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What about Car Clubs, memberships, etc...?

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Old September 8th, 2010, 01:31 PM
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What about Car Clubs, memberships, etc...?

I definately enjoyed myself (other than the weather on Saturday night/Sunday!) at the Olds Nationals. It was great talking to all the other Oldsmobile owners. I could have done without the downpour all night long (found a couple of new leaks!) but there is no controlling mother nature!

I was very happy to get the score I did for a car that's driven everywhere I take it. All I do is keep her up and running

I'm with you Oldskeeper, I drove to London last year and had no problems doing so. I definately like the idea of it rotating around. It's not really fair to hold it in the same location unless it's of significance (Lansing).

I think to clear up the misconceptions and improve car counts what the club could do is decide if they want to have a big Oldsmobile show with OCC member's cars highlighted, or do they want to keep it as an "only OCC members" Oldsmobile show. I didn't see why they couldn't have had a "non-members" car area inside so they would be part of the show too yet were not mixed in with the cars to be judged. I see why they do what they do and why everyone must be pre-registered (I saw how many trophies they had left over last year as they expected WAY more cars than showed up) but then I also see the non-members side. They asked me to be part of the club executive this year but my schedule did not allow for me to do the job properly so I turned it down. Some fresh blood and ideas would never hurt that's for sure. I liked the new ideas they were throwing around for next year (more cruises, meets) and would definately try to help where I can.

I never thought about getting my camera out until I was on the way home (DUH!). I would love to see what other pictures people got!

Jaybird, it was great meeting you and your wife! I can't believe she and I have the same last name!! Congrats on the two trophies!

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Old September 8th, 2010, 03:13 PM
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I am new to this website and I read with great interest the comments in this thread and other posts about the Olds Club of Canada and in particular the recent show in Bracebridge. I have been a member of the club for the past 12 years and a few years ago I joined the executive. However, my comments are my own personal opinions and I don't intend to speak for or on behalf of the club without the permission and approval of our president. As a long time OCC member, I always find it interesting when someone says they won't join or subsequently quit the club because they were not getting value out of their annual membership dues. For me, it's not about getting something tangible for my money. In my view, the dues (9 cents per day) are a donation or contribution towards the expenses associated with the operation of the club. The reason I joined the club was to become connected with other people like me who love their Oldsmobile. In my case, it was the 1964 F-85 I owned when I was 19 and for which I became reacquainted almost 30 years later when I acquired my current 64 Cutlass convertible. It was through my membership in the club that I met several very nice people who also own a 64 Cutlass. Sure I might have met some of them without having joined the OCC, but being a member has been the focal point for me all these years. It's been a rewarding experience and I intend to keep my membership for the foreseeable future. As for the show being in Bracebridge, it was a fun drive of 226 miles and I think it's a great little summer time destination. The drive home in the rain and stop and go traffic was less fun. But having the show, the host hotel and several restaurants on the same property was a huge convenience and I also really enjoyed the Friday cruise by the lake. When a show is moved to a different location, it will always be closer to home for some of the members and further away for others. And so, I hope to see many of you at the next show - where ever that might be.

Last edited by My1964Cutlass; September 8th, 2010 at 04:12 PM.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 04:19 PM
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I have been a member of numerous clubs over the last few years. Every one of them held multiple shows per year. Not one of them limited participation in their shows to members only. It wasn't even that that pissed me and another friend off. I completely understand the need for pre-registration to organize prizes etc. It was the fact you wanted our membership and our money just to park our cars in the "show area" which I might add was nowhere close to full.

I will put forward a few things to think about:

Limiting the show area to members only (NOT judging just show area)

  • NONE!!!!
  • Fewer vehicles in the show therefore less people interested in seeing the show
  • Fewer people interested in driving the distance to come to the show so they never get to see the show, see the club or the benefit of being a member
  • Multiple years of having shows with low numbers means less people interested in participating or even attending.
Its a very simple concept. By the club putting its own limitations on who can participate (not even get judged) you are in fact limiting the number of people who want to participate in the show and the club, which in turn limits the size of the show, which in turn further limits peoples interest in driving long distances to participate or view the show, which in turn limits the publics exposure to the club and the benefits of the club, which in turn makes the club shrink over time until eventually it ceases to exist.

