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Old September 13th, 2018, 05:57 AM
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Headed to the big city to have lunch with my cousin

Mike, Even if the vice pres snubs the wheel room, I find it fascinating

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old September 13th, 2018, 06:35 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Tis Thorsday but I'm gonna pass on going to see da boyz for brekkie. Just took out the trash and the ground is white for some strange reason. Enough of a reason to wear a coat. Sigh....

I think I'm going to have to take the Saturn in to the glass shop and have the rear window re-sealed. The other day when it was raining I had to get some bags that were on the right side of the trunk and they were damp. I pulled up the drop carpet liners and they were soaked. I can see where the water came in and it looks to be directly under the right side of the rear glass. Can't have that staying like that or the trunk will smell like mold and rot out. It's another MAW now that the little beast is running so well.

Cllint - Sorry to hear about Ruby. Earl is going to be heartbroken.

Marc - Gotta love it here huh? More white crap on the way apparently.
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Old September 13th, 2018, 09:04 AM
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Good Morning Guys:

Lucy and I just got back from our morning walk. That dog is so funny. She will keep me motivated since she is ready to go every morning. She starts watching me after breakfast and then starts going to the front door. She would be heartbroken if we didn't go. I went had had the Expedition inspected yesterday so we can renew the license. It can be done on line but I was planning on going to the tax office today to take my application for Viet Nam Veteran plates so I will just do it while I am there.
Allan I have a hard time believing your weather. It has been cooler here but is humid. The forecast says thunderstorms and sunshine. Goofy forecast. I had a water leak on the sunroof on our 2010 Ford Flex. The thing would not close all the way on the right hand side. It was crooked so it also left a gap on the back on the left side. I took it to a body shop and they got it closed most of the way and I had them disconnect the switches. When it rained last Friday it still leaked some so I got some silicone glass sealer and sealed it. The glass sealer is clear and is a little thinner and runs down in the cracks better. Success because it did not leak in the most recent rain.
That is about it guys. I am going to grab a shower and head to the tax office and then do some odd jobs and yard work. Have a good day all.

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Old September 13th, 2018, 11:56 AM
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Glenn - believe it sir. I just got back in from harvesting the grape tomatoes and large yellow tomatoes. In spite of covering everything last night some of them froze. Anyone know whether there's anything that can be made from slightly frozen green tomatoes before they get hucked? I really wish I had picked em yesterday but I was confident the covering would protect them. Sigh....

I took the Saturn in to a glass shop at 11:30 and showed them the water issue. The young fellow who was working on the car came to get me inside of 5 minutes. Turns out that when they blew compressed air along the right rear roof line they ended up with moisture coming out of a hole in the lower body seal inside the trunk where the drop off is. Since water takes the path of least resistance it apparently started pooling in the drop off and the jute acted as a capillary to draw moisture up to the side of the trunk liner. Anywho, they primed it and sealed it with some kind of urethane goop and said it should be good from now on. I'm kind of worried that moisture would be in the body seam sealant in the first place. For now I have it in the garage and will dry out the jute and liner later after I take the missus to her eye appointment.
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Old September 13th, 2018, 02:06 PM
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Well gang, Tomorrow bright and early I'm going to the Wedding from hell down at Reynolds plantation for 3 days

I've got my tux pressed, opera pumps dusted off and my golf bag ready to go.[Gonna play on Saturday] If there's a kill'in and I need some bail money I'll shout out

Have a great weekend Olds friends
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Old September 13th, 2018, 02:46 PM
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Jamesbo that's too bad. The class reunion lost out. Keep me on speed dial.

I did indeed stop at the Awful house on the way home. Still got home before 1. Messed around the house a little then went next door and broke up a bunch of plastic lattice that had been taken down, and oddly enough put in the fire pit. Gonna be early tonight so maybe I can go in early tomorrow. I've become an overtime hound. Well, gotta pay for this truck somehow.

And speaking of trucks, is the shipping industry that cut throat that the companies have to harass you to hire them? I asked for a quote late one night on one company's website(that turned out to be a broker) and now I have not less than 5 companies calling, texting, emailing EVERY DAY and won't let up. I've told them I don't need any transport. I've told them I'm not going to need any transport. I've told them they can call my attorney because they are annoying the $hit out of me. Nope, they are relentless. Eh, they are wasting their own time, I just push the ignore button on the phone.

