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Old November 6th, 2017, 10:08 AM
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Mm yeah, parachuting i think was prohibited too

Been slowly filling my shopping cart.. 1635$ so far + shipping + taxes to top it off.
And theres not even all the parts i need.... thats just for short-block
Nah, i knew its going to take all my tax-refunds and more..
Gonna be expensive to re-build whole engine even with not-so exotic parts, but ill rather do it once than twice ( = not going to cheap on parts)
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Old November 6th, 2017, 12:46 PM
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Evening all

Busy fitting a new clutch into one of my LDV minibuses. Nice easy fix with no issues.

Jouni, as you are part of the EU, why don't you come west for a few months, our road workers work 12 months a year and the weather would feel tropical for you, I'm still in my shorts at least till the end of this week. Also finding work here is really easy if you are a hard worker.

Had my first session with the physiotherapist for my knee this morning, my calf muscles are so painful now.

London weather, cold mornings sunny afternoons, first light frost of the year 52F
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Old November 6th, 2017, 01:51 PM
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Dan, I could never figure out why people do that either. That and swim with sharks....or play with snakes?? Mommy mommy, my hand got a boo boo....

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Old November 6th, 2017, 05:35 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from da hills, having had a lovely lunch with John and Better Half. John says hi to everyone.

Got the Tiger Mobile back from paint jail. Without going into a lot of detail I'll say that State Farm got ripped off. Also, along with replacing the bumper cover and assorted non-seen things, they replaced one headlight assembly, which I made a point to ask them not to. So one side is brilliant and the other side opaque. So now I get to buy a headlight assembly so they match. Thanks a bunch. There wasn't anything wrong with the one they replaced, just had a couple scratches on the bottom of it. I told them I'd rather live with it than have them mismatched. Oh well.

Weather here has been funny. The news people keep saying near record temps, it was 75 today, like that means something. If it's unseasonably warm say so. If it ain't the record don't mention it. Sensationalism. We had rain yesterday and I went through some light rain going to Dillard today, but no rain here tonight. One thing about the coolish damp weather, I cannot keep the windshield in the car clear. It either fogs on the inside or condensates on the outside.

Well staying up late tonight so I can go to work tomorrow. Gonna call my Mom in a few minutes. Hope everyone's week started out good.

Good night everyone.
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Old November 7th, 2017, 05:49 AM
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Warm with a little rain then stops then starts again

Allan, in my rush to play 9 I played like a goat 46 front side

BTW, Please don't scare me like that so early, I almost [doing something really stupid] got bitten by a 6 foot Dusky at Issac Rock near Bimini

Mike, How was the chicken?

GTG get my ears lowered and pick up a few parts to do a tune up on my Cheby 2500 X4

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 7th, 2017, 06:50 AM
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Good morning.

Only a couch left to move and both rooms are clear and ready for new carpet. I'm so,happy that I won't ever have to do this again. Installers Spoda show between 8-10 . There will be no tv service till they're done as the main PVRd and cable are in the living room.

Jim, sorry boutdat. Fer both I mean. The scare and the score....

Mike, been my experience body shops could care less what an owner says. They get paid more by insurance to replace even things that could easily be polished to new condition. You might want to look at having that other lens polished. Take it back to the body shop and tell them to make them look the same. Should be a no charge repair and only takes about 5 minutes.

Changed the Saturn IAC back to a Delphi OEM replacement and so far it's better than it was. Doesn't change the fact it needs to be replaced. Tomorrow after curling me and the boy will head out and test drive the blue oval. If it's as good as it looks we'll be welcoming our first ever ford car to the stable.

Enjoy your day.
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Old November 7th, 2017, 07:45 AM
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Was short day at work, got off 01pm, so had plenty of time to do work at home before dark. Got alot done to my basement doors, now they need just a lock and their ready, and got new winter-tire to replace the one which blowed 1,5 weeks ago.

LondonCutlass - No thanks, ive worked so much now, and every year to the season end, that the rest does good. I have plenty of doing here at home + at the garage + the child coming at dec/jan. Also, Britain have worse weather than us, ive been told so Was under zero C today, was cold

Allan R - One of my friends is true Ford fan. Nothing else for him. No big problems what ive heard from him, nor on my other friend who just happened to buy Mondeo cause it was cheap. I might buy Ford next spring for me, when i leave that POS Honda to my wife

Okay, good day for everyone, im off to watch some TV
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Old November 7th, 2017, 08:51 AM
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Hey Jouni, I'll be over to watch tv with ya. The main floor is where the PVR and cable outlet is. Right now the installers are here so likely no tv for a few hours.

