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Things that torque my shorts !!

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Old January 18th, 2021, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Grayghost
Problem is the mentor forgets what they were like at that age.
If it is true that you get wiser and a higher maturity level, as you age.
This seems to be lost on mentors/ teachers. they forget that the 18-20y/o isn't at the same level.
But we all know the older folks were complete angels.
Remember, the next generation, knowledge is what and how it is mentored and taught to them, or lack there of.
Teachers/parents/ mentors a play a roll in this. And fail miserably.
You two are arguing apples to oranges and Greyghost is moving the goalposts from "cars can't be worked on today" to "you forget what it was like at that age."

The old adage of "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear" applies. What Copper is saying is his apprentices are not mentally ready to work. I see this at my workplace, and I reflect over my career. So much of my job, any job, is talking straight with people, speaking up so they can hear you, keeping your word, being there when you say you will be, and perseverance. This has absolutely nothing to do with new cars being hard to work on (and they're not; they're different) nor does it have to do with technical aptitude. When we used to get co-ops, I'd tell them, I don't expect you to know anything, so don't be afraid to say you don't know. Being cheerful and industrious and willing to learn is all you need. Now, granted, knowing basic hand tool use is encouraged.
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Old January 18th, 2021, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Koda
You two are arguing apples to oranges and Greyghost is moving the goalposts from "cars can't be worked on today" to "you forget what it was like at that age."

The old adage of "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear" applies. What Copper is saying is his apprentices are not mentally ready to work. I see this at my workplace, and I reflect over my career. So much of my job, any job, is talking straight with people, speaking up so they can hear you, keeping your word, being there when you say you will be, and perseverance. This has absolutely nothing to do with new cars being hard to work on (and they're not; they're different) nor does it have to do with technical aptitude. When we used to get co-ops, I'd tell them, I don't expect you to know anything, so don't be afraid to say you don't know. Being cheerful and industrious and willing to learn is all you need. Now, granted, knowing basic hand tool use is encouraged.
You can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Parents give their child everything they want. Loss of the family unit, of both parents. Most only had their Mom. Only a few of the young men who worked for me. Where Go-getters, like myself.

Other than a good home! My parents made me work for anything I wanted. My mother told me in the summer of my 16 year. To go out and get a job. Or do not come home. I was shocked at first. But understood. One of the best thing she ever did.

