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Old March 29th, 2012, 10:53 AM
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Well how about that?? I looked at the link - it's hard to see the color from that little square they give you to look at, lol. It doesn't look like her color from that, but who knows? Guess it will be worth $15 to find out. Well, make that $19.90, lol. There's a $4.95 shipping charge.

How do you find these places Scot? I'm soooo excited now! What if she really is Mint green metallic? Then my paint can be matched!! Oh I can't wait for the pen to get here now, so I can tell!!
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Old March 29th, 2012, 11:55 AM
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What you be needing touch up paint for Sandy?
It will never match after all the rubbing that paint's taken.

The paint company guys can get it pretty close using their paint matching device on the car and can mix up a few samples to choose from but even if you did have the exact paint code it's tough to touch-up metallics.
If you just need it for the wheels that's no big deal, close is good enough, I'd paint them Chebby orange myself.
Hey Tony, Summit Motorsports Park is in Norwalk, that's a way from Akron. Summit's main store is in Tallmadge near Akron, more down in the area where Sandy lives and goes bar-hopping in the off season with all her little "car friends" that don't paint engines or install battery disconnect devices in parking lots during car shows for her, noooooo.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 12:55 PM
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Looky here Sandy done put us over to pg 104
Originally Posted by cutlassgal
How do you find these places Scot?
Sandy, Goodle is a wonderful thing But like Blue said metallics are a booger to match. Especially if the existing paint is slightly faded or buffed out. But like Blue said as well, if it needs touching up in an inconspicuous place then it should be fine, well maybe. If it is close enough. Hopefully it will be perfect.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 01:05 PM
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Blue......Well where have you been, bud?? You just make me laugh!!! Don't forget that you are my hero!!!!!! You made Teepo trophy material! She loves you.... suh. My little "car friends" are just acquaintances who show their cars, lol. They're not any fun. You're THE MAN! And.... don't forget, you also installed her new 'correct' replica battery too!! We would be lost without you.

So remember how no one can match Teepo's color? And they've used all those computer matching machines, and I have 14 paint sticks with different colors of green metallic on them? Well..... if I can figure out that she's a whole nother color than what she's supposed to be, then maybe I can get those little flaws I've showed you, like her eyebrow, and those little places on her doors, fixed! Wouldn't that be nice?

Chebby orange rims...... I'm gonna kick your butt!!!!!!! The words Chebby orange and Teepo do NOT belong in the same paragraph, you shi*..... I'm not worried about matching the rims. There isn't any metallic in them that I can see. But won't it be exciting if I can finally figure out what color she is? It will just be interesting to see.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 02:13 PM
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Happy Thursday afternoon, my peeps!

Had a good night at work and a good day sleeping. What a rarity. I can only hope the next two will be as good.

So Jamesbo were you a friend of that guy? That was nice what you did for him.

It is such a beautiful day out. Supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday, but maybe it will miss us. The weather map is showing a reduced chance, anyway.

Good luck with the paint matching, Sandy. Maybe you could melt all your paint sticks together and come up with "Teepo Green Metallic." You'd be an exclusive.

So does the Summit store in Tallmadge have Monday night cruise ins? The store here in McDonough does, starting in May. It's the same cars every week, but it's nice to get out and just be around them. I try to go every week.

Well I guess I should start getting into work mode. Hope everyone enjoyed their day and has a nice evening.

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Old March 29th, 2012, 04:58 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Just another average early spring day. Cloudy this morning and a little sun on the way home. It is supposed to get a little warmer tomorrow and sunny until Saturday.

Looks like the days of the penny are numbered in Canada. The mint will quite making them by the end of the year.

I hope I can get more work done on the Cutlass this weekend.

500 million jackpot for the lottery? A big jackpot here is 50 million. Good luck Tony, Sandy and anyone else who bought a ticket

Scot, is there a train to Hooterville?
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Old March 29th, 2012, 09:30 PM
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That was nice of you to donate a plot for that man, Jamesbo!
X2, you're a good man.
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Old March 30th, 2012, 04:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be beautiful again but rain tomorrow.


No I didn't know de guy, wish I did. A friend of mine knew him well and after the tragedy jes called me an axed me if I would help out.

De whole thing has been kinda confus'in. Met wit de out of state family yesterday and de don't know alot about it either. He had tons of local friends who didn't know is family an vice versa.

De funeral is in a few hours an I ain't real sure what to expect. When ya read de blogs ya get de impression dat friends/supporters run a wide range of folks from animal lovers to city hall [govement] haters.

