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Old August 26th, 2012, 06:01 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one

Adrian, I got's a bunch of lock'in gas cap lay'in round. Seems like every 442 [all 8 of them] I ever bought had one on it. If ya need one[some] let me know I don't use them. or Just tape sum razor blades to the regular cap.

Mike, I built dat kitchen 'bout 8 years ago and lub it.

Allan, Glad everyone is "well prepared" de rigors of higher education.

Pat, Thanks but I guess I jes die young. Cause I aint' eat'in NO tofu.

Wonder if Sandy brought home de gold yesterday?
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Old August 26th, 2012, 06:02 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

Sandy didcha win the Don Sitts Lotto?

Jamesbo are you sure your calling wasn't a sous chef?

Where is everyone this morning?

Yall have a great Sunday out there.
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Old August 26th, 2012, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman

Jamesbo are you sure your calling wasn't a sous chef?

Positive I wasn't.But I think I knew [in the Biblical sense] a chef named Sue once
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Old August 26th, 2012, 06:39 AM
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Wasn't the boy Johnny Cash was singing about was it
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Old August 26th, 2012, 07:05 AM
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Nope, POSITIVE 'bout dat also
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Old August 26th, 2012, 07:18 AM
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Good morning everyone!

Did we all drink Tang to honor Neil Armstrong? Bless him.

Just got back from the Sunday routine of Awful house and Walmart. The dogs got me up extra early this morning so I got the whole day to myself. I think I'll do car stuff. That should be fun.

Thanks Ted and Scot for the truck info. I looked at that LMC page and I'm guessing the higher dollar trucks had the side lights. Mine is bare bones that's for sure. I think the previous guy got all four and just went with what was sent to him.

Strange not hearing from Sandy. She must have hit the big Don Sitts award and went off to spend it. Or the mean chick rolled her for it.

Gotta start assessing what parts I'm gonna need for the smashed up F85. I'm going to concentrate on getting it running first but parts for a 65 A body aren't that plentiful so I might as well get a head start. I don't think I can pound out that bumper....

Have a great day everyone and I'll check in later on.
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Old August 26th, 2012, 07:22 AM
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Well I just had to replace a contactor on my rental A/C unit this morning. Thankfully it was an easy fix. The unit just ran and ran all night and when the fan inside shut off due to satisfying the t-stat, the outdoor unit froze up bigger than you know what All fixed now
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Old August 26th, 2012, 11:36 AM
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Afternoon All!

So nice to know I'm missed, lol. I'm at the Ravenna Moose show. Decided not to go to the Olds show. Its another scorcher here today. Yesterday was 92 degrees. Its breezy today so that helps. I have Lin and Nicole here with me today.

No, I didn't win the case with the 5 grand in it yesterday. I didn't win anything. My gosh, there were over 450 cars there! I'll have to post pics in a couple threads, lol. There are at least a couple hundred here today. I'm not sure how we'll do...

I see a couple new posters on our thread! That's a nice thing.

Scot... I hope Issac misses ya. They said we might get some remnents from it next weekend. I hope not. Depends on which direction it goes.

Well have a great day. I'll get on later if I have time. Gonna have to hit the shower and get my sweaty hair washed when I get home.
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Old August 26th, 2012, 12:26 PM
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Sandy too bad you didn't win the big prize. Maybe Don will cut you a break though next time you are in.

Scot you're lucky you can fix things like that on your rental. I had something on the AC go out in my rental house, it purged all the freon and the whole thing locked up and I had to get a new AC. It would have been nice if the renters would have told me something was wrong.

Oh so quick question. How does one polish and recoat aluminum trim pieces? Chrysler calls it Bright Dip, what I'm talking about are headlight bezels, anodized trim that sort of stuff. I can get it clean and polished, but I want to recoat it so I don't have to keep polishing it. Is there a home remedy I can use and not have to hike it off some place?

So far today I got some house cleaning done and about half a Corvair motor taken apart. Now I'm going to change the oil in the Saturn then move some stuff around.

And of course polish some aluminum trim if someone will tell me what to do.
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Old August 26th, 2012, 01:37 PM
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Morning all, lots of dark clouds in the sky when I walked out of the shed at work this morning. I don't mind if it rains a little bit, just not lots

Jamesbo I may have to take you up on that offer if I can't get one from the local shops but I reckon I have a good chance.

