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Old July 6th, 2017, 04:06 PM
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So last night wasn't terrific. We're saddled with this lead(who tries to emulate another, more irritating lead) who has to prove how superior he is to you. Last night was my turn in the barrel. He had me running all across the airport and after everyone went home, he had me go look at a galley work light. This was 4:45 and usual quitting time is 5. So I go, find out the new light doesn't come with a cannon plug, and I can't repin a new plug(nor do I know how) before time to go. Boy does he have a fit about it. Gee, the light only has 117 more days before it has to be fixed. And then, since he didn't get his way with the light, he wants me to go shut down a plane that some cleaners were on. Big surprise, the cleaners aren't finished like he said they were and I'm standing around waiting for them. Got out of there after 6.

London just go ahead and book the trip to Venice. Or a trip over here and give her the opportunity to help pick out the new truck.

Jamesbo why don't you come down here and mow when you're done? I guarantee I don't have as much as you do, but it's pretty tall. Then you can go mow at the shop. That might be a little more challenging. By the time I get to it all the grass will be taller than I am.
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Old July 6th, 2017, 04:08 PM
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So it's night 3. I have a little more done to get ready for my friend but still have lots more to go. I'm certain he won't mind the constant turmoil my house is in, he just wants to work on cars that aren't his. Not sure he knows what he's getting into...

Okay time to hit it. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old July 7th, 2017, 02:39 AM
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Still wet from late afternoon thunder boomers

Mike, Thanks but no thanks

Have you considered buying Tiger a friend? like a goatThey are very in vogue these days

Allan, No disrespect but no self respecting Englishman would be caught dead shooting an automatic shotgun. London, I think she needs a Purdy or a Churchill if she's gonna take up trap. Or better than a fishing trip to Scotland, How about a grouse hunting trip to Scotland, Then you can get her a matched pair of guns so her Gilly can load one for her while she fires

Mike, I saw one FB yesterday that it was Sandy's daughter birthday. I sure miss her alot. Remarkable lady


Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 7th, 2017, 04:28 AM
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Good day guys.

Night was alot of fun We caused a traffic-jam of the year, im pretty sure about that Somehow one trucker was cursing and insulting me badly, quess he was in a hurry?

Now at home, just ate breakfast. Went to mall and bought alot of Candy and fresh strawberries to surprise my wife. Were planning to do absolutely nothing ( minus mowing) this weekend, she already bought tickets to movie for tomorrow ( Minions 3... Womens....... )

LondonCutlass - Wow, you really did that mistake and believed she dont need anything? My father did it too once- was quiet for few weeks at home

Allan R - Next year im gonna blackmail me an summer vacation, week or two. Then im gonna take my wife to her honeymoon

Okay, good weekend for all of you. Im gonna open my first beer. Just so i remember how does it taste

Last edited by Inline; July 7th, 2017 at 04:42 AM.
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Old July 7th, 2017, 04:34 AM
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Speaking of Sandy, here's an old thread with [Sandy] Cutlasgal [Pat] Citicap and Allan [Blue Vista a.k.a Red Goat] Rob, and Allan R giving me a bunch of grief. Boy did we ever have a good time
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Old July 7th, 2017, 09:44 AM
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Nice little memorial and tribute, Mike. Well said... Sandy remains on our prayer list.

Wet again today in da' hills. Jackrabbit Mountain trails are completely destroyed for now from the mountain bikes riding on the soft, wet dirt. There's a sign requesting that bikers not ride on wet trails, but we know the bikers know better than the Forestry Service.

Have a great Fright Day, Olds friends.
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Old July 7th, 2017, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got home late this morning, again, got into bed around 7, Tiger wanted to get up around 9. At some point after that he got into something in the closet that scared him and I didn't see him again. I woke up and thought, it feels pretty late. Looked at the clock, it was 5:00! Man did it feel good to sleep like that, but I didn't get anything done this afternoon like I wanted to. Eh, who cares. I'll be bright eyed and bushy tailed at work tonight.

Jamesbo what's new up Ohio way? How is Nicole doing and where is she? How about Larry? Wish I knew what became of Teepo. That car needs to be in a museum.