What makes you feel that way about Honda? Just curious. There's a lot of them and Toyotas here. I don't think ford uses tanaka airbags, and I did a search already to see about reliability and recalls. This car looks like one of their better efforts.
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Old November 7th, 2017, 11:11 AM
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Sooooooooooo, I'm on a roll today

The Ga drivers license dept won't let mew renew on line, [ over 65] so I go up there and am in and out in 10 minutes but they don't check my eye sight WTF was that for?

Got my ears lowered, got the parts for an oil change and tune up, got a new watch battery and had a turkey sandwich with Durkee's

Now, I can rest and do nothing waiting for the phone to ring
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Old November 7th, 2017, 12:12 PM
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Jim, I bin settin and watchin these two imports install the new carpets. They do nice werk, and move along purty fast. They're on lunch now so I am too. Turns out someone fergot de transmission molding so they gotta git that too.
Watchin all dis werk plumb tuckered me out.

Trips to dmv are likely just to have proof of life. I've seen young drivers with the eyesight of a bear. How they got licensed is beyond me
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Old November 7th, 2017, 12:17 PM
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Evening all

Jouni, I really don't know where you get your information, but the weather here is fine, a bit grey today but not cold

Jim, just a bit curious, why do you have to renew you licence?

Boring day today, not much to report.
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Old November 7th, 2017, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by LondonCutlass

Jim, just a bit curious, why do you have to renew you licence?.
Paul, you mean to say that in the UK you never renew your license? I have to renew mine every 5 years, but soon as I turn 70 I believe it goes to every 2 years. They also say that if the picture is more than 5 years old it must also be updated as its a govt issued piece of ID.
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Old November 7th, 2017, 04:02 PM
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Hi everyone.

Such a nice weekend. Didn't get a whole lot accomplished but did do some odd things, and also had fried chicken. All in all it was a success.

Jamesbo the chicken was fantastic. Too bad you missed it. The server seemed frazzled and John was not happy with her inattention. There were a lot of people there but quiet and that place always seems cozy.

The body shop that worked on the Tiger mobile did themselves out of a customer. After two weeks without a word I went in there. Got a lot of excuses, mostly blaming State Farm for bad communication. So I called the agent, told him I needed the car, and he was willing to do what he could. I called the body shop and gave him the adjuster's number, and the guy pretty much scolded me for sticking my nose where it didn't belong. I said, somebody had to do something. The final bill was twice what the estimate was. The whole thing seemed poor to me. Now if the paint doesn't hold up...

Seems hot in the house. It's 70 outside, was a beautiful day. Glad I got the heat turned on already. Eh, I can have it turned off just that much sooner come spring.

Still no Thanksgiving plans. My Mom is lobbying for me to go there, but I'd have to leave Tiger home because she wants to have everyone over. I said I wasn't going to leave him in jail all week. It's probably too late to get him in anyway, so I'll be screwed. Hm, ten days all to myself? That doesn't sound bad, either.

Okay off to work. Monday for me. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old November 8th, 2017, 04:28 AM
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Mornin all.

Happy Humpday.
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Old November 8th, 2017, 05:51 AM
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Drizzle, stop, drizzle some more

London, Like Allan said, It's the law you have to renew your license
WHF, I had to show up in person and not get my eyes checked is the mystery. They usually make ya look at an eye chart

Mike, I'm sorry I missed it but duty called. I think I'm gonna work a half a day on the day of my funeral and ask for the afternoon off I hate it when the server is like a BB in a box car

Mike, 10 days by yourself sounds like a Holiday, If ya wanta have Turkey with my wife's family [see Cast of Spartacus] jes let me knew

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 8th, 2017, 06:15 AM
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Good morning,
Off to curling shortly, hoping to get no worse than a second place finish. You'd be amazed at the workout a body gets at this sport.

After curling the boy and I are going to look,at replacement hoopty for the Saturn. I've done the research and we have a couple options in mind. Of course the best one is an hours drive away....

Jim, hell I'd take your weather anyday. Currently -15 here with a new 1" coating of snow overnight. Should make the commute fun.

