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Old September 22nd, 2011, 05:40 AM
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Morning All!

Cool here this morning, but sun is coming out finally. It's in the 60's. We had thunderstorms come through yesterday afternoon around 3 ish.... it just poured!!!!! Some of my flower pots on the deck had water standing on top of the dirt when I got home, because they were just full of water!! I tipped them all over and dumped it out. Poor things were drowning, lol. So needless to say, no Chick fil a cruise last night.

I went over to Nicole's instead and we watched some Vampire Diaries episodes on her dvd's. She came here at lunch yesterday and we watched one on my laptop. Brian stayed in for lunch - I hate it when that happens - so we took my laptop out to Clay's area so we wouldn't bother him. I see he brought his lunch again today, and I brought a Gilad workout dvd, so guess I'll go to Clay's space. If he wouldn't talk so much, he could get something done, lol, and wouldn't have to work through lunch.

Clint..... Glad you're feeling better! I'm with you.... a couple more months of May would be nice. Even though we were flooding around here. They were saying on the weather last night that we're almost to the record of having the wettest year, here. I can believe it. It has been a shi*ty spring and summer. The grass is as green now as it was in the spring from all the water we've had the last couple weeks. Makes me wonder about the winter!!!!!

So fall officially arrives tomorrow and that satellite is supposed to fall to earth. I heard there's a 1 in 3200 chance of someone getting hit by pieces of it. Who knows!

Scot.... thanks for 'splaining why the PO is sooooo slow, lol! We can blame it on the database now and try to have more patience when we're standing there wondering why there's only one person at the counter!

Gas is down to $3.35 at one station here this morning. I pulled in amongst all the other morning commuters, and they were out of gas!!! Had plastic bags on all the pump handles. It's $3.38 at the BP up the street, but I don't really like their gas. This is the cheapest it's been around here. Not all the stations are down that low though.

Well have a good day all!!!
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Old September 22nd, 2011, 07:04 AM
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Good morning everyone.

An average fall day here (it's a day early), warm enough and calling for a chance of thundershowers later in the day.

Tonite is the final cruise night in Ottawa for the season. I had forgotten about this one, because I have class until 10pm tonite, so I won't be going.

Homework is starting to pile up. I have a lab to work on, on programming in Assembler which is about 2 steps up from the 1's and 0's a computer understands.

A group from around here is looking at fitting in one last car show for 2011, but we have to head to NY state to do it.

CQR, good to hear you are feeling better.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old September 22nd, 2011, 11:28 AM
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Good morning guys and Sandy

Well we are past hump day heading for the end of the week, it'll be Friday before you know it. Light rain but still warm around here. Seems we are light on a few people showing up wonder where they are?
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 12:11 AM
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Afternoon everyone, weather here is great

I have been in bed for the last 2.5 days with a cold, I don't like it when I'm sick

Jamesbo you can sleep in the spare room if you would prefer but I'm sure Minette would let you use her clubhouse

I replaced the clutch in my mower last week, it's just like a new one now

Good luck with your testing Scott I'm sure you will breeze through it

Clint glad to hear your feeling better, let's hope I can say the same soon

I wish I was paying anywhere close to that for gas Sandy. At the moment because there is school holidays all the gas stations have jacked up there prices, I paid $1.60 a liter for gas the other day that's roughly $6.05 a gallon

Have a great day ya'll

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Old September 23rd, 2011, 05:12 AM
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Good morning.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

Well its Friday (except for you Adrian) gonna try and take it easy this weekend. I'll be missing the race on Sunday, but hopefully I can catch up on some sleep tomorrow. The kid has a horse show all day, I think I'm gonna find me a shade tree to plop down under and maybe read 1984 again. I've had it sitting on the nightstand, for about 6 months, but haven't had the energy to crack it open.

Adrian, Sorry to hear you have the bug too. Had bowling league last night, Don't feel so good this morning. Hope you get back to feeling human again soon.

Scot I'm curious? Does the keyboard at work say Comidore 64 on them anywhere?