John if you're going into mowing withdrawal you can come here and take Jamesbo's place. A friend of mine was at the top of Bell mountain the day after we were, she posted some pictures. It was exactly what we saw, very cool.

What woke me up today was some thunder. I looked out and it was bright sunshine out, don't know where the thunder came from. Then it clouded up and rained about a minute and the sun came back out. Weird. Well, if it hadn't thundered I would have slept the rest of the night.

Okay time for Friday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 03:30 AM
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Muggy down here

Mowed and weed whacked yesterday, Maybe it will look Ok for an hour

My poor veggie garden looks like poop on a white rabbit, Tomatoes are OK, butter beans are Ok, okra, is Ok taters are good but I can't seem to grow a single green bean to save my soul. I've got one row of pole beans and four rows of half runners that the ground hogs have distroyed

Mike, I don't know alot about what Sandy's family is up to. Occasionally, I see Larry posting of FB from somewhere he's eating and Nicole's post are sorta goofy to me. Ya ought friend them.

Headed norte

Have a great weekend Olds friends
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Old July 8th, 2017, 05:20 AM
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Good mawnin,
Cut/paste hot one here again. Heat advisory in effect.

Jim- Sorry to hear about the varmints getting your beans. I looked at that thread and its a nice reflection of Sandy. There are many other threads she and blue vista participated in. I remember he was the one who went over and detailed Teepos engine compartment. She was really thrilled with how it turned out. She never did understand a lot of the mechanical issues but there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for that car. Btw, that was a beautiful job you did pulling and painting the 442 engine.

Jouni - I think she'll like that. By that time your baby will be a few months old so you might not be able to do the honeymoon she wants. How's the adjustment to being a married man? It took me a couple weeks to get used to wearing my ring, but that's about it.

We had a brief t storm about 15 minutes long that's cooled down the air a bit. Won't last though with high forecast around 31.

Enjoy your weekend.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 05:26 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Did okay with work, left an hour or so early after chasing my tail all night. Trying to get some last minute things ready for my company before I head out to pick him up. His plane is due to land in about an hour.

Jamesbo those people wouldn't know me anymore. And I never did meet Nicole. I'm afraid this is one of those times we should just cherish what we had and not dwell on what we haven't.

Wish us luck this weekend. Hopefully Tiger will realize that my buddy is dog-friendly. Just in case I plan to bribe him with Awful house when we get back.

Might check in later with all the progress we're making with the cars. Have a good day everyone.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 05:52 AM
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Thanks Allan, but that was the Vista Cruioooooooooooers engine
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Old July 8th, 2017, 06:08 AM
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Heck, it was clean and pretty enough to eat off of. Any 442 would have been proud to have it...
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Old July 8th, 2017, 09:41 AM
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Evening all

Guys, my wife wouldn't know one end of a gun from another, she'd end up blowing her brains out, that wouldn't be a happy end to a birthday. She's hinted that she would like a new watch which was fine until the hint spelt out Rolex, hmm.

Got the Consul back today and she's purring like a kitten so I treated her to a nice bit of wax to make her shine even more. Off to a show in her tomorrow.

Nice warm day with lots of sun today mid 80s.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 11:38 AM
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Evening.. So quess what? I spend 14,5 hours at work today, saturday, when we were planning to go movie etc.. Wife went alone.. Im not overly happy or proud about it.. Mostly ashamed..
But, we made a deal yesterday late evening. Complete the special hurry contract before monday. I got 1140USD from this one day. It was simply a deal you couldnt refuse.

Sorry. Im on the phone. Hate typing with this. Ill sign in later with pc.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 12:24 PM
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Sandy was a good person to have on this thread, with a good sense of humor and loved needling Jamesbo (you were her favorite), Teepo was her pride & joy. Definitely missed. We has a storm blow through Thursday night with 60mph winds nothing much here, but in Grand Haven, about 15 miles south, they had 91 mph winds gusts taking out trees and power lines, and unfortunately one person died after a tree fell on his house. Went to a car show with a bud in Zeeland, Mi. (Ye olde Dutch folk), about 35 miles south, very nice show and town, with about 160 cars, we decided that it will be a regular show for us. Getting ready to head over to another friends house to get together with a group to eat, drink, and tell lies about one another, should be a good time. Yard work tomorrow & Monday, as I took Monday off.
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Old July 8th, 2017, 01:25 PM
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London - Ok, you got it spelled out what she wants. Usually when a woman "hints" and y'all don't lissen. You get the picture, and I'm sure you don't want a repeat of the silent treatment she gave you once before. Annnnd, she did get you that trip to Monaco for your BD. So how much more time do you have to bale yourself out this year. Later this month is when?