Being on the executive of a few other clubs we found the majority of the new members were people that attended our events, had fun at the event and meeting all the members and in turn decided they would enjoy being a member themselves.

On another note: the last two years the executive of the club has called for more participation from its members in the executive.

With that in mind and the fact that:
  • My brother-in-law had been a member for a few years.
  • I just purchased an Oldsmobile myself
  • I had recently created a Canadian themed Oldsmobile website and forum.
  • I was told by many people how hard it was to find information on the OCC website.
I decided I would offer my website and forum (completely customized to their needs) as well as my services as webmaster to the club for nothing more than a membership. There were a few emails back and forth with their current president/webmaster. I even did a quick redesign to show them what it could look like. I was told they would show it to the executive and get back to me. That was almost a month ago and I haven't heard anything.

Doesn't seem to me like the executive really cares to improve the club.

Last edited by 66ninetyeightls; September 8th, 2010 at 04:37 PM.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 04:43 PM
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I agree with the parking charge inside the tape was not nessasary as the club didn't pay for the parking lot ( my understanding anyway) for you 66ninetyeight and your friend to have parked inside would not have cost the club anything.
I think sometimes some people loose sight of the fact that we are there for the same reason,to look at and check out other cars.I had to pay to be on the other side of the yellow tape,I just about told them to stuff it but my daughter who was helping Keith jumped in and told me she had regestered us for show only,if this is going to be a cash grab in the future it will be the downturn of what once was a vibrant club.
I am willing to help and be involved but not to line someones pocket.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 04:45 PM
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I also went to check the show out for the first time. Although there were some very nice cars there,it was hardly worth the drive.There was nothing that I seen that made me want to be a paying member. I believe they could benefit by having more cars as well as more venders. Its not likely I will go again.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by bulldog
I also went to check the show out for the first time. Although there were some very nice cars there,it was hardly worth the drive.There was nothing that I seen that made me want to be a paying member. I believe they could benefit by having more cars as well as more venders. Its not likely I will go again.
This is kind of a self-defeating attitude. They could benefit by having more cars, but you won't take yours because there aren't enough cars there. Hmmm. Connection here?

If everyone shared your attitude, there would be zero cars at the show.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by 66ninetyeightls
It was the fact you wanted our membership and our money just to park our cars in the "show area" which I might add was nowhere close to full.
Originally Posted by Oldskeeper
I agree with the parking charge inside the tape was not nessasary as the club didn't pay for the parking lot ( my understanding anyway) for you 66ninetyeight and your friend to have parked inside would not have cost the club anything.
These are completely silly, nonsensical attitudes. Whether or not the car show area was full and whether or not the club had to pay for the parking lot are completely beside the point.

The POINT is that the people who owned cars that WERE parked inside the tape PAID to be members of the club and PAID to park their cars there. Why should YOU get for free something that everyone else has to pay for?

Membership in the club and paying the show registration fee GET YOU PRIVILEDGES that non-members and non-fee paying people don't get. That's why you become a member. That's why you pay the car show entrance fee. If no one paid the fee to join the club and no one paid the fee to show their car at the car show, there would be no car club and there would be no car show.

It's awfully nervy of you two to go around complaining because a club that you are not a member of would not only not let you in to their member-only activity, but they wouldn't let you into it for free.

Gosh, how unreasonable of them.

Last edited by jaunty75; September 8th, 2010 at 05:16 PM.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 05:27 PM
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I'm not saying that paying members don't deserve certain PRIVILEDGES,but for a club to grow they must find a way to attract new members.Most people want something for their money. I have been (and still am. 6 years) a member of the VCCA. and have never been to any of their functions,but I do get value for my money. The opinon I made about the Olds show was strickly my own, it seems they are content with their present membership.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by bulldog
but for a club to grow they must find a way to attract new members.
Yes, and one way it does that is by handing out membership applications at its car show so that the spectators who say, "gee, I wish I could have shown my car," will be able to do so the next time.

