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Old August 13th, 2018, 03:40 PM
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Hahahaha, so you hit one like Brooks and one like me
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Old August 13th, 2018, 03:45 PM
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Jim, glad you enjoyed the Del Shannon video. I remember the song as well as his other songs but I have no idea where I was the first time I heard it.
It is still cooler here today and raining west of us. I think our rain is done for the time being. Man we needed it. I just bathed Lucy our golden. She is such a sweet dog but does not like a bath. I have to pick here up and put her in the tub. She is not bad one she is in the tub. She is going for vet visit to be spayed tomorrow. Boy dogs are a lot cheaper than girl dogs. I had to explain this to my 13 year old grandson last week. I told him she had to get this done so she didn't want boyfriends anymore. I told him if she was a boy dog they would just cut his nuts off. The oldest one would have never asked me about that. I have been in the office doing a little paperwork for the NTOC and updating my job search log for the Texas Employment Commission. I wonder if they have realized a 72 year old guy is not going to find a six figure job. They probably haven't even noticed. Have a good evening my friends.
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Old August 13th, 2018, 05:13 PM
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Slim pickins at the cruise in tonight. And no Oldsmobiles. Just a couple of Mustangs and Camaros, and some ricers. They usually don't stay very long.

I don't know what to do about Tiger. He scratches continually, this after having the mother of all baths. He doesn't have fleas. He doesn't get into anything in the yard. I'm guessing it's dry skin but I don't know what to do about that. I guess I'll call the vet tomorrow after work and see what they suggest. Some expensive medicine probably.

Allan I've seen that, too, people coming to the site and not stopping in. I don't know what they're thinking, but I have an idea.

Time to hit the sack. It's still light out but I've gotten past my childhood trauma of going to bed while my friends were still out playing. Three forty-five comes awful early. Have a good night everyone.
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Old August 13th, 2018, 10:07 PM
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My older sister used to listen to "Runaway" on the radio when I was a little ***** about 4 or 5 years of age,around 1960.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 05:00 AM
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Gotta water a little and them I'm going to the range to see WTF happened to my golf game

Maybe mow some after the dew dries out

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 14th, 2018, 06:48 AM
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Good morning everyone.

An absolutely beautimus morning here and cool but comfy 57°. Spoda warm up to the high 70's or low 80's later. Also gotta take the missus shopping later.

Got all my trimming and cutting done yesterday afternoon after all the grass dried out. The lawn looks spectacular and the last dose of fertilizer I put down before the rain seems to be doing the trick keeping it verdant.

Jim - anyone can have an off day. You'll be fine.

Mike - That sounds like a real problem with Tiger. I googled about scratching and no fleas and the most repeated answer is allergy to either food or soap causing a skin condition. There's also some discussion about airborne pollen causing it. I hope the vet can give you an answer because I'm sure Tiger isn't enjoying it much. Wonder if he got something from the neighbors dog.

Glenn - Why on earth would you be updating your job search? I thought you were retired and staying that way?? Maybe after Lucy is spayed won't give you a a hassle about baths?? Got my fingers crossed for you to get a bit more rain. It's spoda rain here on Wed and Thurs evening. That would also be nice. My rain gauge in the back yard shows we got a little over an inch during the steady 2 day rain we got on the weekend. We also really needed it.

Meltdown in the hood yesterday afternoon. The syrian kids did something to Michelle's son and WOW! She came out and yelled and yelled and yelled at them. Then she told them to go home and never come back. In the meantime her son is sitting in the garage bawling his eyes out. The syrian kids went back to Michelle's place in the evening with their big FOF since the Dad is useless and doesn't speak English. Not sure what happened but I can only imagine he got told the same as them. I'm curious to find out what happened so I'll ask today. Turning into a real cultural Peyton Place here.

