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Old February 19th, 2021, 07:11 PM
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For those interested in obtaining the most recent updates to research conducted on SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19 sign up for the NIH newsletter.

Sign up for Free NIH Email Updates
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Old February 19th, 2021, 07:33 PM
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The publication inseminated by the news media which was one of several spawning the debate (January 25, 2021).

SOURCE: Israel’s Early Vaccine Data Offers Hope
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Old February 19th, 2021, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by edzolz
All I want to say is this,,, Anybody who doesn't get this vaccine is either a fool or has a death wish. The regular flu only makes you sick, this can kill you.
Government's around the world state the world is over populated by 25 percent I personally don't have any intentions on getting this vaccine anytime soon, hope I'm wrong but this could very well be a way of thinning the herd Covid was a bio lab creation made in a lab do you really think there a gonna stop there and now we have the new UK strain , hay you may want to wait in line for that vaccine too , also tell me where the common flu went or even the common cold give your head a shake buddy your no safer then the rest of us these vaccines only change your natural immune system injecting cemicals into your body may be your solution and good luck with that , and for your information many people die from the flu every year get your fac's! right
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Old February 19th, 2021, 09:04 PM
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I personally don't see how this vaccine is going to solve anything. they tell you once you get it you still have to ware the stupid mask and social distance. Why do I need this vaccine if nothing is going to change????
If people think this covid crap is going to go away they are sadly mistaken. The Bubonic Plague wiped out two thirds of Europe 700 years ago and is still here today.
You can thank the politicians for instilling fear into everyone and hyping this hysteria.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 09:15 PM
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Comparing bubonic plague which is a bacterium (curable via antibiotics) to a positive sense mRNA virus is about the same as comparing a sbc to a sbo. 😂
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Old February 20th, 2021, 07:41 AM
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As of today I have one less tooth since they extracted my #2 molar yesterday - it served me well, but the body rusted off its frame.

The purpose for any of my interjections into COVID-19 is not to persuade anyone to get vaccinated - that is an individual choice. I'll attempt to inject scientific facts and knowledge regarding SARS-CoV-2 and the scientific basis of facts regarding this virus when I believe it assists in furthering knowledge and eliminating rumors and falsehoods. It's not my intention to fight. If I appear austere or cavalier in my statements, I apologize - perhaps a better choice of words and/or formation of more constructive statements on my part would present for a better more constructive argument. It only happens I am a CO member with an academic and applied background in virology, immunology, microbiology, bio-molecular chemistry, evolution & genetics. I spent the greater half of my adult life working as a bio-molecular engineer. There really are folks who have these backgrounds and we walk normally among the masses - most often completely void of conversations with others since this field lends itself to us freaks.
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Old February 20th, 2021, 08:04 AM
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Atta boy Norm, and if anybody has seen someone die of this virous I would think you would rethink your choices. It can be a long suffering lonely way to check out. Not my choice....Tedd
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Old February 20th, 2021, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Tedd Thompson
..if anybody has seen someone die of this virous I would think you would rethink your choices...
Our medical cancel culture has not informed us that our first priority should always have been to make sure to
  • take a Vitamin D supplement daily and verify our Vitamin D blood level is 60 to 80 ng/ml.
  • take zinc and quercetin or zinc and hydroxychloroquine daily.
  • have on hand a nebulizer and 0.1% food grade hydrogen peroxide to wipe out any lung problem at the first sign.
It is our responsibility to stay healthy instead of living in fear.

I'm old; I've had the Wuhan Virus. And because I'm healthy I was over it in 5 days. But as you say, Tedd, it's not a fun infection.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
It really isn't new findings - it's really a matter of the news outlets who publish news. If you'll recall here in the United States this was brought up several weeks ago when a debate ensued regarding getting more Americans vaccinated with a single dose rather two doses so that more could be inoculated sooner. In effect resulting in more vaccinated with a single dose and removing "reserved" stocks of the second dose. That information and idea was quickly squashed.