If you or anyone who was not a member were able simply to drive up on the day of the show and put your car out on the show field, paying the entry fee or not, what incentive would you have to actually join the club? After all, you got all the perks the members do without having to be a member, didn't you?

By requiring pre-registration, the club has some idea of how many cars to expect. By not allowing day-of-show registration and limiting it to pre-registered cars only, the club knows pretty much exactly how many cars to expect. They thus know how big a field they need, how many people to staff it, how many judges they're going to need, how many trophies to have on hand, and so forth.

The only thing worse than having some left-over, unawarded trophies at the end of the show would be to have an entrant score high enough to win a trophy and not have one to hand him.

Something has to pay for the trophies, rental of facilities, insurance, prizes (if they're not donated, and not all are), and so forth. The car clubs don't get those for free. There are many expenses associated with putting on any kind of reasonably-sized show. To begrudge the club its membership fee and its car show entry fee and expect something for nothing is thinking only of yourself and is shortsighted.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 05:58 PM
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Ok Jaunty I have been a member since 1990 in good standing with the OCC and been a member on and off with the other clubs for the past 30 years.I travel to the meets in the states and in Canada.
As a member in good standing I have the right to voice my opinion and to park inside where your car would be safe from the regular cars in a parking lot would help potential members.I feel that this action by our club would have been good as these people took the time to drive up to Bracebridge for either the friday and saturday or just one day.To park inside the taped area in show without judging wouldn't have put anyone out.
In the future try to get your facts clear before you try to insert both feet into ones mouth,you didn't make it to the event and I did,I also judged and helped cleanup after.My family has been active with this chapter for many years and plan on staying involved in the future.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Oldskeeper
Ok Jaunty I have been a member since 1990
Sorry, I missed your post above where you said you were a member. Makes your whining about the club's need to charge people to show their cars, judged or not, even more difficult to understand.

you didn't make it to the event and I did
I may not have been to this show, but I have been to many, and I have been involved with the staging of many. The issues that clubs face in putting on shows are pretty similar across the country and around the world. I don't have to have been in attendance at this particular show to know the issues and problems they faced.

before you try to insert both feet into ones mouth
C'mon, if you're going to hurl insults, at least get the English right. It's "insert both feet into YOUR mouth" (if you are talking to me). Or, if you leave it your way, the "ones" is not a plural, it's a possessive, as in "insert both feet into ONE'S mouth."
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Old September 8th, 2010, 06:13 PM
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Oldskeeper; I agree a little hospitality goes along way. And besides it would have been easier to spot potential members by knowing which visitors were driving Oldsmobiles.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 07:12 PM
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Thank You Bulldog,you understand that a gesture like this does go along way.
It only makes sense to have a protected area to show your car when parking in a high traffic parking lot.To provide this to fellow oldsmobilers is a positive aspect for both club members and future members.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 04:19 AM
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Jaunty I really don't understand your logic. And obviously by looking at the member count and participation count of the OCC and its show neither does the average classic Oldsmobile owner in Canada.

The whole purpose of a club is to grow. If you don't attract new people to your events you won't grow. Take a look at how other clubs work. They don't require you to be a member to participate in the shows. They may require you to be a member to be judged which is completely understandable.

This elitist attitude is SO antiquated. If people are allowed to participate in club events they will have a good time. It gives them the ability to get to know the members and what the club is about. THIS is much more likely to entice them to join the club.

Ever here the old saying : "You catch more fly's with honey than SH--!!!"??

This club doesn't hold any weekly cruises, doesn't hold any monthly meetings. The ONE show a year is their ONLY chance to attract new people. Well. THEY BLEW IT!!

Last edited by 66ninetyeightls; September 9th, 2010 at 04:49 AM.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by My1964Cutlass
This elitist attitude is SO antiquated. If people are allowed to participate in club events they will have a good time. It gives them the ability to get to know the members and what the club is about.
It is *not* an elitist attitude. That has nothing to do with it. In essence, Jaunty is right on the money about this.
The real problem faced by *all* the clubs is is the universal pressure from the freeloaders that want something for nothing. Talkers and takers. It is a social problem that permeates the car hobby as it does society in general.
I for one (and I know I'm not alone) am more than tired of it.

