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Old February 22nd, 2012, 03:46 PM
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Good afternoon all

These early morning meetings at work are killing me. Most of you guys are earlier time zones so if I don't get on until late I miss half the fun.


Just invite someone you don't like to stand on the high part of the roof with a 9 iron in his hand whilst the rest of you finish the roof. Problem solved.


Get out there and get the yard work done. No fooling around having fun or driving your Olds


Maybe your computer needs a re-boot with a BFH to work correctly

I have to go back to work now.

talk to you all later
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 05:42 AM
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Good Morning All and Welcome to page 95 (Thanks Pat)

Partly cloudy with a chance of afternoon wet stuff and temps soaring to upper 70's.

I have to go look at my nephews S-10 today, it won't roll the starter over Starter checked out fine, relay in fuse block checked out fine so I guess I'll go from there. Hopefully it is just the neutral safety switch or a ground somewhere

Yall have a great day
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 05:48 AM
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Morning All!

Well lookey there...... Citcapp done pushed us over to page 95!

Where are you sleepyheads this morning?? It's a foggy morning here. Lots of accidents earlier, I was hearing on the radio. Temps in the 30's. Supposed to get rain and it's supposed to turn to snow tomorrow afternoon/evening and on Saturday.

I just snuck out and turned down the thermostat a notch. Steve's rattly heater is blasting, it's about 77 degrees in here! Arrrggghhhh...... sandals on, fan on, sleeves rolled up. Clay has been coughing and sneezing out in his area all friggin week. I sprayed it good out there yesterday after he left. Used Lysol wipes on his keyboard, mouse and phone, lol. I don't want his germs!!!!! I'm sure we'll all get them, though. I doubled up on the vitamin C today.

My laptop connected right away this morning??? I think Verizon was having problems yesterday and didn't want to say anything when I asked. It all ran well all afternoon yesterday. Who knows.

I don't know what happened to Wolfie, Mike. I miss him! He hasn't been on in like forever..... I hope he's ok.

Well you all have a good day!
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 06:18 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautimus day in Dixie

GTG to de big city today.
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 02:25 PM
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Ah good evening everybody!

Got home a little late this morning and slept all day. It was a beautiful day here and the thermometer on the back porch said 80! Sorry I missed it. It's supposed to be rainy and cold the next few days.

Jamesbo how was the big city today? I don't get into the city very often, not much for me. I would like to go to the zoo sometime, and to see the Cyclorama.

Nothing else is new with me. Hope everyone is well.

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Old February 23rd, 2012, 03:22 PM
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Morning all, overcast with more showers on the way

I would get out and do some yard work Pat but my yard gets nice and soggy when it rains so I have to wait a couple days for it to dry out and by the time it is dry enough I have to go back to work. Worst thing is it is my inlaws house and they live down the street so they are always over visiting, uninvited and complaining at me that the yard could do with a mow. Easy for them to say they both don't work (retired GP) and I am working 72 hours a week at the moment

Did ya get that roof all fixed up Jamesbo? Have fun in the big city, lucky we had a gps in the car when we were there otherwise we sure would have got lost in a hurry

I think your right about Verizon not telling you they are having issues on there end Sandy. It's easier just to blame the customers equipment Good to hear Nicole talked to Charlie and he "gets it" too.

Have a good day everybody

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Old February 23rd, 2012, 03:37 PM
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Something to share with my friends in the Clubhouse

: Worth a read

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old. This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!!

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Change the way you think.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. Release your children when they become adults, it’s their life now

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay cheque.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

16. Take a deep breath It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Just because you believe you are right, doesn't mean you are. Keep an open mind.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. Your job is to love your children, not choose who they should love.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield..

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Its estimated 93% won't forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'. I'm in the 7%. Friends are the family that we choose.

I am one of the 7%

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Old February 23rd, 2012, 06:16 PM
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Thank- you. This really helped me today!

I will post a copy in my shop

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Old February 24th, 2012, 03:51 AM
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Good Morning.

I agree with everything on the list except #5 Citcapp. You're better off and much happier without any credit cards IMO, when I used them #12 was always happening in front of my kids.
What's a pay "cheque"???
I've heard of the Czech and Polish guys that were eaten by a bear couple and when they killed the bears and did an autopsy the Czech was in the male??