Pretty diverse group.

"We'll see"

GTG Olds frineds...........wish me luck
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Old March 30th, 2012, 06:19 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Friday to ya! It's a sunny but cold morning here. Had a little frost last night. Supposed to get rain today and tomorrow. Clay called from Illinois and he's driving in the rain right now, so it's not far away from us.

Well I got the power steering hoses yesterday. No stripes. I took pics of them, but forgot to bring my camera today to download them on the laptop. Shoulda done it last night. So I don't know if I'll put them on or wait..... Teepo has to be correct, and if the original hoses have stripes, these ones should too. These are supposed to be "concourse correct" so maybe the stripes don't matter in judging, but I'd think they would. Maybe someone put other hoses on her way back when and they're not supposed to have stripes??

I'm glad it's Friday. Brian is definately at the end of his stress level now. He's a whinin today, lol! Clay will be back Monday.

Good luck today Jamesbo! Hope all goes smoothly, and no feud's happen, lol!

Have a good day all!
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Old March 30th, 2012, 08:50 AM
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Good Mawnin Friends

Cloudy today but temps are wondermous

Good luck Jamesbo. Jest bermember if the s*** hits the fan, bring an umbrella

Paul there is a railroad that passes within a mile from there but it doesn't stop. And hasn't stopped there since the late 1800's when the railroad tycoons built a "resort" there complete with a saloon, casino, hotel and general store. It was called Beech Haven and there is a natural spring "blue hole" there where people would swim in the summer. That exact "blue hole" was treasured by the Native Americans as having medicinal properties in the water and would trek for hundreds of miles to get some of it. As a matter of fact I found an obsidian arrowhead there and obsidian isn't native to this area.

Yall have a great Friday and a safe weekend

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Old March 30th, 2012, 02:19 PM
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Evening folks!

Jamesbo how was the funeral? I hope the revenuers weren't there trying to collect anything.

A saloon, a casino, a hotel? Scot are you sure that isn't Pixley?

Ah it's Friday! It's time for a well deserved weekend. Hope tonight doesn't drag on like last night did. I get off work at 930am. At 915 the lead comes out and says, why don't you guys go ahead and get out of here. Like he was doing us some grand favor!

No firm plans for my weekend. Next week I'll probably go get that Corvair. This week I think I'll just hang out with the dogs and do whatever I want. Maybe I'll post here every hour.

Paul how you doing with a new contract?

Haven't heard from Adrian. He might be rained out. I hope not.

Well it's official, I missed out on a screamin' Vista Cruiser deal. It's my fault, really, because I snoozed. I'm still peaved. I was going to post about it but decided I don't want to look like a sore loser. I am one, but I don't want to look like one. Eh, you can't win them all, apparently.

So I have no food in my house. I neglected to go to the store after I got back from vacation, and I've literally eaten everything in the house that was left. I think a rare, evening visit to the Awful house is in order.

Everyone have a great weekend!


PS Sandy why don't you get a picture of what your hose stripes are supposed to look like and paint them on yourself. That's all it is, paint.
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Old March 30th, 2012, 03:00 PM
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Pixley? Never heard of it round here I have a book that has the history of Houston County in it that goes waaaaaaayyyyyy back when Houston County went clean to Alabama It is/was Beech Haven, only way to get to it is to trek down the RR tracks a few miles. This is the only reference I found online that just mentions it in a botanical club's book from the early 1900's. Not too many people know about it and the only things left are bits of foundations and the "blue hole"
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Old March 30th, 2012, 03:28 PM
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a little pronoucitaion may be needed

Fer all yous guys who can spell Zambonni w/o look'in it up.

Down ere it's pronounced "House-ton"

Mike, It went well. we had a record crowd. Maybe 200 folks

Crazy day

Ere's a pic of the sea of cars sum one took an posted
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Old March 30th, 2012, 03:36 PM
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Last Train.....

Uh, Paul was asking if there was a train to Hooterville. Now Scot I know you're a youngster, on Green Acres Pixley was the "big" town close to Hooterville that everyone would talk about

Jamesbo I'm glad no one caused a ruckus today. May Mr. Wordes rest in peace.

Looks like we might get some rain tonight. I ran into a little bit on my way to Burger King(no Awful house for me tonight) but it's stopped, hopefully that will be it for us.

Okay see ya.

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Old March 31st, 2012, 07:30 AM
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Morning All!

I enjoyed sleeping in until 9 this morning! It's cloudy and yucky looking outside, temps in the 30's right now. Supposed to have rain later.