Sure, there are things needed to encourage participation. But there are far too many people out there that are not willing to give. Time or money. And there is no reason they should have a voice on club functions. Join the club and earn a voice. Sheeesh.........
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Old September 9th, 2010, 05:00 AM
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See what you don't seem to understand is the club needs its members. Not the other way around. I can enjoy my club a MULTIPLE local car cruises and shows. I don't need to be a member of any club to enjoy my hobby.

Give it another 10-15 years. The majority of current club members will likely be dead and not have any new blood to replace them...
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Old September 9th, 2010, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by 66ninetyeightls
See what you don't seem to understand is the club needs its members. Not the other way around. I can enjoy my club a MULTIPLE local car cruises and shows. I don't need to be a member of any club to enjoy my hobby.

Give it another 10-15 years. The majority of current club members will likely be dead and not have any new blood to replace them...
Oh, I understand it a lot more than you think I do. Been there, did that.
And that is exactly the point. The club need *members*, not freeloaders which clubs won't end up getting as members anyway.
You (or anyone else, nothing personal) go ahead and enjoy the hobby however you want. But if you want a voice in the club, join the club. Period.
Something for nothing. I'm sick of it.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 05:12 AM
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Originally Posted by 66ninetyeightls
I can enjoy my club a MULTIPLE local car cruises and shows.
Local car shows and cruise-ins are a different animal. They usually don't require pre-registration, they're of course open to anything that moves, and they get around the problem of having enough trophies on hand by doing away with class judging and just giving out "Top 50" or "Top 75" trophies or the like.

They rely on and are thrilled to have people drive up at the last minute. But they'll still require you to pay the entry fee if you want to show your car. Are you going to begrudge the local Lions Club or Elks Lodge their money because you don't think you should have to pay the entry fee because the Lions club, after all, didn't have to pay for the parking lot or city street where the show is being held? I doubt it. So why do you object to the national club, which has a much larger effort going on, their money?

This problem is compounded several times over in Canada. It's a big, sparsely populated country. No matter where the OCC Nationals are held, it's going to be a long way from lots of people. A few will, at the last minute, decide to toss the picnic basket in the back seat and make the 200 or 300 mile drive to the show. They feel that, because they made that drive, they're entitled to some special consideration. You see that on here. "I drove all that way, and they didn't let me in! The bastards!" (Or words to this effect.) Sorry, but your failure to follow the rules of the show doesn't make them bastards.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 05:59 AM
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I agree 100% that there are plenty of free loaders out there looking for something for nothing. By having your attidude you are keeping much of the good away with the bad.

Think of it from this standpoint.

The show area cost the OCC "NOTHING" it was a Canadian Tire parking lot and they were given a section to use for the weekend. So as long as there were empty spaces left after the show and judging started. What would it have cost the club to allow other classic Oldsmobile into the show area to park and not be judged. ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. What benefits were there to the club??? Hmmm... lets see. Maybe a larger show overall gathering more interest from spectators. Maybe good will from those who were able to participate in some small way with out taking anything away from the members who paid to be judged. Not taking away their all too crucial trophy.

Do you honestly not think by making others feel WELCOMED that it would possibly make them feel interested in joining the club? Having more cars in the show makes people more interested in attending the next year.

I can't tell you how many people I spoke to there said how dissapointed they were with the size of the show and how it was not worth the drive. Hey guess what. They won't be back next year and the show gets even smaller. Kinda like a spiral effect.

Anyways I am going to have to agree to disagree regarding this subject and move on. Best of luck to the club.

Last edited by 66ninetyeightls; September 9th, 2010 at 06:32 PM.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 09:27 AM
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This is why I like Homecoming the best. Show put on by an OCA chapter but you dont need to be a member to enter your car.

I can also see the club shows as an exclusive event for club members. If you want to attend you can join up.

