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Things that torque my shorts !!

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Old October 26th, 2020, 08:31 PM
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Things that torque my shorts !!

I know everybody has those certain things that **** them off here are a few of mine, I know you have yours , what are they ?
1. Things packaged in hard blister pack packaging, the ones with the cardboard backs are ok, the ones with the hinged lids and a tab to open them are ok but the ones that are fully enclosed with plastic weld all the way around that you have to cut open drive me crazy, they are impossible to open, when you cut them open to remove the product it leaves sharp edges that can slice your fingers ! I HATE THEM !!
2.this is a big one, I rarely use credit cards, usually only for major purchases because believe it or not I have run in to places not wanting to
accept cash!! I never pay at the pump I always go in and pay cash for gas and it never fails I always get behind the gut buying a Slurpee or Big Gulp with a credit card "excuse me sir that card was not accepted" "here try this one" "that one wont read sir" "here try this one"
REALLY are you kidding me !! credit cards ok but for a soft drink ?
3. Turn signals, that lever on the left is there for a reason !! use the damn thing !!
4.People on cell phones and not just in cars ! they are so into their phones they step off curbs at grocery stores and other places not looking., so oblivious to their surroundings that they don't even know your there and what makes it worse is some times they have kids that follow them in to the street like ducklings follow their mom !! idiots !!
5.What happened to the no call list ??? I am tired of the 10 text messages I get a week asking me if I want to sell my home some say we talked last week and I was wondering if your still interested in selling your home? I never spoke to anybody where did the get my # and lately its political crap from both parties.
That's my top 5 what are yours ? I guess I'm just turning in to a crabby old fart.
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Old October 26th, 2020, 09:06 PM
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At 76 years old, there are too many things that get on my ***.
1. turn signals, use them
2. tailgating, what if I have to stop suddenly!
3. A full basket of stuff in the express line.
4. more to come
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Old October 27th, 2020, 06:27 AM
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I’m one of those guys that gets a fountain drink before work every morning. However, I have the money out and ready to pay long before I get to the counter. What chaps my *** is the people who buy cigarettes, and only specific types (I want camel 100s in a soft pack, no, not those, not those either, yes those!). My commute to work goes right by the high school, occasionally I would get behind one kid at the convenience store (who was obviously the only one old enough to buy cigarettes) who bought cigarettes for the entire car full of kids. Of course, none of them smoked the same brand! So the clerk had to play scavenger hunt for every specific brand. And you just know these kids couldn’t rub 2 nickels together, but somehow manage to buy smokes.

I could lump lottery tickets in this bitch also. Buying tickets isn’t so bad, it’s the people who want to cash them in and then buy more.

Self serve checkouts at the grocery store, or any store for that matter. I feel if I have to scan the items, bag them, and load them into a cart, I should get a discount. That’s a job that use to be done by some high school kid, or someone’s part time job. Less overhead, should equal cheaper prices. On the rare occasion I do use one, it never fails that something won’t scan, or scans wrong, which requires the intervention of a worker to straighten out.

Women clothing. What the hell is a size 6?! Men’s clothing is so much easier. Small, medium, large, inseam/waist, etc. whenever I go birthday/Christmas/etc shopping for my wife, I always take my sister-in-law or stepdaughters with me. Reason #1, I don’t understand the sizes, #2, I’m fashion impaired. My wife still bitches about the time I took my son to preschool in what turned out to be pajamas. I thought he looked fine? Women!!!

Im done for now.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 06:53 AM
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I am glad to know I'm not the only grumpy old bastid here! All the above **** me off.

Add in credit card chip readers that don't work, gas pumps that won't print a receipt, drivers that won't dim their headlights, and drivers that won't drive with traffic.

And the grande dame of irks and crotchets- ******** with 10,000 watt car stereos who insist on having it so loud it can be heard half a mile away. Maybe that loudass buzzy bass makes them feel good where they pee but it hurts my ears and sensibilities. Especially the "music" they listen to. I don't even like rocknroll that loud anymore much less rap and country played at ear-bleed levels.

Grumpy ol' bastid and proud of it!👴😼
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by edzolz
At 76 years old, there are too many things that get on my ***.
1. turn signals, use them
2. tailgating, what if I have to stop suddenly!
3. A full basket of stuff in the express line.
4. more to come
. (tailgating, what if I have to stop suddenly!) Love to watch tailgaters faces! As I downshift with the Lighting Rods. They are about to hit me and I give it the gas! Hope they learn.