Per Dr Fauci, the second injection of Moderna or Pfizer gives you roughly 10 times the level of the antibodies relative to just one injection. This cushion is needed to protect you from effects of the variants.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 08:15 AM
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Many of my family are in the health care business and they and I worry a lot. There personal experiences and mine (not media hype) make this a dangers time for the whole family. Two of my ex wives had had the virous one was in intensive care for four days and on oxygen for a month the other didn't get very sick but her room mate (extended care residence) died of the virous at the same time she was sick. She hasn't see my daughter or the grand kids since before Christmas because of the shut down. My Old Man is now 94 but in really good shape but he is still 94.I on the other hand I'm running around short 1/3 of my left lung with asthma to go with it also, so we all are at high risk. This corvid thing is bigger than you think and it's not going to go away anytime soon.... Enough of my rant... Be safe out there..... Tedd
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Old February 21st, 2021, 08:39 AM
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I went for my 1st shot yesterday. I specifically asked the pharmacist if it's true they put a microchip in the shot to track people, determine what we eat for late night snacks, or if they can monitor my impure thoughts. He said that was not true so it was a go for me! I've had no issues at all.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by mrolds69
I went for my 1st shot yesterday. I specifically asked the pharmacist if it's true they put a microchip in the shot to track people, determine what we eat for late night snacks, or if they can monitor my impure thoughts. He said that was not true so it was a go for me! I've had no issues at all.
Were you able to keep a poker face when you asked him those questions? I saw someone say that they were looking forward to being able to receive 5G directly into their neural pathways, I thought that was a good one.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 09:39 AM
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Has anyone ever heard of Darwinism?
My wife is scheduled to get her shot next week. I plan on getting it as soon as it is available for me. My oldest son out in St. Louis will get his when he can. That still wont stop me worrying about him though. My other 2 son's here at home will get theirs too. Anyone who doesn't want to get one, that's fine with me. You were crowding up the gene pool anyway. Just please stop putting out disinformation about it. That is just plain wrong.

By the way JIMS w30, do you want to know where the regular flu went? Nowhere, that's where. It's still around, but since many people are wearing masks and distancing themselves, it's not spreading the way it normally does.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 09:45 AM
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I get my second shot this week and my wife gets her first. I had no reaction or even a sore arm from the first. Reactions to the second seem to vary a lot. My brother had no reaction and some folks have a pretty bad reaction that last about 24 hours.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 10:32 AM
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My 90 yr old dad & 76 yr old stepmom just got their 2nd shots yesterday so far so good. My Dad had no problems at all, my stepmom did have a pretty sore arm but that was all. Ohio hasn't reach my age group for the vaccine yet, I'm 60 & right now it's for 65 & up. I'm not in any hurry to get it but I probably will. It just scares me that it was developed so fast!! Who knows what the long term effects will be????
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Old February 21st, 2021, 10:58 AM
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I know Rob, that was my worry, too. Suppose I start growing a unicorn horn, where will I ever find a hat to wear?
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Old February 21st, 2021, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by rob1960
My 90 yr old dad & 76 yr old stepmom just got their 2nd shots yesterday so far so good. My Dad had no problems at all, my stepmom did have a pretty sore arm but that was all. Ohio hasn't reach my age group for the vaccine yet, I'm 60 & right now it's for 65 & up. I'm not in any hurry to get it but I probably will. It just scares me that it was developed so fast!! Who knows what the long term effects will be????
I'm thinking either an ever increasing vaccine schedule where you will have to be a good citizen to get it, or everyone's going to get cancer in 3 years or something.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 11:32 AM
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Nobody knows the long term effects of covid either. We do know that it can kill you.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 11:49 AM
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To help understand some basics about the vaccine. mRNA recombinant technology was developed in 1990 (I personally began using mRNA recombinant transfection technology in 1991 & throughout my career). Your body normally makes RNA from DNA. The DNA enclosed in the nucleus of your cells, produces RNA & the RNA is sent outside of the nucleus into the cytoplasm (cytosol) of your cells where the RNA is read and produces every amino acid and protein in your entire body. RNA does not go backwards into your nucleus and therefore you have no chance of growing extra digits, thorny horns, etc. Additionally, the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA has all replication motifs (RNA) deleted. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA virus is not capable of reproducing inside any of your cells and it is not capable of producing extra digits, thorny horns, etc by recombining with any DNA inside of your cells. - again, because the replication (RNA) genes have been deleted. RNA doesn't last very long inside of the cell - it is quickly degraded by enzymes inside the cytoplasm. Once the mRNA vaccine is inside your cell's cytoplasm, your cells begin to produce antibodies directed towards the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The production of these SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is why you are taking the vaccine - to help you develop a rapid and beneficial immune response to fight off a SARS-CoV-2 infection should you become infected.