My buddy last year at the Dreamcruise tried to pull into the local OCA chapters parking lot. He was turned away because he wasnt a member. What if he wanted to see what they were about? Meet some members and decide if it was for him? Instead they pissed him off and now he has no intention of ever joining.

So I can see both sides of this.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 05:57 PM
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Well Guys I have sat back and read all the posts. Let me say I have been an OCC member for a year and signed up again for 2011.

I see Craig's point and I also see others point of view. As I see it this club is at an awkward position. As Craig said, this club is made up of older members. In fact, I found it refreshing to see Craig and some of his gang there. There aren't many places where I feel young anymore but at 42 this club makes me feel young.

The other members that I have met are great people and share the same interest. However, this club lacks younger members. The challenge is how do they attract new members and have these members become involved in sitting on the board so that new ideas could be implemented to help the club prosper.

I will say that I heard a lot of negative comments at the show how certain things were run. I agree with some and disagree with others. It does make me wonder how many new members they had sign up. They actually may have hurt their chances of signing up new members by some of the tactics displayed.

I think what needs to happen is they need to hold more cruises as suggested above and put a large effort against recruitment at these events and their meets. It also wouldn't hurt to go out to the people that they are trying to attract and ask them what would work. They can't execute all ideas but at least they can listen. Involving these "prospects" could really open up the doors to great ideas and generate new members as well.

It sounds like Craig put his hand out to the club by offering use of his own site. In fact, he evenly prominently put the club logo on it. I belong to his site and actually thought that it was somehow affiliated with OCC and thought that it was great to see them making strides online and ridding themselves of their antiquated site.

I know not everyone (including me) agrees with everything Craig has put forward but at least he has some new ideas. The club needs to find a venue where new ideas can be openly shared and I guarantee they will see more new enrollments. They probably will also see more people wanting to be part of the board. Most clubs (and companies) don't like to open themselves up because they are afraid of what they might hear. In today's world the clubs (and companies) that do this will be the ones that survive, others will cease to exist.

Oldsmobile owners are some of the most passionate people I have ever met. Somehow this club needs to figure out how to use all this passion so that they can grow.

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Old September 17th, 2010, 07:54 PM
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Well I sent an email a week ago to the OCC President with some recommendations and have yet to receive a reply. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt but I am very disappointed by the lack of response from Keith and his board.

Craig did you ever get a reply regarding your site?

I did notice that elections are coming this month or next. Maybe this is the time for change. I don't know how they hold the elections but hopefully they do a better job communicating this information then they do replying to emails.

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Old September 17th, 2010, 08:11 PM
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Yeah it was pretty funny. I guess Dave told him to check out this thread.

He said I obviously don't hold the club or the executive in high regard.... = DUH!!!

... it would not be in the club members interest for me to do the website BLAH BLAH.... the language used made it really sound like whom ever wrote it hung around lawyers too much or something along those lines.... "Without mallus or prejudice...."

I guess they failed to understand that the offer was no longer on the table after the way we were treated at the nationals.

Originally Posted by oldsca
Craig did you ever get a reply regarding your site?
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Old September 19th, 2010, 05:26 AM
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Hi Jaybird,

I did have a good time and Keith and I have finally connected via email. I had a friend that used to always say - "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." I have asked Keith for more information about the elections and suggested that they promote the details online - just not on their site. They have always said they need more people to step up - they just might regret that

Keith didn't take too kindly to some of my comments which is fair and I did fire back at him with several more of my opinionated comments. I hope he took it as healthy debate and not a specific jab at him. The board is very small and they all have multiple tasks within the club so I understand some of the shortcomings. I guess I will see if he replies.

The current leadership have done a good job of making the club stable now it needs to grow and attract new ideas and members.

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Old September 19th, 2010, 10:41 AM
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I have sent a message to the mods to split this topic so we don't hijack Jaybirds thread any longer. My apologies Jay.

Personally I don't see how a club election can be done fairly if not done in person. Most clubs I know of hold their elections during the last Show or meeting of the year. That way the votes are cast and counted in the presence of the voters. IMO they should hold their election during the nationals, but again that is just an outsiders perspective..
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Old September 20th, 2010, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by 66ninetyeightls
I have sent a message to the mods to split this topic so we don't hijack Jaybirds thread any longer. My apologies Jay.