Last edited by HighwayStar 442; January 18th, 2021 at 11:02 AM.
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Old January 18th, 2021, 10:10 AM
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Just to add to what was mentioned. I worked from a very young age and earned most of what I had. I never really understood the struggles my dad went though until much later when I had a life and house of my own . My dad was very open about his finances with us as kids and explained where money went and why . I watch my niece and nephew and they are so sheltered at 11 years old I was very independent and my nephew lives his life @ 11 much like a 5 year old . My brother is 10 years younger. He works at a target warehouse he is a solid reliable worker but has no plans @ 21 to do anything else. At 21 I was saving every penny I had to buy a house.
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Old January 18th, 2021, 02:57 PM
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Very interesting,
I can see both sides of this coin, for me( and I have mentored) it comes down to three things 1. effort, 2. honesty 3. respect. it's ok if the apprentice lacks some skills, that's why their apprentices IF THE HONEST EFFORT is there. the honesty to say I screwed this up. And respect for the teacher /mentor knowing that they have been there , done that and overcome.
I also believe in a happy medium and wonder my self if I have over instilled some of the work etic. You see my oldest daughter is approaching 40 and at one time worked 3 jobs ! I have told her slow down, have some fun, enjoy your husband and life before it passes you by to which she reply's " remember what you told me dad if you want something you have to work for it nobody's going to give you anything" she uses my own words against me (she's not in a situation where she has to work that hard I think she's just gotten used to work and cant slow down)
My first job was a caddy at a private country club at 13, I did that until I was able to get a SS card and work legally at 16, started a apprentice ship at a American Motors dealer when I was 20 and never looked back or was never unemployed until I retired in April
That being said all 3 of my daughters started bagging groceries at the local Kroger when they were 16, all are college educated but
although I believe that they have all chosen correct paths but through their stories of there friends and work associates I'm finding its a different world out there !!
for right or wrong things have certainly changed !! values, morals, work ethics and RESPECT.
When I was a apprentice my mentor ( Lester a old guy from Tallahassee Fl.) chewed my *** out one time after completing a tune up, I said what did I do wrong ? he said nothing mechanically but wipe the damn air cleaner off !! that man just spent his hard earned money for that tune up give him every penny he deserves !! I never forgot that and never failed to do it again !! Respect for Lester and the job !!
so I guess the thing that would torque my shorts would be lack of respect.
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Old January 18th, 2021, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by solly
Very interesting,
I can see both sides of this coin, for me( and I have mentored) it comes down to three things 1. effort, 2. honesty 3. respect. it's ok if the apprentice lacks some skills, that's why their apprentices IF THE HONEST EFFORT is there. the honesty to say I screwed this up. And respect for the teacher /mentor knowing that they have been there , done that and overcome.
I also believe in a happy medium and wonder my self if I have over instilled some of the work etic. You see my oldest daughter is approaching 40 and at one time worked 3 jobs ! I have told her slow down, have some fun, enjoy your husband and life before it passes you by to which she reply's " remember what you told me dad if you want something you have to work for it nobody's going to give you anything" she uses my own words against me (she's not in a situation where she has to work that hard I think she's just gotten used to work and cant slow down)
My first job was a caddy at a private country club at 13, I did that until I was able to get a SS card and work legally at 16, started a apprentice ship at a American Motors dealer when I was 20 and never looked back or was never unemployed until I retired in April
That being said all 3 of my daughters started bagging groceries at the local Kroger when they were 16, all are college educated but
although I believe that they have all chosen correct paths but through their stories of there friends and work associates I'm finding its a different world out there !!
for right or wrong things have certainly changed !! values, morals, work ethics and RESPECT.
When I was a apprentice my mentor ( Lester a old guy from Tallahassee Fl.) chewed my *** out one time after completing a tune up, I said what did I do wrong ? he said nothing mechanically but wipe the damn air cleaner off !! that man just spent his hard earned money for that tune up give him every penny he deserves !! I never forgot that and never failed to do it again !! Respect for Lester and the job !!
so I guess the thing that would torque my shorts would be lack of respect.
Problems start when the mentor/teacher expects them to know , Have the same level of skill/knowledge as they did by that point. And It isn't always the case. So the mentor "sees" less effort, as it is assumed that person already knows the basics to point x.

By the time I was starting high school, I had already blown apart and rebuilt a 200 Ford 6, a 326 Pontiac, and a 307 Chevy, a th350, and other basic auto repair. Today most kids are going to never have touched opening up an engine other than maybe a lego. So I have to remember that kids today EVEN IF from an unbroken home, live in a time that auto maintenance is not needed till past 100k for most, So dad, or mom, are not out working on the family ride, dishwasher/washer/drier are all computer controlled and most get tossed instead of fixed by dad, as you can't just fix the logic controls/computer . I didn't have a HOA breathing down our necks, like a lot of families do today, that also limits what dad might repair, work on.

So me expecting the kid or, fresh new worker to know what I did at the same age is not fair too them. Things I would automaticly know how to R&R or trouble shoot, they never seen/touched and many times never heard of, it is a taller learning curve.
By the time I had my first job (legal age job) I already had 6 years + of working on crap. Those with zero, are going to take longer to get to the same level of those that have years of doing at the same age. And it is easy to talk in tongues to those with no prior knowledge of anything mechanical.
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Old January 18th, 2021, 10:36 PM
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It's still possible to repair a computer-controlled dishwasher or wash machine, as long as the programmable chip isn't at fault. I once saved hundreds of €s, simply by replacing faulty condensers of which the electrolyte contained within evaporated out after 20 years of service
Originally Posted by rocketraider
And learn that on modern cars that stalk thingy dims your headlights too! If yer car has automatic high beams learn how to override it!
Here in Germany, it used to be illegal to drive around with your foglights illuminated, at times when there was no fog to be seen. I'm assuming that insurance companies here have lobbied the government to reverse the ban, since they would profit from collisions caused by blinding oncoming vehicles. When I last visitted the Czech Republic (a little over 10 years ago), they were stopping- and handing out tickets to drivers who were driving with their fog lamps on, during favorable weather conditions