Okay, gotta clean up in the kitchen a little then off to nighty-nightville. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old September 13th, 2018, 06:01 PM
Oh no, not again...
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The funny thing about winter is that you kind of get used to it, especially when it goes on for 9 months out of the year. I had a coin club meeting last night, went in when the grass was green came out and it was white. Luckily I still had my scraper and gloves in the car from the last snow dump about 3 months ago. Had Bing Crosby on my mind as I contemplated how much it always looks like Christmas around here.
Now it's coming down hard again, big white flakes. Trees and lawns are white. Good thing I don't have strong rope or guns, I'm Canadian after all.

Mike, shipping companies are relentless, there are too many of them and not enough stuff to haul. There are a lot of truckers out there and fuel is expensive, and sitting around means starvation.

Jamesbo, have fun at the wedding; - try not to get too disorderly, now I don't know any of the circumstances or the playesr in the wedding, but based on your description, although it might be tempting to, when the preacher asks if there are any objections, try not to give him any.

Allan, Edmonton is not fun to commute in, and they're only making it worse. Groat is a disaster. Yellowhead is going to be worse. Even the Henday is getting bad as the volume is going up by leaps and bounds. They could build another ring road to help with the load, nothing like having a highway running at 120% the moment the asphalt dries. Not enough arteries and what's there is too narrow. But, that what you get when you live in one of the geographically largest but most sparsely populated cities in the world; Edmonton has a larger footprint than New York or Tokyo does.

Glenn, there's nothing quite like the loyalty and unconditional love a dog can give. They're a great pick-me-up even when they fall on your nerves, and they are creatures of habit. We currently have a cat, who sees us as staff.

Well, time to worry about a late supper, - and try not to look outside. The cat is pissed that she can't go into the yard anymore, - it's too cold for her dainty feet. She just shredded my wife's slacks as if it's her fault...
Have a good evening!
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Old September 13th, 2018, 11:01 PM
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If there's a kill'in and I need some bail money I'll shout out
Who is this? Well, if you do need to get bailed out, I can't use my debit card, as it was compromised. I had an email from my banks fraud department, and there were a couple of charges. One from Saks 5th ave. N.Y., another from Nike (in Oregon), and a couple attempts for an Uber in San Fransisco. So my card has been cancelled, gotta go to the bank in the a.m. and apply for another one. It's a good thing that they caught it, as those first two charges would have made a big dent in my account.
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Old September 14th, 2018, 06:05 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Cold here, not at all like September is spoda be. 26° is not right - that's for the end of October. So definitely the heat is on in the house. Good thing we traded in the igloo for an insulated house years back I heard on the news a week ago that this fall was spoda be unseasonably warmer in the western provinces till late into November. Whoever forecast that was nuts based on what we are experiencing now.

I used my missus' hair dryer yesterday afternoon to dry the trunk insulation and put everything back to normal. Sprayed a little Febreeze in there to see what it would do. At first it seemed like it didn't work. Then I realized the trunk blanket that I use to keep the liner clean was the culprit of the bad odor. It came out and went into the wash. The trunk now smells purty and best of all it's back to being dry like it's spoda be. This car has been an adventure and learning curve over the past 2 years.

Dan - That's just nasty when that happens. I'm glad your bank caught it right away. That happened once to me with my Sears credit card. They called and asked if I had bought an expensive camera in Toronto which is a couple thousand KM away. I said no, and they cancelled the charge against my card, then issued a new one. I asked about how their security caught that and they explained that it didn't match my existing pattern of buying. Credit card companies do monitor logistics of their customers; things like where you buy, how much, $ value etc to form a pattern. If a purchase doesn't fall into that pattern parameters it sets off a red flag to call and verify.

Jim - Call me if you get into trouble. 1 800 Gun4hir Well at least you'll have one good day on Saturday at the links. Mebbe you could accidentally end up there more than one day.