I goofed off and watched the Nascar Gatorade Duels from Daytona yesterday afternoon. I had to see how Danica would do in her first real drive in competition. She was holding her own until she got bonked then crashed into an inner wall at 190 mph.
She's going to have bad luck until she gets rid of that green car , pure green race cars are known to bring very bad luck. Some people have the same problem with green street cars, I wouldn't take one if you gave it to me.
I like F1 much more, most the races are on live somewhere around dawn and there's nothing like the sound of an engine doing 18,000 RPM in the morning.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 04:49 AM
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Mawn'in all

Unseasonable warm dis mawn'in.

De roof, Well I kinda wait'in fer a few days starght w/o rain. Maybe start tomorrow and werk thru de weekend

Pat, Words to live by fer sure. Many Thanks. In my youth I was kinda overly will'in to T it up and try to win every arguement. Now, I don't bother. It's jes like kick'in a dead horse. Only took me 'bout 50 years to figger dat one out.

Scot, Mike,

I went to parts of de city dat you guys ain't ever heared of.
Mike, If you think de zoo is sum'in you ain't never been to Little Five Points. In an effort to shelp more green grave plots, I decide to go put out brochures in a very liberal area of town.

I'm try'into saw dis in a delicate way. De area is where people of one gender tend to like folks of de same gender. Lot's of organic food places, tatoo parlors and places dat pierce places we don't discuss.

It ain't a very good place to try to maneuver a 2500 4X4 Suburabn 'round but I made out Ok

I'll meet cha at de Cyclorama sum day and show you de statue dat no one talks 'bout in de fore ground. It's a dead ringer of a dead Clark Gable.

Dares also a covered wagon whar de canvas meets de foreground dat has a door in it to go to de back side of the paintin. When I was a pup we used to go on fields trips down dare every year.

Before de re did the thing, there were des ole blue hairs volunteers dress up like de jes come from a DAR rummmage sale who would show ya 'round wit a flash lite wit a arrow on it. De only sound came from a crackl'in record wit de voice of sum famous radio announcer.

Now it's pretty hi tech. I think now ya sit down and your seat revolves.

Last time I was dare, I saw a Spiller & Burr in de museum dat I swear was a fake. Guess de Politicio made off wit de real one an sold it on e-bay fer 50/60K

To me de Zoo jes ain't de same since Coca and Cola [de old elephants] and Willie B [de gorilla] went home to glory.

Olds friends, have a great day.

And thanks again Pat, I'm gonna hand dat one on de wall also.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

It's cloudy here, temps around 41 right now. We have high wind warnings out today - expecting gusts of 40 - 50 mph later when that cold front comes through. Supposed to start snowing before 5:00.

Steve is off today - going to Michigan to see his son, so it's nice in here without him. Yes... it's already hot in here, 75 degrees. Sandals and fan are on!

Nice words of wisdom, Citcapp! I saw that on my MSN home page this morning. Very true.

Jamesbo.... glad you survived the big city, lol!!

.......Some people have the same problem with green street cars, I wouldn't take one if you gave it to me.

'Scuse me..... sir?? Don't make me come out there!!! You shi*!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great Friday all!!
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Old February 24th, 2012, 07:04 AM
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Good morning all

Another day another dollar or is it 25 cents, guess it depends on value of that piece of paper with a one on it. Well regular gas has blasted pass the $4.25 mark here in Washington what with our refinery fire and the Iran deal its expected to hit $6 by this summer. Cruising will be short trips for sure with my rides needing premium. Maybe to the end of the driveway and back. And the diesel motorhome it may not move at all. Maybe I'll rent it out to to someone.

Well back to the grind talk to you all later
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Old February 24th, 2012, 07:39 AM
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Mawnin Good Mawnin People and Spectators

Like Jamesbo said unseasonably warm here. It was 72 degrees when I left for work at 3 am Under a terrinado watch as well

Gas is still lingering around $3.50 here, which is quite enough. But I guess it will continue to rise until yalls President puts a cap on it

Jamesbo I've been to little five points and I make it a point to not be anywhere round them parts after dawn. Anywho as a matter of fact there is a little five points down the road in Ft. Valley, bout the same circumstances don't be round there after dark either

Well I guess I will take the two youngest out for lunch today, since the two oldest is at work and off to college respectfully.