Dan - Spot on. Have fun learning what lies they've made up about ya.

Jouni - Wow, that's a good one day payout. Too bad it interrupted your date with the missus. In business jargon, what you're facing is called "opportunity cost". The sacrifices you make to get a better advantage elsewhere. It's tough to balance sometimes. Hopefully she understands, and these sacrifices don't happen all the time, or you could be single again
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Old July 8th, 2017, 04:56 PM
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warning bells \ down / quality control


up with
my dumb

I hope you gents / ladies
are mostly safe and happy
as can be

enjoy the ride
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Old July 9th, 2017, 01:53 AM
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Good Morning guys.

Sunny outside. Just going to mow today, replace fridge and then just be. And taste various beers

Allan R - No fear that those occasions come up too often. Day was saved when i promised to get him to movis again and after that to restaurant of her choice

LondonCutlass - Any pics of your Consul? You dont see those too often, less the converts

Jamesbo - To help your pain on your garden, my wife sayed that ground-hogs look cute
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Old July 9th, 2017, 06:00 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Pretty out, cool but humid. Hope the rain holds off.

Picked up my buddy at the airport yesterday morning and then hit the Awful house. Came home with hamburgers to bribe Tiger with. He started in on wanting to bark but I had a hold of him and Randy gave him the hamburgers. Now they are best buds! Being from Chicago, I know the value of a good bribe.

We're doing brakes on the new Corvair today. Got the car moved to the house yesterday just in time for rain. Rear brakes are easy on a Corvair, its A-body front brakes. The front brakes are a little more tricky with parts. We'll have to see just what all we need.

Brian are you under the car for that picture or using a selfie stick? I can't believe I just used the term selfie stick.

Pizza tonight. I haven't been up to my favorite place in months. Looking forward to it. My buddy loves pizza as much as I do, it's high time he experience the best of the best.

Okay gonna get to crackin' . Happy Sunday everyone.
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Old July 9th, 2017, 11:35 AM
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Back from the hills, I need to weed wacky but it's too frigg'in HOT

London, I can't remember if I've told you the joke about the Rhino with a big ^)&) and the mouse with the Mercedes.Sorry but it's kinda the same way I feel about Rolex Watches

Mike, If ya got any left overs Red likes the hard ends with a liittle cheese and tomato paste
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Old July 9th, 2017, 01:56 PM
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Especially for Inline the Consul at the show today.
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Old July 9th, 2017, 02:11 PM
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Allan, I've got until the 25th of July to buy her a present, so no rush! Plus we are off to Portugal on the 27th so a trip somewhere isn't gonna work. Damn, it looks like a trip into town this week to price up the cost of an overpriced watch.

Great day at the car show today, apart from a sunburnt head. A few bits of American tin, a couple of Mustangs, a nice 51 Buick and a big old rat rod of some description. Only got the Consul back from the garage on Saturday afternoon but she drove very well apart from the overdrive cutting in and out after a half hours drive, then once she had cooled down it started working again. Not sure what's going on there. Anyone got any ideas?

Weather, bit cloudy with hot sunny spells and humid.
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Old July 9th, 2017, 02:44 PM
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London the first word that popped into my head when I saw your car was "darling." I know you posted a picture of it before but that is a sweet little car.

Didn't get too far with the Corvair brakes today. Got the front wheels off, got the brakes apart, found out that all the new parts the previous guy ordered were wrong. So we cleaned up the original wheel cylinders(they are original Moraine parts, yay) and I'll have to order the correct hoses from a vendor. Tomorrow we're going to take the back brakes apart, I sort of expect the same game.

Jamesbo I love this weather. When I was thin I used to walk 4 miles every day. I would wait until 4:00 in the afternoon. Awesome. I would do that now, but I'm too fat to exercise.