Marc - You pretty much nailed it. On the + side, when all that construction is done at least the majority of the roads I use will have been completely upgraded and repaved. Edmonton has cheaped out on paving for so many years the roads were starting to look like the surface of the moon. I live in north central and have been pleasantly surprised to see a lot of paving happening here in the past 2 years. Way overdue and driving on fresh asphalt feels sooo nice. It should also extend the life of my cars suspension. Usually I use the Henday East which is much better designed IMO than the West leg. I avoid the West leg unless I have to go to WEM. Even then I really hate the traffic out there. Hahahaha, really? You get used to winter?? I'm calling BS

Mike - Speaking of wheels...I gotta get the winter tires set onto rims for the Malibu. Drop em off at Costco tomorrow. They have the best mount/balance in the area. Not anywhere as technical and dangerous as airplane tires. Glad to hear you're enjoying your new job.

Have a good Friday
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Old September 14th, 2018, 08:39 AM
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Good morning everyone.

This is the earliest we've gotten out since I've been in the shop. Thought about stopping at the Awful house but I know I'm going there tonight with Tiger, so skipped it. The big plus is it's still nice out so I have the opportunity to get something done. We'll see how I do.

Dan that was a good Seinfeld reference. Years ago my friend found out that his card was hacked when a bunch of us were at the store and he was paying for the booze. The card was declined and the rest of us howled. He was very embarrassed and confused. I went with him to the bank the next day and they said someone had gotten the number and spent thousands in Mexico(he was in So. Cal at the time). He wasn't on the hook and also got a new card, but he was pretty stressed about it.

Allan I wouldn't say airplane tires are any more technical than car tires. But they are scrutinized a lot more than car tires. And there's more at stake if one gives out. I've been signing the contract wheels all week and have only had two come back to me. The lead acts as the second set of eyes and brings us back the ones with mistakes so we can fix them. Both times it was something I was oblivious to. I hadn't been shown so I had no idea. Got it straight now, and I must say I'm pretty good at it.

Marc when I lived up home(Chicago area) I felt like I would get used to winter. Summer seemed so short and winter dragged on. I don't miss it one bit. Though it will get cold here in Atlanta, but not nearly for as long.

Well I got a few things to do and lunch is coming up. Hope everyone has a good Friday. Might go putter around a the shop a little while this afternoon.
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Old September 14th, 2018, 10:25 AM
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Well. it will be a couple of weeks until the new card arrives, so I will have to make sure to stop into the bank to get cash for the weekend (groceries) and whatever else I might need money for. I usually just carry a small amount of money during the week, using the debit card for everything else. I sure got dependent on it. Allan I know about the unusual spending habits that the card services use to monitor our purchases, as they declined my card at LL Bean a couple of weeks ago for that reason. They sent me an email to confirm that I had authorized the purchase, once I did, it was unlocked. Weird thing is that I used that card at LL Bean for years, so I don't know why they thought that it was an unusual purchase. Well the good is that they caught it, and saved my butt some money. Clint, the cars have rules to confirm to at Purestock, but these guys run quicker times than back in the old days when headers and slicks were allowed, along with a lot of other bolt on performance mods. Should be nice there, as the temps will be in the low 80's. Not good for the cars though, as the humidity will be high. My nieces son will be headed to North Carolina next week with a tree cutting crew, to assist in clean up. I suspect that he will be there awhile, working long hours.

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Old September 14th, 2018, 05:35 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Still cold is starting to get cold, believe it or not they never designed it with winter in mind, so dusted off the space heaters and burned the dust out of them...I work in a nickel plant that uses it's own autoclaves for heat, the problem is they don't extend to the office areas, so we freeze. The dayglo vests they ordered and made us wear do nothing for the cold...

Allan, you're right to call BS, but if I don't try and look for the silver lining, I'd be reaching for a rope. I'm really getting tired of winters and I'm not looking forward to another one. And yes, I've had a lot of suspensions wrecked on Edmonton's stellar pavement. Toronto is worse.
Dan, my wife had two credit cards hacked from England. Someone over there tried to buy a stereo system and a saddle, all within 3 months of one another. So the first card was compromised, and then 3 months later the second one was, and from the same location in England, so someone there was pretty productive at hacking. Change everything...
Mike, You probably hate people like me...I had a nasty habit when I was learning to fly of having my big feet covering the brakes, so when the plane hit the ground the wheels were locked. Made for some interesting smoke shows and flat spots on the tires...I eventually learned after my instructor threatened to charge me for the tires. But that's what happens whe you have size 14 feet; - badly engineered bloody airplanes!