Yall have a wonderful day

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Old February 24th, 2012, 11:53 AM
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Boy is it windier than heck here!!!!! I walked at lunch time, and it about blew me over a few times, lol! Had to put on my hat to keep my hair from blowing in my face cause I couldn't see. The cold front is definitely here. It's down to 40 now from 46 this morning. It started sleeting as I was walking, bouncing off my leather coat all over the place. One little ice ball caught me on the face, and it hurt! It only lasted a minute or two and was done. The clouds are dark and really rolling... we keep hearing lots of sirens out here on 82. I'm surprised we haven't lost power.

Clay said the wind was rocking his GMC when he went home at lunch time, I can't wait to drive Tincanio home in it. I hate driving that thing when it's windy!!
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Old February 24th, 2012, 12:36 PM
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Here is a neat little link. How many words do you know? My best was 43,800
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Old February 24th, 2012, 12:48 PM
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Mine was 42,092. I think I'll go back and try grade school, lol!
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Old February 24th, 2012, 02:32 PM
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Oh my g00dn3ss!

Wha7 a day.. 7he wind was bl00wing 'b0u7 45mph all af73en00n. Th3r3 w3r3 t0rnado3s all ar0und h3r3. I7 wasn'7 un7ill 4:30 7ha7 w3 could r3lax.

I7 was 79 deg. yesterday and the same today. IT'S THE END OF FEBRUARY! We'll probably get blasted in March.

Sandy said "Nicole said her and Charlie had a talk, and it's all good..... he supposedly is going to keep it just friends. Who knows?"

Sandy, my granddaughter, Mary, who lives in Denver (she moved there from Vegas to get rid of this guy) and two weeks later he showed up in Denver and got a job at the same hotel that Mary works! So far he hasn't talked to her! I think she fold him in Vegas that if he ever bothers her again, she'll go to the cops.

Aahh, Young Love.....

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone.....


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Old February 24th, 2012, 05:36 PM
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'Evening everyone.

Tried sleeping all day, but it was raining part of the morning and thundering. My dogs are afraid of thunder and were a handful. My girl will never get up on my bed, but when it rains she gets up and tries to lay over my face. If I'm not in bed she tries to get behind things with two inches of space behind them. I don't get it. My boy will just pace and when I'm trying to sleep his big feet sound like a stampede. So it looks like I'll have to sleep at work tonight.

Gonna be cold tonight, it was nice the last couple days with warm temps, but heck it's still winter so I knew it wouldn't last.

Might go look at an Aurora this weekend. I wasn't a fan when they were new, but somewhere along the line I decided I wanted to put an Aurora interior in a late model Corvair. This car has the heated seats and everything. Ohhh, heated seats are the epitome of luxury I think. That and cornering lamps.

So everyone have a good evening and a fun weekend!

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Old February 25th, 2012, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Bluevista

Hey Blue...why does this guy have a Chinese name?
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Old February 25th, 2012, 03:19 AM
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Good morning all..

for the first time the temperature goes double-digit this year.
Later at day 11°C...
My vacation for summer is completely finished planned and booked.
Only the return trip is hard.. bad air connection at Atlanta Airport..
Ten hours layover in the Big City..
Maybe time to treat Jamesbo to a meal...

Nice Day and Weekend all...


Ps.. Oh I saw.. Mike is a stone´s throw away from the airport...
so the invitation tots also for you... !!!!

Last edited by Olds65; February 25th, 2012 at 03:34 AM.
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Old February 25th, 2012, 04:58 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chilly but clear, I would werk on de roof but I got a funeral today.

I sho am glad those persnickity folk from de "Pet Peave" thread don't bother us over ere. Now sum ones talk'in 'bout Chaucer er sum'in.

Udo, Were you ere? shoulda called me. I'm only 'bout 2 hours from de airport [wit no traffic] Kinda like you drop'in into de Bastongue.

Scot, I didn't do very well on dat link. I don't think de spelt every thing right.

Sandy, I'll bet cha a dollar to a dounut dat dis subject of "Be'in jes friends" comes up again.

Pat, I've gots a chain saw question fer ya. If ya leaves gas w/ ethynol in dem. De gas eats up de plastic/rubber parts right? But if ya let one set up dry de diaphram drys out and cha gotta buy a new carb kit. What's a fella spose to do.

GTG Have a great weekend Olds friends.
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Old February 25th, 2012, 05:14 AM
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Morning everyone!