Bad luck on that lotto prize Sandy but like Mike said, maybe Don will give you a discount or something next time your around

Well time for bed, have a wondrous day ya'll

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Old August 26th, 2012, 07:06 PM
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Hey it's Sunday night! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

It must have been nice all over because it's been precious quiet here today. It was beautiful here, not too hot, not humid.

I got the oil changed in the Saturn, and also found that the trans filter was about a half turn loose, which was why I was getting ATF on the driveway.

After that I moved a few of the cars, and while sweeping the driveway smashed my hand on a bumper and cut the heck out of my finger. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding, so I asked my neighbor if she'd help me. I think I bled out by the time we got a bandaid on. She told me later she faints when she sees blood. Wish I would have known that before I called.

I called my Mom today after hearing the latest hurricane report. She's in Pensacola and right in the middle of the hurricane warning. She didn't seem too worried about it. I hope if they have to leave the city doesn't wait too long to tell them. Mom said the stores are already empty and the gas stations out of gas.

Well I guess I'll hit the sack early. Give my finger a chance to rest and also get going early in the morning. I have a few errands to run and I also want to take a load of scrap to the recycler.

Have a good night and a good start to your week everybody.
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Old August 27th, 2012, 01:47 AM
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FNG lurking about again.. So, this is kinda the general chat thread I take it? Very chill. I'm digging it. And Good Morning. Attachment 174691
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Old August 27th, 2012, 04:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, It's Monday so guess what

Changed de rear blinker bulb in de Suburban yesterday. Wonder if I should start a thread.

Jetboy, Got any gardening pics, aliments, recipes or general B.S.?

Have a great week Olds friends
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Old August 27th, 2012, 04:48 AM
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Mornin all.

Welcome to the thread Jetboy. Good to see some new faces in here.

Mike take care of that hand. You know us mechanics kinda need those to bring home the bacon. Here's wishing a gentle breeze and light showers for your Ma.

Adrian, Thats amazing that a car in the late 70's would be worth that much. Were the Oz cars of that era built as poorly as the ones here in USA? Not very many nice things came out of Detroit in that time frame, they didn't start getting respectable again until the late 80's.

Sandy Congrats on the illuminated Prize. Kinda neat.

Got up at 1:00 a.m. yesterday to go with the missus to fetch some more hay. We were headed down to Wolf Creek Pass and only made to Buena Vista before the truck started acting up. So we turned around and headed home. Looks like hays gonna top $500 a ton this year. Insane I tell ya. So we napped a bit then went to the surplus store to buy me some new britches that will fit around my surplus. Well its taken me over 40 years, but it looks like I'm a square bore in the pant size dept. need to get racing again and see if I can trim up a bit.

Got the wiring finished in the back yard. Now I have lights in the barn and power at the turkey coop for this winter. Shoulda done that a long time ago.

Have a great day all.
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Old August 27th, 2012, 05:03 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Well it seems that Issac is heading towards John over in Bayou Country Well I guess they needed another reason to raise gas prices It's hard to believe that Katrina was 7 years ago But the gas prices haven't been right since that storm.

Mike take care of that finger and try to keep it clean, you wouldn't want it to get infected. Hopefully Pensacola has seen the last of Issac and your mom fares well.

Jamesbo whitey awaits his smackin'

Well I hope everyone has a good week and stays safe.
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Old August 27th, 2012, 06:15 AM
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Morning All!

Welcome to the thread, Jetboy! Always nice to have another!

It's a partly cloudy morning here, muggy and temps in the low 70's. Supposed to have storms this morning and later this afternoon, but nothing yet.

I'm downloading my pics from the weekend shows now, so I will be posting in the General Disc. forum in a while.

Mike.... you take care of that finger so it doesn't get infected.

Clint.... did ya get the truck fixed?

Scot... I heard about them raising the price of gas already around here. It just went down in some areas to a real bargain at $3.61/gal! I had .60 cents off at Get Go so yesterday I filled Teepo for $3.01/gal. Still cost $40!! Like you said, the storm gives them a reason to do it.....

