a handicapped one and gave me the old one. It's good until March. I said, I'll give you back your old plate and you can put that on. Oh no she said, that wouldn't be right. I said fine, register it here, drive it up there, then register it there and spend unnecessary money. She got mad.

Okay off to it. Last one. Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 12:52 AM
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Good Morning everyone.

Was a good evening yesterday, quality time at sauna. Today includes woodwork, thats about it.
Out of interest, did count my paychecks, and since april to this day ive been doing exactly 400 hours of overtime at work. Not bad

Allan R - Now you have two great curling-matches under belt. Gonna be state-championships this year? Here at Finland they love to salt our roads when theres even a hint of sub-zero temps coming or a driplet of snow. That does really good to cars.....

Okay, have a good weekend everyone!

Last edited by Inline; November 18th, 2017 at 02:01 AM.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 04:53 AM
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Ok, I'm old fashion and like the smell of exhaust and burnt rubber but that new Tesla Roadster is really something

What I'm trying to figger out is, if it's 4 wheel drive and the computer controls the traction, WTF would happen if you put it on really slick ice and floored it

Maybe Mike will buy one and we can try it out in the mountains on the way to a winter fried chicken meal


Enjoy the weekend Olds friends
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Old November 18th, 2017, 06:33 AM
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Good morning,
Good day shaping up, Spoda be only -2 later.

Jouni, cool. You found an avatar. Actually we have way more than 2 wins under our belts. Yesterday was a really really good and fun game though. We don't have states in Canada, we have provinces and territories. 13 of them. I live in one of the western provinces called Alberta (AB). Our main industries are oil/gas and agriculture. Right now the provincial gubment is hell bent on ruining the financial picture here and putting future generations into long term debt.

Jim, a tesla is out of my price range for a DD. I'd love to have one though. If you buy me one I'll report back on the acceleration curve and performance here in the land of ice and snow. I'd also love to have a Genesis Sedan...amongst other things. Cool vid of the pups enjoying the snow btw.

Gotta take my son downtown to a meeting later. The Santa parade will be in full swing and there won't be any parking so I'm the chauffeur today. Well use his new Malibu. Sheesh, finding extra OEM wheels to put snow tires on is a real challenge. Might have to go with some nice aftermarket alloys. I refuse to put open faced black steelies on our cars during winter, they just look so ugly.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 08:37 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Did okay at work last night, got home before 5. Slept a couple hours and got up and got the Airstream ready to head down the road. Hope the guy doesn't take a powder on me. No reason why he would.

I don't know, Jamesbo, I've never been a big fan Tesla. Clever name. That's a pretty snazzy looking roadster, though. I think instead of trying to come out with a big over the road semi he'd do better with a pickup.

So I think I'll hit the Awful house. Lunchtime on Saturday that should be good. Really can't do anything until that guy calls, and Awful house is only a couple miles away. Tiger concurs.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 10:06 AM
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Happy Thanksgiving Tiger
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Old November 18th, 2017, 12:24 PM
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Ah, and now off to a new chapter in Airstream history. Without me. The guy showed up with cash in hand and we hooked it up and he's off to the tire shop. Hope he has good luck. His girlfriend already had it torn apart in her mind and thinking of what she wants to do with it.

Thanks Jamesbo. That's a great picture. Tiger saw it and now I have to get him a real bone that size. I think that's my favorite German Shepherd look, with the ears stretched out like a hang glider.

Okay now to sweep the driveway and move stuff around.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 12:32 PM
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I dunno about that dinosaur bone that Jamesbo pictured, might have to go to a archaeology site to find one. Well, my old high school team is off to the state finals at Ford field next weekend, with a 42-0 drubbing of yet another undefeated (until now) team.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 11:42 PM
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Good Morning.

Surprised my wife with full breakfast, she was happy. Weird....
Off to some woodwork soon. Not much else. Next week looks not too busy at work, maybe 10 hour days, max.

Okay, have a good sunday everyone.
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Old November 19th, 2017, 04:58 AM
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A mite chili dis mawn'in

Mike, I can throw in a few of the Super Model's cats for desert.