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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by edzolz
At 76 years old, there are too many things that get on my ***.
1. turn signals, use them
2. tailgating, what if I have to stop suddenly!
3. A full basket of stuff in the express line.
4. more to come
one more
5. drivers that insist on driving in the left lane and go 5 mph under the speed limit. In Texas, left lane is for passing only.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 08:04 AM
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Back when Vajenya law enforcement was still using a lot of Panther Fords, I used to have beaucoup fun with me Grand Marquis at night. Some jerk traveling 10-15 over with high beams on, I'd u-turn on 'em, catch up and lock in behind 'em. The headlights dipped and the brake lights lit! I'd follow till they found a side road to escape. Wonder I didn't get shot... but damn that was fun if it was illegal!

Probably a good thing I went to the power company instead of my original plan to go Virginia State Police. There's a few things I know I'd have been a real hardass on. If VSP hadn't been sending all the new Troopers to Northern VA at that time, I'd have gotten my 25 years in and been well set for retirement at 46 years old. And might not have turned into a Grumpy Ol' B!

With the caca LE has to put up with now, I probably would have become one anyway. My LEO friends all say retirement can't get here soon enough. Support them. They need it. If it's only buying them a box of Nabs crackers. They'll protest but they do appreciate a kindness.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 08:38 AM
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When I say "Thank you" to a kid and his/her response is " No Problem"
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Old October 27th, 2020, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
When I say "Thank you" to a kid and his/her response is " No Problem"
I have been saying " No Problem" and "Don't sweat it" forever. To me it means Thanks, gratitude, welcome, not to worry about it. Depending on the situation!
How old are you?
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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:05 AM
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This thread is a basket of worms for sure. People have become so selfish, self-centered & disrespectful. Our workforce’s have become pathetically lazy, everyone wants something for nothing. I could go on & on, but it would serve no purpose.

Nearly all the above rattle my cage. One additional item which ruffles my feathers are the drivers with their pet dogs/animals sitting in their laps peering over the steering. Seriously!
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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:10 AM
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Sometimes my pet peeve is people with pet peeves. We have become a world of impatience and lack tolerance of others. Now get off my lawn.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:43 AM
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I think "no problem" is kinda like Spanish "por nada" (it's nothing) which is standard response to "thank you" or "gracias". So that doesn't rattle me anymore.

Dogs in owner's lap while driving. Add people who won't control their dogs. I've got to where I have my knee at the ready when someone's overgrown pooch tries to jump up on me.

Same goes for ppl who let their kids run amok in a restaurant and disturb everyone else's meal. Then there was the time a young couple changed their little boy's dirty diaper AT the table and then headed straight to the buffet without washing their hands. I used to go to that restaurant about once a week. I told the manager that night was my last visit and why. 'Course if you saw what goes on in most kitchens you'd never eat out again.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:59 AM
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I don't carry cash all I use is debit card. My Pet peeves are list's and irony.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by rocketraider
.... 'Course if you saw what goes on in most kitchens you'd never eat out again.
If you saw how most foods are processed/manufactured commercially you'd never eat again.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 10:10 AM
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My pet peeve is seeing people driving in their car with a mask on! How ridiculous is this? Fear is Power!
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Old October 27th, 2020, 10:11 AM
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Copper, I hope that debit card never gets compromised. Credit card is a better option because you at least have some protection against some crook cleaning you out. But yeah, it's aggravating to be in line with cash while someone ahead of you tries every credit card they have to pay for a soft drink and a pack of smokes. I can't understand anyone not having some idea how much balance is on their card. And it always happens when you're pushed for time.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 10:17 AM
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Rocket. Actually, de nada is by far more correctly used as a response to gracias. Although it may depend on which part of the globe you are using the term. Literally, I believe it translates to “of nothing” and is more or less an idiom for “it’s nothing”. You would never want to say “Gracias, por nada”. Most Spanish speaking countries employ “de nada”. Por translates to “for”.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 11:01 AM
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Actually I have account with weekly limited funds and or to cover payments. I constantly monitor my accounts with my phone. If my balance drops below zero and it's not an auto payment it will not go through. You can set specific safety features for your card. In 14 years using pretty much only debit card my account was compromised once and it was taken care of. I have like 4 different accounts for different things, weekly, bills. , Projects, wife and I account. Only one has a debit card and I rarely have more than a couple hundred dollars in for safety reasons. I can also transfer money in seconds.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 11:05 AM
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Por, de, es. All used correctly. Or so my Cuban expatriate high school Spanish teacher taught us. Her preference was "por". Then there were the dozens of migrant workers who taught us gutter Spanish in the tobacco fields.