I know how to merge threads but not split them. I know there is a way to do it though and will find out. After that let me get it clear that you want the debate about club memberships to be a separate thread, so prune those posts?
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Old September 20th, 2010, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Oldsguy
I know how to merge threads but not split them. I know there is a way to do it though and will find out. After that let me get it clear that you want the debate about club memberships to be a separate thread, so prune those posts?
Just click the boxes of all the posts you wish to move, and select MOVE to NEW THREAD and give a title of the new thread.
I have done it before - works great. I will let you do it as a training exercise...
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Old September 20th, 2010, 06:34 AM
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Correct & thank you.

Originally Posted by Oldsguy
I know how to merge threads but not split them. I know there is a way to do it though and will find out. After that let me get it clear that you want the debate about club memberships to be a separate thread, so prune those posts?
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Old September 20th, 2010, 08:10 AM
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So, there it is. I hope I got the posts in the correct threads. Enjoy gents.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 08:14 AM
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Thank you sir. You are the best!!!

Originally Posted by Oldsguy
So, there it is. I hope I got the posts in the correct threads. Enjoy gents.

Last edited by 66ninetyeightls; September 20th, 2010 at 08:16 AM.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 11:54 AM
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Our car show has been in the same spot for 17 years. The Town of Olds. It just fits. When I was asked to come back as president I noticed that the Northern Lights Chapter (so named because we were an OCA chapter once) had opened the show to all GM's. I said that if I am president it would go back to Oldsmobile only. Some balked but that was one of my terms. Why hold it in Olds if we are a GM show? The Oldsmobile dealer in Olds was the the obvious choice but the other reason was because it was centred between Calgary and Edmonton...sorta.

Our car show is open to members and non-members alike. Members pay $10, non-members pay $20. We even have two Long Distance Awards. One for the member who came the farthest (this year 745 miles) and one for the non-member (This year 235 miles). We have to recognize those people who made an effort to come to the show member or not.

This year we gave out 4 trophies to non-members. The other 26 went to members. Ours is an Oldsmobile show, not a club show. It is open to all Oldsmobiles, not just members. If anyone from Ontario is driving by and see's that we're having a show, they are welcome to join us.

We are not the biggest Oldsmobile show around but last year we had 78 people pre-register and had 75 cars show up. This year we had 80 pre-pay and 69 showed up. There were some hard luck stories. Everyone who entered won a door prize. Only last year, in our 17 years of having a show, did a few participants not win a door prize. The dealership supplies a free lunch of hot dogs and soft drinks and we have a banquet afterwards at the Royal Canadian Legion. It also helps that for the last 17 years, we've never had more than a 5 minute shower. It was one cloud in a blue sky.

The newsletter is also the glue that keeps the club connected. So many people came up to me at this years show and commented on how much they love "Olds Faithful". It feels good when you are the editor as well as president.

I think that shows like this should be open to Olds people. How else are you expected to grow. We hand out name tags at our show and since we know who's coming (pre-registration) we fill them out and put them in the packages. Everyone has an idea who they are speaking with. New people feel welcome (member or not) and we've seen that the non-members soon join up. I was told that some people schedule their vacation for the third Saturday in July so as to be at our show. Even the mayor and RCMP come by and take part. The mounties even sign and give out a certificate (that I drew up) "The Car I'd Most Like To Commandeer for a High Speed Chase" . The cop walks around and gives it to the owner whose car he personally likes. It all in fun, and that is what a car show should be...a stress reliever. Check out some of the cars at this years show. If we get a photographer we'll get them all next time.

My $.02

If anyone would like a copy of our newsletter "Olds Faithful" coming out in October, email me at and say you are from co and I'll send you one. This edition will only be 24 pages as opposed to 26, but I think it will still be entertaining.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 12:50 PM
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You know I would love to see one. I tried sending an email to that address and it got bounced right back. I will PM you instead.