Well you all have a great Monday! Here's a couple pics from yesterday's show. Nicole was posing with the cars, lol. And my 'unusual' award, lol. And the case full of cash I didn't win Saturday. I still feel guilty for not goin to the Olds show.....

Attachment 174688

Attachment 174689

Attachment 174690
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Old August 27th, 2012, 07:15 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Tough to get going this morning. The sun is out and it looks to be another nice day.

Thanks for the well wishes for my Mom. It looks like Isaac will skim past Pensacola, which I'm glad of, but I feel bad for the people that it will affect. John I hope you batten down the hatches and ride it out okay. So it's 7 years since Katrina, eh? Well it's 20 years since Andrew. I had to sit down when I heard that.

My finger seems to be doing all right. I was afraid to take the bandage off for fear it would start bleeding again, but so far so good. I'll just wear gloves when I do stuff this week.

Sandy that's quite an award. Looks like you could put it on top of a Christmas Tree.

Clint I hope you get the truck fixed quick. There was a song out about Wolf Creek Pass when I was a kid. I'll have to see if I can remember it and look it up.

Scot is there another shindig happening down your way soon? I thought I saw a sign for it at show on Saturday but when I went back to look I couldn't find it.

Welcome Jetboy. Good name.

So I guess I better git to gittin'. Hope everyone has a good day!
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Old August 27th, 2012, 07:16 AM
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Hola, Olds amigos.

Whelp, it's deja vu all over again.... so spooky that miserable Isaac should hit the ol' home town on the 7th anniversary of the Big K.

Yeah, about half the oil production in the Gulf has been shut down, and that accounts for a big portion of the nation's consumption; plus, they use any excuse known to man to jack up the prices anyway.

The 'powers that be' dragged us all in to the salt mine this morning; I was hoping they would let us stay home and prepare in whatever way we need to; it's especially hard on parents, 'cause all of Orleans Parish schools (K-12) are closed today, at least through Wednesday.

They may send us home this morning -- at least we're hoping; sure ain't no work gettin' done around here.

My brother lives in Destrehan (in St. Charles Parish), just west of the city, and they've issued a mandatory evacuation there; but I doubt a lot of folks will heed. The reason they do it is to warn folks that calling 911 after today will do absolutely no good; it gets the parish government off the hook for emergency response -- plain and simple.

Given the current predictions, we're guesing 75% of southern LA will lose power within the next 24-36 hours; and God knows how long it will take to restore. Ponchatoula might just be the worst b/c of all the trees and the ancient T&D infrastructure. Most local communities (especially on the South Shore of Lake Pontchartrain) have upgraded the transformers and substations through the years; but the phone and electrical service to our house seem Edison vintage; we're usually the first to lose and the last to get back.

We have a whole-house generator, but it's not big enough to run the central air; I opted for the smaller unit that would give us our water (electric well pump), fridge, stove, and communication, etc. Being able to run the A/C would have been a pretty significant upgrade, not to mention a much bigger guzzler of propane. (Too bad I have no natural gas service here.)

Actually, my only real concern is my Mom's 3 sisters in their 80s and 90s who still live in my parents' home in Metairie. We certainly won't see any kind of Katrina-type flooding; but having those girls without power for any length of time is disastrous in itself. And of course, if I evacuate them, it will be over their kicks and screams.... you know how those young ladies get set in their ways . They all want to ride it out; depending on how bad it looks by tonight, I might give them their way, or I might have to go get them. Gotta' do watcha gotta' do.

So we'll just see what this thing does and make the best of it; y'all say a prayer it fizzles out before hitting land tomorrow nite.

Hopefully I'll be back with you guys soon and we'll look back at what a non-event it all was .
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Old August 27th, 2012, 07:24 AM
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Mike the only other event I know of is the Perry Autofest and Swapmeet November 9th & 10th at the GA National Fairgrounds. Pretty big event as it always packed with great cars and more swapmeet stuff than you can shake a stick at
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Old August 27th, 2012, 11:04 AM
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John, It's been a while but isn't Meterie right near town? Hope all goes well. Jes tell dem ya gonna take dem to de mountains.

