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Old October 4th, 2011, 05:07 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chiily dis mawn'in but warm'in up dis afternoon.

Sandy WTF ? I never heared of such a thing? Hope cha get better soon and back in fight'in shape. I can come up dare and drive Teepo to de show, I ain't never gotten a trophy. I promise not to smoke not cigars in her.

Adrian, Tnaks fer de cool cook book. It was quite a suprise.

Pat, I ya need a recipe fer "Black Stump Casserol" or "Yabbies in white wine" jes give me a shout. Adrian sent me "Australian Bush Cooking" and it's got sum really neat stuff in it.

Wolfie, Glad your back on wit us. Try to stay healthier.

car_designer, Glad ya figgered out wth was wrong wit dem Winder Washer. It's bad driv'in in de rain w/o out dem. Course ya could move down ere and not worry 'bout de rain. Haven't had 1/2 " in months.

Scot, Sorry 'bout de problems at werk. I'd jes act stupid, It's real easy fer me to jes stand back, fold ya arsm and stare at de puter and say, "Sorry Boss, it jes don't like me today.

Tony, What's dat quick conversion from F to C ? I thught I had it but ever time I try it it don't seeem to come out right. De Temp thingy on my Suburban rear view mirror is stuck on F and I ain't got a clue.

Ya'll have a woderufl day.
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Old October 4th, 2011, 05:23 AM
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Morning All!

Where is everyone today? Thanks for the well wishes, guys. I'm still alive, but feeling mighty crappy. I have an antibiotic to take every 12 hours, and Tylenol for this pounding headache. Advil works much better for me, but they said take Tylenol.

It's cloudy this morning, but I think we're supposed to see some sun today. I know we are tomorrow and the rest of the week. We'll all be going outside and looking up in wonder at that glowing thing in the sky we haven't seen for weeks! Oooohhhhhh..... what is it?? It's supposed to be 77 on Saturday! It will be a nice day for the Stow Glen rescheduled show, and the Pop's one also. I'll probably go to Stow Glen. Closer.

Nicole is supposed to come over today and stay with me. I made sure Larry was aware of it this morning. She has to take the Intrigue to Defer for an oil change at 10. I haven't heard from her, so I hope she didn't forget.

I talked to Don Sitts last night about that plaque I was having that guy make me, and he said the guy was to bring all the plaques with him last night, so Don would have them at the dealership. He also said the city gave him a few more Monday's, so there will be a cruise in next week! I plan on taking off early, or maybe the whole day. I have sick time to cover the days off this week. I don't know if I'll work tomorrow or not. Depends. Usually by the 3rd day I'm starting to feel human. Not 100% but better.

Paul.... That's a shame you have to replace the motor and pump, but at least you'll have wipers, lol. I don't know if Teepo's washer's even work? I've never tried them.

Wolfie...... What a nice surprise to hear from you! Glad you're still amongst the living, lol!! Don't be a stranger. We worry, ya know!

Sure wish we'd hear something about Don. I hope he is ok.

Well have a great day all!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 4th, 2011 at 05:26 AM.
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Old October 4th, 2011, 05:56 AM
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Mornin'. Hope you continue to feel better Sandy.
Hope everyone has a good week.
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Old October 4th, 2011, 06:23 AM
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morning all

Raining here. I have to spend the day doing depositions for a suite my company brought against the Army core of Engineers on a project finished in 2008. Should be a lot of fun.

Wolfie nice to hear from you been awhile

Adrian when can we hear and see a video of the new engine running

Sandy you get to feeling better that's an order

Jamsbo, I look around but those recipes are new to me, if you find them first send me a copy

Have a good day all
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Old October 4th, 2011, 04:31 PM
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Good Afternoon, Mawnin People

Sandy, Wow that sure does suck, being in that situation. Get well soon and keep your head up.