I don't have much planned for today. The usual weekly cleaning, and gonna wash the kitchen cabinets and be done. Got to fill the bird feeders too.

Mike..... that's a good idea about painting the stripes, but I'm sure my line wouldn't be nice and straight - I shake too much anymore, lol. But maybe Blue has a steady hand??? It would be nice if they made a stencil you could just spray paint over, lol!

Anyhow, got the pics of the new hoses on my laptop. Got to download them over to Photobucket then post them, so in a few minutes they will be on my "Guys I need help" thread. Sure isn't much to the hoses. Metal parts just pushed into the hose a little ways......

Have a good day all!
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Old March 31st, 2012, 08:18 AM
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Mawnin All

Cow + flat rock here

Mike I bermember Green Acres, but I never watched too much tube back then I was too busy bustin knuckles with my Pop on one of his rides.

Wow Jamesbo, you did have a crowd Didn't see the pic of the sea o' cars though

Sandy I have to go down to the shop today or tomorrow so I'll look at my '72 to see if there are stripes on the power steering hoses It's original so what's on there will be factory. The only thing is that it is a big block, but that shouldn't matter with the power steering hoses.

Well yall have a great day
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Old March 31st, 2012, 08:27 AM
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Cool in de mountains. I think we're fix'in to get wet ere also.

Scot, Ya don't see all dem cars go'in down dat big ole hill?

Enjoy your weekend Olds friends
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Old March 31st, 2012, 08:37 AM
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Yep I seed them now
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Old March 31st, 2012, 09:16 AM
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Thanks, Scot! I appreciate it. I'm assuming Teepo's are original, but what do I know, lol!
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Old March 31st, 2012, 01:26 PM
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Happy weekend everyone!

Beautiful day here on the south side! I got home late from work this morning and was wacked, so I told the dogs, I'm just going to sleep for a couple hours. Well at 3 this afternoon I woke up. Go figure those dogs. When I'm sleeping during the day for work, they wake me up every hour. But when I want them to wake me up they stay away. Silly, silly puppies.

It's car washing day at the Campus and Grounds, so the Cadillac gets a quick treatment. I'm taking my neighbors to the airport in the morning and I have a feeling they will have a copious amount of bags. I told them to pack light because the bag fees will kill them. Well, it does contribute to my profit sharing.

Sandy you sound like me worried about those hose stripes. Just keep in mind that what happened at one factory didn't necessarily happen at another, and stripes/no stripes could both be correct. Kudos to you for wanting to know. If your hoses on there now are original, they will say General Motors, or maybe Saginaw. I saw the picture of your friend Don Sitts, he could be a ringer for my neighbor.

I used to love watching the reruns of Green Acres years ago. In fact it inspired me to buy a 66 Lincoln convertible. What a nice car to drive. Although simultaniously the trans went out and so did the brakes, and it's now in my garage, not being able to move, behind a very big truck that also doesn't run. If I can ever get it out I'm selling it. It will probably return to earth's basic elements by that time.

Okay! Gotta do something productive. Everyone have a great weekend!

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Old March 31st, 2012, 02:07 PM
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Hi All

Been out of town on a project for the last week and out of contract. Looks like life as usual around here. Got some catching to do in the reading department.

I'll be back checking up on everyone again. I'm watching..........
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Old April 1st, 2012, 04:09 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin Friends and Spectators Alike

Good to see the aminals didn't kidnap Pat, and now he can continue building his ark.

Here is prolly whar Jamesbo will wanna retire when he grows up

No problem Sandy, I've got to go down there anywho

Well I guess I'd better go do some postal werk for uncle gimme

Yall have a great day
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Old April 1st, 2012, 04:35 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool dis mawn'in in de mountains.

Scot, I wouldn't have a golf cart wit out a cooler fer my Colorado Koolaide.

Pat, I sho am glad sum body's mak'in sum money cause I sho aren't.

Mike, My dog never wakes me up but de frigg'in cats do.

John, We're on.

Well Old friends, enjoy de rest of what's left of de weekend.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 06:37 AM
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Morning All! Happy April Fool's Day!

Cloudy and cool right now.... rain and storms coming in later with highs in the 60's. The buds on the trees are really coming alive, and it's getting very green around here.

I don't have much planned today. Gonna finish cleaning out the desk in the spare room. So many electrical adapter cords in there that go to God only knows what.... I"m sure most of them belong to Nicole and her electronic stuff.

