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Old December 8th, 2017, 04:25 AM
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Snowed last night. just a skiff. Already in the 40's should be gone by noon.

Have a weekend.
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Old December 8th, 2017, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR

Snowed last night. just a skiff. Already in the 40's should be gone by noon.

Have a weekend.
Same here Clint, Only in Hotlanta it's the equivalent of a new tax law. Armageddon is upon us according to the local new/weather station

Have a great day Olds friends

Allan, y'all [Clint, Dan, Inline] would be laughing your a$$ off at what happens in the south with just a dusting of snow
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Old December 8th, 2017, 05:48 AM
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Hahahahahahahahahaha.... Happy Friday!
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Old December 8th, 2017, 08:37 AM
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Jim, we usually get to see what happens due to the Weather Channel and everyone else airing footage. It looks like it fell to your north, just watch for freezing on the roadways. We don't get paranoid about it, but many of us up here forget how to drive in it. A 32 car pileup (that's small) on I-94 yesterday, just shows that we don't miss out on the calamity.
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Old December 8th, 2017, 09:14 AM
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Good gracious. I get up to let Tiger out and it's snowing to beat the band. And he doesn't want to go out in it! I had to put on some shoes and go out with him. Well, I knew I was going back to bed but now I'm going to hibernate. This $hit sucks.
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Old December 8th, 2017, 11:47 AM
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For starters- Jamesbo, i was laughing my *** off from your pic
Heres white ground already, been for a while.

This week was horrible- total s**t due to weathers. Im weared down.
But then it came - weekend! And wifes away!!!!!
Heat the sauna, take some beer, take some bacardi, grill some sausage at fireplace..
Life is great once again.

Have a weekend!
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Old December 8th, 2017, 04:00 PM
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Hi everyone.

Well things haven't gotten much better. Got up around 230 and the snow had turned to rain. Got ready to run some errands and there was a little slush here and there, but it's holding steady around 39* . I'm certain it will get below freezing tonight and everything will be frozen.

Gonna head out to Florida tomorrow to pick up a car. A supercharged Buick that the engine killed itself. I want it for the supercharger and also the heated front seats. I should even be able to get my money out of it because I know a couple people with Buicks that could use some parts. So it's sort of an impromptu visit with my Mom over night, and Tiger is going to jail. I'll be back Sunday and still have one day of my weekend.

We had our holiday dinner at work last night. It was really good. This is the first outfit that has actually had good food. Of course there are thousands of people there so it really takes some talent. Barbeque pork and chicken. Our whole crew had been running around all night so it was nice to side down and relax with a nice meal.

While we were out this afternoon I traded the Tigermobile for the pickup. Eh, just in case things get a little tricky. I've never forgotten how to drive in this mess but that doesn't mean everyone can. The airport was setting up for deicing last night and I'm sure they've been hard at it all day.

Time to head out. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old December 9th, 2017, 04:51 AM
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We got about 4-6" of devil's dust up here[ a little farther north than Mike]

It's very unusual for us to get any snow this time of year. Usually, It's February/March mess up

Made a BIG pot of chili and wait it out is about all I can do

Have a great day Olds frineds
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Old December 9th, 2017, 07:19 AM
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Good morning,

Pulled,the coolant sensor connector on the Saturn yesterday and it's corroded as are the sensor pins. I think that may contribute to the high idle on start and initial erratic idle on warm start. Picked up a good connector at the boneyard and bought a new sensor from a parts store. Install later today and see what happens. Certainly can't be worse than it is now. Here I thought a 1/2" socket was the same as a 13mm but apparently not so I now have a new 13mm deep socket added to my collection.

Jim, it will prolly all melt by tomorrow or sooner. Looks purty though doesn't it?

Jouni, is there anyone in Finland who doesn't have a sauna? It sounds like it's a requirement there, along with beer.

Dan, 32 car pileup is small? Must have some really bad roads or drivers. Amazing how people don't react well to in climate weather.

Semi finals for curling today.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 9th, 2017, 08:06 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Did well last night, got home around 130. Haven't been that early since the lead who didn't give a damn left. Deicing was in full swing all night long.

Well I'm thoroughly annoyed. Every place I wanted to go today was closed. We got about an inch of snow over night, and it isn't freezing. No one seems to be able to go to work. But the Awful house was packed. So you can't go out to do what you're supposed to, but you can go out for breakfast. The woman at the kennel said they were going to close early. They close at noon on Saturdays anyway for God's sake!

