oldspower.com website
With their popularity increasing, just be careful what you browse.
Lot of people are having trouble with that site and it shows in the reduced traffic over there. From what I understand it's going thru some issues with its host server. Something on it sends the phishing filter on my work PC crazy, but I've never gotten warnings about malware or anything.
This sort of thing can happen at any time, without the site operator having any knowledge of it. Got one of these on an audio site I frequent, couple weeks back. It suddenly shows, scanning your computer for viruses. To late, as it already installed some, and you need to buy their software, to wipe it out. I've learned to clone my hard drive to a second one, for when this happens. I contacted the audio site admin, and he took care of the problem. Haven't tried it myself, but heard the "malwarebytes.com" software is pretty good at detecting this stuff.
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