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Old January 19th, 2021, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Killian_Mörder
It's still possible to repair a computer-controlled dishwasher or wash machine, as long as the programmable chip isn't at fault. I once saved hundreds of €s, simply by replacing faulty condensers of which the electrolyte contained within evaporated out after 20 years of service
Here in Germany, it used to be illegal to drive around with your foglights illuminated, at times when there was no fog to be seen. I'm assuming that insurance companies here have lobbied the government to reverse the ban, since they would profit from collisions caused by blinding oncoming vehicles. When I last visitted the Czech Republic (a little over 10 years ago), they were stopping- and handing out tickets to drivers who were driving with their fog lamps on, during favorable weather conditions
Oh, I know you CAN repair a computer controlled dishwasher, but DAD or MOM, is most likely not going to know how to, or even have the tools and knowledge to know where to even start. Very different than when it was all analog switches, that just looking at it, you could figure out how it worked.
My dishwasher died , I found the problem, Problem now was where to get the parts needed, All the parts on the boards are surface mount not just the logic chips.
I could have waited a week + to get the surface mount electronic parts, and hope I could solder the new one on without killing any of the other electronic parts around it. A person that has never dealt with surface mount circuit boards has almost no chance of fixing these things. The unit was 20 years old, the parts needed with shipping was 121.00 . a new dishwasher is 200 for a scratch and dent unit. or a new unit no damage for 240.00 so most don't bother, So JR. doesn't get to see or help DAD, Mom fix things.
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Old January 19th, 2021, 04:49 AM
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Junior can still have help from Dad building a model kit , an erector set , a puzzle. All of these things help build mechanical skills and problem solving abilities. I'm not sold on the people cant fix anything . They choose not to but there is lots that can still be fixed in modern cars easily and around the house. I added a bathroom downstairs last summer. I read books and asked a friend to make sure I didn't burn my house down when we added the new beaker. When my front porch needed new railings I did that.

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Old January 19th, 2021, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by coppercutlass
Junior can still have help from Dad building a model kit , an erector set , a puzzle. All of these things help build mechanical skills and problem solving abilities. I'm not sold on the people cant fix anything . They choose not to but there is lots that can still be fixed in modern cars easily and around the house. I added a bathroom downstairs last summer. I read books and asked a friend to make sure I didn't burn my house down when we added the new beaker. When my front porch needed new railings I did that.
We will agree to disagree, most don't bother to DIY and fix things as their jobs take up enough time.
I remember the days that most everything was closed up by 6pm week days, and most folks didn't work week ends, Heck not much was open at all on a Sunday. Back then people had more time to themselves.
As far as the fixing modern cars, sure they can IF it needs fixing, My daily Has not needed anything other than oil changes and 1 air filter in 5 years. Other than how to change the oil and put in an air filter, not much for Jr to learn on servicing a vehicle when they don't require it. When I was a child The family car needed upkeep Every 6 months to a year. TOTALLY different as the child isn't out helping dad work on the family car as it doesn't need anything done to it.
Also go into stores, you are not finding models orther than lego's, erector sets I have not seen one of those in a decade plus.
You did this and that to your home last year, and that is great, This is not the norm for a lot of people, Not everyone OWNS where they live.
Again we will agree to disagree.
A mentors interaction with the student is what nurtures their ambition to learn and be interested in getting better.
They can tell when the mentor/teacher thinks they are idiots, mentors that make learning the skill/work/subject interesting and fun. Don't have issues with today's youth will to learn.