Well, almost time for a light breakfast,and go for a nice morning walk. Enjoy your day everyone.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 07:06 AM
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Good Morning All:
We got more rain last night but I think we are done now. I just got back from taking Lucy to the vet and then I went on by the doctors office and peed in the bottle and had my blood drawn so the doctor would have all that when I go for my physical next week.
Allan, I am not really doing a job search. Since I was laid off I am eligible for unemployment. It is a little weird drawing social security and unemployment but I will take it. It is almost $500/week for up to 26 weeks. You have to make at least 4 contacts a week to remain eligible. So I did a brief update of my resume and then I send out the required 4 a week. After eight weeks you are supposed to reduce your required salary to 70% of your previous salary. Nobody would hire me at that salary. It is going to be interesting to see how TEC reacts after I have been drawing unemployment for 3 or 4 months. If I go back to work it would be part time and something that was close by and that I enjoy. Probably won't happen and I will never go back to work full time. Hey, I have a 57 Chevy to restore so I can drive it while I am still able to push the clutch in.
Jim, you smacking whitey today?
Have a great day guys.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 08:45 AM
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Allan, we are due for some rain here as well, .75" they say. We are in near drought conditions, and every time that they say that we will get rain, it fizzles out. They were talking to a corn farmer on the news yesterday, he was showing the reporter how underdeveloped that the corn crop was. Ears of corn were about 6" when they should be 10-12" at this time of year. Gotta believe that the apples will be affected this fall as well.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 09:02 AM
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Dan, same thing here for the farmers. Wheat and grain crops stunted. Pea crops (animal fodder) usually runs about 50 tons an acre is lucky to get 20. The corn crops just north of us are pretty stunted this year too. It's also used as animal feed since no one here is doing bio diesel or ethanol. Normally they're about 7' + tall but this year they'd be lucky to get to 5'. What a whacky spring and summer this has been.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 12:33 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful here and hot. No call for rain that I've heard. I think I'll go and throw some more of the neighbor's firewood over the fence.

Glenn I don't do that stuff until I'm at my appointment. Then I wait 6 weeks for the results. You know I think I'm done with this office. Tough to get anything out of them, a call back or whatever, I called to have my medicine redone and they said sure no problem we'll do it now. Went to pick it up today, nope haven't heard from them. The doctor acts like a spoiled child when I talk with him, He says lose weight. I see him two weeks later and he's pissy because I haven't lost a person. Give me a break.

Went to lunch this afternoon and the check engine light came on in the dogmobile. Came out of work still on, left Walmart and it's off. Classic oxygen sensor. Eh, I have until June to fix it.

Okay good afternoon to you all.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Allan, we are due for some rain here as well, .75" they say. We are in near drought conditions, and every time that they say that we will get rain, it fizzles out. They were talking to a corn farmer on the news yesterday, he was showing the reporter how underdeveloped that the corn crop was. Ears of corn were about 6" when they should be 10-12" at this time of year. Gotta believe that the apples will be affected this fall as well.
Now the price of that god forsaken ethanol will go up due to a corn shortage which will make the price of gas go up.
Mike, we have done pretty good on the doctors. I was concerned when we went on Medicare a few years ago. We have Humana a Medicare and it has worked pretty good so far. However we are in the donut hole now due to the medications my wife takes. She has two heart medications that the cost on is over $600/month. When you hit the donut hole your cost goes up significantly.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 02:14 PM
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Glenn, that really sucks. I had to look up what the donut hole is for your medicare part D. Sorry it costs you but the alternative is worse. On another sad note my Dr of the past 25 years is retiring in October. I now have to see if she has anyone she would refer me to.
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Old August 14th, 2018, 09:27 PM
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Well Allan, they changed the forecast, and we might get .1" of rain. Not good. They're forecasting rain again early next week, but no one can forecast that far out with any accuracy. Heck they went from .75" to .1" within 24 hrs, so I have no idea why they try.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 03:07 AM
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So, my 50th high school reunion falls on the same days as my sister in laws black tie son's wedding 100 miles away. It's a 2 day affair. I need some advice as to how to get out of this one

I'm hoping for the Apocalypse to come 1st

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 15th, 2018, 04:45 AM
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Mornin all.

Hope everyone is well. Not much changed here.

Jamesbo, good luck getting out of the wedding.

Mike have you tried changing his food? may be worth a shot.

Have a day.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 06:25 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Humpday has arrived. And is it ever weird looking outside. There's so much smoke in the air from the fires burning in BC that it looks surrealistic. Although the sky is overcast, everything looks orange..

Clint - Good to see you drop in again.

Jim - No idea. Mebbe burn all yer black ties??? Or put the cars in the shop for repairs?? Get someone to buy or schedule a funeral on that day??? Mebbe go to one day of each of em? Don't RSVP to either of em and just stay home?? I think the options are open for ya. So is 'first call' part of the morning reveille?