Sandy, Nicole's kinda hot. Does she go fer ole pharts?
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Old August 27th, 2012, 12:30 PM
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No Jamesbo!!! Of course she's kinda hot.... she's a younger version of me, lol! Believe me Jamesbo, you couldn't - and wouldn't want to - handle the drama these young kids have today, lol! It's enough to make ya old before your time....

John... sure hope your relatives come through the storm ok! We just got an email that they are closing our St. Gabriel LA plant tomorrow and the next day since the weather is so uncertain. Better to be safe than sorry!

It's been raining here since late morning. I had to walk at lunch time with my umbrella up. Came down pretty hard a couple hours ago. We need it though. I'm sure hoping this coming weekend stays dry for us, but who knows at this point.
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Old August 27th, 2012, 02:00 PM
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Morning all, well my week is over so I can rest a little. Going to golf tomorrow morn with a couple work mates, wish me luck at winning or though I don't like my chances lol.

I hope this Issac dies into a small storm before it hits land. Take care over there John and make sure your rellies are safe even if they don't want to move

Sandy is right Jamesbo, on both accounts

Take care of that finger Mike, ya don't want it getting infected then it will cost you the rest of your fingers to fix that one

Hope it is an easy fix on you truck Clint. You should see what some people pay for cars over here, calling them stupid is being extremely nice As far as I know most cars built in the 70 were pretty crap over here too but at least you could tell them apart from every other car, not like today.

Welcome to the morning thread Jetboy.

Welp time for me to start doing a few things before bed, have a great night ya'll

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Old August 27th, 2012, 03:16 PM
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Amphicar pictures

Here's some pictures that were sent to me taken during the massive Amphicar shindig in Ohio last month.

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Old August 27th, 2012, 03:21 PM
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Or here.

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Old August 27th, 2012, 03:21 PM
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Or if anyone wants to see them I'll email them to you privately. Curses you anti-pictures CO!
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Old August 27th, 2012, 03:25 PM
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Can't see the pics Mike. Here is a brief tutorial if your pics are on the internet such as a site like photobucket or picasa you can "right click" on the photo and click "copy image location" then click this icon and paste your "image location" in the box that pops up and click "Okay".

If your pictures are on a file on your CPU then you can add them as an attachment and they will appear as smaller images at the bottom of your post that you can click on to view but not be shown full size on your post and have a limitation as to the size of the photo that can be uploaded. You do it this way.... Where you post you have two options "Submit Quick Reply" and "Go Advanced" click on go advanced then scroll down to "Manage Attachments" click this and at the top of the box that pops up it will say "Upload File From Computer" in this section click "Browse" and it will take you to where your pics are located. Find you pics there and click on the image and click "Browse" again to add more and finally click "Upload" and VOILA

Speaking of Amphicar's I saw a show called shipping wars and one guy delivered two rough ones to a guy in a wheelchair that said he was once the president of the Amphicar Club
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Old August 27th, 2012, 03:34 PM
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I guess he's trying to sell one now
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Old August 27th, 2012, 06:48 PM
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Evening everyone.

Just got home from Summit. I figured it wouldn't be a big blowout tonight, since most of the regular Monday people were there at Saturday's show. Finished off the evening at the Awful house, so that will make two in a row when I go there for breakfast in the morning.

Scot I was trying to cut and paste some pictures from an email. I guess CO doesn't like that.

I saw that shipping wars show, and I know that guy in Colorado. He was indeed a past president of the Amphicar club, but beyond that the best I can do is "no comment." You know, the old adage about saying something nice, or not. His price for that yellow car is a tad high, in my expert opinion.

No Allan for a couple days. I saw him out and about around here earlier, I hope we didn't make him mad.

Adrian how are you doing finding a new ride?

Hope John is all set for Isaac to come calling. I haven't seen the weather report this evening, but I know wherever it hits it won't be pleasant.

Jamesbo what did your friend end up doing with that green convertible?
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Old August 27th, 2012, 07:29 PM
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CQR, 500 smackers for a ton of hay...maybe I should be shipping mine south of the 49th! Here it is going for between 120 and 150 a ton! Then again, I find Oldsmobiles up here to be expensive. Hey, we could trade, hay for cars

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Old August 28th, 2012, 01:01 AM
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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! Morning (a really early 4AM Pennsylvania one, at that). Hope those in the path of the storm fare well.