So I'm ready to hit the trail for Florida. I talked to my Mom last night, and she said it's cold but no snow. She's smarter than I am, when the weather turns bad she stays home. It's going to be a quick turn. I pick up my new to me parts car this afternoon, stay over at Mom's, then come back tomorrow.

Time to hit the road. Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old December 9th, 2017, 08:51 AM
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Jeesh, Jamesbo, ya got as much snow as we did. I have about 6" out there right now, probably gonna fire up the blower to clear it, as the last time that we had light fluffy snow that I could easily shovel, I killed my back...ouch! Allan, I-94 is a well known bad stretch of road in the winter, with some pretty bad whiteouts, which lead to the pileups, throw in impatient drivers, and bingo, ditch party. Well, one more gift to buy and I'm done with the Christmas shopping. I'll head out tonight to have dinner & libations with a few friends.
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Old December 9th, 2017, 10:16 AM
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Evening all

I'm in a coach off to our Christmas party. Three guys and 62 women. Wish me luck!

Still no snow yet. Rest of the country has up to 8 inches. Might get half inch tomorrow.
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Old December 9th, 2017, 11:22 AM
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London, that sounds like a rough time...good luck! Jamesbo, I saw that vid that you posted on facebook for Alexa, that's funny!
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Old December 10th, 2017, 06:01 AM
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Good morning

Today I find out who will be the men's and women's curling winners representing Canada in Korea in a couple months. I'm hoping for Brad Gushue on the men's side and Rachel Homan on the women's.

Well the new sensor and connector work fine on the Saturn. It's fixed the fast idle problem but not the hard start when warm. More sleuthing required. It's got to be something simple that's being overlooked. Starts perfectly on cold start. Any ideas?

Unbelievably warm start to the day. Already 37 and the sun won't be up for a couple hours. Jim, maybe you could send us some white stuff to make things look right again.

London, did you suffer much being surrounded with wimmen? You hired a bus to transport everyone? Good idea especially if they had been drinking.

Dan, it sounds like a situation most of those drivers should be aware of but ignore. I bet the insurance rates there must be pretty high. Keeps Body shops and dealerships busy no doubt. Last present? Good job. We're not spending much money on presents this year with all the renovations we did.
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Old December 10th, 2017, 10:22 AM
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I spoke too soon, We got about 9"

It's not gonna melt for a week temps lows of high 20's highs of low 40's
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Old December 10th, 2017, 12:15 PM
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I bet the insurance rates there must be pretty high.
The highest in the country, but that's not why. Jamesbo, I'll send some galoshes, or at least a St. Bernard with a whiskey cask.
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Old December 10th, 2017, 06:41 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got home a little while ago. No trouble with the car, though it didn't start like it was supposed to, so I come alonged it up on the trailer. No big thing.

Had a nice visit with my Mom, and got a couple things done so I'm ahead of the game when I go for Christmas. She didn't have any cookies done, though.

So after the car was on the trailer I got a very bad vibration. Got a little better at speed but I was a little concerned. Took it easy(read that as kept under 80) until the first tire came apart. My spare was a 14" trailer tire(the others were 15" light truck radials) and after that went on it was a smooth ride. Still took it easy. About an hour from home the second tire came apart. My trailer wheels are a GM pattern so I took the donut spare out of the car and put it on. Looked ridiculous and not even close to the right size, but it was better than being broke down on the highway. Yes Jamesbo I changed the tires on the side of the road and I shouldn't have. At one point during the day I passed a guy towing a 5th wheel camper doing about 40, with one of his tires about shredded off and the rim sparking.

Anyway, it was 50 max the rest of the way because I was out of spares. I could have taken a wheel off the car but I don't think the back spacing on a front driver rim would have fit. So I made it home okay and dropped the whole rig off at the shop and brought the Tigermobile home.

Long day, glad I'm home. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
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Old December 11th, 2017, 05:32 AM
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The snow lingers on. I really don't see how you guys live in this stuff.

No smacking whitey today

Mike, I sure hope that wasn't my ole trailer that gave ya so much trouble

Dan, I keep looking out the window but no St. Bernard in sight

Allan, Please check you messages, I was reading some old [non deleted] messages the other day, and can't believe how many folks are no longer with us

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 11th, 2017, 05:53 AM
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Good morning,

Should be another pleasant day here.