Dan - No idea how they come up with those forecasts. You'd think that with all the fancy schmantzy capability there is for monitoring wind and atmospheric conditions they could do better with the predictions. Not sure how you could not get more rain especially being so close to the great lakes.

I don't think I"m going to go out for my morning walk because the air quality is so bad.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 08:31 AM
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Jim, just head for the mountains and leave your electronic communication devices at home. Allan, what has been happening is when the storms hit Lake MIchigan they peter out. Unlike the lake effect snow that we get in the winter when storms pick up moisture and drops it on us, it drops the rain over the big lake instead. Frequently the air over the land is too dry. We need humid air and a few hours of sun to create the turbulence and rain, problem is, it gets overcast with a threat of rain (like now) but no afternoon heating to stir things up. Evening comes, it drops a few degrees, and nothing happens.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 11:11 AM
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Dan, it sounds much like the promise of nothing.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 03:13 PM
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Hi everyone.

Clint glad to see you stop in. Don't be such a stranger.

Such unrest at work today. Our lead was not there, and we got all big wheels all day, which was slow going, and we didn't get done in time to go home. So some guys stayed(I didn't) to finish up. The consensus was that the other lead sent main rims on purpose so we wouldn't get done, so we'd look bad. I don't know about that.

Went to get my medicine again today and still nothing. The pharmacy said they hadn't heard from them, so I went to the office and said please order it while I wait. The nurse du jour came up and said I don't understand this, we called it in twice. So she was going to call herself and also ask why they hadn't received the prescription. Then when I was driving home the nurse called me and said it will be ready. Not long after I got a text from the pharmacy saying it was ready. What a big waste of time.

Ran a couple errands this afternoon when I got home and went to the Awful house. I left the car running with the AC on for Tiger, and also the window down a little so I could get my hand in in case the door locked itself. Which it has done in the past. Not a terrific idea but seemed to be okay.

Jamesbo I'd go to the class reunion. Do you have any kind of relationship with this man? You'll have more occasion to see him than the others.

Last night I was dog tired and went to bed at 630. Slept good until 11 when Tiger wanted to go out, then slept on and off until 4. Not gonna be quite that early tonight but won't be too late.

Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old August 15th, 2018, 05:15 PM
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Good Evening Guys:
The hot weather is back. It was up in the mid 90's today and humid. Better than the 110 we had.
Jim, is the sister in laws son by a previous marriage? It really wouldn't matter to me if I wanted to go the 50th reunion. I would buy a nice gift and send it with regrets. If I remember correctly you just lost a class member and I would make mention of that. Unfortunately we are at an age (I am about 4 years older) where we won't see a lot of these people again. Good luck with it.
Mike, it sounds like your work place is like a lot of them that it has a lot of politics in it. Good luck with that. It sucks.
Allan, did you miss your walk this morning. I started walking yesterday. I have been a little lazy in the mornings and I can't get in that rut. I went for my walk yesterday and today. It is probably about a mile and a half. I try to keep the pace up and will eventually stretch it out to about to miles. When Lucy is healed up I will take her with me. I am not going to turn into an old man that dies in his recliner. Too much to do. The hot weather has been a little bit of setback. I have to get some weight off. I told my wife I am not just going to turn into a fat old man, just an old man.
Have a good evening guys.

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Old August 15th, 2018, 07:25 PM
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Glenn - yes I missed the walk. It was safer and healthier to stay inside. The AC filters out the smoke. The sky today was described by the news as Apocalyptic. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tonight I grilled some really nice lean burgers and melted some cheddar over top. Fresh buns and condiments along with sweet corn on the cob and tater salad. Burrp
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Old August 16th, 2018, 05:03 AM
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Well, the Chinese water torture has begun drip drip drip on your forehead.

Ya see, "It's not about me"

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 16th, 2018, 06:09 AM
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Good morning everyone

Tis the day of Thor so that means I'm outta here shortly to see da boyz and catch up on the drivel.