Last edited by Grayghost; January 19th, 2021 at 05:13 AM.
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Old January 19th, 2021, 05:59 AM
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I agree with what you are saying but my problem with many of the apprentices I get is they can't take simple criticism or when you get mad they take it personally. My intension is to teach and find their abilities and build them up but the last long run just hasn't worked out. Now currently I have the youngest apprentice I have had and he by far had the least amount of teaching behind him but more time in the shop. There is lots he can do and lots I'm helping him with as he mainly worked in mechanical shops and is now in a body shop. He is talented enough to work alone for the most part but smart enough to come over and check out what I'm doing and ask questions along with working hand in hand in some thing's. Agree to disagree but what I'm venting about is my experience and that's what my gripe is
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Old January 19th, 2021, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by coppercutlass
I agree with what you are saying but my problem with many of the apprentices I get is they can't take simple criticism or when you get mad they take it personally. My intension is to teach and find their abilities and build them up but the last long run just hasn't worked out. Now currently I have the youngest apprentice I have had and he by far had the least amount of teaching behind him but more time in the shop. There is lots he can do and lots I'm helping him with as he mainly worked in mechanical shops and is now in a body shop. He is talented enough to work alone for the most part but smart enough to come over and check out what I'm doing and ask questions along with working hand in hand in some thing's. Agree to disagree but what I'm venting about is my experience and that's what my gripe is
My grandmother used to say,
It is not WHAT you say, It is HOW you say it.
Is it the apprentices fault, that those before you, teachers/parents. told them nothing but good job, everyone wins?
REMEMBER it wasn't them that asked for this treatment, the generation before them did it. So YES, when you criticize them ,they take it to heart, as it is NEW to them.
How is shocking to you? Those of the age of 34-50 cause this, with the everyone is a winnar, everything you do is awesome. and filling the youths heads with that crap.
Maybe it is me. I see the how and why they take any comment that isn't praise to heart. I know what caused the problem. I don't hold it against them for it, as that is all they know. They didn't ask for it. it was pushed on them. Who's fault is that?

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Old January 19th, 2021, 06:51 AM
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It's not like I'm beating them it's constructive criticism if they can't take that then that's their problem. I was yelled at I was criticized . Yeah I'm gonna get mad. For anyone who has worked in a shop in any trade they should know that tempers will flair you will get yelled at but that's life in a shop. Period.
But I agree it's at home. No one told them no harshly or even cracked at belt their way.
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Old January 19th, 2021, 07:49 AM
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My oldest stepdaughter weighs MAYBE 100 pounds soaking wet. When we go out to eat she orders from the kids menu, the adult portions are more than she can eat.

Occasionally, the waitress makes a big deal about her not being 12, and ordering from the kids menu. When my son was 12 and 5 ft 10 the waitresses never give any crap about him ordering from the adult menu!!!!

Seriously, what difference does age make??? If all you want to order and eat is a child sized portion, and and are willing to pay that price, what’s the deal??? Normally when I pay the bill I mention the kids meal, and usually the cashier corrects the price with no drama. However, yesterday the waitress was obviously on a mission. She would not let it go, I finally told her “yep, she’s 12” just to end the discussion. I’m guessing the high school jacket and car keys on the table were a pretty good clue that she is not 12. I just don’t understand the age thing.

Anyone else in readerland experience this? Keep in mind, I don’t use the “kids eat for free on this day” as an excuse to get out of paying for a meal. I have zero problems paying for what I order.
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Old January 19th, 2021, 12:53 PM
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Surly service like that is new to me, this side of the Iron Curtain. First, she's dictating to a customer, as to what she's to order and then expects a tip? How is that her business, as to what your daughter prefers?
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Old January 19th, 2021, 01:17 PM
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I did not have that experience, however I had a experience at "Olive Garden" ( I can take or leave O.G.) that Torqued my shorts !!! I ordered
a stuffed manicotti I think it was a giant stuffed pasta tube of sorts, when it came I don't know if the pasta was under cooked or the thing spent too much time under a heat lamp but about 1/3 of it was not edible so I did something I never do, I sent it back, now I did remove some of the meat portion to ck what it looked like but did not eat it although it may have looked like it , when they returned with the second plate
it was 2/3 the size of the original !! as if to say you ate part of it (which I didn't) so your only getting this much back !! I could not believe it !!!
so I did something again I rarely do , I called the manager and complained, He offered to comp my meal I said I'm not looking for a free meal, I just want what I paid for !! I paid for the meal but I did accept a free desert. THAT TORQUED MY SHORTS !!!
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Old January 19th, 2021, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by matt69olds
My oldest stepdaughter weighs MAYBE 100 pounds soaking wet. When we go out to eat she orders from the kids menu, the adult portions are more than she can eat.

