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US may charge fee to Canadians

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Old February 17th, 2011, 11:37 AM
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US may charge fee to Canadians

TORONTO - Prime Minister Stephen Harper says there are better ways for Americans to raise money than to charge Canadians to get into their country.
U.S. President Barack Obama wants to charge Canadians entering the U.S. by air or sea a $5.50 inspection fee, although private vehicles would be exempt.
"They're running deficits down there well over a trillion dollars a year," Harper said Thursday. "Some 40 per cent plus of the American spending is financed by borrowing. These are enormously challenging figures."
But Harper says the inspection fee is not a ''useful'' way to raise revenue.
"We want to ensure that trade and travel is easier, not more difficult, and we don't need additional taxes on that kind of economic activity," said Harper.
Visitors from Canada, Mexico and a number of Caribbean countries have been exempt from passenger inspection fees.
Meanwhile, the Canadian Snowbird Association says the proposal is another irritant in crossing the border.
The association's Michael MacKenzie says he doesn't think the fee alone will prevent Canadians from going to the U.S.
But when combined with aggressive security at airports, he says the fee may give some another reason not to fly to the U.S.
According to Statistics Canada, some 16 million Canadians flew into the U.S. in 2009.

How do you like that...I never knew there was a Canadian Snowbird Association.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 12:15 PM
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Well ya learn something new every day, don't ya? I think this just sounds dumb.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 12:43 PM
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They bled us dry and now there looking for new blood.
Not charging you to enter the country in their way of thinking is "spending".
Just like cutting taxes or not raising them is "spending".
When they spend in the traditional sense it's an "investment"??
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Old February 17th, 2011, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Bluevista
They bled us dry and now there looking for new blood.
Not charging you to enter the country in their way of thinking is "spending".
Just like cutting taxes or not raising them is "spending".
When they spend in the traditional sense it's an "investment"??

I'll bet a dime to a doughnut that hey spend more collecting the money than they collect.

"Ain't it funny how many hundreds of thousands of soldiers we can recruit with nerve. But we just can't find one politician in a million with backbone." -- Will Rogers
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Old February 17th, 2011, 12:55 PM
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To quote the Man in the Bowler Hat. "To boost the British economy I'd tax all foreigners living abroad."

I hope someone here recognizes that. If not.....

....and now for something completely different.

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Old February 17th, 2011, 01:03 PM
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Our government does some dumb stuff regarding foreign visitors.

We treat a lot of legitimate entering foreigners like criminals, discouraging them from coming back, while at the same time letting illegal entrants traipse across our southern border, get jobs, and stay here.

Canadians can be stopped by the border patrol on the highway a hundred miles from the border and searched without cause. It's no way to treat our best friends.

Foreign students can come here and get an education at our universities, but most cannot meet stringent employment rules and have to leave within a year of graduation, thus ensuring that we lose the expertise and training we just gave them, and that it goes instead to other countries, some of them unfriendly to us. What could be a "brain drain" of the best and brightest from other countries to us becomes instead a knowledge pipeline straight to China.

Finally, a few miles from here, a lovely English couple had legally owned a small diner for over ten years, lived upstairs from it, and were happy. The immigration folks came along, audited their books, and deported them because they weren't making enough money. They protested that they were making as much as they needed, and serving their community as well, but to no avail. Now, months after a whirlwind yard sale, the building stands empty, essentially unsellable in this economy, and they're back in Britain, probably on the dole (as they say over there). Who benefits? And what do we look like to their friends and family back home?

- Eric
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Old February 17th, 2011, 01:06 PM
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Pure bulls$it if you ask me. Meanwhile they raise the house and senate operating budgets to new heights. Throw the bums out and I mean the whole bunch. That would be like inviting you neighbor to lunch and then charging him a fee to walk through the front door.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 07:00 PM
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Personally it doesnt bother me...I wouldnt even mind an entry toll like 5 bucks driving worse then all the tolls I ran into driving my car back from Boston. There are lots of bills that have to be paid somehow...Wait...its only gonna get worse down the road....
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Old February 17th, 2011, 07:04 PM
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Well.... in four years our debt went from about $8.4 trillion to $14.1 trillion. This year the budget will be something like $3.7 trillion with about $1.7 trillion of that added to the debt. We're spending money faster than we can print/borrow it. If our leaders don't wake up soon and put on the brakes we'll turn ourselves into another Greece.

