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Old November 28th, 2020, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
No, My main man wife got sick, his daughter had emergency surgery and his sister in law [that lives with him] fell and broke her hip. He's been watching grandkids and meeting the school bus. hey won't let the kids off the bus now a day w/o someone there. I have no idea what they do with them

Hopefully things will settle down soon and they'll get back on it
James - Your main man sure has had a run of bad luck, I hope everything works out ok with his family. We had a similar situation occur a couple of years ago with the small outfit that built our new deck. The "main man" (owner) had his best helper quit on him shortly after starting our project, and then in the middle of it he totaled his work truck and trailer. Our 2-week project turned into 2-months. Saving grace was it turned out beautiful in the end.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 05:52 AM
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Chris< I'm really not, worried about it I don't need it until spring. I've know the whole family for years. Some of the best people I've ever know and can build and repair anything. Originally a large family of 10, Dad owned the whole top of the mountain now his kids and their kids all live up on the divided tract
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Old November 28th, 2020, 06:44 AM
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Good morning guys,
Pretty darn chilly here this morning with a low of 28 and heavy frost. It's going to be sunny all day though and get up to around 53. I started my 442 up yesterday and pulled it out into the driveway. Weather permitting, I try to start it up every 3-weeks or so through the winter months and bring it up to operating temp to drive any moisture out. I'm going to do the same with my motorcycles today. Not much else planned. Probably spend some time playing outdoors with the dogs while it's nice or take them for a walk. Will probably check-out the college football lineup for today too.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old November 28th, 2020, 06:51 AM
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Gonna be sunny and 70 here, so I'm gonna mow the grass in the back yard as it's getting kinda tall. This morning the weatherman said today is the 100th day without rain. Dang, even for a desert that's too dry.

Last edited by Fun71; November 28th, 2020 at 09:11 AM.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 07:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Slept until 9. Wow. Tiger wanted to go out around 2 and then didn't move until I did. Decided to forego the Awful house, maybe we'll go there tonight.

I don't see a big problem with driving 6 hours each way for something in a day. I mean, I wouldn't do it all the time. It was sort of a necessity, meaning if I wanted to go to the event, I had to do it. Sure not everyone would do it but that's their problem. Norm what difference does it make if it were on Black Friday or any other day? However as I was hobbling back to my car I saw one of our A319s taxi out and take off and I thought, gosh, if I were on that I'd be home by the time I get to the car. Wouldn't be far off.

Jamesbo prayers for your friends. Things happen in three's. You gotta take care of your own first. (And if I know Jamesbo, he's probably taking them food!)

Realtor woman is going to call today and we're going over the inspection that was done on my "new place" on Tuesday. Biggest problems I can see, several outlets either don't work or have open neutral. Breaker box wired incorrectly (!) and the roof has leaked in the past, but isn't now. Other stuff I would consider trivial. One of the windows is painted shut. The stove in the kitchen isn't attached to the floor. I didn't know that was a thing.

Okay gotta stop lollygagging around. Have a great day everyone. Nice here but chilly.

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Old November 28th, 2020, 07:49 AM
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Hi guys. I impulse bought a minibike for my boys on black friday. I had one when I was a kid.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 07:59 AM
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Could have used that yesterday...

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Old November 28th, 2020, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Norm what difference does it make if it were on Black Friday or any other day? Biggest problems I can see, several outlets either don't work or have open neutral. Breaker box wired incorrectly (!) and the roof has leaked in the past, but isn't now. Other stuff I would consider trivial. One of the windows is painted shut. The stove in the kitchen isn't attached to the floor. I didn't know that was a thing.
Mike - I'm needling you a bit I hope you know. Black Friday is like the busiest shopping day of the year which generally equates to lots of traffic. As someone who has driven back & forth to Daytona Beach numerous times I personally would hate that drive on Black Friday. Although, you may have weathered the trip better than me since I have to take I-95 most of the way.