When one of us slipped up and said caramba o mierda, Srta Lozano's standard response was "¡toda la caramba que tu quieres, sino en mi escuela!" She had been a federal judge in pre-Castro Cuba, but fled in 1959 and none of her legal quals transferred to the US. So she taught high school Spanish.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 01:03 PM
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Most of what has been stated raises the hair on my neck with special credence to "no turn signals", hard blistered packaging and dogs in driver's laps. Then there are the people that pull out in front of me...and there is no one behind me for a quarter mile. Happens every damned day on my 2.5 mile drive to, or from, the shop. It's like they can't see my BIG BLUE TRUCK. But, even worse when I am driving the Cutlass or the Nova. They just don't stop like the newer cars do.

As a side note: Here lately, I have witnessed idiots making left hand turns from the "go straight lanes" in front of legally left turning cars. Right in front of them and cutting them off. Never a cop around.

Phones...yep. The lack of courtesy to a check out person when some butt horn is talking on the phone while checking out / paying somebody. No wonder they have self checkouts.

Lets not forget the person, usually female, at the check out counter that discovers she has to actually pay for her stuff and fiddles around in her purse trying to find her credit cards AFTER all the goods have been rung up.

As far as pet peeves go, I wouldn't have any if people would do things the way I see fit....
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Old October 27th, 2020, 01:18 PM
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Well, I used to hate a lot of things, then I retired and and not in a hurry anymore and actually don't really give a **** so it's all good... But what used to bother me....
1. Saying "I'm like" meaning "I said".
2. Saying "he's like, meaning "he said"
3. Saying" they're like" oh enough of that......
4. Starting a new story with "So"..... "So yesterday I started my '73 Cutlass and it.........
5. Answering "Thank You" with "Not a Problem" . Though at least it is polite and a acknowledgement....
I always pay for gas at the pump with a credit card as I used to get all cranked out of shape waiting for the cigarette and lottery ticket people.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 01:47 PM
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People who drive in rain or snow or at night without all their lights on. DRL lights only show in the front. Our Bravada cannot shut it's lights off when dull or dark out with the ignition on.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 02:57 PM
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1. I am going to add a few more, easy open packages that don't easy open, for example packages of shredded cheese pull the easy open zipper thingy and it breaks halfway through the pull not exposing the resealable closer so you wind up cutting the bag anyway !! hate them.
however I did see something almost genius, my wife bought a package of instant pancake mix the other day it was in a plastic bag the zipper opener opened the bag perfectly and exposed a almost velcro like seal, I sad to myself this can't be air tight but to my surprise when I resealed the bag it resealed perfectly and was air tight !!! hoo-ray and hats off to that designer !!
2. Small print on over the counter medicines, ok I do wear classes and I am probably due for a eye exam and new pair BUT really this is medicine and while it may only be over the counter meds dosing instructions are still important, could you make the print a little larger please !! I know some of the bottles are small but do the fold out label thing then SO US OLD FARTS CAN READ THEM !!
ok I know with everything else that's going on in the world these things seem petty but who doesn't like to vent a little sometimes ?
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Old October 27th, 2020, 03:04 PM
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Ok, here's mine.

1. You hold the door for someone and they just walk on by and don't even look at you. I usually tell them "YOU'RE WELCOME!" as they walk away.
2. When I want to buy something and they want to know all of my personal information to complete the sale. I either stare at them or I tell them my name is Rip Van Winkle. I just woke up. I'm pissed off. I'm hungry. I haven't taken a **** in 20 years. So just take my damn money.
3. When the traffic light turns green, I pull away, three cars blow by me flipping me the bird because I don't have my foot on the floor. What was I thinking anyway? It's their universe after all.
4. When I ask how much my landline (yes I have one of those) phone service will cost and they tell me $35 and the bill arrives and it's $85 because of all the b.s. fees and service charges. Just tell me it's going to be $85 dollars!
5. When I'm walking down the street or in a store or the mall and three people walking side by side coming at me see me but continue to take up the entire isle or sidewalk expecting that I will step off to the side. Not happening!
6. I have to include this one. When I'm pulling into any store, looking for a parking spot and a customer either entering or leaving walks in the middle of the row like they're on a Sunday walk even after they have seen you. Like you're driving on the sidewalk or something.

