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Anyone else care nothing about sports?

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Old September 30th, 2011, 02:46 PM
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Anyone else care nothing about sports?

Just curious I don't have anything against them just would rather spend my time wrenching or spending with family. Everywhere I have even worked the conversation is 90% sports and people think I am weird for not being a part of it. I never played sports when I was a kid but I was pretty hard core into skateboarding until I started driving so it not like I wasn't athletic. I just didn't have the desire to be a part of organized sports. So am I in my own little world or are there others out there?
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Old September 30th, 2011, 02:50 PM
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I am in the same place you are, could care less about sports (exceptions are the winter and summer Olympics, I watch part of each of these). I dislike watching the tube with few exceptions, and would rather wrench on my cars, travel in the motorhome with my wife.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 03:15 PM
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Here! I race off-road as does my wife and daughter, but no 'sports'. Couldn't get my daughter interested in any of it. Just racing and reining.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 03:17 PM
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as citcap said I watch a little of the olympics,thats more then enough for me!
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Old September 30th, 2011, 03:19 PM
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X2 bazillion............

and the family gatherings , holidays they all have some kinda game crap on.

hmmmm wonder why they dont like it when its at my house.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 03:21 PM
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I like watching my kids play sports, as long as they are having fun. They are still pretty young, so things aren't super competitive yet. I have tried to watch sports, but they just don't hold my attention. I will admit, besides my car hobby, I'm pretty nerdy.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 04:13 PM
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My work, has a bunch of diehard N Texas anything fans, Cowboys, Rangers, etc.. go against the grain on that, is like talking about putting Chevy engines in Oldsmobiles on here!

It's not that I don't like sports! I can just find about 100 other things I'd rather do!! I love the family gatherings, they turn on sports, I take a nap!
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Old September 30th, 2011, 04:20 PM
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I had Falcon/ Flames season tickets for many many years. When I stopped, it was like regaining my life. I don't miss them at all.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 04:33 PM
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we no speak a sports here . lol its always this way at family functions even at work and i work in a body shop thats all they talk about is sports at work they think im nuts they ask., how the hell can you work on cars all day then go home and work on yours and spend all weekend at the drag strip ? I ask them how the hell can you sit for hours watching some overpaid athlete play and complain about it .
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Old September 30th, 2011, 06:53 PM
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Being from Boston I lived with the Red Sox ( a few years seeing a shrink!!) I played all sports but loved to work on my first car even if it didn't need any work, I enjoy sports and can watch any the playoffs especially hockey and Basebal. I enjoy the team approach. But I will never and I mean never have it control my life.
When you spend 3 hours working on a classic...pulling hoses and bolts and have blood running down your arm from hard work and then take it for a ride...well that is worth it! Working and having a classic has a ton more personnel value then living and dying on every play of game. This is just my opinion
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Old September 30th, 2011, 06:55 PM
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I have no desire to watch sports on TV, or even go to games - just no interest.
Of course, I do like some sports, like motorcycling, some bicycling, hiking and similar things by myself - no big organized things.
I also think car resoration is a sport - you against the machine.
I am happy to report my day ended in Rob - 2, Springs - 0.

I have a slight interest in watching Rangers baseball, as it takes me back to my youth. I do not know much about the details though.
I understand they hit the ball with the bat and run the bases before the ball is caught or you are tagged. I also believe it the game was invented in the caveman days. They had to strike the base of a coconut tree with a bat to obtain the ball, thus the name was born......
My neighbor, who watches all sports, got a good laugh yesterday as I asked a legit question...
He said this is it for the Rangers in the regular season. I asked him "as opposed to what - an irregular season?"
What little I care to know.

I do believe thare are watchers and doers. I am one of the doers. I prefer to wrench, build stuff, fix stuff, work, cruise, ride, sleep, travel, eat, drink, - well you know.............
Heck my TV has been dead since the gov't pulled the plug on analog broadcast. I do not miss it, as I did not use it much anyway.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 08:15 PM
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I enjoy watching my kids play sports, I'll go to a game occasionally but I have a hard time paying good money to waste hours at a ball park. I played sports growing up and am still active but heck I won't even play golf on the weekend as I don't want to take that much time away from my family or my own interests like working out or the car
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Old September 30th, 2011, 08:35 PM
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I was convinced I was missing something by not watching sports sat down for a while and watched. after a while I was convince that it is mindless.Went out in garage and actually did something useful.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 08:45 PM
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I will occasionally watch a few minutes or the last several laps of a Nascar race, but other than that I do not care at all about sports. I don't have satelite or cable, & don't watch tv but I do have a "sweet" engineered tv antenna that I can get free digital signals on when my daughter wants to watch.
I get a kick our of acting like a doofus sometimes when it comes to sports. Someone will ask something like "Did you see the Colts game?" I'll say, "No, I don't watch baseball"
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Old September 30th, 2011, 08:47 PM
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Me as well. I enjoy going to a baseball or football game in person once in a while to keep things "fresh" but unlike my friends and co-workers, I can care less who's in what place, what team is playing tonight, or who drafted who in their "fantasy league"

We're "car guys/girls" playing sports games is just following rules and playing a game. We'd rather break the rules and create something original or once lost.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 09:08 PM
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I like watching youth sports and up thru high school. I enjoy watching a rookie or single-A baseball game, some college, but by then the money and the politics have gotten into it.