C-D Hope you don't spend the entire weekend on homework. Remember: 'all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.'

Sandy did ja find some new nuts?

Pat, Glad you get some home time.

Have a great day.
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 05:24 AM
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Mawn'in all

Still gett'in sum rain on and off. I'll take every drop.

Scot, Ya'll gett'in any of de wet stuff down thar?

Sandy, Did ya get your lug nuts?

I used to know a guy who was a Delta pilot. He had a 330 Ferrari and was really into car shows. He'd trailer his Fazaz to a show, then change wheels fer de show. Kinda ****. No not kinda, REAL ****. His garage floor was polyurethaned and he'd wash his car BEFORE he'd drive it into his garage.

One day I drove by his house and he was outside waxing his a/c unit.

Pat, I'm with you, Whar the heck are all our mawn'in Buds? [Sandy we know where you are.]

Look'in into my crystal ball, I see Sandy begining to whine 'bout the weather Real soon.

Adrian, Dat's mighty nice of ya. I really would like to have an endless summer.But to tell ya the truth. Every time I go sum whar whar de drive on the left side of de street, I almost get kilt cause I'm look'in de wrong way when I cross de street. I've driven a good bit in the Bahamas and Bermuda but still can't get de hang of a round about go'in de wrong way.
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 05:58 AM
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Morning All!

It's 59 degrees here and raining again. Pretty windy out there too. It sucks!! Had a nice evening for Bellacino's cruise last night! It was soooooo nice to get out! I took pics, but forgot to bring my camera cord this morning, so I can't download them from my camera. No, I shouldn't say that, cause there is a way I'm sure to take the memory card out of the camera and put it into one of these slots on my laptop and do it. But I'm technologically challenged, so I'm not tryin it! They'll just have to wait.

Might be only 1 cruise left at Bellacino's next week. I don't know. They were talking about going through October like last year.

Tomorrow is the show at the Stow Glen Nursing home. Maybe. It has a rain date of Oct. 8th, so we may be using that! I'll call them first to see since the rain is supposed to be scattered. The show doesn't start until 12 noon so maybe the rain will be late afternoon or early morning and get out of here! Another show on Sunday, but have to wait and see if they've changed the forecast any.

So.... I did win the 50/50 finally last evening!!!! $100!! I was pleased with that. It'll buy the lug nuts, lol!

Adrian..... Sorry to hear you are sick too! I hope you and Clint get over it soon. Colds are miserable. I like it that most of the stores around here now have the antibacterial wipes you can use to wipe off the carts and such. God only knows what we touch every day and leave behind on surfaces. Some nasty germs out there, lol! I spray around here when these guys start hacking! I had that sinus infection last winter, but that's the first time I've had a "cold" type thing in years!! I take Vitamin C every day. I think it helps!! So you guys double up on it!!

Jamesbo...... You make me laugh!! I never quit whining about the weather, lol! Ain't you figured that out yet?? If it's not hot sunny and dry, then I'm gonna complain!!!!

Well have a great Friday all!
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 07:31 AM
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Good Morning.

It is supposed to be a nice, dry day here today. The show in NY State tomorrow has a rain date. I have mixed feeling about that since you don't know if the organisers will have the show or push it to the rain date on those questionable weather days. Especially when it is a 2 hour drive to the show.

A few years ago, I went to a popular local show. One of those where you have to be there early to get a good spot. There were about 10 cars there, but no sign of the organiser anywhere when I arrived. Half an hour later he shows up and says he still isn't sure if he is having the show that day or not, he would come back in half an hour to let us know.

Sandy, congratulations on the 50/50 win.

Adrian, hope you feel better soon.

CQR, funny you should mention bowling league. I'm in one as well. I bowl tonite actually. And I will take time off from homework this weekend. One whole day for a car show actually. Maybe even work on some of the stuff I have to do for the Cutlass.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 08:02 AM
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TGIF, Wiffey is having and operation on her foot this morning going to get a new big toe joint install on her left foot. I'll be the nurse for the next couple days or more. Turn about is fair play as she has nursed me before. Hope everyone gets over their colds. seems like when kids go back to school everyone in the house gets sick.