Jim, that's sad news. Also,sorry you can't smack whitey today. We just get used to it up here but I can see how it would make y'all feel a bit perturbed when it lands there. Your pics sure look purty though.

Dan, what is the reason for the high insurance? Just curious.

Pretty quiet on this thread lately.
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Old December 11th, 2017, 06:23 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Wow two nights sleep undisturbed, I don't know what to do with myself. Yes I do, go to Awful house.

Jamesbo I had my black trailer with me. Your trailer is still sitting with the lift on it. It was an enlightening trip, let me tell you. Perhaps I was just paranoid after the first tire, but there were a couple things with the pickup that I've been blowing off, that seemed like undeniable terror that are going to get fixed pronto.

Think I'll do Walmart before I get Tiger. That way I don't have to go out anymore today. And if I do he can come with me.

Was 30 when I woke up this morning and now it's about 36. Gonna be a nice week, but isn't getting out of the 40s. Sheesh. At least I'm not in the part of town that got 13 inches of snow.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old December 11th, 2017, 08:59 PM
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I really don't see how you guys live in this stuff
I was born in Alaska, so mebbe that's got something to do with it.
Dan, I keep looking out the window but no St. Bernard in sight
He stopped by here first...sorry. Allan I wish that I knew, the states surrounding us have much lower rates. We have a comprehensive pool that pays for under-insured motorists who are injured and have no means to pay for long term medical care or re-hab, which has no ceiling nor time limit to it, the insurance companies want this dropped (it eats into their huge profits), but, it would only save me $200.00 a year if they dropped it altogether, which is less than 10% of my yearly premium. I have had one accident in the last 20 years (the Saturn) which was not my fault, and no tickets for 30 years, and I am paying $2280 a year for the Hyundai. They also want to drop no fault, but have given no info on how that would drop the rates. Oddly enough, it was the insurance companies that wanted, and got, no fault instituted roughly 40 years ago in order to save us money. Lemme grab my ankles, cuz my insurance agent is a coming!
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Old December 12th, 2017, 04:59 AM
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Well the snow is slowly melting. Just enough left in shady spots to bust your a$$

Dan, Geeze Louise, That's high as a camel's back. I loved visiting Alaska but don't think I'd wanta live there. I understand the only grave in Skagway
taller than his is the one of the local madam.

Mike, When ya gonna chain that lift to a tree and drive off unloading it.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 12th, 2017, 06:06 AM
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Good morning,

Yesterday I was out getting some painting supplies. Who would have thought it's cheaper to buy a paint tray than a disposable tray liner??? Turns out that's the case if you buy the tray at the dollar store for $1.25. The tray liners at Home Depot are 2.77 each or 5 for 10 bucks. On the other hand, lining the paint tray I have right now with a small plastic garbage bag makes even more sense.

Dan, the minimum insurance we can buy here is $1,000,000 PL/PD & Comprehensive. The Malibu only costs me around $800/year. I don't carry glass insurance because the front glass is only $169 installed, whereas the ins for that runs over 200/ year. Also here we only have to carry collision if there's a loan out against the car, which there isn't. There are a lot of bad drivers here that inflate insurance in general. I think the insurance should be considered on a case by case situation that rewards good drivers and penalizes bad ones. I'm in the same boat as you for driving record, over 45 years of safe driving with only one Collision back when I was just 16.

Jim, see it's not permanent. You'll be back to normal there before long. The greens prolly needed the moisture. How's her pot of chili holding up?
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Old December 12th, 2017, 07:52 AM
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Wow. Your insurance is expensive. For a fully comprehensive insurance for my Olds it's £245 a year. For my Consul it's £145 for the BMW it's £305.

So, I survived my Xmas party with a lot of not so sober women! Today I'm at the London School of Economics where my boy is receiving his Masters degree in Law. I suppose it's good that someone in the family has got brains. Now he needs to go get a job so I can get some pay back.
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Old December 12th, 2017, 07:57 AM
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London, congrats to your son. That's a nice accomplishment. I'm sure there will be no shortage of work opportunities for him. My 72 gets full coverage and only costs $140/ year. It does require an appraisal every 5 years to authenticate the value. IMO it's appraised a bit on the high side, but then if anything happens like a major collision or theft, I get the check cut automatic for its appraised value.
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Old December 12th, 2017, 09:37 AM
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My Olds is cheap. Insured through Hagerty for $239 a year. Maybe I should get an Indiana mailing address.
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Old December 12th, 2017, 04:09 PM
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Hi everyone.