People today have lost their minds and I would rather stay away from them than let them spool me up. And 2020 killed my favorite past time which is hanging out with friends at car shows.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 03:12 PM
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Solly, you sure hit a nerve with this thread! Scrolling down, I was getting ready to add something to the list, but all the above are on my list already. I feel much better knowing I'm not alone.....Thanks for the support, guys!
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Old October 27th, 2020, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ignachuck
Solly, you sure hit a nerve with this thread! Scrolling down, I was getting ready to add something to the list, but all the above are on my list already. I feel much better knowing I'm not alone.....Thanks for the support, guys!
" No Problem" , "Don't sweat it"
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Old October 27th, 2020, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by HighwayStar 442
" No Problem" , "Don't sweat it"
Poke poke! LOL!
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Old October 27th, 2020, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by edzolz
one more
5. drivers that insist on driving in the left lane and go 5 mph under the speed limit. In Texas, left lane is for passing only.
6. driving in daytime with fog lights on
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Old October 27th, 2020, 04:44 PM
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You guys have some really good ones here. One of mine is Hemmings Motor News. The font is tiny and think about who reads Hemmings. By the way, if you are a subscriber look on page 61 of the current issue. It is the unintentional portraits section. In case you don't subscribe here is what I am talking about.

Last edited by redoldsman; September 14th, 2024 at 04:22 PM.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by edzolz
6. driving in daytime with fog lights on
I'm shocked stunned and amazed...Driving damned near anywhere in North Texas requires you be seen. I run with mine on...doesn't cost me anything and those LEDs last...forever LOL!
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Old October 27th, 2020, 05:44 PM
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Pick up trucks with 4 foot beds. They want me to load mulch into them with my 5 foot tractor bucket then get mad when the mulch falls on the ground.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by KW5413
As a side note: Here lately, I have witnessed idiots making left hand turns from the "go straight lanes" in front of legally left turning cars. Right in front of them and cutting them off. Never a cop around.
I started seeing that a lot at one particular intersection near work (prior to COVID). There are a lot of community colleges around and invariably it's some young kid who doesn't want to wait in the line of traffic in the left turn lane. I dunno if it's entitlement, narcissism, or just plain stupidity.

Originally Posted by 69oldsguy
Like you're driving on the sidewalk or something.
hey now, what you got against driving on the sidewalk?

Originally Posted by Yellowstatue
People who drive in rain or snow or at night without all their lights on. DRL lights only show in the front. Our Bravada cannot shut it's lights off when dull or dark out with the ignition on.
That brings up another topic. With the newer cars having digital dashes that light up any time the ignition is on, folks don't have an indicator that the headlights aren't on at night. With our Oldsmobiles (and older cars in general), the headlights aren't on if the dash is dark, which makes it blatantly obvious.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
When I say "Thank you" to a kid and his/her response is " No Problem"
I've noticed this happening more often. That, and women of all ages with nose rings. I'm supposed to take these women who look like gypsies seriously?
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:27 PM
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OK, I moved near Pensacola Florida back in 2010. At work they would say to me because I was not like them "WELL, ISN’T THAT SPECIAL" and "AREN'T YOU SPECIAL"

The only other time I ever heard it was the Church Lady, played by Dana Carvey. On Saturday Night Live. At first I did not think about it. Later on I realize it was an insult.

Here in Utah the locals say "IT'S ALL GOOD". At first I was not sure, after being burned in Florida. I realize most are just helpful and real nice people.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:28 PM
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hehe nose rings more than once ive seen subtle rings that look like ahem you got someting there on your nose than anything else
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:41 PM
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Going into town tonight triggered these:

Trying to get into traffic from a side road with no traffic signal, and ******** in the main road are travelling 10 carlengths apart but too fast to make your move into traffic wo getting hit. I've learned why my dad would say y'all gotta tighten the hell up.

Traffic lights that are programmed to keep traffic on main roads stopped, snarled and bunched together, so that after about the 4th one there's a pack of 70-80 cars all knotted up. Forget about getting out of a side road, much less making a left turn. Ditto for lights that are programmed to make you wait thru about 3 cycles before allowing a left turn. And also for lights that aren't synced to keep traffic moving.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by 69oldsguy
1. You hold the door for someone and they just walk on by and don't even look at you. I usually tell them "YOU'RE WELCOME!" as they walk away.
I was coming out of a c-store one Sunday after church and this kid behind me had his face in his phone. Figured he wasn't paying attention so held the door for him. He trucked right thru the door and into the parking lot, face still in his phone, never said thank you, kiss my ***, nothing. I said "son, next time I'll let you run into the door".

"HUH?!" Looking up with the dumbest look ever. Kid never even realized there was a glass door.
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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:26 PM
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This thread is great. I have to laugh. We are Grumpy Old Men. And coming soon to a closed theatre near you... Grumpier Old Men.
Only problem is Ann Margaret didn't move in across the street. LOL
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Old October 28th, 2020, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by oldcutlass
Sometimes my pet peeve is people with pet peeves. We have become a world of impatience and lack tolerance of others. Now get off my lawn.

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Old October 28th, 2020, 05:00 AM
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You guys see those commercials about becoming like your parents? I love those! I feel like I have become my Dad in so many ways, and is that all bad?? NO. It really is a great life mostly.
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