Have a good one all
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 02:06 PM
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Afternoon All!

Well I passed YAY! But the kicker is I have to report to work @ 4:30 a.m. so off to bed I go here shortly. I am not a morning person at all so this will be a learning curve for me.

Clint I believe the are Commodore 64 or Texas Instruments TI-994A LOL

Jamesbo we may have had up to 1/2" over the last few days, but like you I'll take every drop.

Congrats Sandy on your 50/50 win

Adrian and Clint I hope everyone gets well soon!

Pat you take care of the wifey, I am sure she will be sore for a few days.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe one at that

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Old September 23rd, 2011, 04:09 PM
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Congrats Scot. i new you could do it. Just think you'll have daylight at the end of the day to work on your car. Think about the upside
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Old September 24th, 2011, 04:28 AM
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Cool, Partly cloudy, slight chance of rain mixed wit intermittent satelite parts.

Scot, cha gotta get up wit de chickens. No problem, I can call ya ever mawn'in if'in ya wanta get to werk on time. I’d be happy to call ya, I’ve been a gett’in up wit de chickens fer years.

Ya'll have a wonderful Weekend.

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Old September 24th, 2011, 05:28 AM
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Well its sat morn here at National Trail and the rain continues! rained all day fri. Its suppose to clear out this morn and maybe we will get some racing done here this afternoon.
I'm here hanging with Sam Murray and his J/S 72 Cutlass. Maple Grove is next stop next weekend!
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Old September 24th, 2011, 06:42 AM
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Good morning everyone. Well, I didn't have to drive the ankle biter to the horse show, That means I can drive the Olds. And its all the way on the other side of the metro area.

Hope you have a great first day Scot!

Hope you get lots of rain Jamesbo.

Hope the wife heals quickly and is comfortable during the recovery Pat.

Hope it drys out for racing Chesrown.

Hope you Bowled above your average C_D
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Old September 24th, 2011, 08:23 AM
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Morning All!

Well they revised our weather forecast, so I'm off to Stow Glen Nursing Home here in a couple minutes!! The sun is out and it's down to a 10% chance of scattered showers and satellite parts, lol! Tomorrow is looking good as well so I'll go to the Quaker Steak show probably. Went last year, but didn't think much of it. We'll see.

Haven't done much this morning, got laundry going now, and changed the bed sheets and such. Stood out in the sun admiring it awhile, lol!!

Congrats Scot! Knew you could do it!! So what time to you get off if you start so early?? That would work for me. I'm not much of a morning person either, unless the weather is nice, but I would like to get off early! I used to work 7 to 3 and I liked that! Gives you time for going to the bank, appointments and what not!!

Citcapp.... my best to your wife... and you too of course! Hope all goes well!!

Glad you sickies are feeling better! That's a good thing!!

Well gotta go - wish me luck.... got a trophy there last year! TTYL and have a great day all!

Last edited by cutlassgal; September 24th, 2011 at 08:25 AM.
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Old September 24th, 2011, 09:37 AM
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Well, because of the time difference all of you are out and about by now. Warm and muggy here. Wife is doing well as can be expected. I'll be hanging out today making sure she is comfortable. Have a great weekend all.
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Old September 24th, 2011, 09:46 AM
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Good Saturday Afternoon All!

Thanks all for your wishes on me first day. I got up way prior to the chickens Jamesbo. They were still sleeping it off when I drove by the coop and laid on the horn to wake them up for a change. LOL Anyhoo everything went well, no counter work yet just been scanning parcels, packages, letters and such. I worked 6 hrs today and will have to report back Mon morning @ 4 a.m.

Good to see you on the Good Morning Thread Tweed. Hopefully it will dry out some and you guys can tear up the 1320.

Good luck Sandy, bring home the trophy's and pics for all to see.


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Old September 24th, 2011, 12:45 PM
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Morning all rained early this morning but had stopped by the time I had to ride to work. Still not feeling great but I couldn't have a sickie, had one last week

Great news Scot we knew you could do it

Hope the TW is feeling better soon Pat.