Well my 2 weeks of not chewing are up! Jaw feels better, but it still isn't right. I'm still gonna take it easy with chewing. I'm down to the last pill of the prescription NSAID the oral surgeon gave me. I see it has 2 refills, but I'm not gonna get it refilled. I don't like to take pills, especially ones that cause heart problems with prolonged use...... I sure as hell hope this MRI shows him what the problem is, since I'm gonna be paying it off for the next 14 months, lol. I'm sure he'll be saying that he has to drill into the side of my face to fix it...... I don't think so!!!

Jamesbo.... are you and John gonna get together again? That will be nice.

Scot... did you go to my "I need help guys" thread and look at the pics of the new hoses?

I was thinking of Clint the other day when they showed that big fire in Colorado. I hope he's not in the danger zone.

Well you all have a great Sunday!!

Citcapp..... Welcome back! We missed you!
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Old April 1st, 2012, 08:57 AM
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Good Morning everyone!

Hm, don't think I've actually posted in the morning for quite awhile. I was up with the chickens this morning, had to take my neighbors to the airport so they could fly up to New York. Stopped at the Awful house on the way home and have been doing some house cleaning waiting for the grass to dry off a little.

Yes another weekend and it's time to mow. I'm going to see if I can get it all done today and not have to worry about it the rest of my time off. The Deere needs some work done to it, so that might get done today as well. Or not.

So nice out today. The pollen seems to have lessened a little. I would love to get out the garden hose and spray everything off, but I'll wait until I'm sure it's all gone.

Everyone have a great day!

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Old April 1st, 2012, 09:05 AM
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morning all

Well its another rainy day here in the NW again. Time to leave this area and find some sunshine. My wife decided to start looking around for our retirement home.

My idea.
We do have so differences of opinion though. I think 10,00 square foot shop with a second floor apartment (say 1500 sq ft.)would be great. we could have a deck overlooking the shop area where I could sit and admire my cars and work in progress with another small deck on the outside where she could have a couple of flower boxes. Well she says enjoy your single life as I will live elsewhere.

Her idea.
2000 sq ft craftsman home single level with a master suite on one side of the house, two other bedrooms on the other side of the house and a great room/kitchen/dinning in between. A two car garage with a large sewing room for quilting above the garage. All on 2 or more acres with my small shop hidden on the other end of the property where she doesn't have to see it.

I sure don't see how we are going to come to a compromise here. Maybe its time to find a new wife after 44 years of trying to train this one. I don't know if I have it in me to go through this again.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 09:39 AM
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Happy April Fools Day (My eldest daughter's B-Day) and Palm Sunday!

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Cool dis mawn'in in de mountains.

Scot, I wouldn't have a golf cart wit out a cooler fer my Colorado Koolaide.
Without a doubt my friend, heck that guy can make anything it seems Maybe a '69 drop top w/ XL cooler in de back fer ye?
Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Scot... did you go to my "I need help guys" thread and look at the pics of the new hoses?
Yep and they are what are called OEM "replacements" probably not "concours correct" as they claim but most judges at local car shows usually don't get THAT technical, so you'll be good I suppose.

Originally Posted by citcapp

I sure don't see how we are going to come to a compromise here. Maybe its time to find a new wife after 44 years of trying to train this one. I don't know if I have it in me to go through this again.
Pat she's gonna whoop you good I do like your idea best though My better half wouldn't go for that either
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Old April 1st, 2012, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
. I sure don't see how we are going to come to a compromise here. Maybe its time to find a new wife after 44 years of trying to train this one. I don't know if I have it in me to go through this again.
Pat, I know it's April fool's day, BUt

a] Not a good plan or you won't have a house, garage, car or ever retire.
[Don't ax me how I know]

b] After 44 years ya should know there is no compromis'in. It's "yes dear"
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Old April 1st, 2012, 12:43 PM
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Well Sandy, I couldn't find a mark, stripe or anything on my ps hoses and I am 99% sure they are original. Now I didn't pull them off to inspect them, but I did take a rag and wiped them off real good and inspected them with a flashlight. There should be part #'s somewhere and possibly a date code, but I couldn't find anything on them.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 04:34 PM
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Well thanks for looking, Scot. Wonder why Teepo's have stripes? I'm gonna have to ask Rob about Lady's. In that first pic I posted of the leaky hoses, you can see the red and yellow stripes, and the hoses sure look original to me? I looked in the service manual, but it didn't say anything about stripes or no stripes......

Blue? You lurking? You're smart about these things. Help me out!! Did the Vista have stripes on her hoses?? It really shouldn't be this difficult, lol.