Okay, going to pizza tonight. Have a good evening and a good start to the week tomorrow.
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Old July 10th, 2017, 02:34 AM
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Tis Monday so guess what?

Have a great week Olds friends
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Old July 10th, 2017, 06:21 AM
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Good Mawnin,
Finally a cooler day in store.

London - Looks good except the steering wheel is on the wrong side I'm curious just how much can you see in those wing mirrors, they're so far forward. I guess if you're stuck with buying an overpriced watch, it's true that money can buy happiness.

Jim - Ok, here my guess. 45/47.

Jouni - Good save with the missus. Btw, tell her she can have all Jims varmints if she wants em. They're a nuisance that makes a huge mess.
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Old July 10th, 2017, 09:25 AM
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For once at home relatively early. Suns shining, and im sipping cider/beer at terrace just on shorts. Life is good.. :cool

LondonCutlass - Thanks! Really sweet looking ride!! May i ask how did you ens up buying it? Has it been long under your ownership?

Allan R - Our nuisance are damn flying rats > Hate em. Thank god cats executed one who was behaving like jester of our yard

Have a good evening guys!
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Old July 10th, 2017, 10:27 AM
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Allan 44 front side then my phone went Tango Uniform 3 hours later at the AT$T store, new phone but couldn't move contact to new phone. Here' the rub, I have to get my old phone repaired to move contacts over.
Question? WHY and I buying a new phone

Answer, Becuase they told ,me moving my contacts over was noooooooooo problem
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Old July 10th, 2017, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Allan 44 front side then my phone went Tango Uniform 3 hours later at the AT$T store, new phone but couldn't move contact to new phone. Here' the rub, I have to get my old phone repaired to move contacts over.
Question? WHY and I buying a new phone

Answer, Becuase they told ,me moving my contacts over was noooooooooo problem
Umm, Jim?? Yer not spoda whack whitey wit yer phone...although I gots ta say that 44 is an impressive feat for a phone to smack ol whitey... What did cha get on the back 9?? Enquiring minds wanna know

Moving contacts on most new smart phones actually is easy. You just use the NFC function and it transfers the contact info. Depends on how old your old phone is for that to werk though. Please don't say its a flip phone, otherwise ya gotta transfer all the contact stuff manually. And we all know de manual labor part of ya was bred out long ago What kind of phone did cha get? Lots of good deals out there if ya buy one that's been on the market for 2 years....
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Old July 10th, 2017, 11:31 AM
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I bought Oukitel K10000 ONLY because of interest, since i have a habbit of destroying one phone per year.

Why i choosed it? 10'000mAh battery. Yes, 10'000mAh. Lasts whole working week without recharging on my usage, and i call and surf on the internet at it some.
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Old July 10th, 2017, 12:25 PM
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Inline, I wish my Samsung phone actually lasted till I got home in the evening let alone a whole week.
I bought the Consul around 17 years ago. I actually went to buy a white Ford Classic and I saw the Consul parked next to it, for me it was a no brainer. Incidentally I have since got a Ford Classic which is awaiting the benefit of my credit card.

Allan, I've only got one car with the steering wheel on the wrong side, it's called a Cutlass!
And yes, those wing mirrors are next to useless, if you go over 60mph they end up pointing downwards no matter how much they are tightened.

Went to see a furniture restorer who's doing a table for me and suddenly there was this almighty roar coming from a neighbouring unit so of course I had to pop my head in. It was a stunning 69 Camero putting out over 650bhp, race tuned and also packing nitrous. Typical me didn't have my phone with me to get a pic, but I am going back next month. They also had an early 61 Lightweight E Type Jaguar worth over £1.4m - nice

Hot and humid and wet and dry and sunny and cloudy, temperature somewhere between 0 and 100.
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Old July 10th, 2017, 01:23 PM
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Allan, I had a windows phone which I find out WAY after I bought the POS are notorious for problems moving data. The only constant is changes in employees at the AT$T store

I only played the front 9 the back nine I sat in the store watching the new employee de jour try [unsuccessfully] to transfer data
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Old July 10th, 2017, 02:23 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out and hot. This afternoon we got a little bit done on the Corvair, one rear wheel cylinder and two rear brake lines. Some of the B-nuts came apart like butter and others fought us fiercely. Odd. This is going to be it for awhile because my friend is going home in the morning. I say I'm gonna work on it but I know I probably won't. Maybe.