Good luck at the show Sandy. Not too many left now ?

I'm on my phone at work and it is now time to start, have a great day ya'll

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Old September 24th, 2011, 07:56 PM
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Evening All

Well..... Teepo and I took our happy a$$es over to Stow Glen, just to see a sign out in front saying the show has been rescheduled to Oct 8th!! Guess the grass was too wet for cars to park on from all the friggin rain this week. There were no other shows around. If I'd have known, I could have left early for a show in Minerva! What a shame.... nice sunny day and no shows.

So I worked outside, taking down all my wind chimes and cute things I put in the flower beds and putting it all back in the shed for the winter. Moved my birdfeeders back up to the trees close to the house and filled them. Swept a ton of leaves off the deck.

Went to the garage around 4 and cleaned Teepo. Came back in at 9 . I had to wash her top good - she had soot on it from that friggin generator truck they parked me by at the balloon affair show last week. She's all ready for the show tomorrow at Quaker Steak & Lube. This one is on asphalt. Supposed to be a nice day tomorrow with sun and the 70's so there will be more cars than last year. I remember it was cold and cloudy last year.

So that was my day. Couldn't believe I was home on such a nice day.

Yep Adrian... there aren't too many shows left. I have to keep her out until Oct 16th at least. That's the date of the last show I plan on going to. So hopefully the fall rains won't set in and the yard will stay dry until I get her in the back garage for the winter. God I hate to think of putting her back there.

So I wonder how Don is?? He must not be able to get on here and let us know. I sure hope he's doing ok.

Glad your wife is doing good Citcapp!

Well reckon I'll talk to ya all tomorrow!
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Old September 25th, 2011, 06:11 AM
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Morning All!

Sleeping in???? I'm up checking out the weather - it's awful cloudy out here. We had some rain overnight. The show today is another one that starts at 12. I think it's supposed to clear out and then the showers come this afternoon. Why oh why can't we just have some friggin sun and dry?? "Why Sante Claus, why??" (From 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' )

Well you all wake up - the chickens have been up for hours, lol!! Have a good Sunday and I'll talk to ya later!
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Old September 25th, 2011, 06:19 AM
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I got hit in de head with space junk fall'in from above, so I'm sleep'in.
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Old September 25th, 2011, 07:26 AM
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Old September 25th, 2011, 09:34 AM
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Raining here as well. The last large car show is today in Snohomish, a small town 1/2 hour to the north of where I live. I am wife setting so I won't be going. That's ok don't want to set in the rain anyway.

Jamsbo, that wasn't space junk. That was rotten potatoes

Have a great Sunday all
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Old September 25th, 2011, 06:53 PM
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Evening All!

Well I went to the show.... got sprinkled on. Wasn't much of a show. I don't know if everyone was home watching the Browns game or if the weather kept them away, but there were only 12 cars there!! They didn't have awards, but gave like door prize things. I got a container that had 2 bottles of Quaker Steak and Lube sauces, and some gift cards and a few other things in it. I was home about 45 minutes when we had a thunderstorm come through here. It did get up to 78 degrees and was nice when the sun was out.

This evening we dug up the space out beside the deck where I had my beans planted, and put down some top soil and manure so I can make a little garden next year. Hopefully this good dirt will settle in with the clay over the winter and it will be
good to plant in! Then I'll need a fence or something to keep the friggin deer out. I'll figure it out. Brought in more of my fall decorations and set around. Hard to believe October is next week!

Jamesbo.... I hope you don't have any permanent damage from being hit by space debris, lol!! Hope ya slept it off!! Talk to you all tomorrow... Monday already.
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Old September 26th, 2011, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Well, It's Monday so guess what?

Took de drop top out in de mountains to go buy sum apples. Drove like a dream. Got a little chirpie a few times but, Didn't get sideways once. De Super model wants to borry it to drive to werk. NOT

Pat, Glad Ms. Citcapp is do'in mo better. Can she chase ya round de house wit the broom yet?