Well, it's just starting to rain. I'm glad it held off all day. I worked out in my one flower bed earlier, replanting the creeping phlox that Larry dug up last summer when he fixed the bricks around the bed. He never re-planted them, just kinda sat them back on the dirt in clumps.... Some of them died, some have bloom on them. They look much better now, planted back down in the dirt, lol.

Larry mowed for the first time this season. Part of the back yard was still too wet for him to mow. Probably won't be dries up any time soon.

Citcapp..... sure hope you all can compromise somewhere along the line, lol!

Have a good evening all!
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 04:51 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautiful Monday so guess what?

Sandy, Why not call your Olds advisor and see what's what wit dem stripes before ya drive us all crazy.

GTG Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 05:53 AM
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You are funny this morning, Jamesbo!!!!

Morning All!

I'll get to the bottom of this stripe thing yet, lol! It's cloudy and in the 40's here this morning. Supposed to have some sun later and around 60!! Works for me!

Clay is back today. So far it's a quiet morning. Steve told us that he's on notice for the Grand Jury. He's going to have Houston send a letter seeing if he can get out of it, lol. I was happy that time they never called me!! Grand Jury would be interesting though.....

Tomorrow is MRI expensive day. I'm curious to see what it will show, and more curious to see what kind of expensive stuff this oral surgeon will want to do......

Well you all have a great Monday!!
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 07:24 AM
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morning all

Gray cool and will start to rain soon, but the days are getting longer and warmer all good signs. Sandy those hoses with stripes sound like late 40's women's hose with the strip down the back. I thought they were sexy. So your trying to make Teepo sexy?
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 11:53 AM
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You are funny, Citcapp!! She's sexy enough, lol....
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 12:10 PM
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And Cutlassgal Takes the Lead!

Good afternoon everybody!

We have a new leader! Sandy has posted 838 times, which is one more time than Jamesbo at 837! An exciting turn of events! And Jamesbo doesn't even know it because he's out smacking whitey around. True, I don't have enough to do today.

Actually, I have plenty and have done plenty. Washed the Fiat and the Rolls. Gonna mow my back yard today also. I wasn't going to but figured what the heck. And later on I'm going to see about cleaning out this little camping trailer I have, that is going to be turned into a flatbed.

I can't believe this good weather we've been having. I haven't seen the forecast but I suspect it will be nice up to about the time I go back to work.

I don't know Pat, but I rather like the idea of having the shop building not in site of the house. That way it feels like you're out and doing something, yet close enough to get home quick. Maybe since the criteria is the shop can't be seen from the house, it could be camouflaged and still be right next to it.

Okay break's over, back out to do something.

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Old April 2nd, 2012, 01:07 PM
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Now you know Mike, Jamesbo will be posting until he catches me, lol!

It got nice here before lunch time. Sun came out, but the wind is chilly. It's around 58 though, so that's not bad. Better out there than being stuck in here, lol.

Might be tempted to take Teepo out later......

Where is Blue?????
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 02:01 PM
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Don't worry Sandy, the one who talks most will know it in their heart.

I happened to be under the hood of my Lansing built 70 Cutlass, and the original power steering hoses have no marks on them whatsoever, save for a red line that goes all the way down the long hose. This may be apples and oranges, since it's a different year and I think built at a different factory(your's is Linden, isn't it?) .

Nothing is getting done outside. Sure I'm outside, but I'm just looking and thinking. What I'm thinking is I really need to simplify. Trouble is, everything I have is essential.

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Old April 2nd, 2012, 07:25 PM
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I think once you passed Jamsbo there is no catching up. A Gal can out talk a guy anytime.
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Old April 3rd, 2012, 03:49 AM
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Good morning all...

Still a sunny spring here in germany but not so warm 12C°

Now I have a five day break off work.
Time to care about my Cutlass. He need new tires.
So he can show his new shoes Thursday on
a local Car Meet..

Nice Day and Drive slowly !!!


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Old April 3rd, 2012, 05:40 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Twinsburg, Ohio
Posts: 6,587
Morning All!

It's a beautiful morning here. Temps in the high 30's right now and some frost. Heading up to the high 60's later!!

I'm leaving here at 1:00 to go have that expensive MRI done. Nicole is coming by here and is going to ride over with me. That'll be nice.

Didn't take Teepo out last evening. I ended up puttering around in the yard.

Udo.... I love that pic of the cat, lol! Wish I could be beside him on that other lounge chair, lol!

Mike.... Teepo was built in Fremont.

Citcapp...... You are a shi*!!!! (but absolutely correct)!!!

Have a great day all!
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