Pro sports? Except for Carolina Hurricanes games or MMA, pfft. Could not care less, because they're overpaid and majority cannot handle themselves as decent people. Football and basketball are especially bad about that...

Yeah, I get the funny looks too. I was once told by a colleague at work that it was weird to not care about pro sports.

But he had a hotshot baseball player kid and he was looking for full ride scholarships, so sports consumed his life. There were four guys at work who had kids on that team and they'd end up in our office and talk it for hours.
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Old September 30th, 2011, 09:26 PM
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i must admit i do like when the world cup comes around., my father played soccer for years and i grew up going to his practices in his 64 chevy impala 409 powered i might add i think if it wasnt for me going to his practices and wanting to ride in his car i wouldnt be where im at., also they dont pause every 2 minutes and they arent overpaid as soccer isnt as popular in the us. but like anything id rather play a good game of softball football or soccer than watch but nothing beats the pleasure of working on my car and being able to take it to the track and see the pay off., that right there beats any feeling that the home team winning will ever
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Old October 1st, 2011, 02:03 AM
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Let's differentiate between couch potato sport fans and those who actually go out and play their favourite athletic activity.
I don't care much for big business sport, NFL, NBA, English premier league soccer etc, I do enjoy cycling, taking a walk, horseriding, diving a coral reef when finances permit.

I love to see kids running around having fun, I deplore the trend of kids in front of the tube with an electronic device in their hands for two reasons;
#1, they are not getting any aerobic exercise.
#2 thet are becoming detached from reality, not developing social skills.

I too love to wrench on my car, I despair of my nephew who is progressing to a mechanical engineering degree but can't fix his bicycle.

So you are not alone Clint, plenty of others like exercise but not in the form of organised games.

In our recent history we all took part in physical activty in our everyday lives, to travel anywhere, to provide food, to find a mate even we used our own muscle power. Nowadays we watch others doing it, paying the exceptionally good vast amounts to entertain us. Anyone want to pick up the wage bill for a top NFL team?.


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Old October 1st, 2011, 02:24 AM
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Wow, and I thought it was only me. Now I don't feel so all alone.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 03:49 AM
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any sport that requires a ball i have no interest in. if it involves an engine or something mechanical in the sport i will likely be somewhat interested but then the more dangerous it is the more i am interested. most interested in doing and much less in watching. luckily i made it through some pretty crazy stuff with never braking a bone. i have found the last 3 years that i don't even much enjoy the extreme sports any more. i guess at 37 years old i find myself more into my family and Oldsmobiles.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 07:15 AM
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+1 to the previous 20 posts.

I have nothing against playing sports, if that it the thing that one likes to do, but I have absolutely no interest in any of them myself. I really can't understand what would make a grown man want to hit a little ball with a stick and run around in circles, but then I can't understand what would make someone want to buy a Japanese car either.

When I was growing up, my father had no interest in sports, and he and I would work on cars together (started at 5 years old, helping him pull engines out of VWs ), so I guess that at least partially explains it. My own kid has been more athletic than I was (of course, I rode my bicycle EVERYWHERE and was on it ALL DAY, and I can't even get him to ride the measly five miles to his high school now...), and I enjoyed watching the little buggers run around the soccer field for an hour kicking each other in the shins (and getting tired!). Now that he's not into soccer anymore, I encourage him in his golf game (Junior Varsity, whatever that means ), and in any other sport he might be interested in, but only if he ENJOYS them.

I think that if kids are having fun and learning to cooperate with each other, then that's always good, and that if adults want to get together, play softball, and drink a keg of beer, well more power to 'em. The only sport that ever looked to me like it might be fun to play was rugby, but back in college when I used to hang out with those guys, I never played, mostly because I just didn't fancy the thought of having all those drunken lugs piled on top of me .

Finally, I will say, in opposition to something someone said earlier, and possibly getting myself into trouble, that I DO have something against all those people who don't PLAY sports, but just watch them on TV and in stadiums. The amount of money that goes into that stuff, including absolutely stupid players' salaries, stadium construction and maintenance, TV equipment and crews, advertising, etc. is obscene, especially in a world (and, yes, I'm sorry to say, a country) where there are people hungry. If you just took all that money and diverted it to education (including post-graduate level science), there'd be no doubt that this country was on top of all the rest. Look at the Chinese, though - are they glued to the tube eating chips? Damn right they're not. They're working to beat the crap out of us in 100 years, and the state of sports today is one reason why they will.