Bout de space junk. "That's my story and I'm stick'in to it." -Alex Hawkins

Sandy, I don't know 'bout that Quaker steak and lube sauce? Reminds me of sum "Colon Cleaners" hot sauce sum one gave me. I'm fraid to try it.

Scot, Sounds like you got sum wierd hours.

Cresround, Did it ever dry out fer "yous guys"

Ya'll have a great day.Whitey await his Smacking
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Old September 26th, 2011, 05:06 AM
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Monday morning all.

Sorry to hear about the poor turnout Sandy.

Jamesbo. Better write it down, so you tell that story the same to everyone,

Went to a friends for dinner last night. Ate wayyyy too much. Still don't feel very good. He sure makes a good brisket.

Ended up installing a CCTV system in the wifes store yesterday. She was out mowin but had to stop due to some uninvited trespassers. The big boy started charging some stupid broads that thought it would be neat to take their kids and get within about 20 feet of him. Then they were upset, and didn't realize why he would do such a thing. Ever hear of the 'Rut'? Well, that genepool keeps getting shallower every year.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Old September 26th, 2011, 05:30 AM
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Morning All!

A beautiful morning here. It's in the high 60's and a little sun peeking through the clouds. Supposed to rain this morning, clear some, then storms this afternoon. I suppose the Riverfront will be cancelled again tonight.

It's boring in here as usual. Steve and Clay have the sports talk going which is irritating Brian, lol! He needs the quiet of a library, I swear. Oh well, gives him something to whine about this morning.

Clint.... Nice pics! Are those Elk??

Jamesbo..... hope you golf well today!!

Citcapp.... hope your wife is improving!

Have a great day all!
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Old September 26th, 2011, 07:46 AM
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Good morning all

cool and raining this morning. Wifey is finally sleeping thru the night and getting better day by day. Can't chase me with a broom yet, cant' hold the broom and the cane at the same time

Have a great day all
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Old September 26th, 2011, 10:03 AM
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Good Morning All.

It's a nice day here, going up to 77 and sunny.

Went to the car show in Clayton, NY on Saturday. A bunch of us from Ottawa always look forward to it as a good way to end the season. They have a car show followed by activities including 60' times, exhaust wars and burnout competitions. It was a good day, but drizzled on and off most of the day.

citcapp, good to hear your wife is doing better.

Scott, good you hear your first day went well.

CQR, I will give you an answer next week about my bowling average, last Friday was still a night for getting this season's average.

I went to check on my Cutlass this morning, the hood and trunk have been painted, and now only some wet sanding left.

Have a good day all.
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Old September 26th, 2011, 10:31 AM
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Good afternoon all!

Yep I have some pretty screwed up hours @ the PO. We are having to shuffle around trying to find someone that can put my youngest daughter on the bus for school.

Anyhoo Jamesbo you ain't riding with this guy are ya? Hopefully this is on another golf course.

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Old September 26th, 2011, 11:30 PM
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Afternoon all, was a lovely day today. Pity I had to spend half of it in bed sleeping so I can work tonight I am almost over this cold I got which is a great thing.

Glad to hear your other half is on the mend Pat. Now is the time to hide that broom so when she is able to chase ya it can't be found

You will get used to the screwed up hours a lot quicker then not having a job to have the bad hours Scot

Nice pics Clint. They even did the hard part and walked up to the BBQ for ya

Hope you did well on the course Jamesbo. Do you walk to course or buggy the course?

Time for me to get my backside to work, ttyl

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Old September 27th, 2011, 01:07 AM
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Morning all! either I'm the first one up, or the last one to bed!
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Old September 27th, 2011, 05:02 AM
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Good morning!

3155, If you just got up I don't feel so bad about my early hours

Thanks Adrian, you're right, But I believe all the neighbors would be a little upset if the harem didn't have their leader.

Hope you get the routine down for the little girl Scot.

C_D, I'll be waiting. I have finally gotten mine down to about where it needs to be. Bowled the best series of my life on the first night of league, and have been paying for it ever since. I'm not the type to sandbag, but I can now see why it is done. Lookin forward to some more pics of the car.