Re: Tesla, I'm also a bit surprised they chose to make a semi instead of a pick me up truck. I'd like to have a 0-60 pick up with that kinda get up and go

Inline, We like scattered, cover and smothered for breakfast. What did cha make?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend Olds friends
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Old November 19th, 2017, 06:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Had quite a storm last night with lots of wind. Nice this morning, but chilly.

Jamesbo that would be Tiger's breakfast.

Spent two hours at the Awful house this morning and it's still relatively early. Think I'll go over to the shop and mess around a little while. Also gotta start getting ready for our trip to my Mom's coming up.

Here's a question for you builders. I got a big carport out in front of my house that I want to enclose and turn into living space, most likely my new bedroom. But I don't want to hear noise from the street, which is about 50 feet away. Code says I need to build the bottom of the new walls with block(like I care), if I did it all in block would that be a good sound deadener, or would stick walls with heavy insulation be better?

Well gonna go do, something. Have a great day everyone .
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Old November 19th, 2017, 08:28 AM
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Mike, build it all in block with a sound deadening plasterboard, use double glazed windows and you won’t hear a sound from outside.

Jim, Re-Tesla, if they did make a pick up like that I would stick a deposit on it today!

Busy Monday lined up. Meeting with my builders at my daughters place should take up most of the morning followed by shopping, followed by another meeting for most of the late afternoon.

London weather today is cold and sunny high40s
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Old November 19th, 2017, 10:14 AM
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Didnt do almost nothing. Not even woodwork, same as yesterday; rained almost whole day. No dice.

Did go to garage and took th350 to my trunk, gonna wash it at employeers repair hall, then start disassembling it.

Was boring... Until... Wait for it.... I heated sauna and did go to market to buy six-pack of beer ( pint-sized) One left for next week

Damn, lifes got to be wonderful, if the solution to make bad day to great is just to heat sauna!

Next week it promises snow.

Btw, cold-milling stopped last thursday. But im still working I thought 5 months is a bit too much to be at home, remembering last year. So, i volunteered to winter-asphalting. Maybe 10 days a month, not bad, and something activity through winter. That starts somewhere around january, currently i transfered to regular asphalt-working.

Jamesbo - Just bread with all the goodies, and rice-porridge. Then served yoghurt. Nothing exciting. We like to do porridge at winter for breakfast, and rice-porridge is #1

Last edited by Inline; November 19th, 2017 at 10:17 AM.
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Old November 19th, 2017, 10:47 AM
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Here's my rant for the day: UPS sends me an email letting me know that a signature is required for my package (lens), and that I can "sign now" online. OK, but when I click on the "sign now" tab , I am redirected to the parcel tracking page, with no ability to sign for anything!! @#&*!!. ANNND, why is it that they only deliver in the afternoon, never in the am, when I'm home? Tried to change the time of the delivery as their page says that I can, but guess what? NO. I can change the day or address, but only if I sign up for the premium service$$.
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Old November 19th, 2017, 06:56 PM
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Pretty boring day. Bought tickets to Mexico yesterday. Went with direct flights cuz I hate those multi stop flights with layovers, even if they're cheaper. I'd rather do my flying in one aircraft. Not wild about the 6+ hour sitting in the same seat though. 2 week vacation with the missus later in Jan.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 04:16 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Up before the chickens this morning, and I know that will come back to bite me later, probably around noon. Tiger wanted to go out at 330, and when he came back in I thought I'd look at something on the internet. Well, 30 minutes later I'm wide awake and crawling into bed only meant being awake in the dark.

Lots to do today. I was going to go up to my work and get a new badge, but I'll do that tomorrow. Really don't want to go to that office on a Monday morning. As it is I need to go to the tire place and have a tire patched, and that will be busy as well. I'll go at lunch time with everyone else, then walk across the street to Arbys while I wait.

Dan sometimes I don't know how UPS stays in business. They have some odd rules and they aren't always affordable. Of course, FedEx requires you take out a loan to send anything bigger than a thumb tack. Lucky for me I get a break with them.