So it'll be an early night tonight, heading off to Calgary tomorrow for a coin show. (Yeah, I know, it's too wild and crazy for some)!
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Old September 14th, 2018, 06:00 PM
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So Tiger must have decided I had too much money. While I was sitting here at the computer this afternoon Tiger was on the couch and he was licking, and licking, and licking, I finally got up to see what was up and he had these huge bumps all around the inside of his back legs. They went forward on his tummy and all around. No I didn't tell the vet they were on his junk. Well this is the first I had seen them so off to the vet we went. She comes in for a look and says it's an allergy. He must have gotten into something in the yard and it got infected and spread. So now he has medicine for the bumps and for scratching. I gave him the medicine when we got home and he hasn't scratched since, and he would do it all the time. Hm.

I had planned on going to the bank later in the afternoon and running a couple more errands, and then taking Tiger to the Awful house, but since we were at the vet, which is next door to the Awful house, we ran our errands and then went to the vet. That meant we didn't have to go out again when we got home.

Messed around with the Corvair a little this afternoon. I don't know if I told you guys that I backed into it with the pickup and knocked it off the jack stands. That wouldn't have been a huge deal except it didn't have back wheels at the time. It was resting on the outboard ends of the strut rods. I called a friend of mine who is a Corvair guru and he told me where to locate the jack so I could lift it up and get the wheels on it. Now I'm gonna take it back over to the shop because it's just in the way at the house.

Marc luckily the jetliners have big brake pedals and the pilots do rest their feet on them, so they can steer upon landing. They select how strong they want the autobrakes and then push the top of the pedals. So you have your pilots license now? What do you fly?

I think it's time for a snack. We're gonna hit the hay early, but it is later than a school night. No overtime tomorrow so we have the whole day. Don't know what I want to do yet.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old September 14th, 2018, 06:56 PM
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Good Evening Guys:

We just go back from Keaton's (oldest grandson) Friday night football game that was delayed due to weather. The one last week was cancelled. I just talked to my daughter and she said they had just reopened the stadium. I guess they will play the game but the band is on the buses and on their way back. So she will be picking him up shortly. He will be bummed they did not get to perform tonight.
It was only in the 80's here today but very humid. I worked on the Olds this afternoon. It has been leaking hot air on my feet. So last night when my wife and I got back from a quick trip to Jason's Deli (I parked where I could see the car) I decided to find where the leak was. Since it was dark I put a trouble light under the hood and got under the dash and looked for the light coming trough the firewall. There was a pretty good leak around the steering column. I got under there today with some strip calk and sealed it all. It should keep my feet a little cooler and keep some of the scent from the downdraft tube out of the car. While I had the Olds pulled out I pulled the Sea Doo's out and finally got my pictures taken. Now I can get them on Craigslist tomorrow.
Jim, I hope the golf goes well and the wedding is tolerable. It does sound like it is going to be a nice event.
Allan, keep the pictures of he sign coming. It is good humor. Stay warm (can't believe I am saying that).
Dan, credit cards are a necessary evil and can be a real pain. Seems like everytime I turn around I am getting something from B of A that my debit card has been compromised. It is hard to operate without one.
I hope all you guys have a good weekend.
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Old September 15th, 2018, 07:03 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Mo of de same ol same ol

Mike - I hope you can figure out what it is that got to Tiger. Doesn't sound like it's much fun for him.

Marc - Safe travels on the Queeny. I hate that road. It's worse than the Henday. Long way to go for a coin show but maybe you'll find something you want. Are you setting up a booth to sell some stuff?

Jim - I have no idea what to predict since it's a new course so I'm gonna say 48/49 cuz you might not be in the mood.

We made some spicy salsa yesterday. (I put in 7 Jalapenos and 4 habaneros to the mix). Yesterday yielded 9 quarts. Another batch will be on the burner today for about the same amount.

Glenn - Yes sir, here ya are!

Not an outside day so I might watch a couple of footy ball games. Enjoy your Saturday.
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Old September 15th, 2018, 08:01 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Been a productive day already. Awful house first thing, mailed some letters, went to the bank. I've got some yard work to do and then some piddling at the shop for a little while. Beautiful out.

I gave Tiger his medicine when we got home yesterday and this morning most of the spots had cleared up. Like magic. He still scratches a little but not near what he was doing. My yard is overgrown in places and he like to play in it so it's probably some reaction to a weed or the dirt, who knows. I do know that in the morning when I go to the store I need to get more cheese. He tries to eat the pills like a treat, but they're small and ends up spitting them out. Wrapped up in cheese they go right down.