There are generally two adverse reactions: (1) Anaphylactic shock - the reason you must remain for ~15' post-injection. These are rare ~1:1,000,000 injections. The onset of anaphylactic shock occurs rapidly - generally w/in several minutes; (2) Liposomal allergic reaction - Liposomes are used as the carrier substance (molecules) to deliver the vaccine. They're made of (basically) fat molecules (phospholipids) - every cell in your body is surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer. However, the liposomes used to deliver this vaccine (and generally all vaccines) is not endemic (germane, naturally occurring) to your body. Since the vaccine is an adjuvant vaccine (enhances delivery) there is a whopping number of liposomes to deliver the vaccine. Most reactions involve muscle pain discomfort, joint swelling discomfort, headache, lethargy, etc. and subside w/in 24-48 hrs.

NOTE: This vaccine is being delivered with what is referred to as a pegylated carrier. Those same liposomes I just explained have a PEG molecule associated with them (which makes this vaccine a strong adjuvant vaccine). This increases the half-life of the mRNA so it remains longer in the cytoplasm and you can produce more antibodies faster. PEG (as most of you know stands for Polyethelene Glycol); yes, that's correct - used in the original formulation for antifreeze. However, don't be overly concerned as nearly all medicines you have ever taken in your life including nearly every single metal can and most plastic containers have a PEG surrounding. Some people have developed antibodies to PEG and they may experience an allergic reaction to the PEG - most will not. If anyone does develop a reaction to the PEG - it's because of the amount of PEG used in the vaccine coupled with the fact that person probably has antibodies developed to PEG. In this case scenario, it's the antibodies towards PEG which may cause an anaphylactic shock - again, 1:1,000,000 injections.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 11:49 AM
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On a more serious note, I'd agree it's a bit concerning about the long term effects. I'm not really trying to make a joke about it. I'm if our life expectancy is presently 77, I figure what the hey. I think if you're younger, if your wife is pregnant,'s different for everybody. Everybody has to decide what's best for them and their family(s). Obviously, if it's later found the vaccine causes cancer, or liver failure or something, that would suck. But...I think anybody who thinks the whole Covid thing is a total hoax is either not thinking, or reading enough.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
To help understand some basics about the vaccine. mRNA recombinant technology was developed in 1990 (I personally began using mRNA recombinant transfection technology in 1991 & throughout my career). Your body normally makes RNA from DNA. The DNA enclosed in the nucleus of your cells, produces RNA & the RNA is sent outside of the nucleus into the cytoplasm (cytosol) of your cells where the RNA is read and produces every amino acid and protein in your entire body. RNA does not go backwards into your nucleus and therefore you have no chance of growing extra digits, thorny horns, etc. Additionally, the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA has all replication motifs (RNA) deleted. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA virus is not capable of reproducing inside any of your cells and it is not capable of producing extra digits, thorny horns, etc by recombining with any DNA inside of your cells. - again, because the replication (RNA) genes have been deleted. RNA doesn't last very long inside of the cell - it is quickly degraded by enzymes inside the cytoplasm. Once the mRNA vaccine is inside your cell's cytoplasm, your cells begin to produce antibodies directed towards the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The production of these SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is why you are taking the vaccine - to help you develop a rapid and beneficial immune response to fight off a SARS-CoV-2 infection should you become infected.

There are generally two adverse reactions: (1) Anaphylactic shock - the reason you must remain for ~15' post-injection. These are rare ~1:1,000,000 injections. The onset of anaphylactic shock occurs rapidly - generally w/in several minutes; (2) Liposomal allergic reaction - Liposomes are used as the carrier substance (molecules) to deliver the vaccine. They're made of (basically) fat molecules (phospholipids) - every cell in your body is surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer. However, the liposomes used to deliver this vaccine (and generally all vaccines) is not endemic (germane, naturally occurring) to your body. Since the vaccine is an adjuvant vaccine (enhances delivery) there is a whopping number of liposomes to deliver the vaccine. Most reactions involve muscle pain discomfort, joint swelling discomfort, headache, lethargy, etc. and subside w/in 24-48 hrs.