Well I guess I'll get things going. Happy Monday everyone, short week for those at work.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 04:40 AM
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Hit 32 last nite

But, When the greens thaw, I'm gonna go smack whitey.

Allan, Once when I was flying a Mexican airline, there was a delay and we had to deplane. At the bottom of the stairs, they handed everyone a cold beer. When the pilots got off they each took one also.

Mike, Here's what ta tell them

I have 10 dogwoods order, I'll report back on the shipping

Inline, We southerners are the only ones allowed to use double and triple negatives

have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 20th, 2017, 06:22 AM
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Good morning

Jim, were flying on a Canadian airline. Westjet. The only way to have inflight entertainment is to download their app for the phone or iPad before embarking. Then their on plane wifi takes over. 32 would be warm compared to here.

Dan, that really sucks. I have a business account with them which gives me huge discounts and support. Sorry you're running into such hassles over what should be a slam dunk. Have you called them to straighten things out the way you want it?

Jouni, mebbe I should get a sauna for Christmas..... When you're done do you ever just jump in the snow? Good to hear you pampered your wife with brekkie. I'm sure she appreciated it. Mebbe not the mess in the kitchen though

I'm sure the salt mines are waiting to claim some victims, be careful out there
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Old November 20th, 2017, 08:39 AM
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Jamesbo, a classic line. Allan, I received that email from UPS yesterday, when they were closed, package was out for delivery @ 7:14 this morning, can't do anything until they leave a notice on my door, and as I work second shift, I won't be able to do anything until tomorrow, which probably means it will already be on the truck for another attempt.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 09:24 AM
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Well Allan, I called the local UPS store, and they told me how to get an agent when calling on the automated system that they have. I will be able to pick it up tomorrow, at a local distribution center, about 3 miles from me.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 09:37 AM
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Uhh, (sheepish grin), guess what was just delivered?
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Old November 20th, 2017, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Uhh, (sheepish grin), guess what was just delivered?
A new pony?? A puppy?? A new garage door??? whuuuttt???
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Old November 20th, 2017, 11:21 AM
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Good evening.

Nice day at work.. What else.... Should i take a pic of the FengShui of our dining room, now when i carried TH350 there???

Snows. Getting colder, winters coming.
Quess what i thinked one day, came to my mind again? Aint it weird, that we wash our cars, dishes, shower, sauna, clean house etc, all with drinking water? Feels really weird when im travelling that i need to buy drinking water separately from shop, when here it comes from faucet(?). Ill pay, including waste-water payment at same, 7$ per 1000 litres of >drinking water<. We would even have own well at our yard, but city prohibits using it ( thats another really nasty story), so they can cash us. But that aint bad sum, its actually okay since you dont need to care about waste-water at all.

Allan R - Nope, dont care that much about going to snow. Its cold, and i hate cold
Thats why im in sauna Waiting for the trip?

1969w3155 - That USP Package?

Heading to sleep->

Last edited by Inline; November 20th, 2017 at 11:23 AM.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 11:51 AM
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Allan, I bet cha would, I had to peel off several layers cause it hit 56 today.

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Old November 20th, 2017, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Dang it son, y'all didn't tell me ol Whitey was gettin his thick skin whacked t'day. That's EXACKLY the scores I would have perdickted. Only I would have been wearing shorts and a T shirt...
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Old November 20th, 2017, 02:01 PM
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Evening all

Just been talking to a weather “expert” and they are predicting our worse winter for 30 years but only after Christmas, so you can bet it’s gonna be warm and mild!

I’ve got everything ready for this Saturday, my wife’s award ceremony. My tux still fits and I’ve got a nice new sparkly waistcoat in burgundy and gold - smooth!!

Tomorrow brings me shopping, more meetings followed by a bit more shopping.
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Old November 20th, 2017, 09:15 PM
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Thank you

i started giving thanks

Be safe
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Old November 20th, 2017, 09:51 PM
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Allan, lens, a hefty potlicker to boot! I gotta buy a bigger camera bag. London, they are saying that we will get dumped on in the second half of winter around here, due to La Nina.
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