The electrical should be a no-brainer as long as the neutral bus bar and ground bus bar are correctly wired in the service panel.
Stoves need to be secured w/ a hold-down in the rear of the stove. There are several types, many are of the type which you simply slide the rear legs of the stove into the tie-down slots. This prevents the stove from tipping forward in particular in case you have several heavy items in the oven and slide them forward out of the oven distributing the weight forward and creating an unbalanced weight distribution. Additionally, if you have say boiling water, hot pots on the forward burners on the stove while you were removing oven items this might cause a more serious unbalanced condition. So, it's a good safety measure all the way around. It sounds like the inspector did a good job of inspecting. The stove tie-down brackets are easy to install.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 09:15 AM
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I thought those were to prevent the stove from tipping when a kid used the open oven door for a step stool.
It’s always “think of the children”.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Fun71
I thought those were to prevent the stove from tipping when a kid used the open oven door for a step stool.
It’s always “think of the children”.
Actually, you are 100% correct. In fact, that very scenario is what is described in oven installation manuals - at least it was for the new oven/stove I installed. It specifically stated children who might stand on the oven door while it was open. I thought about this when reviewing what I read when I had the electrician re-wire the socket because I couldn't imagine a child standing on a hot open oven door. He stated, oh no, it's when children do in fact open the oven door to stand on it to reach something on the stove or counter, or otherwise. You're spot-on, Kenneth!
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Old November 28th, 2020, 09:38 AM
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Doesn't it seem this "fix" just reinforces the child's behavior? Tip a stove on a kid once and he'll never do that again, but make a secure step stool and he learns a new way to get what he wants.

I know, I know, it's bad to let a kid get hurt and I am not in favor of that at all. I'm just pointing out the seemingly bass-ackwards behavioral aspect of this.
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Old November 28th, 2020, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Fun71
Doesn't it seem this "fix" just reinforces the child's behavior? Tip a stove on a kid once and he'll never do that again, but make a secure step stool and he learns a new way to get what he wants.

I know, I know, it's bad to let a kid get hurt and I am not in favor of that at all. I'm just pointing out the seemingly bass-ackwards behavioral aspect of this.
I understand your line of reasoning and subtle humor. Much like: "Will my tongue really stick to the ice cold steel covered in ice?" "I'll put my hand on the stove burner to see if what they told me is REALLY TRUE"?
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Old November 28th, 2020, 10:11 AM
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Kenneth I thought the same thing as you. He'd only do it once. I don't have kids, and I rarely use the stove/oven, so it's a non-issue for me. My realtor called this morning and we went over the report. She said it was 228 pages. I read through it but I couldn't get most of the pictures to open. She didn't think the electrical stuff was that big of a deal, and was more worried about some bad siding. I said bad siding isn't going to burn your house down. She will forward the electrical issues to an electrician to see what he says.

Norm I did 75 to 16 to 95. Doing 85+ most of the way and stopping for gas once it was right at 6 hours. Traffic didn't seem all that heavy. I took the dogmobile, only because I was afraid of the car getting dinged up in narrow painted on grass parking spots. Although the car would have been more comfortable and get better mileage.

So I know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to take the big truck over to the shop and swap it out for the pickup. There's a bunch of crap in the back of the pickup that needs to get out, so I'll take care of that and maybe after 4 I'll give it a good wash.

My phone counts how many steps I take in a day. Usually I'm around 3500 steps, yesterday I was at 13600. That's over 6 miles. I should tell my doctor. He says I should take 10000 steps a day. I think he's crazy.

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Old November 28th, 2020, 02:52 PM
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40/40 Played 18 @ 2pm & finished @ 5pm. The moon was rising as the sun was setting. Gorgeous afternoon playing pasture pool, 65°F, 3mph wind. When the sun went down, it cooled off rapidly.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
40/40 Played 18 @ 2pm & finished @ 5pm. The moon was rising as the sun was setting. Gorgeous afternoon playing pasture pool, 65°F, 3mph wind. When the sun went down, it cooled off rapidly.
Norm - Did you run around the course to get finished in 3-hours? I know I never played a round that quickly, even in a cart. Pretty darn good shooting for moving that fast, obviously you weren't standing over any putts too long.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 09:16 AM
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Hi everyone.