NOTE: This vaccine is being delivered with what is referred to as a pegylated carrier. Those same liposomes I just explained have a PEG molecule associated with them (which makes this vaccine a strong adjuvant vaccine). This increases the half-life of the mRNA so it remains longer in the cytoplasm and you can produce more antibodies faster. PEG (as most of you know stands for Polyethelene Glycol); yes, that's correct - used in the original formulation for antifreeze. However, don't be overly concerned as nearly all medicines you have ever taken in your life including nearly every single metal can and most plastic containers have a PEG surrounding. Some people have developed antibodies to PEG and they may experience an allergic reaction to the PEG - most will not. If anyone does develop a reaction to the PEG - it's because of the amount of PEG used in the vaccine coupled with the fact that person probably has antibodies developed to PEG. In this case scenario, it's the antibodies towards PEG which may cause an anaphylactic shock - again, 1:1,000,000 injections.
Norm, the problem isn't the lack of information, although I appreciate your patience leveraging your profession to advise us; rather, the problem is a lack of trust in most of the world's governments, many of whom are aligned in a globalist agenda that does not include us and our current way of life, and I will stop there. I will probably get the vaccine in a few years, once the best one has determined itself and proven to have no lethality or permanent side effects.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 12:09 PM
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Norm, thank you for being the nerd that you are (I mean that as a compliment, from one nerd to another) and explaining the biology and science involved. I can use the info you provide to talk intelligently to people I know that have their doubts. While most of it would go over their heads, it never hurts to hit them with facts and try to alleviate their fears thru dialogue.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Koda
Norm, the problem isn't the lack of information, although I appreciate your patience leveraging your profession to advise us; rather, the problem is a lack of trust in most of the world's governments, many of whom are aligned in a globalist agenda that does not include us and our current way of life, and I will stop there. I will probably get the vaccine in a few years, once the best one has determined itself and proven to have no lethality or permanent side effects.
You obviously know from a previous post of mine, but again - I have no intention of convincing anyone to get the vaccine or not get the vaccine - that is entirely up to the individual.
I'll take a moment (for anyone interested) to highlight several other SARS-CoV-2 vaccines which are and will be released shortly. These are not mRNA recombinant vaccines, but instead they are adenoviral vaccines which include the vaccines from Oxford University/AstraZeneca (the UK), Cansino Biologics (China), Sputnik V (Russia) and Janssen Pharmaceuticals/Johnson & Johnson (the Netherlands and USA). I believe there exists something on the order of about 100 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in development and somewhere around maybe ten which are currently being used worldwide. I believe general consumer knowledge might focus around the two types of vaccines: mRNA recombinant vaccines vs. adenoviral vaccines. That might help to limit confusion (maybe) or enhance understanding (maybe).
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Old February 21st, 2021, 12:59 PM
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Some believe :Herd Immunity is on the rise rJpy9aeBQRJx6B2Kop03MZpda8
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Old February 21st, 2021, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by mrolds69
...I think anybody who thinks the whole Covid thing is a total hoax is either not thinking, or reading enough.
I don't think it's a hoax, but I do think people on both sides of the aisle have used it to advance agendas that should never, ever, have been part of research and treatment plans. Also to frighten people into submission with the ultimate goal of more control.

Being a Southerner of Scots descent, that aspect of it bothers me greatly. OK- it pisses me off. Don't use a health emergency to advance your nefarious schemes.

If I never see Dr Fauci's weaselly little face on TV again, I won't regret it.
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Old February 21st, 2021, 01:32 PM
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We have to follow the science when it comes to the COVID, but we should not follow the science when it comes to gender. I wish they will print a manual when and when not to follow the science.
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Old February 23rd, 2021, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Bfg
We have to follow the science when it comes to the COVID, but we should not follow the science when it comes to gender. I wish they will print a manual when and when not to follow the science.
Not very complicated science, males have things that females don't have and females have things males don't have. Some people are so easily confused.
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Old February 23rd, 2021, 06:28 AM
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And with what the females have they can get all the things the males have anytime they want it
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Old February 23rd, 2021, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
And with what the females have they can get all the things the males have anytime they want it
Bish ain't gettin' MY Olds keys!!! No way!

We're still waiting. We intend on getting the shots. I don't care who else wants to or not. It may not turn out to be Captain America's shield, but I'll take a garbage can lid over running and hiding any day. Low risk of dying if you get it, but I don't want to be in that percentile if I don't have to. I'd rather boost my protection if given the choice. There's probably a higher chance of getting Covid than getting f**ked up by the shot, so, shot it is.