Ken, your still able to access natural resources in Canada. The US has made so much of ours off limits. This is not the time for the US to be offending our neighbors to the North!!!
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Old February 19th, 2011, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by 2blu442
Well.... in four years our debt went from about $8.4 trillion to $14.1 trillion.
A large part of that was the final tallying on the Iraq and Afghanistan Emergency Supplemental Funding that was never included in the annual budgets.
This was IMO a creative way to hide the totals spent from the General public to avoid people going against it.

Some say we've spent $8 billion a month for many years now. I personally think it's long overdue to shut them down.
But the Iron Triangle has control now, and the Military Industrial Complex is profiting immensely bleeding us dry.

Last edited by Aceshigh; February 19th, 2011 at 02:31 AM.
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Old February 19th, 2011, 08:28 AM
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Ike warned us of that 50+ years ago, and nobody listened. The Vietnam mess was a direct result- even as a high-schooler, it was painfully obvious to me it was not an ideological war to keep Communism at bay. It was an economic war designed to keep money rolling in to defense contractors. The difference then was the US economy was not in shambles and the country's manufacturing base had not been outsourced.

Obozo wants to charge Canadians to enter the country? Fine, but he'd better damn well charge all these illegal Mexicans that are overrunning the US the same fee. Maybe I'm a bit more sensitive to that than some, because I see how badly they tax all the gimme programs here.

Re: Canadian Snowbirds- Every spring, every day, you see hundreds of Canadian license plates headed back north on I-81 and I-95.

And after this winter, I can understand why people in Northern climes head south for winter.
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Old February 19th, 2011, 08:56 AM
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I went to Montreal several years ago.When I bought some clothes,the salesman gave me a form to fill out when I got back home,the sales tax was returned! And yet we hassle the Canadians for a few bucks when they come here to spend money! I think half of the winter economy in Florida comes from Canada,at least it seemed it last time I was there. Anything for a buck,in Vermont they want to put a sales tax on services,including tax preparers!! First they tax you,then tax you for getting the forms filled out! ---bil
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Old February 19th, 2011, 09:29 AM
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Bah they should charge you all 5 bucks a head any time you visit the zoo. The residents of the zoo have to pay taxes and buy their own nuts and berries. USA no free ride and less freedom everyday.
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Old February 19th, 2011, 11:04 AM
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OK, I'm trying real hard not to show a political bias here as we're close to having this thread locked. I agree with the Prime Minister of Canada that dinging Canadians who visit the US will not fix the problem. Right now our leaders (in the US) are tweaking on things, and whatever view we each hold all US citizens need to be talking with their Congressmen and Congresswomen. The Republicans are trying to create a budget with spending cuts for fiscal year 2011, which at the end of this month will have 5 months of it over so the agencies have been spending what they guessed the budget will be. There are different ideas within the Republican party of what to cut and how deep. Once the Republicans get their ideas together they have to work with the Democrats and Administration to agree on a final number. At the same time the Administration is working on the 2012 budget. That's the $3.7 trillion in spending I'd mentioned which includes about $1.7 trillion added to the debt, which is the 40% plus deficit spending the Prime Minister mentioned. That budget proposal does include budget cuts from previous spending, and eventually the administration will need to agree with Congress on a final number. I'm a news junkie and when I'm not playing with Oldsmobiles I'm watching/listening to the news. The other day I had C-Span going in the background and was listening to our Representatives argue with each other and occasionally I shouted at the TV . Some of what they do is playing politics... but they all want to be re-elected. So here's our chance to have an influence on how much financial risk our government takes. Lets hold the people we elected accountable by talking to them, often! If enough people get involved our representatives will be afraid to ingore us!!!
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Old February 19th, 2011, 11:05 AM
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No thanks. I pay $3.25 every time I drive over across the border (well coming back into Canada that is) to get car parts from my US mail forwarding address in Niagara Falls. $3.25 for average of 10 minutes a visit. $3.25 is too much, and $5.50 more would just be ridiculous... kinda like brokerage fees.
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Old February 19th, 2011, 11:08 AM
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I guess you could say they get ya coming or going now
I thought it funny that congress decided they won't fund planned parenthood or health care but the pentagon can still sponsor NASCAR and NHRA
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Old February 19th, 2011, 03:29 PM
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Yah, there was a big spiel in the morning paper about that. Seems NASCAR is "very concerned" about the graying of its drivers and its fan base, and the Pentagon also wants to reach the 18-30 group to meet its recruiting goals so they keep sponsoring NASCAR, especially the truck division.