Occasionally, the waitress makes a big deal about her not being 12, and ordering from the kids menu. When my son was 12 and 5 ft 10 the waitresses never give any crap about him ordering from the adult menu!!!!

Seriously, what difference does age make??? If all you want to order and eat is a child sized portion, and and are willing to pay that price, what’s the deal??? Normally when I pay the bill I mention the kids meal, and usually the cashier corrects the price with no drama. However, yesterday the waitress was obviously on a mission. She would not let it go, I finally told her “yep, she’s 12” just to end the discussion. I’m guessing the high school jacket and car keys on the table were a pretty good clue that she is not 12. I just don’t understand the age thing.

Anyone else in readerland experience this? Keep in mind, I don’t use the “kids eat for free on this day” as an excuse to get out of paying for a meal. I have zero problems paying for what I order.
We've never had this issue. My wife orders the kids sized plates at many places .
If I was to take a guess, your server, had parents that nagged her about her weight, or suffered through a illness pertaining of worrying about her weight.
Just a guess.
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Old January 20th, 2021, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Grayghost
We've never had this issue. My wife orders the kids sized plates at many places .
If I was to take a guess, your server, had parents that nagged her about her weight, or suffered through a illness pertaining of worrying about her weight.
Just a guess.
This is very perceptive. Many people are not mentally strong, and they are controlled by events from their pasts, or addictions, or other demons. It's a skill to recognize this, not take it personally, and devise ways to work with the people that have these issues.
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Old January 20th, 2021, 10:13 AM
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I suppose that’s possible. Our waitress was probably mid 40s and what I would call a healthy weight. Not super skinny, but wouldn’t have to worry about starving in a stalled elevator.

In my observation the kids that have parents that monitor every bite find their kids pack on a bunch of weight once the leave for college or live on their own. Once they are out of over-protective mom sight and have some freedom at mealtime it’s a all you can eat buffet.
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Old January 20th, 2021, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by solly
...I ordered a stuffed manicotti I think it was a giant stuffed pasta tube of sorts...

...I did remove some of the meat portion to ck what it looked like...
Ugh! My advice would be to never order any sort of meat which has been packed into a tube

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Old January 20th, 2021, 02:06 PM
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Old January 20th, 2021, 02:06 PM
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This was what I intended to post. What's up with Youtube, lately?

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Old February 12th, 2021, 09:38 AM
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No more Car Craft. No more Popular Hot Rodding. Hot Rod magazine is a mere shadow of its former self. But this crap is still on the newsstand?????

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Old February 12th, 2021, 10:41 AM
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PopRod and CC couldn't compete with all the other Chevy rags. There's only so many ways you can do a 1st-gen Camaro and they've all been done. Some of the magazines had to die.

Something that torques my shorts is magazine writers who were born 20 years after the cars they're writing about were made, and put out obvious bullshit. No research or verification, just hack writing. Then the obvious inaccuracies get spread as gospel.

They should take a cue from our sometime poster Diego Rosenberg. Diego does his damndest to get his writing correct and enjoys the research involved in getting the facts. There was a time I thought he was a brat, but I now think he can rightfully claim the title automotive historian.

Trouble is more and more magazines are closing up which limits where guys like him can publish. And in the meantime the bullshit goes on...🙄
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Old February 12th, 2021, 12:40 PM
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Old February 12th, 2021, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by matt69olds
No more Car Craft. No more Popular Hot Rodding. Hot Rod magazine is a mere shadow of its former self. But this crap is still on the newsstand?????

Boy Amen. Because we all to see another cockroach... err... mustang
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Old February 12th, 2021, 02:02 PM
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People driving the wrong way in a parking lot gets me going too.
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Old February 13th, 2021, 03:03 PM
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This is a big one !! I love my wife, she takes good care of me, I out kicked the coverage as my friends say (she's attractive, to much for me they say) and I cant imagine spending the rest of my life with anybody else but her, but dam this infuriates me to no end THE WOMAN CAN NOT BE ON TIME TO SAVE HER LIFE !!!!!!! you would think after 45 years of marriage that either I would accept it or she would try harder to be on time
NOPE !!! still drives me crazy !!!!
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Old February 13th, 2021, 03:22 PM
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My Mom was a good hearted, loving and beautiful woman. Dad had the same problem with my Mom. He would be honking the horn, yelling out the car widow. Curesing and having me go into the house to tell her. If she was not in the car in 5 minutes, he was leaving without her. Dad was so mad! I understand your pain.
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Old February 13th, 2021, 04:52 PM
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I have a cousin like that. There's a group of us who go out to eat once in a while and no matter what she can't be ready to leave when the rest of us do. Something will distract her and she just has to take care of it before she goes. One of the guys has taken to saying "L had to do just one more thing!" I OTOH hand make reference to chasing squirrels.