Ditto on what Clint said.
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Old November 8th, 2017, 07:23 AM
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I'm a little shocked no nobody ax me wth Durkee's is
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Old November 8th, 2017, 08:53 AM
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Ok, I'll bite. WTH is Durkes's?
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Old November 8th, 2017, 10:31 AM
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This stuff, kinda mayo/mustard combo kinda Really GOOD ON HAM AND OR TURKEY SANDWICH
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Old November 8th, 2017, 03:46 PM
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Allan, Jim, No, we don't have to re-new our license until we hit 70, then we have a medical to make sure we are still fit to drive. We do have to have a new photo, but only every ten years, but it's easy because you just link it into our passport photo and they do it all on line.

Not good weather today, I had to leave the shorts and put on a pair of jeans!

Panic tomorrow. We have our four yearly inspection at one of my nurseries. Got to work at 7am and finished at 10.15pm then back in the morning at 6.30am. It's gonna be stressful.
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Old November 8th, 2017, 04:05 PM
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Hi everyone.

Rain. Crept up on us last night and has been spitting on and off all day. It's disgusting. Just needs to be nice for the weekend.

London I would imagine you won't have any trouble with the inspection. Be sure to leave a couple small things out of sorts so they will be focused on them instead of anything else. Kind of helps them along.

Jamesbo I would have guessed mustard. My neighbor uses some stuff called Yummy sauce on her sandwiches. Sounds weird, but it's like Thousand Island dressing.

Oh another reason to be mad at the panel beaters. When I got home Monday with the Tiger mobile there were ants everywhere. They were coming out of the console where the shifter is. Now, I have some great ant killer in the house but I don't want to use it in the car. Any ideas how I can get rid of ants organically? Sheesh.

Night 2. Lasts night was not bad at all. Things are all haywire at work these days. All the leads sit around watching TV and the mechanics have to be in charge of everything. Now, there are usually 4 of us any given night, and when they take two for other things, that leaves the other two to do at least 5 people's work. Something is going to have to come of it, though I'm not quite sure what that will be. The foreman seems to be in the mix of those who think this is okay, so what's the next step? I suggested throwing out the anchor but we're not an organized group.

Okay off to it. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old November 8th, 2017, 11:08 PM
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Well, I thought that I might have to try the Durkee's, but no one carries it around here, so I would have to order it online.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 04:17 AM
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I'm stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I've got man flu.

Time for caffeine, lots and lots of caffeine
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Old November 9th, 2017, 05:18 AM
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Like Mike said rainy but as luck would have it, I gotta install a marker today for yet another "unveiling"

Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Well, I thought that I might have to try the Durkee's, but no one carries it around here, so I would have to order it online.

It is kinda esoteric, maybe a southern thing. But it's really good

London, Wouldn't spreading the flu to rug rats be against the rules?

The Super model books parties at a fancy smacy restaurant, They hire their own health inspector to inspect , That way when the city health inspector shows up, they are good to go

GTG much around in this crap

have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 9th, 2017, 06:25 AM
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Good morning,
Well yesterday was a bust. We saw one really nice car and one that looked good but had driveline issues. Bothe were grossly overpriced when it came to negotiations. One dealer gave a 'valued customer' almost 2,000 more than he should have on a trade and tried to recoup that on the trade sale. No dice, I won't pay for their mistake. I expanded the search and found some new prospects with better pricing and lower mileage so we'll see how it goes.

I'm convinced the new fuel pump is what's causing all the idle problems with the Saturn. Prolly this weekend when it warms up I'll go to the boneyard and yank one from a donor. Hopefully it will still be an OEM part. I know this is a crap shoot but I'm outta options and $ to throw at this car.

London, I guess Britain doesn't get the money grab from licensing that Canada and USA does. A picture only every ten years? Wow. Get over your flu soon. I'm with Jim, don't go near anyone till your past being contagious.

Jouni, I found the 2010 focus is ok for around town but lacks passing power on the highway.

Tomorrow the backsplash goes in after I get home from curling. That much closer to getting back to normal.

Well, Tis Thors day, so I guess I should make an appearance wit de boys for brekkie. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 10:18 AM
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Good evening guys.

Its weekend guys. We had list full for whole week, but we were so fast that we did everything listed + 3 extra jobs ready for this evening, so we got friday off- great!
Tomorrow im going to start with my Cutlass, bring all the tools to garage from my workshop, and start lifting my engine and trans. Weekend is reserved for my wife.