Tuesaday @ training.... Hmmmmmm 4 calls to 1-800-I don't know what I'm doing so let the trainee call da help line fer the USPS Don't know what to tell the techs, cept I'm new and trying to get on the the win-der (front counter) and my passwerd ain't a werkin' well after a total of 2 hrs and 4 phone calls, still nothing doing. It is a bust today 'cept I did get to watch what goes on behind the scenes so to say. Needless to say not everyone is clueless there just the one assigned to train me.

Yall have a good day, evening. I tank I may try to talk my TW out of some of that Calgon she has stashed

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Old October 5th, 2011, 04:34 AM
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Morning All!

Feeling about 85% today. Staying home again, have to go see the doc for a follow up. I'm about tired of this already! Brian sent me a text yesterday and informed me that he has another sinus infection (he always has something it seems) and I should stay away today until his antibiotics kick in and he's no longer contagious. He is just toooo busy to take a sick day. And Steve and Clay wouldn't do his work correctly.....

The SUN came out yesterday mid morning!!! It sure was beautiful!! Reckon we're gonna have sun clear into next week! I'm not holding my breath though. I am gonna take a half day off next Monday for the Riverfront if it's sunny like they are saying it will be. It's just now starting to get daylight around here. The leaves are changing fast.

Nicole came yesterday and we almost finished the Vampire Diary dvd set. Larry came home and came in glaring, then stomped out to the garage, so I told her to go. He never spoke to me all night. Didn't even ask how I was feeling. What an a$$!!!!!!!!!! You'd never know to talk to him that he's like he is. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Sad.

So I'm going over to Nicoles later this morning. It will be nice to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air. I hate being cooped up inside.

Scot... hang in there!! You'll get it eventually, lol!!

Well you all have a good day!
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Old October 5th, 2011, 04:48 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool dis mawn'in but warm'in up dis afternoon.

Sandy, So glad you're feel'in mo better. Still never heard of what cha got tho.

Pat, I gots de recipes. De are all in de new cookbook Adrian sent me from down under.

Scot, Sounds like your new job is better than being on welfare. I wonder why de won't let cha get your hands in de till?

Years and years ago, a friend of mine's father was wit a big insurance company ere in Hotlnata. When de company like one politco better dan anutter and didn't want anyone to know [cause de utter guy might win.]

De would make hudge political contirbutions in the from of postage stamps. Like whose gonna know how much postage an insurance compnay uses in a year.

Ya'll enjoy de hump.
Day dat is.
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Old October 5th, 2011, 05:05 AM
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Jamesbo.... google Cellulitis... that's what they call it.
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Old October 5th, 2011, 02:06 PM
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Morning all more rain for the ride home

Glad to hear your feeling better Sandy, not so much about your two children though

Good to hear you got the book ok Jamesbo, I thought you might like it being the great cook you are

You could always do what I did with my day in the workshop at work and teach your teacher how to do his job Scot although they might not like it hehe

All going well I should have the engine fired up today, but it will be loud as there is no exhaust yet

Hope you get those wipers fixed before it rains again Paul.

Time for a little shut eye, have a good day ya'll

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Old October 5th, 2011, 02:13 PM
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Good mid-afternoon


When you try a few of them recipes, pass them on. I have a pok shoulder roast recipe to send you. just have to type up. Will do this in the next coupla days. its a good one.


gotta post a video with sound Vaaaaaaaaaaroooooooom.........

Sandy get feeling better ya hear that's an order.

Scot, that there federal govment shore is smart. They done gonna teach you something all you have to do is figure out what
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Old October 5th, 2011, 04:40 PM
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Evening all!

Well I spent the day at Nicole's and we finished the dvd's. Now I can watch it on TV, lol! Feeling better. Followed Citcapp's orders!!

Went to the doc this afternoon and she said it's some kind of a strep something bacteria that showed up in my blood work. Worse than the one that causes strep throat. She said to call tomorrow or Friday and find out after she studies the blood work more, if she wants me to be taking another antibiotic with the one they gave me, or if this one is the best for killing it. Reckon it's stubborn. Sure makes ya very sick, very fast!!

It was gorgeous today. Sunny and got up to 73 degrees. Nicole and I and grand dog took a nice walk to a waterfall by their apartment. Very pretty back there.