Ah, back to work. Seems like I haven't been there in awhile.

Cold as a witch's tit in February out. And there's a nice breeze. Glad I don't work outside anymore. It's bad enough going from the truck to the jetway.

Insurance in Georgia isn't remarkable. It's been steadily going up over the years, and when I ask my agent he gives me a non-answer. I'd give him a non-payment but the next guy is going to be exactly the same.

London that's wonderful about your son. Hope he has many successful years ahead of him.

Not feeling terrific tonight. Nothing is really wrong, just in a funk. Maybe I'll hear something real jazzy on the way in to lift my spirits.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 13th, 2017, 04:59 AM
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Allan, You were right, the snow melted. But like Mike said, It's cold

Mike, I kinda got a funk also. Must be the Christmas funk or something

London, Congrats and nice werk with the ladies. Jes and FYI, this year I think I might forego hanging any mistletoe for the office part. Looks like we've got a game of "Last man standing" going on.

Dan, I've got "stated value " and it's dirt cheap Remember when my 69 H/O burt up. No problems at all, They totaled it, gave me a fat check and I got to buy back the car w/o a salvage title. I sold it to a dude that rebuilt it and took it to BJ

GTG to the big city

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 13th, 2017, 05:37 AM
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Good morning,

Last day of Wednesday curling before Christmas. Jerome needs to bring his a game. Starting out the day with a pleasant 37*.

Jim, aside from the total interior and some metal scorching it doesn't look that bad. Where did the fire start-electrical, fuel? Makes ya wonder about the pristine cars going across the block at BJ doesn't it? Did ya ever find out was the car went for? Yeah, snow has a habit of melting in warmer climes. You'll be back to normal by next week.
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Old December 13th, 2017, 09:47 AM
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Jim, the pic of your H/O still kills me. My '69 is agreed value, so pretty much the same thing, I just have it covered in case a tree falls on the garage or something. Our snow won't be melting anytime soon, 7" over the last two days, with another 5"-6" predicted through tomorrow night. It is Michigan, and I accept and expect it, oh well., spring is only another 4 months away.
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Old December 13th, 2017, 12:36 PM
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A good morning at curling. A stellar 10-3 win. Everyone played well and the other team just gave up after 6 ends.

Yummy slice of rhubarb pie for lunch. Tastes like smore..... Oh well, got more stuff to do. Wife has absconded with the Sonata to get her hair done. What do you say when it always comes back looking the same as when it left??? Oh yeah, Wow! THAT looks MUCH better....
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Old December 13th, 2017, 04:05 PM
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Hi everyone.

Had an assistant last night. While I was working he helped by sitting and napping, and looking at his phone. After about half the night he got the idea he should help carry stuff around. When we came in at the end of the night I went to do paperwork and he went home. So much for team work. Maybe he thought that since he was new, and only making 1/3 of what I do, he didn't have to do that much. I'm not worried about it people like that usually take care of themselves.

Jamesbo that's the first picture I've ever seen of your crispy H/O. Did the guy you sold it to make anything off the auction?

Dan it's funny, we always just accepted that Chicago got tons of bad weather during the winter, and we lived there for decades. But whenever there'd be some weather event in another part of the country, my Mom would always say, how can people even live there! People here don't believe me when I say we always had spells of -50.

So today is one year that my girl has been gone. She was the biggest challenge of the two the whole time I had them, but she could be sweet when she wanted to. I sure do miss her. I miss them both.

Well, time again. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old December 14th, 2017, 05:05 AM
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Spoe to warm up a might

Headed to the building supply place then norte. Gonna finish off the last room in the lake house basement with bead board lower and sheet rock upper.

Allan, the fire was electrical and I simply couldn't put it out . It ran from above the gas peddle [under the dash ] to behind the glove box. When the seats went up it was all over. The interior and roof were shot, in front of the fire wall and the trunk looked brand new. Thanks to the fire truck showing up.