I go against the Southern redneck stereotype because I think NASCAR is completely ridiculous. It hasn't been about racing for 30 years, but it's sure about sponsorship money. Hey, no wonder it's like government- they like for someone else to pay the bills!

Speaking as one who has lived thru youth and is now comfortably into middle age, there is entirely too much emphasis put on the youth market. They are not the ones with discretionary income. Not that many boomers are willing to spend it now either, because we figure the guvmink is gonna try to take it from us.

I guess the idea is to catch them at the age when all their cash is burning holes in their jeans and they have a need to establish credit. Trouble is most in the youth market age bracket doesn't have sense enough to handle credit.

That story about the English couple being deported for not making enough money? What a crock! While the Mexicans here illegally send thousands of unreported and untaxed American dollars back to Mexico and get all the government service and handout programs they want, because they are not making enough money!

I am more and more convinced the United States government has lost its collective mind. Charge the Canadians to enter the country, and overlook the problem at the southern border. Oh- I forget- the Canadians remain Canadian citizens and do not vote in American elections!
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Old February 19th, 2011, 05:57 PM
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Sorry, didn't mean to make a political statement. This was just an FYI. As a Canadian my view is that it's none of our business what the US government wants to do within their country.

As for the 16 million Canadians who visit every year, if the $5.50 charge goes through probably only 15,999,999 Canadians will go there next year.

Canada pissed off the Mexicans last year. We now require them to get visa's. Although I don't care for our current government, I'll have to agree with them on this one. Mexicans were coming to Canada and when it was time to go home they were claiming refugee status. They are the number one nationality seeking landed immigrant status here. They won't impose the visa on us because millions of Canadians vacation there every year.

Under Canadian law anyone claiming refugee status has to have an investigation into their case and that is taxing our court system. We have 10,000 cases to hear. It's not done overnight so we have to provide living space and let them find a job in the mean time. So it was visa time.

I saw a show on CBC that more illegals are crossing the Vermont-Quebec border entering Canada than the other way. There were 900 illegals coming from the US (most are Central American and I ain't talking about Kansas) while 790 are entering the US through Canada (and they are mostly Chinese, latin Americans and South East Asians).

There are even about 12 US soldiers claiming refugee status and although we know that sending people back to the US does not put their life in danger, it is their right to get a hearing. One couple has now had a baby here and that opens up a whole new can of worms. How can you deport a Canadian citizen from Canada even thought their parents are American? You can't, and you cannot separate families, so although they lost the original case, they have appealed and it starts again. They have up to three appeals. If they lose the appeals, then comes the deporting a Canadian whose broken no laws to another country. Unconstitutional. Also, we can't say the US government is wrong to extend the tours of duty of its military, (which is why they're here) because we have done it to our own troops fighting in Afghanistan. Dilemma, dilemma.

If the US does charge us, I doubt it will have any effect on Canadians travelling there. If it was $550., you bet...but $ way. Again, didn't mean to start was just an FYI to give us something new to look at as most of you probably don't see things from our side.

Last edited by 442much; February 19th, 2011 at 06:01 PM.
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Old February 19th, 2011, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by rocketraider
That story about the English couple being deported for not making enough money? What a crock! While the Mexicans here illegally send thousands of unreported and untaxed American dollars back to Mexico and get all the government service and handout programs they want, because they are not making enough money!
Oh, and in case you're interested, here's a link to the article.

- Eric
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Old February 20th, 2011, 05:23 AM
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For those of you who have never traveled to the west, or southwest, (or Maryland or Pennsylvania) cattle guards are horizontal steel rails placed at fence openings, in dug-out places in the roads adjacent to highways (sometimes across highways), to prevent cattle from crossing over that area. For some reason the cattle will not step on the "guards," probably because they fear getting their feet caught between the rails.