Originally Posted by 442much
If anyone would like a copy of our newsletter "Olds Faithful" coming out in October, email me at and say you are from co and I'll send you one. This edition will only be 24 pages as opposed to 26, but I think it will still be entertaining.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by 66ninetyeightls
You know I would love to see one. I tried sending an email to that address and it got bounced right back. I will PM you instead.

Here's my direct email if it bounces back. I'll get the webmaster to clear the "president" email. The newsletter will be sent by email.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 07:24 PM
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I had wanted to post my opinion on this subject before, but didn't want to put it in the other thread, since it was about pictures and the good time people had at the OCC Nationals, not about the club itself.

Until I realised I could not make the show, I had considered joining the OCC, but with the sole purpose of attending the Nationals.

I think that what the OCC is trying to do is good but their focus and geography are making it difficult. Here is my opinion.

If I had to simplify the issue, I would say that the OCC's focus and it's name are not aligned.

I think the name Oldsmobile Club of Canada is a bit deceiving. Unlike the OCA, they do not have chapters in different parts of the country, so they can only focus on a certain area of the country/province. I would say that this area is southwestern Ontario.

The idea of more frequent cruises is good. It would get the club "out there" more, and would most likely attract more members. The issue with this is the fact it is supposed to be a national club. If there is a cruise happening in London, how many people will attend or be attracted from Montreal or Winnipeg?

A few years ago, I tried to start a local Oldsmobile Club. I was the whole executive, so I know it can be work to run a club, and this was just a local one. Just on a side note, I would like to thank 442much for all his advice to an Olds enthusiast trying to start a club from scratch. Anyways, I was talking with someone about my club, and he turned down joining my club. But he then asked me if I was interested in joining the OCC. We talked a bit about it, and I asked him if there were any events in our area, and he said no. I asked about something like a newsletter, and again, the answer was no. So to me, there was no incentive. I am not expecting any local events, but at least if there was something like a newsletter, that I could keep up to date with the club with.

I have heard, that the OCC might have a newsletter now. Does anyone know if that is true? If so, I may consider joining the OCC.

On another side note, after 2 years, I folded my club due to lack of participation and not having enough time to continue running the club while I am in school.

If they really want to make themselves known as a national club, I think that they need to put a bit more effort into attracting "long-distance" members, from outside of the home region. This could include things like adding a forum and improving their website (like suggested and offered by 66ninetyeightls).

It has almost been a month and the pics from the Nationals are not up on their site yet (or at least not that I can find). I can understand that people have more important things in life than a car club, but they should at least put a couple of teaser pics up, in my opinion.

If they do now have a newsletter, they should advertise the newsletter more. I have not been able to find any reference to it on their website.

Another idea, maybe they could have a “booth” at the Barrie Automotive Fleamarket, to promote the club and get new members. Maybe also at other auto flea markets in other parts of the country.

I do not think that anything they did or didn’t do at the Nationals are the big issue with attracting members. Maybe they attracted some, maybe they scared some away. I think the issue is that, that show is their only event of the year to attract new members, in person, every year.

That is my opinion. But I want to repeat, I think it is great the Oldsmobile Club of Canada exists, and helps promote Oldsmobile.

Last edited by car_designer; September 20th, 2010 at 07:29 PM.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 04:04 AM
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LOL only someone from Ottawa could have a post that long about a subject like this and at the end still not take sides!!!!

Definately some valid points though.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 11:58 AM
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From what I know of the OCC, I think it's a pretty good club. However if people want to make more to their liking they have to join the club and run for a position on the executive. It could be that the guys on the exc. are getting burnt out with trying to run a club. If more people pitch in to help, it's so much better for all involved.

In 2002 when I was president of the NLC I was also Event Co-ordinator, Membership Officer, webmaster, co-editor and production (mail the newsletters). It was a full time job. I had the passion, but also small kids. They came first.