Pat, now's the time to hide all the makeshift weapons

Yes, Sandy. There is a herd that loves to hang around the store. They can be quite a nuisance. He is really good at tearing up the lilacs and the small aspens with his antlers, and they like to paw a lot which makes a lot of holes in the yard. We are hosting a tack swap meet next weekend, hopefully the herd finds another place to hang out. It's not really easy to spook them off your property.
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Old September 27th, 2011, 05:49 AM
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Morning All!

It's cold and dreary and dank here right now. 55 degrees. Supposed to get some sun later and hit the 70's. I'm not gonna hold my breath, lol!! I guess this low pressure thing is just hanging around and not moving. Now they're calling for showers on Saturday, which is the Pop's show down in Hartville.

The Riverfront was cancelled for the 3rd Monday in a row again. I'm taking off at noon on Monday Oct. 3rd to go ove there. It's Cruiser Appreciation Night, and the weather is looking sunny but cool that day. Subject to change, I'm sure. The place will be packed over there!!!

They showed last night that we've had over 44 inches of precipitation so far this year - about to meet the record from 1990! We had heavy rain come down yesterday afternoon after 2:00. And it didn't stop for quite a while. The roads had standing water everywhere. It was a mess driving home. Yard is flooded of course.

If all this rain was snow, we'd be hurtin for sure!! Something tells me it's gonna be a long miserable a$$ winter!!

Adrian.... glad you're feeling better!!!!

Clint.... Those Elk sound as bad as our "humanized" friggin deer around here!! They were in our neighbors yard last evening eating his plants!! I watched them to make sure they weren't coming over to our yard.

I remember my first experience with Elks. My ex husband and I were at Yellowstone back in the 80's, and we had a topper on the pick up so we slept in the truck and kinda camped to save money. I remember waking up to these sounds, like big loud "sighs" that a human would make, lol. Scared the crap outa me! I looked out the window of the topper and here were all these big animals, making those noises! They were pretty though!

Scot.... I remember one year when Nicole was still in grade school. The bus didn't come until 8:30 and I had to be at work at 8! I ended up dropping her at a neighbor's house who had a daughter also, on my way to work. School hours are not easy on working parents!!

Jamesbo.... are you recovered from the space debris yet??

Have a great day all!!
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Old September 27th, 2011, 08:18 AM
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Suns out this morning, looking out the window make me want to skip work jump in the Olds and head out while there is still time. Damn that summer went by fast.

Scot, hope you work out the little girls schedule ok, Its tough when both parents work opposing shifts.

Sandi, your running out of time pretty soon Teepo will be in hibernation then we will really hear you whine

Jamsbo must be stuck at the 19th hole

I took the advice and hid all of the weapons. The trouble is she still has a good throwing arm so I have to learn to duck faster
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Old September 27th, 2011, 08:40 AM
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Mawn'in all, Fer sum stupid reason, my puter hangs up on CO. I might make sum space depris outa dis computer real soon.

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Old September 27th, 2011, 09:54 AM
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my puter hangs up on CO
Mine hangs up when I use the quick reply tab on this forum.
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Old September 27th, 2011, 10:11 AM
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Well, I think today is my day to be under the weather.

So far it is a nice day, but they are calling for rain starting this evening and continuing until Thursday.

CQR, I know exactly what you are going through with your average because I am in the same situation. Last season, I finished with an average of 137 and the first night this season, I bowled 106, 180 and 207. But the next week I was having a bad night, my first two games were 99 and 91, so things are balancing out well.

Sandy, you mentioned the S word, the frozen rain stuff.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old September 27th, 2011, 12:18 PM
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......Sandy, you mentioned the S word, the frozen rain stuff.

I did, didn't I???? Oh Lord - someone smack me!

I think I'm a headin to Solon tonight. Sun came out before lunch and there are only a few little white clouds in the sky, so I think the weather will be nice! It's still cool, but sunny!
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Old September 27th, 2011, 01:50 PM
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Consider yourself smacked
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