- Eric
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Old October 1st, 2011, 08:07 PM
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Never had an interest in playing or watching any sports. I always wonder how glossy my eyes are when the inevitable hockey talk fires up around me.
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Old October 1st, 2011, 10:16 PM
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I don't like sports at all...I didn't even know that the Texas Longhorns played football and beat Iowa State 37 - 14 tonight at Iowa on Fox game started at 7pm. I didn't know all that went on. And I don't know if the Houston Texans play football, but I heard a rumor they are going to win tomorrow against the Pittsburgh Steelers at starts at 12pm.

Ok, so I like football...but only 2 teams, the Longhorns and Texans. I don't watch any other games but those. Oh, and I don't like racing either, especially that drag stuff
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 06:48 AM
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Let me clarify. At almost 55 years old it would be foolish for me to get out and do contact sports again, or anything that requires a lot of "exertion". I've discovered that not only do things hurt quicker, they take a lot longer to quit hurting that they used to. I take enough ibuprofen now, don't need to take more.

I have a young friend who did a lot of competitive bull riding from age 15 to 20. He just turned 25 and sometimes the boy can barely walk when he first gets out of bed. Big strapping boy too. He told me a few weeks ago he's not looking forward to getting older as bad as he hurts sometimes now.

But pro sports? big deal.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 07:20 AM
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I could care less about any sports unless I'm watching my daughters play. Don't watch TV either except the occasional Barrett-Jackson or Mecum Auction. I like to work around the house, go out in the car or boat. I get my news from Yahoo
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 07:38 AM
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I will go to a game if I am given the tickets but I could care less who wins and will NEVER watch anything on TV other than maybe some Olympic events.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 09:20 AM
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Agree with most of the above...and I don't want to go off on a rant, but..

I played baseball & did track & field when I was younger, but now its only occasional basketball sessions with friends &/or practice w/ my kids for soccer & baseball.

The only stick and/or ball sports I care about is watching my kids play and while I do try to help them get better, I'm not one of those (all too many) hyper competitive a-hole parents that scream constantly and live & die on every little movement on the field. (I just had to endure this yesterday at my kids' soccer games... )

As for spectator 'Pro' level stick/ball sports (including NCAA) ? meh... The higher the level, the less its about any kind of 'competition'.

I used to go to a few Colts games a year when given tickets. They were OK & me & mine usually had a good time, but after a while, the exhorbitant prices for everything, dealing with obnoxious and/or drunk idiots, the endless 'TV' timeouts of boredom, and the hassle of going to/from the game made it not worth it.

As I matured (Fat, drunk, & stupid is no way to go thru life, son.), I came to realize that they're nothing more than a highly produced entertainment products by multi-billion dollar corporations. The results of the 'contest' are ultimately meaningless, but as long as the cash register is ringing, the corps & media will continue to promote them.

Someone once said "Pro sports is the opiate of the masses.". This is so true. So many people have no idea about what is happening in their community, region, state, country, or the world....But , as long as they get that pointless quote from a player/coach on the highlight clip ("Uh, we dun played a hunnett & ten puhcent today.") and can wrap themselves in team logo garb, they are secure & stay blissfully ignorant of the issues around them. I find amusing those who chastise others (like me) for not being a "true fan".... as if simply being a repeat customer of an entertainment corporation is some noble cause.

Then there's the tax dollar issue. Or more accurately, the taxpayer subsidation of these mulit-billion dollar entertainment empires. Here in Indy we have failing schools, no money to keep public libraries open, and crumbling roads....but manage to hand over hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in hard equity of a nearly billion $ stadium to the drug addled owner of the Colts.... Just so the masses can pretend that 'Golden Superman' Puh-hey-tun Manning who runs around on carpet indoors for $20Mil/yr is their friend.

But enough about the 'Pro level'....

I do occasionally take my son w/ a neighbor & his son to the local AAA level baseball games. Its a good time & the boys learn from watching them.

Now motorsport is a different issue. I like 'em ! Almost all forms ! (Except that recockulous 'drifting'....which I consider the pointless 'ice dancing' of motorsport ) and since there's no way I can actually participate, I have to enjoy them at the spectator level. I go to 3-6 major events (IndyCar, NASCAR, NHRA, etc..) a year & several more lower level ones. And, if possible, I'll have them on the radio in the garage while I work out there...

A slice of heaven for me is sitting in the stands at Raceway Park at the 5/8 mi pavement oval....on a nice summer night....with a sausage sandwich and a beer.... watching sprint cars dive bomb into the turns ....