We can be getting in the car and she'll think of something that just has to be done right then and go back and do it. It doesn't of course but she's been that way her whole life.
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Old February 24th, 2021, 02:47 PM
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GAS PRICES !! seem to be going up a dime a day !! of course the 56 requires Premium here in Peoria Az. at the Arco which is usually the cheapest prem. $3.39 per Gal. low grade reg . now $2.99 per gal , HMMMMM wonder what happened ?
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Old February 24th, 2021, 04:58 PM
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I have always though the oil industry gets away with crap that no other industry could. Anytime ANYTHING doesn’t go according to their detailed plan, the price jumps immediately, even through the oil currently coming out of the pumps was processed weeks ago.

Think of it like this: if you order a steak, snd the restaurant burns it, drops it, whatever, the customer expects the meal will be made right. And when the bill comes, no way in hell would you pay for the meal, AND the screwed up steak. If you hire a contractor to put a new roof on your house, and the break a couple windows, they wouldn’t repair the damage and then add the cost to the roof repair. But refinery fires, seasonal changeover, and other costs (outside of normal) of doing business is passed onto the customer. I can’t think of any other industry that this is acceptable.

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Old February 24th, 2021, 07:42 PM
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All that started after the 1970s manufactured oil crises, when the oil market was opened to futures trading. Some claim it's had a stabilizing effect on crude prices. I think otherwise.
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Old March 4th, 2021, 05:02 AM
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McDonald’s lousy service!!!

Remember years ago when McDonald’s menu was pretty simple? You had a few choices of hamburgers, fish sandwich, fries, drinks,and milkshakes. You didn’t have gourmet coffees, smoothies, or any of the other crap that slows things down. You know, simple things that keep fast food relatively fast.

My oldest stepdaughter sleeps at our house Wednesday nights, she has a class here Thursday morning. Since I get up at 4am for work, I don’t eat breakfast at home those mornings so she can sleep.

I went to McDonald’s this morning, mildly annoyed to find out that they eliminated the 2 sausage egg McMuffin for 4 dollar deal. So, even though I didn’t want the drink, I bought the value meal (cheaper than buying the sandwich and hash brown without the drink)

I know times are tough, I know everyone is pinching pennies. Would it really be asking too much to have EGG AND SAUSAGE on a SAUSAGE AND RGG MCMUFFIN?! That’s right, I got to work this morning, opened my wrapper to find a single slice of cheese on a English muffin.

One other time I went to McDonald’s, I ordered a large drink. Got to the window, the lady started to hand me a small cup. When I informed her I ordered large (and paid for a large) she gave me a disgusted look, poured the drink snd ice into a large cup, then topped it off with ice. Thanks! Small drink in large cup with large ice!!!

I worked in a fast food restaurant in high school, I don’t think it would have taken long before getting fired for pulling that kind of crap. Now, get off my lawn!!!!
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Old March 4th, 2021, 06:45 AM
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They got your money. You didn't get value for your money. Drive thrus are the worst for incorrect orders and it's worse with the plague, because they know you can't come inside to complain and most folks won't sit 20 min in the drive thru line again to straighten it out. Mickey D's is the worst of the worst with Taco Bell a close second. TB here rarely gets the order right on a walk-up much less drive thru.

