Continuing Saga 65 Cutlass Take-Down
Continuing Saga 65 Cutlass Take-Down
Moving along at a snail's pace, I've finally cut the firewall off, and the forward floor section with the bucket seat mounts, out. Now I find the bees have built a nest in the rocker near the firewall driver's side. They aren't pleased with me. My wife, being an avid gardener, says I have to move the section slowly to the edge of the garage, while hanging, so I don't disturb them. They have to be allowed to keep the hive until they abandon it this fall. I suppose it's about a foot a day until I reach the destination. Have to keep transferring rafters with my ropes and come-along. If you go too fast they seem to have trouble remembering where they live. So far, so good. Wish me luck. If they succumb, probably I'm next !!
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