Good night at work. Got a nice nap in and also got a lot of work done. Tonight makes #4 and I hope it goes as well.

Udo I'd love to meet you and break bread. When are you going to be here? Not only am I a stone's throw from the Atlanta airport, I work there as well.

Jamesbo I have been to Little 5 Points. Love going to the Vortex. That freak store next door scares me. I think it was '07 when my friends from Australia were visiting me, we ate at the Vortex and then walked around, and when we were in a Tshirt shop, someone ran in and said gas down the street had gone to $6 a gallon, the earth was out of gas, and that was going to be it forever! Well, someone must have believed him because the line was about a mile long.

It's beautiful out this morning, if not a little chilly. Don't know what it's supposed to get up to, but I think it will be cold tonight. Come on summer!

Have a great day everyone.

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Old February 25th, 2012, 05:38 AM
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Mike I don't think you were ere when I found dis Corvair truck in de woods near Dawsonville. Dis is right up your alley. It would look good park betwix de Rolls an de Amphi

De guy who owns it is settel'in his father's estate wit his brother and sister. He'll take offers if de don't end up 666 when devide by 3. Kinda susupsicious.
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Old February 25th, 2012, 05:53 AM
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Ok Boys... there is yet time..
My return trip starts in Vegas via Atlanta back to Germany.
I arrive at Atlanta Airport in June the 24th. at 6:30 am.
Connection flight is 4:30 pm..

I would be glad to see you in summer..

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Old February 25th, 2012, 09:21 AM
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Most small engine guys will tell you do not store todays gas in a can or in the engine for more then a month. Nobody talks about what else to do. I fill the tanks in all my small engines with gas mixed with sta-bil and have never had a problem. knock on wood

I see they now have an ethanol product

Snow on the ground this morning. This sucks
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Old February 25th, 2012, 11:06 AM
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Morning all, still raining out but thats ok as I am sitting at work watching the machine do its thing, not long now and I can go home and get some sleep

Sure hope this rain goes away soon I am getting a little tired of it

Hope all goes well with Nicole Sandy.

Good luck in finding a couple days to finish that roof Jamesbo

Have a swell day ya'll

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Old February 26th, 2012, 06:33 AM
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Mawn'in all

Clear an chili dis mawn'in

Gonna werk on de roof today.

I couldn't sleep so good last nite and watched a little sorry TV.

Started wit the round ball dunk campionship.

Blue, Does everybody over 6'6" have trouble wit subject verb agreement?

Later on, marched right into de excitement of Cajun pawn shop, followed up wit Okie Mud Cat Noodel'in.

It's a strange, stange world we live in Master Jack.

I mean really, If an alien was to turn on eatrh TV to monitor our programs to try to figger out wheather to come visit us, he would think earthlings wanted to have a slim fit body, make a million dollars do'in nutt'in, an live forever wit a big hard [nevermind]


Olds Friends enjoy de rest of your weekend.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 07:50 AM
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Morning All!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here... temps in the 30's. Yesterday was cloudy and it snowed on and off all day, but was around 30.

My God..... Larry is on a tangent today!!!!! Usual unpleasant Sunday mood going on, plus more today. He's on the phone with his daughter, shouting at the top of his lungs about this kid that worked for him and was trying to get unemployment, which Larry denied cause the kid quit and he wasn't eligible. In the last 2 minutes I've heard the words "Another worthless young kid" at least 12 times!!!!!!! I heard it when he came home yesterday, then again when he had to shout it to his brother last night on the phone.

I think I'm going to leave soon and go to my sister's for awhile!

Seems this kid Kyle, had the unemployment office send Larry a letter, which he got yesterday and had to respond to.... Kyle told them how Larry "talked to him like he was dirt, be-littled him, made fun of him, how Larry is a racist, talks mean to people, tries to shove his opinion down everyone's throat,", yadda yadda yadda. I couldn't say a word..... sad but true. I feel bad for Larry, but he doesn't care how he talks to people!! He has a point to get across and he doesn't care how he does it. He's very un-necessarily hurtful. Kind of like telling your step daughter that she's a 'guest in his house'. Things have a way of coming back and biting you in the ***! No one is always right all the time, no one has to think like you do all the time, people are entitled to their own opinions. I know this Kyle hurt himself a few times while he worked there, and Larry made fun of him for wanting to go to the hospital. Larry would laugh and tell me what he said to Kyle, and I was thinking ' I don't see that that was funny, and I'm sure the kid didn't either.' Everyone should be rough and tough like Larry and his son. God forbid that someone is different....... He is denying what this kid said soooo strongly. The truth hurts........