Last edited by Indy_68_S; October 2nd, 2011 at 09:25 AM.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 10:38 AM
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I couldn't care less about sports. Except that I love college football (especially Nevada Wolfpack), NFL football, college basketball during March Madness, women's volleyball, and occasional Sprint Car races and tractor-pulls. Oh, and the Winter and Summer Olympics. Also, mildly interested in NASCAR and Motocross.

Other than that, I hate sports.

Edit, I almost forgot women's curling. I am totally mesmerized by that stupid *** sport, especially the Swedish team. Can't figure out why, its a mystery. )

Last edited by MaxDog; October 2nd, 2011 at 12:33 PM.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 12:25 PM
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20 years in Las Vegas, observing the relationship between the spread and the games.
Have not had any interest in Pro sports since.

But as MDog states above I still enjoy March Madness.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 12:59 PM
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I would rather take a nap than watch or play any sports. With that said, if there is an opportunity to work on a car, I am right there. I used to enjoy watching NASCAR, but now they all look like Matchbox cars and I cant tell them apart, so my interest in that is gone.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 05:21 AM
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I don't care for watching them on the tv, but I have enjoyed watching a few games in person. I'm not one of those people that go every weekend maybe once every couple of years. Now if its something that the kids are interested in and it gets them out of the house and away from video games I'm all for that.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 07:36 AM
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And here I thought I was the only one who didn't care about sports. Pro sports are the worst - why would I spend a dime to support spoiled brat millionaires?

The worst thing is that Chip Miller over at Carlisle Productions appears to be using the Dan Snyder model for milking the customers as much as humanly possible.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 07:45 AM
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Things that Interest Tony,

1) Cars

2) Guitars

I shall now compile a list.

1967 Gibson ES-330 (Yes, not a 335)
1987 Gibson Les Paul Standard
1992 Epiphone Les Paul Custom
2010 Gretsch Electromatic (the Chet Atkins One)

Between Cars and Guitars, i really have no time for sports. N'or am i interested.

Long live rock n' roll baby,


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Old October 3rd, 2011, 08:13 AM
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I love sports. I dont watch a lot on tv but I read the paper and listen to sports radio at work to stay up on whats going on. Im not a big football guy, never played it and had no desire to. I played basketball and baseball. Played beer league softball up until my first son came along and I still play on the work basketball league.

Im a big baseball fan and I coach my sons team. The thing I dont like is the attitude that sports are the way to success and if you waste your time doing something else besides sports you are an idiot. The big thing up here in August is the Dream Cruise. A million people and 40,000 cars show up for a week long cruise on Woodward Ave. Every year the radio lines light up with people bitching about the traffic and the people. "Why are they out there wasting their time....What losers like to watch cars go by" These are the same people that lay on the couch and watch sports all night. The same people that have fantasy teams and live on the internet checking stats. One sports host even goes to the length of telling people to go do something productive, like watching a game on the TV.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 08:24 AM
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Sports has never held much interest for me either. I was into running and biking until knee problems started. I do like to watch NASCAR while working on my cars in the garage. People do act like you are weird when you show no interest in their obsession of Football - baseball etc. I would just rather be building something or fixing things.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 11:42 AM
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this is interesting... here i always thought i was the freak not being into organized sports.

No wonder i like this site.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by RAMBOW
this is interesting... here i always thought i was the freak not being into organized sports.

No wonder i like this site.
I posted this on one more message board and was supprised to see how many others there are like us. If there was 30 hours in the day maybe I could find the time to spend watching a game or two but until then I will spend my time doing something productive.
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 02:11 PM
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Some of us were competitive all throughout our teenage years and played sports competitively.
So it interests us. I played every team sport there was, as I was an actively competitive youth.
Sports build confidence in youth and teaches them team building skills and rewards them for their hard work.

Then there's the guys that never competed in any sport or had any interest in it.
I think this holds true based on the fact that you said you never played anything in school.

I have a 4 year old I'm planning on putting in football leagues early, plus martial arts once he hits 5.
I want him to participate in everything team oriented to build those skills.
Work hard to learn success at a young age.

I also want him to be physically fit and not one of these many fat kids running around these days. Sad.....
I watch the NFL , NHL, and MMA and that's about it. No contact = not a sport.

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Old October 3rd, 2011, 02:39 PM
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what about other than team sports i rode dirt bmx, skateboarded , people usually see these as slacker sports but it takes more leadership to teach your self and motivate your self than have a coach drilling you
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 05:39 PM
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Meh, I know enough to follow the Phillies, Eagles, and Flyers and a few ramdom players that I hate (hey I'm from Philly)

It's cool though, I'm important in work. Any car questions, are directed right to me.

An engine is an engine and a car is a car. Olds, Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Hyundai, Nissan, Kia, etc, etc, etc. they all make the same noises when they are about to break
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Quick Reply: Anyone else care nothing about sports?

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