Jamesbo get you a flip open phone. Mine is going on 13 years old and other than having to charge it every other day it does fine. Whatever problem it was having last week has cleared up and it's running like Mrs. London's new watch.

Summit tonight. Nice ending to a nice weekend. It's been fun having someone to hang out with and talk to. I talk to Tiger and he looks at me like he is processing every word. But he won't respond.

Have a good evening everyone. Oh pizza was spectacular last night. As always, well worth the drive.
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Old July 10th, 2017, 04:03 PM
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London, The only way I can tell the early e-types are 1] 3 carbs 2] shrouds over the front head lights and 3] toggle switches on the dash. They [of course] are my favorite [and bring the big $$$$] I drooled on one a the British car show we went to a few months back. IMHO a 3000 Austin Healey isn't a 75 K car but one of those old e-types is a 100 K car.

The one I had was a 2 carb 6 cylinder with those silly flip switches
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Old July 11th, 2017, 04:50 AM
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Mornin all. Quick check in. Gonna be hot again today. Mid 90's. But at least it's a dry heat.

Have a day.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 05:31 AM
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Good Mawnin,
A rather cool star to the day at 55. (13) for Jouni and London. Not Spoda get much warmer than around 70. I can live with that really easy. Best part is we might actually get rain later.

The missus and I are scheduled for Anutter day searching the slab warehouses for the granite she'll be happy with for the kitchen remodel. I found several I liked, but she said no. So far all the ones she's found I'm not fond of either. The search goes on.

Clint - Dry heat is still heat. That's brutal temps you have right now.

Jim - You get your contac saved to the new phone yet? I remember doing that with my new LG last year. Soooo much fun isn't it?

Jouni - Never heard of that phone or a 10000mha battery. Must be nice to only charge once a week.

London - Your weather forecast is impressive. You forgot dark except when it's light...
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Old July 11th, 2017, 05:58 AM
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Kinda hot down here too

Allan, I haven't remembered a phone number is years. Oddly enough I can still remember some from my high school days but not a single on of them is still around these parts

No, Ya have to call me to get on my now rather elite group of contacts. In a week I'll know whether I have to reinstall them manually or they will be able to transfer them.

GTG family coming to plan

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 11th, 2017, 06:34 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Got my buddy back up to the airport this morning and just talked to him, he's cleared to get on the plane. It was nice to have company but it's nice to have things back to normal.

We didn't get as much done this weekend as I would have liked but it was still a success. We got a good start. We'll plan another festivus soon.

Here's a question, does brake shoe material go bad? The shoes on the Corvair have a decent amount left on them but they are probably 30 years old. Should I replace them while everything is apart or would that be a waste of money?

Work tonight. I feel like it's gonna be a long week. I might go to my Mom's this weekend.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 07:03 AM
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Jouni - I looked up Oukitel10000 to see what it is. The reviews don't give it high ratings for its overall performance or cameras, but they are impressed with its battery life and its structural abilities. They show it being used as a hammer to break walnuts, using the screen as the hitting surface. It's also a pretty heavy phone. What do you do to be so hard on the phone that it needs replacing every year?

Brake shoe material doesn't just go bad. It will become ineffective if it's overheated and glazed though. They're not expensive and relatively easy to change.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 08:53 AM
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Back to reality

Hey, gang. It's good to be be back at sea level (or thereabouts) again. But some sad news: after over a month of touch & go, we had to have Feeney (our #1 kitty) put to sleep this morning. She had multiple issues, among which was a weak heart after 15 1/2 years in our family.

Better half is pretty upset, as would be expected; and I'm pretty sad myself, truth be told. She was a peculiar and wonderful kitty who was spoiled rotten. She'll be missed.

Here's a picture in happier (and younger) times, just a week after we got her as a kitten.

Y'all have a great one, Olds friends.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 09:01 AM
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John, sorry that you had to put your cat down, mine died two months ago due to kidney issues, I called to make an appt. with the vet to have him put to sleep, but he didn't make it. 13 years old, had him for ten, had belonged to my mother prior to her death. He had me trained well.
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