Overcast and cool today, looks like rain. I don't have any big plans for the outside so no problem.

Gonna take in Walmart in a minute, so I'm ready for the week. What a let down to have to work all five days after only working three days last week. I don't know who wants to work 5 days in a row. The story I've heard was long ago there was no set work schedule and employers could make people work as much and as long as they wanted. It was Henry Ford who came up with the 40 hour work week. Why the hell couldn't he have come up with a three day weekend?

So moving has been put on hold. My realtor got a call from the other realtor this morning and said the house caught fire and burned down last night. Total loss. Where's the luck. I find something with a nice shop and some land, and it falls apart. Oddly enough, they think it was an electrical panel that caused it. That was one of the things that was gigged on the inspection.

Okay off I go. Hope everyone has a good afternoon.

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Old November 29th, 2020, 09:26 AM
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Good morning guys,
There won't be too much going on here today. Weather is ok, overcast with a high in the low 50's projected, but no rain. There's a front moving through this evening and the temps are going to drop into the mid-20's tomorrow morning and a high of only 35. Then the highs are only supposed to be in the low 40's the rest of the week.

We finally finished decorating the Christmas tree yesterday, so I'm posting a pic, and since we talked guns so much, a close-up of my favorite ornament.

I will probably watch the KC Chiefs game today, they've been my adopted team the last few years since the Rams skulked out of StL. They're a fun team to watch!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Old November 29th, 2020, 10:14 AM
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Mike - WTF!!! Talk about weird $HIT.
Chris - Yes, I wanted to get done before the sun set which is ~5:15pm. I walked the front 9 & grabbed a cart for the back 9. The average round of golf is ~3’45”. I often play a full round walking in 3hrs. Average walking speed is ~3.5 mph. I’d say I generally avg. ~ 4 mph therefore highly manageable.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
So moving has been put on hold. My realtor got a call from the other realtor this morning and said the house caught fire and burned down last night. Total loss. Where's the luck.
The luck is it happened before you bought it and moved in.

You noted the wiring issues and this validates that you had a legitimate concern.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 11:13 AM
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Mike, So sorry for your almost loss BUT much better now than later
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Old November 29th, 2020, 11:28 AM
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NO KIDDING, Mike????? Unphukingbelievable!!! I wouldn't want to be that home inspector. He probably didn't do anything wrong but I'll bet the owner or insurance company will try to point the finger at him. Well good thing it happened before you bought it!
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Old November 29th, 2020, 12:12 PM
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Mike - So sorry about the fire and loss of your house deal. Your post came through right after I had posted Norm about his golf game yesterday and before my regular good morning post, so I had missed it until now. Count your blessings it happened before it became your issue! You'll find another place, that one obviously had some serious issues anyway.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 12:37 PM
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Greg - I was thinking along the same lines regarding the inspector. Although from Mike’s description of the inspector’s inspection report and the length of the report I’d most likely side this inspector is most likely of no fault. Someone this thorough is most likely inculpable. I’ll bet he’s filling his britches waiting on the Fire Marshals cause of fire report.
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Old November 29th, 2020, 03:24 PM
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I asked the same question about the inspector, and my agent said he would not be at fault by merely doing an inspection. But she wondered if in his normal course of business disrupted something that took a few days to fester. Who knows. This wouldn't have (most likely) happened under my ownership because I would have insisted the bad wiring be taken care of before the sale or it would be no sale. I still feel bad for the seller, this will be a headache for her for some time.

I actually have been thinking of a way I could still buy the property, at a reduced rate of course, and build my own house. I liked the place as a whole, but I'm finding out that it's now a whole other ballgame. A construction loan for a house would be a different loan than the one to buy the property, I couldn't just get one loan for all of it. My agent is going to keep in touch to see where it goes from here. She sent me a picture taken this afternoon, very sad.