In my opinion a lot of these fast food places haven't reopened inside ordering and dining because 1) they can get away with substandard service in a drive thru and 2) they don't have the expense of maintaining a dining room and restrooms. The damn prices haven't come down though...
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Old March 4th, 2021, 08:10 AM
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Exactly! I have had this same discussion several times. Why offer lousy service and pay additional overhead, when you can provide lousy service cheaper????
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Old March 4th, 2021, 08:38 AM
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Incorrect drive-thru orders when it's just one meal are the worst. I had one McD's that I used to frequent during my time in a past role, different building location with my company, that ALWAYS got my order wrong. I would sit there at the window and check my bag before driving away. Every time I figured, "Yeah, they haven't messed up in a long time, I guess I can trust them," BAM I'd get another incorrect order.

Problem is that you can't get mad and yell at them, because they are handling your food. You don't want to run the risk of getting a spit burger or Doritos Loco lugie taco.
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Old March 5th, 2021, 09:41 AM
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I agree w many of these observations. I just accept most w a shake of my head and a WTF.

This morning tho I actually did get my shorts torqued. I needed my flashlight, it wouldn’t turn on, i opened it to replace the batteries and there it was both batteries leaking and covered in goo, along w corroded internal flashlight parts! Now if this was the first or second time i would shake my head and say WTF and move on. But its not the first time, ive thrown out several mag lites ive had since the 80s in the last ~10yrs because the leaking batteries get jammed in the light and they cant be dismantled!

i used to buy just duracells because ‘back in the day’ they had a no leak guarentee. I emailed duracell and complained, they were mildly apolegetic and sent me a coupon for like 8 free batteries...those leaked to!

so no more duracel i tried energizer same scenario they leaked and w both durcel and enegizer ive found them leaking when the should be good untill date onthe battery is still years away!

lately ive been buying rayovac ( made in usa at last glance) unlike the above two and i havent found any specific instance of them leaking yet but the longevity isnt the same.

oddly ( or is it?) the chinese batteries included w TV remotes and similar have also not had any leaking instances.

so the leaking batteries is my rant but its collateral damage flashlights, xbox controller, wii remotes etc that really torque my shorts
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Old March 5th, 2021, 10:14 AM
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The only Mag Lite I own that hasn’t had batteries corrode in it is the one mounted to the floor of my truck. One year I bought a Mag Lit combo (big 3 D cell, small AAA 2 cell) for every car/truck I owned, all of them except the one in the truck is now on that Big Scrapyard in the sky.

At first, I thought they were junk batteries, just as you did. I cleaned a few, salvaged what parts I could to make functional flashlights, and used different brands of batteries. Same result. I have given up on expensive “quality” flashlights, I have a few of the cheap harbour freight flashlights in our cars now. That way, if the stop working, I got my money’s worth from them.
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Old March 6th, 2021, 10:46 PM
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If I may, allow me to make a suggestion,
If anyone is looking for a very low cost rechargeable tac. style flash light try this,
Amazon Amazon
my sister in law got me this as a stocking stuffer at Christmas, I don't know how in the hell they do this for 6 bucks !!! (amazon prime with free delivery) I have some quality tac flash lights Fenix
and Streamlight and I wont say that this is the same quality but damn at 6 bucks if you lost it, its not the end of the world !! I now keep this on my night stand it's very bright, its zoomable, has a strobe and a side light !! I have had it on several camping trips now and it has been reliable,
it came with a case and the charging cord, there is one down side it does not last long between charges ,but my alarm clock has a usb port
and I just plug it in occasionally to make sure its charged, my sister in law said when she saw the price she bought several of them for stocking stuffers, I have asked my brother in laws about theirs and they report no problems. Its worth every bit of 6 bucks !!
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Old May 12th, 2021, 05:28 AM
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There are many people at my place of employment that have their significant other drive them to work. Nothing wrong with that, except why does the person being DRIVEN to work always the driver?! These people always pull up to the gate, then switch drivers, backing up cars behind them. Why doesn’t the person who has to get out of the vehicle sit in the passenger seat?! Pull up to the gate, say your goodbyes, get out, the driver leaves, things go so much smoother!!!

I see this same lady every morning drive up in her van, she gets out of the drivers seat, gets her rolling bag out of the drivers rear seat, then walks around to the passenger side to get her purse/whatever else out of the passenger rear seat, then say her goodbyes to her husband, he finally gets in drivers seat to drive away. Meanwhile, cars are backed up behind them since nobody can drive around them.

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