Allan R - Well, about Honda, You know the dull autumn day, grey outside, cold, windy, and rains ( like in Great Britain ) like theres no tomorrow. Thats driving Honda. Its been the most reliable car ive had, but at the same time most boring, ever. Period. Honda lacks passing power too. Imagine 2.0 litre N/A with traditional automatic trans and big curb-weight

LondonCutlass - Hope you get better soon

Jamesbo - Never heard about Durkee before. Quess twice is it available there?

Okay- happy thursday for everyone, lets keep in talk
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Old November 9th, 2017, 10:19 AM
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And breathe...................

Well, inspection finished and I've kept the same good grade as before, that should keep my bank manager and my parents happy.

Spreading germs, what can I say. My folks always told me to share when I was younger and I guess the habit sticks!

Allan, I'm sure our government grabs as much money as yours, probably more, the tax on fuel alone is one of the highest in the world. Talking of the Ford Focus, do they do the RS version over your side, that's like driving a small rocket and damn good fun.

Has anyone had any experience of car wraps. I'm not sure I want the expense of a full respray but would like a subtle colour change that I can easily reverse.

Jouni, thanks.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 04:03 PM
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Hi everyone.

I don't think it rained today but it's still been overcast and cool. It seems Tiger has self-cleaning feet. He's all over the place outside but never comes in muddy.

London I hope you feel better soon. Likely brought on by the stress of the inspection. Glad that all turned out okay. I've seen those wraps on TV. I heard that's also what they use on the transit busses for the advertising.

Dan I'll look for the Durkee's next time I'm at the grocery store. If they have some I'll send it to you.

I tell you what I need. I'm tired of Tiger trying to jump through the window every time he sees a squirrel in the back yard. I need to get an animatronic squirrel that he can catch and when he bites it it will give him a shock. Maybe then he'll think all squirrels will do that. Of course it would probably be cheeper to put up curtains.

Jamesbo is this the Jewish woman who waited a year for the marker? What goes on at an unveiling? People stand around and when you pull the sheet off everyone claps?

Night 3. So far so good. Last night I worked with a guy who was a good worker(he still is) and a great guy(he still is). He was pro-company and the management saw this and wasted no time in taking advantage of his good nature. Now he's disgruntled and angry all the time. He still does a good job but bitches and moans all night long. I think it's funny. Sad that it's come to this, but funny that he's the curmudgeon instead of me for a change.

Okay off I go. One more. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 08:42 PM
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Thorsday Close

Welcome to the stable little Chebby Malibu. 2010 model with only 31K miles (49K Km). New Tires, new battery, well cared for. MSRP $28K. Now for insurance and tags.
Oh, the best part? $7,000 USD.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 10:22 PM
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Thanks, Mike. Allan, keep an eye on the electric steering, they have had problems with that. My buddy's 2012 had issues (now a Hyundai owner), as did my brothers wife...2008. Got a bit of a dusting of snow tonight, not enough to feel how the AWD works on the Hyundai.
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Old November 9th, 2017, 10:28 PM
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Morning everyone.

Soon heading to garage, currently eating breakfast and reading whats happened at world during night.

Allan R - Congrats for new ride. Dont sound like it was expensive

Okay, have a good day everyone
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Old November 10th, 2017, 06:08 AM
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Chili and wet from yesterday but I might try to cut the grass one more time IF it get's dry enough

Allan, Congrats on the new sled.

Mike, I have no idear if there is any applause. I just cover it with cheese cloth the day before. I think the rabbi comes and says something I wouldn't understand if I was there,BTW this is the second "unveiling" this year.

In other [boring] cementer news. I get this call late yesterday that a family is driving down from NY to bury grand ma and they wanta do it today. So, they down load the paperwork off my web site and give me a credit card # so I can go select a spot for grand ma, mark the grave and call my opening and closing company.

Zo, By daylight this mawn'in we're ready to go only, I get a call from the family that says, "It's a holiday and the coroners office is closed", so there's no one there to let grandma make her final trip

Hurry up and wait, One of my favorite things

Have a Great day Olds friends and enjoy your Durkee's
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Old November 10th, 2017, 06:15 AM
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Good morning

Off to curling an about an hour. I'll call insurance after I get back to get a pink card.

Dan, this car doesn't have electric power steering. It has variable ratio PS according to he window sticker. Not sure but if it had electric wouldn't it say that? I checked for recalls and there's nothing outstanding on this car.