I told the club they had 6 months to fill those positions because I was stepping down. Unfortunately membership went from 175 to 36. When I accepted to come back as dictator in 2008 I made a plan to grow the club. We had $1300 in the bank and the previous president managed to stop the bleeding of $600 per year. The Rocket Round Up would attract some 30 odd cars and it was all GM to try and boost the numbers. Our newsletter was 4-6 pages. Cover page, who the executive was (inside cover), a renewal form and a few words from the editor on the back page three times a year. When July came ond our show was coming up there were 6 pages. An extra sheet with the news of the show and a sign up form on the back.

I can't stress enough that the newsletter is the glue to keep the club together. Someone should volunteer to help out the OCC with that. We give all our exec. a free membership for incentive. We let everyone know that if you are on the exec. you don't pay membership.

Our club is like any other. 20% does most of the work to keep it going. By joining the OCC, or any other car club executive, you get to meet or talk to some great people in other clubs.

I've have made some great friends in the Puget Sound Chapter (Seattle) and the New York City/Long Island Chapter to mention a few. I've been to two of the Puget Sound Chapter's shows. We exchange newsletters and when they had the Nationals in 05, they made me feel extremely welcome. I just stopped by to say hi, I wasn't entered as I wasn't an OCA member (I'd let my membership lapse). I was even invited up to their private party. All because they knew me from the Northern Lights Chapter.

If you guys want an Oldsmobile club in your area, you have to support it. If you want some Canadian content that you can relate to in a local club, you have to make sure it is a good club and will survive. Be the change you want to see in your club.

In a short 2.5 years we've gone from 36 members to 105. From loosing $600/year with $1300 in the bank to making $2,000/year with $10,000 in the bank. Our newsletter went from 4-6 pages to 26 pages.
We're trying to spend it because we think it's too much, so next year will make some special promos for the members and car show. We spent over $1000 on trophies this year and enough door prizes for all participants and broke even . We have Oldsmobile Legacy license plate frames and caps and offer them cheap and still make money because they sell fast. We'll try to spend more next year on Oldsmobile items for the members. The Town of Olds also donated $1500 to us. So we made golf shirts.

As for the OCC, if there is anything the NLC can do to help, we'll do what we can, but before that fire can burn, someone has to be the spark. Find that spark locally and make the changes that will make most people happy to be part of the club. Car_Designer - sorry it didn't work out on your Ottawa club. Use your enthusiasm in the OCC. Join the club, volunteer on the executive and you'll find your "fix" while making the club better.

Good luck

Craig...did I go on long enough? Edmonton is also a capital Glad you enjoyed the newsletter.

Last edited by 442much; September 21st, 2010 at 12:03 PM.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 05:05 PM
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I've never taken my car to a show, but this thread makes me never want to. I'll just keep to my quiet self and drink beer in the garage while I stare at it and wish it looked better.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by 64Olds98
I've never taken my car to a show, but this thread makes me never want to. I'll just keep to my quiet self and drink beer in the garage while I stare at it and wish it looked better.
Car shows are not really about the cars. They're about the people.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 06:27 PM
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Well the OCC President (Keith) and myself have been sending emails back and forth. As I have stated to him, he doesn't agree with everything I have to say and I don't agree with everything he has to say BUT the one thing we have in common is our passion for Oldsmobiles. That's a helluva good start!

Ken I have taken your advice and offered to volunteer my time and expertise (?). I believe it is easier to sit on the sidelines and complain then it is to make change.

I coach my kids in hockey because I believed I could make it better for all the kids. I spend a ton of time and yes some times you wonder why. Parents that don't volunteer are quick to criticize and always have lots to say. I have dealt with many and I always tell them that coaching their children costs me several hundred dollars a year plus all of the time I spend at the arena(s) and on courses. If they would like, I would gladly step aside for someone that seems to "know better." Strangely enough I haven't seen other volunteers so I am still coaching and loving it.

I would love to see this club prosper in whatever form it might take. I always meet great people and hear some fantastic stories about their cars.

Ken, depending on my involvement in the club, I just might ask for some suggestions and advice. You have great insights AND a great car!!

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Old September 21st, 2010, 07:05 PM
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64Olds98, please do not let this thread scare you away from attending car shows or cruise nights.

Like 442much said, they are about the people and the cars.
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