Wish London would show back up. I need some info on the BMW Z3. Seems to me he has one. He's sure to be in the throws of renovating his vintage mansion.

So it's off to it, hope everyone has a good Saturday.
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Old September 16th, 2018, 09:23 AM
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Well, I survived

Yo truely appreciate this wedding, ya really have to have seen the movie "the Wedding Crashers"
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Old September 16th, 2018, 10:12 AM
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Good morning everyone,

When is the insanity gonna end? Now we're being told that warm temps wont show till summer next year. I don't think Costco is in the cards today.

Hmmm, the background on this seems so approprate
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Old September 16th, 2018, 11:04 AM
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Hello Guys:
Jim, we are going to need more details on the wedding. How did the golf go?
Allan, is that sign close to your home or does somebody post it everyday? Very funny. You are really getting the winter weather. We are supposed to be back in the mid 90's next week and the humidity is horrible.
I went to a local car show yesterday at the Country Burger. Turnout was pretty light due to the threat of rain. It did a very light sprinkle. I had to scramble around and put all my car show props (parking meter, car hop tray and drive in speaker) away and put the top up. Then the rain stopped and I realized I had taken my towels out to wash them and did not put them back in the car. So I walked down to Tuesday Morning and spent 7 buck for a big white bath towel. I dried the car off and let the top dry and put it back down. Somehow I managed to take the Best of Show trophy which surprised me. Participants vote on classes and then best of show car and truck. I don't know how they select best of show. That is the second time I have taken a Best of Show award. The last time was last year at a show sponsored by the Lions Club. That was a slam dunk because there were old guys picking the car. I have attached a picture of the trophy. I hate it when these things come our sideways.

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Old September 16th, 2018, 11:45 AM
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Golf was great, Reynolds plantation is a 1st class place and has about 6 beautiful courses in the middle of no ware Georgia [all on lake Oconee.]

Wedding, picture a few hundred white chairs, now picture a bunch of 19-24 rich kids and bimbos with way too much time and champagne, All the young girls were in strapless gowns showing plenty of erasers

Get it got it, good
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Old September 16th, 2018, 12:54 PM
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Allan, I don't want to see snow for at least two more months, December would be soon enough. Glenn, nice trophy. Went to pure stock, took pics and got a good sunburn. I see that it's Scot's birthday, happy b day Scot!
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Old September 16th, 2018, 01:39 PM
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Hi everyone.

Can't make up its mind if it wants to rain or not. It's been cloudy all day and it will mist then stop then mist some more.

I was at the shop cutting up some firewood when a friend of mine called. I know from experience to shut everything down and figure that's it for the day. Yup, two hours later we were done on the phone. He'll talk your ear off for hours and you can't get a word in edgewise, and then all of a sudden he'll say, okay gotta go and hang up. Just like that. But if you say you have to go, he keeps on with, oh what about his, one more thing, etc. I don't talk to him that often, just part of being friends with him I guess. My phone was down to 3% charge.

Glenn that sign is actually near Clint. I see those signs on facebook all the time. Pretty clever that guy is. Do you have a dedicated area for all your trophies?

Jamesbo glad you survived the wedding. Why do you call them erasers?

Got my weekly shopping done and I'm in for the duration. Bending over running that chain saw really wears my back out. I got a couple days worth of wood done anyway, add it to the pile I should do pretty well this winter.