Jim - Yes, it's about you. Ax de supermodel what she'd do....
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Old August 16th, 2018, 09:52 AM
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Just got back from the farmers market. Blueberry turnovers, carmel corn to take to work, and a wood fired pizza. Yum.
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Old August 16th, 2018, 10:05 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
I was supposed to go have my monthly lunch with some of my former coworkers. One of them had a water main start leaking in his front year and another had something come up. So we cancelled for today. It is about 4 guys and they travel a good bit so it is hard to get a common day that works for everybody. We will try an reschedule the fist week of September after Labor Day.
Dan, sounds like a good trip to the farmers market. I love me some wood fired pizza. When I worked in NYC back in the 90's, a couple of my buddies and I used to go to Jon's Pizza in the village and get it. The place had been there since 1934. It remains the best pizza I have ever had.
Now I am changing my schedule for the day and will have to put together a new agenda. I may take the Olds up to the local Thursday afternoon gathering in the shopping center parking lot. It is mostly hot rods and TriFive Chevys but that okay. Mostly old farts in attendance.
Have a good day my friends
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Old August 16th, 2018, 12:43 PM
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Hi everyone.

Busy day at work. I signed off as many tires as I could, and then helped the other guys. Who needs a health club membership working there.

Well Glenn, I guess you've never been to Chicago and had pizza. My favorite is and will remain Chicago pizza. Stuffed, deep dish, thin crust, it's all the best to me. That being said, I believe that bad pizza is still good pizza. I used to say I'd eat pizza every day if I could. And then one day I saw someone who eats pizza every day. The pizza cook. Whoa nelly. Talk about a wide load.

So Jamesbo if the wedding is a two day affair, go to the reunion one day and the wedding one day. And then have a family come in the day of the wedding so you don't have to go.

Aretha Franklin has died. I'm not a fan of R&B or Soul but I'd listen to anything she sang. Don't know what got her but I heard she'd been ill for quite awhile.

Think I'll mow. Don't have to go anywhere this afternoon so Tiger and I can whoop it up in the back yard.

Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old August 17th, 2018, 05:07 AM
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Mornin all.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.

Mike, The missus could live on Pizza, and I like pizza too, but pizza doesn't like me.

Chance of rain this afternoon, we could use it. Just no hail. Been a bad year for it here this year. couple a storms produced baseball size and lots of golfball and bigger. Luckily not here at the house.

Well I'd better go see if I can resurrect that V10 in the shop.

Have a weekend.
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Old August 17th, 2018, 05:38 AM
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Clint, Glad ya found the time to drop in us. The hail damage I was speaking of earlier was in
Colorado Springs. Y'all sure have some weird weather

Headed Norte

Have a Great weekend Olds friends
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Old August 17th, 2018, 08:08 AM
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Mike, that's a good looking '67 for sale over on FB. Looks like your interested.
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Old August 17th, 2018, 10:27 AM
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Hi everyone.

Busy morning at work. Got out a little early. Done with that place now for 4 days.

Dan that is a nice looking car. I'd fly up to Ohio and drive it home. I believe this is the guy who was selling this car before, and when I asked him for a picture of the Fisher Body tag, he about had a meltdown saying he'd taken too many pictures already and talked to too many people and if I wanted to see the FB tag I was welcome to come see it. I said thank you, no. You must not sell cars very often.

Clint pizza is health food. It has flour, cheese, vegetables. So that pizza cook was -very- healthy.

So this afternoon I'm going to Lowes to get all my building material for the weekend. Hope it doesn't rain. This project will make things a lot more secure and look nicer. And it's a precursor to more projects in the back yard. I'm sure I'll have another list of things to do that has been gaining momentum since the last time I was there. Oh and I get to bring home the car. Got the Uhaul lined up, gonna bring some extra straps, it will be good.

Jamesbo say hi to Alan for us.

Okay gonna get to humping it. Lots to get ready so I can take Tiger to jail, get to bed early, and hit the road early. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 12:09 AM
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Good Morning everyone.

Long time again from last visit. Busy as usual. But soon its winter and i have all the time in the world again Averaging 70 hours a week, and friday is 8 hours, so that leaves ~60 hours for 4 days, you can calculate the rest…. Best thing is im totally happy there, great bunch of guys on the Group i am, and great supervisor.

Whats up with the rest? Jamesbo Still smacking whitey?
Could do some yard-work today, and spend some quality time with chainsaw.. Then the usual things at evening, sauna and beer and a good movie. And spend time with our boy.