I don't know what putting all that in the letter has to do with Larry paying the guy unemployment. Kyle is insisting he was fired and didn't quit. Oh boy...... now he's on the phone with his other brother, and here we go again!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go out to the garage and clean out the inside of Tincanio, I do believe. Get out of the house, lol! I don't have anything else planned to do today. Got the cleaning and laundry done yesterday. Filled the birdfeeders. Of course 3 deer were out there last night, so I opened the window and screamed at them, lol.

Well you all have a great rest of your weekend!!
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Old February 26th, 2012, 11:45 AM
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Howdy Doody everyone!

My goodness what a glorious day out. 60* and sunny. The lake is coming up nicely and I'm planning what I want to do out in the yard this summer.

Uh, Jamesbo, whatever you think the aliens are going to see on TV, sounds good to me! Especially that one part(I won't say which one).

I survived working 4 days in a row, and after all my bellyaching I signed up for overtime tonight. Doesn't mean they'll call, but if they do I wouldn't mind the extra scratch. And if they don't, then heck, I'm off tonight!

Probably a good idea staying out of the line of fire, Sandy. Maybe Larry just drinks too much coffee. When he calms down a little maybe you could remind him that the Kyles of today will be taking care of him tomorrow.

Well gonna go do something outside. Boy I hope this nice weather keeps up for awhile. Spring is less than a month away, we should be doing better than we are.

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Old February 27th, 2012, 04:29 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautiful day.

Delima de jour Roof? Golf?

Sandy good ole LBJ used to say,

"Sum times [yeah he talked like me] Ya gotta be jes like a mule in a dust storm, Ya gotta jes hunker down and wait til it blows over."


FWIW Donny votes fer Seafoam. Course, when he's talk'in 'bout not us'in a 2 cycle engine fer a while at de golf course. He's talk'in 'bout a few weeks, maybe a month. Not 6 months or a year like me.

I think he's got 5 miles of edging to do on de cart paths X 2 [sides] is 10 miles of edging. De can sho burn up sum gas/ oil at dat place, In de spring it looks like you're look'in over de wall at de Alamo.

Udo, We're gonna have to talk closer to de date. I'm ain't real sure what I'm do'in tomorrow.

Roof? Golf?
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Old February 27th, 2012, 05:55 AM
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Morning All!

So begins another week in paradise, lol! Clouding up now, but in the high 30's, heading up towards 40's today. Going to be a mixed weather week they're saying.

Lots of deer were out this morning! 3 of them across the street eating in the neighbor's yard.... 5 out back in our back yard this morning. They're on the hunt for little spring flowers......

It's quiet in here this morning. Only 2 calls thus far. I have to go to Giant Eagle at noon and get my heart pill refill. Have to go over to the post office too - there goes the whole hour! Or I might go after work if it's nice and warm out at noon. I like to get my walk in at noon!!! Have to wait and see.

Hope all is well with Clint - haven't heard from him? Blue.... where are you??

Well you all have a good Monday!

Oohhh...... they just interrupted the radio - there's some kind of shooting over at the Chardon High School this morning. 4 injured they're saying, and just total chaos there from what the parents are saying. I sure hope everyone is ok!! They have one of the shooters, I guess..... Don't know if it's another student or what. How sad....

Last edited by cutlassgal; February 27th, 2012 at 06:05 AM.
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Old February 27th, 2012, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Anutter beautiful day.

Delima de jour Roof? Golf?

Sandy good ole LBJ used to say,

"Sum times [yeah he talked like me] Ya gotta be jes like a mule in a dust storm, Ya gotta jes hunker down and wait til it blows over."


FWIW Donny votes fer Seafoam. Course, when he's talk'in 'bout not us'in a 2 cycle engine fer a while at de golf course. He's talk'in 'bout a few weeks, maybe a month. Not 6 months or a year like me.

I think he's got 5 miles of edging to do on de cart paths X 2 [sides] is 10 miles of edging. De can sho burn up sum gas/ oil at dat place, In de spring it looks like you're look'in over de wall at de Alamo.