A few months ago, President Obama received and was reading a report that there were over 100,000 cattle guards in Colorado . The Colorado ranchers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, so he ordered the Secretary of the Interior to fire half of the “cattle” guards immediately!

Before the Secretary of the Interior could respond and presumably try to straighten President Obama out on the matter, Vice-President Joe Biden, intervened with a request that...before any “cattle” guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining for Arizona border guards. ' Times are hard ' , said Joe Biden, ' it ' s only fair to the cattle guards and their families! '

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Old February 20th, 2011, 07:03 AM
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Jamesbo, that reminds me of why Southerners are often considered uneducated and coarse. Seems that all the standardized intelligence tests they used back in the day included questions about things that would have been instantly recognizable to someone in New England or New York, but would have been completely foreign to anyone from anywhere else in the country. Ergo, the Southerners and others "not from where the tests were devised" were of lesser intelligence. The tests prove it!

Then here comes the cattle guard story and proves that it works in reverse too!

To quote Jerry Clower, "Lady, it is obvious that you are educated beyond your intelligence."
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Old February 20th, 2011, 07:06 AM
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I work for the Federal Government in Forestry. The public lands have lots of single lane dirt roads on them, most were built for logging. Sometimes we'll want to close a road on a temporary basis and to do that we'll build what we used to call a "tank trap". That's a trench across the road with a large log partially buried in the pile of dirt dug out of the trench. A few years ago we were given stern instructions to NOT call them tank traps but instead a "trench barricade". The story widely circulated is that a few years ago a Congresswoman made a real fool of herself railing against us wasting federal money trying to catch tanks out in the forest land. I can't quote the person or the speech, but when I say "stern direction" someone was reeeeeeeally ticked off over our use of the term. I believe it really happened.
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Old February 20th, 2011, 07:36 AM
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How about when we (canadians from Canada) cross the border we get a free Starbucks for our 5.50 entrance fee then everyone will be happy unless you would rather have a Tim Hortons.If you don't like coffee then a tea or hot chocolate but you would have to pay for your own donut.
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Old February 20th, 2011, 07:42 AM
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What pisses me off about it is that this administration will spend even when "the people" don't want them to, and now they'll charge people f/ coming here who will be spending money while they're here anyway. Isn't the Govt. supposed to work f/ us, and do what WE want them to do? If the $5.50 isn't charged on the border, it will be spent here in the U.S.. I want the SOBs who are spending their (OUR) butt off the hell out of the Govt., and that means Obama and his Chicago style liberals. We trade and make more money w/ the Canadians than any other country in the world. Why, out of all the countries, should we stick it to our best neighbors? I've always supported our country, through Military service, taxes, volunteering time to my community, etc., but I'm about fed up w/ the bunch in there now. When you have a good friend, you watch after them like family. Period.
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Old February 20th, 2011, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Texas Jim
... now they'll charge people f/ coming here who will be spending money while they're here anyway.
About 20 years ago (our Canadian friends will correct me), our neighbor instituted a value-added-tax called the Good and Services Tax, or GST. At the time, my Canadian friends were calling it the "Go to the States Tax," because it made forays to the US for booze or car parts or microwave ovens a profitable activity for anyone within 50 miles of the border. Everyone would take day trips to shop over here, then come back with their goodies covered by blankets in the back of the car. Who benefited? Regular Canadians, and all of those US businesses near the border.
Our better tax structure attracted a lot more than five stinking dollars per trip, and it was good for US.

Also, if anyone can post a source for that cattle guard story, I will spread it all over the universe. If true, it is the funniest darn thing I've heard in years, and would justify impeaching the entire Administration.

- Eric
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Old February 20th, 2011, 09:04 AM
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The GST(Goods and Services Tax)was not an added tax on goods only on services. It replaced a Manufacturers Tax that was 14% at the production level. Prices did drop 20 years ago but greedy shopkeepers didn't lower the shelf price. I bought a new 1991 GMC Safari (first year of GST). It was special order in Nov 90', built in Maryland and delivered for my pick up on Dec 15 90'(no GST). One option I had ordered cost $265. In Feb of 91' while driving by a dealer I stopped to compare after GST pricing. The same option was now $203. Greedy Canadian shopkeepers are good for US business.
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