But hey, have a great weekend everyone!
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Old August 18th, 2018, 04:23 AM
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Good morning everyone.

It's early, but not early enough. Wanted to be gone long before now, but it was so nice to sleep undisturbed I didn't wake up until after 6. Eh, they're calling for rain all weekend down there anyway.

So, got most things together, and as luck would have it the gas station is right next to Awful house.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'll check in here and there.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 07:00 AM
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Mike, Allan says, "Hi"

Looks like rain in the hills that's ok

Inline, Have you ever seen the movie "Ground Hog day" Glad you had time to check in

Have a great day olds friendss
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Old August 18th, 2018, 07:06 AM
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Good morning everyone,

The smoke from the fires in BC have made the air quality here really bad. Meteorologists have a scale to rate the air quality on an index 1-10 and ours is at 10+. Going outside is like breathing in second hand smoke all the time so I've been staying pretty much inside. Kinda boring. None of the rain that was forecast has showed up, so that's not new.

Jouni - with all that work you'll be rolling in money to work on your car. I'm glad to hear you're happy with everything and most important that you have a good supervisor and crew. Are you still working the milling machine?

Mike - Safe travels. Have a good time at your Moms.

Clint - I couldn't live on pizza. It's a nice treat once in a while but it's too loaded with carbs for me.

Hard to believe summer is almost over. In a way I wish it was so the temps would stabilize. I'm going to have to start giving away produce from my garden; there's just so much of it that I don't see how we're going to eat it.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 08:14 AM
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Morning Guys:
We are back to the hot weather with a high of 99 yesterday and more of the same today. Maybe a chance of rain on Tuesday. The idler pulley on the clothes dryer has gone out which is not a good thing in a house with three adults and two teenagers. It is a Samsung dryer that is only about 2 years old. I have the part ordered but it doesn't get here until next Thursday. Apparently this is a common thing with these dryers. It has a bushing in the pulley instead of a bearing. I was looking at the tag on the dryer to get the model number and find out it is made in Mexico instead of China. I will probably have to haul a bunch of clothes to the local washeteria to dry them. Then I can set up there with all the illegals that are doing their wash. Gonna be a fun time.
Hope everybody has a good weekend.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 09:33 AM
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Glad that you could drop in Jouni, been awhile. Good to see that work as been treating you right. Nothing planned here this afternoon, not even a car show. Got the dishwasher going, gonna go buy a dvd, and that'll be about it. Work tomorrow.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 09:39 AM
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Glenn - That's one reason I won't buy Samsung appliances. Their workmanship and reliability has deteriorated significantly over the years. Another one to avoid is LG, although they're finally offering consumer replacement parts up here. Have fun with the unwashed masses..
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Old August 18th, 2018, 09:46 AM
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Off from sauna, off from yard-work. Wifes feeding our boy, and after that were gonna watch movie. So some time on Computer, it seems. With a glass of quality rum

Jamesbo - No i havent. I dont watch comedy-movies if i can help it. Usually i just watch either war-, car/motorsport-related-, or historical movies. I watch really litlle TV or movies.

Allan R - No im not working on CMM anymore. Currently im asphalt raker in a group that does alot of private yards and so on. Im really enjoying it after driving 5 years in a row some machine, either asphalt paver or CMM. Getting much better shape doing some physical work instead of driving a machine, even i wasnt at all in bad physical condition anyways

redoldsman - Dryer is really rare here, like noone uses it. I quess its country-related thing. Cloth dryers get connected to "elite" really quickly up there.
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Old August 18th, 2018, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Glenn - That's one reason I won't buy Samsung appliances. Their workmanship and reliability has deteriorated significantly over the years. Another one to avoid is LG, although they're finally offering consumer replacement parts up here. Have fun with the unwashed masses..
Totally agree. No LG comes through our doors. They are total garbage. Even after all we heard, we once buyed LG. Or twice. First and last time. Microwave oven.. Just after a year it looked like a mini Tsernobyl..
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Old August 18th, 2018, 09:57 AM
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Oh, went to garage aswell today.

Installed this. Needs one support bar between seat-rails to complete the assembly, but it turned out good, and its allowed and insured to use with just a lap-belt.

Britax Römer Two-Way Elite
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