They were cruisin at Chick Fil A when I went by on the way home from Nicole's.
Guess they're going through October. I thought it was over at the end of September. I know where I'll be next Wednesday night, weather permitting!! Poor Teepo hasn't been started in 2 weeks now. She's very sad......

Well I'll talk to ya tomorrow from work. Sure doesn't seem like I had an extra 3 days off!!
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Old October 6th, 2011, 05:24 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautiful day but we still need sum rain

Sandy, Glad your feel'in better.

Pat, Since Monday was a wash, smacked whitey round yesterday 42/46. The Colorado Kool aide hurt me on de back side.

Adrian, I'm wit Pat, Post a video of dat puppy crank'in up.

Gonna go eat lunch wwit sum Emroids dat went to school wit me today down in Sandy Springs. [Fer you foreigners, Dat's half way to de big city sorta North Atlanta]

Scot, We're gonna have a pool bett'in on how many days it is befo your pass word will let you go to work. EVeryone send me $5.00 to buy a square.

Ya'll have a wonderful day
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Old October 6th, 2011, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

Feeling much better today. Back to "work". Sun is shining, temps in the 50's heading to the 70's.... life is good! It's quiet in here..... except when Brian is blowing his nose, lol!!!!!! Gonna be a long day.

Headin to Bellacino's tonight hopefully! Gonna be a beautiful evening to cruise.

Jamesbo..... I put my $5 in the mail to ya, lol! Poor Scot!

Have a great day all!
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Old October 6th, 2011, 06:30 AM
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Scot, working for the govment must be like working for zombies. I was at the social insecurity office the other day and all the office staff had that look. Slack jaw, blank stare, slow moving. I hope you don't catch it.

Jamsbo, Ya gotta watch that cool aid it'll sneak up and smack you like you smack whitey.

Sandy, Glad your feeling better. Better get Teepo out a few more time before you have to lock her away for the winter.
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Old October 6th, 2011, 04:11 PM
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Good Afternoon Mornin People!

Well I've been able to get online at work finally and now have 3 days out of 5 under my belt as far as window training goes. The catch is that I am at a much smaller store with less traffic so the real job will be a challenge I'm sure. So far so good.

Jamesbo, I'll send cha da five spot two weeks from last Friday and I'll take Tuesday the 4th de Oct.

Pat I hope I don't turn into one of dem Zombies you speak of. I do see how da gubment has brainwashed some of, well most of who I have been working with and only a couple of those seem exactly as your experience at the Insecurity office.

X3 on glad you feeling are better Sandy

X3 on hearin' dat engine purrin' Adrian


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Old October 6th, 2011, 06:05 PM
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Hello all. Been a hard day. One of my hardest ever. My baby girl has been heading down a bad path. Today the Mrs and I admitted her to a rehab program to hopefully get her back on track. Its gonna be a long 30 days. God I hope she pulls her head out.

Sandy lots of Vitamin C, and stay away from those germy kids. Scot. Glad you got that Pong game workin.
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Old October 6th, 2011, 06:32 PM
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[QUOTE=CQR;329291]Hello all. Been a hard day. One of my hardest ever. My baby girl has been heading down a bad path. Today the Mrs and I admitted her to a rehab program to hopefully get her back on track. Its gonna be a long 30 days. God I hope she pulls her head out.

Thought are with you Clint. I went down a long path with my middle son, lasted several years. It is heart wrenching and causes a lot of strain in the family as a whole.
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Old October 6th, 2011, 07:57 PM
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Good evening all.

I have spent the last 2 days working on figuring out the logic for and coding a program for a lab at school. I am coding in Assembly which is a low level programming language, about 2 levels up from 1's and 0's. In class today, the prof was talking about the lab, and after he explained something, realised that everything I have done so far is wrong so have to start all over.

Today was sunny, but cold. Overnight, it almost got down to 0C or 32F.

But even with all that, it was a great day. I am so excited. The Cutlass came home from the bodyshop today Now on to reassembly.

Sandy, good to hear you are feeling better.