Udo, We're gonna have to talk closer to de date. I'm ain't real sure what I'm do'in tomorrow.

Roof? Golf?

Golf of course. umbrella's work in the house too, so no worries
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Old February 27th, 2012, 07:36 AM
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Well they're saying that there are 5 students injured in the shooting now, 3 are in critical condition. The life flight helicopters from the Cleveland Clinic flew over a while ago. The news still isn't giving a whole lot of info out right now. It was another student who did the shooting.
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Old February 27th, 2012, 10:22 AM
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Well we heard about an hour ago that one of the kids died. I feel bad for the families. I always knew what Nicole was taking to school...... don't know the details about the kid that did the shooting yet. What a tragedy. Kiss your kid bye in the morning, and that's the last you see them alive - in a place where they should be safe....
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Old February 27th, 2012, 12:50 PM
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Happy Monday all.

Sandy, that is crazy! Have they said yet what the motivation was for the student to start shooting? I looked this up online but it didn't say anything more.

Hope Jamesbo chose whitey today. It's gorgeous out.

I'm trying to get a buddy of mine to go with me to pizza up in Marietta today. This place is a franchise of a place from up home I grew up going to. Good, good stuff. If my buddy doesn't want to go I might go by myself.

So far I haven't gotten much done today. Went to Awful house and then Walmart, then my neighbor came over to look at my porch railing and told me all the stairs needed to be redone. Great.

Hope everyone is having a good day. May God have mercy on Chardon High School and those involved today.

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Old February 27th, 2012, 01:19 PM
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No, they just had a press release on the radio, and did not give any info on the shooter - I imagine because he's a minor. I don't know. What a tragic shame.

It turned out to be just beautiful today. It was 53 at noon but it's real windy out. I got my running done, wolfed down some Taco Hell and got to walk for 15 minutes, lol. I didn't want to come back inside!!

Lurch..... I'm ringing.... where are you????
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Old February 27th, 2012, 08:05 PM
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Good Evening All.

It's cold here.

The last week has been a busy one. I had a job interview last Tuesday. I'm still waiting to hear back and the job search continues.

Then on Wednesday I headed to Detroit to go to the Autorama car show. I met another CO member there, Lee aka leepear. Sandy, I think I might be gaining on you for number of CO members met in person I also visited the Henry Ford Museum and Walter P Chrysler Museum. Detroit is a great place for car people.

Sad to hear about the school shooting.

Jamesbo, did you choose roof or golf?

Adrian, at least it isn't snow! I'll trade your rain for the snow here.

Hope everyone has a great week.
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Old February 28th, 2012, 02:43 AM
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Guten Morgen Oldsfreunde....

Breeze rain this morning but the forecast... Spring is approaching.
At Thursday sunny and up to 17°C..

Maybe Time to make my Cutlass ready for take-off

Nice Day and take good care..


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Old February 28th, 2012, 04:49 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautiful day an most likely de las one of de week.


What a tragedy, Is that school near your work place?

Mike, Why in de Wild Wild World of Sports would you drive to de Big Chicken to get a Pizza?

I'll bet even Mr. Magoo could find one closer.

Y'all know me too well.

I chose Golf. I come from a long line of sorry white trash. Over several generations the hard werk ethic has been bred out of the family.

Since de course is closed today, I guess it's gonna be a Roof day.
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Old February 28th, 2012, 05:56 AM
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Morning All!

Cold and sunny here right now. Temps in the 20's. We're supposed to hit 65 tomorrow!! But it's gonna rain. I'll take the warmth, lol.

I upset Brian yesterday...... I know, say it's not true, right? I told him that we set the clocks back up an hour on March 11th and I was really looking forward to it!!!! He moaned and groaned, of course. I said well for those of us that get outside and actually like daylight, it's a wonderful thing!!! He thinks he's gonna lose that hour of sleep. I keep telling him there's only 24 hours in a day. No extra, no shortage. Go to bed earlier if ya can't get up!!

Jamesbo.... Chardon is about 30 miles north from where I work. Blue is closer than I am. It's just a shame - now another kid has died. Too close to home. It shouldn't happen anywhere. You be careful working on that roof!!

Speaking of Blue..... where the heck is he???? I'm missing him again.

Well you all have a good day!
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