Rain. Not sure how long it will last but it's supposed to be cold this week. I never did collect more dry firewood so I'll have to scrounge for things for the stove. I'm gonna go to bed soon so it won't matter tonight.

Hope the week starts out good for everyone.

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Old November 29th, 2020, 03:42 PM
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Mike, I was thinking the same thing. I'd tell the agent that you are still interested and se if they got any idears

Maybe, the seller could rebuild [with your specks] form the Insurance $$ prior to closing

You [of course ] would need a new appraisal , loan etc, but it would give you more time to pack

Turn lemons into lemonade

BTW I'll guarantee the inspectors report has about 20 pages of "no fault " language
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Old November 29th, 2020, 04:31 PM
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Mike - You need some music to relax and cheer you up so I've picked a couple of pieces you might enjoy. The young lady (Tetiana Mazur) is playing the Bandura.

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Old November 30th, 2020, 05:15 AM
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Mike, This may end up being a great deal for you. If you like the land and the out buildings. Too many variables at this point. I certainly hope the place was insured, but if it was I'll bet the house has to be rebuilt. I may be wrong but some elderly neighbors of ours lost their house to a chimney fire. They were old and thinking of going into a retirement community anyway, so they wanted to just get a pay off but the insurance said no- the replacement had to be built to take advantage of the settlement. Good luck with it.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 07:00 AM
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No smacking whitey today
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Old November 30th, 2020, 07:06 AM
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Good morning guys,
Burrrrrrr! It's 31 degrees at 0830 with a windchill of 25 and flurries, way too cold for this neck of the woods. It's trash day so I had to get out in it to get the trash to the curb, just too fricken cold!

On a brighter note, I have car and motorcycle goodies I ordered coming today. A new battery is coming for my Yamaha. It had a new battery in it when I bought it in July of 2016. It's still starting fine, but by the time spring rolls around the battery will be 4&1/2-years old and the last thing I want is to get stranded 200-miles from home some day. For my 442 I ordered a new air filter, an inline fuel filter, a magnetic oil drain plug, some 3/8" fuel line clamps, and a hose cutting tool. The new filters and drain plug will go in in the spring when I change the oil and get her ready to roll for a new season.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old November 30th, 2020, 09:12 AM
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There exists a large Lake Norman near Charlotte, NC (Duke Energy). There now exists a smaller Lake Norman in my backyard - it’s been raining nonstop since 12:00 midnight.

Chris - I generally get 2 - 3 yrs battery life in my 2010 KM Chief Vintage regardless of battery mftr. Although my motorcycle doesn’t ride as smooth as the newer PII models and mine has a tad more road/frame vibration.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 09:27 AM
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Nice & warm & dry in the man-cave. I’ve removed both batteries on the 2003 F-250 and I’m cleaning all the (+) & (-) terminal ends of wires/cables in the engine bay and loading up the ends with dielectric grease. I have no charging or electrical issues, it’s what I do as routine maintenance every several years. Good way to spend a rainy day inside.

I believe I’ll read the manual on changing the rear differential fluid and get that done over the next couple weeks. Truck has 180K miles & it’s never been changed. I’ve flushed the coolant system & transmission once - about 4 years ago. I don’t use 4-wheel drive on regular occasions - and when I do it isn’t like I’m digging myself out of trenches pulling equipment so I don’t believe I need to change the transfer case oil.