Well tomorrow starts another week. Hope everyone does well in it. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old September 16th, 2018, 02:48 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Well, survived the Queen-E and Calgary yesterday. It actually was a n easy drive, not too much traffic and the temps stayed above freezing for the most part. It was "sleeting" outside of Wetaskiwin, but the highway wasn't slick. I ended up buying some watches at the coin show, - go figure that...didn't see one coin I actually wanted. The Calgary market is very different from ours here in Edmonton, they only look at Canadian Decimal coinage, whereas we're all over the map. We hold the largest coin show in Canada, which is pretty much the equivalent of a mid-market US show. The Calgary show is about 1/3 the size of ours, and they don't get 1/2 the people in the door as we do. We typically fill the place.
So I ended up buying some parts watches, it turns out they're actually better than parts grade. One is already in my pocket, a nice gold one from 1907, the other is an 1897 Elgin that really could use a new case. Turns out the movement is a lot better grade and calibre than I initially thought. Then I also got an Omega Bumper automatic from 1947, it runs, but it looks like it needs a mainspring. It doesn't wind up and it only runs 15 minutes. Well worth the investment to put a new spring in though, have to read up about doing it on that model.
So I have plenty of winter projects stacking up, good thing it looks like winter is setting in so I can get started. Yeah, right...
I'm liking the idea of pencil erasers more and more...
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Old September 16th, 2018, 08:09 PM
golden rocket
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Pencil erasers? is that like PX Teeth? Those are the kind that give your dentures cavities if something is to sweet. Picked up that PX Teeth slang way back when I was around the South China Sea. Confused the wife first time I told her that the sweet tea was giving my false teeth cavities. Took her a minute or two to catch it.
Never did care for cold weather, having grown up in Pittsburgh (where the Steelers lost to Kansas City today. defense on the Steelers looked pretty bad).
Still, slowly, working on the Golden Rocket a lot of grief on the fuel tank and sending unit. About 1/4 of the rheostat on sending unit is worn off(?), probably go with a universal one, as long as it is 0-90 ohms resistance. Did get the tank boiled out, and have blown out the lines w/compressed air. Mamas' she-shed comes first on any given day, but after 48 years there ain't nothing I wouldn't do for her.

Ready for cooler weather in low to mid 80s', and cooler mornings so I can drink coffee on the back porch.
have a good one.
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Old September 17th, 2018, 03:26 AM
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Well, Tis Monday

Have a great day Ols friends
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Old September 17th, 2018, 06:05 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Yayyyy! First day I'm not waking up to rain or snow!!!

Jim - since y'all did so well at the other course I'm gonna say the practice will net ya around 44/42

Glenn - The Indian Hills sign is located in Colorado, not near me. The guy who created it (Vince) and changes the message is a client of Lynne's (Clints wife). He has a really good sense of humor doesn't he? I just love passing along a good laugh.

Marc - Good to hear the trip was productive. I don't have the patience for taking watches apart and such. I'll leave that to the folks like you who aren't intimidated by thousands of tiny precision parts.

Glenn - Congratulations on the Best of show trophy! Here it is right side up
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Old September 17th, 2018, 09:32 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
I just got back from the morning walk. I downloaded the MapMyWalk app on my phone and this was the first morning I have used it. The distance was 2.62 miles. I want to get that up to three miles so I am going to have to add a little to it. It is only 82 degrees (I know you guys in Canada thinking that is crazy) but the humidity is 70%. I have a few things on tap in the office today.
Mike, I get more plagues than trophies which is probably a good things since it is easier to hang them on the wall than find a place to sit them. I was a little surprised by this one on Saturday. Winning awards is okay and some guys get real serious about it. I do okay but to me car shows are about having a good time and chatting with people.
Jim, glad you survived the weekend.
Allan, thanks for standing my picture up. I was kind of expecting you to do that. I have never seen that sign before because I don't do facebook. Stay warm and dry.

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Old September 17th, 2018, 11:02 AM
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Sorry to disappoint you Allan, But my buddy I played with Saturday is REALLY good. shot a 62 in his sleep while trying to help me with my game [mostly my"towards problemo}

Anyway, either my head was full of too many new swing thoughts or I was still thinking about all those young things at the wedding and their Puppy dogs. Anyway could get near 94 today Played like a goat

It's tres difficult to be a dirty ole man and a decent golfer
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Old September 17th, 2018, 12:22 PM
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Hi everyone.

Busy day in the wheel shop. But the pressure is off, Monday is done with. Stopped by the credit union on the way home.

Summit tonight. I totally forgot about it last week. Don't even remember what I was doing. Nice out so I hope it's a good turn out.

Not much else. Good to see you're still kicking, Mike.