Adrian, like others have said, take a video of the engine running. Make sure to take one without the exhaust. The video recording device will pick up the audio better.

CQR, sorry to hear about the situation.

Scot, keep it up.
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Old October 7th, 2011, 03:59 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Hello all. Been a hard day. One of my hardest ever. My baby girl has been heading down a bad path. Today the Mrs and I admitted her to a rehab program to hopefully get her back on track. Its gonna be a long 30 days. God I hope she pulls her head out.
Clint, My heart goes out to you and the Mrs. I've got a sister and brother in law go'in down the samee road. No one knows the answer to the problem. Try to look after yourself and wife at the same time. The stress is very difficult.

I lost my sister back in the sixties to drug abuse. It was a tragic story.
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Old October 7th, 2011, 04:52 AM
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Good morning ALL

Thanks for the thoughts. We actually got a little sleep last night. Seems as if us parents have as much homework as the kid does now. I'm fairly certain we caught this early in is stages and hopefully that will help.

Chilly morning 41F right now. The MIL couldn't go up for a load of hay. Too much s-n-o-w to get the truck in the field looks like we are supposed to get rain most of the weekend. I guess the new shop dog (kids Jerk Russell) will have to wear his sweater the next few days.

Maybe I can work on my console/radio box for the 67.

Good to hear the car made it home C_D. I'll have to check on your build thread for pic's.

Sorry about your sister Jamesbo, Hopefully this story will have a happy ending.

Bundle up.
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Old October 7th, 2011, 06:14 AM
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Morning All!

Another sunny but cool morning here. Just soooo nice!! Heading to the high 70's today. We may even hit 80 Sunday and the early part of next week. Then the cold air comes back with some rain Wednesday. I hope the grass is dry over at Stow Glen tomorrow for the show. All these old rear wheel drive cars....... I dunno!! Clay was talking about people getting stuck in the grass last night at the Solon high school game...... Teepo had better not get mud on her!!!!!!

We went to Bellacino's last night! It was soooooo nice! Teepo was so excited to see her friends, lol! Place was filled - 2 parking spaces left on the asphalt. And...... I won the 50/50 again! They decided to split the "half" and do 2 drawings, so me and another fellow each got $120.00!! I wasn't complaining, lol!! It sure got cold quick when the sun was setting..... by 7:00. That sucks.

Brad ( Bellacino's owner) asked us what we thought about getting together one Thursday a month in the restaurant, just to visit with one another and such through the winter. We think that's a wonderful idea! Of course, he wants to sell his food too, lol! But I think it will be nice!

I can't find any shows around on Sunday. I keep looking. It's supposed to be so hot and beautiful too.

My doctor called me yesterday and put me on another antibiotic, this one is 500 mg. taken 3 times a day!! That's 1500 mg. - seems like a lot to me! Whatever this bacteria is floating around in my blood is pretty evil, lol. The other antibiotic they gave me Monday is also a 500 mg., but taken once every 12 hours. I sure hope this thing gets out of my system!! I feel much better, still have the pounding headache though. I hate this crap.

Clint..... I sure hope things work out with your daughter. God knows I worry about mine also. Who knows what they are going to do anymore. She may be a screw up in some ways, but she's never had an interest in smoking, drinking, or drugs, thank God.

I heard something about s-n-o-w in Colorado...... I didn't like it, lol! Makes it seem too real. According to the "winter" forecast predictions here, it's gonna be a helluva winter. Not that I would expect anything else of course.

Paul..... happy to hear the Cutlass is home! I can't wait to see pics!

I forgot to mention that I put the new throttle spring from Year One on Teepo a few weeks ago...... it's just like the original! My calf muscles can finally relax since they don't have to push soooooo hard anymore! I love it!!

Well you all have a great Friday!

Last edited by cutlassgal; October 7th, 2011 at 06:17 AM.
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Old October 7th, 2011, 07:34 AM
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CQR, hope it goes well, my dad had a problem, as did my brother (he beat it). Sandy, you are so lucky! Seems that they had snow over in Pennsylvania a couple of days ago!
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Old October 7th, 2011, 03:49 PM
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Morning all, bit of a thunder storm here today so there goes my day

Sorry to hear about your daughter Clint, I hope everything turn out ok for you all.