It’s about 65F, raining with thunder, colder in the next several days but I did make a tee time for this Thursday @ 11:00am.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 09:49 AM
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Well, it looks like the snow that they forecast for my neck of the woods last week is going south and east. Breaks my heart. Mike, sorry to hear about the house that you were looking at, another one will come along. Lets see, what was there to celebrate for Thanksgiving? The Lions fired Matt Patricia, so that is good! I ain't holding my breath on a new coach and future winning seasons, they don't exist for the Lions.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - I generally get 2 - 3 yrs battery life in my 2010 KM Chief Vintage regardless of battery mftr. Although my motorcycle doesn’t ride as smooth as the newer PII models and mine has a tad more road/frame vibration.
Norm - This past summer I felt like I was pushing it with the Yamaha battery going on 4-years old. I never noticed any drop in cranking power, but I've heard many stories of one day they're fine, and then without warning you've got nothing. I bought a Yuasa, which I've read are supposed to be pretty good batteries. It's supposed to have 210 cca which is a fair amount more than other batteries that fit my application. My Indian had a new battery in it when I bought it in 2018, it will get a new one in the spring of 2022.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Well, it looks like the snow that they forecast for my neck of the woods last week is going south and east. Breaks my heart. Mike, sorry to hear about the house that you were looking at, another one will come along. Lets see, what was there to celebrate for Thanksgiving? The Lions fired Matt Patricia, so that is good! I ain't holding my breath on a new coach and future winning seasons, they don't exist for the Lions.
Dan - Isn't it amazing that in a system that's designed for teams with less talent to improve from year to year through the draft, that the Lions remain perennial losers! All you can figure is poor management from the top down. As much as I'd like to, it's really hard for me to root for them or even be interested in watching them play at all. Speaking of football, the savior of U of M football, John Harbaugh, sure has them looking good doesn't he! Makes me embarrassed to even say I'm a fan. Right now they're the worst Michigan team that I can ever remember. It's time for Harbaugh to take a hike!
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Old November 30th, 2020, 10:59 AM
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Years ago, The Falcons finally handed a 1st round wide receiver draft pick his walking papers and he dropped them
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Old November 30th, 2020, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Dream67Olds442
Norm - This past summer I felt like I was pushing it with the Yamaha battery going on 4-years old. I never noticed any drop in cranking power, but I've heard many stories of one day they're fine, and then without warning you've got nothing. I bought a Yuasa, which I've read are supposed to be pretty good batteries. It's supposed to have 210 cca which is a fair amount more than other batteries that fit my application. My Indian had a new battery in it when I bought it in 2018, it will get a new one in the spring of 2022.
Chris - Indeed, that's about how the batteries go in a motorcycle. They simply drop "DEAD". Unlike many motorcyclists, I carry a tool bag with the essential bare minimum tools. I've had a battery go bad while on the road. It isn't such a big deal if you have tools - tools are essential. My current battery is a fricking monster YUASA. I thought I'd give them a try. I can't recall the cranking amps, but it's huge. I might have a look when I get back out to the man-cave as I retain the boxes they ship in and I have a couple new batteries on the shelf as several pieces of equipment basically use the same style battery e.g. ZT John Deere, etc. I've replaced the VR & the stator on my bike about the 50K mile mark.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - Indeed, that's about how the batteries go in a motorcycle. They simply drop "DEAD". Unlike many motorcyclists, I carry a tool bag with the essential bare minimum tools. I've had a battery go bad while on the road. It isn't such a big deal if you have tools - tools are essential. My current battery is a fricking monster YUASA.
The Yuasa I bought is model YT14B-BS.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Years ago, The Falcons finally hand a 1st round wide receiver draft pick his walking papers and he dropped them
Nice one James . . . LoL!!!
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Old November 30th, 2020, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - Indeed, that's about how the batteries go in a motorcycle. They simply drop "DEAD". Unlike many motorcyclists, I carry a tool bag with the essential bare minimum tools. I've had a battery go bad while on the road. It isn't such a big deal if you have tools - tools are essential. My current battery is a fricking monster YUASA.
Norm - I meant to comment on the tool situation and forgot. I always carry a fair amount of tools with me on the bike. I even carry a tire plug kit and a mini compressor I can plug into my 12v outlet. The tools won't help you much though if you're out in the middle of nowhere and stop at a scenic overview or some other attraction, that's what I worry about.
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Old November 30th, 2020, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Dream67Olds442
I've heard many stories of one day they're fine, and then without warning you've got nothing.
That is exactly what happens out here in the desert summer heat. One day the vehicle will crank fine the first time, you go to your destination, then when you get back in the vehicle the battery is dead. Been there, done that multiple times.
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