I pulled into a gas station to try to get it under control and as luck would have it there was a tanker filling the tanks not far away

Btw Mike, The guy I sold it to "said" he got it put back together for 15K I have no idea if that's true or not. I'm way too old to do under the dash board worked. I wanta say he got $85,000 at BJ [If I remember correctly]

So 25 K to me for the car + 15K =40K so I guess he made a little

At the risk of being banned from CO, I don't want another one. They ain't that great

Mike, So sorry for your loss


Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 14th, 2017, 05:21 AM
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Good morning,

Got the spackle done yesterday, most of it anyways. Now for sanding and paint. Seems like this stuff never ends.

Jim, I don't want one either.

Mike, sad anniversary.

Furnace is going strong and bringing the house up to 72. Gotta take out the trash and figure out what's for breakfast. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 14th, 2017, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Still a bit of a nip in the air. Was around 50 when I got up with Tiger this afternoon, but has cooled down quick now that the sun is down. Supposed to get into the high 50s this weekend but then rain. Yuck.

Thanks you guys. The first anniversary of someone being gone is always the worst for me it seems, after that they're about the same. The Good Lord willing, I'll have many, many years with the current varmint.

No helper last night, but did ride around with another mech. We went here, then there, then back to here, it seems at the lead's whim. I'm careful to wish for different leads come January, better the devil you know as they say. This time I'm not so sure. I know we're getting some new ones, we'll see how it goes.

Gonna hit the road. One more after this one. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old December 15th, 2017, 05:58 AM
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Good morning,

Last day of curling for 2017 today. The missus is going with me because I bought tickets to the wind up luncheon afterwards. So win or lose its still a good time.

I can't believe how much time it takes to tape off trim. I'm removing as much stuff as possible to make the painting go smooth. Using frog tape for the masked off areas. It's not Spoda allow bleed and the trim is natural oak.

Very pleasant morning although I'm not sure if the roads will be a little slippery. It rained enough overnight it woke me up. Fortunately the temp is currently around 38*. Still.....

Everyone ready for the Christmas season? I know we aren't. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 15th, 2017, 04:03 PM
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Hm. Hi everyone.

Allan it's just the two of us. We can make it if we try, just the two of us, you and I.

The woman that checks our paperwork came in extra early this morning and set out cookies and hot chocolate for us. It was nice. I said, this will be a nice sugar rush just before I go to bed. She said, you have to stay awake for the ride home. I said, the car knows it's own way, I'm usually napping. The look on her face was priceless.

Friday for me. No real plans for the weekend, except I'm not going anywhere. Rain Sunday so it all has to count tomorrow. Maybe me and Tiger will just hang out and play.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Only 6 more days before the days start getting longer.
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Old December 15th, 2017, 04:39 PM
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Mike, that sounds remarkably like the lyrics to a country song . I will if you will. Would have loved to be there to see that happen with the paper checker. Sounds hilarious.
Have fun relaxing and playing with Tiger. I'm betting he'll wear you out before you wear him out. Yesterday when I was dropping off the last payment on the flooring, the shop pup came over and wanted to play. I wrestled with her for a few minutes. All good, she loves to do that and the owners both made sure we didn't get carried away in the new digs. I got a lot of face licks before I left. Such a nice animal. I'm not sure what breed she is but very good looking dog, gentle and very friendly with high energy.

Not sure where everyone else is, but enjoy your weekend.
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Old December 16th, 2017, 05:53 AM
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Good morning,
My walls look like they have white measles. Getting really close to covering them. I wish I wasn't so picky about all the dents and stuff. I've been fixing all the screw and nail pops I can see. It makes the spackle a long time to dry in some of those holes.

The curling luncheon yesterday went well. Nothing spectacular. A number of teams won prizes for their overall standings in the league. It wasn't unexpected. Good for them, it gives us something to shoot for next season.

Quiet here. Only us chickens up. Actually the boy just left for work so the place is pretty much mine for now.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 16th, 2017, 08:44 AM
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Well good morning Allan.

Odd that -everyone- is MIA. Well, it is winter.

Got home again around 2. This is a Friday tradition I could sink my teeth into. Not many planes on the ground, riff between the leads, our lead didn't know his head from a hole in the ground, and that all spelled, just go have a good weekend.

Awful house was a bust today. Got there around 10 and the place was jam packed. So we went down the road to McDonalds and shared an Egg McMuffin.

Might putter around the shop today. Progress on all the projects has all but halted, again, and since everything is a project, there ain't nuthin' getting done. I don't know what the answer is. Yes I do.

Okay everyone, come on back. See ya's.
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