Thats sad to hear about your sister Jamesbo.

Glad to hear the cutlass is home Paul, not you can work on it over winter

Hopefully you can find something to do on sunday Sandy.

Well you all asked for it so here it is,

Let me know what you think. I have to get the exhaust in a week

Have a good day all

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Old October 7th, 2011, 05:24 PM
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Sounds great Adrian,

Who needs stinking exhaust anyway
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Old October 7th, 2011, 05:52 PM
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Sounds good Adrian. Interestingly, I posted on your vid and I was left with 442 characters remaining.
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Old October 7th, 2011, 06:01 PM
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Sweet sounding engine Adrian!

Sandy I hope everything works out for you with the infection. Sometimes our body will let us know when anything goes awry. I am not a believer as far as medication goes, and I probably will pass away one day per-maturely due to my stubbornness, just because I dislike being poked, prodded on and overly medicated. But that is just me and I got my hard head honestly.

Clint, my sister is going down the same roads as your daughter and you have my prayers my friend. If it is what I am going through with my sister, then THE ONLY way is for them to be ready to wash their hands of it. NO ONE else can say anything or do anything to persuade them otherwise. Sad but true. Hang in there brother, our prayers are with you. Bye da bye, my sis is incarcerated right now again for the same stuff, except she managed to rack up several charges this time on top of the usual. She is my only sibling and is my elder by 3 years, but she has ruined her life and has wreaked havoc on everyone's life around her including her 3 kids that are thankfully grown now with the youngest being 20 and they all saw her go down like a plane w/o wings

Paul thanks brother, I am a soldier that was never officially a soldier. But the toughest thing I have to endure is probably the disgruntled co-workers and the top heavy (too many chiefs) gubment entity called the USPS. Other than that my job is simple compared to climbing under houses, in attics, up on roofs of commercial buildings and I have also been a tree surgeon climbing trees and running a 72' bucket truck, a mechanic working on buses and vehicles that other people without a clue working on them prior to myself, which is never good especially when it still is not working right when they are making it worse. In a nutshell the work itself is easier but the stress level is maxed out Especially with all of the changes that the USPS is experiencing now. Instead of growing pains, it is downsizing pains the USPS is struggling through. So still I consider myself fortunate to have landed the job with them, but I still have a ton to learn and remember. And with alot of veteran employees I do stand a chance to become permanent. I hope???

Yall have a safe LONGGGGGG weekend!

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Old October 8th, 2011, 06:54 AM
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Good morning all

Just here to say high before heading off to the Monrow Swap meet. Its the biggest swap meet held in Washington State. hope to score some stuff for the 48.

Have a great Weekend all.
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Old October 8th, 2011, 07:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautiful day in de neighborhood.

Adrian, She sure sounds pretty

Pat, Happy hunt'in.

Ever wake up sing'in a song and it stay wit cha all day.

Ere's mine de jour
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Old October 8th, 2011, 07:23 AM
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Morning All!

Sun is shining, birds are singing.... Life Is Good!

Heading over to the Stow Glen show arund 11:00!!!! It's an absolute beautiful morning, though still in the 50's and chilly right now. Heading to around 80 later!!!!!

I went out and took some pics of the trees in the yard with the leaves changing, this morning. I'll post them later. They are really pretty with the sun shining on them. We don't get that too often, lol!

Just doing some laundry and general puttering around until time to leave. Still can't find any shows for tomorrow. I need to take Lin shopping, but I don't want to be stuck inside anywhere tomorrow when it's gonna be so nice out. I need to get the Halloween decorations out of the back garage too and set them out. One day soon I have to take Teepo out for her annual calendar pic photo shoot.

Adrian...... engine sounds great!!! Good job! I'm proud of you, lol!!!