Jouni, it was a really good deal. You'll know that 49k km isn't much. Car is rated at 9.4 L/ 100 km city and 5.9 L/ 100 km highway. It has an incredibly large cabin and tons of leg and headroom, even in the back seat. Not a drag car but it gets up and moves along very nicely. It will be a great car for my sons needs. Not sure if he wants to subscribe to on star but he's waiting to try out the Bluetooth option.

Time for the Finally Friday song!
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Old November 10th, 2017, 09:50 AM
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Allan, most of GM cars now a days have electric assisted steering. My Saturn (2007) had it, but no know issues related to that model, so I am assuming that changes were made that causes the problem. I hope that yours has no issues. I just know of three here that had the problem.
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Old November 10th, 2017, 04:10 PM
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Thanks Dan. Honestly I don't know too much about GM lately because I also went to Hyundai back in 2010. I absolutely love my Sonata. It's a limited model and has more options than I really needed.

We'll see how the PS works out on the Malibu. Compared to the electric steering on the Ford the steering on the Malibu is an absolute joy. The Ford was really touchy and no road feel at all.

Curling today went extremely well we won by 4 and everyone was on their game.

Ahahahahahaha... The tile setters are here and guess what? They also don't have enough product so they'll be coming back another day to finish the job. What they've done so far though looks really spot on.
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Old November 10th, 2017, 10:40 PM
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Good Morning.

Saturday it is. Great. Maybe going to garage, maybe not? Didnt get alot done yesterday, simply because i couldnt load all the stuff to my car at once ( tools.. engine lift.. jack etc).
Or maybe i dont go? Only sure thing is i heat sauna today

Allan R - Sure its a good one, no doubt. I need to look for new car next spring, when that Honda is left for wife. I need some diesel-car. Cruise and automatic are must-have's. And being normal sized car, no dwarf-sized cars for my household.

Okay, have a good weekend everyone!
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Old November 11th, 2017, 02:36 AM
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Hi everyone.

Ah, Friday. This has been a good week so far but I'm glad it's over. Last night I let some stupid little latch kick my ***. Unbeknownst to me the latch was missing a part and that made all the difference. My buddy was going to come this weekend and work on cars but he's coming next weekend.

I've had cars with electric power steering before and it always puzzled me that it didn't work when the engine was off. I mean, it should power up when the key is on, and give you power steering. What does it get from the engine? How nice would it be to have power steering when you needed to push a car around that wouldn't start?

London are you any better today?

My opinion is that OnStar is a colossal rip off. If you have a cell phone then OnStar is redundant. Very few times I can think that it might be helpful but if you're in that big of a wreck, somebody is going to notice. And don't ever, ever give them your credit card number or you'll have them forever. You tell them to cancel and they won't, they'll keep on charging you.

I had a couple errands to run this afternoon so it was the first time Tiger could go with me in almost a month. He was beside himself.

And now, work. Get ready, go out with Tiger, hit the road.
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Old November 11th, 2017, 02:47 AM
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Good morning everyone.

You know what's funny, I typed in that last message before work yesterday and just as I was about to finish up, Windows 10 decided to go tango uniform. I figured it was all lost forever, but this morning when everything reloaded my message was still there. So I let it post so I wasn't in violation of the attendance policy.

Work was okay. Had a couple problems that were beyond my pay scale so the lead got involved and it all turned out okay.

Guess I'll sleep a little this morning and then see what I can get into this afternoon. Not supposed to rain, but it will be cool. Turned the furnace on for the first time yesterday afternoon, the whole house smelled like toast.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old November 11th, 2017, 04:25 AM
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Busy day,

Unveiling at 9:00 another funeral at 12:00 then headed norte


Enjoy the weekend Olds friends
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Old November 11th, 2017, 07:05 AM
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November 11 - Lest we forget. Always remember the sacrifices, and respect for those who have and continue to serve.

On star is free for the first year, but the only thing I can think of as a use is remote unlock of the car if the keys are left inside. Even that's a bit of a joke I think. I know that if the keys are in the ignition of my sonata the drivers door simply won't lock without me being plunked in the seat.

Jouni, the Malibu is a much bigger car than I realized. The back seat has so much leg room it's not funny. No chance of anyone back there being cramped for space, even if the front seat is back. Weird though that gm engineers hit some of it out of the park, yet struck out in other areas. To change headlights the front bumper cover must be removed to get to the headlamp module. Tried the remote starter this morning and it works fine, especially nice when it's -12 outside and the car is all frosted over.

Today my boy turns 23 so we're going out to celebrate. Wow, can't believe it's been that long since I held him as a baby....
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