That being said, uploaded some pics today of The Brick displaying it at a cancer benefit car show. 'Twas a great time, so it was.

And video! (May or may not play, due to having a facebook source.)
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Old August 28th, 2012, 04:45 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Well a ragin' bull named Issac and his bands complete with flat rock has been here since last evening. Were getting some good showers out of it and not much wind. Hopefully it won't be too bad for John over that way.

Mike that guy in the wheelchair that was on shipping wars did seem a bit uptight

Good luck shooting golfs Adrian

John hang in there bud.

Yall have a great Tuesday and be safe out there
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Old August 28th, 2012, 04:58 AM
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Morning all.

Ted, its seems pretty nuts, but I would guess it would be a real pain going thru customs. Probably have something to do with non-native vegetation or something

John, Best wishes for a partly cloudy day for your part of the country.

Should be finished with the Hup today. we have our last cruise of the season on Saturday, I may fire up the AA and take her out. Hasn't been out all season.

Nice lookin scoot Jetboy.

Happy Tuesday all.
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Old August 28th, 2012, 05:31 AM
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Mawn'in all

De sprinkl'in started but no Issac yet.

Sandy, What make ya think I can't handle drama. Ya know my Super model is de baby of 9.She and her 5 sisters constantly play musical chairs. Only when de music stops, ya don't loose your have 5 sisters po'd at cha.

De next week de music starts and when it stops anutter one is left out and has 5 different sisters are po'd. [Cause de one everyone was po'd at the week before is not the poeer]

Sure hope John an his family ar OK
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Old August 28th, 2012, 05:38 AM
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Good morning everyone.

A little dreary out but no rain as of yet. Maybe a little mist, but things are mostly still dry. Not looking forward to a day(a week?) of rain and thunder.

Got the yellow truck loaded up with a bunch of scrap metal so I'm taking that to the recycler first thing. If I'm lucky it will bring enough to buy my breakfast at the Awful house.

Happy Tuesday everyone.
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Old August 28th, 2012, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
I guess he's trying to sell one now

I was watching "shipping Wars" on TV the othernight and I saw the Yellow one for sure get Delivered. the buyer was in a wheelchair and the "shipper" didn't want to help push them up into the driveway. He ened up helping get them into the driveway.. I didn't get the full episode to see how they were loaded etc. but I recognize that shot as the drop off point.
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Old August 28th, 2012, 06:21 AM
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Morning All!

It's a foggy morning here. Very humid and yucky. Sun is trying to peek out. Temps in the high 60's right now, heading towards 80 later.

Steve is out making sales calls in Michigan for the next 3 days. His customers are 'stuck on stupid' this morning, lol. Been a problem solving morning so far. Brian's stress levels are high already, lol. He's been whining....... gonna be a long day.

It rained pretty much all day yesterday and through the evening. I mopped the kitchen floor last night since I couldn't go out and do anything. Put down different throw rugs and washed the other ones. Good night for catching up on some house work.

Jamesbo..... I understand what you're saying, but these young people's drama is like nothing we're used to, lol. It's kinda like Moseby and the Beagle from hell, lol. I'm sure glad I wasn't dramatic like that back in the day. My, how times have changed!!

Hope all our friends will be ok in the storm!! They're still talking about rain here over the long weekend from the storm, as it curves around our way coming from LA. Hopefully they'll miss! There's a BOP at Summit Racing on Saturday. I got rained on there last year, and I ain't a doin it again!!!

Have a great day all!!
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Old August 28th, 2012, 06:36 AM
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Speak'in of rain

Anyone else seen dis downspout?
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Old August 28th, 2012, 07:03 AM
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I love the Downspout..
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Old August 28th, 2012, 07:09 AM
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Talking good morning all

That's one cool downspout. Must be on a garage in the back. Most wives would have a cow if it was on the street side.

Hope everyone ok in the face of Issac. take care all
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Old August 28th, 2012, 07:12 AM
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Seen it before; it's a good one.

Back awake again. It's ten A.M. here and my first day back to work after being off an entire month (head on collision in my Honda CRX). Wonder how this will go.
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