Scot.... We don't get Monday off...... that's a perk for you gubment people, lol! So you enjoy yours!! I'm sorry to hear about your sister. That's sad. One of my nephew's was in to drugs bad - crack - several years ago. He'd steal checks from my sister, steal things from anybody to sell, pawn stuff, you name it, he did it. I found crack pipes under his bed and stuff. I tell ya, where there's a will, there's a way for them to get the money for that crap. He doesn't do it as much anymore, I'm not sure if he does it at all anymore but I think he does. He smokes weed..... heck, he grows it in various places. It's a sad sad thing. I never wanted to try drugs. I was curious about smokin weed back in the day when everyone was talking about what a great thing it was, so I tried it a couple times with him, but I did not like it! I didn't like how it made me feel. I did laugh alot, though! Everything was just sooo funny! But I didn't like the smell, the cotton mouth.... yuck! So that was my experience. That was enough for me.

Believe me, I hate taking pills and medicine. I never take anything but my vitamins, and I really hate taking these big ole antibiotics. But they are helping. This bacteria I have in me can kill. I believe it from the way it makes me feel when I get it. I have a bad arm due to cancer surgery I had 20 years ago, where they had to remove my lymph nodes, so if I get an infection of any type, it settles in the arm because it can't travel through the lymph system like it would on normal people. It swells and turns red and gets sooooo hot. The arm has stayed swollen since the surgery because fluids that go through our bodies can't travel through it anymore. They described it to me (the lymph system) back then, as an 8 lane highway coming down to 1 lane now, in my arm. It sucks, but hey, I'm alive so I'll live with a "fat arm"! I just have to be careful not to cut it or get scratched or anything like that. Which of course is damned near impossible. I've cut my hand of course, got poked by rose thorns or whatever, and have been fine. They're not sure how the bacteria gets in me. But when it gets in, it settles in the arm since it can't pass on through. I made it through last year without one infection, in 2009, I got it twice. That really sucked, lol!

Well since I've given you all a lot more info then you bargained for, lol, I better get off here and get ready to head to Stow. It's too beautiful of a day to talk about ugly things!!!

You all have a wonderful day and a great weekend! TTYL!
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Old October 8th, 2011, 12:30 PM
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It is a real nice day here. Warm enough for short sleeves, but not hot like July.

I've been working on the Cutlass since this morning. Trying to replace the old starter with a mini-starter I bought while in Ohio. The new one only has 2 pins and the old one had 3 Talked to someone at Summit, and he said to just run the starter "run" wire to the starter battery terminal. I haven't heard of that before.

I have also been sanding some of the rallye wheels for the Cutlass, to get them ready for paint to match the car.

After all that, back to homework tonite.

Adrian, the engine sounds great! And our garage is not heated, so I want to try and get as much done as I can BEFORE winter.

Good luck with the parts hunt today citcapp.

Sandy, if you can't find any shows to go to tomorrow, just go for a nice long drive in Teepo.

As for pictures of the Cutlass, I am trying to keep the whole paint job secret until the car is finished and out next spring. When I bought it, people kept trying to guess what I bought, so I decided to keep it secret until I took it to it's first show and surpringsly, many people did not expect it to be an A-body Cutlass. Most guesses were either another b-body or a g-body Cutlass.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old October 9th, 2011, 03:36 AM
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Thanks for the nice words Not bad for a first time v8 rebuild I should be getting the exhaust on Friday then I can tune her properly. After that just need some gauges to let me know the water and oil are all good then I will run her in

Have you tried any recipes yet Jamesbo?

How are you Sandy? Your arm feeling better yet?

Good luck on the parts hunt Pat, I don't think I could trust myself at something like that

Hope all is going well with the cutlass Paul. Sure you couldn't let us on the morning thread have an early sneak peek????

Have a great day ya'll

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Old October 9th, 2011, 07:16 AM
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Good Sunday Morning!

I used to post on this forum but due to health problems have not posted for quite a while.

Hello everyone!

I had been having headaches on the right side of my head and nothing that I could do, or even a team of expensive specialists seemed to help at all.