After working a long-time at an FDA-compliant facility at one of the world's oldest drug companies, there's way more red tape than needs to be at the FDA. A typical authorization to make saleable product takes, ON AVERAGE, 3 to 5 years for a new drug from the first manufactured test run to the FDA approval. Many inspections, quality checks, etc., must be endured before they'll even bother with the thumbs up or down. Some of the inspectors they send out were real hard core. They did not care if it cost you time or money, only that what you say you would make and how you make it was up to cGMP standards and that you did what you said you would and the product did what you said it would. And NEVER do anything with it OFF LABEL. They'll find you and fine the crap out of you. It took us about 4 years for approval. Technically they could have done it in 3, but the FDA played drag the feet game for a while. That said, the operation warp speed was indeed, warp speed for the development and emergency approval for the drug. Will there be concerns doing it this fast? Certainly. But Pfizer, Moderna, and now J&J aren't novices when it comes to drug development. The efficacy rate is astounding as well. But even with flu shots, there are some that don't get them for whatever personal reason. If you don't want it, don't get it.

I do feel that there's been way too much control handed over to governors in some places that don't have a clue what they're doing. And because of that, I truly believe the fear-mongering by the press and others will soon make it MANDATORY that you prove you have been vaccinated before boarding flights, boarding cruise line ships, and getting into Federally-owned parks, etc., etc. Under HIPPA I'm not sure how a flight attendant may have any business asking you about your health records, but "Show me your papers" is going to get real pretty soon. I just have this feeling. I hope I'm wrong.
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Old February 23rd, 2021, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Destructor
Not very complicated science, males have things that females don't have and females have things males don't have. Some people are so easily confused.
And others are just plain obstreperous.

If you were born with boy parts you're a boy. Likewise girl parts you're a girl. If your brain tells you otherwise, well... at least don't be angry and hostile all the time, and don't take your hostility out on those of us who have nothing to do with your situation.
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Old March 1st, 2022, 04:35 PM
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For those who haven't read my post in another thread, after being twice shot and boosted once, I still got the damn virus. So there is no get out of jail free card out there. I felt like crap and my lungs filled up and I was, and still am, exhausted.I'm very lucky, it could have been much worse, for many it is. If another shot was recommended, I would take it in a heart beat... Tedd
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Old March 1st, 2022, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Tedd Thompson
For those who haven't read my post in another thread, after being twice shot and boosted once, I still got the damn virus. So there is no get out of jail free card out there. I felt like crap and my lungs filled up and I was, and still am, exhausted.I'm very lucky, it could have been much worse, for many it is. If another shot was recommended, I would take it in a heart beat... Tedd
Let's see how you feel when you get Covid again for the second time now that your immunity has been altered your choice your body but I personally know 2 people who are not with us anymore and they were both fully vaccinated 1 got Covid 2 times and now gone other friend got it 3rd time and didn't last a week like I said you body your choice hope you have more luck then my good friends had.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 04:26 AM
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Since nobody cares about political rants...

Originally Posted by Koda
it is a perfectly valid stance to doubt the scientific rigor to which an experimental, rushed vaccine was subjected before release. I am concerned that mandatory vaccination will be required by governments, businesses, employers, and society, all of whom are comprised of people of questionable motivation and/or intelligence.

Originally Posted by Tedd Thompson
For those who haven't read my post in another thread, after being twice shot and boosted once, I still got the damn virus. So there is no get out of jail free card out there. I felt like crap and my lungs filled up and I was, and still am, exhausted.I'm very lucky, it could have been much worse, for many it is. If another shot was recommended, I would take it in a heart beat... Tedd
I hope you feel better soon Tedd. I had COVID in August of 21 and I had already gotten the J&J vaccine. I was hospitalized at the VA for 5 days watching TV. The nurses & doctors told me I was the healthiest patient on the COVID ward. All the other vets were sedated and intubated. The feeling of exhaustion will pass even though it doesn't seem like it when your struggling. Now, my sense of smell and taste...
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 05:07 AM
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The AARP ranks allegation that the Covid 19 vaccines were developed too quickly to be trusted as the # 1 internet myth.

Society is lucky that these internet fed conspiracies were not around for the Polio virus epidemic. Otherwise, a lot of us would have lived the rest of our lives in iron lungs. Fortunately, back then we had President Eisenhower around to direct that we rely upon medical science and get the Polio vaccinations.