Think I can putter around outside before I leave for the show. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old September 17th, 2018, 12:42 PM
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Well, jury duty was only 4 hours as I was dismissed by the attorney for the defense. I musta looked at him funny or sumthin'. Breaks my heart....NOT! In the meantime here's some car pics from the Purestock Drags.
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Old September 17th, 2018, 12:50 PM
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Wow, tanks fer the pics. You must live in a very nice neighborhood.There are sum high priced cars in our pics
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Old September 17th, 2018, 01:09 PM
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Definitely the Rebel Machine!
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Old September 17th, 2018, 01:19 PM
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You must live in a very nice neighborhood.
I would say that the owners of these cars live in nice neighborhoods.
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Old September 18th, 2018, 04:37 AM
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Kept thinking we'd get some rain from the hurricane, but barely a sprinkle so I need to water today

Got a family coming late this afternoon. I'd tried to tell them traffic would be murder but they wanta come anyway

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old September 18th, 2018, 07:10 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Might be a decent day for a change. At least the sun is out.

Yesterday the boy and I loaded up the rims and tires to be mounted at Costco. Dropped them off with Mike (how's that for irony?) who stacked them next to the tire machine. Went in to the counter and got the invoice done. They said it would be end of day they'd be done and took my cell phone number. We decided to pick up a few things while we were there and had just picked up a flat of strawberries and raspberries when the phone rang. Yup, 20 minutes and the tires were done. Wow, that was quick service.

Heading to curling practice for 11. Another test of the Groat congestor.

Dan - Nice pics of the Pure Stocks. Lots of nice cars, including the 69 HO that Jim sold after it burnt and got rebuilt. Looks like there were 4 of them?

Jim - 62 in his sleep?? Sure as heck he musta found something to help you break the 40's you usually shoot. Good luck plantin dat family since dey will all be murdered when dey get there.

Have a good one.
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Old September 18th, 2018, 08:43 AM
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Allan, five H/O's of the vintage kind. Two '68's, and three 69's, one which did not race (the drag car). There was talk over on one of the facebook pages of someone picking up a former '69 H/O drag car recently, I'm not sure if this was it or not. One of the '68's had the dealer installed white interior, which I believe only two or three were done that way. Gotta go into work early to drop of my proof of jury duty, so I can get paid for it. A lot of companies do not pay their empoyee's wages when they have jury duty. Ours does.
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Old September 18th, 2018, 03:33 PM
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Hi everyone.

Good day at work. Went in early, and we didn't finish because a couple people thought they'd rather screw around, so I stayed a little late. Eh, pay's good. Gonna try to go in early tomorrow.

So last night I drove down to Summit for the car show. It was weird, a few cars here and there, and the lot full of regular cars. Then I get around the corner and there's no welcome tent, and no DJ. Signs on the door said because of predicted inclement weather, the cruise in was cancelled. What a crock. It was 85* and sunny, and no rain had been predicted all day. I wonder what the real reason was. They lost, I didn't buy any oil.

Gonna hit the sack as soon as it starts getting dark. Two was early this morning and it will come early tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
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Old September 18th, 2018, 07:27 PM
Oh no, not again...
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So something interesting came in the mail today, something I picked up relatively cheap on line.
It's a Gruen wristwatch, dated mid to late 50s. It's got "Oldsmobile Service Guild " in a round logo with a Rocket in it. I'd like to know more about it. It wasn't a retirement watch, those were usually gold and I think Oldsmobile went to Wittenauer or Longines for those. The Gruen movement is just as good, I'd even say better than the Longines group. In fact, the "Precision" works in Switzerland builds for Rolex these days. Besides, Gruen was technically an American company, they were headquartered in New York but built in Switzerland using American designs.
So was this something they awarded mechanics who passed a certain test? Or was this something they gave salesmen? Either way, right now it needs a hell of a good cleaning inside and out before it'll run again.
Here's a picture of it in it's raw form prior to cleaning;
Have a great evening!
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Old September 18th, 2018, 07:59 PM
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442? Clone? cowl tag

Wondering if anyone can verify that this tag belongs to an actual 442 and not a clone...ive different things regarding 33687 and 34437
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Old September 18th, 2018, 11:35 PM
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It would have been smart to post this in the general forum by itself. O.K., 33687 is a 1969 Cutlass S Holiday Coupe. There is no such thing as a 34437, you may have mis read the number. To confirm that it is a 442, look at the VIN tag at the base of the windsheild on the drivers side. If a 442, then it will start with 34467 (convertible), 34477 (two door club coupe), or 34487 for a Holiday coupe. It is well know that many Lansing built 442's used the Cutlass data tag in 1968 and 1969, instead of a 442 data tag. This is covered in the Fisher Body Manual. So, check the VIN, and tell us the results.
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