Our family doctor suggested we get an MRI of my head. I went to the place where they had a magnet (I guess a lot of doctors call MRI thingy's "magnets"), so off I went to get my head scanned. After about an hour of my head clamped in the machine I was withdrawn from the MRI scanner. The pleasant technician, who said she would play music during the exam to blank out the horrible pounding and banging, asked me how I felt! I told her that I didn't notice the music.

Now I had to wait until the next day for the radiologist to make his report to my doctor. The result came in and the results had me say to myself "Don't feel bad. You've had a great ride for almost 81 years. Now it's my time..." The results said that I have a tumor on the left side of my head.

This is a long rambling post. If anyone wants to hear more, I'll post later!

My best wishes to all of the Good Morning Post.


Last edited by Ddbord; October 9th, 2011 at 07:19 AM.
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Old October 9th, 2011, 08:34 AM
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Good Morning All!

Don I hope you pull through this. You are in our prayers. And never mind about the "long rambling posts" you post all you want brother.

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Old October 9th, 2011, 10:31 AM
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good morning Don


I Have missed your sense of humor and your years experience of life as told to us the many stories you have posted here. You have added much to this Thread and CO in general. The picture of you in your Lasalle and the expression on your face is a measure of your love of life. You have the strength to beat this thing. Your in our thought and prayers


PS keep on posting we all enjoy hearing from you
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Old October 9th, 2011, 11:22 AM
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We've been worried about you. Hang in there and keep us posted of your progress. You can lick this.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you daily.


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Old October 9th, 2011, 12:01 PM
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Hang in there, we are with you.
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Old October 9th, 2011, 01:01 PM
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Scot, Pat, Jamesbo, and Muskegon....

Thanks for your good wishes and support!

As ya'll wish, I'll continue the story of my headaches.....


After the report by the radiologist stating the unnerving report that I had a brain tumor, my GP (a wonderful lady that has monitored my health with good results for over 25 years) and I decided to have some MRI's at a large Neurosurgical group in Spartanburg, SC. My GP got me the next available appointment which was a month away. My pain meanwhile was getting worse. I was taking 16 ibuprofens a day and then 5 or 6 Advils a day. One night the pain was so bad I could not get to sleep.

One of the meds that's on the list of drugs that I that carry in my wallet to NEVER give me is Hydrocodone. If I take a regular dose, I get vertigo... lasts for several days. My pain was so bad that I took a 325mg Hydrocodone and cut it in half and took it with a whole glass of water. My TW's pain pills. After about 20 minutes the pain began to subside and I got to sleep. Slept for 12 hours! No bad effects.

The next morning I called the Neurosurgery Center and asked for the appointment lady. I told her that my pain was almost to the threshold of childbirth! She did some hemming and hawing and finally said "Can you come in the day after tomorow at 10:20 am?" I said, "You bet! Thanks! I'll be there!"

I had filled in and mailed back nine sheets of data they required, so when I got there at 10:20 on the appointed day they had their MRI unit waiting for my head (which was aching really good!) The technician was a nice young guy (a PA to 2 of the doctors in the group) and asked me if I was ready for an hour and a half of misery!. I told him to do it. I was amazed by the size of the MRI Unit. It was monstrous! It was at least seven feet in diameter, and said "GE" on the top. I asked the tech why it was so big? He told me, "We have the biggest magnet in the south. Folks come from all over to use our machine."

He got me up onto the table, got my head properly clamped, shoulders in the correct position, and with the Mantra I was getting used to said "Hold still and don't move" as the table with my little body strapped on, slid electrically into the Green Monster!

If ya'll want to hear the next part of my saga, I'll issue it tomorrow.

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Old October 9th, 2011, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Ddbord
Scot, Pat, Jamesbo, and Muskegon....

If ya'll want to hear the next part of my saga, I'll issue it tomorrow.


The answer is yes. I'll be watching

Best regards

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Old October 9th, 2011, 03:27 PM
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I too will be following this, Don, I wish you the best.

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Old October 9th, 2011, 04:34 PM
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