Ted—I had Covid early before a vaccine was available. I feel lucky to have survived the experience of drowning and fighting for very breath.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Tri-Carb
The AARP ranks allegation that the Covid 19 vaccines were developed too quickly to be trusted as the # 1 internet myth.
I found myself searching about FDA Emergency Use Authorization and the COVID vaccine. AARP are a bunch of jokers, they're already sending me SPAM and I'm not even 45 yet.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Olds64
AARP are a bunch of jokers, they're already sending me SPAM and I'm not even 45 yet.
Yes, AARP does have its own agenda. But it took only one request and I've not gotten their spam for 30 years.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Tri-Carb
Society is lucky that these internet fed conspiracies were not around for the Polio virus epidemic. Otherwise, a lot of us would have lived the rest of our lives in iron lungs. Fortunately, back then we had President Eisenhower around to direct that we rely upon medical science and get the Polio vaccinations.
Lets attempt to stick to what the available facts actually are if this point is to be made. There is plenty of source-based info on polio vaccine history not to be found in chat rooms. The polio vax attempts starting in 1935 unintentionally hurt and infected people with various killed-virus vaccines that were 'not yet perfected' but due to the perceived emergency and dreadful results of having the disease, test subjects were readily found. Salk lined his own kids up in 1955 and administered his vaccine to them, yet some cases of accidental infection persisted until the Sabin killed-virus vaccine resulted in a much better statistical outcome after about 1962. I had both as I bet most of you older members did, vaccination was required for admission to school of any kind. The Salk then was a shot which I cannot remember, the Sabin was a drop of medicine on a sugar cube. I recall the long lines in my first grade school where the cubes were given to every kid and staff member, ±1964-65. Yet today only the developed Salk is available in the USA, Sabin elsewhere in the world. Conspiracy theorists claim a hypodermic needle industry fix. A needleless injection method invented and patented by Oscar Banker, the same man who developed the Automatic Safety Transmission of 1938-89 in Oldsmobile and Buick cars, has been available and has been used elsewhere in the world for 55 years, just not here. I notice the Wiki overview of Polio vaccine seems to be edited again and again, with a picture leading of a child receiving a oral dose of something, suspect in my mind.

I took the wait and see approach to the current vax, that is until people started dying fast and in large numbers around me fairly recently. Most cases the patients went directly in to co-morbidities mostly pneumonia and many then on to ventilators. It's the co-morbidities that might get me, so I got the first Pfizer shot, now due for the second. At 61 I don't think I can chance surviving double pneumonia so that knocked me off the bubble. All of my extended family members had the various makers shot early and are doing fine, so far.

I felt I might have had it early, that January, as I was sick as hell after my dads death and my father in law's hospital stays previous - But testing for me today two years later including the molecular level blood test looking for left over debris have come up negative.

The falsified attribution of death due to CV-19, as well as health system cooked books bed counts etc is all about money, government hand-outs to the health systems specifically. People are dying every day of the known viruses, CV-19, zika, swine, all of the others but the attribution TODAY is mostly CV-19. The media and politicians today ignore the continuing landslide of opioid related deaths, unforgivable.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 07:30 AM
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I had both shots in summer 21. Went masked in public, kept distance, washed my hands till they were raw. Did everything they said do and still got it when Omicron appeared. Or so the home test said.

I was self-isolated over Christmas. Missed all the holiday feasting and fellowship. But my ethics wouldn't let me go out in the world to possibly spread it.

Had I not known I'd possibly been exposed I'd have thought it was a mild head cold. It lasted about 4 days and fever never broke 100. But the home test said I had it, and ten days after all symptoms were gone it still said I had it. The instructions said the red + line would appear gradually. It went red soon as the sample hit it. Eh?

The vaccines probably helped. But there has been so much misinformation, disinformation and outright lies spread about this thing that I don't know what to believe.

I DO believe that this plague was engineered in a lab by "scientists" trying to develop biological warfare and it got loose before they had planned to unleash it. For that, the whole lot of them should face censure, if not charges and a firing squad, and the ones on both sides who politicized it for political gain along with them.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 07:46 AM
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I took advantage of the opportunity to get boosted as it also permitted me to mix shots. I got 2 pfizer doses and a moderna booster. I might have gotten 3 moderna had I know everything before hand. Pfizer was the only one available to me when I got my first dose. Moderna is a larger dose and seems to provide a more robust immune response. Had sore arm and a bit of the blahs the second day after the first dose... nothing otherwise.
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Old March 2nd, 2022, 08:09 AM
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Although I can't post it in writing, not getting vaccinated was the best decision I could have made! My entire family are so thankful we didn't. Feel free to ask me why if you see me in person, lol. Nothing to do with the virus or being sick or even politics..... Turned out great for me in an odd situation. For the exact opposite reason above, I will likely get vaccinated now but my wife and kids won't be. Funny how life works out sometimes.

We had the virus back in August, all 4 of my family. Myself and the kids didn't hardly get affected by it. It knocked my wife on her but really hard.

Last edited by jensenracing77; March 2nd, 2022 at 08:16 AM.
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